path: root/toolkit/components/crashes
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/crashes')
13 files changed, 2999 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManager.jsm b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManager.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aac33254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManager.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+const myScope = this;
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
+ "CrashManager",
+ * How long to wait after application startup before crash event files are
+ * automatically aggregated.
+ *
+ * We defer aggregation for performance reasons, as we don't want too many
+ * services competing for I/O immediately after startup.
+ */
+const MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
+// Converts Date to days since UNIX epoch.
+// This was copied from /services/ The implementation
+// does not account for leap seconds.
+function dateToDays(date) {
+ return Math.floor(date.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY);
+ * A gateway to crash-related data.
+ *
+ * This type is generic and can be instantiated any number of times.
+ * However, most applications will typically only have one instance
+ * instantiated and that instance will point to profile and user appdata
+ * directories.
+ *
+ * Instances are created by passing an object with properties.
+ * Recognized properties are:
+ *
+ * pendingDumpsDir (string) (required)
+ * Where dump files that haven't been uploaded are located.
+ *
+ * submittedDumpsDir (string) (required)
+ * Where records of uploaded dumps are located.
+ *
+ * eventsDirs (array)
+ * Directories (defined as strings) where events files are written. This
+ * instance will collects events from files in the directories specified.
+ *
+ * storeDir (string)
+ * Directory we will use for our data store. This instance will write
+ * data files into the directory specified.
+ *
+ * telemetryStoreSizeKey (string)
+ * Telemetry histogram to report store size under.
+ */
+this.CrashManager = function (options) {
+ for (let k of ["pendingDumpsDir", "submittedDumpsDir", "eventsDirs",
+ "storeDir"]) {
+ if (!(k in options)) {
+ throw new Error("Required key not present in options: " + k);
+ }
+ }
+ this._log = Log.repository.getLogger("Crashes.CrashManager");
+ for (let k in options) {
+ let v = options[k];
+ switch (k) {
+ case "pendingDumpsDir":
+ this._pendingDumpsDir = v;
+ break;
+ case "submittedDumpsDir":
+ this._submittedDumpsDir = v;
+ break;
+ case "eventsDirs":
+ this._eventsDirs = v;
+ break;
+ case "storeDir":
+ this._storeDir = v;
+ break;
+ case "telemetryStoreSizeKey":
+ this._telemetryStoreSizeKey = v;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unknown property in options: " + k);
+ }
+ }
+ // Promise for in-progress aggregation operation. We store it on the
+ // object so it can be returned for in-progress operations.
+ this._aggregatePromise = null;
+ // The CrashStore currently attached to this object.
+ this._store = null;
+ // A Task to retrieve the store. This is needed to avoid races when
+ // _getStore() is called multiple times in a short interval.
+ this._getStoreTask = null;
+ // The timer controlling the expiration of the CrashStore instance.
+ this._storeTimer = null;
+ // This is a semaphore that prevents the store from being freed by our
+ // timer-based resource freeing mechanism.
+ this._storeProtectedCount = 0;
+this.CrashManager.prototype = Object.freeze({
+ // A crash in the main process.
+ // A crash in a content process.
+ // A crash in a plugin process.
+ // A crash in a Gecko media plugin process.
+ // A crash in the GPU process.
+ // A real crash.
+ CRASH_TYPE_CRASH: "crash",
+ // A hang.
+ CRASH_TYPE_HANG: "hang",
+ // Submission result values.
+ DUMP_REGEX: /^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})\.dmp$/i,
+ SUBMITTED_REGEX: /^bp-(?:hr-)?([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})\.txt$/i,
+ ALL_REGEX: /^(.*)$/,
+ // How long the store object should persist in memory before being
+ // automatically garbage collected.
+ // Number of days after which a crash with no activity will get purged.
+ // The following are return codes for individual event file processing.
+ // File processed OK.
+ // The event appears to be malformed.
+ // The type of event is unknown.
+ /**
+ * Obtain a list of all dumps pending upload.
+ *
+ * The returned value is a promise that resolves to an array of objects
+ * on success. Each element in the array has the following properties:
+ *
+ * id (string)
+ * The ID of the crash (a UUID).
+ *
+ * path (string)
+ * The filename of the crash (<UUID.dmp>)
+ *
+ * date (Date)
+ * When this dump was created
+ *
+ * The returned arry is sorted by the modified time of the file backing
+ * the entry, oldest to newest.
+ *
+ * @return Promise<Array>
+ */
+ pendingDumps: function () {
+ return this._getDirectoryEntries(this._pendingDumpsDir, this.DUMP_REGEX);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtain a list of all dump files corresponding to submitted crashes.
+ *
+ * The returned value is a promise that resolves to an Array of
+ * objects. Each object has the following properties:
+ *
+ * path (string)
+ * The path of the file this entry comes from.
+ *
+ * id (string)
+ * The crash UUID.
+ *
+ * date (Date)
+ * The (estimated) date this crash was submitted.
+ *
+ * The returned array is sorted by the modified time of the file backing
+ * the entry, oldest to newest.
+ *
+ * @return Promise<Array>
+ */
+ submittedDumps: function () {
+ return this._getDirectoryEntries(this._submittedDumpsDir,
+ },
+ /**
+ * Aggregates "loose" events files into the unified "database."
+ *
+ * This function should be called periodically to collect metadata from
+ * all events files into the central data store maintained by this manager.
+ *
+ * Once events have been stored in the backing store the corresponding
+ * source files are deleted.
+ *
+ * Only one aggregation operation is allowed to occur at a time. If this
+ * is called when an existing aggregation is in progress, the promise for
+ * the original call will be returned.
+ *
+ * @return promise<int> The number of event files that were examined.
+ */
+ aggregateEventsFiles: function () {
+ if (this._aggregatePromise) {
+ return this._aggregatePromise;
+ }
+ return this._aggregatePromise = Task.spawn(function* () {
+ if (this._aggregatePromise) {
+ return this._aggregatePromise;
+ }
+ try {
+ let unprocessedFiles = yield this._getUnprocessedEventsFiles();
+ let deletePaths = [];
+ let needsSave = false;
+ this._storeProtectedCount++;
+ for (let entry of unprocessedFiles) {
+ try {
+ let result = yield this._processEventFile(entry);
+ switch (result) {
+ needsSave = true;
+ // Fall through.
+ deletePaths.push(entry.path);
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Cu.reportError("Unhandled crash event file return code. Please " +
+ "file a bug: " + result);
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (ex instanceof OS.File.Error) {
+ this._log.warn("I/O error reading " + entry.path, ex);
+ } else {
+ // We should never encounter an exception. This likely represents
+ // a coding error because all errors should be detected and
+ // converted to return codes.
+ //
+ // If we get here, report the error and delete the source file
+ // so we don't see it again.
+ Cu.reportError("Exception when processing crash event file: " +
+ Log.exceptionStr(ex));
+ deletePaths.push(entry.path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (needsSave) {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ yield;
+ }
+ for (let path of deletePaths) {
+ try {
+ yield OS.File.remove(path);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ this._log.warn("Error removing event file (" + path + ")", ex);
+ }
+ }
+ return unprocessedFiles.length;
+ } finally {
+ this._aggregatePromise = false;
+ this._storeProtectedCount--;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prune old crash data.
+ *
+ * @param date
+ * (Date) The cutoff point for pruning. Crashes without data newer
+ * than this will be pruned.
+ */
+ pruneOldCrashes: function (date) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ store.pruneOldCrashes(date);
+ yield;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Run tasks that should be periodically performed.
+ */
+ runMaintenanceTasks: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ yield this.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ yield this.pruneOldCrashes(new Date( - offset));
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Schedule maintenance tasks for some point in the future.
+ *
+ * @param delay
+ * (integer) Delay in milliseconds when maintenance should occur.
+ */
+ scheduleMaintenance: function (delay) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.runMaintenanceTasks().then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);
+ }, delay);
+ return deferred.promise;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Record the occurrence of a crash.
+ *
+ * This method skips event files altogether and writes directly and
+ * immediately to the manager's data store.
+ *
+ * @param processType (string) One of the PROCESS_TYPE constants.
+ * @param crashType (string) One of the CRASH_TYPE constants.
+ * @param id (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param date (Date) When the crash occurred.
+ * @param metadata (dictionary) Crash metadata, may be empty.
+ *
+ * @return promise<null> Resolved when the store has been saved.
+ */
+ addCrash: function (processType, crashType, id, date, metadata) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ if (store.addCrash(processType, crashType, id, date, metadata)) {
+ yield;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Record the remote ID for a crash.
+ *
+ * @param crashID (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param remoteID (Date) Server/Breakpad ID.
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the remote ID was recorded.
+ */
+ setRemoteCrashID: Task.async(function* (crashID, remoteID) {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ if (store.setRemoteCrashID(crashID, remoteID)) {
+ yield;
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Generate a submission ID for use with addSubmission{Attempt,Result}.
+ */
+ generateSubmissionID() {
+ return "sub-" + Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator)
+ .generateUUID().toString().slice(1, -1);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Record the occurrence of a submission attempt for a crash.
+ *
+ * @param crashID (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param submissionID (string) Submission ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param date (Date) When the attempt occurred.
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the attempt was recorded and false if not.
+ */
+ addSubmissionAttempt: Task.async(function* (crashID, submissionID, date) {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ if (store.addSubmissionAttempt(crashID, submissionID, date)) {
+ yield;
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Record the occurrence of a submission result for a crash.
+ *
+ * @param crashID (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param submissionID (string) Submission ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param date (Date) When the submission result was obtained.
+ * @param result (string) One of the SUBMISSION_RESULT constants.
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the result was recorded and false if not.
+ */
+ addSubmissionResult: Task.async(function* (crashID, submissionID, date, result) {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ if (store.addSubmissionResult(crashID, submissionID, date, result)) {
+ yield;
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Set the classification of a crash.
+ *
+ * @param crashID (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param classifications (array) Crash classifications.
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the data was recorded and false if not.
+ */
+ setCrashClassifications: Task.async(function* (crashID, classifications) {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ if (store.setCrashClassifications(crashID, classifications)) {
+ yield;
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Obtain the paths of all unprocessed events files.
+ *
+ * The promise-resolved array is sorted by file mtime, oldest to newest.
+ */
+ _getUnprocessedEventsFiles: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let entries = [];
+ for (let dir of this._eventsDirs) {
+ for (let e of yield this._getDirectoryEntries(dir, this.ALL_REGEX)) {
+ entries.push(e);
+ }
+ }
+ entries.sort((a, b) => { return -; });
+ return entries;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ // See docs/crash-events.rst for the file format specification.
+ _processEventFile: function (entry) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let data = yield;
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ let decoder = new TextDecoder();
+ data = decoder.decode(data);
+ let type, time;
+ let start = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ let index = data.indexOf("\n", start);
+ if (index == -1) {
+ }
+ let sub = data.substring(start, index);
+ switch (i) {
+ case 0:
+ type = sub;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ time = sub;
+ try {
+ time = parseInt(time, 10);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ }
+ }
+ start = index + 1;
+ }
+ let date = new Date(time * 1000);
+ let payload = data.substring(start);
+ return this._handleEventFilePayload(store, entry, type, date, payload);
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ _handleEventFilePayload: function (store, entry, type, date, payload) {
+ // The payload types and formats are documented in docs/crash-events.rst.
+ // Do not change the format of an existing type. Instead, invent a new
+ // type.
+ let lines = payload.split("\n");
+ switch (type) {
+ case "crash.main.1":
+ if (lines.length > 1) {
+ this._log.warn("Multiple lines unexpected in payload for " +
+ entry.path);
+ }
+ // fall-through
+ case "crash.main.2":
+ let crashID = lines[0];
+ let metadata = parseKeyValuePairsFromLines(lines.slice(1));
+ store.addCrash(this.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, this.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH,
+ crashID, date, metadata);
+ // If we have a saved environment, use it. Otherwise report
+ // the current environment.
+ let crashEnvironment = null;
+ let sessionId = null;
+ let stackTraces = null;
+ let reportMeta = Cu.cloneInto(metadata, myScope);
+ if ('TelemetryEnvironment' in reportMeta) {
+ try {
+ crashEnvironment = JSON.parse(reportMeta.TelemetryEnvironment);
+ } catch (e) {
+ Cu.reportError(e);
+ }
+ delete reportMeta.TelemetryEnvironment;
+ }
+ if ('TelemetrySessionId' in reportMeta) {
+ sessionId = reportMeta.TelemetrySessionId;
+ delete reportMeta.TelemetrySessionId;
+ }
+ if ('StackTraces' in reportMeta) {
+ try {
+ stackTraces = JSON.parse(reportMeta.StackTraces);
+ } catch (e) {
+ Cu.reportError(e);
+ }
+ delete reportMeta.StackTraces;
+ }
+ TelemetryController.submitExternalPing("crash",
+ {
+ version: 1,
+ crashDate: date.toISOString().slice(0, 10), // YYYY-MM-DD
+ sessionId: sessionId,
+ crashId:,
+ stackTraces: stackTraces,
+ metadata: reportMeta,
+ hasCrashEnvironment: (crashEnvironment !== null),
+ },
+ {
+ retentionDays: 180,
+ addClientId: true,
+ addEnvironment: true,
+ overrideEnvironment: crashEnvironment,
+ });
+ break;
+ case "crash.submission.1":
+ if (lines.length == 3) {
+ let [crashID, result, remoteID] = lines;
+ store.addCrash(this.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, this.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH,
+ crashID, date);
+ let submissionID = this.generateSubmissionID();
+ let succeeded = result === "true";
+ store.addSubmissionAttempt(crashID, submissionID, date);
+ store.addSubmissionResult(crashID, submissionID, date,
+ succeeded ? this.SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK :
+ if (succeeded) {
+ store.setRemoteCrashID(crashID, remoteID);
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return this.EVENT_FILE_SUCCESS;
+ },
+ /**
+ * The resolved promise is an array of objects with the properties:
+ *
+ * path -- String filename
+ * id -- regexp.match()[1] (likely the crash ID)
+ * date -- Date mtime of the file
+ */
+ _getDirectoryEntries: function (path, re) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ try {
+ yield OS.File.stat(path);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (!(ex instanceof OS.File.Error) || !ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
+ throw ex;
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ let it = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(path);
+ let entries = [];
+ try {
+ yield it.forEach((entry, index, it) => {
+ if (entry.isDir) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ let match = re.exec(;
+ if (!match) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return OS.File.stat(entry.path).then((info) => {
+ entries.push({
+ path: entry.path,
+ id: match[1],
+ date: info.lastModificationDate,
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ } finally {
+ it.close();
+ }
+ entries.sort((a, b) => { return -; });
+ return entries;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ _getStore: function () {
+ if (this._getStoreTask) {
+ return this._getStoreTask;
+ }
+ return this._getStoreTask = Task.spawn(function* () {
+ try {
+ if (!this._store) {
+ yield OS.File.makeDir(this._storeDir, {
+ ignoreExisting: true,
+ unixMode: OS.Constants.libc.S_IRWXU,
+ });
+ let store = new CrashStore(this._storeDir,
+ this._telemetryStoreSizeKey);
+ yield store.load();
+ this._store = store;
+ this._storeTimer = Cc[";1"]
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+ }
+ // The application can go long periods without interacting with the
+ // store. Since the store takes up resources, we automatically "free"
+ // the store after inactivity so resources can be returned to the
+ // system. We do this via a timer and a mechanism that tracks when the
+ // store is being accessed.
+ this._storeTimer.cancel();
+ // This callback frees resources from the store unless the store
+ // is protected from freeing by some other process.
+ let timerCB = function () {
+ if (this._storeProtectedCount) {
+ this._storeTimer.initWithCallback(timerCB, this.STORE_EXPIRATION_MS,
+ this._storeTimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We kill the reference that we hold. GC will kill it later. If
+ // someone else holds a reference, that will prevent GC until that
+ // reference is gone.
+ this._store = null;
+ this._storeTimer = null;
+ }.bind(this);
+ this._storeTimer.initWithCallback(timerCB, this.STORE_EXPIRATION_MS,
+ this._storeTimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+ return this._store;
+ } finally {
+ this._getStoreTask = null;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtain information about all known crashes.
+ *
+ * Returns an array of CrashRecord instances. Instances are read-only.
+ */
+ getCrashes: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ return store.crashes;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ getCrashCountsByDay: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let store = yield this._getStore();
+ return store._countsByDay;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+var gCrashManager;
+ * Interface to storage of crash data.
+ *
+ * This type handles storage of crash metadata. It exists as a separate type
+ * from the crash manager for performance reasons: since all crash metadata
+ * needs to be loaded into memory for access, we wish to easily dispose of all
+ * associated memory when this data is no longer needed. Having an isolated
+ * object whose references can easily be lost faciliates that simple disposal.
+ *
+ * When metadata is updated, the caller must explicitly persist the changes
+ * to disk. This prevents excessive I/O during updates.
+ *
+ * The store has a mechanism for ensuring it doesn't grow too large. A ceiling
+ * is placed on the number of daily events that can occur for events that can
+ * occur with relatively high frequency, notably plugin crashes and hangs
+ * (plugins can enter cycles where they repeatedly crash). If we've reached
+ * the high water mark and new data arrives, it's silently dropped.
+ * However, the count of actual events is always preserved. This allows
+ * us to report on the severity of problems beyond the storage threshold.
+ *
+ * Main process crashes are excluded from limits because they are both
+ * important and should be rare.
+ *
+ * @param storeDir (string)
+ * Directory the store should be located in.
+ * @param telemetrySizeKey (string)
+ * The telemetry histogram that should be used to store the size
+ * of the data file.
+ */
+function CrashStore(storeDir, telemetrySizeKey) {
+ this._storeDir = storeDir;
+ this._telemetrySizeKey = telemetrySizeKey;
+ this._storePath = OS.Path.join(storeDir, "store.json.mozlz4");
+ // Holds the read data from disk.
+ this._data = null;
+ // Maps days since UNIX epoch to a Map of event types to counts.
+ // This data structure is populated when the JSON file is loaded
+ // and is also updated when new events are added.
+ this._countsByDay = new Map();
+CrashStore.prototype = Object.freeze({
+ // Maximum number of events to store per day. This establishes a
+ // ceiling on the per-type/per-day records that will be stored.
+ /**
+ * Reset all data.
+ */
+ reset() {
+ this._data = {
+ v: 1,
+ crashes: new Map(),
+ corruptDate: null,
+ };
+ this._countsByDay = new Map();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Load data from disk.
+ *
+ * @return Promise
+ */
+ load: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ // Loading replaces data.
+ this.reset();
+ try {
+ let decoder = new TextDecoder();
+ let data = yield, {compression: "lz4"});
+ data = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(data));
+ if (data.corruptDate) {
+ this._data.corruptDate = new Date(data.corruptDate);
+ }
+ // actualCounts is used to validate that the derived counts by
+ // days stored in the payload matches up to actual data.
+ let actualCounts = new Map();
+ // In the past, submissions were stored as separate crash records
+ // with an id of e.g. "someID-submission". If we find IDs ending
+ // with "-submission", we will need to convert the data to be stored
+ // as actual submissions.
+ //
+ // The old way of storing submissions was used from FF33 - FF34. We
+ // drop this old data on the floor.
+ for (let id in data.crashes) {
+ if (id.endsWith("-submission")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let crash = data.crashes[id];
+ let denormalized = this._denormalize(crash);
+ denormalized.submissions = new Map();
+ if (crash.submissions) {
+ for (let submissionID in crash.submissions) {
+ let submission = crash.submissions[submissionID];
+ denormalized.submissions.set(submissionID,
+ this._denormalize(submission));
+ }
+ }
+ this._data.crashes.set(id, denormalized);
+ let key = dateToDays(denormalized.crashDate) + "-" + denormalized.type;
+ actualCounts.set(key, (actualCounts.get(key) || 0) + 1);
+ // If we have an OOM size, count the crash as an OOM in addition to
+ // being a main process crash.
+ if (denormalized.metadata &&
+ denormalized.metadata.OOMAllocationSize) {
+ let oomKey = key + "-oom";
+ actualCounts.set(oomKey, (actualCounts.get(oomKey) || 0) + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // The validation in this loop is arguably not necessary. We perform
+ // it as a defense against unknown bugs.
+ for (let dayKey in data.countsByDay) {
+ let day = parseInt(dayKey, 10);
+ for (let type in data.countsByDay[day]) {
+ this._ensureCountsForDay(day);
+ let count = data.countsByDay[day][type];
+ let key = day + "-" + type;
+ // If the payload says we have data for a given day but we
+ // don't, the payload is wrong. Ignore it.
+ if (!actualCounts.has(key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we encountered more data in the payload than what the
+ // data structure says, use the proper value.
+ count = Math.max(count, actualCounts.get(key));
+ this._countsByDay.get(day).set(type, count);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Missing files (first use) are allowed.
+ if (!(ex instanceof OS.File.Error) || !ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
+ // If we can't load for any reason, mark a corrupt date in the instance
+ // and swallow the error.
+ //
+ // The marking of a corrupted file is intentionally not persisted to
+ // disk yet. Instead, we wait until the next save(). This is to give
+ // non-permanent failures the opportunity to recover on their own.
+ this._data.corruptDate = new Date();
+ }
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Save data to disk.
+ *
+ * @return Promise<null>
+ */
+ save: function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ if (!this._data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let normalized = {
+ // The version should be incremented whenever the format
+ // changes.
+ v: 1,
+ // Maps crash IDs to objects defining the crash.
+ crashes: {},
+ // Maps days since UNIX epoch to objects mapping event types to
+ // counts. This is a mirror of this._countsByDay. e.g.
+ // {
+ // 15000: {
+ // "main-crash": 2,
+ // "plugin-crash": 1
+ // }
+ // }
+ countsByDay: {},
+ // When the store was last corrupted.
+ corruptDate: null,
+ };
+ if (this._data.corruptDate) {
+ normalized.corruptDate = this._data.corruptDate.getTime();
+ }
+ for (let [id, crash] of this._data.crashes) {
+ let c = this._normalize(crash);
+ c.submissions = {};
+ for (let [submissionID, submission] of crash.submissions) {
+ c.submissions[submissionID] = this._normalize(submission);
+ }
+ normalized.crashes[id] = c;
+ }
+ for (let [day, m] of this._countsByDay) {
+ normalized.countsByDay[day] = {};
+ for (let [type, count] of m) {
+ normalized.countsByDay[day][type] = count;
+ }
+ }
+ let encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ let data = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(normalized));
+ let size = yield OS.File.writeAtomic(this._storePath, data, {
+ tmpPath: this._storePath + ".tmp",
+ compression: "lz4"});
+ if (this._telemetrySizeKey) {
+ Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(this._telemetrySizeKey).add(size);
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Normalize an object into one fit for serialization.
+ *
+ * This function along with _denormalize() serve to hack around the
+ * default handling of Date JSON serialization because Date serialization
+ * is undefined by JSON.
+ *
+ * Fields ending with "Date" are assumed to contain Date instances.
+ * We convert these to milliseconds since epoch on output and back to
+ * Date on input.
+ */
+ _normalize: function (o) {
+ let normalized = {};
+ for (let k in o) {
+ let v = o[k];
+ if (v && k.endsWith("Date")) {
+ normalized[k] = v.getTime();
+ } else {
+ normalized[k] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ return normalized;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Convert a serialized object back to its native form.
+ */
+ _denormalize: function (o) {
+ let n = {};
+ for (let k in o) {
+ let v = o[k];
+ if (v && k.endsWith("Date")) {
+ n[k] = new Date(parseInt(v, 10));
+ } else {
+ n[k] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prune old crash data.
+ *
+ * Crashes without recent activity are pruned from the store so the
+ * size of the store is not unbounded. If there is activity on a crash,
+ * that activity will keep the crash and all its data around for longer.
+ *
+ * @param date
+ * (Date) The cutoff at which data will be pruned. If an entry
+ * doesn't have data newer than this, it will be pruned.
+ */
+ pruneOldCrashes: function (date) {
+ for (let crash of this.crashes) {
+ let newest = crash.newestDate;
+ if (!newest || newest.getTime() < date.getTime()) {
+ this._data.crashes.delete(;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Date the store was last corrupted and required a reset.
+ *
+ * May be null (no corruption has ever occurred) or a Date instance.
+ */
+ get corruptDate() {
+ return this._data.corruptDate;
+ },
+ /**
+ * The number of distinct crashes tracked.
+ */
+ get crashesCount() {
+ return this._data.crashes.size;
+ },
+ /**
+ * All crashes tracked.
+ *
+ * This is an array of CrashRecord.
+ */
+ get crashes() {
+ let crashes = [];
+ for (let [, crash] of this._data.crashes) {
+ crashes.push(new CrashRecord(crash));
+ }
+ return crashes;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtain a particular crash from its ID.
+ *
+ * A CrashRecord will be returned if the crash exists. null will be returned
+ * if the crash is unknown.
+ */
+ getCrash: function (id) {
+ for (let crash of this.crashes) {
+ if ( == id) {
+ return crash;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ _ensureCountsForDay: function (day) {
+ if (!this._countsByDay.has(day)) {
+ this._countsByDay.set(day, new Map());
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Ensure the crash record is present in storage.
+ *
+ * Returns the crash record if we're allowed to store it or null
+ * if we've hit the high water mark.
+ *
+ * @param processType
+ * (string) One of the PROCESS_TYPE constants.
+ * @param crashType
+ * (string) One of the CRASH_TYPE constants.
+ * @param id
+ * (string) The crash ID.
+ * @param date
+ * (Date) When this crash occurred.
+ * @param metadata
+ * (dictionary) Crash metadata, may be empty.
+ *
+ * @return null | object crash record
+ */
+ _ensureCrashRecord: function (processType, crashType, id, date, metadata) {
+ if (!id) {
+ // Crashes are keyed on ID, so it's not really helpful to store crashes
+ // without IDs.
+ return null;
+ }
+ let type = processType + "-" + crashType;
+ if (!this._data.crashes.has(id)) {
+ let day = dateToDays(date);
+ this._ensureCountsForDay(day);
+ let count = (this._countsByDay.get(day).get(type) || 0) + 1;
+ this._countsByDay.get(day).set(type, count);
+ if (count > this.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD &&
+ processType != CrashManager.prototype.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If we have an OOM size, count the crash as an OOM in addition to
+ // being a main process crash.
+ if (metadata && metadata.OOMAllocationSize) {
+ let oomType = type + "-oom";
+ let oomCount = (this._countsByDay.get(day).get(oomType) || 0) + 1;
+ this._countsByDay.get(day).set(oomType, oomCount);
+ }
+ this._data.crashes.set(id, {
+ id: id,
+ remoteID: null,
+ type: type,
+ crashDate: date,
+ submissions: new Map(),
+ classifications: [],
+ metadata: metadata,
+ });
+ }
+ let crash = this._data.crashes.get(id);
+ crash.type = type;
+ crash.crashDate = date;
+ return crash;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Record the occurrence of a crash.
+ *
+ * @param processType (string) One of the PROCESS_TYPE constants.
+ * @param crashType (string) One of the CRASH_TYPE constants.
+ * @param id (string) Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ * @param date (Date) When the crash occurred.
+ * @param metadata (dictionary) Crash metadata, may be empty.
+ *
+ * @return boolean True if the crash was recorded and false if not.
+ */
+ addCrash: function (processType, crashType, id, date, metadata) {
+ return !!this._ensureCrashRecord(processType, crashType, id, date, metadata);
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return boolean True if the remote ID was recorded and false if not.
+ */
+ setRemoteCrashID: function (crashID, remoteID) {
+ let crash = this._data.crashes.get(crashID);
+ if (!crash || !remoteID) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ crash.remoteID = remoteID;
+ return true;
+ },
+ getCrashesOfType: function (processType, crashType) {
+ let crashes = [];
+ for (let crash of this.crashes) {
+ if (crash.isOfType(processType, crashType)) {
+ crashes.push(crash);
+ }
+ }
+ return crashes;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Ensure the submission record is present in storage.
+ * @returns [submission, crash]
+ */
+ _ensureSubmissionRecord: function (crashID, submissionID) {
+ let crash = this._data.crashes.get(crashID);
+ if (!crash || !submissionID) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!crash.submissions.has(submissionID)) {
+ crash.submissions.set(submissionID, {
+ requestDate: null,
+ responseDate: null,
+ result: null,
+ });
+ }
+ return [crash.submissions.get(submissionID), crash];
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return boolean True if the attempt was recorded.
+ */
+ addSubmissionAttempt: function (crashID, submissionID, date) {
+ let [submission, crash] =
+ this._ensureSubmissionRecord(crashID, submissionID);
+ if (!submission) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ submission.requestDate = date;
+ Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("PROCESS_CRASH_SUBMIT_ATTEMPT")
+ .add(crash.type, 1);
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return boolean True if the response was recorded.
+ */
+ addSubmissionResult: function (crashID, submissionID, date, result) {
+ let crash = this._data.crashes.get(crashID);
+ if (!crash || !submissionID) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let submission = crash.submissions.get(submissionID);
+ if (!submission) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ submission.responseDate = date;
+ submission.result = result;
+ Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("PROCESS_CRASH_SUBMIT_SUCCESS")
+ .add(crash.type, result == "ok");
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return boolean True if the classifications were set.
+ */
+ setCrashClassifications: function (crashID, classifications) {
+ let crash = this._data.crashes.get(crashID);
+ if (!crash) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ crash.classifications = classifications;
+ return true;
+ },
+ * Represents an individual crash with metadata.
+ *
+ * This is a wrapper around the low-level anonymous JS objects that define
+ * crashes. It exposes a consistent and helpful API.
+ *
+ * Instances of this type should only be constructured inside this module,
+ * not externally. The constructor is not considered a public API.
+ *
+ * @param o (object)
+ * The crash's entry from the CrashStore.
+ */
+function CrashRecord(o) {
+ this._o = o;
+CrashRecord.prototype = Object.freeze({
+ get id() {
+ return;
+ },
+ get remoteID() {
+ return this._o.remoteID;
+ },
+ get crashDate() {
+ return this._o.crashDate;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtain the newest date in this record.
+ *
+ * This is a convenience getter. The returned value is used to determine when
+ * to expire a record.
+ */
+ get newestDate() {
+ // We currently only have 1 date, so this is easy.
+ return this._o.crashDate;
+ },
+ get oldestDate() {
+ return this._o.crashDate;
+ },
+ get type() {
+ return this._o.type;
+ },
+ isOfType: function (processType, crashType) {
+ return processType + "-" + crashType == this.type;
+ },
+ get submissions() {
+ return this._o.submissions;
+ },
+ get classifications() {
+ return this._o.classifications;
+ },
+ get metadata() {
+ return this._o.metadata;
+ },
+ * Obtain the global CrashManager instance used by the running application.
+ *
+ * CrashManager is likely only ever instantiated once per application lifetime.
+ * The main reason it's implemented as a reusable type is to facilitate testing.
+ */
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this.CrashManager, "Singleton", function () {
+ if (gCrashManager) {
+ return gCrashManager;
+ }
+ let crPath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir,
+ "Crash Reports");
+ let storePath = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "crashes");
+ gCrashManager = new CrashManager({
+ pendingDumpsDir: OS.Path.join(crPath, "pending"),
+ submittedDumpsDir: OS.Path.join(crPath, "submitted"),
+ eventsDirs: [OS.Path.join(crPath, "events"), OS.Path.join(storePath, "events")],
+ storeDir: storePath,
+ telemetryStoreSizeKey: "CRASH_STORE_COMPRESSED_BYTES",
+ });
+ // Automatically aggregate event files shortly after startup. This
+ // ensures it happens with some frequency.
+ //
+ // There are performance considerations here. While this is doing
+ // work and could negatively impact performance, the amount of work
+ // is kept small per run by periodically aggregating event files.
+ // Furthermore, well-behaving installs should not have much work
+ // here to do. If there is a lot of work, that install has bigger
+ // issues beyond reduced performance near startup.
+ gCrashManager.scheduleMaintenance(AGGREGATE_STARTUP_DELAY_MS);
+ return gCrashManager;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManagerTest.jsm b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManagerTest.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c6c4b1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManagerTest.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+ * This file provides common and shared functionality to facilitate
+ * testing of the Crashes component (CrashManager.jsm).
+ */
+"use strict";
+const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+ "configureLogging",
+ "getManager",
+ "sleep",
+ "TestingCrashManager",
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm", this);
+var loggingConfigured = false;
+this.configureLogging = function () {
+ if (loggingConfigured) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let log = Log.repository.getLogger("Crashes.CrashManager");
+ log.level = Log.Level.All;
+ let appender = new Log.DumpAppender();
+ appender.level = Log.Level.All;
+ log.addAppender(appender);
+ loggingConfigured = true;
+this.sleep = function (wait) {
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }, wait);
+ return deferred.promise;
+this.TestingCrashManager = function (options) {
+, options);
+this.TestingCrashManager.prototype = {
+ __proto__: CrashManager.prototype,
+ createDummyDump: function (submitted=false, date=new Date(), hr=false) {
+ let uuid = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator)
+ .generateUUID()
+ .toString();
+ uuid = uuid.substring(1, uuid.length - 1);
+ let path;
+ let mode;
+ if (submitted) {
+ if (hr) {
+ path = OS.Path.join(this._submittedDumpsDir, "bp-hr-" + uuid + ".txt");
+ } else {
+ path = OS.Path.join(this._submittedDumpsDir, "bp-" + uuid + ".txt");
+ }
+ mode = OS.Constants.libc.S_IRUSR | OS.Constants.libc.S_IWUSR |
+ OS.Constants.libc.S_IRGRP | OS.Constants.libc.S_IROTH;
+ } else {
+ path = OS.Path.join(this._pendingDumpsDir, uuid + ".dmp");
+ mode = OS.Constants.libc.S_IRUSR | OS.Constants.libc.S_IWUSR;
+ }
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let f = yield, {create: true}, {unixMode: mode});
+ yield f.setDates(date, date);
+ yield f.close();
+ dump("Created fake crash: " + path + "\n");
+ return uuid;
+ });
+ },
+ createIgnoredDumpFile: function (filename, submitted=false) {
+ let path;
+ if (submitted) {
+ path = OS.Path.join(this._submittedDumpsDir, filename);
+ } else {
+ path = OS.Path.join(this._pendingDumpsDir, filename);
+ }
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let mode = OS.Constants.libc.S_IRUSR | OS.Constants.libc.S_IWUSR;
+ yield, {create: true}, {unixMode: mode});
+ dump ("Create ignored dump file: " + path + "\n");
+ });
+ },
+ createEventsFile: function (filename, type, date, content, index=0) {
+ let path = OS.Path.join(this._eventsDirs[index], filename);
+ let data = type + "\n" +
+ Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000) + "\n" +
+ content;
+ let encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ let array = encoder.encode(data);
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ yield OS.File.writeAtomic(path, array);
+ yield OS.File.setDates(path, date, date);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Overwrite event file handling to process our test file type.
+ *
+ * We can probably delete this once we have actual events defined.
+ */
+ _handleEventFilePayload: function (store, entry, type, date, payload) {
+ if (type == "test.1") {
+ if (payload == "malformed") {
+ } else if (payload == "success") {
+ return this.EVENT_FILE_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ return,
+ store,
+ entry,
+ type,
+ date,
+ payload);
+ },
+this.getManager = function () {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ const dirMode = OS.Constants.libc.S_IRWXU;
+ let baseFile = OS.Constants.Path.profileDir;
+ function makeDir(create=true) {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let path = OS.Path.join(baseFile, "dummy-dir-" + DUMMY_DIR_COUNT++);
+ if (!create) {
+ return path;
+ }
+ dump("Creating directory: " + path + "\n");
+ yield OS.File.makeDir(path, {unixMode: dirMode});
+ return path;
+ });
+ }
+ let pendingD = yield makeDir();
+ let submittedD = yield makeDir();
+ let eventsD1 = yield makeDir();
+ let eventsD2 = yield makeDir();
+ // Store directory is created at run-time if needed. Ensure those code
+ // paths are triggered.
+ let storeD = yield makeDir(false);
+ let m = new TestingCrashManager({
+ pendingDumpsDir: pendingD,
+ submittedDumpsDir: submittedD,
+ eventsDirs: [eventsD1, eventsD2],
+ storeDir: storeD,
+ });
+ return m;
+ });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.js b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56f8b69e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.js
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
+ * This component makes crash data available throughout the application.
+ *
+ * It is a service because some background activity will eventually occur.
+ */
+this.CrashService = function () {};
+CrashService.prototype = Object.freeze({
+ classID: Components.ID("{92668367-1b17-4190-86b2-1061b2179744}"),
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
+ Ci.nsICrashService,
+ Ci.nsIObserver,
+ ]),
+ addCrash: function (processType, crashType, id) {
+ switch (processType) {
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN:
+ processType = Services.crashmanager.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT:
+ processType = Services.crashmanager.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN:
+ processType = Services.crashmanager.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN:
+ processType = Services.crashmanager.PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.PROCESS_TYPE_GPU:
+ processType = Services.crashmanager.PROCESS_TYPE_GPU;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized PROCESS_TYPE: " + processType);
+ }
+ switch (crashType) {
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH:
+ crashType = Services.crashmanager.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH;
+ break;
+ case Ci.nsICrashService.CRASH_TYPE_HANG:
+ crashType = Services.crashmanager.CRASH_TYPE_HANG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized CRASH_TYPE: " + crashType);
+ }
+ Services.crashmanager.addCrash(processType, crashType, id, new Date());
+ },
+ observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
+ switch (topic) {
+ case "profile-after-change":
+ // Side-effect is the singleton is instantiated.
+ Services.crashmanager;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([CrashService]);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.manifest b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed45109fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashService.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+component {92668367-1b17-4190-86b2-1061b2179744} CrashService.js
+contract;1 {92668367-1b17-4190-86b2-1061b2179744}
+category profile-after-change CrashService;1
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/crash-events.rst b/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/crash-events.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b29b27989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/crash-events.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+Crash Events
+**Crash Events** refers to a special subsystem of Gecko that aims to capture
+events of interest related to process crashing and hanging.
+When an event worthy of recording occurs, a file containing that event's
+information is written to a well-defined location on the filesystem. The Gecko
+process periodically scans for produced files and consolidates information
+into a more unified and efficient backend store.
+Crash Event Files
+When a crash-related event occurs, a file describing that event is written
+to a well-defined directory. That directory is likely in the directory of
+the currently-active profile. However, if a profile is not yet active in
+the Gecko process, that directory likely resides in the user's *app data*
+directory (*UAppData* from the directory service).
+The filename of the event file is not relevant. However, producers need
+to choose a filename intelligently to avoid name collisions and race
+conditions. Since file locking is potentially dangerous at crash time,
+the convention of generating a UUID and using it as a filename has been
+File Format
+All crash event files share the same high-level file format. The format
+consists of the following fields delimited by a UNIX newline (*\n*)
+* String event name (valid UTF-8, but likely ASCII)
+* String representation of integer seconds since UNIX epoch
+* Payload
+The payload is event specific and may contain UNIX newline characters.
+The recommended method for parsing is to split at most 3 times on UNIX
+newline and then dispatch to an event-specific parsed based on the
+event name.
+If an unknown event type is encountered, the event can safely be ignored
+until later. This helps ensure that application downgrades (potentially
+due to elevated crash rate) don't result in data loss.
+The format and semantics of each event type are meant to be constant once
+that event type is committed to the main Firefox repository. If new metadata
+needs to be captured or the meaning of data captured in an event changes,
+that change should be expressed through the invention of a new event type.
+For this reason, event names are highly recommended to contain a version.
+e.g. instead of a *Gecko process crashed* event, we prefer a *Gecko process
+crashed v1* event.
+Event Types
+Each subsection documents the different types of crash events that may be
+produced. Each section name corresponds to the first line of the crash
+event file.
+Currently only main process crashes produce event files. Because crashes and
+hangs in child processes can be easily recorded by the main process, we do not
+foresee the need for writing event files for child processes, design
+considerations below notwithstanding.
+This event is produced when the main process crashes.
+The payload of this event is delimited by UNIX newlines (*\n*) and contains the
+following fields:
+* The crash ID string, very likely a UUID
+* 0 or more lines of metadata, each containing one key=value pair of text
+This event is produced when the main process crashes.
+The payload of this event is the string crash ID, very likely a UUID.
+There should be ``UUID.dmp`` and ``UUID.extra`` files on disk, saved by
+This event is produced when a crash is submitted.
+The payload of this event is delimited by UNIX newlines (*\n*) and contains the
+following fields:
+* The crash ID string
+* "true" if the submission succeeded or "false" otherwise
+* The remote crash ID string if the submission succeeded
+Aggregated Event Log
+Crash events are aggregated together into a unified event *log*. Currently,
+this *log* is really a JSON file. However, this is an implementation detail
+and it could change at any time. The interface to crash data provided by
+the JavaScript API is the only supported interface.
+Design Considerations
+There are many considerations influencing the design of this subsystem.
+We attempt to document them in this section.
+Decoupling of Event Files from Final Data Structure
+While it is certainly possible for the Gecko process to write directly to
+the final data structure on disk, there is an intentional decoupling between
+the production of events and their transition into final storage. Along the
+same vein, the choice to have events written to multiple files by producers
+is deliberate.
+Some recorded events are written immediately after a process crash. This is
+a very uncertain time for the host system. There is a high liklihood the
+system is in an exceptional state, such as memory exhaustion. Therefore, any
+action taken after crashing needs to be very deliberate about what it does.
+Excessive memory allocation and certain system calls may cause the system
+to crash again or the machine's condition to worsen. This means that the act
+of recording a crash event must be very light weight. Writing a new file from
+nothing is very light weight. This is one reason we write separate files.
+Another reason we write separate files is because if the main Gecko process
+itself crashes (as opposed to say a plugin process), the crash reporter (not
+Gecko) is running and the crash reporter needs to handle the writing of the
+event info. If this writing is involved (say loading, parsing, updating, and
+reserializing back to disk), this logic would need to be implemented in both
+Gecko and the crash reporter or would need to be implemented in such a way
+that both could use. Neither of these is very practical from a software
+lifecycle management perspective. It's much easier to have separate processes
+write a simple file and to let a single implementation do all the complex
+Idempotent Event Processing
+Processing of event files has been designed such that the result is
+idempotent regardless of what order those files are processed in. This is
+not only a good design decision, but it is arguably necessary. While event
+files are processed in order by file mtime, filesystem times may not have
+the resolution required for proper sorting. Therefore, processing order is
+merely an optimistic assumption.
+Aggregated Storage Format
+Crash events are aggregated into a unified data structure on disk. That data
+structure is currently LZ4-compressed JSON and is represented by a single file.
+The choice of a single JSON file was initially driven by time and complexity
+concerns. Before changing the format or adding significant amounts of new
+data, some considerations must be taken into account.
+First, in well-behaving installs, crash data should be minimal. Crashes and
+hangs will be rare and thus the size of the crash data should remain small
+over time.
+The choice of a single JSON file has larger implications as the amount of
+crash data grows. As new data is accumulated, we need to read and write
+an entire file to make small updates. LZ4 compression helps reduce I/O.
+But, there is a potential for unbounded file growth. We establish a
+limit for the max age of records. Anything older than that limit is
+pruned. We also establish a daily limit on the number of crashes we will
+store. All crashes beyond the first N in a day have no payload and are
+only recorded by the presence of a count. This count ensures we can
+distinguish between ``N`` and ``100 * N``, which are very different
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/index.rst b/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2ab50ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/docs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.. _crashes_crashmanager:
+Crash Manager
+The **Crash Manager** is a service and interface for managing crash
+data within the Gecko application.
+From JavaScript, the service can be accessed via::
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+ let crashManager = Services.crashmanager;
+That will give you an instance of ``CrashManager`` from ``CrashManager.jsm``.
+From there, you can access and manipulate crash data.
+Other Documents
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ crash-events
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/ b/toolkit/components/crashes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a36a3cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
+# vim: set filetype=python:
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+SPHINX_TREES['crash-manager'] = 'docs'
+ 'CrashService.js',
+ 'CrashService.manifest',
+ 'CrashManager.jsm',
+ 'CrashManagerTest.jsm',
+XPCSHELL_TESTS_MANIFESTS += ['tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini']
+XPIDL_MODULE = 'toolkit_crashservice'
+ 'nsICrashService.idl',
+with Files('**'):
+ BUG_COMPONENT = ('Toolkit', 'Breakpad Integration')
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/nsICrashService.idl b/toolkit/components/crashes/nsICrashService.idl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57a412804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/nsICrashService.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "nsISupports.idl"
+[scriptable, uuid(f60d76e5-62c3-4f58-89f6-b726c2b7bc20)]
+interface nsICrashService : nsISupports
+ /**
+ * Records the occurrence of a crash.
+ *
+ * @param processType
+ * One of the PROCESS_TYPE constants defined below.
+ * @param crashType
+ * One of the CRASH_TYPE constants defined below.
+ * @param id
+ * Crash ID. Likely a UUID.
+ */
+ void addCrash(in long processType, in long crashType, in AString id);
+ const long PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN = 0;
+ const long PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT = 1;
+ const long PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN = 2;
+ const long PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN = 3;
+ const long PROCESS_TYPE_GPU = 4;
+ const long CRASH_TYPE_CRASH = 0;
+ const long CRASH_TYPE_HANG = 1;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/.eslintrc.js b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/.eslintrc.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d35787cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+"use strict";
+module.exports = {
+ "extends": [
+ "../../../../../testing/xpcshell/xpcshell.eslintrc.js"
+ ]
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_manager.js b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_manager.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9844e78c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_manager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+var bsp = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryEnvironment.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://testing-common/CrashManagerTest.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://testing-common/TelemetryArchiveTesting.jsm", this);
+const DUMMY_DATE = new Date( - 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+const DUMMY_DATE_2 = new Date( - 20 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+function run_test() {
+ do_get_profile();
+ configureLogging();
+ TelemetryArchiveTesting.setup();
+ run_next_test();
+add_task(function* test_constructor_ok() {
+ let m = new CrashManager({
+ pendingDumpsDir: "/foo",
+ submittedDumpsDir: "/bar",
+ eventsDirs: [],
+ storeDir: "/baz",
+ });
+ Assert.ok(m, "CrashManager can be created.");
+add_task(function* test_constructor_invalid() {
+ Assert.throws(() => {
+ new CrashManager({foo: true});
+ });
+add_task(function* test_get_manager() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ Assert.ok(m, "CrashManager obtained.");
+ yield m.createDummyDump(true);
+ yield m.createDummyDump(false);
+// Unsubmitted dump files on disk are detected properly.
+add_task(function* test_pending_dumps() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let now =;
+ let ids = [];
+ const COUNT = 5;
+ for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ ids.push(yield m.createDummyDump(false, new Date(now - i * 86400000)));
+ }
+ yield m.createIgnoredDumpFile("ignored", false);
+ let entries = yield m.pendingDumps();
+ Assert.equal(entries.length, COUNT, "proper number detected.");
+ for (let entry of entries) {
+ Assert.equal(typeof(entry), "object", "entry is an object");
+ Assert.ok("id" in entry, "id in entry");
+ Assert.ok("path" in entry, "path in entry");
+ Assert.ok("date" in entry, "date in entry");
+ Assert.notEqual(ids.indexOf(, -1, "ID is known");
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ Assert.equal(entries[i].id, ids[COUNT-i-1], "Entries sorted by mtime");
+ }
+// Submitted dump files on disk are detected properly.
+add_task(function* test_submitted_dumps() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let COUNT = 5;
+ for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ yield m.createDummyDump(true);
+ }
+ yield m.createIgnoredDumpFile("ignored", true);
+ let entries = yield m.submittedDumps();
+ Assert.equal(entries.length, COUNT, "proper number detected.");
+ let hrID = yield m.createDummyDump(true, new Date(), true);
+ entries = yield m.submittedDumps();
+ Assert.equal(entries.length, COUNT + 1, "hr- in filename detected.");
+ let gotIDs = new Set( =>;
+ Assert.ok(gotIDs.has(hrID));
+// The store should expire after inactivity.
+add_task(function* test_store_expires() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ Object.defineProperty(m, "STORE_EXPIRATION_MS", {
+ value: 250,
+ });
+ let store = yield m._getStore();
+ Assert.ok(store);
+ Assert.equal(store, m._store);
+ yield sleep(300);
+ Assert.ok(!m._store, "Store has gone away.");
+// Ensure discovery of unprocessed events files works.
+add_task(function* test_unprocessed_events_files() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "test.1", new Date(), "foo", 0);
+ yield m.createEventsFile("2", "test.1", new Date(), "bar", 0);
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "test.1", new Date(), "baz", 1);
+ let paths = yield m._getUnprocessedEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(paths.length, 3);
+// Ensure only 1 aggregateEventsFiles() is allowed at a time.
+add_task(function* test_aggregate_events_locking() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let p1 = m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ let p2 = m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.strictEqual(p1, p2, "Same promise should be returned.");
+// Malformed events files should be deleted.
+add_task(function* test_malformed_files_deleted() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.1", new Date(), "foo\nbar");
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 1);
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 0);
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 0);
+// Unknown event types should be ignored.
+add_task(function* test_aggregate_ignore_unknown_events() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, "id1");
+ yield m.createEventsFile("2", "foobar.1", new Date(), "dummy");
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 2);
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 1);
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 1);
+add_task(function* test_prune_old() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let oldDate = new Date( - 86400000);
+ let newDate = new Date( - 10000);
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", oldDate, "id1");
+ yield m.addCrash(m.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", newDate);
+ yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+ yield m.pruneOldCrashes(new Date(oldDate.getTime() + 10000));
+ crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1, "Old crash has been pruned.");
+ let c = crashes[0];
+ Assert.equal(, "id2", "Proper crash was pruned.");
+ // We can't test exact boundary conditions because dates from filesystem
+ // don't have same guarantees as JS dates.
+ yield m.pruneOldCrashes(new Date(newDate.getTime() + 5000));
+ crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 0);
+add_task(function* test_schedule_maintenance() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, "id1");
+ let oldDate = new Date( - m.PURGE_OLDER_THAN_DAYS * 2 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+ yield m.createEventsFile("2", "crash.main.2", oldDate, "id2");
+ yield m.scheduleMaintenance(25);
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].id, "id1");
+add_task(function* test_main_crash_event_file() {
+ let ac = new TelemetryArchiveTesting.Checker();
+ yield ac.promiseInit();
+ let theEnvironment = TelemetryEnvironment.currentEnvironment;
+ let sessionId = "be66af2f-2ee5-4330-ae95-44462dfbdf0c";
+ let stackTraces = { status: "OK" };
+ // To test proper escaping, add data to the environment with an embedded
+ // double-quote
+ theEnvironment.testValue = "MyValue\"";
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ const fileContent = "id1\nk1=v1\nk2=v2\n" +
+ "TelemetryEnvironment=" + JSON.stringify(theEnvironment) + "\n" +
+ "TelemetrySessionId=" + sessionId + "\n" +
+ "StackTraces=" + JSON.stringify(stackTraces) + "\n";
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, fileContent);
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 1);
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].id, "id1");
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].type, "main-crash");
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].metadata.k1, "v1");
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].metadata.k2, "v2");
+ Assert.ok(crashes[0].metadata.TelemetryEnvironment);
+ Assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(crashes[0].metadata).length, 5);
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].metadata.TelemetrySessionId, sessionId);
+ Assert.ok(crashes[0].metadata.StackTraces);
+ Assert.deepEqual(crashes[0].crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ let found = yield ac.promiseFindPing("crash", [
+ [["payload", "hasCrashEnvironment"], true],
+ [["payload", "metadata", "k1"], "v1"],
+ [["payload", "crashId"], "1"],
+ [["payload", "stackTraces", "status"], "OK"],
+ [["payload", "sessionId"], sessionId],
+ ]);
+ Assert.ok(found, "Telemetry ping submitted for found crash");
+ Assert.deepEqual(found.environment, theEnvironment, "The saved environment should be present");
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 0);
+add_task(function* test_main_crash_event_file_noenv() {
+ let ac = new TelemetryArchiveTesting.Checker();
+ yield ac.promiseInit();
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, "id1\nk1=v3\nk2=v2");
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 1);
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].id, "id1");
+ Assert.equal(crashes[0].type, "main-crash");
+ Assert.deepEqual(crashes[0].metadata, { k1: "v3", k2: "v2"});
+ Assert.deepEqual(crashes[0].crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ let found = yield ac.promiseFindPing("crash", [
+ [["payload", "hasCrashEnvironment"], false],
+ [["payload", "metadata", "k1"], "v3"],
+ ]);
+ Assert.ok(found, "Telemetry ping submitted for found crash");
+ Assert.ok(found.environment, "There is an environment");
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 0);
+add_task(function* test_crash_submission_event_file() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, "crash1");
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1-submission", "crash.submission.1", DUMMY_DATE_2,
+ "crash1\nfalse\n");
+ // The line below has been intentionally commented out to make sure that
+ // the crash record is created when one does not exist.
+ // yield m.createEventsFile("2", "crash.main.1", DUMMY_DATE, "crash2");
+ yield m.createEventsFile("2-submission", "crash.submission.1", DUMMY_DATE_2,
+ "crash2\ntrue\nbp-2");
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 3);
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+ let map = new Map( => [, crash]));
+ let crash1 = map.get("crash1");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash1);
+ Assert.equal(crash1.remoteID, null);
+ let crash2 = map.get("crash2");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash2);
+ Assert.equal(crash2.remoteID, "bp-2");
+ Assert.equal(crash1.submissions.size, 1);
+ let submission = crash1.submissions.values().next().value;
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, m.SUBMISSION_RESULT_FAILED);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(crash2.submissions.size, 1);
+ submission = crash2.submissions.values().next().value;
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, m.SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, 0);
+add_task(function* test_multiline_crash_id_rejected() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ yield m.createEventsFile("1", "crash.main.1", DUMMY_DATE, "id1\nid2");
+ yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 0);
+// Main process crashes should be remembered beyond the high water mark.
+add_task(function* test_high_water_mark() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let store = yield m._getStore();
+ for (let i = 0; i < store.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 1; i++) {
+ yield m.createEventsFile("m" + i, "crash.main.2", DUMMY_DATE, "m" + i);
+ }
+ let count = yield m.aggregateEventsFiles();
+ Assert.equal(count, bsp.CrashStore.prototype.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 1);
+ // Need to fetch again in case the first one was garbage collected.
+ store = yield m._getStore();
+ Assert.equal(store.crashesCount, store.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 1);
+add_task(function* test_addCrash() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 0);
+ "main-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.addCrash(m.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG,
+ "main-hang", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "content-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "content-hang", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "plugin-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "plugin-hang", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "gmplugin-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.addCrash(m.PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH,
+ "gpu-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "changing-item", DUMMY_DATE);
+ "changing-item", DUMMY_DATE_2);
+ crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 9);
+ let map = new Map( => [, crash]));
+ let crash = map.get("main-crash");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH));
+ crash = map.get("main-hang");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG));
+ crash = map.get("content-crash");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH));
+ crash = map.get("content-hang");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG));
+ crash = map.get("plugin-crash");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH));
+ crash = map.get("plugin-hang");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG));
+ crash = map.get("gmplugin-crash");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH));
+ crash = map.get("gpu-crash");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_GPU+ "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, m.CRASH_TYPE_CRASH));
+ crash = map.get("changing-item");
+ Assert.ok(!!crash);
+ Assert.equal(crash.crashDate, DUMMY_DATE_2);
+ Assert.equal(crash.type, m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT + "-" + m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(crash.isOfType(m.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, m.CRASH_TYPE_HANG));
+add_task(function* test_generateSubmissionID() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ /^(sub-[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})$/i;
+ let id = m.generateSubmissionID();
+ Assert.ok(SUBMISSION_ID_REGEX.test(id));
+add_task(function* test_addSubmissionAttemptAndResult() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ let crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 0);
+ "main-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.addSubmissionAttempt("main-crash", "submission", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.addSubmissionResult("main-crash", "submission", DUMMY_DATE_2,
+ crashes = yield m.getCrashes();
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ let submissions = crashes[0].submissions;
+ Assert.ok(!!submissions);
+ let submission = submissions.get("submission");
+ Assert.ok(!!submission);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, m.SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK);
+add_task(function* test_setCrashClassifications() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ "main-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.setCrashClassifications("main-crash", ["a"]);
+ let classifications = (yield m.getCrashes())[0].classifications;
+ Assert.ok(classifications.indexOf("a") != -1);
+add_task(function* test_setRemoteCrashID() {
+ let m = yield getManager();
+ "main-crash", DUMMY_DATE);
+ yield m.setRemoteCrashID("main-crash", "bp-1");
+ Assert.equal((yield m.getCrashes())[0].remoteID, "bp-1");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_service.js b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_service.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c207057e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_service.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppData.jsm", this);
+var bsp = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm", this);
+function run_test() {
+ run_next_test();
+add_task(function* test_instantiation() {
+ Assert.ok(!bsp.gCrashManager, "CrashManager global instance not initially defined.");
+ do_get_profile();
+ yield makeFakeAppDir();
+ // Fake profile creation.
+ Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIObserver)
+ .observe(null, "profile-after-change", null);
+ Assert.ok(bsp.gCrashManager, "Profile creation makes it available.");
+ Assert.ok(Services.crashmanager, "CrashManager available via Services.");
+ Assert.strictEqual(bsp.gCrashManager, Services.crashmanager,
+ "The objects are the same.");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_store.js b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_store.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12b180e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/test_crash_store.js
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+ * This file tests the CrashStore type in CrashManager.jsm.
+ */
+"use strict";
+var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+var bsp = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm", this);
+const DUMMY_DATE = new Date( - 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+const DUMMY_DATE_2 = new Date( - 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
+const {
+} = CrashManager.prototype;
+const CrashStore = bsp.CrashStore;
+function getStore() {
+ return Task.spawn(function* () {
+ let storeDir = do_get_tempdir().path;
+ storeDir = OS.Path.join(storeDir, "store-" + STORE_DIR_COUNT++);
+ yield OS.File.makeDir(storeDir, {unixMode: OS.Constants.libc.S_IRWXU});
+ let s = new CrashStore(storeDir);
+ yield s.load();
+ return s;
+ });
+function run_test() {
+ run_next_test();
+add_task(function* test_constructor() {
+ let s = new CrashStore("/some/path");
+ Assert.ok(s instanceof CrashStore);
+add_task(function* test_add_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 0);
+ let d = new Date( - 5000);
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", d));
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let crashes = s.crashes;
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ let c = crashes[0];
+ Assert.equal(, "id1", "ID set properly.");
+ Assert.equal(c.crashDate.getTime(), d.getTime(), "Date set.");
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+add_task(function* test_reset() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", DUMMY_DATE));
+ Assert.equal(s.crashes.length, 1);
+ s.reset();
+ Assert.equal(s.crashes.length, 0);
+add_task(function* test_save_load() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ yield;
+ let d1 = new Date();
+ let d2 = new Date(d1.getTime() - 10000);
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", d1));
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", d2));
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionAttempt("id1", "sub1", d1));
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionResult("id1", "sub1", d2, SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK));
+ Assert.ok(s.setRemoteCrashID("id1", "bp-1"));
+ yield;
+ yield s.load();
+ Assert.ok(!s.corruptDate);
+ let crashes = s.crashes;
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+ let c = s.getCrash("id1");
+ Assert.equal(c.crashDate.getTime(), d1.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(c.remoteID, "bp-1");
+ Assert.ok(!!c.submissions);
+ let submission = c.submissions.get("sub1");
+ Assert.ok(!!submission);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), d1.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate.getTime(), d2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK);
+add_task(function* test_corrupt_json() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ let buffer = new TextEncoder().encode("{bad: json-file");
+ yield OS.File.writeAtomic(s._storePath, buffer, {compression: "lz4"});
+ yield s.load();
+ Assert.ok(s.corruptDate, "Corrupt date is defined.");
+ let date = s.corruptDate;
+ yield;
+ s._data = null;
+ yield s.load();
+ Assert.ok(s.corruptDate);
+ Assert.equal(date.getTime(), s.corruptDate.getTime());
+add_task(function* test_add_main_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ // Duplicate.
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id3", new Date(),
+ { OOMAllocationSize: 1048576 })
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 3);
+ Assert.deepEqual(s.crashes[2].metadata, { OOMAllocationSize: 1048576 });
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 3);
+add_task(function* test_add_main_hang() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_content_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_content_hang() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_plugin_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_plugin_hang() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_gmplugin_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_gpu_crash() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 1);
+ let c = s.crashes[0];
+ Assert.ok(c.crashDate);
+ Assert.equal(c.type, PROCESS_TYPE_GPU + "-" + CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id2", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "id1", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 2);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2);
+add_task(function* test_add_mixed_types() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "mcrash", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "mhang", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "ccrash", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "chang", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "pcrash", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "phang", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "gmpcrash", new Date()) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "gpucrash", new Date())
+ );
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 8);
+ yield;
+ s._data.crashes.clear();
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 0);
+ yield s.load();
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 8);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_GMPLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_GPU, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 1);
+// Crashes added beyond the high water mark behave properly.
+add_task(function* test_high_water() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ let d1 = new Date(2014, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ let d2 = new Date(2014, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0);
+ let i = 0;
+ for (; i < s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD; i++) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "mc1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "mc2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "mh1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "mh2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "cc1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "cc2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ch1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ch2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "pc1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "pc2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ph1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ph2" + i, d2)
+ );
+ }
+ Assert.ok(
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "mc1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "mc2" + i, d2) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "mh1" + i, d1) &&
+ s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "mh2" + i, d2)
+ );
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "cc1" + i, d1));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "cc2" + i, d2));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ch1" + i, d1));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ch2" + i, d2));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "pc1" + i, d1));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "pc2" + i, d2));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ph1" + i, d1));
+ Assert.ok(!s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG, "ph2" + i, d2));
+ // We preserve main process crashes and hangs. Content and plugin crashes and
+ // hangs beyond should be discarded.
+ Assert.equal(s.crashesCount, 12 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 4);
+ let crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 2);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD + 2);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD);
+ crashes = s.getCrashesOfType(PROCESS_TYPE_PLUGIN, CRASH_TYPE_HANG);
+ Assert.equal(crashes.length, 2 * s.HIGH_WATER_DAILY_THRESHOLD);
+ // But raw counts should be preserved.
+ let day1 = bsp.dateToDays(d1);
+ let day2 = bsp.dateToDays(d2);
+ Assert.ok(s._countsByDay.has(day1));
+ Assert.ok(s._countsByDay.has(day2));
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ yield;
+ yield s.load();
+ Assert.ok(s._countsByDay.has(day1));
+ Assert.ok(s._countsByDay.has(day2));
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+ Assert.equal(s._countsByDay.get(day1).
+add_task(function* test_addSubmission() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "crash1",
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionAttempt("crash1", "sub1", DUMMY_DATE));
+ let crash = s.getCrash("crash1");
+ let submission = crash.submissions.get("sub1");
+ Assert.ok(!!submission);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate, null);
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, null);
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionResult("crash1", "sub1", DUMMY_DATE_2,
+ crash = s.getCrash("crash1");
+ Assert.equal(crash.submissions.size, 1);
+ submission = crash.submissions.get("sub1");
+ Assert.ok(!!submission);
+ Assert.equal(submission.requestDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.responseDate.getTime(), DUMMY_DATE_2.getTime());
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, SUBMISSION_RESULT_FAILED);
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionAttempt("crash1", "sub2", DUMMY_DATE));
+ Assert.ok(s.addSubmissionResult("crash1", "sub2", DUMMY_DATE_2,
+ Assert.equal(crash.submissions.size, 2);
+ submission = crash.submissions.get("sub2");
+ Assert.ok(!!submission);
+ Assert.equal(submission.result, SUBMISSION_RESULT_OK);
+add_task(function* test_setCrashClassification() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "crash1",
+ new Date()));
+ let classifications = s.crashes[0].classifications;
+ Assert.ok(!!classifications);
+ Assert.equal(classifications.length, 0);
+ Assert.ok(s.setCrashClassifications("crash1", ["foo", "bar"]));
+ classifications = s.crashes[0].classifications;
+ Assert.equal(classifications.length, 2);
+ Assert.ok(classifications.indexOf("foo") != -1);
+ Assert.ok(classifications.indexOf("bar") != -1);
+add_task(function* test_setRemoteCrashID() {
+ let s = yield getStore();
+ Assert.ok(s.addCrash(PROCESS_TYPE_MAIN, CRASH_TYPE_CRASH, "crash1",
+ new Date()));
+ Assert.equal(s.crashes[0].remoteID, null);
+ Assert.ok(s.setRemoteCrashID("crash1", "bp-1"));
+ Assert.equal(s.crashes[0].remoteID, "bp-1");
diff --git a/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cb8a69d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+head =
+tail =
+skip-if = toolkit == 'android'