path: root/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js b/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 556ecd4b0..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- * Test suite for satchel notifications
- *
- * Tests notifications dispatched when modifying form history.
- *
- */
-var expectedNotification;
-var expectedData;
-var TestObserver = {
- QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
- observe : function (subject, topic, data) {
- do_check_eq(topic, "satchel-storage-changed");
- do_check_eq(data, expectedNotification);
- switch (data) {
- case "formhistory-add":
- case "formhistory-update":
- do_check_true(subject instanceof Ci.nsISupportsString);
- do_check_true(isGUID.test(subject.toString()));
- break;
- case "formhistory-remove":
- do_check_eq(null, subject);
- break;
- default:
- do_throw("Unhandled notification: " + data + " / " + topic);
- }
- expectedNotification = null;
- expectedData = null;
- }
-var testIterator = null;
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- testIterator = run_test_steps();
-function next_test()
-function* run_test_steps() {
-try {
-var testnum = 0;
-var testdesc = "Setup of test form history entries";
-var entry1 = ["entry1", "value1"];
-/* ========== 1 ========== */
-testnum = 1;
-testdesc = "Initial connection to storage module"
-yield updateEntry("remove", null, null, next_test);
-yield countEntries(null, null, function (num) { do_check_false(num, "Checking initial DB is empty"); next_test(); });
-// Add the observer
-var os = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-os.addObserver(TestObserver, "satchel-storage-changed", false);
-/* ========== 2 ========== */
-testdesc = "addEntry";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-add";
-expectedData = entry1;
-yield updateEntry("add", entry1[0], entry1[1], next_test);
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null); // check that observer got a notification
-yield countEntries(entry1[0], entry1[1], function (num) { do_check_true(num > 0); next_test(); });
-/* ========== 3 ========== */
-testdesc = "modifyEntry";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-update";
-expectedData = entry1;
-// will update previous entry
-yield updateEntry("update", entry1[0], entry1[1], next_test);
-yield countEntries(entry1[0], entry1[1], function (num) { do_check_true(num > 0); next_test(); });
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-/* ========== 4 ========== */
-testdesc = "removeEntry";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-remove";
-expectedData = entry1;
-yield updateEntry("remove", entry1[0], entry1[1], next_test);
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-yield countEntries(entry1[0], entry1[1], function(num) { do_check_false(num, "doesn't exist after remove"); next_test(); });
-/* ========== 5 ========== */
-testdesc = "removeAllEntries";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-remove";
-expectedData = null; // no data expected
-yield updateEntry("remove", null, null, next_test);
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-/* ========== 6 ========== */
-testdesc = "removeAllEntries (again)";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-remove";
-expectedData = null;
-yield updateEntry("remove", null, null, next_test);
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-/* ========== 7 ========== */
-testdesc = "removeEntriesForName";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-remove";
-expectedData = "field2";
-yield updateEntry("remove", null, "field2", next_test);
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-/* ========== 8 ========== */
-testdesc = "removeEntriesByTimeframe";
-expectedNotification = "formhistory-remove";
-expectedData = [10, 99999999999];
-yield FormHistory.update({ op: "remove", firstUsedStart: expectedData[0], firstUsedEnd: expectedData[1] },
- { handleCompletion: function(reason) { if (!reason) next_test() },
- handleErrors: function (error) {
- do_throw("Error occurred updating form history: " + error);
- }
- });
-do_check_eq(expectedNotification, null);
-os.removeObserver(TestObserver, "satchel-storage-changed", false);
-} catch (e) {
- throw "FAILED in test #" + testnum + " -- " + testdesc + ": " + e;