path: root/tools/lint/eslint/update
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/lint/eslint/update')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/lint/eslint/update b/tools/lint/eslint/update
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..477584236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/eslint/update
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Force the scripts working directory to be projdir/tools/lint/eslint.
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+cd $DIR
+echo "To complete this script you will need the following tokens from"
+echo " - tooltool.upload.public"
+echo " -"
+echo ""
+read -p "Are these tokens visible at the above URL (y/n)?" choice
+case "$choice" in
+ y|Y )
+ echo ""
+ echo "1. Go to"
+ echo "2. Log in using your Mozilla LDAP account."
+ echo "3. Click on \"Tokens.\""
+ echo "4. Issue a user token with the permissions tooltool.upload.public and"
+ echo ""
+ echo "When you click issue you will be presented with a long string. Paste the string into a temporary file called ~/.tooltool-token."
+ echo ""
+ read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n 1
+ ;;
+ n|N )
+ echo ""
+ echo "You will need to contact somebody that has these permissions... people most likely to have these permissions are members of the releng, ateam, a sheriff, mratcliffe, or jryans"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ * )
+ echo ""
+ echo "Invalid input."
+ continue
+ ;;
+echo ""
+echo "Removing node_modules and npm_shrinkwrap.json..."
+rm -rf node_modules/
+rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
+echo "Installing eslint and external plugins..."
+# ESLint and all _external_ plugins are listed in this directory's package.json,
+# so a regular `npm install` will install them at the specified versions.
+# The in-tree eslint-plugin-mozilla is kept out of this tooltool archive on
+# purpose so that it can be changed by any developer without requiring tooltool
+# access to make changes.
+npm install
+echo "Creating npm shrinkwrap..."
+npm shrinkwrap
+echo "Creating eslint.tar.gz..."
+tar cvfz eslint.tar.gz node_modules
+echo "Downloading tooltool..."
+chmod +x
+echo "Adding eslint.tar.gz to tooltool..."
+./ add --visibility public eslint.tar.gz
+echo "Uploading eslint.tar.gz to tooltool..."
+./ upload --authentication-file=~/.tooltool-token --message "node_modules folder update for tools/lint/eslint"
+echo "Cleaning up..."
+rm eslint.tar.gz
+echo ""
+echo "Update complete, please commit and check in your changes."