path: root/toolkit/components/search/tests/xpcshell/test_geodefaults.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/search/tests/xpcshell/test_geodefaults.js')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/search/tests/xpcshell/test_geodefaults.js b/toolkit/components/search/tests/xpcshell/test_geodefaults.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2367bbbc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/search/tests/xpcshell/test_geodefaults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+var requests = [];
+var gServerCohort = "";
+const kUrlPref = "geoSpecificDefaults.url";
+const kDayInSeconds = 86400;
+const kYearInSeconds = kDayInSeconds * 365;
+function run_test() {
+ updateAppInfo();
+ installTestEngine();
+ let srv = new HttpServer();
+ srv.registerPathHandler("/lookup_defaults", (metadata, response) => {
+ response.setStatusLine("1.1", 200, "OK");
+ let data = {interval: kYearInSeconds,
+ settings: {searchDefault: "Test search engine"}};
+ if (gServerCohort)
+ data.cohort = gServerCohort;
+ response.write(JSON.stringify(data));
+ requests.push(metadata);
+ });
+ srv.registerPathHandler("/lookup_fail", (metadata, response) => {
+ response.setStatusLine("1.1", 404, "Not Found");
+ requests.push(metadata);
+ });
+ srv.registerPathHandler("/lookup_unavailable", (metadata, response) => {
+ response.setStatusLine("1.1", 503, "Service Unavailable");
+ response.setHeader("Retry-After", kDayInSeconds.toString());
+ requests.push(metadata);
+ });
+ srv.start(-1);
+ do_register_cleanup(() => srv.stop(() => {}));
+ let url = "http://localhost:" + srv.identity.primaryPort + "/lookup_defaults?";
+ Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF).setCharPref(kUrlPref, url);
+ // Set a bogus user value so that running the test ensures we ignore it.
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref(BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + kUrlPref, "about:blank");
+ Services.prefs.setCharPref("",
+ 'data:application/json,{"country_code": "FR"}');
+ run_next_test();
+function checkNoRequest() {
+ do_check_eq(requests.length, 0);
+function checkRequest(cohort = "") {
+ do_check_eq(requests.length, 1);
+ let req = requests.pop();
+ do_check_eq(req._method, "GET");
+ do_check_eq(req._queryString, cohort ? "/" + cohort : "");
+add_task(function* no_request_if_prefed_off() {
+ // Disable geoSpecificDefaults and check no HTTP request is made.
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", false);
+ yield asyncInit();
+ checkNoRequest();
+ yield promiseAfterCache();
+ // The default engine should be set based on the prefs.
+ do_check_eq(, getDefaultEngineName(false));
+ // Ensure nothing related to geoSpecificDefaults has been written in the metadata.
+ let metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultExpir, "undefined");
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefault, "undefined");
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultHash, "undefined");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", true);
+add_task(function* should_get_geo_defaults_only_once() {
+ // (Re)initializing the search service should trigger a request,
+ // and set the default engine based on it.
+ // Due to the previous initialization, we expect the countryCode to already be set.
+ do_check_true(Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(""));
+ do_check_eq(Services.prefs.getCharPref(""), "FR");
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ do_check_eq(, kTestEngineName);
+ yield promiseAfterCache();
+ // Verify the metadata was written correctly.
+ let metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultExpir, "number");
+ do_check_true(metadata.searchDefaultExpir >;
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefault, "string");
+ do_check_eq(metadata.searchDefault, "Test search engine");
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultHash, "string");
+ do_check_eq(metadata.searchDefaultHash.length, 44);
+ // The next restart shouldn't trigger a request.
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkNoRequest();
+ do_check_eq(, kTestEngineName);
+add_task(function* should_request_when_countryCode_not_set() {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("");
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ yield promiseAfterCache();
+add_task(function* should_recheck_if_interval_expired() {
+ yield forceExpiration();
+ let date =;
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ yield promiseAfterCache();
+ // Check that the expiration timestamp has been updated.
+ let metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultExpir, "number");
+ do_check_true(metadata.searchDefaultExpir >= date + kYearInSeconds * 1000);
+ do_check_true(metadata.searchDefaultExpir < date + (kYearInSeconds + 3600) * 1000);
+add_task(function* should_recheck_when_broken_hash() {
+ // This test verifies both that we ignore saved geo-defaults if the
+ // hash is invalid, and that we keep the local preferences-based
+ // default for all of the session in case a synchronous
+ // initialization was triggered before our HTTP request completed.
+ let metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ // Break the hash.
+ let hash = metadata.searchDefaultHash;
+ metadata.searchDefaultHash = "broken";
+ yield promiseSaveGlobalMetadata(metadata);
+ let commitPromise = promiseAfterCache();
+ let unInitPromise = waitForSearchNotification("uninit-complete");
+ let reInitPromise = asyncReInit();
+ yield unInitPromise;
+ // Synchronously check the current default engine, to force a sync init.
+ // The hash is wrong, so we should fallback to the default engine from prefs.
+ do_check_false(
+ do_check_eq(, getDefaultEngineName(false));
+ do_check_true(
+ yield reInitPromise;
+ checkRequest();
+ yield commitPromise;
+ // Check that the hash is back to its previous value.
+ metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultHash, "string");
+ if (metadata.searchDefaultHash == "broken") {
+ // If the server takes more than 1000ms to return the result,
+ // the commitPromise was resolved by a first save of the cache
+ // that saved the engines, but not the request's results.
+ do_print("waiting for the cache to be saved a second time");
+ yield promiseAfterCache();
+ metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ }
+ do_check_eq(metadata.searchDefaultHash, hash);
+ // The current default engine shouldn't change during a session.
+ do_check_eq(, getDefaultEngineName(false));
+ // After another restart, the current engine should be back to the geo default,
+ // without doing yet another request.
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkNoRequest();
+ do_check_eq(, kTestEngineName);
+add_task(function* should_remember_cohort_id() {
+ // Check that initially the cohort pref doesn't exist.
+ const cohortPref = "";
+ do_check_eq(Services.prefs.getPrefType(cohortPref), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID);
+ // Make the server send a cohort id.
+ let cohort = gServerCohort = "xpcshell";
+ // Trigger a new request.
+ yield forceExpiration();
+ let commitPromise = promiseAfterCache();
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ yield commitPromise;
+ // Check that the cohort was saved.
+ do_check_eq(Services.prefs.getPrefType(cohortPref), Services.prefs.PREF_STRING);
+ do_check_eq(Services.prefs.getCharPref(cohortPref), cohort);
+ // Make the server stop sending the cohort.
+ gServerCohort = "";
+ // Check that the next request sends the previous cohort id, and
+ // will remove it from the prefs due to the server no longer sending it.
+ yield forceExpiration();
+ commitPromise = promiseAfterCache();
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest(cohort);
+ yield commitPromise;
+ do_check_eq(Services.prefs.getPrefType(cohortPref), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID);
+add_task(function* should_retry_after_failure() {
+ let defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF);
+ let originalUrl = defaultBranch.getCharPref(kUrlPref);
+ defaultBranch.setCharPref(kUrlPref, originalUrl.replace("defaults", "fail"));
+ // Trigger a new request.
+ yield forceExpiration();
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ // After another restart, a new request should be triggered automatically without
+ // the test having to call forceExpiration again.
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+add_task(function* should_honor_retry_after_header() {
+ let defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF);
+ let originalUrl = defaultBranch.getCharPref(kUrlPref);
+ defaultBranch.setCharPref(kUrlPref, originalUrl.replace("fail", "unavailable"));
+ // Trigger a new request.
+ yield forceExpiration();
+ let date =;
+ let commitPromise = promiseAfterCache();
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkRequest();
+ yield commitPromise;
+ // Check that the expiration timestamp has been updated.
+ let metadata = yield promiseGlobalMetadata();
+ do_check_eq(typeof metadata.searchDefaultExpir, "number");
+ do_check_true(metadata.searchDefaultExpir >= date + kDayInSeconds * 1000);
+ do_check_true(metadata.searchDefaultExpir < date + (kDayInSeconds + 3600) * 1000);
+ // After another restart, a new request should not be triggered.
+ yield asyncReInit();
+ checkNoRequest();