path: root/toolkit/jetpack/method/test/common.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/jetpack/method/test/common.js')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/jetpack/method/test/common.js b/toolkit/jetpack/method/test/common.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0418c3a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/jetpack/method/test/common.js
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+"use strict";
+var Method = require("../core")
+function type(value) {
+ return
+ split(" ").
+ pop().
+ split("]").
+ shift().
+ toLowerCase()
+var values = [
+ null, // 0
+ undefined, // 1
+ Infinity, // 2
+ NaN, // 3
+ 5, // 4
+ {}, // 5
+ Object.create({}), // 6
+ Object.create(null), // 7
+ [], // 8
+ /foo/, // 9
+ new Date(), // 10
+ Function, // 11
+ function() {}, // 12
+ true, // 13
+ false, // 14
+ "string" // 15
+function True() { return true }
+function False() { return false }
+var trues =
+var falses =
+exports["test throws if not implemented"] = function(assert) {
+ var method = Method("nope")
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ method({})
+ }, /not implement/i, "method throws if not implemented")
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ method(null)
+ }, /not implement/i, "method throws on null")
+exports["test all types inherit from default"] = function(assert) {
+ var isImplemented = Method("isImplemented")
+ isImplemented.define(function() { return true })
+ values.forEach(function(value) {
+ assert.ok(isImplemented(value),
+ type(value) + " inherits deafult implementation")
+ })
+exports["test default can be implemented later"] = function(assert) {
+ var isImplemented = Method("isImplemented")
+ isImplemented.define(function() {
+ return true
+ })
+ values.forEach(function(value) {
+ assert.ok(isImplemented(value),
+ type(value) + " inherits deafult implementation")
+ })
+exports["test dispatch not-implemented"] = function(assert) {
+ var isDefault = Method("isDefault")
+ values.forEach(function(value) {
+ assert.throws(function() {
+ isDefault(value)
+ }, /not implement/, type(value) + " throws if not implemented")
+ })
+exports["test dispatch default"] = function(assert) {
+ var isDefault = Method("isDefault")
+ // Implement default
+ isDefault.define(True)
+ assert.deepEqual(, trues,
+ "all implementation inherit from default")
+exports["test dispatch null"] = function(assert) {
+ var isNull = Method("isNull")
+ // Implement default
+ isNull.define(False)
+ isNull.define(null, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ [ true ].
+ concat(falses.slice(1)),
+ "only null gets methods defined for null")
+exports["test dispatch undefined"] = function(assert) {
+ var isUndefined = Method("isUndefined")
+ // Implement default
+ isUndefined.define(False)
+ isUndefined.define(undefined, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ [ false, true ].
+ concat(falses.slice(2)),
+ "only undefined gets methods defined for undefined")
+exports["test dispatch object"] = function(assert) {
+ var isObject = Method("isObject")
+ // Implement default
+ isObject.define(False)
+ isObject.define(Object, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ [ false, false, false, false, false ].
+ concat(trues.slice(5, 13)).
+ concat([false, false, false]),
+ "all values except primitives inherit Object methods")
+exports["test dispatch number"] = function(assert) {
+ var isNumber = Method("isNumber")
+ isNumber.define(False)
+ isNumber.define(Number, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ falses.slice(0, 2).
+ concat(true, true, true).
+ concat(falses.slice(5)),
+ "all numbers inherit from Number method")
+exports["test dispatch string"] = function(assert) {
+ var isString = Method("isString")
+ isString.define(False)
+ isString.define(String, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ falses.slice(0, 15).
+ concat(true),
+ "all strings inherit from String method")
+exports["test dispatch function"] = function(assert) {
+ var isFunction = Method("isFunction")
+ isFunction.define(False)
+ isFunction.define(Function, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ falses.slice(0, 11).
+ concat(true, true).
+ concat(falses.slice(13)),
+ "all functions inherit from Function method")
+exports["test dispatch date"] = function(assert) {
+ var isDate = Method("isDate")
+ isDate.define(False)
+ isDate.define(Date, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ falses.slice(0, 10).
+ concat(true).
+ concat(falses.slice(11)),
+ "all dates inherit from Date method")
+exports["test dispatch RegExp"] = function(assert) {
+ var isRegExp = Method("isRegExp")
+ isRegExp.define(False)
+ isRegExp.define(RegExp, True)
+ assert.deepEqual(,
+ falses.slice(0, 9).
+ concat(true).
+ concat(falses.slice(10)),
+ "all regexps inherit from RegExp method")
+exports["test redefine for descendant"] = function(assert) {
+ var isFoo = Method("isFoo")
+ var ancestor = {}
+ isFoo.implement(ancestor, function() { return true })
+ var descendant = Object.create(ancestor)
+ isFoo.implement(descendant, function() { return false })
+ assert.ok(isFoo(ancestor), "defined on ancestor")
+ assert.ok(!isFoo(descendant), "overrided for descendant")
+exports["test on custom types"] = function(assert) {
+ function Bar() {}
+ var isBar = Method("isBar")
+ isBar.define(function() { return false })
+ isBar.define(Bar, function() { return true })
+ assert.ok(!isBar({}), "object is get's default implementation")
+ assert.ok(isBar(new Bar()), "Foo type objects get own implementation")
+ var isObject = Method("isObject")
+ isObject.define(function() { return false })
+ isObject.define(Object, function() { return true })
+ assert.ok(isObject(new Bar()), "foo inherits implementation from object")
+ isObject.define(Bar, function() { return false })
+ assert.ok(!isObject(new Bar()),
+ "implementation inherited form object can be overrided")
+exports["test error types"] = function(assert) {
+ var isError = Method("isError")
+ isError.define(function() { return false })
+ isError.define(Error, function() { return true })
+ assert.ok(isError(Error("boom")), "error is error")
+ assert.ok(isError(TypeError("boom")), "type error is an error")
+ assert.ok(isError(EvalError("boom")), "eval error is an error")
+ assert.ok(isError(RangeError("boom")), "range error is an error")
+ assert.ok(isError(ReferenceError("boom")), "reference error is an error")
+ assert.ok(isError(SyntaxError("boom")), "syntax error is an error")
+ assert.ok(isError(URIError("boom")), "URI error is an error")
+exports["test override define polymorphic method"] = function(assert) {
+ var define = Method.define
+ var implement = Method.implement
+ var fn = Method("fn")
+ var methods = {}
+ implement(define, fn, function(method, label, implementation) {
+ methods[label] = implementation
+ })
+ function foo() {}
+ define(fn, "foo-case", foo)
+ assert.equal(methods["foo-case"], foo, "define set property")
+exports["test override define via method API"] = function(assert) {
+ var define = Method.define
+ var implement = Method.implement
+ var fn = Method("fn")
+ var methods = {}
+ define.implement(fn, function(method, label, implementation) {
+ methods[label] = implementation
+ })
+ function foo() {}
+ define(fn, "foo-case", foo)
+ assert.equal(methods["foo-case"], foo, "define set property")