path: root/toolkit/components/webextensions/test/mochitest/head_webrequest.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/webextensions/test/mochitest/head_webrequest.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 331 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/webextensions/test/mochitest/head_webrequest.js b/toolkit/components/webextensions/test/mochitest/head_webrequest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 96924e505..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/webextensions/test/mochitest/head_webrequest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-let commonEvents = {
- "onBeforeRequest": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["blocking"]],
- "onBeforeSendHeaders": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["blocking", "requestHeaders"]],
- "onSendHeaders": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["requestHeaders"]],
- "onBeforeRedirect": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}],
- "onHeadersReceived": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"]],
- "onResponseStarted": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}],
- "onCompleted": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}, ["responseHeaders"]],
- "onErrorOccurred": [{urls: ["<all_urls>"]}],
-function background(events) {
- let expect;
- let ignore;
- let defaultOrigin;
- browser.test.onMessage.addListener((msg, expected) => {
- if (msg !== "set-expected") {
- return;
- }
- expect = expected.expect;
- defaultOrigin = expected.origin;
- ignore = expected.ignore;
- let promises = [];
- // Initialize some stuff we'll need in the tests.
- for (let entry of Object.values(expect)) {
- // a place for the test infrastructure to store some state.
- entry.test = {};
- // Each entry in expected gets a Promise that will be resolved in the
- // last event for that entry. This will either be onCompleted, or the
- // last entry if an events list was provided.
- promises.push(new Promise(resolve => { entry.test.resolve = resolve; }));
- // If events was left undefined, we're expecting all normal events we're
- // listening for, exclude onBeforeRedirect and onErrorOccurred
- if ( === undefined) {
- = Object.keys(events).filter(name => name != "onErrorOccurred" && name != "onBeforeRedirect");
- }
- if (entry.optional_events === undefined) {
- entry.optional_events = [];
- }
- }
- // When every expected entry has finished our test is done.
- Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
- browser.test.sendMessage("done");
- });
- browser.test.sendMessage("continue");
- });
- // Retrieve the per-file/test expected values.
- function getExpected(details) {
- let url = new URL(details.url);
- let filename;
- if (url.protocol == "data:") {
- // pathname is everything after protocol.
- filename = url.pathname;
- } else {
- filename = url.pathname.split("/").pop();
- }
- if (ignore && ignore.includes(filename)) {
- return;
- }
- let expected = expect[filename];
- if (!expected) {
-`unexpected request ${filename}`);
- return;
- }
- // Save filename for redirect verification.
- expected.test.filename = filename;
- return expected;
- }
- // Process any test header modifications that can happen in request or response phases.
- // If a test includes headers, it needs a complete header object, no undefined
- // objects even if empty:
- // request: {
- // add: {"HeaderName": "value",},
- // modify: {"HeaderName": "value",},
- // remove: ["HeaderName",],
- // },
- // response: {
- // add: {"HeaderName": "value",},
- // modify: {"HeaderName": "value",},
- // remove: ["HeaderName",],
- // },
- function processHeaders(phase, expected, details) {
- // This should only happen once per phase [request|response].
- browser.test.assertFalse(!!expected.test[phase], `First processing of headers for ${phase}`);
- expected.test[phase] = true;
- let headers = details[`${phase}Headers`];
- browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(headers), `${phase}Headers array present`);
- let {add, modify, remove} = expected.headers[phase];
- for (let name in add) {
- browser.test.assertTrue(!headers.find(h => === name), `header ${name} to be added not present yet in ${phase}Headers`);
- let header = {name: name};
- if (name.endsWith("-binary")) {
- header.binaryValue = Array.from(add[name], c => c.charCodeAt(0));
- } else {
- header.value = add[name];
- }
- headers.push(header);
- }
- let modifiedAny = false;
- for (let header of headers) {
- if ( in modify) {
- header.value = modify[];
- modifiedAny = true;
- }
- }
- browser.test.assertTrue(modifiedAny, `at least one ${phase}Headers element to modify`);
- let deletedAny = false;
- for (let j = headers.length; j-- > 0;) {
- if (remove.includes(headers[j].name.toLowerCase())) {
- headers.splice(j, 1);
- deletedAny = true;
- }
- }
- browser.test.assertTrue(deletedAny, `at least one ${phase}Headers element to delete`);
- return headers;
- }
- // phase is request or response.
- function checkHeaders(phase, expected, details) {
- if (!/^https?:/.test(details.url)) {
- return;
- }
- let headers = details[`${phase}Headers`];
- browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(headers), `valid ${phase}Headers array`);
- let {add, modify, remove} = expected.headers[phase];
- for (let name in add) {
- let value = headers.find(h => === name.toLowerCase()).value;
- browser.test.assertEq(value, add[name], `header ${name} correctly injected in ${phase}Headers`);
- }
- for (let name in modify) {
- let value = headers.find(h => === name.toLowerCase()).value;
- browser.test.assertEq(value, modify[name], `header ${name} matches modified value`);
- }
- for (let name of remove) {
- let found = headers.find(h => === name.toLowerCase());
- browser.test.assertFalse(!!found, `deleted header ${name} still found in ${phase}Headers`);
- }
- }
- function getListener(name) {
- return details => {
- let result = {};
- browser.test.log(`${name} ${details.requestId} ${details.url}`);
- let expected = getExpected(details);
- if (!expected) {
- return result;
- }
- let expectedEvent =[0] == name;
- if (expectedEvent) {
- } else {
- expectedEvent = expected.optional_events[0] == name;
- if (expectedEvent) {
- expected.optional_events.shift();
- }
- }
- browser.test.assertTrue(expectedEvent, `received ${name}`);
- browser.test.assertEq(expected.type, details.type, "resource type is correct");
- browser.test.assertEq(expected.origin || defaultOrigin, details.originUrl, "origin is correct");
- if (name == "onBeforeRequest") {
- // Save some values to test request consistency in later events.
- browser.test.assertTrue(details.tabId !== undefined, `tabId ${details.tabId}`);
- browser.test.assertTrue(details.requestId !== undefined, `requestId ${details.requestId}`);
- // Validate requestId if it's already set, this happens with redirects.
- if (expected.test.requestId !== undefined) {
- browser.test.assertEq("string", typeof expected.test.requestId, `requestid ${expected.test.requestId} is string`);
- browser.test.assertEq("string", typeof details.requestId, `requestid ${details.requestId} is string`);
- browser.test.assertEq("number", typeof parseInt(details.requestId, 10), "parsed requestid is number");
- browser.test.assertNotEq(expected.test.requestId, details.requestId,
- `last requestId ${expected.test.requestId} different from this one ${details.requestId}`);
- } else {
- // Save any values we want to validate in later events.
- expected.test.requestId = details.requestId;
- expected.test.tabId = details.tabId;
- }
- // Tests we don't need to do every event.
- browser.test.assertTrue(details.type.toUpperCase() in browser.webRequest.ResourceType, `valid resource type ${details.type}`);
- if (details.type == "main_frame") {
- browser.test.assertEq(0, details.frameId, "frameId is zero when type is main_frame bug 1329299");
- }
- } else {
- // On events after onBeforeRequest, check the previous values.
- browser.test.assertEq(expected.test.requestId, details.requestId, "correct requestId");
- browser.test.assertEq(expected.test.tabId, details.tabId, "correct tabId");
- }
- if (name == "onBeforeSendHeaders") {
- if (expected.headers && expected.headers.request) {
- result.requestHeaders = processHeaders("request", expected, details);
- }
- if (expected.redirect) {
- browser.test.log(`${name} redirect request`);
- result.redirectUrl = details.url.replace(expected.test.filename, expected.redirect);
- }
- }
- if (name == "onSendHeaders") {
- if (expected.headers && expected.headers.request) {
- checkHeaders("request", expected, details);
- }
- }
- if (name == "onHeadersReceived") {
- browser.test.assertEq(expected.status || 200, details.statusCode,
- `expected HTTP status received for ${details.url}`);
- if (expected.headers && expected.headers.response) {
- result.responseHeaders = processHeaders("response", expected, details);
- }
- }
- if (name == "onCompleted") {
- // If we have already completed a GET request for this url,
- // and it was found, we expect for the response to come fromCache.
- // expected.cached may be undefined, force boolean.
- let expectCached = !!expected.cached && details.method === "GET" && details.statusCode != 404;
- browser.test.assertEq(expectCached, details.fromCache, "fromCache is correct");
- // We can only tell IPs for non-cached HTTP requests.
- if (!details.fromCache && /^https?:/.test(details.url)) {
- browser.test.assertEq("", details.ip, `correct ip for ${details.url}`);
- }
- if (expected.headers && expected.headers.response) {
- checkHeaders("response", expected, details);
- }
- }
- if (expected.cancel && expected.cancel == name) {
- browser.test.log(`${name} cancel request`);
- browser.test.sendMessage("cancelled");
- result.cancel = true;
- }
- // If we've used up all the events for this test, resolve the promise.
- // If something wrong happens and more events come through, there will be
- // failures.
- if ( <= 0) {
- expected.test.resolve();
- }
- return result;
- };
- }
- for (let [name, args] of Object.entries(events)) {
- browser.test.log(`adding listener for ${name}`);
- try {
- browser.webRequest[name].addListener(getListener(name), ...args);
- } catch (e) {
- browser.test.assertTrue(/\brequestBody\b/.test(e.message),
- "Request body is unsupported");
- // RequestBody is disabled in release builds.
- if (!/\brequestBody\b/.test(e.message)) {
- throw e;
- }
- args.splice(args.indexOf("requestBody"), 1);
- browser.webRequest[name].addListener(getListener(name), ...args);
- }
- }
-/* exported makeExtension */
-function makeExtension(events = commonEvents) {
- return ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
- manifest: {
- permissions: [
- "webRequest",
- "webRequestBlocking",
- "<all_urls>",
- ],
- },
- background: `(${background})(${JSON.stringify(events)})`,
- });
-/* exported addStylesheet */
-function addStylesheet(file) {
- let link = document.createElement("link");
- link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
- link.setAttribute("href", file);
- document.body.appendChild(link);
-/* exported addLink */
-function addLink(file) {
- let a = document.createElement("a");
- a.setAttribute("href", file);
- a.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
- document.body.appendChild(a);
- return a;
-/* exported addImage */
-function addImage(file) {
- let img = document.createElement("img");
- img.setAttribute("src", file);
- document.body.appendChild(img);
-/* exported addScript */
-function addScript(file) {
- let script = document.createElement("script");
- script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
- script.setAttribute("src", file);
- document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0).appendChild(script);
-/* exported addFrame */
-function addFrame(file) {
- let frame = document.createElement("iframe");
- frame.setAttribute("width", "200");
- frame.setAttribute("height", "200");
- frame.setAttribute("src", file);
- document.body.appendChild(frame);