path: root/services/common/tests/unit/test_blocklist_certificates.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'services/common/tests/unit/test_blocklist_certificates.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/services/common/tests/unit/test_blocklist_certificates.js b/services/common/tests/unit/test_blocklist_certificates.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e85970321..000000000
--- a/services/common/tests/unit/test_blocklist_certificates.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-const { Constructor: CC } = Components;
-const { OneCRLBlocklistClient } = Cu.import("resource://services-common/blocklist-clients.js");
-const { loadKinto } = Cu.import("resource://services-common/kinto-offline-client.js");
-const BinaryInputStream = CC(";1",
- "nsIBinaryInputStream", "setInputStream");
-let server;
-// set up what we need to make storage adapters
-const Kinto = loadKinto();
-const FirefoxAdapter = Kinto.adapters.FirefoxAdapter;
-const kintoFilename = "kinto.sqlite";
-let kintoClient;
-function do_get_kinto_collection(collectionName) {
- if (!kintoClient) {
- let config = {
- // Set the remote to be some server that will cause test failure when
- // hit since we should never hit the server directly, only via maybeSync()
- remote: "",
- // Set up the adapter and bucket as normal
- adapter: FirefoxAdapter,
- bucket: "blocklists"
- };
- kintoClient = new Kinto(config);
- }
- return kintoClient.collection(collectionName);
-// Some simple tests to demonstrate that the logic inside maybeSync works
-// correctly and that simple kinto operations are working as expected. There
-// are more tests for core Kinto.js (and its storage adapter) in the
-// xpcshell tests under /services/common
-add_task(function* test_something(){
- const configPath = "/v1/";
- const recordsPath = "/v1/buckets/blocklists/collections/certificates/records";
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("services.settings.server",
- `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/v1`);
- // register a handler
- function handleResponse (request, response) {
- try {
- const sample = getSampleResponse(request, server.identity.primaryPort);
- if (!sample) {
- do_throw(`unexpected ${request.method} request for ${request.path}?${request.queryString}`);
- }
- response.setStatusLine(null, sample.status.status,
- sample.status.statusText);
- // send the headers
- for (let headerLine of sample.sampleHeaders) {
- let headerElements = headerLine.split(':');
- response.setHeader(headerElements[0], headerElements[1].trimLeft());
- }
- response.setHeader("Date", (new Date()).toUTCString());
- response.write(sample.responseBody);
- } catch (e) {
- do_print(e);
- }
- }
- server.registerPathHandler(configPath, handleResponse);
- server.registerPathHandler(recordsPath, handleResponse);
- // Test an empty db populates
- let result = yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(2000,;
- // Open the collection, verify it's been populated:
- // Our test data has a single record; it should be in the local collection
- let collection = do_get_kinto_collection("certificates");
- yield;
- let list = yield collection.list();
- do_check_eq(, 1);
- yield collection.db.close();
- // Test the db is updated when we call again with a later lastModified value
- result = yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(4000,;
- // Open the collection, verify it's been updated:
- // Our test data now has two records; both should be in the local collection
- collection = do_get_kinto_collection("certificates");
- yield;
- list = yield collection.list();
- do_check_eq(, 3);
- yield collection.db.close();
- // Try to maybeSync with the current lastModified value - no connection
- // should be attempted.
- // Clear the kinto base pref so any connections will cause a test failure
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.settings.server");
- yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(4000,;
- // Try again with a lastModified value at some point in the past
- yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(3000,;
- // Check the OneCRL check time pref is modified, even if the collection
- // hasn't changed
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("services.blocklist.onecrl.checked", 0);
- yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(3000,;
- let newValue = Services.prefs.getIntPref("services.blocklist.onecrl.checked");
- do_check_neq(newValue, 0);
- // Check that a sync completes even when there's bad data in the
- // collection. This will throw on fail, so just calling maybeSync is an
- // acceptible test.
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("services.settings.server",
- `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/v1`);
- yield OneCRLBlocklistClient.maybeSync(5000,;
-function run_test() {
- // Ensure that signature verification is disabled to prevent interference
- // with basic certificate sync tests
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.blocklist.signing.enforced", false);
- // Set up an HTTP Server
- server = new HttpServer();
- server.start(-1);
- run_next_test();
- do_register_cleanup(function() {
- server.stop(() => { });
- });
-// get a response for a given request from sample data
-function getSampleResponse(req, port) {
- const responses = {
- "OPTIONS": {
- "sampleHeaders": [
- "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Length,Expires,Backoff,Retry-After,Last-Modified,Total-Records,ETag,Pragma,Cache-Control,authorization,content-type,if-none-match,Alert,Next-Page",
- "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,HEAD,OPTIONS,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS",
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
- "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "Server: waitress"
- ],
- "status": {status: 200, statusText: "OK"},
- "responseBody": "null"
- },
- "GET:/v1/?": {
- "sampleHeaders": [
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
- "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff",
- "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "Server: waitress"
- ],
- "status": {status: 200, statusText: "OK"},
- "responseBody": JSON.stringify({"settings":{"batch_max_requests":25}, "url":`http://localhost:${port}/v1/`, "documentation":"", "version":"1.5.1", "commit":"cbc6f58", "hello":"kinto"})
- },
- "GET:/v1/buckets/blocklists/collections/certificates/records?_sort=-last_modified": {
- "sampleHeaders": [
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
- "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff",
- "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "Server: waitress",
- "Etag: \"3000\""
- ],
- "status": {status: 200, statusText: "OK"},
- "responseBody": JSON.stringify({"data":[{
- "serialNumber":"CrTHPEE6AZSfI3jysin2bA==",
- "id":"78cf8900-fdea-4ce5-f8fb-b78710617718",
- "last_modified":3000
- }]})
- },
- "GET:/v1/buckets/blocklists/collections/certificates/records?_sort=-last_modified&_since=3000": {
- "sampleHeaders": [
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
- "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff",
- "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "Server: waitress",
- "Etag: \"4000\""
- ],
- "status": {status: 200, statusText: "OK"},
- "responseBody": JSON.stringify({"data":[{
- "serialNumber":"ATFpsA==",
- "id":"dabafde9-df4a-ddba-2548-748da04cc02c",
- "last_modified":4000
- },{
- "subject":"MCIxIDAeBgNVBAMMF0Fub3RoZXIgVGVzdCBFbmQtZW50aXR5",
- "pubKeyHash":"VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8=",
- "id":"dabafde9-df4a-ddba-2548-748da04cc02d",
- "last_modified":4000
- }]})
- },
- "GET:/v1/buckets/blocklists/collections/certificates/records?_sort=-last_modified&_since=4000": {
- "sampleHeaders": [
- "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *",
- "Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff",
- "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "Server: waitress",
- "Etag: \"5000\""
- ],
- "status": {status: 200, statusText: "OK"},
- "responseBody": JSON.stringify({"data":[{
- "issuerName":"not a base64 encoded issuer",
- "serialNumber":"not a base64 encoded serial",
- "id":"dabafde9-df4a-ddba-2548-748da04cc02e",
- "last_modified":5000
- },{
- "subject":"not a base64 encoded subject",
- "pubKeyHash":"not a base64 encoded pubKeyHash",
- "id":"dabafde9-df4a-ddba-2548-748da04cc02f",
- "last_modified":5000
- },{
- "subject":"MCIxIDAeBgNVBAMMF0Fub3RoZXIgVGVzdCBFbmQtZW50aXR5",
- "pubKeyHash":"VCIlmPM9NkgFQtrs4Oa5TeFcDu6MWRTKSNdePEhOgD8=",
- "id":"dabafde9-df4a-ddba-2548-748da04cc02g",
- "last_modified":5000
- }]})
- }
- };
- return responses[`${req.method}:${req.path}?${req.queryString}`] ||
- responses[req.method];