path: root/testing/mozbase/manifestparser/manifestparser/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/mozbase/manifestparser/manifestparser/')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozbase/manifestparser/manifestparser/ b/testing/mozbase/manifestparser/manifestparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e832c0da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/mozbase/manifestparser/manifestparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+A filter is a callable that accepts an iterable of test objects and a
+dictionary of values, and returns a new iterable of test objects. It is
+possible to define custom filters if the built-in ones are not enough.
+from collections import defaultdict, MutableSequence
+import itertools
+import os
+from .expression import (
+ parse,
+ ParseError,
+# built-in filters
+def skip_if(tests, values):
+ """
+ Sets disabled on all tests containing the `skip-if` tag and whose condition
+ is True. This filter is added by default.
+ """
+ tag = 'skip-if'
+ for test in tests:
+ if tag in test and parse(test[tag], **values):
+ test.setdefault('disabled', '{}: {}'.format(tag, test[tag]))
+ yield test
+def run_if(tests, values):
+ """
+ Sets disabled on all tests containing the `run-if` tag and whose condition
+ is False. This filter is added by default.
+ """
+ tag = 'run-if'
+ for test in tests:
+ if tag in test and not parse(test[tag], **values):
+ test.setdefault('disabled', '{}: {}'.format(tag, test[tag]))
+ yield test
+def fail_if(tests, values):
+ """
+ Sets expected to 'fail' on all tests containing the `fail-if` tag and whose
+ condition is True. This filter is added by default.
+ """
+ tag = 'fail-if'
+ for test in tests:
+ if tag in test and parse(test[tag], **values):
+ test['expected'] = 'fail'
+ yield test
+def enabled(tests, values):
+ """
+ Removes all tests containing the `disabled` key. This filter can be
+ added by passing `disabled=False` into `active_tests`.
+ """
+ for test in tests:
+ if 'disabled' not in test:
+ yield test
+def exists(tests, values):
+ """
+ Removes all tests that do not exist on the file system. This filter is
+ added by default, but can be removed by passing `exists=False` into
+ `active_tests`.
+ """
+ for test in tests:
+ if os.path.exists(test['path']):
+ yield test
+# built-in instance filters
+class InstanceFilter(object):
+ """
+ Generally only one instance of a class filter should be applied at a time.
+ Two instances of `InstanceFilter` are considered equal if they have the
+ same class name. This ensures only a single instance is ever added to
+ `filterlist`. This class also formats filters' __str__ method for easier
+ debugging.
+ """
+ unique = True
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.fmt_args = ', '.join(itertools.chain(
+ [str(a) for a in args],
+ ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()]))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if self.unique:
+ return self.__class__ == other.__class__
+ return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.fmt_args)
+class subsuite(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ If `name` is None, removes all tests that have a `subsuite` key.
+ Otherwise removes all tests that do not have a subsuite matching `name`.
+ It is possible to specify conditional subsuite keys using:
+ subsuite = foo,condition
+ where 'foo' is the subsuite name, and 'condition' is the same type of
+ condition used for skip-if. If the condition doesn't evaluate to true,
+ the subsuite designation will be removed from the test.
+ :param name: The name of the subsuite to run (default None)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name=None):
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, name=name)
+ = name
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ # Look for conditional subsuites, and replace them with the subsuite
+ # itself (if the condition is true), or nothing.
+ for test in tests:
+ subsuite = test.get('subsuite', '')
+ if ',' in subsuite:
+ try:
+ subsuite, cond = subsuite.split(',')
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ParseError("subsuite condition can't contain commas")
+ matched = parse(cond, **values)
+ if matched:
+ test['subsuite'] = subsuite
+ else:
+ test['subsuite'] = ''
+ # Filter on current subsuite
+ if is None:
+ if not test.get('subsuite'):
+ yield test
+ else:
+ if test.get('subsuite', '') ==
+ yield test
+class chunk_by_slice(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ Basic chunking algorithm that splits tests evenly across total chunks.
+ :param this_chunk: the current chunk, 1 <= this_chunk <= total_chunks
+ :param total_chunks: the total number of chunks
+ :param disabled: Whether to include disabled tests in the chunking
+ algorithm. If False, each chunk contains an equal number
+ of non-disabled tests. If True, each chunk contains an
+ equal number of tests (default False)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks, disabled=False):
+ assert 1 <= this_chunk <= total_chunks
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks,
+ disabled=disabled)
+ self.this_chunk = this_chunk
+ self.total_chunks = total_chunks
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ tests = list(tests)
+ if self.disabled:
+ chunk_tests = tests[:]
+ else:
+ chunk_tests = [t for t in tests if 'disabled' not in t]
+ tests_per_chunk = float(len(chunk_tests)) / self.total_chunks
+ start = int(round((self.this_chunk - 1) * tests_per_chunk))
+ end = int(round(self.this_chunk * tests_per_chunk))
+ if not self.disabled:
+ # map start and end back onto original list of tests. Disabled
+ # tests will still be included in the returned list, but each
+ # chunk will contain an equal number of enabled tests.
+ if self.this_chunk == 1:
+ start = 0
+ elif start < len(chunk_tests):
+ start = tests.index(chunk_tests[start])
+ if self.this_chunk == self.total_chunks:
+ end = len(tests)
+ elif end < len(chunk_tests):
+ end = tests.index(chunk_tests[end])
+ return (t for t in tests[start:end])
+class chunk_by_dir(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ Basic chunking algorithm that splits directories of tests evenly at a
+ given depth.
+ For example, a depth of 2 means all test directories two path nodes away
+ from the base are gathered, then split evenly across the total number of
+ chunks. The number of tests in each of the directories is not taken into
+ account (so chunks will not contain an even number of tests). All test
+ paths must be relative to the same root (typically the root of the source
+ repository).
+ :param this_chunk: the current chunk, 1 <= this_chunk <= total_chunks
+ :param total_chunks: the total number of chunks
+ :param depth: the minimum depth of a subdirectory before it will be
+ considered unique
+ """
+ def __init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks, depth):
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks, depth)
+ self.this_chunk = this_chunk
+ self.total_chunks = total_chunks
+ self.depth = depth
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ tests_by_dir = defaultdict(list)
+ ordered_dirs = []
+ for test in tests:
+ path = test['relpath']
+ if path.startswith(os.sep):
+ path = path[1:]
+ dirs = path.split(os.sep)
+ dirs = dirs[:min(self.depth, len(dirs) - 1)]
+ path = os.sep.join(dirs)
+ # don't count directories that only have disabled tests in them,
+ # but still yield disabled tests that are alongside enabled tests
+ if path not in ordered_dirs and 'disabled' not in test:
+ ordered_dirs.append(path)
+ tests_by_dir[path].append(test)
+ tests_per_chunk = float(len(ordered_dirs)) / self.total_chunks
+ start = int(round((self.this_chunk - 1) * tests_per_chunk))
+ end = int(round(self.this_chunk * tests_per_chunk))
+ for i in range(start, end):
+ for test in tests_by_dir.pop(ordered_dirs[i]):
+ yield test
+ # find directories that only contain disabled tests. They still need to
+ # be yielded for reporting purposes. Put them all in chunk 1 for
+ # simplicity.
+ if self.this_chunk == 1:
+ disabled_dirs = [v for k, v in tests_by_dir.iteritems()
+ if k not in ordered_dirs]
+ for disabled_test in itertools.chain(*disabled_dirs):
+ yield disabled_test
+class chunk_by_runtime(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ Chunking algorithm that attempts to group tests into chunks based on their
+ average runtimes. It keeps manifests of tests together and pairs slow
+ running manifests with fast ones.
+ :param this_chunk: the current chunk, 1 <= this_chunk <= total_chunks
+ :param total_chunks: the total number of chunks
+ :param runtimes: dictionary of test runtime data, of the form
+ {<test path>: <average runtime>}
+ :param default_runtime: value in seconds to assign tests that don't exist
+ in the runtimes file
+ """
+ def __init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks, runtimes, default_runtime=0):
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, this_chunk, total_chunks, runtimes,
+ default_runtime=default_runtime)
+ self.this_chunk = this_chunk
+ self.total_chunks = total_chunks
+ # defaultdict(lambda:<int>) assigns all non-existent keys the value of
+ # <int>. This means all tests we encounter that don't exist in the
+ # runtimes file will be assigned `default_runtime`.
+ self.runtimes = defaultdict(lambda: default_runtime)
+ self.runtimes.update(runtimes)
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ tests = list(tests)
+ manifests = set(t['manifest'] for t in tests)
+ def total_runtime(tests):
+ return sum(self.runtimes[t['relpath']] for t in tests
+ if 'disabled' not in t)
+ tests_by_manifest = []
+ for manifest in manifests:
+ mtests = [t for t in tests if t['manifest'] == manifest]
+ tests_by_manifest.append((total_runtime(mtests), mtests))
+ tests_by_manifest.sort(reverse=True)
+ tests_by_chunk = [[0, []] for i in range(self.total_chunks)]
+ for runtime, batch in tests_by_manifest:
+ # sort first by runtime, then by number of tests in case of a tie.
+ # This guarantees the chunk with the fastest runtime will always
+ # get the next batch of tests.
+ tests_by_chunk.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], len(x[1])))
+ tests_by_chunk[0][0] += runtime
+ tests_by_chunk[0][1].extend(batch)
+ return (t for t in tests_by_chunk[self.this_chunk - 1][1])
+class tags(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ Removes tests that don't contain any of the given tags. This overrides
+ InstanceFilter's __eq__ method, so multiple instances can be added.
+ Multiple tag filters is equivalent to joining tags with the AND operator.
+ To define a tag in a manifest, add a `tags` attribute to a test or DEFAULT
+ section. Tests can have multiple tags, in which case they should be
+ whitespace delimited. For example:
+ [test_foobar.html]
+ tags = foo bar
+ :param tags: A tag or list of tags to filter tests on
+ """
+ unique = False
+ def __init__(self, tags):
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, tags)
+ if isinstance(tags, basestring):
+ tags = [tags]
+ self.tags = tags
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ for test in tests:
+ if 'tags' not in test:
+ continue
+ test_tags = [t.strip() for t in test['tags'].split()]
+ if any(t in self.tags for t in test_tags):
+ yield test
+class pathprefix(InstanceFilter):
+ """
+ Removes tests that don't start with any of the given test paths.
+ :param paths: A list of test paths to filter on
+ """
+ def __init__(self, paths):
+ InstanceFilter.__init__(self, paths)
+ if isinstance(paths, basestring):
+ paths = [paths]
+ self.paths = paths
+ def __call__(self, tests, values):
+ for test in tests:
+ for tp in self.paths:
+ tp = os.path.normpath(tp)
+ path = test['relpath']
+ if os.path.isabs(tp):
+ path = test['path']
+ if not os.path.normpath(path).startswith(tp):
+ continue
+ # any test path that points to a single file will be run no
+ # matter what, even if it's disabled
+ if 'disabled' in test and os.path.normpath(test['relpath']) == tp:
+ del test['disabled']
+ yield test
+ break
+# filter container
+ skip_if,
+ run_if,
+ fail_if,
+By default :func:`~.active_tests` will run the :func:`~.skip_if`,
+:func:`~.run_if` and :func:`~.fail_if` filters.
+class filterlist(MutableSequence):
+ """
+ A MutableSequence that raises TypeError when adding a non-callable and
+ ValueError if the item is already added.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, items=None):
+ self.items = []
+ if items:
+ self.items = list(items)
+ def _validate(self, item):
+ if not callable(item):
+ raise TypeError("Filters must be callable!")
+ if item in self:
+ raise ValueError("Filter {} is already applied!".format(item))
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.items[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self._validate(value)
+ self.items[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self.items[key]
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.items)
+ def insert(self, index, value):
+ self._validate(value)
+ self.items.insert(index, value)