path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1902 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/ b/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ceab14bf..000000000
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1902 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Original author: Jim Blandy <> <>
-// Unit tests for google_breakpad::Mach_O::FatReader
-// and google_breakpad::Mach_O::Reader.
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "breakpad_googletest_includes.h"
-#include "common/mac/macho_reader.h"
-#include "common/test_assembler.h"
-namespace mach_o = google_breakpad::mach_o;
-namespace test_assembler = google_breakpad::test_assembler;
-using mach_o::FatReader;
-using mach_o::FileFlags;
-using mach_o::FileType;
-using mach_o::LoadCommandType;
-using mach_o::Reader;
-using mach_o::Section;
-using mach_o::SectionMap;
-using mach_o::Segment;
-using test_assembler::Endianness;
-using test_assembler::Label;
-using test_assembler::kBigEndian;
-using test_assembler::kLittleEndian;
-using test_assembler::kUnsetEndian;
-using google_breakpad::ByteBuffer;
-using std::map;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using testing::AllOf;
-using testing::DoAll;
-using testing::Field;
-using testing::InSequence;
-using testing::Matcher;
-using testing::Return;
-using testing::SaveArg;
-using testing::Test;
-using testing::_;
-// Mock classes for the reader's various reporters and handlers.
-class MockFatReaderReporter: public FatReader::Reporter {
- public:
- MockFatReaderReporter(const string &filename)
- : FatReader::Reporter(filename) { }
- MOCK_METHOD0(BadHeader, void());
- MOCK_METHOD0(MisplacedObjectFile, void());
- MOCK_METHOD0(TooShort, void());
-class MockReaderReporter: public Reader::Reporter {
- public:
- MockReaderReporter(const string &filename) : Reader::Reporter(filename) { }
- MOCK_METHOD0(BadHeader, void());
- MOCK_METHOD4(CPUTypeMismatch, void(cpu_type_t cpu_type,
- cpu_subtype_t cpu_subtype,
- cpu_type_t expected_cpu_type,
- cpu_subtype_t expected_cpu_subtype));
- MOCK_METHOD0(HeaderTruncated, void());
- MOCK_METHOD0(LoadCommandRegionTruncated, void());
- MOCK_METHOD3(LoadCommandsOverrun, void(size_t claimed, size_t i,
- LoadCommandType type));
- MOCK_METHOD2(LoadCommandTooShort, void(size_t i, LoadCommandType type));
- MOCK_METHOD1(SectionsMissing, void(const string &name));
- MOCK_METHOD1(MisplacedSegmentData, void(const string &name));
- MOCK_METHOD2(MisplacedSectionData, void(const string &section,
- const string &segment));
- MOCK_METHOD0(MisplacedSymbolTable, void());
- MOCK_METHOD1(UnsupportedCPUType, void(cpu_type_t cpu_type));
-class MockLoadCommandHandler: public Reader::LoadCommandHandler {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD2(UnknownCommand, bool(LoadCommandType, const ByteBuffer &));
- MOCK_METHOD1(SegmentCommand, bool(const Segment &));
- MOCK_METHOD2(SymtabCommand, bool(const ByteBuffer &, const ByteBuffer &));
-class MockSectionHandler: public Reader::SectionHandler {
- public:
- MOCK_METHOD1(HandleSection, bool(const Section &section));
-// Tests for mach_o::FatReader.
-// Since the effect of these functions is to write to stderr, the
-// results of these tests must be inspected by hand.
-TEST(FatReaderReporter, BadHeader) {
- FatReader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.BadHeader();
-TEST(FatReaderReporter, MisplacedObjectFile) {
- FatReader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.MisplacedObjectFile();
-TEST(FatReaderReporter, TooShort) {
- FatReader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.TooShort();
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, BadHeader) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.BadHeader();
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, CPUTypeMismatch) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.CPUTypeMismatch(CPU_TYPE_I386, CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL,
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, HeaderTruncated) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.HeaderTruncated();
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, LoadCommandRegionTruncated) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.LoadCommandRegionTruncated();
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, LoadCommandsOverrun) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.LoadCommandsOverrun(10, 9, LC_DYSYMTAB);
- reporter.LoadCommandsOverrun(10, 9, 0);
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, LoadCommandTooShort) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.LoadCommandTooShort(11, LC_SYMTAB);
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, SectionsMissing) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.SectionsMissing("segment name");
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, MisplacedSegmentData) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.MisplacedSegmentData("segment name");
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, MisplacedSectionData) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.MisplacedSectionData("section name", "segment name");
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, MisplacedSymbolTable) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.MisplacedSymbolTable();
-TEST(MachOReaderReporter, UnsupportedCPUType) {
- Reader::Reporter reporter("filename");
- reporter.UnsupportedCPUType(CPU_TYPE_HPPA);
-struct FatReaderFixture {
- FatReaderFixture()
- : fat(kBigEndian),
- reporter("reporter filename"),
- reader(&reporter), object_files() {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, BadHeader()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, TooShort()).Times(0);
- // here, start, and Mark are file offsets in 'fat'.
- fat.start() = 0;
- }
- // Append a 'fat_arch' entry to 'fat', with the given field values.
- void AppendFatArch(cpu_type_t type, cpu_subtype_t subtype,
- Label offset, Label size, uint32_t align) {
- fat
- .B32(type)
- .B32(subtype)
- .B32(offset)
- .B32(size)
- .B32(align);
- }
- // Append |n| dummy 'fat_arch' entries to 'fat'. The cpu type and
- // subtype have unrealistic values.
- void AppendDummyArchEntries(int n) {
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
- AppendFatArch(0xb68ad617, 0x715a0840, 0, 0, 1);
- }
- void ReadFat(bool expect_parse_success = true) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(fat.GetContents(&contents));
- fat_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(;
- if (expect_parse_success) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Read(fat_bytes, contents.size()));
- size_t fat_files_count;
- const SuperFatArch* fat_files = reader.object_files(&fat_files_count);
- object_files.resize(fat_files_count);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < fat_files_count; ++i) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(fat_files[i].ConvertToFatArch(&object_files[i]));
- }
- }
- else
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Read(fat_bytes, contents.size()));
- }
- test_assembler::Section fat;
- MockFatReaderReporter reporter;
- FatReader reader;
- string contents;
- const uint8_t *fat_bytes;
- vector<struct fat_arch> object_files;
-class FatReaderTest: public FatReaderFixture, public Test { };
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, BadMagic) {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, BadHeader()).Times(1);
- fat
- .B32(0xcafed00d) // magic number (incorrect)
- .B32(10); // number of architectures
- AppendDummyArchEntries(10);
- ReadFat(false);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, HeaderTooShort) {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, TooShort()).Times(1);
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe); // magic number
- ReadFat(false);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, ObjectListTooShort) {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, TooShort()).Times(1);
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe) // magic number
- .B32(10); // number of architectures
- AppendDummyArchEntries(9); // nine dummy architecture entries...
- fat // and a tenth, missing a byte at the end
- .B32(0x3d46c8fc) // cpu type
- .B32(0x8a7bfb01) // cpu subtype
- .B32(0) // offset
- .B32(0) // size
- .Append(3, '*'); // one byte short of a four-byte alignment
- ReadFat(false);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, DataTooShort) {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedObjectFile()).Times(1);
- Label arch_data;
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe) // magic number
- .B32(1); // number of architectures
- AppendFatArch(0xb4d4a366, 0x4ba4f525, arch_data, 40, 0);
- fat
- .Mark(&arch_data) // file data begins here
- .Append(30, '*'); // only 30 bytes, not 40 as header claims
- ReadFat(false);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, NoObjectFiles) {
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe) // magic number
- .B32(0); // number of architectures
- ReadFat();
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, object_files.size());
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, OneObjectFile) {
- Label obj1_offset;
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe) // magic number
- .B32(1); // number of architectures
- // First object file list entry
- AppendFatArch(0x5e3a6e91, 0x52ccd852, obj1_offset, 0x42, 0x355b15b2);
- // First object file data
- fat
- .Mark(&obj1_offset)
- .Append(0x42, '*'); // dummy contents
- ReadFat();
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, object_files.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x5e3a6e91, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x52ccd852, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(obj1_offset.Value(), object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x42U, object_files[0].size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x355b15b2U, object_files[0].align);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, ThreeObjectFiles) {
- Label obj1, obj2, obj3;
- fat
- .B32(0xcafebabe) // magic number
- .B32(3); // number of architectures
- // Three object file list entries.
- AppendFatArch(0x0cb92c30, 0x6a159a71, obj1, 0xfb4, 0x2615dbe8);
- AppendFatArch(0x0f3f1cbb, 0x6c55e90f, obj2, 0xc31, 0x83af6ffd);
- AppendFatArch(0x3717276d, 0x10ecdc84, obj3, 0x4b3, 0x035267d7);
- fat
- // First object file data
- .Mark(&obj1)
- .Append(0xfb4, '*') // dummy contents
- // Second object file data
- .Mark(&obj2)
- .Append(0xc31, '%') // dummy contents
- // Third object file data
- .Mark(&obj3)
- .Append(0x4b3, '^'); // dummy contents
- ReadFat();
- ASSERT_EQ(3U, object_files.size());
- // First object file.
- EXPECT_EQ(0x0cb92c30, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x6a159a71, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(obj1.Value(), object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xfb4U, object_files[0].size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x2615dbe8U, object_files[0].align);
- // Second object file.
- EXPECT_EQ(0x0f3f1cbb, object_files[1].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x6c55e90f, object_files[1].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(obj2.Value(), object_files[1].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xc31U, object_files[1].size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x83af6ffdU, object_files[1].align);
- // Third object file.
- EXPECT_EQ(0x3717276d, object_files[2].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x10ecdc84, object_files[2].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(obj3.Value(), object_files[2].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x4b3U, object_files[2].size);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x035267d7U, object_files[2].align);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, BigEndianMachO32) {
- fat.set_endianness(kBigEndian);
- fat
- .D32(0xfeedface) // Mach-O file magic number
- .D32(0x1a9d0518) // cpu type
- .D32(0x1b779357) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x009df67e) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // the load commands occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x21987a99); // flags
- ReadFat();
- // FatReader should treat a Mach-O file as if it were a fat binary file
- // containing one object file --- the whole thing.
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, object_files.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x1a9d0518, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x1b779357, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(contents.size(), object_files[0].size);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, BigEndianMachO64) {
- fat.set_endianness(kBigEndian);
- fat
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // Mach-O 64-bit file magic number
- .D32(0x5aff8487) // cpu type
- .D32(0x4c6a57f7) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x4392d2c8) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // the load commands occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x1b033eea); // flags
- ReadFat();
- // FatReader should treat a Mach-O file as if it were a fat binary file
- // containing one object file --- the whole thing.
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, object_files.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x5aff8487, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x4c6a57f7, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(contents.size(), object_files[0].size);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, LittleEndianMachO32) {
- fat.set_endianness(kLittleEndian);
- fat
- .D32(0xfeedface) // Mach-O file magic number
- .D32(0x1a9d0518) // cpu type
- .D32(0x1b779357) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x009df67e) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // the load commands occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x21987a99); // flags
- ReadFat();
- // FatReader should treat a Mach-O file as if it were a fat binary file
- // containing one object file --- the whole thing.
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, object_files.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x1a9d0518, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x1b779357, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(contents.size(), object_files[0].size);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, LittleEndianMachO64) {
- fat.set_endianness(kLittleEndian);
- fat
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // Mach-O 64-bit file magic number
- .D32(0x5aff8487) // cpu type
- .D32(0x4c6a57f7) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x4392d2c8) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // the load commands occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x1b033eea); // flags
- ReadFat();
- // FatReader should treat a Mach-O file as if it were a fat binary file
- // containing one object file --- the whole thing.
- ASSERT_EQ(1U, object_files.size());
- EXPECT_EQ(0x5aff8487, object_files[0].cputype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x4c6a57f7, object_files[0].cpusubtype);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, object_files[0].offset);
- EXPECT_EQ(contents.size(), object_files[0].size);
-TEST_F(FatReaderTest, IncompleteMach) {
- fat.set_endianness(kLittleEndian);
- fat
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // Mach-O 64-bit file magic number
- .D32(0x5aff8487); // cpu type
- // Truncated!
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, TooShort()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFat(false);
-// General mach_o::Reader tests.
-// Dynamically scoped configuration data.
-class WithConfiguration {
- public:
- // Establish the given parameters as the default for SizedSections
- // created within the dynamic scope of this instance.
- WithConfiguration(Endianness endianness, size_t word_size)
- : endianness_(endianness), word_size_(word_size), saved_(current_) {
- current_ = this;
- }
- ~WithConfiguration() { current_ = saved_; }
- static Endianness endianness() {
- assert(current_);
- return current_->endianness_;
- }
- static size_t word_size() {
- assert(current_);
- return current_->word_size_;
- }
- private:
- // The innermost WithConfiguration in whose dynamic scope we are
- // currently executing.
- static WithConfiguration *current_;
- // The innermost WithConfiguration whose dynamic scope encloses this
- // WithConfiguration.
- Endianness endianness_;
- size_t word_size_;
- WithConfiguration *saved_;
-WithConfiguration *WithConfiguration::current_ = NULL;
-// A test_assembler::Section with a size that we can cite. The start(),
-// Here() and Mark() member functions of a SizedSection always represent
-// offsets within the overall file.
-class SizedSection: public test_assembler::Section {
- public:
- // Construct a section of the given endianness and word size.
- explicit SizedSection(Endianness endianness, size_t word_size)
- : test_assembler::Section(endianness), word_size_(word_size) {
- assert(word_size_ == 32 || word_size_ == 64);
- }
- SizedSection()
- : test_assembler::Section(WithConfiguration::endianness()),
- word_size_(WithConfiguration::word_size()) {
- assert(word_size_ == 32 || word_size_ == 64);
- }
- // Access/set this section's word size.
- size_t word_size() const { return word_size_; }
- void set_word_size(size_t word_size) {
- assert(word_size_ == 32 || word_size_ == 64);
- word_size_ = word_size;
- }
- // Return a label representing the size this section will have when it
- // is Placed in some containing section.
- Label final_size() const { return final_size_; }
- // Append SECTION to the end of this section, and call its Finish member.
- // Return a reference to this section.
- SizedSection &Place(SizedSection *section) {
- assert(section->endianness() == endianness());
- section->Finish();
- section->start() = Here();
- test_assembler::Section::Append(*section);
- return *this;
- }
- protected:
- // Mark this section's contents as complete. For plain SizedSections, we
- // set SECTION's start to its position in this section, and its final_size
- // label to its current size. Derived classes can extend this as needed
- // for their additional semantics.
- virtual void Finish() {
- final_size_ = Size();
- }
- // The word size for this data: either 32 or 64.
- size_t word_size_;
- private:
- // This section's final size, set when we are placed in some other
- // SizedSection.
- Label final_size_;
-// A SizedSection that is loaded into memory at a particular address.
-class LoadedSection: public SizedSection {
- public:
- explicit LoadedSection(Label address = Label()) : address_(address) { }
- // Return a label representing this section's address.
- Label address() const { return address_; }
- // Placing a loaded section within a loaded section sets the relationship
- // between their addresses.
- LoadedSection &Place(LoadedSection *section) {
- section->address() = address() + Size();
- SizedSection::Place(section);
- return *this;
- }
- protected:
- // The address at which this section's contents will be loaded.
- Label address_;
-// A SizedSection representing a segment load command.
-class SegmentLoadCommand: public SizedSection {
- public:
- SegmentLoadCommand() : section_count_(0) { }
- // Append a segment load command header with the given characteristics.
- // The load command will refer to CONTENTS, which must be Placed in the
- // file separately, at the desired position. Return a reference to this
- // section.
- SegmentLoadCommand &Header(const string &name, const LoadedSection &contents,
- uint32_t maxprot, uint32_t initprot,
- uint32_t flags) {
- assert(contents.word_size() == word_size());
- D32(word_size() == 32 ? LC_SEGMENT : LC_SEGMENT_64);
- D32(final_size());
- AppendCString(name, 16);
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, contents.address());
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, vmsize_);
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, contents.start());
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, contents.final_size());
- D32(maxprot);
- D32(initprot);
- D32(final_section_count_);
- D32(flags);
- content_final_size_ = contents.final_size();
- return *this;
- }
- // Return a label representing the size of this segment when loaded into
- // memory. If this label is still undefined by the time we place this
- // segment, it defaults to the final size of the segment's in-file
- // contents. Return a reference to this load command.
- Label &vmsize() { return vmsize_; }
- // Add a section entry with the given characteristics to this segment
- // load command. Return a reference to this. The section entry will refer
- // to CONTENTS, which must be Placed in the segment's contents
- // separately, at the desired position.
- SegmentLoadCommand &AppendSectionEntry(const string &section_name,
- const string &segment_name,
- uint32_t alignment, uint32_t flags,
- const LoadedSection &contents) {
- AppendCString(section_name, 16);
- AppendCString(segment_name, 16);
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, contents.address());
- Append(endianness(), word_size() / 8, contents.final_size());
- D32(contents.start());
- D32(alignment);
- D32(0); // relocations start
- D32(0); // relocations size
- D32(flags);
- D32(0x93656b95); // reserved1
- D32(0xc35a2473); // reserved2
- if (word_size() == 64)
- D32(0x70284b95); // reserved3
- section_count_++;
- return *this;
- }
- protected:
- void Finish() {
- final_section_count_ = section_count_;
- if (!vmsize_.IsKnownConstant())
- vmsize_ = content_final_size_;
- SizedSection::Finish();
- }
- private:
- // The number of sections that have been added to this segment so far.
- size_t section_count_;
- // A label representing the final number of sections this segment will hold.
- Label final_section_count_;
- // The size of the contents for this segment present in the file.
- Label content_final_size_;
- // A label representing the size of this segment when loaded; this can be
- // larger than the size of its file contents, the difference being
- // zero-filled. If not set explicitly by calling set_vmsize, this is set
- // equal to the size of the contents.
- Label vmsize_;
-// A SizedSection holding a list of Mach-O load commands.
-class LoadCommands: public SizedSection {
- public:
- LoadCommands() : command_count_(0) { }
- // Return a label representing the final load command count.
- Label final_command_count() const { return final_command_count_; }
- // Increment the command count; return a reference to this section.
- LoadCommands &CountCommand() {
- command_count_++;
- return *this;
- }
- // Place COMMAND, containing a load command, at the end of this section.
- // Return a reference to this section.
- LoadCommands &Place(SizedSection *section) {
- SizedSection::Place(section);
- CountCommand();
- return *this;
- }
- protected:
- // Mark this load command list as complete.
- void Finish() {
- SizedSection::Finish();
- final_command_count_ = command_count_;
- }
- private:
- // The number of load commands we have added to this file so far.
- size_t command_count_;
- // A label representing the final command count.
- Label final_command_count_;
-// A SizedSection holding the contents of a Mach-O file. Within a
-// MachOFile, the start, Here, and Mark members refer to file offsets.
-class MachOFile: public SizedSection {
- public:
- MachOFile() {
- start() = 0;
- }
- // Create a Mach-O file header using the given characteristics and load
- // command list. This Places COMMANDS immediately after the header.
- // Return a reference to this section.
- MachOFile &Header(LoadCommands *commands,
- cpu_type_t cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_X86,
- cpu_subtype_t cpu_subtype = CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL,
- FileType file_type = MH_EXECUTE,
- uint32_t file_flags = (MH_TWOLEVEL |
- D32(word_size() == 32 ? 0xfeedface : 0xfeedfacf); // magic number
- D32(cpu_type); // cpu type
- D32(cpu_subtype); // cpu subtype
- D32(file_type); // file type
- D32(commands->final_command_count()); // number of load commands
- D32(commands->final_size()); // their size in bytes
- D32(file_flags); // flags
- if (word_size() == 64)
- D32(0x55638b90); // reserved
- Place(commands);
- return *this;
- }
-struct ReaderFixture {
- ReaderFixture()
- : reporter("reporter filename"),
- reader(&reporter) {
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, BadHeader()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, CPUTypeMismatch(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, HeaderTruncated()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandRegionTruncated()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandsOverrun(_, _, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandTooShort(_, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, SectionsMissing(_)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSegmentData(_)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSectionData(_, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSymbolTable()).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, UnsupportedCPUType(_)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, UnknownCommand(_, _)).Times(0);
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_)).Times(0);
- }
- void ReadFile(MachOFile *file,
- bool expect_parse_success,
- cpu_type_t expected_cpu_type,
- cpu_subtype_t expected_cpu_subtype) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(file->GetContents(&file_contents));
- file_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(;
- if (expect_parse_success) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.Read(file_bytes,
- file_contents.size(),
- expected_cpu_type,
- expected_cpu_subtype));
- } else {
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.Read(file_bytes,
- file_contents.size(),
- expected_cpu_type,
- expected_cpu_subtype));
- }
- }
- string file_contents;
- const uint8_t *file_bytes;
- MockReaderReporter reporter;
- Reader reader;
- MockLoadCommandHandler load_command_handler;
- MockSectionHandler section_handler;
-class ReaderTest: public ReaderFixture, public Test { };
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, BadMagic) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0x67bdebe1) // Not a proper magic number.
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, BadHeader()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFile(&file, false, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, MismatchedMagic) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(MH_CIGAM) // Right magic, but winds up wrong
- // due to bitswapping
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, BadHeader()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFile(&file, false, kCPUType, kCPUSubType);
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, ShortMagic) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D16(0xfeed); // magic number
- // truncated!
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, HeaderTruncated()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFile(&file, false, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, ShortHeader) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = CPU_TYPE_ANY;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedface) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0); // they occupy no bytes
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, HeaderTruncated()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFile(&file, false, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, MismatchedCPU) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = CPU_TYPE_I386;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(MH_MAGIC) // Right magic for PPC (once bitswapped)
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter,
- .WillOnce(Return());
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, LittleEndian32Bit) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedface) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUType, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUSubType, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileType(0x149fc717), reader.file_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileFlags(0x80e71d64), reader.flags());
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, LittleEndian64Bit) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUType, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUSubType, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileType(0x149fc717), reader.file_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileFlags(0x80e71d64), reader.flags());
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, BigEndian32Bit) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedface) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUType, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUSubType, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileType(0x149fc717), reader.file_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileFlags(0x80e71d64), reader.flags());
-TEST_F(ReaderTest, BigEndian64Bit) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(0) // no load commands
- .D32(0) // they occupy no bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0); // reserved
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUType, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(kCPUSubType, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileType(0x149fc717), reader.file_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(FileFlags(0x80e71d64), reader.flags());
-// Load command tests.
-class LoadCommand: public ReaderFixture, public Test { };
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, RegionTruncated) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- const cpu_type_t kCPUType = 0x46b760df;
- const cpu_subtype_t kCPUSubType = 0x76a0e7f7;
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .D32(0xfeedfacf) // magic number
- .D32(kCPUType) // cpu type
- .D32(kCPUSubType) // cpu subtype
- .D32(0x149fc717) // file type
- .D32(1) // one load command
- .D32(40) // occupying 40 bytes
- .D32(0x80e71d64) // flags
- .D32(0) // reserved
- .Append(20, 0); // load command region, not as long as
- // Mach-O header promised
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandRegionTruncated()).WillOnce(Return());
- ReadFile(&file, false, CPU_TYPE_ANY, kCPUSubType);
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, None) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_X86, CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(CPU_TYPE_X86, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(MH_EXECUTE), reader.file_type());
- FileFlags(reader.flags()));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, Unknown) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands
- .CountCommand()
- .D32(0x33293d4a) // unknown load command
- .D32(40) // total size in bytes
- .Append(32, '*'); // dummy data
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.bits_64());
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.big_endian());
- EXPECT_EQ(CPU_TYPE_X86, reader.cpu_type());
- EXPECT_EQ(CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL, reader.cpu_subtype());
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(MH_EXECUTE), reader.file_type());
- reader.flags());
- ByteBuffer expected;
- expected.start = file_bytes + load_commands.start().Value();
- expected.end = expected.start + load_commands.final_size().Value();
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, UnknownCommand(0x33293d4a,
- expected))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, TypeIncomplete) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands
- .CountCommand()
- .Append(3, 0); // load command type, incomplete
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandsOverrun(1, 0, 0))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, LengthIncomplete) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands
- .CountCommand()
- .D32(LC_SEGMENT); // load command
- // no length
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandsOverrun(1, 0, LC_SEGMENT))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, ContentIncomplete) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands
- .CountCommand()
- .D32(LC_SEGMENT) // load command
- .D32(40) // total size in bytes
- .Append(28, '*'); // not enough dummy data
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandsOverrun(1, 0, LC_SEGMENT))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentBE32) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x1891139c;
- segment.Append(42, '*'); // segment contents
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("froon", segment, 0x94d6dd22, 0x8bdbc319, 0x990a16dd);
- segment_command.vmsize() = 0xcb76584fU;
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .Header(&load_commands)
- .Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&actual_segment),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(false, actual_segment.bits_64);
- EXPECT_EQ("froon",;
- EXPECT_EQ(0x1891139cU, actual_segment.vmaddr);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xcb76584fU, actual_segment.vmsize);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x94d6dd22U, actual_segment.maxprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x8bdbc319U, actual_segment.initprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x990a16ddU, actual_segment.flags);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.nsects);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.section_list.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(segment.final_size().Value(), actual_segment.contents.Size());
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentLE32) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x4b877866;
- segment.Append(42, '*'); // segment contents
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("sixteenprecisely", segment,
- 0x350759ed, 0x6cf5a62e, 0x990a16dd);
- segment_command.vmsize() = 0xcb76584fU;
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .Header(&load_commands)
- .Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&actual_segment),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(false, actual_segment.bits_64);
- EXPECT_EQ("sixteenprecisely",;
- EXPECT_EQ(0x4b877866U, actual_segment.vmaddr);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xcb76584fU, actual_segment.vmsize);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x350759edU, actual_segment.maxprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x6cf5a62eU, actual_segment.initprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x990a16ddU, actual_segment.flags);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.nsects);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.section_list.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(segment.final_size().Value(), actual_segment.contents.Size());
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentBE64) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x79f484f77009e511ULL;
- segment.Append(42, '*'); // segment contents
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("froon", segment, 0x42b45da5, 0x8bdbc319, 0xb2335220);
- segment_command.vmsize() = 0x8d92397ce6248abaULL;
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .Header(&load_commands)
- .Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&actual_segment),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(true, actual_segment.bits_64);
- EXPECT_EQ("froon",;
- EXPECT_EQ(0x79f484f77009e511ULL, actual_segment.vmaddr);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x8d92397ce6248abaULL, actual_segment.vmsize);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x42b45da5U, actual_segment.maxprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x8bdbc319U, actual_segment.initprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xb2335220U, actual_segment.flags);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.nsects);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.section_list.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(segment.final_size().Value(), actual_segment.contents.Size());
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentLE64) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x50c0501dc5922d35ULL;
- segment.Append(42, '*'); // segment contents
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("sixteenprecisely", segment,
- 0x917c339d, 0xdbc446fa, 0xb650b563);
- segment_command.vmsize() = 0x84ae73e7c75469bfULL;
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .Header(&load_commands)
- .Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&actual_segment),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(true, actual_segment.bits_64);
- EXPECT_EQ("sixteenprecisely",;
- EXPECT_EQ(0x50c0501dc5922d35ULL, actual_segment.vmaddr);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x84ae73e7c75469bfULL, actual_segment.vmsize);
- EXPECT_EQ(0x917c339dU, actual_segment.maxprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xdbc446faU, actual_segment.initprot);
- EXPECT_EQ(0xb650b563U, actual_segment.flags);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.nsects);
- EXPECT_EQ(0U, actual_segment.section_list.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(segment.final_size().Value(), actual_segment.contents.Size());
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentCommandTruncated) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- LoadedSection segment_contents;
- segment_contents.Append(20, '*'); // lah di dah
- SizedSection command;
- command
- .D32(LC_SEGMENT) // command type
- .D32(command.final_size()) // command size
- .AppendCString("too-short", 16) // segment name
- .D32(0x9c759211) // vmaddr
- .D32(segment_contents.final_size()) // vmsize
- .D32(segment_contents.start()) // file offset
- .D32(segment_contents.final_size()) // file size
- .D32(0x56f28446) // max protection
- .D32(0xe7910dcb) // initial protection
- .D32(0) // no sections
- .Append(3, 0); // flags (one byte short!)
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&command);
- MachOFile file;
- file
- .Header(&load_commands)
- .Place(&segment_contents);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, LoadCommandTooShort(0, LC_SEGMENT))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, SegmentBadContentOffset) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- // Instead of letting a Place call set the segment's file offset and size,
- // set them ourselves, to check that the parser catches invalid offsets
- // instead of handing us bogus pointers.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x4db5489c;
- segment.start() = 0x7e189e76; // beyond end of file
- segment.final_size() = 0x98b9c3ab;
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("notmerelyfifteen", segment, 0xcbab25ee, 0x359a20db, 0x68a3933f);
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSegmentData("notmerelyfifteen"))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, ThreeLoadCommands) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- LoadedSection seg1, seg2, seg3;
- SegmentLoadCommand cmd1, cmd2, cmd3;
- seg1.Append(128, '@');
- seg1.address() = 0xa7f61ef6;
- cmd1.Header("head", seg1, 0x88bf1cc7, 0x889a26a4, 0xe9b80d87);
- // Include some dummy data at the end of the load command. Since we
- // didn't claim to have any sections, the reader should ignore this. But
- // making sure the commands have different lengths ensures that we're
- // using the right command's length to advance the LoadCommandIterator.
- cmd1.Append(128, '!');
- seg2.Append(42, '*');
- seg2.address() = 0xc70fc909;
- cmd2.Header("thorax", seg2, 0xde7327f4, 0xfdaf771d, 0x65e74b30);
- // More dummy data at the end of the load command.
- cmd2.Append(32, '^');
- seg3.Append(42, '%');
- seg3.address() = 0x46b3ab05;
- cmd3.Header("abdomen", seg3, 0x7098b70d, 0x8d8d7728, 0x5131419b);
- // More dummy data at the end of the load command.
- cmd3.Append(64, '&');
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&cmd1).Place(&cmd2).Place(&cmd3);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands).Place(&seg1).Place(&seg2).Place(&seg3);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler,
- SegmentCommand(Field(&Segment::name, "head")))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler,
- SegmentCommand(Field(&Segment::name, "thorax")))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler,
- SegmentCommand(Field(&Segment::name, "abdomen")))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-static inline Matcher<const Section &> MatchSection(
- Matcher<bool> bits_64,
- Matcher<const string &> section_name,
- Matcher<const string &> segment_name,
- Matcher<uint64_t> address,
- Matcher<uint32_t> alignment,
- Matcher<uint32_t> flags,
- Matcher<const ByteBuffer &> contents) {
- return AllOf(AllOf(Field(&Section::bits_64, bits_64),
- Field(&Section::section_name, section_name),
- Field(&Section::segment_name, segment_name),
- Field(&Section::address, address)),
- AllOf(Field(&Section::align, alignment),
- Field(&Section::flags, flags),
- Field(&Section::contents, contents)));
-static inline Matcher<const Section &> MatchSection(
- Matcher<bool> bits_64,
- Matcher<const string &> section_name,
- Matcher<const string &> segment_name,
- Matcher<uint64_t> address) {
- return AllOf(Field(&Section::bits_64, bits_64),
- Field(&Section::section_name, section_name),
- Field(&Section::segment_name, segment_name),
- Field(&Section::address, address));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, OneSegmentTwoSections) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- // Create some sections with some data.
- LoadedSection section1, section2;
- section1.Append("buddha's hand");
- section2.Append("kumquat");
- // Create a segment to hold them.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0xe1d0eeec;
- segment.Place(&section2).Place(&section1);
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command;
- segment_command
- .Header("head", segment, 0x92c9568c, 0xa89f2627, 0x4dc7a1e2)
- .AppendSectionEntry("mandarin", "kishu", 12, 0x8cd4604bU, section1)
- .AppendSectionEntry("bergamot", "cara cara", 12, 0x98746efaU, section2);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&segment_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SegmentCommand(_))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&actual_segment),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- {
- InSequence s;
- ByteBuffer contents1;
- contents1.start = file_bytes + section1.start().Value();
- contents1.end = contents1.start + section1.final_size().Value();
- EXPECT_EQ("buddha's hand",
- string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(contents1.start),
- contents1.Size()));
- EXPECT_CALL(section_handler,
- HandleSection(MatchSection(true, "mandarin", "kishu",
- section1.address().Value(), 12,
- 0x8cd4604bU, contents1)))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- ByteBuffer contents2;
- contents2.start = file_bytes + section2.start().Value();
- contents2.end = contents2.start + section2.final_size().Value();
- EXPECT_EQ("kumquat",
- string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(contents2.start),
- contents2.Size()));
- EXPECT_CALL(section_handler,
- HandleSection(MatchSection(true, "bergamot", "cara cara",
- section2.address().Value(), 12,
- 0x98746efaU, contents2)))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkSegmentSections(actual_segment, &section_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, MisplacedSectionBefore) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- // The segment.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x696d83cc;
- segment.Append(10, '0');
- // The contents of the following sections don't matter, because
- // we're not really going to Place them in segment; we're just going
- // to set all their labels by hand to get the (impossible)
- // configurations we want.
- // A section whose starting offset is before that of its section.
- LoadedSection before;
- before.Append(10, '1');
- before.start() = segment.start() - 1;
- before.address() = segment.address() - 1;
- before.final_size() = before.Size();
- SegmentLoadCommand command;
- command
- .Header("segment", segment, 0x173baa29, 0x8407275d, 0xed8f7057)
- .AppendSectionEntry("before", "segment", 0, 0x686c6921, before);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("segment", &actual_segment));
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSectionData("before", "segment"))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkSegmentSections(actual_segment, &section_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, MisplacedSectionAfter) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- // The segment.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x696d83cc;
- segment.Append(10, '0');
- // The contents of the following sections don't matter, because
- // we're not really going to Place them in segment; we're just going
- // to set all their labels by hand to get the (impossible)
- // configurations we want.
- // A section whose starting offset is after the end of its section.
- LoadedSection after;
- after.Append(10, '2');
- after.start() = segment.start() + 11;
- after.address() = segment.address() + 11;
- after.final_size() = after.Size();
- SegmentLoadCommand command;
- command
- .Header("segment", segment, 0x173baa29, 0x8407275d, 0xed8f7057)
- .AppendSectionEntry("after", "segment", 0, 0x2ee50124, after);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("segment", &actual_segment));
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSectionData("after", "segment"))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkSegmentSections(actual_segment, &section_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, MisplacedSectionTooBig) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 64);
- // The segment.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x696d83cc;
- segment.Append(10, '0');
- // The contents of the following sections don't matter, because
- // we're not really going to Place them in segment; we're just going
- // to set all their labels by hand to get the (impossible)
- // configurations we want.
- // A section that extends beyond the end of its section.
- LoadedSection too_big;
- too_big.Append(10, '3');
- too_big.start() = segment.start() + 1;
- too_big.address() = segment.address() + 1;
- too_big.final_size() = too_big.Size();
- SegmentLoadCommand command;
- command
- .Header("segment", segment, 0x173baa29, 0x8407275d, 0xed8f7057)
- .AppendSectionEntry("too big", "segment", 0, 0x8b53ae5c, too_big);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("segment", &actual_segment));
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSectionData("too big", "segment"))
- .WillOnce(Return());
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkSegmentSections(actual_segment, &section_handler));
-// The segments in a .dSYM bundle's Mach-O file have their file offset
-// and size set to zero, but the sections don't. The reader shouldn't
-// report an error in this case.
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, ZappedSegment) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- // The segment.
- LoadedSection segment;
- segment.address() = 0x696d83cc;
- segment.start() = 0;
- segment.final_size() = 0;
- // The section.
- LoadedSection section;
- section.address() = segment.address();
- section.start() = 0;
- section.final_size() = 1000; // extends beyond its segment
- SegmentLoadCommand command;
- command
- .Header("zapped", segment, 0x0861a5cb, 0x68ccff67, 0x0b66255c)
- .AppendSectionEntry("twitching", "zapped", 0, 0x93b3bd42, section);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("zapped", &actual_segment));
- ByteBuffer zapped_extent(NULL, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(section_handler,
- HandleSection(MatchSection(false, "twitching", "zapped",
- 0x696d83cc, 0, 0x93b3bd42,
- zapped_extent)))
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkSegmentSections(actual_segment, &section_handler));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, MapSegmentSections) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- // Create some sections with some data.
- LoadedSection section1, section2, section3, section4;
- section1.Append("buddha's hand");
- section2.start() = 0; // Section 2 is an S_ZEROFILL section.
- section2.final_size() = 0;
- section3.Append("shasta gold");
- section4.Append("satsuma");
- // Create two segments to hold them.
- LoadedSection segment1, segment2;
- segment1.address() = 0x13e6c8a9;
- segment1.Place(&section3).Place(&section1);
- segment2.set_word_size(64);
- segment2.address() = 0x04d462e2;
- segment2.Place(&section4);
- section2.address() = segment2.address() + segment2.Size();
- SegmentLoadCommand segment_command1, segment_command2;
- segment_command1
- .Header("head", segment1, 0x67d955a6, 0x7a61c13e, 0xe3e50c64)
- .AppendSectionEntry("mandarin", "head", 12, 0x5bb565d7, section1)
- .AppendSectionEntry("bergamot", "head", 12, 0x8620de73, section3);
- segment_command2.set_word_size(64);
- segment_command2
- .Header("thorax", segment2, 0x7aab2419, 0xe908007f, 0x17961d33)
- .AppendSectionEntry("sixteenprecisely", "thorax",
- 12, S_ZEROFILL, section2)
- .AppendSectionEntry("cara cara", "thorax", 12, 0xb6c5dd8a, section4);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&segment_command1).Place(&segment_command2);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment1).Place(&segment2);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment segment;
- SectionMap section_map;
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.FindSegment("smoot", &segment));
- ASSERT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("thorax", &segment));
- ASSERT_TRUE(reader.MapSegmentSections(segment, &section_map));
- EXPECT_FALSE(section_map.find("sixteenpreciselyandthensome")
- != section_map.end());
- EXPECT_FALSE(section_map.find("mandarin") != section_map.end());
- ASSERT_TRUE(section_map.find("cara cara") != section_map.end());
- EXPECT_THAT(section_map["cara cara"],
- MatchSection(true, "cara cara", "thorax", 0x04d462e2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(section_map.find("sixteenprecisely")
- != section_map.end());
- ByteBuffer sixteenprecisely_contents(NULL, 0);
- EXPECT_THAT(section_map["sixteenprecisely"],
- MatchSection(true, "sixteenprecisely", "thorax",
- 0x04d462e2 + 7, 12, S_ZEROFILL,
- sixteenprecisely_contents));
- ASSERT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("head", &segment));
- ASSERT_TRUE(reader.MapSegmentSections(segment, &section_map));
- ASSERT_TRUE(section_map.find("mandarin") != section_map.end());
- EXPECT_THAT(section_map["mandarin"],
- MatchSection(false, "mandarin", "head", 0x13e6c8a9 + 11));
- ASSERT_TRUE(section_map.find("bergamot") != section_map.end());
- EXPECT_THAT(section_map["bergamot"],
- MatchSection(false, "bergamot", "head", 0x13e6c8a9));
-TEST_F(LoadCommand, FindSegment) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- LoadedSection segment1, segment2, segment3;
- segment1.address() = 0xb8ae5752;
- segment1.Append("Some contents!");
- segment2.address() = 0xd6b0ce83;
- segment2.Append("Different stuff.");
- segment3.address() = 0x7374fd2a;
- segment3.Append("Further materials.");
- SegmentLoadCommand cmd1, cmd2, cmd3;
- cmd1.Header("first", segment1, 0xfadb6932, 0x175bf529, 0x0de790ad);
- cmd2.Header("second", segment2, 0xeef716e0, 0xe103a9d7, 0x7d38a8ef);
- cmd3.Header("third", segment3, 0xe172b39e, 0x86012f07, 0x080ac94d);
- LoadCommands commands;
- commands.Place(&cmd1).Place(&cmd2).Place(&cmd3);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&commands).Place(&segment1).Place(&segment2).Place(&segment3);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- Segment actual_segment;
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.FindSegment("murphy", &actual_segment));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.FindSegment("second", &actual_segment));
- EXPECT_EQ(0xd6b0ce83, actual_segment.vmaddr);
-// Symtab tests.
-// A StringAssembler is a class for generating .stabstr sections to present
-// as input to the STABS parser.
-class StringAssembler: public SizedSection {
- public:
- // Add the string S to this StringAssembler, and return the string's
- // offset within this compilation unit's strings.
- size_t Add(const string &s) {
- size_t offset = Size();
- AppendCString(s);
- return offset;
- }
-// A SymbolAssembler is a class for generating .stab sections to present as
-// test input for the STABS parser.
-class SymbolAssembler: public SizedSection {
- public:
- // Create a SymbolAssembler that uses StringAssembler for its strings.
- explicit SymbolAssembler(StringAssembler *string_assembler)
- : string_assembler_(string_assembler),
- entry_count_(0) { }
- // Append a STAB entry to the end of this section with the given
- // characteristics. NAME is the offset of this entry's name string within
- // its compilation unit's portion of the .stabstr section; this can be a
- // value generated by a StringAssembler. Return a reference to this
- // SymbolAssembler.
- SymbolAssembler &Symbol(uint8_t type, uint8_t other, Label descriptor,
- Label value, Label name) {
- D32(name);
- D8(type);
- D8(other);
- D16(descriptor);
- Append(endianness(), word_size_ / 8, value);
- entry_count_++;
- return *this;
- }
- // As above, but automatically add NAME to our StringAssembler.
- SymbolAssembler &Symbol(uint8_t type, uint8_t other, Label descriptor,
- Label value, const string &name) {
- return Symbol(type, other, descriptor, value, string_assembler_->Add(name));
- }
- private:
- // The strings for our STABS entries.
- StringAssembler *string_assembler_;
- // The number of entries in this compilation unit so far.
- size_t entry_count_;
-class Symtab: public ReaderFixture, public Test { };
-TEST_F(Symtab, Symtab32) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- StringAssembler strings;
- SymbolAssembler symbols(&strings);
- symbols
- .Symbol(0x52, 0x7c, 0x3470, 0x9bb02e7c, "hrududu")
- .Symbol(0x50, 0x90, 0x7520, 0x1122525d, "Frith");
- SizedSection symtab_command;
- symtab_command
- .D32(LC_SYMTAB) // command
- .D32(symtab_command.final_size()) // size
- .D32(symbols.start()) // file offset of symbols
- .D32(2) // symbol count
- .D32(strings.start()) // file offset of strings
- .D32(strings.final_size()); // strings size
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&symtab_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands).Place(&symbols).Place(&strings);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- ByteBuffer symbols_found, strings_found;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SymtabCommand(_, _))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&symbols_found),
- SaveArg<1>(&strings_found),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(24U, symbols_found.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(14U, strings_found.Size());
-TEST_F(Symtab, Symtab64) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 64);
- StringAssembler strings;
- SymbolAssembler symbols(&strings);
- symbols
- .Symbol(0xa7, 0xaf, 0x03af, 0x42f3072c74335181ULL, "foo")
- .Symbol(0xb0, 0x9a, 0x2aa7, 0x2e2d349b3d5744a0ULL, "bar");
- SizedSection symtab_command;
- symtab_command
- .D32(LC_SYMTAB) // command
- .D32(symtab_command.final_size()) // size
- .D32(symbols.start()) // file offset of symbols
- .D32(2) // symbol count
- .D32(strings.start()) // file offset of strings
- .D32(strings.final_size()); // strings size
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&symtab_command);
- MachOFile file;
- file.Header(&load_commands).Place(&symbols).Place(&strings);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- ByteBuffer symbols_found, strings_found;
- EXPECT_CALL(load_command_handler, SymtabCommand(_, _))
- .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&symbols_found),
- SaveArg<1>(&strings_found),
- Return(true)));
- EXPECT_TRUE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
- EXPECT_EQ(32U, symbols_found.Size());
- EXPECT_EQ(8U, strings_found.Size());
-TEST_F(Symtab, SymtabMisplacedSymbols) {
- WithConfiguration config(kBigEndian, 32);
- StringAssembler strings;
- SymbolAssembler symbols(&strings);
- symbols
- .Symbol(0xa7, 0xaf, 0x03af, 0x42f3072c74335181ULL, "foo")
- .Symbol(0xb0, 0x9a, 0x2aa7, 0x2e2d349b3d5744a0ULL, "bar");
- SizedSection symtab_command;
- symtab_command
- .D32(LC_SYMTAB) // command
- .D32(symtab_command.final_size()) // size
- .D32(symbols.start()) // file offset of symbols
- .D32(3) // symbol count (too many)
- .D32(strings.start()) // file offset of strings
- .D32(strings.final_size()); // strings size
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&symtab_command);
- MachOFile file;
- // Put symbols at end, so the excessive length will be noticed.
- file.Header(&load_commands).Place(&strings).Place(&symbols);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSymbolTable()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));
-TEST_F(Symtab, SymtabMisplacedStrings) {
- WithConfiguration config(kLittleEndian, 32);
- StringAssembler strings;
- SymbolAssembler symbols(&strings);
- symbols
- .Symbol(0xa7, 0xaf, 0x03af, 0x42f3072c74335181ULL, "foo")
- .Symbol(0xb0, 0x9a, 0x2aa7, 0x2e2d349b3d5744a0ULL, "bar");
- SizedSection symtab_command;
- symtab_command
- .D32(LC_SYMTAB) // command
- .D32(symtab_command.final_size()) // size
- .D32(symbols.start()) // file offset of symbols
- .D32(2) // symbol count
- .D32(strings.start()) // file offset of strings
- .D32(strings.final_size() + 1); // strings size (too long)
- LoadCommands load_commands;
- load_commands.Place(&symtab_command);
- MachOFile file;
- // Put strings at end, so the excessive length will be noticed.
- file.Header(&load_commands).Place(&symbols).Place(&strings);
- ReadFile(&file, true, CPU_TYPE_ANY, 0);
- EXPECT_CALL(reporter, MisplacedSymbolTable()).Times(1);
- EXPECT_FALSE(reader.WalkLoadCommands(&load_command_handler));