path: root/testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/')
1 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/ b/testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79bdc824e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/harness_unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import manifestparser
+import pytest
+from mock import Mock, patch, mock_open, sentinel, DEFAULT
+from marionette_harness.runtests import MarionetteTestRunner
+def runner(mach_parsed_kwargs):
+ """
+ MarionetteTestRunner instance initialized with default options.
+ """
+ return MarionetteTestRunner(**mach_parsed_kwargs)
+def mock_runner(runner, mock_marionette, monkeypatch):
+ """
+ MarionetteTestRunner instance with mocked-out
+ self.marionette and other properties,
+ to enable testing runner.run_tests().
+ """
+ runner.driverclass = mock_marionette
+ for attr in ['run_test_set', '_capabilities']:
+ setattr(runner, attr, Mock())
+ runner._appName = 'fake_app'
+ # simulate that browser runs with e10s by default
+ runner._appinfo = {'browserTabsRemoteAutostart': True}
+ monkeypatch.setattr('marionette_harness.runner.base.mozversion', Mock())
+ return runner
+def build_kwargs_using(mach_parsed_kwargs):
+ '''Helper function for test_build_kwargs_* functions'''
+ def kwarg_builder(new_items, return_socket=False):
+ mach_parsed_kwargs.update(new_items)
+ runner = MarionetteTestRunner(**mach_parsed_kwargs)
+ with patch('marionette_harness.runner.base.socket') as socket:
+ built_kwargs = runner._build_kwargs()
+ if return_socket:
+ return built_kwargs, socket
+ return built_kwargs
+ return kwarg_builder
+def expected_driver_args(runner):
+ '''Helper fixture for tests of _build_kwargs
+ with binary/emulator.
+ Provides a dictionary of certain arguments
+ related to binary/emulator settings
+ which we expect to be passed to the
+ driverclass constructor. Expected values can
+ be updated in tests as needed.
+ Provides convenience methods for comparing the
+ expected arguments to the argument dictionary
+ created by _build_kwargs. '''
+ class ExpectedDict(dict):
+ def assert_matches(self, actual):
+ for (k, v) in self.items():
+ assert actual[k] == v
+ def assert_keys_not_in(self, actual):
+ for k in self.keys():
+ assert k not in actual
+ expected = ExpectedDict(host=None, port=None, bin=None)
+ for attr in ['app', 'app_args', 'profile', 'addons', 'gecko_log']:
+ expected[attr] = getattr(runner, attr)
+ return expected
+class ManifestFixture:
+ def __init__(self, name='mock_manifest',
+ tests=[{'path': u'', 'expected': 'pass'}]):
+ self.filepath = "/path/to/fake/manifest.ini"
+ self.n_disabled = len([t for t in tests if 'disabled' in t])
+ self.n_enabled = len(tests) - self.n_disabled
+ mock_manifest = Mock(spec=manifestparser.TestManifest,
+ active_tests=Mock(return_value=tests))
+ self.manifest_class = Mock(return_value=mock_manifest)
+ self.__repr__ = lambda: "<ManifestFixture {}>".format(name)
+def manifest():
+ return ManifestFixture()
+@pytest.fixture(params=['enabled', 'disabled', 'enabled_disabled', 'empty'])
+def manifest_with_tests(request):
+ '''
+ Fixture for the contents of mock_manifest, where a manifest
+ can include enabled tests, disabled tests, both, or neither (empty)
+ '''
+ included = []
+ if 'enabled' in request.param:
+ included += [(u'', 'pass'),
+ (u'', 'fail')]
+ if 'disabled' in request.param:
+ included += [(u'', 'pass', 'skip-if: true'),
+ (u'', 'fail', 'skip-if: true')]
+ keys = ('path', 'expected', 'disabled')
+ active_tests = [dict(zip(keys, values)) for values in included]
+ return ManifestFixture(request.param, active_tests)
+def test_args_passed_to_driverclass(mock_runner):
+ built_kwargs = {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'}
+ mock_runner._build_kwargs = Mock(return_value=built_kwargs)
+ with pytest.raises(IOError):
+ mock_runner.run_tests(['fake_tests.ini'])
+ assert mock_runner.driverclass.call_args[1] == built_kwargs
+def test_build_kwargs_basic_args(build_kwargs_using):
+ '''Test the functionality of runner._build_kwargs:
+ make sure that basic arguments (those which should
+ always be included, irrespective of the runner's settings)
+ get passed to the call to runner.driverclass'''
+ basic_args = ['socket_timeout', 'prefs',
+ 'startup_timeout', 'verbose', 'symbols_path']
+ args_dict = {a: getattr(sentinel, a) for a in basic_args}
+ # Mock an update method to work with calls to MarionetteTestRunner()
+ args_dict['prefs'].update = Mock(return_value={})
+ built_kwargs = build_kwargs_using([(a, getattr(sentinel, a)) for a in basic_args])
+ for arg in basic_args:
+ assert built_kwargs[arg] is getattr(sentinel, arg)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('workspace', ['path/to/workspace', None])
+def test_build_kwargs_with_workspace(build_kwargs_using, workspace):
+ built_kwargs = build_kwargs_using({'workspace': workspace})
+ if workspace:
+ assert built_kwargs['workspace'] == workspace
+ else:
+ assert 'workspace' not in built_kwargs
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('address', ['host:123', None])
+def test_build_kwargs_with_address(build_kwargs_using, address):
+ built_kwargs, socket = build_kwargs_using(
+ {'address': address, 'binary': None, 'emulator': None},
+ return_socket=True
+ )
+ assert 'connect_to_running_emulator' not in built_kwargs
+ if address is not None:
+ host, port = address.split(":")
+ assert built_kwargs['host'] == host and built_kwargs['port'] == int(port)
+ socket.socket().connect.assert_called_with((host, int(port)))
+ assert socket.socket().close.called
+ else:
+ assert not socket.socket.called
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('address', ['host:123', None])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('binary', ['path/to/bin', None])
+def test_build_kwargs_with_binary_or_address(expected_driver_args, build_kwargs_using,
+ binary, address):
+ built_kwargs = build_kwargs_using({'binary': binary, 'address': address, 'emulator': None})
+ if binary:
+ expected_driver_args['bin'] = binary
+ if address:
+ host, port = address.split(":")
+ expected_driver_args.update({'host': host, 'port': int(port)})
+ else:
+ expected_driver_args.update({'host': 'localhost', 'port': 2828})
+ expected_driver_args.assert_matches(built_kwargs)
+ elif address is None:
+ expected_driver_args.assert_keys_not_in(built_kwargs)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('address', ['host:123', None])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('emulator', [True, False, None])
+def test_build_kwargs_with_emulator_or_address(expected_driver_args, build_kwargs_using,
+ emulator, address):
+ emulator_props = [(a, getattr(sentinel, a)) for a in ['avd_home', 'adb_path', 'emulator_bin']]
+ built_kwargs = build_kwargs_using(
+ [('emulator', emulator), ('address', address), ('binary', None)] + emulator_props
+ )
+ if emulator:
+ expected_driver_args.update(emulator_props)
+ expected_driver_args['emulator_binary'] = expected_driver_args.pop('emulator_bin')
+ expected_driver_args['bin'] = True
+ if address:
+ expected_driver_args['connect_to_running_emulator'] = True
+ host, port = address.split(":")
+ expected_driver_args.update({'host': host, 'port': int(port)})
+ else:
+ expected_driver_args.update({'host': 'localhost', 'port': 2828})
+ assert 'connect_to_running_emulator' not in built_kwargs
+ expected_driver_args.assert_matches(built_kwargs)
+ elif not address:
+ expected_driver_args.assert_keys_not_in(built_kwargs)
+def test_parsing_testvars(mach_parsed_kwargs):
+ mach_parsed_kwargs.pop('tests')
+ testvars_json_loads = [
+ {"wifi": {"ssid": "blah", "keyManagement": "WPA-PSK", "psk": "foo"}},
+ {"wifi": {"PEAP": "bar"}, "device": {"stuff": "buzz"}}
+ ]
+ expected_dict = {
+ "wifi": {
+ "ssid": "blah",
+ "keyManagement": "WPA-PSK",
+ "psk": "foo",
+ "PEAP": "bar"
+ },
+ "device": {"stuff": "buzz"}
+ }
+ with patch(
+ 'marionette_harness.runtests.MarionetteTestRunner._load_testvars',
+ return_value=testvars_json_loads
+ ) as load:
+ runner = MarionetteTestRunner(**mach_parsed_kwargs)
+ assert runner.testvars == expected_dict
+ assert load.call_count == 1
+def test_load_testvars_throws_expected_errors(mach_parsed_kwargs):
+ mach_parsed_kwargs['testvars'] = ['some_bad_path.json']
+ runner = MarionetteTestRunner(**mach_parsed_kwargs)
+ with pytest.raises(IOError) as io_exc:
+ runner._load_testvars()
+ assert 'does not exist' in io_exc.value.message
+ with patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True):
+ with patch('', mock_open(read_data='[not {valid JSON]')):
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as json_exc:
+ runner._load_testvars()
+ assert 'not properly formatted' in json_exc.value.message
+def _check_crash_counts(has_crashed, runner, mock_marionette):
+ if has_crashed:
+ assert mock_marionette.check_for_crash.call_count == 1
+ assert runner.crashed == 1
+ else:
+ assert runner.crashed == 0
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_crashed", [True, False])
+def test_increment_crash_count_in_run_test_set(runner, has_crashed,
+ mock_marionette):
+ fake_tests = [{'filepath': i,
+ 'expected': 'pass'} for i in 'abc']
+ with patch.multiple(runner, run_test=DEFAULT, marionette=mock_marionette):
+ runner.run_test_set(fake_tests)
+ if not has_crashed:
+ assert runner.marionette.check_for_crash.call_count == len(fake_tests)
+ _check_crash_counts(has_crashed, runner, runner.marionette)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("has_crashed", [True, False])
+def test_record_crash(runner, has_crashed, mock_marionette):
+ with patch.object(runner, 'marionette', mock_marionette):
+ assert runner.record_crash() == has_crashed
+ _check_crash_counts(has_crashed, runner, runner.marionette)
+def test_add_test_module(runner):
+ tests = ['', 'testSomething.js', '']
+ assert len(runner.tests) == 0
+ for test in tests:
+ with patch('os.path.abspath', return_value=test) as abspath:
+ runner.add_test(test)
+ assert abspath.called
+ expected = {'filepath': test, 'expected': 'pass'}
+ assert expected in runner.tests
+ # add_test doesn't validate module names; '' gets through
+ assert len(runner.tests) == 3
+def test_add_test_directory(runner):
+ test_dir = 'path/to/tests'
+ dir_contents = [
+ (test_dir, ('subdir',), ('', 'test_a.js', '', 'bad_test_a.js')),
+ (test_dir + '/subdir', (), ('', 'test_b.js', '', 'bad_test_b.js')),
+ ]
+ tests = list(dir_contents[0][2] + dir_contents[1][2])
+ assert len(runner.tests) == 0
+ # Need to use side effect to make isdir return True for test_dir and False for tests
+ with patch('os.path.isdir', side_effect=[True] + [False for t in tests]) as isdir:
+ with patch('os.walk', return_value=dir_contents) as walk:
+ runner.add_test(test_dir)
+ assert isdir.called and walk.called
+ for test in runner.tests:
+ assert test_dir in test['filepath']
+ assert len(runner.tests) == 4
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_files_exist", [True, False])
+def test_add_test_manifest(mock_runner, manifest_with_tests, monkeypatch, test_files_exist):
+ monkeypatch.setattr('marionette_harness.runner.base.TestManifest',
+ manifest_with_tests.manifest_class)
+ mock_runner.marionette = mock_runner.driverclass()
+ with patch('marionette_harness.runner.base.os.path.exists', return_value=test_files_exist):
+ if test_files_exist or manifest_with_tests.n_enabled == 0:
+ mock_runner.add_test(manifest_with_tests.filepath)
+ assert len(mock_runner.tests) == manifest_with_tests.n_enabled
+ assert len(mock_runner.manifest_skipped_tests) == manifest_with_tests.n_disabled
+ for test in mock_runner.tests:
+ assert test['filepath'].endswith(test['expected'] + '.py')
+ else:
+ pytest.raises(IOError, "mock_runner.add_test(manifest_with_tests.filepath)")
+ assert manifest_with_tests.manifest_class().read.called
+ assert manifest_with_tests.manifest_class().active_tests.called
+def get_kwargs_passed_to_manifest(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch, **kwargs):
+ '''Helper function for test_manifest_* tests.
+ Returns the kwargs passed to the call to manifest.active_tests.'''
+ monkeypatch.setattr('marionette_harness.runner.base.TestManifest', manifest.manifest_class)
+ monkeypatch.setattr('',
+ {'mozinfo_key': 'mozinfo_val'})
+ for attr in kwargs:
+ setattr(mock_runner, attr, kwargs[attr])
+ mock_runner.marionette = mock_runner.driverclass()
+ with patch('marionette_harness.runner.base.os.path.exists', return_value=True):
+ mock_runner.add_test(manifest.filepath)
+ call_args, call_kwargs = manifest.manifest_class().active_tests.call_args
+ return call_kwargs
+def test_manifest_basic_args(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch):
+ kwargs = get_kwargs_passed_to_manifest(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch)
+ assert kwargs['exists'] is False
+ assert kwargs['disabled'] is True
+ assert kwargs['appname'] == 'fake_app'
+ assert 'mozinfo_key' in kwargs and kwargs['mozinfo_key'] == 'mozinfo_val'
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('e10s', (True, False))
+def test_manifest_with_e10s(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch, e10s):
+ kwargs = get_kwargs_passed_to_manifest(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch, e10s=e10s)
+ assert kwargs['e10s'] == e10s
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_tags', (None, ['tag', 'tag2']))
+def test_manifest_with_test_tags(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch, test_tags):
+ kwargs = get_kwargs_passed_to_manifest(mock_runner, manifest, monkeypatch, test_tags=test_tags)
+ if test_tags is None:
+ assert kwargs['filters'] == []
+ else:
+ assert len(kwargs['filters']) == 1 and kwargs['filters'][0].tags == test_tags
+def test_cleanup_with_manifest(mock_runner, manifest_with_tests, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setattr('marionette_harness.runner.base.TestManifest',
+ manifest_with_tests.manifest_class)
+ if manifest_with_tests.n_enabled > 0:
+ context = patch('marionette_harness.runner.base.os.path.exists', return_value=True)
+ else:
+ context = pytest.raises(Exception)
+ with context:
+ mock_runner.run_tests([manifest_with_tests.filepath])
+ assert mock_runner.marionette is None
+ assert mock_runner.fixture_servers == {}
+def test_reset_test_stats(mock_runner):
+ def reset_successful(runner):
+ stats = ['passed', 'failed', 'unexpected_successes', 'todo', 'skipped', 'failures']
+ return all([((s in vars(runner)) and (not vars(runner)[s])) for s in stats])
+ assert reset_successful(mock_runner)
+ mock_runner.passed = 1
+ mock_runner.failed = 1
+ mock_runner.failures.append(['TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL'])
+ assert not reset_successful(mock_runner)
+ mock_runner.run_tests([u''])
+ assert reset_successful(mock_runner)
+def test_initialize_test_run(mock_runner):
+ tests = [u'']
+ mock_runner.reset_test_stats = Mock()
+ mock_runner.run_tests(tests)
+ assert mock_runner.reset_test_stats.called
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as test_exc:
+ mock_runner.run_tests([])
+ assert "len(tests)" in str(test_exc.traceback[-1].statement)
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as hndl_exc:
+ mock_runner.test_handlers = []
+ mock_runner.run_tests(tests)
+ assert "test_handlers" in str(hndl_exc.traceback[-1].statement)
+ assert mock_runner.reset_test_stats.call_count == 1
+def test_add_tests(mock_runner):
+ assert len(mock_runner.tests) == 0
+ fake_tests = ["test_" + i + ".py" for i in "abc"]
+ mock_runner.run_tests(fake_tests)
+ assert len(mock_runner.tests) == 3
+ for (test_name, added_test) in zip(fake_tests, mock_runner.tests):
+ assert added_test['filepath'].endswith(test_name)
+def test_catch_invalid_test_names(runner):
+ good_tests = [u'', u'', u'test_is_ok.js', u'testIsOk.js']
+ bad_tests = [u'', u'', u'', u'testBad.notjs',
+ u'test_bad.notpy', u'test_bad', u'testbad.js', u'badtest.js',
+ u'', u'', u'test.js', u'test_.js']
+ with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc:
+ runner._add_tests(good_tests + bad_tests)
+ msg = exc.value.message
+ assert "Test file names must be of the form" in msg
+ for bad_name in bad_tests:
+ assert bad_name in msg
+ for good_name in good_tests:
+ assert good_name not in msg
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('e10s', (True, False))
+def test_e10s_option_sets_prefs(mach_parsed_kwargs, e10s):
+ mach_parsed_kwargs['e10s'] = e10s
+ runner = MarionetteTestRunner(**mach_parsed_kwargs)
+ e10s_prefs = {
+ 'browser.tabs.remote.autostart': True,
+ 'browser.tabs.remote.force-enable': True,
+ 'extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling': False
+ }
+ for k,v in e10s_prefs.iteritems():
+ if k == 'extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling' and not e10s:
+ continue
+ assert runner.prefs.get(k, False) == (v and e10s)
+def test_e10s_option_clash_raises(mock_runner):
+ mock_runner.e10s = False
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
+ mock_runner.run_tests([u''])
+ assert "configuration (self.e10s) does not match browser appinfo" in e.value.message
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(pytest.main(['--verbose', __file__]))