path: root/testing/mozbase/mozdebug
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozbase/mozdebug')
3 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3450d755c
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+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/
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+# flake8: noqa
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+This module contains a set of function to gather information about the
+debugging capabilities of the platform. It allows to look for a specific
+debugger or to query the system for a compatible/default debugger.
+The following simple example looks for the default debugger on the
+current platform and launches a debugger process with the correct
+debugger-specific arguments:
+ import mozdebug
+ debugger = mozdebug.get_default_debugger_name()
+ debuggerInfo = mozdebug.get_debugger_info(debugger)
+ debuggeePath = "toDebug"
+ processArgs = [self.debuggerInfo.path] + self.debuggerInfo.args
+ processArgs.append(debuggeePath)
+ run_process(args, ...)
+from mozdebug import *
diff --git a/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5777a0001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+import os
+import mozinfo
+from collections import namedtuple
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from subprocess import check_output
+__all__ = ['get_debugger_info',
+ 'get_default_debugger_name',
+ 'DebuggerSearch',
+ 'get_default_valgrind_args']
+Map of debugging programs to information about them, like default arguments
+and whether or not they are interactive.
+To add support for a new debugger, simply add the relative entry in
+_DEBUGGER_INFO and optionally update the _DEBUGGER_PRIORITIES.
+ # gdb requires that you supply the '--args' flag in order to pass arguments
+ # after the executable name to the executable.
+ 'gdb': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ 'args': ['-q', '--args']
+ },
+ 'cgdb': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ 'args': ['-q', '--args']
+ },
+ 'lldb': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ 'args': ['--'],
+ 'requiresEscapedArgs': True
+ },
+ # Visual Studio Debugger Support.
+ 'devenv.exe': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ 'args': ['-debugexe']
+ },
+ # Visual C++ Express Debugger Support.
+ 'wdexpress.exe': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ 'args': ['-debugexe']
+ },
+ # Windows Development Kit super-debugger.
+ 'windbg.exe': {
+ 'interactive': True,
+ },
+# Maps each OS platform to the preferred debugger programs found in _DEBUGGER_INFO.
+ 'win': ['devenv.exe', 'wdexpress.exe'],
+ 'linux': ['gdb', 'cgdb', 'lldb'],
+ 'mac': ['lldb', 'gdb'],
+ 'android': ['gdb'],
+ 'unknown': ['gdb']
+def _windbg_installation_paths():
+ programFilesSuffixes = ['', ' (x86)']
+ programFiles = "C:/Program Files"
+ # Try the most recent versions first.
+ windowsKitsVersions = ['10', '8.1', '8']
+ for suffix in programFilesSuffixes:
+ windowsKitsPrefix = os.path.join(programFiles + suffix,
+ 'Windows Kits')
+ for version in windowsKitsVersions:
+ yield os.path.join(windowsKitsPrefix, version,
+ 'Debuggers', 'x86', 'windbg.exe')
+def get_debugger_path(debugger):
+ '''
+ Get the full path of the debugger.
+ :param debugger: The name of the debugger.
+ '''
+ if mozinfo.os == 'mac' and debugger == 'lldb':
+ # On newer OSX versions System Integrity Protections prevents us from
+ # setting certain env vars for a process such as DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH if
+ # it's in a protected directory such as /usr/bin. This is the case for
+ # lldb, so we try to find an instance under the Xcode install instead.
+ # Attempt to use the xcrun util to find the path.
+ try:
+ path = check_output(['xcrun', '--find', 'lldb']).strip()
+ if path:
+ return path
+ except:
+ # Just default to find_executable instead.
+ pass
+ return find_executable(debugger)
+def get_debugger_info(debugger, debuggerArgs=None, debuggerInteractive=False):
+ '''
+ Get the information about the requested debugger.
+ Returns a dictionary containing the |path| of the debugger executable,
+ if it will run in |interactive| mode, its arguments and whether it needs
+ to escape arguments it passes to the debugged program (|requiresEscapedArgs|).
+ If the debugger cannot be found in the system, returns |None|.
+ :param debugger: The name of the debugger.
+ :param debuggerArgs: If specified, it's the arguments to pass to the debugger,
+ as a string. Any debugger-specific separator arguments are appended after these
+ arguments.
+ :param debuggerInteractive: If specified, forces the debugger to be interactive.
+ '''
+ debuggerPath = None
+ if debugger:
+ # Append '.exe' to the debugger on Windows if it's not present,
+ # so things like '--debugger=devenv' work.
+ if ( == 'nt'
+ and not debugger.lower().endswith('.exe')):
+ debugger += '.exe'
+ debuggerPath = get_debugger_path(debugger)
+ if not debuggerPath:
+ # windbg is not installed with the standard set of tools, and it's
+ # entirely possible that the user hasn't added the install location to
+ # PATH, so we have to be a little more clever than normal to locate it.
+ # Just try to look for it in the standard installed location(s).
+ if debugger == 'windbg.exe':
+ for candidate in _windbg_installation_paths():
+ if os.path.exists(candidate):
+ debuggerPath = candidate
+ break
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(debugger):
+ debuggerPath = debugger
+ if not debuggerPath:
+ print 'Error: Could not find debugger %s.' % debugger
+ return None
+ debuggerName = os.path.basename(debuggerPath).lower()
+ def get_debugger_info(type, default):
+ if debuggerName in _DEBUGGER_INFO and type in _DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName]:
+ return _DEBUGGER_INFO[debuggerName][type]
+ return default
+ # Define a namedtuple to access the debugger information from the outside world.
+ DebuggerInfo = namedtuple(
+ 'DebuggerInfo',
+ ['path', 'interactive', 'args', 'requiresEscapedArgs']
+ )
+ debugger_arguments = []
+ if debuggerArgs:
+ # Append the provided debugger arguments at the end of the arguments list.
+ debugger_arguments += debuggerArgs.split()
+ debugger_arguments += get_debugger_info('args', [])
+ # Override the default debugger interactive mode if needed.
+ debugger_interactive = get_debugger_info('interactive', False)
+ if debuggerInteractive:
+ debugger_interactive = debuggerInteractive
+ d = DebuggerInfo(
+ debuggerPath,
+ debugger_interactive,
+ debugger_arguments,
+ get_debugger_info('requiresEscapedArgs', False)
+ )
+ return d
+# Defines the search policies to use in get_default_debugger_name.
+class DebuggerSearch:
+ OnlyFirst = 1
+ KeepLooking = 2
+def get_default_debugger_name(search=DebuggerSearch.OnlyFirst):
+ '''
+ Get the debugger name for the default debugger on current platform.
+ :param search: If specified, stops looking for the debugger if the
+ default one is not found (|DebuggerSearch.OnlyFirst|) or keeps
+ looking for other compatible debuggers (|DebuggerSearch.KeepLooking|).
+ '''
+ mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json()
+ os =['os']
+ # Find out which debuggers are preferred for use on this platform.
+ debuggerPriorities = _DEBUGGER_PRIORITIES[os if os in _DEBUGGER_PRIORITIES else 'unknown']
+ # Finally get the debugger information.
+ for debuggerName in debuggerPriorities:
+ debuggerPath = find_executable(debuggerName)
+ if debuggerPath:
+ return debuggerName
+ elif not search == DebuggerSearch.KeepLooking:
+ return None
+ return None
+# Defines default values for Valgrind flags.
+# --smc-check=all-non-file is required to deal with code generation and
+# patching by the various JITS. Note that this is only necessary on
+# x86 and x86_64, but not on ARM. This flag is only necessary for
+# Valgrind versions prior to 3.11.
+# --vex-iropt-register-updates=allregs-at-mem-access is required so that
+# Valgrind generates correct register values whenever there is a
+# segfault that is caught and handled. In particular OdinMonkey
+# requires this. More recent Valgrinds (3.11 and later) provide
+# --px-default=allregs-at-mem-access and
+# --px-file-backed=unwindregs-at-mem-access
+# which provide a significantly cheaper alternative, by restricting the
+# precise exception behaviour to JIT generated code only.
+# --trace-children=yes is required to get Valgrind to follow into
+# content and other child processes. The resulting output can be
+# difficult to make sense of, and --child-silent-after-fork=yes
+# helps by causing Valgrind to be silent for the child in the period
+# after fork() but before its subsequent exec().
+# --trace-children-skip lists processes that we are not interested
+# in tracing into.
+# --leak-check=full requests full stack traces for all leaked blocks
+# detected at process exit.
+# --show-possibly-lost=no requests blocks for which only an interior
+# pointer was found to be considered not leaked.
+# TODO: pass in the user supplied args for V (--valgrind-args=) and
+# use this to detect if a different tool has been selected. If so
+# adjust tool-specific args appropriately.
+# TODO: pass in the path to the Valgrind to be used (--valgrind=), and
+# check what flags it accepts. Possible args that might be beneficial:
+# --num-transtab-sectors=24 [reduces re-jitting overheads in long runs]
+# --px-default=allregs-at-mem-access
+# --px-file-backed=unwindregs-at-mem-access
+# [these reduce PX overheads as described above]
+def get_default_valgrind_args():
+ return (['--fair-sched=yes',
+ '--smc-check=all-non-file',
+ '--vex-iropt-register-updates=allregs-at-mem-access',
+ '--trace-children=yes',
+ '--child-silent-after-fork=yes',
+ ('--trace-children-skip='
+ + '/usr/bin/hg,/bin/rm,*/bin/certutil,*/bin/pk12util,'
+ + '*/bin/ssltunnel,*/bin/uname,*/bin/which,*/bin/ps,'
+ + '*/bin/grep,*/bin/java'),
+ ]
+ + get_default_valgrind_tool_specific_args())
+# The default tool is Memcheck. Feeding these arguments to a different
+# Valgrind tool will cause it to fail at startup, so don't do that!
+def get_default_valgrind_tool_specific_args():
+ return ['--partial-loads-ok=yes',
+ '--leak-check=full',
+ '--show-possibly-lost=no',
+ ]
diff --git a/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f4e5329b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozdebug/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+from setuptools import setup
+ description="Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers "
+ "intended for use in Mozilla testing",
+ long_description="see",
+ classifiers=[], # Get strings from
+ keywords='mozilla',
+ author='Mozilla Automation and Testing Team',
+ author_email='',
+ url='',
+ license='MPL',
+ packages=['mozdebug'],
+ include_package_data=True,
+ zip_safe=False,
+ install_requires=['mozinfo'],
+ entry_points="""
+ # -*- Entry points: -*-
+ """,
+ )