path: root/toolkit/content/aboutTelemetry.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/content/aboutTelemetry.js')
1 files changed, 2175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/content/aboutTelemetry.js b/toolkit/content/aboutTelemetry.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cf5e8909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/content/aboutTelemetry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2175 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+'use strict';
+var Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var Cc = Components.classes;
+var Cu = Components.utils;
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants",
+ "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
+const Telemetry = Services.telemetry;
+const bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
+ "chrome://global/locale/");
+const brandBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
+ "chrome://branding/locale/");
+// Maximum height of a histogram bar (in em for html, in chars for text)
+const MAX_BAR_HEIGHT = 18;
+const MAX_BAR_CHARS = 25;
+const PREF_TELEMETRY_SERVER_OWNER = "toolkit.telemetry.server_owner";
+const PREF_TELEMETRY_ENABLED = "toolkit.telemetry.enabled";
+const PREF_DEBUG_SLOW_SQL = "toolkit.telemetry.debugSlowSql";
+const PREF_SYMBOL_SERVER_URI = "profiler.symbolicationUrl";
+const PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled";
+// ms idle before applying the filter (allow uninterrupted typing)
+const isWindows = (Services.appinfo.OS == "WINNT");
+const EOL = isWindows ? "\r\n" : "\n";
+// This is the ping object currently displayed in the page.
+var gPingData = null;
+// Cached value of document's RTL mode
+var documentRTLMode = "";
+ * Helper function for determining whether the document direction is RTL.
+ * Caches result of check on first invocation.
+ */
+function isRTL() {
+ if (!documentRTLMode)
+ documentRTLMode = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).direction;
+ return (documentRTLMode == "rtl");
+function isArray(arg) {
+ return === '[object Array]';
+function isFlatArray(obj) {
+ if (!isArray(obj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !obj.some(e => typeof(e) == "object");
+ * This is a helper function for explodeObject.
+ */
+function flattenObject(obj, map, path, array) {
+ for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) {
+ let newPath = [...path, array ? "[" + k + "]" : k];
+ let v = obj[k];
+ if (!v || (typeof(v) != "object")) {
+ map.set(newPath.join("."), v);
+ } else if (isFlatArray(v)) {
+ map.set(newPath.join("."), "[" + v.join(", ") + "]");
+ } else {
+ flattenObject(v, map, newPath, isArray(v));
+ }
+ }
+ * This turns a JSON object into a "flat" stringified form.
+ *
+ * For an object like {a: "1", b: {c: "2", d: "3"}} it returns a Map of the
+ * form Map(["a","1"], ["b.c", "2"], ["b.d", "3"]).
+ */
+function explodeObject(obj) {
+ let map = new Map();
+ flattenObject(obj, map, []);
+ return map;
+function filterObject(obj, filterOut) {
+ let ret = {};
+ for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) {
+ if (filterOut.indexOf(k) == -1) {
+ ret[k] = obj[k];
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * This turns a JSON object into a "flat" stringified form, separated into top-level sections.
+ *
+ * For an object like:
+ * {
+ * a: {b: "1"},
+ * c: {d: "2", e: {f: "3"}}
+ * }
+ * it returns a Map of the form:
+ * Map([
+ * ["a", Map(["b","1"])],
+ * ["c", Map([["d", "2"], ["e.f", "3"]])]
+ * ])
+ */
+function sectionalizeObject(obj) {
+ let map = new Map();
+ for (let k of Object.keys(obj)) {
+ map.set(k, explodeObject(obj[k]));
+ }
+ return map;
+ * Obtain the main DOMWindow for the current context.
+ */
+function getMainWindow() {
+ return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem)
+ .rootTreeItem
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
+ * Obtain the DOMWindow that can open a preferences pane.
+ *
+ * This is essentially "get the browser chrome window" with the added check
+ * that the supposed browser chrome window is capable of opening a preferences
+ * pane.
+ *
+ * This may return null if we can't find the browser chrome window.
+ */
+function getMainWindowWithPreferencesPane() {
+ let mainWindow = getMainWindow();
+ if (mainWindow && "openAdvancedPreferences" in mainWindow) {
+ return mainWindow;
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Remove all child nodes of a document node.
+ */
+function removeAllChildNodes(node) {
+ while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
+ node.removeChild(node.lastChild);
+ }
+ * Pad a number to two digits with leading "0".
+ */
+function padToTwoDigits(n) {
+ return (n > 9) ? n: "0" + n;
+ * Return yesterdays date with the same time.
+ */
+function yesterday(date) {
+ let d = new Date(date);
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1);
+ return d;
+ * This returns a short date string of the form YYYY/MM/DD.
+ */
+function shortDateString(date) {
+ return date.getFullYear()
+ + "/" + padToTwoDigits(date.getMonth() + 1)
+ + "/" + padToTwoDigits(date.getDate());
+ * This returns a short time string of the form hh:mm:ss.
+ */
+function shortTimeString(date) {
+ return padToTwoDigits(date.getHours())
+ + ":" + padToTwoDigits(date.getMinutes())
+ + ":" + padToTwoDigits(date.getSeconds());
+var Settings = {
+ // data upload
+ {
+ defaultPrefValue: false,
+ descriptionEnabledId: "description-upload-enabled",
+ descriptionDisabledId: "description-upload-disabled",
+ },
+ // extended "Telemetry" recording
+ {
+ defaultPrefValue: false,
+ descriptionEnabledId: "description-extended-recording-enabled",
+ descriptionDisabledId: "description-extended-recording-disabled",
+ },
+ ],
+ attachObservers: function() {
+ for (let s of this.SETTINGS) {
+ let setting = s;
+ Preferences.observe(setting.pref, this.render, this);
+ }
+ let elements = document.getElementsByClassName("change-data-choices-link");
+ for (let el of elements) {
+ el.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "android") {
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Messaging.jsm");
+ Messaging.sendRequest({
+ type: "Settings:Show",
+ resource: "preferences_privacy",
+ });
+ } else {
+ // Show the data choices preferences on desktop.
+ let mainWindow = getMainWindowWithPreferencesPane();
+ mainWindow.openAdvancedPreferences("dataChoicesTab");
+ }
+ }, false);
+ }
+ },
+ detachObservers: function() {
+ for (let setting of this.SETTINGS) {
+ Preferences.ignore(setting.pref, this.render, this);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Updates the button & text at the top of the page to reflect Telemetry state.
+ */
+ render: function() {
+ for (let setting of this.SETTINGS) {
+ let enabledElement = document.getElementById(setting.descriptionEnabledId);
+ let disabledElement = document.getElementById(setting.descriptionDisabledId);
+ if (Preferences.get(setting.pref, setting.defaultPrefValue)) {
+ enabledElement.classList.remove("hidden");
+ disabledElement.classList.add("hidden");
+ } else {
+ enabledElement.classList.add("hidden");
+ disabledElement.classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var PingPicker = {
+ viewCurrentPingData: null,
+ viewStructuredPingData: null,
+ _archivedPings: null,
+ attachObservers: function() {
+ let elements = document.getElementsByName("choose-ping-source");
+ for (let el of elements) {
+ el.addEventListener("change", () => this.onPingSourceChanged(), false);
+ }
+ let displays = document.getElementsByName("choose-ping-display");
+ for (let el of displays) {
+ el.addEventListener("change", () => this.onPingDisplayChanged(), false);
+ }
+ document.getElementById("show-subsession-data").addEventListener("change", () => {
+ this._updateCurrentPingData();
+ });
+ document.getElementById("choose-ping-week").addEventListener("change", () => {
+ this._renderPingList();
+ this._updateArchivedPingData();
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("choose-ping-id").addEventListener("change", () => {
+ this._updateArchivedPingData()
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("newer-ping")
+ .addEventListener("click", () => this._movePingIndex(-1), false);
+ document.getElementById("older-ping")
+ .addEventListener("click", () => this._movePingIndex(1), false);
+ document.getElementById("choose-payload")
+ .addEventListener("change", () => displayPingData(gPingData), false);
+ document.getElementById("histograms-processes")
+ .addEventListener("change", () => displayPingData(gPingData), false);
+ document.getElementById("keyed-histograms-processes")
+ .addEventListener("change", () => displayPingData(gPingData), false);
+ },
+ onPingSourceChanged: function() {
+ this.update();
+ },
+ onPingDisplayChanged: function() {
+ this.update();
+ },
+ update: Task.async(function*() {
+ let viewCurrent = document.getElementById("ping-source-current").checked;
+ let viewStructured = document.getElementById("ping-source-structured").checked;
+ let currentChanged = viewCurrent !== this.viewCurrentPingData;
+ let structuredChanged = viewStructured !== this.viewStructuredPingData;
+ this.viewCurrentPingData = viewCurrent;
+ this.viewStructuredPingData = viewStructured;
+ // If we have no archived pings, disable the ping archive selection.
+ // This can happen on new profiles or if the ping archive is disabled.
+ let archivedPingList = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingList();
+ let sourceArchived = document.getElementById("ping-source-archive");
+ sourceArchived.disabled = (archivedPingList.length == 0);
+ if (currentChanged) {
+ if (this.viewCurrentPingData) {
+ document.getElementById("current-ping-picker").classList.remove("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("archived-ping-picker").classList.add("hidden");
+ this._updateCurrentPingData();
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("current-ping-picker").classList.add("hidden");
+ yield this._updateArchivedPingList(archivedPingList);
+ document.getElementById("archived-ping-picker").classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ }
+ if (structuredChanged) {
+ if (this.viewStructuredPingData) {
+ this._showStructuredPingData();
+ } else {
+ this._showRawPingData();
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ _updateCurrentPingData: function() {
+ const subsession = document.getElementById("show-subsession-data").checked;
+ const ping = TelemetryController.getCurrentPingData(subsession);
+ if (!ping) {
+ return;
+ }
+ displayPingData(ping, true);
+ },
+ _updateArchivedPingData: function() {
+ let id = this._getSelectedPingId();
+ return TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(id)
+ .then((ping) => displayPingData(ping, true));
+ },
+ _updateArchivedPingList: Task.async(function*(pingList) {
+ // The archived ping list is sorted in ascending timestamp order,
+ // but descending is more practical for the operations we do here.
+ pingList.reverse();
+ this._archivedPings = pingList;
+ // Collect the start dates for all the weeks we have pings for.
+ let weekStart = (date) => {
+ let weekDay = (date.getDay() + 6) % 7;
+ let monday = new Date(date);
+ monday.setDate(date.getDate() - weekDay);
+ return TelemetryUtils.truncateToDays(monday);
+ };
+ let weekStartDates = new Set();
+ for (let p of pingList) {
+ weekStartDates.add(weekStart(new Date(p.timestampCreated)).getTime());
+ }
+ // Build a list of the week date ranges we have ping data for.
+ let plusOneWeek = (date) => {
+ let d = date;
+ d.setDate(d.getDate() + 7);
+ return d;
+ };
+ this._weeks = Array.from(weekStartDates.values(), startTime => ({
+ startDate: new Date(startTime),
+ endDate: plusOneWeek(new Date(startTime)),
+ }));
+ // Render the archive data.
+ this._renderWeeks();
+ this._renderPingList();
+ // Update the displayed ping.
+ yield this._updateArchivedPingData();
+ }),
+ _renderWeeks: function() {
+ let weekSelector = document.getElementById("choose-ping-week");
+ removeAllChildNodes(weekSelector);
+ let index = 0;
+ for (let week of this._weeks) {
+ let text = shortDateString(week.startDate)
+ + " - " + shortDateString(yesterday(week.endDate));
+ let option = document.createElement("option");
+ let content = document.createTextNode(text);
+ option.appendChild(content);
+ weekSelector.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ },
+ _getSelectedWeek: function() {
+ let weekSelector = document.getElementById("choose-ping-week");
+ return this._weeks[weekSelector.selectedIndex];
+ },
+ _renderPingList: function(id = null) {
+ let pingSelector = document.getElementById("choose-ping-id");
+ removeAllChildNodes(pingSelector);
+ let weekRange = this._getSelectedWeek();
+ let pings = this._archivedPings.filter(
+ (p) => p.timestampCreated >= weekRange.startDate.getTime() &&
+ p.timestampCreated < weekRange.endDate.getTime());
+ for (let p of pings) {
+ let date = new Date(p.timestampCreated);
+ let text = shortDateString(date)
+ + " " + shortTimeString(date)
+ + " - " + p.type;
+ let option = document.createElement("option");
+ let content = document.createTextNode(text);
+ option.appendChild(content);
+ option.setAttribute("value",;
+ if (id && == id) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ }
+ pingSelector.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ },
+ _getSelectedPingId: function() {
+ let pingSelector = document.getElementById("choose-ping-id");
+ let selected = pingSelector.selectedOptions.item(0);
+ return selected.getAttribute("value");
+ },
+ _movePingIndex: function(offset) {
+ const id = this._getSelectedPingId();
+ const index = this._archivedPings.findIndex((p) => == id);
+ const newIndex = Math.min(Math.max(index + offset, 0), this._archivedPings.length - 1);
+ const ping = this._archivedPings[newIndex];
+ const weekIndex = this._weeks.findIndex(
+ (week) => ping.timestampCreated >= week.startDate.getTime() &&
+ ping.timestampCreated < week.endDate.getTime());
+ const options = document.getElementById("choose-ping-week").options;
+ options.item(weekIndex).selected = true;
+ this._renderPingList(;
+ this._updateArchivedPingData();
+ },
+ _showRawPingData: function() {
+ document.getElementById("raw-ping-data-section").classList.remove("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("structured-ping-data-section").classList.add("hidden");
+ },
+ _showStructuredPingData: function() {
+ document.getElementById("raw-ping-data-section").classList.add("hidden");
+ document.getElementById("structured-ping-data-section").classList.remove("hidden");
+ },
+var GeneralData = {
+ /**
+ * Renders the general data
+ */
+ render: function(aPing) {
+ setHasData("general-data-section", true);
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ let caption = document.createElement("caption");
+ let captionString = bundle.GetStringFromName("generalDataTitle");
+ caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(captionString + "\n"));
+ table.appendChild(caption);
+ let headings = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("generalDataHeadingName") + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("generalDataHeadingValue") + "\t");
+ table.appendChild(headings);
+ // The payload & environment parts are handled by other renderers.
+ let ignoreSections = ["payload", "environment"];
+ let data = explodeObject(filterObject(aPing, ignoreSections));
+ for (let [path, value] of data) {
+ let row = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", path + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", value + "\t");
+ table.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ let dataDiv = document.getElementById("general-data");
+ removeAllChildNodes(dataDiv);
+ dataDiv.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for appending a column to the data table.
+ *
+ * @param aRowElement Parent row element
+ * @param aColType Column's tag name
+ * @param aColText Column contents
+ */
+ appendColumn: function(aRowElement, aColType, aColText) {
+ let colElement = document.createElement(aColType);
+ let colTextElement = document.createTextNode(aColText);
+ colElement.appendChild(colTextElement);
+ aRowElement.appendChild(colElement);
+ },
+var EnvironmentData = {
+ /**
+ * Renders the environment data
+ */
+ render: function(ping) {
+ let dataDiv = document.getElementById("environment-data");
+ removeAllChildNodes(dataDiv);
+ const hasData = !!ping.environment;
+ setHasData("environment-data-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let data = sectionalizeObject(ping.environment);
+ for (let [section, sectionData] of data) {
+ if (section == "addons") {
+ break;
+ }
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ this.appendHeading(table);
+ for (let [path, value] of sectionData) {
+ let row = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", path);
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", value);
+ table.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ let hasData = sectionData.size > 0;
+ this.createSubsection(section, hasData, table, dataDiv);
+ }
+ // We use specialized rendering here to make the addon and plugin listings
+ // more readable.
+ this.createAddonSection(dataDiv, ping);
+ },
+ createSubsection: function(title, hasSubdata, subSectionData, dataDiv) {
+ let dataSection = document.createElement("section");
+ dataSection.classList.add("data-subsection");
+ if (hasSubdata) {
+ dataSection.classList.add("has-subdata");
+ }
+ // Create section heading
+ let sectionName = document.createElement("h2");
+ sectionName.setAttribute("class", "section-name");
+ sectionName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title));
+ sectionName.addEventListener("click", toggleSection, false);
+ // Create caption for toggling the subsection visibility.
+ let toggleCaption = document.createElement("span");
+ toggleCaption.setAttribute("class", "toggle-caption");
+ let toggleText = bundle.GetStringFromName("environmentDataSubsectionToggle");
+ toggleCaption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + toggleText));
+ toggleCaption.addEventListener("click", toggleSection, false);
+ // Create caption for empty subsections.
+ let emptyCaption = document.createElement("span");
+ emptyCaption.setAttribute("class", "empty-caption");
+ let emptyText = bundle.GetStringFromName("environmentDataSubsectionEmpty");
+ emptyCaption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" " + emptyText));
+ // Create data container
+ let data = document.createElement("div");
+ data.setAttribute("class", "subsection-data subdata");
+ data.appendChild(subSectionData);
+ // Append elements
+ dataSection.appendChild(sectionName);
+ dataSection.appendChild(toggleCaption);
+ dataSection.appendChild(emptyCaption);
+ dataSection.appendChild(data);
+ dataDiv.appendChild(dataSection);
+ },
+ renderPersona: function(addonObj, addonSection, sectionTitle) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ table.setAttribute("id", sectionTitle);
+ this.appendAddonSubsectionTitle(sectionTitle, table);
+ this.appendRow(table, "persona", addonObj.persona);
+ addonSection.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ renderActivePlugins: function(addonObj, addonSection, sectionTitle) {
+ let data = explodeObject(addonObj);
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ table.setAttribute("id", sectionTitle);
+ this.appendAddonSubsectionTitle(sectionTitle, table);
+ for (let plugin of addonObj) {
+ let data = explodeObject(plugin);
+ this.appendHeadingName(table, data.get("name"));
+ for (let [key, value] of data) {
+ this.appendRow(table, key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ addonSection.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ renderAddonsObject: function(addonObj, addonSection, sectionTitle) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ table.setAttribute("id", sectionTitle);
+ this.appendAddonSubsectionTitle(sectionTitle, table);
+ for (let id of Object.keys(addonObj)) {
+ let addon = addonObj[id];
+ this.appendHeadingName(table, || id);
+ this.appendAddonID(table, id);
+ let data = explodeObject(addon);
+ for (let [key, value] of data) {
+ this.appendRow(table, key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ addonSection.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ renderKeyValueObject: function(addonObj, addonSection, sectionTitle) {
+ let data = explodeObject(addonObj);
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ table.setAttribute("class", sectionTitle);
+ this.appendAddonSubsectionTitle(sectionTitle, table);
+ this.appendHeading(table);
+ for (let [key, value] of data) {
+ this.appendRow(table, key, value);
+ }
+ addonSection.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ appendAddonID: function(table, addonID) {
+ this.appendRow(table, "id", addonID);
+ },
+ appendHeading: function(table) {
+ let headings = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("environmentDataHeadingName"));
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("environmentDataHeadingValue"));
+ table.appendChild(headings);
+ },
+ appendHeadingName: function(table, name) {
+ let headings = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", name);
+ headings.cells[0].colSpan = 2;
+ table.appendChild(headings);
+ },
+ appendAddonSubsectionTitle: function(section, table) {
+ let caption = document.createElement("caption");
+ caption.setAttribute("class", "addon-caption");
+ caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(section));
+ table.appendChild(caption);
+ },
+ createAddonSection: function(dataDiv, ping) {
+ let addonSection = document.createElement("div");
+ let addons = ping.environment.addons;
+ this.renderAddonsObject(addons.activeAddons, addonSection, "activeAddons");
+ this.renderActivePlugins(addons.activePlugins, addonSection, "activePlugins");
+ this.renderKeyValueObject(addons.theme, addonSection, "theme");
+ this.renderKeyValueObject(addons.activeExperiment, addonSection, "activeExperiment");
+ this.renderAddonsObject(addons.activeGMPlugins, addonSection, "activeGMPlugins");
+ this.renderPersona(addons, addonSection, "persona");
+ let hasAddonData = Object.keys(ping.environment.addons).length > 0;
+ this.createSubsection("addons", hasAddonData, addonSection, dataDiv);
+ },
+ appendRow: function(table, id, value) {
+ let row = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", id);
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", value);
+ table.appendChild(row);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for appending a column to the data table.
+ *
+ * @param aRowElement Parent row element
+ * @param aColType Column's tag name
+ * @param aColText Column contents
+ */
+ appendColumn: function(aRowElement, aColType, aColText) {
+ let colElement = document.createElement(aColType);
+ let colTextElement = document.createTextNode(aColText);
+ colElement.appendChild(colTextElement);
+ aRowElement.appendChild(colElement);
+ },
+var TelLog = {
+ /**
+ * Renders the telemetry log
+ */
+ render: function(aPing) {
+ let entries = aPing.payload.log;
+ const hasData = entries && entries.length > 0;
+ setHasData("telemetry-log-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ let caption = document.createElement("caption");
+ let captionString = bundle.GetStringFromName("telemetryLogTitle");
+ caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(captionString + "\n"));
+ table.appendChild(caption);
+ let headings = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("telemetryLogHeadingId") + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("telemetryLogHeadingTimestamp") + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", bundle.GetStringFromName("telemetryLogHeadingData") + "\t");
+ table.appendChild(headings);
+ for (let entry of entries) {
+ let row = document.createElement("tr");
+ for (let elem of entry) {
+ this.appendColumn(row, "td", elem + "\t");
+ }
+ table.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ let dataDiv = document.getElementById("telemetry-log");
+ removeAllChildNodes(dataDiv);
+ dataDiv.appendChild(table);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for appending a column to the data table.
+ *
+ * @param aRowElement Parent row element
+ * @param aColType Column's tag name
+ * @param aColText Column contents
+ */
+ appendColumn: function(aRowElement, aColType, aColText) {
+ let colElement = document.createElement(aColType);
+ let colTextElement = document.createTextNode(aColText);
+ colElement.appendChild(colTextElement);
+ aRowElement.appendChild(colElement);
+ },
+var SlowSQL = {
+ slowSqlHits: bundle.GetStringFromName("slowSqlHits"),
+ slowSqlAverage: bundle.GetStringFromName("slowSqlAverage"),
+ slowSqlStatement: bundle.GetStringFromName("slowSqlStatement"),
+ mainThreadTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("slowSqlMain"),
+ otherThreadTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("slowSqlOther"),
+ /**
+ * Render slow SQL statistics
+ */
+ render: function SlowSQL_render(aPing) {
+ // We can add the debug SQL data to the current ping later.
+ // However, we need to be careful to never send that debug data
+ // out due to privacy concerns.
+ // We want to show the actual ping data for archived pings,
+ // so skip this there.
+ let debugSlowSql = PingPicker.viewCurrentPingData && Preferences.get(PREF_DEBUG_SLOW_SQL, false);
+ let slowSql = debugSlowSql ? Telemetry.debugSlowSQL : aPing.payload.slowSQL;
+ if (!slowSql) {
+ setHasData("slow-sql-section", false);
+ return;
+ }
+ let {mainThread, otherThreads} =
+ debugSlowSql ? Telemetry.debugSlowSQL : aPing.payload.slowSQL;
+ let mainThreadCount = Object.keys(mainThread).length;
+ let otherThreadCount = Object.keys(otherThreads).length;
+ if (mainThreadCount == 0 && otherThreadCount == 0) {
+ setHasData("slow-sql-section", false);
+ return;
+ }
+ setHasData("slow-sql-section", true);
+ if (debugSlowSql) {
+ document.getElementById("sql-warning").classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ let slowSqlDiv = document.getElementById("slow-sql-tables");
+ removeAllChildNodes(slowSqlDiv);
+ // Main thread
+ if (mainThreadCount > 0) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ this.renderTableHeader(table, this.mainThreadTitle);
+ this.renderTable(table, mainThread);
+ slowSqlDiv.appendChild(table);
+ slowSqlDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("hr"));
+ }
+ // Other threads
+ if (otherThreadCount > 0) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ this.renderTableHeader(table, this.otherThreadTitle);
+ this.renderTable(table, otherThreads);
+ slowSqlDiv.appendChild(table);
+ slowSqlDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("hr"));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Creates a header row for a Slow SQL table
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param aTable Parent table element
+ * @param aTitle Table's title
+ */
+ renderTableHeader: function SlowSQL_renderTableHeader(aTable, aTitle) {
+ let caption = document.createElement("caption");
+ caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aTitle + "\n"));
+ aTable.appendChild(caption);
+ let headings = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", this.slowSqlHits + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", this.slowSqlAverage + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(headings, "th", this.slowSqlStatement + "\n");
+ aTable.appendChild(headings);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Fills out the table body
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param aTable Parent table element
+ * @param aSql SQL stats object
+ */
+ renderTable: function SlowSQL_renderTable(aTable, aSql) {
+ for (let [sql, [hitCount, totalTime]] of Object.entries(aSql)) {
+ let averageTime = totalTime / hitCount;
+ let sqlRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ this.appendColumn(sqlRow, "td", hitCount + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(sqlRow, "td", averageTime.toFixed(0) + "\t");
+ this.appendColumn(sqlRow, "td", sql + "\n");
+ aTable.appendChild(sqlRow);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for appending a column to a Slow SQL table.
+ *
+ * @param aRowElement Parent row element
+ * @param aColType Column's tag name
+ * @param aColText Column contents
+ */
+ appendColumn: function SlowSQL_appendColumn(aRowElement, aColType, aColText) {
+ let colElement = document.createElement(aColType);
+ let colTextElement = document.createTextNode(aColText);
+ colElement.appendChild(colTextElement);
+ aRowElement.appendChild(colElement);
+ }
+var StackRenderer = {
+ stackTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("stackTitle"),
+ memoryMapTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("memoryMapTitle"),
+ /**
+ * Outputs the memory map associated with this hang report
+ *
+ * @param aDiv Output div
+ */
+ renderMemoryMap: function StackRenderer_renderMemoryMap(aDiv, memoryMap) {
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.memoryMapTitle));
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ for (let currentModule of memoryMap) {
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(currentModule.join(" ")));
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ }
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Outputs the raw PCs from the hang's stack
+ *
+ * @param aDiv Output div
+ * @param aStack Array of PCs from the hang stack
+ */
+ renderStack: function StackRenderer_renderStack(aDiv, aStack) {
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.stackTitle));
+ let stackText = " " + aStack.join(" ");
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stackText));
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ aDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ },
+ renderStacks: function StackRenderer_renderStacks(aPrefix, aStacks,
+ aMemoryMap, aRenderHeader) {
+ let div = document.getElementById(aPrefix + '-data');
+ removeAllChildNodes(div);
+ let fetchE = document.getElementById(aPrefix + '-fetch-symbols');
+ if (fetchE) {
+ fetchE.classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+ let hideE = document.getElementById(aPrefix + '-hide-symbols');
+ if (hideE) {
+ hideE.classList.add("hidden");
+ }
+ if (aStacks.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setHasData(aPrefix + '-section', true);
+ this.renderMemoryMap(div, aMemoryMap);
+ for (let i = 0; i < aStacks.length; ++i) {
+ let stack = aStacks[i];
+ aRenderHeader(i);
+ this.renderStack(div, stack)
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Renders the title of the stack: e.g. "Late Write #1" or
+ * "Hang Report #1 (6 seconds)".
+ *
+ * @param aFormatArgs formating args to be passed to formatStringFromName.
+ */
+ renderHeader: function StackRenderer_renderHeader(aPrefix, aFormatArgs) {
+ let div = document.getElementById(aPrefix + "-data");
+ let titleElement = document.createElement("span");
+ titleElement.className = "stack-title";
+ let titleText = bundle.formatStringFromName(
+ aPrefix + "-title", aFormatArgs, aFormatArgs.length);
+ titleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(titleText));
+ div.appendChild(titleElement);
+ div.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ }
+var RawPayload = {
+ /**
+ * Renders the raw payload
+ */
+ render: function(aPing) {
+ setHasData("raw-payload-section", true);
+ let pre = document.getElementById("raw-payload-data-pre");
+ pre.textContent = JSON.stringify(aPing.payload, null, 2);
+ }
+function SymbolicationRequest(aPrefix, aRenderHeader,
+ aMemoryMap, aStacks, aDurations = null) {
+ this.prefix = aPrefix;
+ this.renderHeader = aRenderHeader;
+ this.memoryMap = aMemoryMap;
+ this.stacks = aStacks;
+ this.durations = aDurations;
+ * A callback for onreadystatechange. It replaces the numeric stack with
+ * the symbolicated one returned by the symbolication server.
+ */
+SymbolicationRequest.prototype.handleSymbolResponse =
+function SymbolicationRequest_handleSymbolResponse() {
+ if (this.symbolRequest.readyState != 4)
+ return;
+ let fetchElement = document.getElementById(this.prefix + "-fetch-symbols");
+ fetchElement.classList.add("hidden");
+ let hideElement = document.getElementById(this.prefix + "-hide-symbols");
+ hideElement.classList.remove("hidden");
+ let div = document.getElementById(this.prefix + "-data");
+ removeAllChildNodes(div);
+ let errorMessage = bundle.GetStringFromName("errorFetchingSymbols");
+ if (this.symbolRequest.status != 200) {
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(errorMessage));
+ return;
+ }
+ let jsonResponse = {};
+ try {
+ jsonResponse = JSON.parse(this.symbolRequest.responseText);
+ } catch (e) {
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(errorMessage));
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < jsonResponse.length; ++i) {
+ let stack = jsonResponse[i];
+ this.renderHeader(i, this.durations);
+ for (let symbol of stack) {
+ div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(symbol));
+ div.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ }
+ div.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ }
+ * Send a request to the symbolication server to symbolicate this stack.
+ */
+SymbolicationRequest.prototype.fetchSymbols =
+function SymbolicationRequest_fetchSymbols() {
+ let symbolServerURI =
+ let request = {"memoryMap" : this.memoryMap, "stacks" : this.stacks,
+ "version" : 3};
+ let requestJSON = JSON.stringify(request);
+ this.symbolRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"POST", symbolServerURI, true);
+ this.symbolRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
+ this.symbolRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-length",
+ requestJSON.length);
+ this.symbolRequest.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
+ this.symbolRequest.onreadystatechange = this.handleSymbolResponse.bind(this);
+ this.symbolRequest.send(requestJSON);
+var ChromeHangs = {
+ symbolRequest: null,
+ /**
+ * Renders raw chrome hang data
+ */
+ render: function ChromeHangs_render(aPing) {
+ let hangs = aPing.payload.chromeHangs;
+ setHasData("chrome-hangs-section", !!hangs);
+ if (!hangs) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let stacks = hangs.stacks;
+ let memoryMap = hangs.memoryMap;
+ let durations = hangs.durations;
+ StackRenderer.renderStacks("chrome-hangs", stacks, memoryMap,
+ (index) => this.renderHangHeader(index, durations));
+ },
+ renderHangHeader: function ChromeHangs_renderHangHeader(aIndex, aDurations) {
+ StackRenderer.renderHeader("chrome-hangs", [aIndex + 1, aDurations[aIndex]]);
+ }
+var ThreadHangStats = {
+ /**
+ * Renders raw thread hang stats data
+ */
+ render: function(aPayload) {
+ let div = document.getElementById("thread-hang-stats");
+ removeAllChildNodes(div);
+ let stats = aPayload.threadHangStats;
+ setHasData("thread-hang-stats-section", stats && (stats.length > 0));
+ if (!stats) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stats.forEach((thread) => {
+ div.appendChild(this.renderThread(thread));
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Creates and fills data corresponding to a thread
+ */
+ renderThread: function(aThread) {
+ let div = document.createElement("div");
+ let title = document.createElement("h2");
+ title.textContent =;
+ div.appendChild(title);
+ // Don't localize the histogram name, because the
+ // name is also used as the div element's ID
+ Histogram.render(div, + "-Activity",
+ aThread.activity, {exponential: true}, true);
+ aThread.hangs.forEach((hang, index) => {
+ let hangName = + "-Hang-" + (index + 1);
+ let hangDiv = Histogram.render(
+ div, hangName, hang.histogram, {exponential: true}, true);
+ let stackDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ let stack = hang.nativeStack || hang.stack;
+ stack.forEach((frame) => {
+ stackDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(frame));
+ // Leave an extra <br> at the end of the stack listing
+ stackDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ });
+ // Insert stack after the histogram title
+ hangDiv.insertBefore(stackDiv, hangDiv.childNodes[1]);
+ });
+ return div;
+ },
+var Histogram = {
+ hgramSamplesCaption: bundle.GetStringFromName("histogramSamples"),
+ hgramAverageCaption: bundle.GetStringFromName("histogramAverage"),
+ hgramSumCaption: bundle.GetStringFromName("histogramSum"),
+ hgramCopyCaption: bundle.GetStringFromName("histogramCopy"),
+ /**
+ * Renders a single Telemetry histogram
+ *
+ * @param aParent Parent element
+ * @param aName Histogram name
+ * @param aHgram Histogram information
+ * @param aOptions Object with render options
+ * * exponential: bars follow logarithmic scale
+ * @param aIsBHR whether or not requires fixing the labels for TimeHistogram
+ */
+ render: function Histogram_render(aParent, aName, aHgram, aOptions, aIsBHR) {
+ let options = aOptions || {};
+ let hgram = this.processHistogram(aHgram, aName, aIsBHR);
+ let outerDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ outerDiv.className = "histogram";
+ = aName;
+ let divTitle = document.createElement("div");
+ divTitle.className = "histogram-title";
+ divTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aName));
+ outerDiv.appendChild(divTitle);
+ let stats = hgram.sample_count + " " + this.hgramSamplesCaption + ", " +
+ this.hgramAverageCaption + " = " + hgram.pretty_average + ", " +
+ this.hgramSumCaption + " = " + hgram.sum;
+ let divStats = document.createElement("div");
+ divStats.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stats));
+ outerDiv.appendChild(divStats);
+ if (isRTL()) {
+ hgram.buckets.reverse();
+ hgram.values.reverse();
+ }
+ let textData = this.renderValues(outerDiv, hgram, options);
+ // The 'Copy' button contains the textual data, copied to clipboard on click
+ let copyButton = document.createElement("button");
+ copyButton.className = "copy-node";
+ copyButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.hgramCopyCaption));
+ copyButton.histogramText = aName + EOL + stats + EOL + EOL + textData;
+ copyButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper)
+ .copyString(this.histogramText);
+ });
+ outerDiv.appendChild(copyButton);
+ aParent.appendChild(outerDiv);
+ return outerDiv;
+ },
+ processHistogram: function(aHgram, aName, aIsBHR) {
+ const values = Object.keys(aHgram.values).map(k => aHgram.values[k]);
+ if (!values.length) {
+ // If we have no values collected for this histogram, just return
+ // zero values so we still render it.
+ return {
+ values: [],
+ pretty_average: 0,
+ max: 0,
+ sample_count: 0,
+ sum: 0
+ };
+ }
+ const sample_count = values.reduceRight((a, b) => a + b);
+ const average = Math.round(aHgram.sum * 10 / sample_count) / 10;
+ const max_value = Math.max(...values);
+ function labelFunc(k) {
+ // - BHR histograms are TimeHistograms: Exactly power-of-two buckets (from 0)
+ // (buckets: [0..1], [2..3], [4..7], [8..15], ... note the 0..1 anomaly - same bucket)
+ // - TimeHistogram's JS representation adds a dummy (empty) "0" bucket, and
+ // the rest of the buckets have the label as the upper value of the
+ // bucket (non TimeHistograms have the lower value of the bucket as label).
+ // So JS TimeHistograms bucket labels are: 0 (dummy), 1, 3, 7, 15, ...
+ // - see toolkit/components/telemetry/Telemetry.cpp
+ // (CreateJSTimeHistogram, CreateJSThreadHangStats, CreateJSHangHistogram)
+ // - see toolkit/components/telemetry/ThreadHangStats.h
+ // Fix BHR labels to the "standard" format for about:telemetry as follows:
+ // - The dummy 0 label+bucket will be filtered before arriving here
+ // - If it's 1 -> manually correct it to 0 (the 0..1 anomaly)
+ // - For the rest, set the label as the bottom value instead of the upper.
+ // --> so we'll end with the following (non dummy) labels: 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
+ if (!aIsBHR) {
+ return k;
+ }
+ return k == 1 ? 0 : (k + 1) / 2;
+ }
+ const labelledValues = Object.keys(aHgram.values)
+ .filter(label => !aIsBHR || Number(label) != 0) // remove dummy 0 label for BHR
+ .map(k => [labelFunc(Number(k)), aHgram.values[k]]);
+ let result = {
+ values: labelledValues,
+ pretty_average: average,
+ max: max_value,
+ sample_count: sample_count,
+ sum: aHgram.sum
+ };
+ return result;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a non-negative, logarithmic representation of a non-negative number.
+ * e.g. 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 10 => 2, 100 => 3
+ *
+ * @param aNumber Non-negative number
+ */
+ getLogValue: function(aNumber) {
+ return Math.max(0, Math.log10(aNumber) + 1);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create histogram HTML bars, also returns a textual representation
+ * Both aMaxValue and aSumValues must be positive.
+ * Values are assumed to use 0 as baseline.
+ *
+ * @param aDiv Outer parent div
+ * @param aHgram The histogram data
+ * @param aOptions Object with render options (@see #render)
+ */
+ renderValues: function Histogram_renderValues(aDiv, aHgram, aOptions) {
+ let text = "";
+ // If the last label is not the longest string, alignment will break a little
+ let labelPadTo = 0;
+ if (aHgram.values.length) {
+ labelPadTo = String(aHgram.values[aHgram.values.length - 1][0]).length;
+ }
+ let maxBarValue = aOptions.exponential ? this.getLogValue(aHgram.max) : aHgram.max;
+ for (let [label, value] of aHgram.values) {
+ let barValue = aOptions.exponential ? this.getLogValue(value) : value;
+ // Create a text representation: <right-aligned-label> |<bar-of-#><value> <percentage>
+ text += EOL
+ + " ".repeat(Math.max(0, labelPadTo - String(label).length)) + label // Right-aligned label
+ + " |" + "#".repeat(Math.round(MAX_BAR_CHARS * barValue / maxBarValue)) // Bar
+ + " " + value // Value
+ + " " + Math.round(100 * value / aHgram.sample_count) + "%"; // Percentage
+ // Construct the HTML labels + bars
+ let belowEm = Math.round(MAX_BAR_HEIGHT * (barValue / maxBarValue) * 10) / 10;
+ let aboveEm = MAX_BAR_HEIGHT - belowEm;
+ let barDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ barDiv.className = "bar";
+ = aboveEm + "em";
+ // Add value label or an nbsp if no value
+ barDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value ? value : '\u00A0'));
+ // Create the blue bar
+ let bar = document.createElement("div");
+ bar.className = "bar-inner";
+ = belowEm + "em";
+ barDiv.appendChild(bar);
+ // Add bucket label
+ barDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(label));
+ aDiv.appendChild(barDiv);
+ }
+ return text.substr(EOL.length); // Trim the EOL before the first line
+ },
+ /**
+ * Helper function for filtering histogram elements by their id
+ * Adds the "filter-blocked" class to histogram nodes whose IDs don't match the filter.
+ *
+ * @param aContainerNode Container node containing the histogram class nodes to filter
+ * @param aFilterText either text or /RegEx/. If text, case-insensitive and AND words
+ */
+ filterHistograms: function _filterHistograms(aContainerNode, aFilterText) {
+ let filter = aFilterText.toString();
+ // Pass if: all non-empty array items match (case-sensitive)
+ function isPassText(subject, filter) {
+ for (let item of filter) {
+ if (item.length && subject.indexOf(item) < 0) {
+ return false; // mismatch and not a spurious space
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function isPassRegex(subject, filter) {
+ return filter.test(subject);
+ }
+ // Setup normalized filter string (trimmed, lower cased and split on spaces if not RegEx)
+ let isPassFunc; // filter function, set once, then applied to all elements
+ filter = filter.trim();
+ if (filter[0] != "/") { // Plain text: case insensitive, AND if multi-string
+ isPassFunc = isPassText;
+ filter = filter.toLowerCase().split(" ");
+ } else {
+ isPassFunc = isPassRegex;
+ var r = filter.match(/^\/(.*)\/(i?)$/);
+ try {
+ filter = RegExp(r[1], r[2]);
+ }
+ catch (e) { // Incomplete or bad RegExp - always no match
+ isPassFunc = function() {
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ let needLower = (isPassFunc === isPassText);
+ let histograms = aContainerNode.getElementsByClassName("histogram");
+ for (let hist of histograms) {
+ hist.classList[isPassFunc((needLower ? :, filter) ? "remove" : "add"]("filter-blocked");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Event handler for change at histograms filter input
+ *
+ * When invoked, 'this' is expected to be the filter HTML node.
+ */
+ histogramFilterChanged: function _histogramFilterChanged() {
+ if (this.idleTimeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this.idleTimeout);
+ }
+ this.idleTimeout = setTimeout( () => {
+ Histogram.filterHistograms(document.getElementById(this.getAttribute("target_id")), this.value);
+ }
+ * Helper function to render JS objects with white space between top level elements
+ * so that they look better in the browser
+ * @param aObject JavaScript object or array to render
+ * @return String
+ */
+function RenderObject(aObject) {
+ let output = "";
+ if (Array.isArray(aObject)) {
+ if (aObject.length == 0) {
+ return "[]";
+ }
+ output = "[" + JSON.stringify(aObject[0]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < aObject.length; i++) {
+ output += ", " + JSON.stringify(aObject[i]);
+ }
+ return output + "]";
+ }
+ let keys = Object.keys(aObject);
+ if (keys.length == 0) {
+ return "{}";
+ }
+ output = "{\"" + keys[0] + "\":\u00A0" + JSON.stringify(aObject[keys[0]]);
+ for (let i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ output += ", \"" + keys[i] + "\":\u00A0" + JSON.stringify(aObject[keys[i]]);
+ }
+ return output + "}";
+var KeyValueTable = {
+ /**
+ * Returns a 2-column table with keys and values
+ * @param aMeasurements Each key in this JS object is rendered as a row in
+ * the table with its corresponding value
+ * @param aKeysLabel Column header for the keys column
+ * @param aValuesLabel Column header for the values column
+ */
+ render: function KeyValueTable_render(aMeasurements, aKeysLabel, aValuesLabel) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ this.renderHeader(table, aKeysLabel, aValuesLabel);
+ this.renderBody(table, aMeasurements);
+ return table;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create the table header
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param aTable Table element
+ * @param aKeysLabel Column header for the keys column
+ * @param aValuesLabel Column header for the values column
+ */
+ renderHeader: function KeyValueTable_renderHeader(aTable, aKeysLabel, aValuesLabel) {
+ let headerRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ aTable.appendChild(headerRow);
+ let keysColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ keysColumn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aKeysLabel + "\t"));
+ let valuesColumn = document.createElement("th");
+ valuesColumn.appendChild(document.createTextNode(aValuesLabel + "\n"));
+ headerRow.appendChild(keysColumn);
+ headerRow.appendChild(valuesColumn);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create the table body
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param aTable Table element
+ * @param aMeasurements Key/value map
+ */
+ renderBody: function KeyValueTable_renderBody(aTable, aMeasurements) {
+ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(aMeasurements)) {
+ // use .valueOf() to unbox Number, String, etc. objects
+ if (value &&
+ (typeof value == "object") &&
+ (typeof value.valueOf() == "object")) {
+ value = RenderObject(value);
+ }
+ let newRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ aTable.appendChild(newRow);
+ let keyField = document.createElement("td");
+ keyField.appendChild(document.createTextNode(key + "\t"));
+ newRow.appendChild(keyField);
+ let valueField = document.createElement("td");
+ valueField.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value + "\n"));
+ newRow.appendChild(valueField);
+ }
+ }
+var GenericTable = {
+ /**
+ * Returns a n-column table.
+ * @param rows An array of arrays, each containing data to render
+ * for one row.
+ * @param headings The column header strings.
+ */
+ render: function(rows, headings) {
+ let table = document.createElement("table");
+ this.renderHeader(table, headings);
+ this.renderBody(table, rows);
+ return table;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create the table header.
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param table Table element
+ * @param headings Array of column header strings.
+ */
+ renderHeader: function(table, headings) {
+ let headerRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ table.appendChild(headerRow);
+ for (let i = 0; i < headings.length; ++i) {
+ let suffix = (i == (headings.length - 1)) ? "\n" : "\t";
+ let column = document.createElement("th");
+ column.appendChild(document.createTextNode(headings[i] + suffix));
+ headerRow.appendChild(column);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create the table body
+ * Tabs & newlines added to cells to make it easier to copy-paste.
+ *
+ * @param table Table element
+ * @param rows An array of arrays, each containing data to render
+ * for one row.
+ */
+ renderBody: function(table, rows) {
+ for (let row of rows) {
+ row = => {
+ // use .valueOf() to unbox Number, String, etc. objects
+ if (value &&
+ (typeof value == "object") &&
+ (typeof value.valueOf() == "object")) {
+ return RenderObject(value);
+ }
+ return value;
+ });
+ let newRow = document.createElement("tr");
+ table.appendChild(newRow);
+ for (let i = 0; i < row.length; ++i) {
+ let suffix = (i == (row.length - 1)) ? "\n" : "\t";
+ let field = document.createElement("td");
+ field.appendChild(document.createTextNode(row[i] + suffix));
+ newRow.appendChild(field);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var KeyedHistogram = {
+ render: function(parent, id, keyedHistogram) {
+ let outerDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ outerDiv.className = "keyed-histogram";
+ = id;
+ let divTitle = document.createElement("div");
+ divTitle.className = "keyed-histogram-title";
+ divTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(id));
+ outerDiv.appendChild(divTitle);
+ for (let [name, hgram] of Object.entries(keyedHistogram)) {
+ Histogram.render(outerDiv, name, hgram);
+ }
+ parent.appendChild(outerDiv);
+ return outerDiv;
+ },
+var AddonDetails = {
+ tableIDTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("addonTableID"),
+ tableDetailsTitle: bundle.GetStringFromName("addonTableDetails"),
+ /**
+ * Render the addon details section as a series of headers followed by key/value tables
+ * @param aPing A ping object to render the data from.
+ */
+ render: function AddonDetails_render(aPing) {
+ let addonSection = document.getElementById("addon-details");
+ removeAllChildNodes(addonSection);
+ let addonDetails = aPing.payload.addonDetails;
+ const hasData = addonDetails && Object.keys(addonDetails).length > 0;
+ setHasData("addon-details-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let provider in addonDetails) {
+ let providerSection = document.createElement("h2");
+ let titleText = bundle.formatStringFromName("addonProvider", [provider], 1);
+ providerSection.appendChild(document.createTextNode(titleText));
+ addonSection.appendChild(providerSection);
+ addonSection.appendChild(
+ KeyValueTable.render(addonDetails[provider],
+ this.tableIDTitle, this.tableDetailsTitle));
+ }
+ }
+var Scalars = {
+ /**
+ * Render the scalar data - if present - from the payload in a simple key-value table.
+ * @param aPayload A payload object to render the data from.
+ */
+ render: function(aPayload) {
+ let scalarsSection = document.getElementById("scalars");
+ removeAllChildNodes(scalarsSection);
+ if (!aPayload.processes || !aPayload.processes.parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let scalars = aPayload.processes.parent.scalars;
+ const hasData = scalars && Object.keys(scalars).length > 0;
+ setHasData("scalars-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const headingName = bundle.GetStringFromName("namesHeader");
+ const headingValue = bundle.GetStringFromName("valuesHeader");
+ const table = KeyValueTable.render(scalars, headingName, headingValue);
+ scalarsSection.appendChild(table);
+ }
+var KeyedScalars = {
+ /**
+ * Render the keyed scalar data - if present - from the payload in a simple key-value table.
+ * @param aPayload A payload object to render the data from.
+ */
+ render: function(aPayload) {
+ let scalarsSection = document.getElementById("keyed-scalars");
+ removeAllChildNodes(scalarsSection);
+ if (!aPayload.processes || !aPayload.processes.parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let keyedScalars = aPayload.processes.parent.keyedScalars;
+ const hasData = keyedScalars && Object.keys(keyedScalars).length > 0;
+ setHasData("keyed-scalars-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const headingName = bundle.GetStringFromName("namesHeader");
+ const headingValue = bundle.GetStringFromName("valuesHeader");
+ for (let scalar in keyedScalars) {
+ // Add the name of the scalar.
+ let scalarNameSection = document.createElement("h2");
+ scalarNameSection.appendChild(document.createTextNode(scalar));
+ scalarsSection.appendChild(scalarNameSection);
+ // Populate the section with the key-value pairs from the scalar.
+ const table = KeyValueTable.render(keyedScalars[scalar], headingName, headingValue);
+ scalarsSection.appendChild(table);
+ }
+ }
+var Events = {
+ /**
+ * Render the event data - if present - from the payload in a simple table.
+ * @param aPayload A payload object to render the data from.
+ */
+ render: function(aPayload) {
+ let eventsSection = document.getElementById("events");
+ removeAllChildNodes(eventsSection);
+ if (!aPayload.processes || !aPayload.processes.parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const events =;
+ const hasData = events && Object.keys(events).length > 0;
+ setHasData("events-section", hasData);
+ if (!hasData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const headings = [
+ "timestamp",
+ "category",
+ "method",
+ "object",
+ "value",
+ "extra",
+ ];
+ const table = GenericTable.render(events, headings);
+ eventsSection.appendChild(table);
+ }
+ * Helper function for showing either the toggle element or "No data collected" message for a section
+ *
+ * @param aSectionID ID of the section element that needs to be changed
+ * @param aHasData true (default) indicates that toggle should be displayed
+ */
+function setHasData(aSectionID, aHasData) {
+ let sectionElement = document.getElementById(aSectionID);
+ sectionElement.classList[aHasData ? "add" : "remove"]("has-data");
+ * Helper function that expands and collapses sections +
+ * changes caption on the toggle text
+ */
+function toggleSection(aEvent) {
+ let parentElement =;
+ if (!parentElement.classList.contains("has-data") &&
+ !parentElement.classList.contains("has-subdata")) {
+ return; // nothing to toggle
+ }
+ parentElement.classList.toggle("expanded");
+ // Store section opened/closed state in a hidden checkbox (which is then used on reload)
+ let statebox = parentElement.getElementsByClassName("statebox")[0];
+ if (statebox) {
+ statebox.checked = parentElement.classList.contains("expanded");
+ }
+ * Sets the text of the page header based on a config pref + bundle strings
+ */
+function setupPageHeader()
+ let serverOwner = Preferences.get(PREF_TELEMETRY_SERVER_OWNER, "Mozilla");
+ let brandName = brandBundle.GetStringFromName("brandFullName");
+ let subtitleText = bundle.formatStringFromName(
+ "pageSubtitle", [serverOwner, brandName], 2);
+ let subtitleElement = document.getElementById("page-subtitle");
+ subtitleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(subtitleText));
+ * Initializes load/unload, pref change and mouse-click listeners
+ */
+function setupListeners() {
+ Settings.attachObservers();
+ PingPicker.attachObservers();
+ // Clean up observers when page is closed
+ window.addEventListener("unload",
+ function unloadHandler(aEvent) {
+ window.removeEventListener("unload", unloadHandler);
+ Settings.detachObservers();
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("chrome-hangs-fetch-symbols").addEventListener("click",
+ function () {
+ if (!gPingData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let hangs = gPingData.payload.chromeHangs;
+ let req = new SymbolicationRequest("chrome-hangs",
+ ChromeHangs.renderHangHeader,
+ hangs.memoryMap,
+ hangs.stacks,
+ hangs.durations);
+ req.fetchSymbols();
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("chrome-hangs-hide-symbols").addEventListener("click",
+ function () {
+ if (!gPingData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ChromeHangs.render(gPingData);
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("late-writes-fetch-symbols").addEventListener("click",
+ function () {
+ if (!gPingData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let lateWrites = gPingData.payload.lateWrites;
+ let req = new SymbolicationRequest("late-writes",
+ LateWritesSingleton.renderHeader,
+ lateWrites.memoryMap,
+ lateWrites.stacks);
+ req.fetchSymbols();
+ }, false);
+ document.getElementById("late-writes-hide-symbols").addEventListener("click",
+ function () {
+ if (!gPingData) {
+ return;
+ }
+ LateWritesSingleton.renderLateWrites(gPingData.payload.lateWrites);
+ }, false);
+ // Clicking on the section name will toggle its state
+ let sectionHeaders = document.getElementsByClassName("section-name");
+ for (let sectionHeader of sectionHeaders) {
+ sectionHeader.addEventListener("click", toggleSection, false);
+ }
+ // Clicking on the "toggle" text will also toggle section's state
+ let toggleLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle-caption");
+ for (let toggleLink of toggleLinks) {
+ toggleLink.addEventListener("click", toggleSection, false);
+ }
+function onLoad() {
+ window.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
+ // Set the text in the page header
+ setupPageHeader();
+ // Set up event listeners
+ setupListeners();
+ // Render settings.
+ Settings.render();
+ // Restore sections states
+ let stateboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("statebox");
+ for (let box of stateboxes) {
+ if (box.checked) { // Was open. Will still display as empty if not has-data
+ box.parentElement.classList.add("expanded");
+ }
+ }
+ // Update ping data when async Telemetry init is finished.
+ Telemetry.asyncFetchTelemetryData(() => PingPicker.update());
+var LateWritesSingleton = {
+ renderHeader: function LateWritesSingleton_renderHeader(aIndex) {
+ StackRenderer.renderHeader("late-writes", [aIndex + 1]);
+ },
+ renderLateWrites: function LateWritesSingleton_renderLateWrites(lateWrites) {
+ setHasData("late-writes-section", !!lateWrites);
+ if (!lateWrites) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let stacks = lateWrites.stacks;
+ let memoryMap = lateWrites.memoryMap;
+ StackRenderer.renderStacks('late-writes', stacks, memoryMap,
+ LateWritesSingleton.renderHeader);
+ }
+ * Helper function for sorting the startup milestones in the Simple Measurements
+ * section into temporal order.
+ *
+ * @param aSimpleMeasurements Telemetry ping's "Simple Measurements" data
+ * @return Sorted measurements
+ */
+function sortStartupMilestones(aSimpleMeasurements) {
+ const telemetryTimestamps = TelemetryTimestamps.get();
+ let startupEvents = Services.startup.getStartupInfo();
+ delete startupEvents['process'];
+ function keyIsMilestone(k) {
+ return (k in startupEvents) || (k in telemetryTimestamps);
+ }
+ let sortedKeys = Object.keys(aSimpleMeasurements);
+ // Sort the measurements, with startup milestones at the front + ordered by time
+ sortedKeys.sort(function keyCompare(keyA, keyB) {
+ let isKeyAMilestone = keyIsMilestone(keyA);
+ let isKeyBMilestone = keyIsMilestone(keyB);
+ // First order by startup vs non-startup measurement
+ if (isKeyAMilestone && !isKeyBMilestone)
+ return -1;
+ if (!isKeyAMilestone && isKeyBMilestone)
+ return 1;
+ // Don't change order of non-startup measurements
+ if (!isKeyAMilestone && !isKeyBMilestone)
+ return 0;
+ // If both keys are startup measurements, order them by value
+ return aSimpleMeasurements[keyA] - aSimpleMeasurements[keyB];
+ });
+ // Insert measurements into a result object in sort-order
+ let result = {};
+ for (let key of sortedKeys) {
+ result[key] = aSimpleMeasurements[key];
+ }
+ return result;
+function renderProcessList(ping, selectEl) {
+ removeAllChildNodes(selectEl);
+ let option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.appendChild(document.createTextNode("parent"));
+ option.setAttribute("value", "");
+ option.selected = true;
+ selectEl.appendChild(option);
+ if (!("processes" in ping.payload)) {
+ selectEl.disabled = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ selectEl.disabled = false;
+ for (let process of Object.keys(ping.payload.processes)) {
+ // TODO: parent hgrams are on root payload, not in payload.processes.parent
+ // When/If that gets moved, you'll need to remove this:
+ if (process === "parent") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(process));
+ option.setAttribute("value", process);
+ selectEl.appendChild(option);
+ }
+function renderPayloadList(ping) {
+ // Rebuild the payload select with options:
+ // Parent Payload (selected)
+ // Child Payload
+ let listEl = document.getElementById("choose-payload");
+ removeAllChildNodes(listEl);
+ let option = document.createElement("option");
+ let text = bundle.GetStringFromName("parentPayload");
+ let content = document.createTextNode(text);
+ let payloadIndex = 0;
+ option.appendChild(content);
+ option.setAttribute("value", payloadIndex++);
+ option.selected = true;
+ listEl.appendChild(option);
+ if (!ping.payload.childPayloads) {
+ listEl.disabled = true;
+ return
+ }
+ listEl.disabled = false;
+ for (; payloadIndex <= ping.payload.childPayloads.length; ++payloadIndex) {
+ option = document.createElement("option");
+ text = bundle.formatStringFromName("childPayloadN", [payloadIndex], 1);
+ content = document.createTextNode(text);
+ option.appendChild(content);
+ option.setAttribute("value", payloadIndex);
+ listEl.appendChild(option);
+ }
+function toggleElementHidden(element, isHidden) {
+ if (isHidden) {
+ element.classList.add("hidden");
+ } else {
+ element.classList.remove("hidden");
+ }
+function togglePingSections(isMainPing) {
+ // We always show the sections that are "common" to all pings.
+ // The raw payload section is only used for pings other than "main" and "saved-session".
+ let commonSections = new Set(["general-data-section", "environment-data-section"]);
+ let otherPingSections = new Set(["raw-payload-section"]);
+ let elements = document.getElementById("structured-ping-data-section").children;
+ for (let section of elements) {
+ if (commonSections.has( {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let showElement = isMainPing != otherPingSections.has(;
+ toggleElementHidden(section, !showElement);
+ }
+function displayPingData(ping, updatePayloadList = false) {
+ gPingData = ping;
+ // Render raw ping data.
+ let pre = document.getElementById("raw-ping-data");
+ pre.textContent = JSON.stringify(gPingData, null, 2);
+ // Update the structured data rendering.
+ const keysHeader = bundle.GetStringFromName("keysHeader");
+ const valuesHeader = bundle.GetStringFromName("valuesHeader");
+ // Update the payload list and process lists
+ if (updatePayloadList) {
+ renderPayloadList(ping);
+ renderProcessList(ping, document.getElementById("histograms-processes"));
+ renderProcessList(ping, document.getElementById("keyed-histograms-processes"));
+ }
+ // Show general data.
+ GeneralData.render(ping);
+ // Show environment data.
+ EnvironmentData.render(ping);
+ // We only have special rendering code for the payloads from "main" pings.
+ // For any other pings we just render the raw JSON payload.
+ let isMainPing = (ping.type == "main" || ping.type == "saved-session");
+ togglePingSections(isMainPing);
+ if (!isMainPing) {
+ RawPayload.render(ping);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Show telemetry log.
+ TelLog.render(ping);
+ // Show slow SQL stats
+ SlowSQL.render(ping);
+ // Show chrome hang stacks
+ ChromeHangs.render(ping);
+ // Render Addon details.
+ AddonDetails.render(ping);
+ // Select payload to render
+ let payloadSelect = document.getElementById("choose-payload");
+ let payloadOption = payloadSelect.selectedOptions.item(0);
+ let payloadIndex = payloadOption.getAttribute("value");
+ let payload = ping.payload;
+ if (payloadIndex > 0) {
+ payload = ping.payload.childPayloads[payloadIndex - 1];
+ }
+ // Show thread hang stats
+ ThreadHangStats.render(payload);
+ // Show simple measurements
+ let simpleMeasurements = sortStartupMilestones(payload.simpleMeasurements);
+ let hasData = Object.keys(simpleMeasurements).length > 0;
+ setHasData("simple-measurements-section", hasData);
+ let simpleSection = document.getElementById("simple-measurements");
+ removeAllChildNodes(simpleSection);
+ if (hasData) {
+ simpleSection.appendChild(KeyValueTable.render(simpleMeasurements,
+ keysHeader, valuesHeader));
+ }
+ LateWritesSingleton.renderLateWrites(payload.lateWrites);
+ // Show basic session info gathered
+ hasData = Object.keys( > 0;
+ setHasData("session-info-section", hasData);
+ let infoSection = document.getElementById("session-info");
+ removeAllChildNodes(infoSection);
+ if (hasData) {
+ infoSection.appendChild(KeyValueTable.render(,
+ keysHeader, valuesHeader));
+ }
+ // Show scalar data.
+ Scalars.render(payload);
+ KeyedScalars.render(payload);
+ // Show histogram data
+ let hgramDiv = document.getElementById("histograms");
+ removeAllChildNodes(hgramDiv);
+ let histograms = payload.histograms;
+ let hgramsSelect = document.getElementById("histograms-processes");
+ let hgramsOption = hgramsSelect.selectedOptions.item(0);
+ let hgramsProcess = hgramsOption.getAttribute("value");
+ if (hgramsProcess &&
+ "processes" in ping.payload &&
+ hgramsProcess in ping.payload.processes) {
+ histograms = ping.payload.processes[hgramsProcess].histograms;
+ }
+ hasData = Object.keys(histograms).length > 0;
+ setHasData("histograms-section", hasData || hgramsSelect.options.length);
+ if (hasData) {
+ for (let [name, hgram] of Object.entries(histograms)) {
+ Histogram.render(hgramDiv, name, hgram, {unpacked: true});
+ }
+ let filterBox = document.getElementById("histograms-filter");
+ filterBox.addEventListener("input", Histogram.histogramFilterChanged, false);
+ if (filterBox.value.trim() != "") { // on load, no need to filter if empty
+ Histogram.filterHistograms(hgramDiv, filterBox.value);
+ }
+ setHasData("histograms-section", true);
+ }
+ // Show keyed histogram data
+ let keyedDiv = document.getElementById("keyed-histograms");
+ removeAllChildNodes(keyedDiv);
+ let keyedHistograms = payload.keyedHistograms;
+ let keyedHgramsSelect = document.getElementById("keyed-histograms-processes");
+ let keyedHgramsOption = keyedHgramsSelect.selectedOptions.item(0);
+ let keyedHgramsProcess = keyedHgramsOption.getAttribute("value");
+ if (keyedHgramsProcess &&
+ "processes" in ping.payload &&
+ keyedHgramsProcess in ping.payload.processes) {
+ keyedHistograms = ping.payload.processes[keyedHgramsProcess].keyedHistograms;
+ }
+ setHasData("keyed-histograms-section", keyedHgramsSelect.options.length);
+ if (keyedHistograms) {
+ let hasData = false;
+ for (let [id, keyed] of Object.entries(keyedHistograms)) {
+ if (Object.keys(keyed).length > 0) {
+ hasData = true;
+ KeyedHistogram.render(keyedDiv, id, keyed, {unpacked: true});
+ }
+ }
+ setHasData("keyed-histograms-section", hasData || keyedHgramsSelect.options.length);
+ }
+ // Show event data.
+ Events.render(payload);
+ // Show addon histogram data
+ let addonDiv = document.getElementById("addon-histograms");
+ removeAllChildNodes(addonDiv);
+ let addonHistogramsRendered = false;
+ let addonData = payload.addonHistograms;
+ if (addonData) {
+ for (let [addon, histograms] of Object.entries(addonData)) {
+ for (let [name, hgram] of Object.entries(histograms)) {
+ addonHistogramsRendered = true;
+ Histogram.render(addonDiv, addon + ": " + name, hgram, {unpacked: true});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setHasData("addon-histograms-section", addonHistogramsRendered);
+window.addEventListener("load", onLoad, false);