path: root/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job')
8 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0860c032
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+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Convert a job description into a task description.
+Jobs descriptions are similar to task descriptions, but they specify how to run
+the job at a higher level, using a "run" field that can be interpreted by
+run-using handlers in `taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job`.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import copy
+import logging
+import os
+from taskgraph.transforms.base import validate_schema, TransformSequence
+from taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
+from voluptuous import (
+ Optional,
+ Required,
+ Schema,
+ Extra,
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Voluptuous uses marker objects as dictionary *keys*, but they are not
+# comparable, so we cast all of the keys back to regular strings
+task_description_schema = {str(k): v for k, v in task_description_schema.schema.iteritems()}
+# Schema for a build description
+job_description_schema = Schema({
+ # The name of the job and the job's label. At least one must be specified,
+ # and the label will be generated from the name if necessary, by prepending
+ # the kind.
+ Optional('name'): basestring,
+ Optional('label'): basestring,
+ # the following fields are passed directly through to the task description,
+ # possibly modified by the run implementation. See
+ # taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/ for the schema details.
+ Required('description'): task_description_schema['description'],
+ Optional('attributes'): task_description_schema['attributes'],
+ Optional('dependencies'): task_description_schema['dependencies'],
+ Optional('expires-after'): task_description_schema['expires-after'],
+ Optional('routes'): task_description_schema['routes'],
+ Optional('scopes'): task_description_schema['scopes'],
+ Optional('extra'): task_description_schema['extra'],
+ Optional('treeherder'): task_description_schema['treeherder'],
+ Optional('index'): task_description_schema['index'],
+ Optional('run-on-projects'): task_description_schema['run-on-projects'],
+ Optional('coalesce-name'): task_description_schema['coalesce-name'],
+ Optional('worker-type'): task_description_schema['worker-type'],
+ Required('worker'): task_description_schema['worker'],
+ Optional('when'): task_description_schema['when'],
+ # A description of how to run this job.
+ 'run': {
+ # The key to a job implementation in a peer module to this one
+ 'using': basestring,
+ # Any remaining content is verified against that job implementation's
+ # own schema.
+ Extra: object,
+ },
+transforms = TransformSequence()
+def validate(config, jobs):
+ for job in jobs:
+ yield validate_schema(job_description_schema, job,
+ "In job {!r}:".format(job['name']))
+def make_task_description(config, jobs):
+ """Given a build description, create a task description"""
+ # import plugin modules first, before iterating over jobs
+ import_all()
+ for job in jobs:
+ if 'label' not in job:
+ if 'name' not in job:
+ raise Exception("job has neither a name nor a label")
+ job['label'] = '{}-{}'.format(config.kind, job['name'])
+ if job['name']:
+ del job['name']
+ taskdesc = copy.deepcopy(job)
+ # fill in some empty defaults to make run implementations easier
+ taskdesc.setdefault('attributes', {})
+ taskdesc.setdefault('dependencies', {})
+ taskdesc.setdefault('routes', [])
+ taskdesc.setdefault('scopes', [])
+ taskdesc.setdefault('extra', {})
+ # give the function for on this worker implementation a
+ # chance to set up the task description.
+ configure_taskdesc_for_run(config, job, taskdesc)
+ del taskdesc['run']
+ # yield only the task description, discarding the job description
+ yield taskdesc
+# A registry of all functions decorated with run_job_using
+registry = {}
+def run_job_using(worker_implementation, run_using, schema=None):
+ """Register the decorated function as able to set up a task description for
+ jobs with the given worker implementation and `run.using` property. If
+ `schema` is given, the job's run field will be verified to match it.
+ The decorated function should have the signature `using_foo(config, job,
+ taskdesc) and should modify the task description in-place. The skeleton of
+ the task description is already set up, but without a payload."""
+ def wrap(func):
+ for_run_using = registry.setdefault(run_using, {})
+ if worker_implementation in for_run_using:
+ raise Exception("run_job_using({!r}, {!r}) already exists: {!r}".format(
+ run_using, worker_implementation, for_run_using[run_using]))
+ for_run_using[worker_implementation] = (func, schema)
+ return func
+ return wrap
+def configure_taskdesc_for_run(config, job, taskdesc):
+ """
+ Run the appropriate function for this job against the given task
+ description.
+ This will raise an appropriate error if no function exists, or if the job's
+ run is not valid according to the schema.
+ """
+ run_using = job['run']['using']
+ if run_using not in registry:
+ raise Exception("no functions for run.using {!r}".format(run_using))
+ worker_implementation = job['worker']['implementation']
+ if worker_implementation not in registry[run_using]:
+ raise Exception("no functions for run.using {!r} on {!r}".format(
+ run_using, worker_implementation))
+ func, schema = registry[run_using][worker_implementation]
+ if schema:
+ job['run'] = validate_schema(
+ schema, job['run'],
+ "In using {!r} for job {!r}:".format(
+ job['run']['using'], job['label']))
+ func(config, job, taskdesc)
+def import_all():
+ """Import all modules that are siblings of this one, triggering the decorator
+ above in the process."""
+ for f in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)):
+ if f.endswith('.py') and f not in ('', ''):
+ __import__('taskgraph.transforms.job.' + f[:-3])
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
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index 000000000..59a51d75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Common support for various job types. These functions are all named after the
+worker implementation they operate on, and take the same three parameters, for
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+SECRET_SCOPE = 'secrets:get:project/releng/gecko/{}/level-{}/{}'
+def docker_worker_add_workspace_cache(config, job, taskdesc):
+ """Add the workspace cache based on the build platform/type and level,
+ except on try where workspace caches are not used."""
+ if config.params['project'] == 'try':
+ return
+ taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('caches', []).append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'level-{}-{}-build-{}-{}-workspace'.format(
+ config.params['level'], config.params['project'],
+ taskdesc['attributes']['build_platform'],
+ taskdesc['attributes']['build_type'],
+ ),
+ 'mount-point': "/home/worker/workspace",
+ })
+def docker_worker_add_tc_vcs_cache(config, job, taskdesc):
+ taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('caches', []).append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'level-{}-{}-tc-vcs'.format(
+ config.params['level'], config.params['project']),
+ 'mount-point': "/home/worker/.tc-vcs",
+ })
+def docker_worker_add_public_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc):
+ taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('artifacts', []).append({
+ 'name': 'public/build',
+ 'path': '/home/worker/artifacts/',
+ 'type': 'directory',
+ })
+def docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars(config, job, taskdesc):
+ """Add the GECKO_BASE_* and GECKO_HEAD_* env vars to the worker."""
+ env = taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('env', {})
+ env.update({
+ 'GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY': config.params['base_repository'],
+ 'GECKO_HEAD_REF': config.params['head_rev'],
+ 'GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY': config.params['head_repository'],
+ 'GECKO_HEAD_REV': config.params['head_rev'],
+ })
+def docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout(config, job, taskdesc):
+ """Update a job/task with parameters to enable a VCS checkout.
+ The configuration is intended for tasks using "run-task" and its
+ VCS checkout behavior.
+ """
+ level = config.params['level']
+ taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('caches', []).append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ # History of versions:
+ #
+ # ``level-%s-checkouts`` was initially used and contained a number
+ # of backwards incompatible changes, such as moving HG_STORE_PATH
+ # from a separate cache to this cache.
+ #
+ # ``v1`` was introduced to provide a clean break from the unversioned
+ # cache.
+ 'name': 'level-%s-checkouts-v1' % level,
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/checkouts',
+ })
+ taskdesc['worker'].setdefault('env', {}).update({
+ 'GECKO_BASE_REPOSITORY': config.params['base_repository'],
+ 'GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY': config.params['head_repository'],
+ 'GECKO_HEAD_REV': config.params['head_rev'],
+ 'HG_STORE_PATH': '/home/worker/checkouts/hg-store',
+ })
+ # Give task access to hgfingerprint secret so it can pin the certificate
+ # for
+ taskdesc['scopes'].append('secrets:get:project/taskcluster/gecko/hgfingerprint')
+ taskdesc['worker']['taskcluster-proxy'] = True
+def docker_worker_setup_secrets(config, job, taskdesc):
+ """Set up access to secrets via taskcluster-proxy. The value of
+ run['secrets'] should be a boolean or a list of secret names that
+ can be accessed."""
+ if not job['run'].get('secrets'):
+ return
+ taskdesc['worker']['taskcluster-proxy'] = True
+ secrets = job['run']['secrets']
+ if secrets is True:
+ secrets = ['*']
+ for sec in secrets:
+ taskdesc['scopes'].append(SECRET_SCOPE.format(
+ job['treeherder']['kind'], config.params['level'], sec))
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
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+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running hazard jobs via dedicated scripts
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Optional, Any
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import (
+ docker_worker_add_workspace_cache,
+ docker_worker_setup_secrets,
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts,
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout,
+haz_run_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): 'hazard',
+ # The command to run within the task image (passed through to the worker)
+ Required('command'): basestring,
+ # The tooltool manifest to use; default in the script is used if omitted
+ Optional('tooltool-manifest'): basestring,
+ # The mozconfig to use; default in the script is used if omitted
+ Optional('mozconfig'): basestring,
+ # The set of secret names to which the task has access; these are prefixed
+ # with `project/releng/gecko/{treeherder.kind}/level-{level}/`. Setting
+ # this will enable any worker features required and set the task's scopes
+ # appropriately. `true` here means ['*'], all secrets. Not supported on
+ # Windows
+ Required('secrets', default=False): Any(bool, [basestring]),
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "hazard", schema=haz_run_schema)
+def docker_worker_hazard(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['artifacts'] = []
+ worker['caches'] = []
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_add_workspace_cache(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_setup_secrets(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout(config, job, taskdesc)
+ env = worker['env']
+ env.update({
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ })
+ # script parameters
+ if run.get('tooltool-manifest'):
+ env['TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST'] = run['tooltool-manifest']
+ if run.get('mozconfig'):
+ env['MOZCONFIG'] = run['mozconfig']
+ # tooltool downloads
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'tooltool-cache',
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ })
+ worker['relengapi-proxy'] = True
+ taskdesc['scopes'].extend([
+ '',
+ ])
+ env['TOOLTOOL_CACHE'] = '/home/worker/tooltool-cache'
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REPO'] = ''
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REV'] = 'master'
+ # needs this otherwise it assumes the checkout is in
+ # the workspace.
+ env['GECKO_DIR'] = '/home/worker/checkouts/gecko'
+ worker['command'] = [
+ '/home/worker/bin/run-task',
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/workspace',
+ '--vcs-checkout', '/home/worker/checkouts/gecko',
+ '--',
+ '/bin/bash', '-c', run['command']
+ ]
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8df202dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running mach tasks (via run-task)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.run_task import docker_worker_run_task
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required
+mach_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): 'mach',
+ # The mach command (omitting `./mach`) to run
+ Required('mach'): basestring,
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "mach", schema=mach_schema)
+def docker_worker_mach(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ # defer to the run_task implementation
+ run['command'] = 'cd /home/worker/checkouts/gecko && ./mach ' + run['mach']
+ run['checkout'] = True
+ del run['mach']
+ docker_worker_run_task(config, job, taskdesc)
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
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index 000000000..fb3cd00dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running jobs via mozharness. Ideally, most stuff gets run this
+way, and certainly anything using mozharness should use this approach.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Optional, Any
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import (
+ docker_worker_add_workspace_cache,
+ docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars,
+ docker_worker_setup_secrets,
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts,
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout,
+COALESCE_KEY = 'builds.{project}.{name}'
+mozharness_run_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): 'mozharness',
+ # the mozharness script used to run this task, relative to the testing/
+ # directory and using forward slashes even on Windows
+ Required('script'): basestring,
+ # the config files required for the task, relative to
+ # testing/mozharness/configs and using forward slashes even on Windows
+ Required('config'): [basestring],
+ # any additional actions to pass to the mozharness command; not supported
+ # on Windows
+ Optional('actions'): [basestring],
+ # any additional options (without leading --) to be passed to mozharness;
+ # not supported on Windows
+ Optional('options'): [basestring],
+ # --custom-build-variant-cfg value (not supported on Windows)
+ Optional('custom-build-variant-cfg'): basestring,
+ # If not false, tooltool downloads will be enabled via relengAPIProxy
+ # for either just public files, or all files. Not supported on Windows
+ Required('tooltool-downloads', default=False): Any(
+ False,
+ 'public',
+ 'internal',
+ ),
+ # The set of secret names to which the task has access; these are prefixed
+ # with `project/releng/gecko/{treeherder.kind}/level-{level}/`. Setting
+ # this will enable any worker features required and set the task's scopes
+ # appropriately. `true` here means ['*'], all secrets. Not supported on
+ # Windows
+ Required('secrets', default=False): Any(bool, [basestring]),
+ # If true, taskcluster proxy will be enabled; note that it may also be enabled
+ # automatically e.g., for secrets support. Not supported on Windows.
+ Required('taskcluster-proxy', default=False): bool,
+ # If true, the build scripts will start Xvfb. Not supported on Windows.
+ Required('need-xvfb', default=False): bool,
+ # If false, indicate that builds should skip producing artifacts. Not
+ # supported on Windows.
+ Required('keep-artifacts', default=True): bool,
+ # If specified, use the in-tree job script specified.
+ Optional('job-script'): basestring,
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "mozharness", schema=mozharness_run_schema)
+def mozharness_on_docker_worker_setup(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['implementation'] = job['worker']['implementation']
+ # running via mozharness assumes desktop-build (which contains
+ taskdesc['worker']['docker-image'] = {"in-tree": "desktop-build"}
+ worker['relengapi-proxy'] = False # but maybe enabled for tooltool below
+ worker['taskcluster-proxy'] = run.get('taskcluster-proxy')
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_add_workspace_cache(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout(config, job, taskdesc)
+ env = worker.setdefault('env', {})
+ env.update({
+ 'MOZHARNESS_CONFIG': ' '.join(run['config']),
+ 'MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT': run['script'],
+ 'MH_BRANCH': config.params['project'],
+ 'MH_BUILD_POOL': 'taskcluster',
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ })
+ if 'actions' in run:
+ env['MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS'] = ' '.join(run['actions'])
+ if 'options' in run:
+ env['MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS'] = ' '.join(run['options'])
+ if 'custom-build-variant-cfg' in run:
+ env['MH_CUSTOM_BUILD_VARIANT_CFG'] = run['custom-build-variant-cfg']
+ if 'job-script' in run:
+ env['JOB_SCRIPT'] = run['job-script']
+ # if we're not keeping artifacts, set some env variables to empty values
+ # that will cause the build process to skip copying the results to the
+ # artifacts directory. This will have no effect for operations that are
+ # not builds.
+ if not run['keep-artifacts']:
+ env['DIST_UPLOADS'] = ''
+ # Xvfb
+ if run['need-xvfb']:
+ env['NEED_XVFB'] = 'true'
+ # tooltool downloads
+ if run['tooltool-downloads']:
+ worker['relengapi-proxy'] = True
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'tooltool-cache',
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ })
+ taskdesc['scopes'].extend([
+ '',
+ ])
+ if run['tooltool-downloads'] == 'internal':
+ taskdesc['scopes'].append(
+ '')
+ env['TOOLTOOL_CACHE'] = '/home/worker/tooltool-cache'
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REPO'] = ''
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REV'] = 'master'
+ # Retry if mozharness returns TBPL_RETRY
+ worker['retry-exit-status'] = 4
+ docker_worker_setup_secrets(config, job, taskdesc)
+ command = [
+ '/home/worker/bin/run-task',
+ # Various caches/volumes are default owned by root:root.
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/workspace',
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ '--vcs-checkout', '/home/worker/workspace/build/src',
+ '--tools-checkout', '/home/worker/workspace/build/tools',
+ '--',
+ ]
+ command.append("/home/worker/workspace/build/src/{}".format(
+ run.get('job-script',
+ "taskcluster/scripts/builder/"
+ )))
+ worker['command'] = command
+# We use the generic worker to run tasks on Windows
+@run_job_using("generic-worker", "mozharness", schema=mozharness_run_schema)
+def mozharness_on_windows(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ # fail if invalid run options are included
+ invalid = []
+ for prop in ['actions', 'custom-build-variant-cfg',
+ 'tooltool-downloads', 'secrets', 'taskcluster-proxy',
+ 'need-xvfb']:
+ if prop in run and run[prop]:
+ invalid.append(prop)
+ if not run.get('keep-artifacts', True):
+ invalid.append('keep-artifacts')
+ if invalid:
+ raise Exception("Jobs run using mozharness on Windows do not support properties " +
+ ', '.join(invalid))
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['artifacts'] = [{
+ 'path': r'public\build',
+ 'type': 'directory',
+ }]
+ docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars(config, job, taskdesc)
+ env = worker['env']
+ env.update({
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ 'TOOLTOOL_REV': 'master',
+ })
+ mh_command = [r'c:\mozilla-build\python\python.exe']
+ mh_command.append('\\'.join([r'.\build\src\testing', run['script'].replace('/', '\\')]))
+ for cfg in run['config']:
+ mh_command.append('--config ' + cfg.replace('/', '\\'))
+ mh_command.append('--branch ' + config.params['project'])
+ mh_command.append(r'--skip-buildbot-actions --work-dir %cd:Z:=z:%\build')
+ for option in run.get('options', []):
+ mh_command.append('--' + option)
+ hg_command = ['"c:\\Program Files\\Mercurial\\hg.exe"']
+ hg_command.append('robustcheckout')
+ hg_command.extend(['--sharebase', 'y:\\hg-shared'])
+ hg_command.append('--purge')
+ hg_command.extend(['--upstream', ''])
+ hg_command.extend(['--revision', env['GECKO_HEAD_REV']])
+ hg_command.append(env['GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY'])
+ hg_command.append('.\\build\\src')
+ worker['command'] = [
+ ' '.join(hg_command),
+ ' '.join(mh_command)
+ ]
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..296fe43ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running jobs that are invoked via the `run-task` script.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import copy
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import (
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout,
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Any
+run_task_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): 'run-task',
+ # if true, add a cache at ~worker/.cache, which is where things like pip
+ # tend to hide their caches. This cache is never added for level-1 jobs.
+ Required('cache-dotcache', default=False): bool,
+ # if true (the default), perform a checkout in /home/worker/checkouts/gecko
+ Required('checkout', default=True): bool,
+ # The command arguments to pass to the `run-task` script, after the
+ # checkout arguments. If a list, it will be passed directly; otherwise
+ # it will be included in a single argument to `bash -cx`.
+ Required('command'): Any([basestring], basestring),
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "run-task", schema=run_task_schema)
+def docker_worker_run_task(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker'] = copy.deepcopy(job['worker'])
+ if run['checkout']:
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout(config, job, taskdesc)
+ if run.get('cache-dotcache') and int(config.params['level']) > 1:
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'level-{level}-{project}-dotcache'.format(**config.params),
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/.cache',
+ })
+ run_command = run['command']
+ if isinstance(run_command, basestring):
+ run_command = ['bash', '-cx', run_command]
+ command = ['/home/worker/bin/run-task']
+ if run['checkout']:
+ command.append('--vcs-checkout=/home/worker/checkouts/gecko')
+ command.append('--')
+ command.extend(run_command)
+ worker['command'] = command
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d78b78504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running spidermonkey jobs via dedicated scripts
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Optional, Any
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import (
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts,
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout,
+sm_run_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): Any('spidermonkey', 'spidermonkey-package', 'spidermonkey-mozjs-crate'),
+ Required('spidermonkey-variant'): basestring,
+ # The tooltool manifest to use; default from is used
+ # if omitted
+ Optional('tooltool-manifest'): basestring,
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "spidermonkey")
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "spidermonkey-package")
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "spidermonkey-mozjs-crate")
+def docker_worker_spidermonkey(config, job, taskdesc, schema=sm_run_schema):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['artifacts'] = []
+ worker['caches'] = []
+ if int(config.params['level']) > 1:
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'level-{}-{}-build-spidermonkey-workspace'.format(
+ config.params['level'], config.params['project']),
+ 'mount-point': "/home/worker/workspace",
+ })
+ docker_worker_add_public_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc)
+ env = worker['env']
+ env.update({
+ 'SPIDERMONKEY_VARIANT': run['spidermonkey-variant'],
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ })
+ # tooltool downloads; note that this script downloads using the API
+ # endpoiint directly, rather than via relengapi-proxy
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'tooltool-cache',
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ })
+ env['TOOLTOOL_CACHE'] = '/home/worker/tooltool-cache'
+ if run.get('tooltool-manifest'):
+ env['TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST'] = run['tooltool-manifest']
+ docker_worker_support_vcs_checkout(config, job, taskdesc)
+ script = ""
+ if run['using'] == 'spidermonkey-package':
+ script = ""
+ elif run['using'] == 'spidermonkey-mozjs-crate':
+ script = ""
+ worker['command'] = [
+ '/home/worker/bin/run-task',
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/workspace',
+ '--chown-recursive', '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ '--vcs-checkout', '/home/worker/workspace/build/src',
+ '--',
+ '/bin/bash',
+ '-c',
+ 'cd /home/worker && workspace/build/src/taskcluster/scripts/builder/%s' % script
+ ]
diff --git a/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d814f7824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/job/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Support for running toolchain-building jobs via dedicated scripts
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from voluptuous import Schema, Required
+from taskgraph.transforms.job import run_job_using
+from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import (
+ docker_worker_add_tc_vcs_cache,
+ docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars
+toolchain_run_schema = Schema({
+ Required('using'): 'toolchain-script',
+ # the script (in taskcluster/scripts/misc) to run
+ Required('script'): basestring,
+@run_job_using("docker-worker", "toolchain-script", schema=toolchain_run_schema)
+def docker_worker_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['artifacts'] = []
+ worker['caches'] = []
+ worker['artifacts'].append({
+ 'name': 'public',
+ 'path': '/home/worker/workspace/artifacts/',
+ 'type': 'directory',
+ })
+ docker_worker_add_tc_vcs_cache(config, job, taskdesc)
+ docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars(config, job, taskdesc)
+ env = worker['env']
+ env.update({
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ 'TOOLS_DISABLE': 'true',
+ })
+ # tooltool downloads; note that this downloads using the API endpoint directly,
+ # rather than via relengapi-proxy
+ worker['caches'].append({
+ 'type': 'persistent',
+ 'name': 'tooltool-cache',
+ 'mount-point': '/home/worker/tooltool-cache',
+ })
+ env['TOOLTOOL_CACHE'] = '/home/worker/tooltool-cache'
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REPO'] = ''
+ env['TOOLTOOL_REV'] = 'master'
+ command = ' && '.join([
+ "cd /home/worker/",
+ "./bin/",
+ "./workspace/build/src/taskcluster/scripts/misc/" + run['script'],
+ ])
+ worker['command'] = ["/bin/bash", "-c", command]
+@run_job_using("generic-worker", "toolchain-script", schema=toolchain_run_schema)
+def windows_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc):
+ run = job['run']
+ worker = taskdesc['worker']
+ worker['artifacts'] = [{
+ 'path': r'public\build',
+ 'type': 'directory',
+ }]
+ docker_worker_add_gecko_vcs_env_vars(config, job, taskdesc)
+ # We fetch LLVM SVN into this.
+ svn_cache = 'level-{}-toolchain-clang-cl-build-svn'.format(config.params['level'])
+ worker['mounts'] = [{
+ 'cache-name': svn_cache,
+ 'path': r'llvm-sources',
+ }]
+ taskdesc['scopes'].extend([
+ 'generic-worker:cache:' + svn_cache,
+ ])
+ env = worker['env']
+ env.update({
+ 'MOZ_BUILD_DATE': config.params['moz_build_date'],
+ 'MOZ_SCM_LEVEL': config.params['level'],
+ 'TOOLTOOL_REV': 'master',
+ })
+ hg = r'c:\Program Files\Mercurial\hg.exe'
+ hg_command = ['"{}"'.format(hg)]
+ hg_command.append('robustcheckout')
+ hg_command.extend(['--sharebase', 'y:\\hg-shared'])
+ hg_command.append('--purge')
+ hg_command.extend(['--upstream', ''])
+ hg_command.extend(['--revision', '%GECKO_HEAD_REV%'])
+ hg_command.append('%GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY%')
+ hg_command.append('.\\build\\src')
+ bash = r'c:\mozilla-build\msys\bin\bash'
+ worker['command'] = [
+ ' '.join(hg_command),
+ # do something intelligent.
+ r'{} -c ./build/src/taskcluster/scripts/misc/{}'.format(bash, run['script'])
+ ]