path: root/toolkit/components/places/tests/migration/test_current_from_v26.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/places/tests/migration/test_current_from_v26.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/tests/migration/test_current_from_v26.js b/toolkit/components/places/tests/migration/test_current_from_v26.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ff4bc352..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/migration/test_current_from_v26.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-add_task(function* setup() {
- yield setupPlacesDatabase("places_v26.sqlite");
- // Setup database contents to be migrated.
- let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DB_FILENAME);
- let db = yield Sqlite.openConnection({ path });
- // Add pages.
- yield db.execute(`INSERT INTO moz_places (url, guid)
- VALUES ("", "test1_______")
- , ("", "test2_______")
- , ("", "test3_______")
- `);
- // Add keywords.
- yield db.execute(`INSERT INTO moz_keywords (keyword)
- VALUES ("kw1")
- , ("kw2")
- , ("kw3")
- , ("kw4")
- , ("kw5")
- `);
- // Add bookmarks.
- let now = * 1000;
- let index = 0;
- yield db.execute(`INSERT INTO moz_bookmarks (type, fk, parent, position, dateAdded, lastModified, keyword_id, guid)
- VALUES (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test1_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw1'), "bookmark1___")
- /* same uri, different keyword */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test1_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw2'), "bookmark2___")
- /* different uri, same keyword as 1 */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test2_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw1'), "bookmark3___")
- /* same uri, same keyword as 1 */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test1_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw1'), "bookmark4___")
- /* same uri, same keyword as 2 */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test2_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw2'), "bookmark5___")
- /* different uri, same keyword as 1 */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test1_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw3'), "bookmark6___")
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test3_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw4'), "bookmark7___")
- /* same uri and post_data as bookmark7, different keyword */
- , (1, (SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE guid = 'test3_______'), 3, ${index++}, ${now}, ${now},
- (SELECT id FROM moz_keywords WHERE keyword = 'kw5'), "bookmark8___")
- `);
- // Add postData.
- yield db.execute(`INSERT INTO moz_anno_attributes (name)
- VALUES ("bookmarkProperties/POSTData")
- , ("someOtherAnno")`);
- yield db.execute(`INSERT INTO moz_items_annos(anno_attribute_id, item_id, content)
- VALUES ((SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes where name = "bookmarkProperties/POSTData"),
- (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = "bookmark3___"), "postData1")
- , ((SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes where name = "bookmarkProperties/POSTData"),
- (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = "bookmark5___"), "postData2")
- , ((SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes where name = "someOtherAnno"),
- (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = "bookmark5___"), "zzzzzzzzzz")
- , ((SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes where name = "bookmarkProperties/POSTData"),
- (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = "bookmark7___"), "postData3")
- , ((SELECT id FROM moz_anno_attributes where name = "bookmarkProperties/POSTData"),
- (SELECT id FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE guid = "bookmark8___"), "postData3")
- `);
- yield db.close();
-add_task(function* database_is_valid() {
- Assert.equal(PlacesUtils.history.databaseStatus,
- PlacesUtils.history.DATABASE_STATUS_UPGRADED);
- let db = yield PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection();
- Assert.equal((yield db.getSchemaVersion()), CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION);
-add_task(function* test_keywords() {
- // When 2 urls have the same keyword, if one has postData it will be
- // preferred.
- let entry1 = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw1");
- Assert.equal(entry1.url.href, "");
- Assert.equal(entry1.postData, "postData1");
- let entry2 = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw2");
- Assert.equal(entry2.url.href, "");
- Assert.equal(entry2.postData, "postData2");
- let entry3 = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw3");
- Assert.equal(entry3.url.href, "");
- Assert.equal(entry3.postData, null);
- let entry4 = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw4");
- Assert.equal(entry4, null);
- let entry5 = yield PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch("kw5");
- Assert.equal(entry5.url.href, "");
- Assert.equal(entry5.postData, "postData3");
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), 5); // 4 bookmark2 + 1 keywords
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), 4); // 2 bookmark2 + 2 keywords
- Assert.equal((yield foreign_count("")), 3); // 2 bookmark2 + 1 keywords