path: root/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/main_test_osfile_async.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/main_test_osfile_async.js')
1 files changed, 443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/main_test_osfile_async.js b/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/main_test_osfile_async.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b940a032a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/main_test_osfile_async.js
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+"use strict";
+// The following are used to compare against a well-tested reference
+// implementation of file I/O.
+var myok = ok;
+var myis = is;
+var myinfo = info;
+var myisnot = isnot;
+var isPromise = function ispromise(value) {
+ return value != null && typeof value == "object" && "then" in value;
+var maketest = function(prefix, test) {
+ let utils = {
+ ok: function ok(t, m) {
+ myok(t, prefix + ": " + m);
+ },
+ is: function is(l, r, m) {
+ myis(l, r, prefix + ": " + m);
+ },
+ isnot: function isnot(l, r, m) {
+ myisnot(l, r, prefix + ": " + m);
+ },
+ info: function info(m) {
+ myinfo(prefix + ": " + m);
+ },
+ fail: function fail(m) {
+ utils.ok(false, m);
+ },
+ okpromise: function okpromise(t, m) {
+ return t.then(
+ function onSuccess() {
+ util.ok(true, m);
+ },
+ function onFailure() {
+ util.ok(false, m);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ return function runtest() {
+ try {
+ let result =, utils);
+ if (!isPromise(result)) {
+ throw new TypeError("The test did not return a promise");
+ }
+"This was a promise");
+ // The test returns a promise
+ result = result.then(function test_complete() {
+ }, function catch_uncaught_errors(err) {
+"Uncaught error " + err);
+ if (err && typeof err == "object" && "message" in err) {
+"(" + err.message + ")");
+ }
+ if (err && typeof err == "object" && "stack" in err) {
+"at " + err.stack);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ } catch (x) {
+"Error " + x + " at " + x.stack);
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ * Fetch asynchronously the contents of a file using xpcom.
+ *
+ * Used for comparing xpcom-based results to os.file-based results.
+ *
+ * @param {string} path The _absolute_ path to the file.
+ * @return {promise}
+ * @resolves {string} The contents of the file.
+ */
+var reference_fetch_file = function reference_fetch_file(path, test) {
+"Fetching file " + path);
+ let promise = Promise.defer();
+ let file = new FileUtils.File(path);
+ NetUtil.asyncFetch({
+ uri: NetUtil.newURI(file),
+ loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true
+ }, function(stream, status) {
+ if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
+ promise.reject(status);
+ return;
+ }
+ let result, reject;
+ try {
+ result = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available());
+ } catch (x) {
+ reject = x;
+ }
+ stream.close();
+ if (reject) {
+ promise.reject(reject);
+ } else {
+ promise.resolve(result);
+ }
+ });
+ return promise.promise;
+ * Compare asynchronously the contents two files using xpcom.
+ *
+ * Used for comparing xpcom-based results to os.file-based results.
+ *
+ * @param {string} a The _absolute_ path to the first file.
+ * @param {string} b The _absolute_ path to the second file.
+ *
+ * @resolves {null}
+ */
+var reference_compare_files = function reference_compare_files(a, b, test) {
+"Comparing files " + a + " and " + b);
+ let a_contents = yield reference_fetch_file(a, test);
+ let b_contents = yield reference_fetch_file(b, test);
+ is(a_contents, b_contents, "Contents of files " + a + " and " + b + " match");
+var reference_dir_contents = function reference_dir_contents(path) {
+ let result = [];
+ let entries = new FileUtils.File(path).directoryEntries;
+ while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
+ let entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+ result.push(entry.path);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Set/Unset OS.Shared.DEBUG, OS.Shared.TEST and a console listener.
+function toggleDebugTest (pref, consoleListener) {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", pref);
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log.redirect", pref);
+ Services.console[pref ? "registerListener" : "unregisterListener"](
+ consoleListener);
+var test = maketest("Main", function main(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish();
+ yield test_stat();
+ yield test_debug();
+ yield test_info_features_detect();
+ yield test_position();
+ yield test_iter();
+ yield test_exists();
+ yield test_debug_test();
+ info("Test is over");
+ SimpleTest.finish();
+ });
+ * A file that we know exists and that can be used for reading.
+ */
+var EXISTING_FILE = OS.Path.join("chrome", "toolkit", "components",
+ "osfile", "tests", "mochi", "main_test_osfile_async.js");
+ * Test OS.File.stat and OS.File.prototype.stat
+ */
+var test_stat = maketest("stat", function stat(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ // Open a file and stat it
+ let file = yield;
+ let stat1;
+ try {
+"Stating file");
+ stat1 = yield file.stat();
+ test.ok(true, "stat has worked " + stat1);
+ test.ok(stat1, "stat is not empty");
+ } finally {
+ yield file.close();
+ }
+ // Stat the same file without opening it
+"Stating a file without opening it");
+ let stat2 = yield OS.File.stat(EXISTING_FILE);
+ test.ok(true, "stat 2 has worked " + stat2);
+ test.ok(stat2, "stat 2 is not empty");
+ for (let key in stat2) {
+"" + stat1[key], "" + stat2[key], "Stat field " + key + "is the same");
+ }
+ });
+ * Test feature detection using OS.File.Info.prototype on main thread
+ */
+var test_info_features_detect = maketest("features_detect", function features_detect(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ if (OS.Constants.Win) {
+ // see if winBirthDate is defined
+ if ("winBirthDate" in OS.File.Info.prototype) {
+ test.ok(true, "winBirthDate is defined");
+ } else {
+"winBirthDate not defined though we are under Windows");
+ }
+ } else if (OS.Constants.libc) {
+ // see if unixGroup is defined
+ if ("unixGroup" in OS.File.Info.prototype) {
+ test.ok(true, "unixGroup is defined");
+ } else {
+"unixGroup is not defined though we are under Unix");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ * Test file.{getPosition, setPosition}
+ */
+var test_position = maketest("position", function position(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ let file = yield;
+ try {
+ let view = yield;
+"First batch of content read");
+ let CHUNK_SIZE = 178;// An arbitrary number of bytes to read from the file
+ let pos = yield file.getPosition();
+"Obtained position");
+, view.byteLength, "getPosition returned the end of the file");
+ pos = yield file.setPosition(-CHUNK_SIZE, OS.File.POS_END);
+"Changed position");
+, view.byteLength - CHUNK_SIZE, "setPosition returned the correct position");
+ let view2 = yield;
+"Read the end of the file");
+ for (let i = 0; i < CHUNK_SIZE; ++i) {
+ if (view2[i] != view[i + view.byteLength - CHUNK_SIZE]) {
+[i], view[i], "setPosition put us in the right position");
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ yield file.close();
+ }
+ });
+ * Test OS.File.prototype.{DirectoryIterator}
+ */
+var test_iter = maketest("iter", function iter(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ let currentDir = yield OS.File.getCurrentDirectory();
+ // Trivial walks through the directory
+"Preparing iteration");
+ let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ let temporary_file_name = OS.Path.join(currentDir, "empty-temporary-file.tmp");
+ try {
+ yield OS.File.remove(temporary_file_name);
+ } catch (err) {
+ // Ignore errors removing file
+ }
+ let allFiles1 = yield iterator.nextBatch();
+"Obtained all files through nextBatch");
+ test.isnot(allFiles1.length, 0, "There is at least one file");
+ test.isnot(allFiles1[0].path, null, "Files have a path");
+ // Ensure that we have the same entries with |reference_dir_contents|
+ let referenceEntries = new Set();
+ for (let entry of reference_dir_contents(currentDir)) {
+ referenceEntries.add(entry);
+ }
+, allFiles1.length, "All the entries in the directory have been listed");
+ for (let entry of allFiles1) {
+ test.ok(referenceEntries.has(entry.path), "File " + entry.path + " effectively exists");
+ // Ensure that we have correct isDir and isSymLink
+ // Current directory is {objdir}/_tests/testing/mochitest/, assume it has some dirs and symlinks.
+ var f = new FileUtils.File(entry.path);
+, f.isDirectory(), "Get file " + entry.path + " isDir correctly");
+, f.isSymlink(), "Get file " + entry.path + " isSymLink correctly");
+ }
+ yield iterator.close();
+"Closed iterator");
+"Double closing DirectoryIterator");
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ yield iterator.close();
+ yield iterator.close(); //double closing |DirectoryIterator|
+ test.ok(true, "|DirectoryIterator| was closed twice successfully");
+ let allFiles2 = [];
+ let i = 0;
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ yield iterator.forEach(function(entry, index) {
+, index, "Getting the correct index");
+ allFiles2.push(entry);
+ });
+"Obtained all files through forEach");
+ is(allFiles1.length, allFiles2.length, "Both runs returned the same number of files");
+ for (let i = 0; i < allFiles1.length; ++i) {
+ if (allFiles1[i].path != allFiles2[i].path) {
+[i].path, allFiles2[i].path, "Both runs return the same files");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Testing batch iteration + whether an iteration can be stopped early
+ let BATCH_LENGTH = 10;
+"Getting some files through nextBatch");
+ yield iterator.close();
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ let someFiles1 = yield iterator.nextBatch(BATCH_LENGTH);
+ let someFiles2 = yield iterator.nextBatch(BATCH_LENGTH);
+ yield iterator.close();
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ yield iterator.forEach(function cb(entry, index, iterator) {
+ if (index < BATCH_LENGTH) {
+, someFiles1[index].path, "Both runs return the same files (part 1)");
+ } else if (index < 2*BATCH_LENGTH) {
+, someFiles2[index - BATCH_LENGTH].path, "Both runs return the same files (part 2)");
+ } else if (index == 2 * BATCH_LENGTH) {
+"Attempting to stop asynchronous forEach");
+ return iterator.close();
+ } else {
+"Can we stop an asynchronous forEach? " + index);
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ yield iterator.close();
+ // Ensuring that we find new files if they appear
+ let file = yield, { write: true } );
+ file.close();
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(currentDir);
+ try {
+ let files = yield iterator.nextBatch();
+ is(files.length, allFiles1.length + 1, "The directory iterator has noticed the new file");
+ let exists = yield iterator.exists();
+ test.ok(exists, "After nextBatch, iterator detects that the directory exists");
+ } finally {
+ yield iterator.close();
+ }
+ // Ensuring that opening a non-existing directory fails consistently
+ // once iteration starts.
+ try {
+ iterator = null;
+ iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator("/I do not exist");
+ let exists = yield iterator.exists();
+ test.ok(!exists, "Before any iteration, iterator detects that the directory doesn't exist");
+ let exn = null;
+ try {
+ yield;
+ } catch (ex if ex instanceof OS.File.Error && ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
+ exn = ex;
+ let exists = yield iterator.exists();
+ test.ok(!exists, "After one iteration, iterator detects that the directory doesn't exist");
+ }
+ test.ok(exn, "Iterating through a directory that does not exist has failed with becauseNoSuchFile");
+ } finally {
+ if (iterator) {
+ iterator.close();
+ }
+ }
+ test.ok(!!iterator, "The directory iterator for a non-existing directory was correctly created");
+ });
+ * Test OS.File.prototype.{exists}
+ */
+var test_exists = maketest("exists", function exists(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ let fileExists = yield OS.File.exists(EXISTING_FILE);
+ test.ok(fileExists, "file exists");
+ fileExists = yield OS.File.exists(EXISTING_FILE + ".tmp");
+ test.ok(!fileExists, "file does not exists");
+ });
+ * Test changes to OS.Shared.DEBUG flag.
+ */
+var test_debug = maketest("debug", function debug(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function() {
+ function testSetDebugPref (pref) {
+ try {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", pref);
+ } catch (x) {
+"Setting OS.Shared.DEBUG to " + pref +
+ " should not cause error.");
+ } finally {
+, pref, "OS.Shared.DEBUG is set correctly.");
+ }
+ }
+ testSetDebugPref(true);
+ let workerDEBUG = yield OS.File.GET_DEBUG();
+, true, "Worker's DEBUG is set.");
+ testSetDebugPref(false);
+ workerDEBUG = yield OS.File.GET_DEBUG();
+, false, "Worker's DEBUG is unset.");
+ });
+ * Test logging in the main thread with set OS.Shared.DEBUG and
+ * OS.Shared.TEST flags.
+ */
+var test_debug_test = maketest("debug_test", function debug_test(test) {
+ return Task.spawn(function () {
+ // Create a console listener.
+ let consoleListener = {
+ observe: function (aMessage) {
+ // Ignore unexpected messages.
+ if (!(aMessage instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleMessage)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aMessage.message.indexOf("TEST OS") < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ test.ok(true, "DEBUG TEST messages are logged correctly.");
+ }
+ };
+ toggleDebugTest(true, consoleListener);
+ // Execution of OS.File.exist method will trigger OS.File.LOG several times.
+ let fileExists = yield OS.File.exists(EXISTING_FILE);
+ toggleDebugTest(false, consoleListener);
+ });