path: root/testing/docker/desktop1604-test/Dockerfile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/docker/desktop1604-test/Dockerfile')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/docker/desktop1604-test/Dockerfile b/testing/docker/desktop1604-test/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..929b167c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/docker/desktop1604-test/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+FROM ubuntu:16.04
+MAINTAINER Joel Maher <>
+RUN useradd -d /home/worker -s /bin/bash -m worker
+WORKDIR /home/worker
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/ /setup/
+# %include testing/mozharness/external_tools/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/mozharness/external_tools/ /usr/local/mercurial/
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/ /setup/
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/ /setup/
+# Add the tooltool manifest containing the minidump_stackwalk binary.
+# %include testing/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/releng.manifest
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/releng.manifest /tmp/minidump_stackwalk.manifest
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/ /setup/
+RUN bash /setup/
+# Add wrapper scripts for xvfb allowing tasks to easily retry starting up xvfb
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/ /home/worker/scripts/
+# %include testing/docker/recipes/run-task
+ADD topsrcdir/testing/docker/recipes/run-task /home/worker/bin/run-task
+# %include taskcluster/scripts/tester/
+ADD topsrcdir/taskcluster/scripts/tester/ /home/worker/bin/
+# This will create a host mounted filesystem when the cache is stripped
+# on Try. This cancels out some of the performance losses of aufs. See
+# bug 1291940.
+VOLUME /home/worker/checkouts
+VOLUME /home/worker/workspace
+# Set variable normally configured at login, by the shells parent process, these
+# are taken from GNU su manual
+ENV HOME /home/worker
+ENV SHELL /bin/bash
+ENV USER worker
+ENV HOSTNAME taskcluster-worker
+# Add utilities and configuration
+COPY dot-files/config /home/worker/.config
+COPY dot-files/pulse /home/worker/.pulse
+COPY bin /home/worker/bin
+RUN chmod +x bin/*
+# TODO: remove this when buildbot is gone
+COPY buildprops.json /home/worker/buildprops.json
+COPY tc-vcs-config.yml /etc/taskcluster-vcs.yml
+# TODO: remove
+ADD /home/worker/bin/buildbot_step
+RUN chmod u+x /home/worker/bin/buildbot_step
+# allow the worker user to access video devices
+RUN usermod -a -G video worker
+RUN mkdir Documents; mkdir Pictures; mkdir Music; mkdir Videos; mkdir artifacts
+# install a new enough npm, plus tc-vcs and tc-npm-cache
+RUN npm install -g npm@^2.0.0 \
+ && npm install -g taskcluster-vcs@2.3.12 \
+ && npm install -g taskcluster-npm-cache@1.1.14 \
+ && rm -rf ~/.npm
+ENV PATH $PATH:/home/worker/bin
+# TODO Re-enable worker when bug 1093833 lands
+#USER worker
+# clean up
+RUN rm -Rf .cache && mkdir -p .cache
+# Disable Ubuntu update prompt
+ADD release-upgrades /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
+# Disable tools with on-login popups that interfere with tests; see bug 1240084 and bug 984944.
+ADD autostart/jockey-gtk.desktop autostart/deja-dup-monitor.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/
+# Bug 1345105 - Do not run periodical update checks and downloads
+ADD autostart/gnome-software-service.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/
+# In we accept START_VNC to start a vnc daemon.
+# Exposing this port allows it to work.
+EXPOSE 5900
+# This helps not forgetting setting DISPLAY=:0 when running
+# tests outside of
+# Disable apport (Ubuntu app crash reporter) to avoid stealing focus from test runs
+ADD apport /etc/default/apport
+# Disable font antialiasing for now to match releng's setup
+ADD fonts.conf /home/worker/.fonts.conf
+# Set up first-run experience for interactive mode
+ADD motd /etc/taskcluster-motd
+ADD taskcluster-interactive-shell /bin/taskcluster-interactive-shell
+RUN chmod +x /bin/taskcluster-interactive-shell
+RUN chown -R worker:worker /home/worker
+# Set a default command useful for debugging
+CMD ["/bin/bash", "--login"]