path: root/tools/lint/docs/create.rst
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+Adding a New Linter to the Tree
+A linter is a python file with a ``.lint`` extension and a global dict called LINTER. Depending on how
+complex it is, there may or may not be any actual python code alongside the LINTER definition.
+Here's a trivial example:
+.. code-block:: python
+ LINTER = {
+ 'name': 'EvalLinter',
+ 'description': "Ensures the string 'eval' doesn't show up."
+ 'include': "**/*.js",
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'payload': 'eval',
+ }
+Now ``no-eval.lint`` gets passed into :func:``.
+Linter Types
+There are three types of linters, though more may be added in the future.
+1. string - fails if substring is found
+2. regex - fails if regex matches
+3. external - fails if a python function returns a non-empty result list
+4. structured_log - fails if a mozlog logger emits any lint_error or lint_warning log messages
+As seen from the example above, string and regex linters are very easy to create, but they
+should be avoided if possible. It is much better to use a context aware linter for the language you
+are trying to lint. For example, use eslint to lint JavaScript files, use flake8 to lint python
+files, etc.
+Which brings us to the third and most interesting type of linter,
+external. External linters call an arbitrary python function which is
+responsible for not only running the linter, but ensuring the results
+are structured properly. For example, an external type could shell out
+to a 3rd party linter, collect the output and format it into a list of
+:class:`ResultContainer` objects. The signature for this python
+function is ``lint(files, **kwargs)``, where ``files`` is a list of
+files to lint.
+Structured log linters are much like external linters, but suitable
+for cases where the linter code is using mozlog and emits
+``lint_error`` or ``lint_warning`` logging messages when the lint
+fails. This is recommended for writing novel gecko-specific lints. In
+this case the signature for lint functions is ``lint(files, logger,
+LINTER Definition
+Each ``.lint`` file must have a variable called LINTER which is a dict containing metadata about the
+linter. Here are the supported keys:
+* name - The name of the linter (required)
+* description - A brief description of the linter's purpose (required)
+* type - One of 'string', 'regex' or 'external' (required)
+* payload - The actual linting logic, depends on the type (required)
+* include - A list of glob patterns that must be matched (optional)
+* exclude - A list of glob patterns that must not be matched (optional)
+* extensions - A list of file extensions to be considered (optional)
+* setup - A function that sets up external dependencies (optional)
+In addition to the above, some ``.lint`` files correspond to a single lint rule. For these, the
+following additional keys may be specified:
+* message - A string to print on infraction (optional)
+* hint - A string with a clue on how to fix the infraction (optional)
+* rule - An id string for the lint rule (optional)
+* level - The severity of the infraction, either 'error' or 'warning' (optional)
+For structured_log lints the following additional keys apply:
+* logger - A StructuredLog object to use for logging. If not supplied
+ one will be created (optional)
+Here is an example of an external linter that shells out to the python flake8 linter:
+.. code-block:: python
+ import json
+ import os
+ import subprocess
+ from collections import defaultdict
+ from mozlint import result
+ Could not find flake8! Install flake8 and try again.
+ """.strip()
+ def lint(files, **lintargs):
+ import which
+ binary = os.environ.get('FLAKE8')
+ if not binary:
+ try:
+ binary = which.which('flake8')
+ except which.WhichError:
+ return 1
+ # Flake8 allows passing in a custom format string. We use
+ # this to help mold the default flake8 format into what
+ # mozlint's ResultContainer object expects.
+ cmdargs = [
+ binary,
+ '--format',
+ '{"path":"%(path)s","lineno":%(row)s,"column":%(col)s,"rule":"%(code)s","message":"%(text)s"}',
+ ] + files
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ)
+ output = proc.communicate()[0]
+ # all passed
+ if not output:
+ return []
+ results = []
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ # res is a dict of the form specified by --format above
+ res = json.loads(line)
+ # parse level out of the id string
+ if 'code' in res and res['code'].startswith('W'):
+ res['level'] = 'warning'
+ # result.from_linter is a convenience method that
+ # creates a ResultContainer using a LINTER definition
+ # to populate some defaults.
+ results.append(result.from_linter(LINTER, **res))
+ return results
+ LINTER = {
+ 'name': "flake8",
+ 'description': "Python linter",
+ 'include': ['**/*.py'],
+ 'type': 'external',
+ 'payload': lint,
+ }