path: root/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..24920ae44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+import os
+from urlparse import urljoin
+import sys
+from copy import deepcopy
+sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))
+from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file
+from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList
+from mozharness.base.parallel import ChunkingMixin
+# LocalesMixin {{{1
+class LocalesMixin(ChunkingMixin):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ """ Mixins generally don't have an __init__.
+ This breaks super().__init__() for children.
+ However, this is needed to override the query_abs_dirs()
+ """
+ self.abs_dirs = None
+ self.locales = None
+ self.gecko_locale_revisions = None
+ self.l10n_revisions = {}
+ def query_locales(self):
+ if self.locales is not None:
+ return self.locales
+ c = self.config
+ ignore_locales = c.get("ignore_locales", [])
+ additional_locales = c.get("additional_locales", [])
+ # List of locales can be set by using different methods in the
+ # following order:
+ # 1. "locales" buildbot property: a string of locale:revision separated
+ # by space
+ # 2. "MOZ_LOCALES" env variable: a string of locale:revision separated
+ # by space
+ # 3. self.config["locales"] which can be either coming from the config
+ # or from --locale command line argument
+ # 4. using self.config["locales_file"] l10n changesets file
+ locales = None
+ # Buildbot property
+ if hasattr(self, 'read_buildbot_config'):
+ self.read_buildbot_config()
+ if self.buildbot_config:
+ locales = self.buildbot_config['properties'].get("locales")
+ if locales:
+"Using locales from buildbot: %s" % locales)
+ locales = locales.split()
+ else:
+"'read_buildbot_config()' is missing, ignoring buildbot"
+ " properties")
+ # Environment variable
+ if not locales and "MOZ_LOCALES" in os.environ:
+ self.debug("Using locales from environment: %s" %
+ os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"])
+ locales = os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"].split()
+ # Command line or config
+ if not locales and c.get("locales", None):
+ locales = c["locales"]
+ self.debug("Using locales from config/CLI: %s" % locales)
+ # parse locale:revision if set
+ if locales:
+ for l in locales:
+ if ":" in l:
+ # revision specified in locale string
+ locale, revision = l.split(":", 1)
+ self.debug("Using %s:%s" % (locale, revision))
+ self.l10n_revisions[locale] = revision
+ # clean up locale by removing revisions
+ locales = [l.split(":")[0] for l in locales]
+ if not locales and 'locales_file' in c:
+ locales_file = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'], c['work_dir'],
+ c['locales_file'])
+ locales = self.parse_locales_file(locales_file)
+ if not locales:
+ self.fatal("No locales set!")
+ for locale in ignore_locales:
+ if locale in locales:
+ self.debug("Ignoring locale %s." % locale)
+ locales.remove(locale)
+ if locale in self.l10n_revisions:
+ del self.l10n_revisions[locale]
+ for locale in additional_locales:
+ if locale not in locales:
+ self.debug("Adding locale %s." % locale)
+ locales.append(locale)
+ if not locales:
+ return None
+ if 'total_locale_chunks' and 'this_locale_chunk' in c:
+ self.debug("Pre-chunking locale list: %s" % str(locales))
+ locales = self.query_chunked_list(locales,
+ c['this_locale_chunk'],
+ c['total_locale_chunks'],
+ sort=True)
+ self.debug("Post-chunking locale list: %s" % locales)
+ self.locales = locales
+ return self.locales
+ def list_locales(self):
+ """ Stub action method.
+ """
+"Locale list: %s" % str(self.query_locales()))
+ def parse_locales_file(self, locales_file):
+ locales = []
+ c = self.config
+ platform = c.get("locales_platform", None)
+ if locales_file.endswith('json'):
+ locales_json = parse_config_file(locales_file)
+ for locale in locales_json.keys():
+ if isinstance(locales_json[locale], dict):
+ if platform and platform not in locales_json[locale]['platforms']:
+ continue
+ self.l10n_revisions[locale] = locales_json[locale]['revision']
+ else:
+ # some other way of getting this?
+ self.l10n_revisions[locale] = 'default'
+ locales.append(locale)
+ else:
+ locales = self.read_from_file(locales_file).split()
+ return locales
+ def run_compare_locales(self, locale, halt_on_failure=False):
+ dirs = self.query_abs_dirs()
+ env = self.query_l10n_env()
+ python = self.query_exe('python2.7')
+ compare_locales_error_list = list(PythonErrorList)
+ self.rmtree(dirs['abs_merge_dir'])
+ self.mkdir_p(dirs['abs_merge_dir'])
+ command = [python, 'mach', 'compare-locales',
+ '--merge-dir', dirs['abs_merge_dir'],
+ '--l10n-ini', os.path.join(dirs['abs_locales_src_dir'], 'l10n.ini'),
+ '--l10n-base', dirs['abs_l10n_dir'], locale]
+"*** BEGIN compare-locales %s" % locale)
+ status = self.run_command(command,
+ halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure,
+ env=env,
+ cwd=dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'],
+ error_list=compare_locales_error_list)
+"*** END compare-locales %s" % locale)
+ return status
+ def query_abs_dirs(self):
+ if self.abs_dirs:
+ return self.abs_dirs
+ abs_dirs = super(LocalesMixin, self).query_abs_dirs()
+ c = self.config
+ dirs = {}
+ dirs['abs_work_dir'] = os.path.join(c['base_work_dir'],
+ c['work_dir'])
+ # TODO prettify this up later
+ if 'l10n_dir' in c:
+ dirs['abs_l10n_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'],
+ c['l10n_dir'])
+ if 'mozilla_dir' in c:
+ dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'],
+ c['mozilla_dir'])
+ dirs['abs_locales_src_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'],
+ c['locales_dir'])
+ dirs['abs_compare_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'],
+ 'python', 'compare-locales',
+ 'compare_locales')
+ else:
+ # Use old-compare-locales if no mozilla_dir set, needed
+ # for clobberer, and existing mozharness tests.
+ dirs['abs_compare_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_work_dir'],
+ 'compare-locales')
+ if 'objdir' in c:
+ if os.path.isabs(c['objdir']):
+ dirs['abs_objdir'] = c['objdir']
+ else:
+ dirs['abs_objdir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_mozilla_dir'],
+ c['objdir'])
+ dirs['abs_merge_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'],
+ 'merged')
+ dirs['abs_locales_dir'] = os.path.join(dirs['abs_objdir'],
+ c['locales_dir'])
+ for key in dirs.keys():
+ if key not in abs_dirs:
+ abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key]
+ self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs
+ return self.abs_dirs
+ # This requires self to inherit a VCSMixin.
+ def pull_locale_source(self, hg_l10n_base=None, parent_dir=None, vcs='hg'):
+ c = self.config
+ if not hg_l10n_base:
+ hg_l10n_base = c['hg_l10n_base']
+ if parent_dir is None:
+ parent_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()['abs_l10n_dir']
+ self.mkdir_p(parent_dir)
+ repos = []
+ replace_dict = {}
+ # This block is to allow for pulling buildbot-configs in Fennec
+ # release builds, since we don't pull it in MBF anymore.
+ if c.get("l10n_repos"):
+ if c.get("user_repo_override"):
+ replace_dict['user_repo_override'] = c['user_repo_override']
+ for repo_dict in deepcopy(c['l10n_repos']):
+ repo_dict['repo'] = repo_dict['repo'] % replace_dict
+ repos.append(repo_dict)
+ else:
+ repos = c.get("l10n_repos")
+ self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, tag_override=c.get('tag_override'))
+ # Pull locales
+ locales = self.query_locales()
+ locale_repos = []
+ if c.get("user_repo_override"):
+ hg_l10n_base = hg_l10n_base % {"user_repo_override": c["user_repo_override"]}
+ for locale in locales:
+ tag = c.get('hg_l10n_tag', 'default')
+ if self.l10n_revisions.get(locale):
+ tag = self.l10n_revisions[locale]
+ locale_repos.append({
+ 'repo': "%s/%s" % (hg_l10n_base, locale),
+ 'branch': tag,
+ 'vcs': vcs
+ })
+ revs = self.vcs_checkout_repos(repo_list=locale_repos,
+ parent_dir=parent_dir,
+ tag_override=c.get('tag_override'))
+ self.gecko_locale_revisions = revs
+ def query_l10n_repo(self):
+ # Find the name of our repository
+ mozilla_dir = self.config['mozilla_dir']
+ repo = None
+ for repository in self.config['repos']:
+ if repository.get('dest') == mozilla_dir:
+ repo = repository['repo']
+ break
+ return repo
+# GaiaLocalesMixin {{{1
+class GaiaLocalesMixin(object):
+ gaia_locale_revisions = None
+ def pull_gaia_locale_source(self, l10n_config, locales, base_dir):
+ root = l10n_config['root']
+ # urljoin will strip the last part of root if it doesn't end with "/"
+ if not root.endswith('/'):
+ root = root + '/'
+ vcs = l10n_config['vcs']
+ env = l10n_config.get('env', {})
+ repos = []
+ for locale in locales:
+ repos.append({
+ 'repo': urljoin(root, locale),
+ 'dest': locale,
+ 'vcs': vcs,
+ 'env': env,
+ })
+ self.gaia_locale_revisions = self.vcs_checkout_repos(repo_list=repos, parent_dir=base_dir)
+# __main__ {{{1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ pass