path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1218 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp b/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb3b2182..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/jsoncpp/src/lib_json/json_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 Baptiste Lepilleur
-// Distributed under MIT license, or public domain if desired and
-// recognized in your jurisdiction.
-// See file LICENSE for detail or copy at
-#include <json/writer.h>
-#include "json_tool.h"
-#endif // if !defined(JSON_IS_AMALGAMATION)
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <memory>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <utility>
-#include <set>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <cstdio>
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1200 && _MSC_VER < 1800 // Between VC++ 6.0 and VC++ 11.0
-#include <float.h>
-#define isfinite _finite
-#elif defined(__sun) && defined(__SVR4) //Solaris
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#include <ieeefp.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#elif defined(_AIX)
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#include <math.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#elif defined(__hpux)
-#if !defined(isfinite)
-#if defined(__ia64) && !defined(finite)
-#define isfinite(x) ((sizeof(x) == sizeof(float) ? \
- _Isfinitef(x) : _IsFinite(x)))
-#include <math.h>
-#define isfinite finite
-#include <cmath>
-#if !(defined(__QNXNTO__)) // QNX already defines isfinite
-#define isfinite std::isfinite
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#if !defined(WINCE) && defined(__STDC_SECURE_LIB__) && _MSC_VER >= 1500 // VC++ 9.0 and above
-#define snprintf sprintf_s
-#elif _MSC_VER >= 1900 // VC++ 14.0 and above
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#elif defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__QNXNTO__)
-#define snprintf snprintf
-#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
-#if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#define snprintf std::snprintf
-#if defined(__BORLANDC__)
-#include <float.h>
-#define isfinite _finite
-#define snprintf _snprintf
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 // VC++ 8.0
-// Disable warning about strdup being deprecated.
-#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
-namespace Json {
-#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_CPPLIB_VER) && _CPPLIB_VER >= 520)
-typedef std::unique_ptr<StreamWriter> StreamWriterPtr;
-typedef std::auto_ptr<StreamWriter> StreamWriterPtr;
-static bool containsControlCharacter(const char* str) {
- while (*str) {
- if (isControlCharacter(*(str++)))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-static bool containsControlCharacter0(const char* str, unsigned len) {
- char const* end = str + len;
- while (end != str) {
- if (isControlCharacter(*str) || 0==*str)
- return true;
- ++str;
- }
- return false;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(LargestInt value) {
- UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
- char* current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
- if (value == Value::minLargestInt) {
- uintToString(LargestUInt(Value::maxLargestInt) + 1, current);
- *--current = '-';
- } else if (value < 0) {
- uintToString(LargestUInt(-value), current);
- *--current = '-';
- } else {
- uintToString(LargestUInt(value), current);
- }
- assert(current >= buffer);
- return current;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(LargestUInt value) {
- UIntToStringBuffer buffer;
- char* current = buffer + sizeof(buffer);
- uintToString(value, current);
- assert(current >= buffer);
- return current;
-#if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(Int value) {
- return valueToString(LargestInt(value));
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(UInt value) {
- return valueToString(LargestUInt(value));
-#endif // # if defined(JSON_HAS_INT64)
-namespace {
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(double value, bool useSpecialFloats, unsigned int precision) {
- // Allocate a buffer that is more than large enough to store the 16 digits of
- // precision requested below.
- char buffer[32];
- int len = -1;
- char formatString[6];
- sprintf(formatString, "%%.%dg", precision);
- // Print into the buffer. We need not request the alternative representation
- // that always has a decimal point because JSON doesn't distingish the
- // concepts of reals and integers.
- if (isfinite(value)) {
- len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), formatString, value);
- } else {
- // IEEE standard states that NaN values will not compare to themselves
- if (value != value) {
- len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "NaN" : "null");
- } else if (value < 0) {
- len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "-Infinity" : "-1e+9999");
- } else {
- len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), useSpecialFloats ? "Infinity" : "1e+9999");
- }
- // For those, we do not need to call fixNumLoc, but it is fast.
- }
- assert(len >= 0);
- fixNumericLocale(buffer, buffer + len);
- return buffer;
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(double value) { return valueToString(value, false, 17); }
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToString(bool value) { return value ? "true" : "false"; }
-JSONCPP_STRING valueToQuotedString(const char* value) {
- if (value == NULL)
- return "";
- // Not sure how to handle unicode...
- if (strpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t") == NULL &&
- !containsControlCharacter(value))
- return JSONCPP_STRING("\"") + value + "\"";
- // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
- // Appending to JSONCPP_STRING is not efficient, but this should be rare.
- // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
- JSONCPP_STRING::size_type maxsize =
- strlen(value) * 2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
- result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
- result += "\"";
- for (const char* c = value; *c != 0; ++c) {
- switch (*c) {
- case '\"':
- result += "\\\"";
- break;
- case '\\':
- result += "\\\\";
- break;
- case '\b':
- result += "\\b";
- break;
- case '\f':
- result += "\\f";
- break;
- case '\n':
- result += "\\n";
- break;
- case '\r':
- result += "\\r";
- break;
- case '\t':
- result += "\\t";
- break;
- // case '/':
- // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
- // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
- // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.
- // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </
- // sequence.
- // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this
- // sequence from occurring.
- default:
- if (isControlCharacter(*c)) {
- oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0')
- << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
- result += oss.str();
- } else {
- result += *c;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- result += "\"";
- return result;
-static char const* strnpbrk(char const* s, char const* accept, size_t n) {
- assert((s || !n) && accept);
- char const* const end = s + n;
- for (char const* cur = s; cur < end; ++cur) {
- int const c = *cur;
- for (char const* a = accept; *a; ++a) {
- if (*a == c) {
- return cur;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static JSONCPP_STRING valueToQuotedStringN(const char* value, unsigned length) {
- if (value == NULL)
- return "";
- // Not sure how to handle unicode...
- if (strnpbrk(value, "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t", length) == NULL &&
- !containsControlCharacter0(value, length))
- return JSONCPP_STRING("\"") + value + "\"";
- // We have to walk value and escape any special characters.
- // Appending to JSONCPP_STRING is not efficient, but this should be rare.
- // (Note: forward slashes are *not* rare, but I am not escaping them.)
- JSONCPP_STRING::size_type maxsize =
- length * 2 + 3; // allescaped+quotes+NULL
- result.reserve(maxsize); // to avoid lots of mallocs
- result += "\"";
- char const* end = value + length;
- for (const char* c = value; c != end; ++c) {
- switch (*c) {
- case '\"':
- result += "\\\"";
- break;
- case '\\':
- result += "\\\\";
- break;
- case '\b':
- result += "\\b";
- break;
- case '\f':
- result += "\\f";
- break;
- case '\n':
- result += "\\n";
- break;
- case '\r':
- result += "\\r";
- break;
- case '\t':
- result += "\\t";
- break;
- // case '/':
- // Even though \/ is considered a legal escape in JSON, a bare
- // slash is also legal, so I see no reason to escape it.
- // (I hope I am not misunderstanding something.)
- // blep notes: actually escaping \/ may be useful in javascript to avoid </
- // sequence.
- // Should add a flag to allow this compatibility mode and prevent this
- // sequence from occurring.
- default:
- if ((isControlCharacter(*c)) || (*c == 0)) {
- oss << "\\u" << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0')
- << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(*c);
- result += oss.str();
- } else {
- result += *c;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- result += "\"";
- return result;
-// Class Writer
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-Writer::~Writer() {}
-// Class FastWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : yamlCompatiblityEnabled_(false), dropNullPlaceholders_(false),
- omitEndingLineFeed_(false) {}
-void FastWriter::enableYAMLCompatibility() { yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ = true; }
-void FastWriter::dropNullPlaceholders() { dropNullPlaceholders_ = true; }
-void FastWriter::omitEndingLineFeed() { omitEndingLineFeed_ = true; }
-JSONCPP_STRING FastWriter::write(const Value& root) {
- document_ = "";
- writeValue(root);
- if (!omitEndingLineFeed_)
- document_ += "\n";
- return document_;
-void FastWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
- switch (value.type()) {
- case nullValue:
- if (!dropNullPlaceholders_)
- document_ += "null";
- break;
- case intValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestInt());
- break;
- case uintValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asLargestUInt());
- break;
- case realValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asDouble());
- break;
- case stringValue:
- {
- // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
- char const* str;
- char const* end;
- bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
- if (ok) document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str));
- break;
- }
- case booleanValue:
- document_ += valueToString(value.asBool());
- break;
- case arrayValue: {
- document_ += '[';
- ArrayIndex size = value.size();
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (index > 0)
- document_ += ',';
- writeValue(value[index]);
- }
- document_ += ']';
- } break;
- case objectValue: {
- Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
- document_ += '{';
- for (Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin(); it != members.end();
- ++it) {
- const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
- if (it != members.begin())
- document_ += ',';
- document_ += valueToQuotedStringN(, static_cast<unsigned>(name.length()));
- document_ += yamlCompatiblityEnabled_ ? ": " : ":";
- writeValue(value[name]);
- }
- document_ += '}';
- } break;
- }
-// Class StyledWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- : rightMargin_(74), indentSize_(3), addChildValues_() {}
-JSONCPP_STRING StyledWriter::write(const Value& root) {
- document_ = "";
- addChildValues_ = false;
- indentString_ = "";
- writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
- writeValue(root);
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
- document_ += "\n";
- return document_;
-void StyledWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
- switch (value.type()) {
- case nullValue:
- pushValue("null");
- break;
- case intValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
- break;
- case uintValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
- break;
- case realValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble()));
- break;
- case stringValue:
- {
- // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
- char const* str;
- char const* end;
- bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
- if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
- else pushValue("");
- break;
- }
- case booleanValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- writeArrayValue(value);
- break;
- case objectValue: {
- Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
- if (members.empty())
- pushValue("{}");
- else {
- writeWithIndent("{");
- indent();
- Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- for (;;) {
- const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
- const Value& childValue = value[name];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedString(name.c_str()));
- document_ += " : ";
- writeValue(childValue);
- if (++it == members.end()) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- document_ += ',';
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("}");
- }
- } break;
- }
-void StyledWriter::writeArrayValue(const Value& value) {
- unsigned size = value.size();
- if (size == 0)
- pushValue("[]");
- else {
- bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray(value);
- if (isArrayMultiLine) {
- writeWithIndent("[");
- indent();
- bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
- unsigned index = 0;
- for (;;) {
- const Value& childValue = value[index];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- if (hasChildValue)
- writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
- else {
- writeIndent();
- writeValue(childValue);
- }
- if (++index == size) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- document_ += ',';
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("]");
- } else // output on a single line
- {
- assert(childValues_.size() == size);
- document_ += "[ ";
- for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (index > 0)
- document_ += ", ";
- document_ += childValues_[index];
- }
- document_ += " ]";
- }
- }
-bool StyledWriter::isMultineArray(const Value& value) {
- ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
- bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
- childValues_.clear();
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
- const Value& childValue = value[index];
- isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
- childValue.size() > 0);
- }
- if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
- {
- childValues_.reserve(size);
- addChildValues_ = true;
- ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
- isMultiLine = true;
- }
- writeValue(value[index]);
- lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
- }
- addChildValues_ = false;
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
- }
- return isMultiLine;
-void StyledWriter::pushValue(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
- if (addChildValues_)
- childValues_.push_back(value);
- else
- document_ += value;
-void StyledWriter::writeIndent() {
- if (!document_.empty()) {
- char last = document_[document_.length() - 1];
- if (last == ' ') // already indented
- return;
- if (last != '\n') // Comments may add new-line
- document_ += '\n';
- }
- document_ += indentString_;
-void StyledWriter::writeWithIndent(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
- writeIndent();
- document_ += value;
-void StyledWriter::indent() { indentString_ += JSONCPP_STRING(indentSize_, ' '); }
-void StyledWriter::unindent() {
- assert(indentString_.size() >= indentSize_);
- indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentSize_);
-void StyledWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(const Value& root) {
- if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
- return;
- document_ += "\n";
- writeIndent();
- const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
- JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
- while (iter != comment.end()) {
- document_ += *iter;
- if (*iter == '\n' &&
- (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
- writeIndent();
- ++iter;
- }
- // Comments are stripped of trailing newlines, so add one here
- document_ += "\n";
-void StyledWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(const Value& root) {
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
- document_ += " " + root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
- document_ += "\n";
- document_ += root.getComment(commentAfter);
- document_ += "\n";
- }
-bool StyledWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
- return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// Class StyledStreamWriter
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-StyledStreamWriter::StyledStreamWriter(JSONCPP_STRING indentation)
- : document_(NULL), rightMargin_(74), indentation_(indentation),
- addChildValues_() {}
-void StyledStreamWriter::write(JSONCPP_OSTREAM& out, const Value& root) {
- document_ = &out;
- addChildValues_ = false;
- indentString_ = "";
- indented_ = true;
- writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- indented_ = true;
- writeValue(root);
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
- *document_ << "\n";
- document_ = NULL; // Forget the stream, for safety.
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeValue(const Value& value) {
- switch (value.type()) {
- case nullValue:
- pushValue("null");
- break;
- case intValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
- break;
- case uintValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
- break;
- case realValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble()));
- break;
- case stringValue:
- {
- // Is NULL possible for value.string_? No.
- char const* str;
- char const* end;
- bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
- if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
- else pushValue("");
- break;
- }
- case booleanValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- writeArrayValue(value);
- break;
- case objectValue: {
- Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
- if (members.empty())
- pushValue("{}");
- else {
- writeWithIndent("{");
- indent();
- Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- for (;;) {
- const JSONCPP_STRING& name = *it;
- const Value& childValue = value[name];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedString(name.c_str()));
- *document_ << " : ";
- writeValue(childValue);
- if (++it == members.end()) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- *document_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("}");
- }
- } break;
- }
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue(const Value& value) {
- unsigned size = value.size();
- if (size == 0)
- pushValue("[]");
- else {
- bool isArrayMultiLine = isMultineArray(value);
- if (isArrayMultiLine) {
- writeWithIndent("[");
- indent();
- bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
- unsigned index = 0;
- for (;;) {
- const Value& childValue = value[index];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- if (hasChildValue)
- writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
- else {
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- indented_ = true;
- writeValue(childValue);
- indented_ = false;
- }
- if (++index == size) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- *document_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("]");
- } else // output on a single line
- {
- assert(childValues_.size() == size);
- *document_ << "[ ";
- for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (index > 0)
- *document_ << ", ";
- *document_ << childValues_[index];
- }
- *document_ << " ]";
- }
- }
-bool StyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray(const Value& value) {
- ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
- bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
- childValues_.clear();
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
- const Value& childValue = value[index];
- isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
- childValue.size() > 0);
- }
- if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
- {
- childValues_.reserve(size);
- addChildValues_ = true;
- ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
- isMultiLine = true;
- }
- writeValue(value[index]);
- lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
- }
- addChildValues_ = false;
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
- }
- return isMultiLine;
-void StyledStreamWriter::pushValue(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
- if (addChildValues_)
- childValues_.push_back(value);
- else
- *document_ << value;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeIndent() {
- // blep intended this to look at the so-far-written string
- // to determine whether we are already indented, but
- // with a stream we cannot do that. So we rely on some saved state.
- // The caller checks indented_.
- *document_ << '\n' << indentString_;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent(const JSONCPP_STRING& value) {
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- *document_ << value;
- indented_ = false;
-void StyledStreamWriter::indent() { indentString_ += indentation_; }
-void StyledStreamWriter::unindent() {
- assert(indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size());
- indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentation_.size());
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(const Value& root) {
- if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
- return;
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
- JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
- while (iter != comment.end()) {
- *document_ << *iter;
- if (*iter == '\n' &&
- (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
- // writeIndent(); // would include newline
- *document_ << indentString_;
- ++iter;
- }
- indented_ = false;
-void StyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(const Value& root) {
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
- *document_ << ' ' << root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
- writeIndent();
- *document_ << root.getComment(commentAfter);
- }
- indented_ = false;
-bool StyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
- return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// BuiltStyledStreamWriter
-/// Scoped enums are not available until C++11.
-struct CommentStyle {
- /// Decide whether to write comments.
- enum Enum {
- None, ///< Drop all comments.
- Most, ///< Recover odd behavior of previous versions (not implemented yet).
- All ///< Keep all comments.
- };
-struct BuiltStyledStreamWriter : public StreamWriter
- BuiltStyledStreamWriter(
- JSONCPP_STRING const& indentation,
- CommentStyle::Enum cs,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& colonSymbol,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& nullSymbol,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& endingLineFeedSymbol,
- bool useSpecialFloats,
- unsigned int precision);
- int write(Value const& root, JSONCPP_OSTREAM* sout) JSONCPP_OVERRIDE;
- void writeValue(Value const& value);
- void writeArrayValue(Value const& value);
- bool isMultineArray(Value const& value);
- void pushValue(JSONCPP_STRING const& value);
- void writeIndent();
- void writeWithIndent(JSONCPP_STRING const& value);
- void indent();
- void unindent();
- void writeCommentBeforeValue(Value const& root);
- void writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(Value const& root);
- static bool hasCommentForValue(const Value& value);
- typedef std::vector<JSONCPP_STRING> ChildValues;
- ChildValues childValues_;
- JSONCPP_STRING indentString_;
- unsigned int rightMargin_;
- JSONCPP_STRING indentation_;
- CommentStyle::Enum cs_;
- JSONCPP_STRING colonSymbol_;
- JSONCPP_STRING nullSymbol_;
- JSONCPP_STRING endingLineFeedSymbol_;
- bool addChildValues_ : 1;
- bool indented_ : 1;
- bool useSpecialFloats_ : 1;
- unsigned int precision_;
- JSONCPP_STRING const& indentation,
- CommentStyle::Enum cs,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& colonSymbol,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& nullSymbol,
- JSONCPP_STRING const& endingLineFeedSymbol,
- bool useSpecialFloats,
- unsigned int precision)
- : rightMargin_(74)
- , indentation_(indentation)
- , cs_(cs)
- , colonSymbol_(colonSymbol)
- , nullSymbol_(nullSymbol)
- , endingLineFeedSymbol_(endingLineFeedSymbol)
- , addChildValues_(false)
- , indented_(false)
- , useSpecialFloats_(useSpecialFloats)
- , precision_(precision)
-int BuiltStyledStreamWriter::write(Value const& root, JSONCPP_OSTREAM* sout)
- sout_ = sout;
- addChildValues_ = false;
- indented_ = true;
- indentString_ = "";
- writeCommentBeforeValue(root);
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- indented_ = true;
- writeValue(root);
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(root);
- *sout_ << endingLineFeedSymbol_;
- sout_ = NULL;
- return 0;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeValue(Value const& value) {
- switch (value.type()) {
- case nullValue:
- pushValue(nullSymbol_);
- break;
- case intValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestInt()));
- break;
- case uintValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asLargestUInt()));
- break;
- case realValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asDouble(), useSpecialFloats_, precision_));
- break;
- case stringValue:
- {
- // Is NULL is possible for value.string_? No.
- char const* str;
- char const* end;
- bool ok = value.getString(&str, &end);
- if (ok) pushValue(valueToQuotedStringN(str, static_cast<unsigned>(end-str)));
- else pushValue("");
- break;
- }
- case booleanValue:
- pushValue(valueToString(value.asBool()));
- break;
- case arrayValue:
- writeArrayValue(value);
- break;
- case objectValue: {
- Value::Members members(value.getMemberNames());
- if (members.empty())
- pushValue("{}");
- else {
- writeWithIndent("{");
- indent();
- Value::Members::iterator it = members.begin();
- for (;;) {
- JSONCPP_STRING const& name = *it;
- Value const& childValue = value[name];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- writeWithIndent(valueToQuotedStringN(, static_cast<unsigned>(name.length())));
- *sout_ << colonSymbol_;
- writeValue(childValue);
- if (++it == members.end()) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- *sout_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("}");
- }
- } break;
- }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeArrayValue(Value const& value) {
- unsigned size = value.size();
- if (size == 0)
- pushValue("[]");
- else {
- bool isMultiLine = (cs_ == CommentStyle::All) || isMultineArray(value);
- if (isMultiLine) {
- writeWithIndent("[");
- indent();
- bool hasChildValue = !childValues_.empty();
- unsigned index = 0;
- for (;;) {
- Value const& childValue = value[index];
- writeCommentBeforeValue(childValue);
- if (hasChildValue)
- writeWithIndent(childValues_[index]);
- else {
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- indented_ = true;
- writeValue(childValue);
- indented_ = false;
- }
- if (++index == size) {
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- break;
- }
- *sout_ << ",";
- writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(childValue);
- }
- unindent();
- writeWithIndent("]");
- } else // output on a single line
- {
- assert(childValues_.size() == size);
- *sout_ << "[";
- if (!indentation_.empty()) *sout_ << " ";
- for (unsigned index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (index > 0)
- *sout_ << ((!indentation_.empty()) ? ", " : ",");
- *sout_ << childValues_[index];
- }
- if (!indentation_.empty()) *sout_ << " ";
- *sout_ << "]";
- }
- }
-bool BuiltStyledStreamWriter::isMultineArray(Value const& value) {
- ArrayIndex const size = value.size();
- bool isMultiLine = size * 3 >= rightMargin_;
- childValues_.clear();
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size && !isMultiLine; ++index) {
- Value const& childValue = value[index];
- isMultiLine = ((childValue.isArray() || childValue.isObject()) &&
- childValue.size() > 0);
- }
- if (!isMultiLine) // check if line length > max line length
- {
- childValues_.reserve(size);
- addChildValues_ = true;
- ArrayIndex lineLength = 4 + (size - 1) * 2; // '[ ' + ', '*n + ' ]'
- for (ArrayIndex index = 0; index < size; ++index) {
- if (hasCommentForValue(value[index])) {
- isMultiLine = true;
- }
- writeValue(value[index]);
- lineLength += static_cast<ArrayIndex>(childValues_[index].length());
- }
- addChildValues_ = false;
- isMultiLine = isMultiLine || lineLength >= rightMargin_;
- }
- return isMultiLine;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::pushValue(JSONCPP_STRING const& value) {
- if (addChildValues_)
- childValues_.push_back(value);
- else
- *sout_ << value;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeIndent() {
- // blep intended this to look at the so-far-written string
- // to determine whether we are already indented, but
- // with a stream we cannot do that. So we rely on some saved state.
- // The caller checks indented_.
- if (!indentation_.empty()) {
- // In this case, drop newlines too.
- *sout_ << '\n' << indentString_;
- }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeWithIndent(JSONCPP_STRING const& value) {
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- *sout_ << value;
- indented_ = false;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::indent() { indentString_ += indentation_; }
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::unindent() {
- assert(indentString_.size() >= indentation_.size());
- indentString_.resize(indentString_.size() - indentation_.size());
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeCommentBeforeValue(Value const& root) {
- if (cs_ == CommentStyle::None) return;
- if (!root.hasComment(commentBefore))
- return;
- if (!indented_) writeIndent();
- const JSONCPP_STRING& comment = root.getComment(commentBefore);
- JSONCPP_STRING::const_iterator iter = comment.begin();
- while (iter != comment.end()) {
- *sout_ << *iter;
- if (*iter == '\n' &&
- (iter != comment.end() && *(iter + 1) == '/'))
- // writeIndent(); // would write extra newline
- *sout_ << indentString_;
- ++iter;
- }
- indented_ = false;
-void BuiltStyledStreamWriter::writeCommentAfterValueOnSameLine(Value const& root) {
- if (cs_ == CommentStyle::None) return;
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine))
- *sout_ << " " + root.getComment(commentAfterOnSameLine);
- if (root.hasComment(commentAfter)) {
- writeIndent();
- *sout_ << root.getComment(commentAfter);
- }
-// static
-bool BuiltStyledStreamWriter::hasCommentForValue(const Value& value) {
- return value.hasComment(commentBefore) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfterOnSameLine) ||
- value.hasComment(commentAfter);
-// StreamWriter
- : sout_(NULL)
- setDefaults(&settings_);
-StreamWriter* StreamWriterBuilder::newStreamWriter() const
- JSONCPP_STRING indentation = settings_["indentation"].asString();
- JSONCPP_STRING cs_str = settings_["commentStyle"].asString();
- bool eyc = settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"].asBool();
- bool dnp = settings_["dropNullPlaceholders"].asBool();
- bool usf = settings_["useSpecialFloats"].asBool();
- unsigned int pre = settings_["precision"].asUInt();
- CommentStyle::Enum cs = CommentStyle::All;
- if (cs_str == "All") {
- cs = CommentStyle::All;
- } else if (cs_str == "None") {
- cs = CommentStyle::None;
- } else {
- throwRuntimeError("commentStyle must be 'All' or 'None'");
- }
- JSONCPP_STRING colonSymbol = " : ";
- if (eyc) {
- colonSymbol = ": ";
- } else if (indentation.empty()) {
- colonSymbol = ":";
- }
- JSONCPP_STRING nullSymbol = "null";
- if (dnp) {
- nullSymbol = "";
- }
- if (pre > 17) pre = 17;
- JSONCPP_STRING endingLineFeedSymbol = "";
- return new BuiltStyledStreamWriter(
- indentation, cs,
- colonSymbol, nullSymbol, endingLineFeedSymbol, usf, pre);
-static void getValidWriterKeys(std::set<JSONCPP_STRING>* valid_keys)
- valid_keys->clear();
- valid_keys->insert("indentation");
- valid_keys->insert("commentStyle");
- valid_keys->insert("enableYAMLCompatibility");
- valid_keys->insert("dropNullPlaceholders");
- valid_keys->insert("useSpecialFloats");
- valid_keys->insert("precision");
-bool StreamWriterBuilder::validate(Json::Value* invalid) const
- Json::Value my_invalid;
- if (!invalid) invalid = &my_invalid; // so we do not need to test for NULL
- Json::Value& inv = *invalid;
- std::set<JSONCPP_STRING> valid_keys;
- getValidWriterKeys(&valid_keys);
- Value::Members keys = settings_.getMemberNames();
- size_t n = keys.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- JSONCPP_STRING const& key = keys[i];
- if (valid_keys.find(key) == valid_keys.end()) {
- inv[key] = settings_[key];
- }
- }
- return 0u == inv.size();
-Value& StreamWriterBuilder::operator[](JSONCPP_STRING key)
- return settings_[key];
-// static
-void StreamWriterBuilder::setDefaults(Json::Value* settings)
- //! [StreamWriterBuilderDefaults]
- (*settings)["commentStyle"] = "All";
- (*settings)["indentation"] = "\t";
- (*settings)["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = false;
- (*settings)["dropNullPlaceholders"] = false;
- (*settings)["useSpecialFloats"] = false;
- (*settings)["precision"] = 17;
- //! [StreamWriterBuilderDefaults]
-JSONCPP_STRING writeString(StreamWriter::Factory const& builder, Value const& root) {
- StreamWriterPtr const writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
- writer->write(root, &sout);
- return sout.str();
-JSONCPP_OSTREAM& operator<<(JSONCPP_OSTREAM& sout, Value const& root) {
- StreamWriterBuilder builder;
- StreamWriterPtr const writer(builder.newStreamWriter());
- writer->write(root, &sout);
- return sout;
-} // namespace Json