path: root/python/voluptuous/
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1 files changed, 1954 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/voluptuous/ b/python/voluptuous/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..132c3c476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/voluptuous/
@@ -0,0 +1,1954 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Alec Thomas <>
+# All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution.
+# Author: Alec Thomas <>
+"""Schema validation for Python data structures.
+Given eg. a nested data structure like this:
+ {
+ 'exclude': ['Users', 'Uptime'],
+ 'include': [],
+ 'set': {
+ 'snmp_community': 'public',
+ 'snmp_timeout': 15,
+ 'snmp_version': '2c',
+ },
+ 'targets': {
+ 'localhost': {
+ 'exclude': ['Uptime'],
+ 'features': {
+ 'Uptime': {
+ 'retries': 3,
+ },
+ 'Users': {
+ 'snmp_community': 'monkey',
+ 'snmp_port': 15,
+ },
+ },
+ 'include': ['Users'],
+ 'set': {
+ 'snmp_community': 'monkeys',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+A schema like this:
+ >>> settings = {
+ ... 'snmp_community': str,
+ ... 'retries': int,
+ ... 'snmp_version': All(Coerce(str), Any('3', '2c', '1')),
+ ... }
+ >>> features = ['Ping', 'Uptime', 'Http']
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... 'exclude': features,
+ ... 'include': features,
+ ... 'set': settings,
+ ... 'targets': {
+ ... 'exclude': features,
+ ... 'include': features,
+ ... 'features': {
+ ... str: settings,
+ ... },
+ ... },
+ ... })
+Validate like so:
+ >>> schema({
+ ... 'set': {
+ ... 'snmp_community': 'public',
+ ... 'snmp_version': '2c',
+ ... },
+ ... 'targets': {
+ ... 'exclude': ['Ping'],
+ ... 'features': {
+ ... 'Uptime': {'retries': 3},
+ ... 'Users': {'snmp_community': 'monkey'},
+ ... },
+ ... },
+ ... }) == {
+ ... 'set': {'snmp_version': '2c', 'snmp_community': 'public'},
+ ... 'targets': {
+ ... 'exclude': ['Ping'],
+ ... 'features': {'Uptime': {'retries': 3},
+ ... 'Users': {'snmp_community': 'monkey'}}}}
+ True
+import collections
+import datetime
+import inspect
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from functools import wraps
+if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ import urllib.parse as urlparse
+ long = int
+ unicode = str
+ basestring = str
+ ifilter = filter
+ iteritems = lambda d: d.items()
+ from itertools import ifilter
+ import urlparse
+ iteritems = lambda d: d.iteritems()
+__author__ = 'Alec Thomas <>'
+__version__ = '0.8.11'
+def raises(exc, msg=None, regex=None):
+ try:
+ yield
+ except exc as e:
+ if msg is not None:
+ assert str(e) == msg, '%r != %r' % (str(e), msg)
+ if regex is not None:
+ assert, str(e)), '%r does not match %r' % (str(e), regex)
+class Undefined(object):
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '...'
+UNDEFINED = Undefined()
+def default_factory(value):
+ if value is UNDEFINED or callable(value):
+ return value
+ return lambda: value
+# options for extra keys
+PREVENT_EXTRA = 0 # any extra key not in schema will raise an error
+ALLOW_EXTRA = 1 # extra keys not in schema will be included in output
+REMOVE_EXTRA = 2 # extra keys not in schema will be excluded from output
+class Error(Exception):
+ """Base validation exception."""
+class SchemaError(Error):
+ """An error was encountered in the schema."""
+class Invalid(Error):
+ """The data was invalid.
+ :attr msg: The error message.
+ :attr path: The path to the error, as a list of keys in the source data.
+ :attr error_message: The actual error message that was raised, as a
+ string.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message, path=None, error_message=None, error_type=None):
+ Error.__init__(self, message)
+ self.path = path or []
+ self.error_message = error_message or message
+ self.error_type = error_type
+ @property
+ def msg(self):
+ return self.args[0]
+ def __str__(self):
+ path = ' @ data[%s]' % ']['.join(map(repr, self.path)) \
+ if self.path else ''
+ output = Exception.__str__(self)
+ if self.error_type:
+ output += ' for ' + self.error_type
+ return output + path
+ def prepend(self, path):
+ self.path = path + self.path
+class MultipleInvalid(Invalid):
+ def __init__(self, errors=None):
+ self.errors = errors[:] if errors else []
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'MultipleInvalid(%r)' % self.errors
+ @property
+ def msg(self):
+ return self.errors[0].msg
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ return self.errors[0].path
+ @property
+ def error_message(self):
+ return self.errors[0].error_message
+ def add(self, error):
+ self.errors.append(error)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.errors[0])
+ def prepend(self, path):
+ for error in self.errors:
+ error.prepend(path)
+class RequiredFieldInvalid(Invalid):
+ """Required field was missing."""
+class ObjectInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value we found was not an object."""
+class DictInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value found was not a dict."""
+class ExclusiveInvalid(Invalid):
+ """More than one value found in exclusion group."""
+class InclusiveInvalid(Invalid):
+ """Not all values found in inclusion group."""
+class SequenceTypeInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The type found is not a sequence type."""
+class TypeInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value was not of required type."""
+class ValueInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value was found invalid by evaluation function."""
+class ScalarInvalid(Invalid):
+ """Scalars did not match."""
+class CoerceInvalid(Invalid):
+ """Impossible to coerce value to type."""
+class AnyInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value did not pass any validator."""
+class AllInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value did not pass all validators."""
+class MatchInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value does not match the given regular expression."""
+class RangeInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not in given range."""
+class TrueInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not True."""
+class FalseInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not False."""
+class BooleanInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a boolean."""
+class UrlInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a url."""
+class FileInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a file."""
+class DirInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a directory."""
+class PathInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a path."""
+class LiteralInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The literal values do not match."""
+class VirtualPathComponent(str):
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '<' + self + '>'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+class Schema(object):
+ """A validation schema.
+ The schema is a Python tree-like structure where nodes are pattern
+ matched against corresponding trees of values.
+ Nodes can be values, in which case a direct comparison is used, types,
+ in which case an isinstance() check is performed, or callables, which will
+ validate and optionally convert the value.
+ """
+ _extra_to_name = {
+ }
+ def __init__(self, schema, required=False, extra=PREVENT_EXTRA):
+ """Create a new Schema.
+ :param schema: Validation schema. See :module:`voluptuous` for details.
+ :param required: Keys defined in the schema must be in the data.
+ :param extra: Specify how extra keys in the data are treated:
+ - :const:`~voluptuous.PREVENT_EXTRA`: to disallow any undefined
+ extra keys (raise ``Invalid``).
+ - :const:`~voluptuous.ALLOW_EXTRA`: to include undefined extra
+ keys in the output.
+ - :const:`~voluptuous.REMOVE_EXTRA`: to exclude undefined extra keys
+ from the output.
+ - Any value other than the above defaults to
+ :const:`~voluptuous.PREVENT_EXTRA`
+ """
+ self.schema = schema
+ self.required = required
+ self.extra = int(extra) # ensure the value is an integer
+ self._compiled = self._compile(schema)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Schema(%s, extra=%s, required=%s) object at 0x%x>" % (
+ self.schema, self._extra_to_name.get(self.extra, '??'),
+ self.required, id(self))
+ def __call__(self, data):
+ """Validate data against this schema."""
+ try:
+ return self._compiled([], data)
+ except MultipleInvalid:
+ raise
+ except Invalid as e:
+ raise MultipleInvalid([e])
+ # return self.validate([], self.schema, data)
+ def _compile(self, schema):
+ if schema is Extra:
+ return lambda _, v: v
+ if isinstance(schema, Object):
+ return self._compile_object(schema)
+ if isinstance(schema, collections.Mapping):
+ return self._compile_dict(schema)
+ elif isinstance(schema, list):
+ return self._compile_list(schema)
+ elif isinstance(schema, tuple):
+ return self._compile_tuple(schema)
+ type_ = type(schema)
+ if type_ is type:
+ type_ = schema
+ if type_ in (bool, int, long, str, unicode, float, complex, object,
+ list, dict, type(None)) or callable(schema):
+ return _compile_scalar(schema)
+ raise SchemaError('unsupported schema data type %r' %
+ type(schema).__name__)
+ def _compile_mapping(self, schema, invalid_msg=None):
+ """Create validator for given mapping."""
+ invalid_msg = invalid_msg or 'mapping value'
+ # Keys that may be required
+ all_required_keys = set(key for key in schema
+ if key is not Extra
+ and ((self.required and not isinstance(key, (Optional, Remove)))
+ or isinstance(key, Required)))
+ # Keys that may have defaults
+ all_default_keys = set(key for key in schema
+ if isinstance(key, Required)
+ or isinstance(key, Optional))
+ _compiled_schema = {}
+ for skey, svalue in iteritems(schema):
+ new_key = self._compile(skey)
+ new_value = self._compile(svalue)
+ _compiled_schema[skey] = (new_key, new_value)
+ candidates = list(_iterate_mapping_candidates(_compiled_schema))
+ def validate_mapping(path, iterable, out):
+ required_keys = all_required_keys.copy()
+ # keeps track of all default keys that haven't been filled
+ default_keys = all_default_keys.copy()
+ error = None
+ errors = []
+ for key, value in iterable:
+ key_path = path + [key]
+ remove_key = False
+ # compare each given key/value against all compiled key/values
+ # schema key, (compiled key, compiled value)
+ for skey, (ckey, cvalue) in candidates:
+ try:
+ new_key = ckey(key_path, key)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ if len(e.path) > len(key_path):
+ raise
+ if not error or len(e.path) > len(error.path):
+ error = e
+ continue
+ # Backtracking is not performed once a key is selected, so if
+ # the value is invalid we immediately throw an exception.
+ exception_errors = []
+ # check if the key is marked for removal
+ is_remove = new_key is Remove
+ try:
+ cval = cvalue(key_path, value)
+ # include if it's not marked for removal
+ if not is_remove:
+ out[new_key] = cval
+ else:
+ remove_key = True
+ continue
+ except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ exception_errors.extend(e.errors)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ exception_errors.append(e)
+ if exception_errors:
+ if is_remove or remove_key:
+ continue
+ for err in exception_errors:
+ if len(err.path) <= len(key_path):
+ err.error_type = invalid_msg
+ errors.append(err)
+ # If there is a validation error for a required
+ # key, this means that the key was provided.
+ # Discard the required key so it does not
+ # create an additional, noisy exception.
+ required_keys.discard(skey)
+ break
+ # Key and value okay, mark any Required() fields as found.
+ required_keys.discard(skey)
+ # No need for a default if it was filled
+ default_keys.discard(skey)
+ break
+ else:
+ if remove_key:
+ # remove key
+ continue
+ elif self.extra == ALLOW_EXTRA:
+ out[key] = value
+ elif self.extra != REMOVE_EXTRA:
+ errors.append(Invalid('extra keys not allowed', key_path))
+ # else REMOVE_EXTRA: ignore the key so it's removed from output
+ # set defaults for any that can have defaults
+ for key in default_keys:
+ if not isinstance(key.default, Undefined): # if the user provides a default with the node
+ out[key.schema] = key.default()
+ if key in required_keys:
+ required_keys.discard(key)
+ # for any required keys left that weren't found and don't have defaults:
+ for key in required_keys:
+ msg = key.msg if hasattr(key, 'msg') and key.msg else 'required key not provided'
+ errors.append(RequiredFieldInvalid(msg, path + [key]))
+ if errors:
+ raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
+ return out
+ return validate_mapping
+ def _compile_object(self, schema):
+ """Validate an object.
+ Has the same behavior as dictionary validator but work with object
+ attributes.
+ For example:
+ >>> class Structure(object):
+ ... def __init__(self, one=None, three=None):
+ ... = one
+ ... self.three = three
+ ...
+ >>> validate = Schema(Object({'one': 'two', 'three': 'four'}, cls=Structure))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "not a valid value for object value @ data['one']"):
+ ... validate(Structure(one='three'))
+ """
+ base_validate = self._compile_mapping(
+ schema, invalid_msg='object value')
+ def validate_object(path, data):
+ if (schema.cls is not UNDEFINED
+ and not isinstance(data, schema.cls)):
+ raise ObjectInvalid('expected a {0!r}'.format(schema.cls), path)
+ iterable = _iterate_object(data)
+ iterable = ifilter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, iterable)
+ out = base_validate(path, iterable, {})
+ return type(data)(**out)
+ return validate_object
+ def _compile_dict(self, schema):
+ """Validate a dictionary.
+ A dictionary schema can contain a set of values, or at most one
+ validator function/type.
+ A dictionary schema will only validate a dictionary:
+ >>> validate = Schema({})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected a dictionary'):
+ ... validate([])
+ An invalid dictionary value:
+ >>> validate = Schema({'one': 'two', 'three': 'four'})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['one']"):
+ ... validate({'one': 'three'})
+ An invalid key:
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "extra keys not allowed @ data['two']"):
+ ... validate({'two': 'three'})
+ Validation function, in this case the "int" type:
+ >>> validate = Schema({'one': 'two', 'three': 'four', int: str})
+ Valid integer input:
+ >>> validate({10: 'twenty'})
+ {10: 'twenty'}
+ By default, a "type" in the schema (in this case "int") will be used
+ purely to validate that the corresponding value is of that type. It
+ will not Coerce the value:
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "extra keys not allowed @ data['10']"):
+ ... validate({'10': 'twenty'})
+ Wrap them in the Coerce() function to achieve this:
+ >>> validate = Schema({'one': 'two', 'three': 'four',
+ ... Coerce(int): str})
+ >>> validate({'10': 'twenty'})
+ {10: 'twenty'}
+ Custom message for required key
+ >>> validate = Schema({Required('one', 'required'): 'two'})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "required @ data['one']"):
+ ... validate({})
+ (This is to avoid unexpected surprises.)
+ Multiple errors for nested field in a dict:
+ >>> validate = Schema({
+ ... 'adict': {
+ ... 'strfield': str,
+ ... 'intfield': int
+ ... }
+ ... })
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate({
+ ... 'adict': {
+ ... 'strfield': 123,
+ ... 'intfield': 'one'
+ ... }
+ ... })
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... print(sorted(str(i) for i in e.errors)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ["expected int for dictionary value @ data['adict']['intfield']",
+ "expected str for dictionary value @ data['adict']['strfield']"]
+ """
+ base_validate = self._compile_mapping(
+ schema, invalid_msg='dictionary value')
+ groups_of_exclusion = {}
+ groups_of_inclusion = {}
+ for node in schema:
+ if isinstance(node, Exclusive):
+ g = groups_of_exclusion.setdefault(node.group_of_exclusion, [])
+ g.append(node)
+ elif isinstance(node, Inclusive):
+ g = groups_of_inclusion.setdefault(node.group_of_inclusion, [])
+ g.append(node)
+ def validate_dict(path, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ raise DictInvalid('expected a dictionary', path)
+ errors = []
+ for label, group in groups_of_exclusion.items():
+ exists = False
+ for exclusive in group:
+ if exclusive.schema in data:
+ if exists:
+ msg = exclusive.msg if hasattr(exclusive, 'msg') and exclusive.msg else \
+ "two or more values in the same group of exclusion '%s'" % label
+ next_path = path + [VirtualPathComponent(label)]
+ errors.append(ExclusiveInvalid(msg, next_path))
+ break
+ exists = True
+ if errors:
+ raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
+ for label, group in groups_of_inclusion.items():
+ included = [node.schema in data for node in group]
+ if any(included) and not all(included):
+ msg = "some but not all values in the same group of inclusion '%s'" % label
+ for g in group:
+ if hasattr(g, 'msg') and g.msg:
+ msg = g.msg
+ break
+ next_path = path + [VirtualPathComponent(label)]
+ errors.append(InclusiveInvalid(msg, next_path))
+ break
+ if errors:
+ raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
+ out = {}
+ return base_validate(path, iteritems(data), out)
+ return validate_dict
+ def _compile_sequence(self, schema, seq_type):
+ """Validate a sequence type.
+ This is a sequence of valid values or validators tried in order.
+ >>> validator = Schema(['one', 'two', int])
+ >>> validator(['one'])
+ ['one']
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int @ data[0]'):
+ ... validator([3.5])
+ >>> validator([1])
+ [1]
+ """
+ _compiled = [self._compile(s) for s in schema]
+ seq_type_name = seq_type.__name__
+ def validate_sequence(path, data):
+ if not isinstance(data, seq_type):
+ raise SequenceTypeInvalid('expected a %s' % seq_type_name, path)
+ # Empty seq schema, allow any data.
+ if not schema:
+ return data
+ out = []
+ invalid = None
+ errors = []
+ index_path = UNDEFINED
+ for i, value in enumerate(data):
+ index_path = path + [i]
+ invalid = None
+ for validate in _compiled:
+ try:
+ cval = validate(index_path, value)
+ if cval is not Remove: # do not include Remove values
+ out.append(cval)
+ break
+ except Invalid as e:
+ if len(e.path) > len(index_path):
+ raise
+ invalid = e
+ else:
+ errors.append(invalid)
+ if errors:
+ raise MultipleInvalid(errors)
+ return type(data)(out)
+ return validate_sequence
+ def _compile_tuple(self, schema):
+ """Validate a tuple.
+ A tuple is a sequence of valid values or validators tried in order.
+ >>> validator = Schema(('one', 'two', int))
+ >>> validator(('one',))
+ ('one',)
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int @ data[0]'):
+ ... validator((3.5,))
+ >>> validator((1,))
+ (1,)
+ """
+ return self._compile_sequence(schema, tuple)
+ def _compile_list(self, schema):
+ """Validate a list.
+ A list is a sequence of valid values or validators tried in order.
+ >>> validator = Schema(['one', 'two', int])
+ >>> validator(['one'])
+ ['one']
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int @ data[0]'):
+ ... validator([3.5])
+ >>> validator([1])
+ [1]
+ """
+ return self._compile_sequence(schema, list)
+ def extend(self, schema, required=None, extra=None):
+ """Create a new `Schema` by merging this and the provided `schema`.
+ Neither this `Schema` nor the provided `schema` are modified. The
+ resulting `Schema` inherits the `required` and `extra` parameters of
+ this, unless overridden.
+ Both schemas must be dictionary-based.
+ :param schema: dictionary to extend this `Schema` with
+ :param required: if set, overrides `required` of this `Schema`
+ :param extra: if set, overrides `extra` of this `Schema`
+ """
+ assert type(self.schema) == dict and type(schema) == dict, 'Both schemas must be dictionary-based'
+ result = self.schema.copy()
+ result.update(schema)
+ result_required = (required if required is not None else self.required)
+ result_extra = (extra if extra is not None else self.extra)
+ return Schema(result, required=result_required, extra=result_extra)
+def _compile_scalar(schema):
+ """A scalar value.
+ The schema can either be a value or a type.
+ >>> _compile_scalar(int)([], 1)
+ 1
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, 'expected float'):
+ ... _compile_scalar(float)([], '1')
+ Callables have
+ >>> _compile_scalar(lambda v: float(v))([], '1')
+ 1.0
+ As a convenience, ValueError's are trapped:
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, 'not a valid value'):
+ ... _compile_scalar(lambda v: float(v))([], 'a')
+ """
+ if isinstance(schema, type):
+ def validate_instance(path, data):
+ if isinstance(data, schema):
+ return data
+ else:
+ msg = 'expected %s' % schema.__name__
+ raise TypeInvalid(msg, path)
+ return validate_instance
+ if callable(schema):
+ def validate_callable(path, data):
+ try:
+ return schema(data)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValueInvalid('not a valid value', path)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ e.prepend(path)
+ raise
+ return validate_callable
+ def validate_value(path, data):
+ if data != schema:
+ raise ScalarInvalid('not a valid value', path)
+ return data
+ return validate_value
+def _compile_itemsort():
+ '''return sort function of mappings'''
+ def is_extra(key_):
+ return key_ is Extra
+ def is_remove(key_):
+ return isinstance(key_, Remove)
+ def is_marker(key_):
+ return isinstance(key_, Marker)
+ def is_type(key_):
+ return inspect.isclass(key_)
+ def is_callable(key_):
+ return callable(key_)
+ # priority list for map sorting (in order of checking)
+ # We want Extra to match last, because it's a catch-all. On the other hand,
+ # Remove markers should match first (since invalid values will not
+ # raise an Error, instead the validator will check if other schemas match
+ # the same value).
+ priority = [(1, is_remove), # Remove highest priority after values
+ (2, is_marker), # then other Markers
+ (4, is_type), # types/classes lowest before Extra
+ (3, is_callable), # callables after markers
+ (5, is_extra)] # Extra lowest priority
+ def item_priority(item_):
+ key_ = item_[0]
+ for i, check_ in priority:
+ if check_(key_):
+ return i
+ # values have hightest priorities
+ return 0
+ return item_priority
+_sort_item = _compile_itemsort()
+def _iterate_mapping_candidates(schema):
+ """Iterate over schema in a meaningful order."""
+ # Without this, Extra might appear first in the iterator, and fail to
+ # validate a key even though it's a Required that has its own validation,
+ # generating a false positive.
+ return sorted(iteritems(schema), key=_sort_item)
+def _iterate_object(obj):
+ """Return iterator over object attributes. Respect objects with
+ defined __slots__.
+ """
+ d = {}
+ try:
+ d = vars(obj)
+ except TypeError:
+ # maybe we have named tuple here?
+ if hasattr(obj, '_asdict'):
+ d = obj._asdict()
+ for item in iteritems(d):
+ yield item
+ try:
+ slots = obj.__slots__
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ for key in slots:
+ if key != '__dict__':
+ yield (key, getattr(obj, key))
+ raise StopIteration()
+class Object(dict):
+ """Indicate that we should work with attributes, not keys."""
+ def __init__(self, schema, cls=UNDEFINED):
+ self.cls = cls
+ super(Object, self).__init__(schema)
+class Marker(object):
+ """Mark nodes for special treatment."""
+ def __init__(self, schema, msg=None):
+ self.schema = schema
+ self._schema = Schema(schema)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ return self._schema(v)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ if not self.msg or len(e.path) > 1:
+ raise
+ raise Invalid(self.msg)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.schema)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.schema)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.schema < other.schema
+class Optional(Marker):
+ """Mark a node in the schema as optional, and optionally provide a default
+ >>> schema = Schema({Optional('key'): str})
+ >>> schema({})
+ {}
+ >>> schema = Schema({Optional('key', default='value'): str})
+ >>> schema({})
+ {'key': 'value'}
+ >>> schema = Schema({Optional('key', default=list): list})
+ >>> schema({})
+ {'key': []}
+ If 'required' flag is set for an entire schema, optional keys aren't required
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... Optional('key'): str,
+ ... 'key2': str
+ ... }, required=True)
+ >>> schema({'key2':'value'})
+ {'key2': 'value'}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema, msg=None, default=UNDEFINED):
+ super(Optional, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg)
+ self.default = default_factory(default)
+class Exclusive(Optional):
+ """Mark a node in the schema as exclusive.
+ Exclusive keys inherited from Optional:
+ >>> schema = Schema({Exclusive('alpha', 'angles'): int, Exclusive('beta', 'angles'): int})
+ >>> schema({'alpha': 30})
+ {'alpha': 30}
+ Keys inside a same group of exclusion cannot be together, it only makes sense for dictionaries:
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "two or more values in the same group of exclusion 'angles' @ data[<angles>]"):
+ ... schema({'alpha': 30, 'beta': 45})
+ For example, API can provides multiple types of authentication, but only one works in the same time:
+ >>> msg = 'Please, use only one type of authentication at the same time.'
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... Exclusive('classic', 'auth', msg=msg):{
+ ... Required('email'): basestring,
+ ... Required('password'): basestring
+ ... },
+ ... Exclusive('internal', 'auth', msg=msg):{
+ ... Required('secret_key'): basestring
+ ... },
+ ... Exclusive('social', 'auth', msg=msg):{
+ ... Required('social_network'): basestring,
+ ... Required('token'): basestring
+ ... }
+ ... })
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "Please, use only one type of authentication at the same time. @ data[<auth>]"):
+ ... schema({'classic': {'email': '', 'password': 'bar'},
+ ... 'social': {'social_network': 'barfoo', 'token': 'tEMp'}})
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema, group_of_exclusion, msg=None):
+ super(Exclusive, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg)
+ self.group_of_exclusion = group_of_exclusion
+class Inclusive(Optional):
+ """ Mark a node in the schema as inclusive.
+ Exclusive keys inherited from Optional:
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... Inclusive('filename', 'file'): str,
+ ... Inclusive('mimetype', 'file'): str
+ ... })
+ >>> data = {'filename': 'dog.jpg', 'mimetype': 'image/jpeg'}
+ >>> data == schema(data)
+ True
+ Keys inside a same group of inclusive must exist together, it only makes sense for dictionaries:
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "some but not all values in the same group of inclusion 'file' @ data[<file>]"):
+ ... schema({'filename': 'dog.jpg'})
+ If none of the keys in the group are present, it is accepted:
+ >>> schema({})
+ {}
+ For example, API can return 'height' and 'width' together, but not separately.
+ >>> msg = "Height and width must exist together"
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... Inclusive('height', 'size', msg=msg): int,
+ ... Inclusive('width', 'size', msg=msg): int
+ ... })
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, msg + " @ data[<size>]"):
+ ... schema({'height': 100})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, msg + " @ data[<size>]"):
+ ... schema({'width': 100})
+ >>> data = {'height': 100, 'width': 100}
+ >>> data == schema(data)
+ True
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema, group_of_inclusion, msg=None):
+ super(Inclusive, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg)
+ self.group_of_inclusion = group_of_inclusion
+class Required(Marker):
+ """Mark a node in the schema as being required, and optionally provide a default value.
+ >>> schema = Schema({Required('key'): str})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "required key not provided @ data['key']"):
+ ... schema({})
+ >>> schema = Schema({Required('key', default='value'): str})
+ >>> schema({})
+ {'key': 'value'}
+ >>> schema = Schema({Required('key', default=list): list})
+ >>> schema({})
+ {'key': []}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema, msg=None, default=UNDEFINED):
+ super(Required, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg)
+ self.default = default_factory(default)
+class Remove(Marker):
+ """Mark a node in the schema to be removed and excluded from the validated
+ output. Keys that fail validation will not raise ``Invalid``. Instead, these
+ keys will be treated as extras.
+ >>> schema = Schema({str: int, Remove(int): str})
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "extra keys not allowed @ data[1]"):
+ ... schema({'keep': 1, 1: 1.0})
+ >>> schema({1: 'red', 'red': 1, 2: 'green'})
+ {'red': 1}
+ >>> schema = Schema([int, Remove(float), Extra])
+ >>> schema([1, 2, 3, 4.0, 5, 6.0, '7'])
+ [1, 2, 3, 5, '7']
+ """
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ super(Remove, self).__call__(v)
+ return self.__class__
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Remove(%r)" % (self.schema,)
+def Extra(_):
+ """Allow keys in the data that are not present in the schema."""
+ raise SchemaError('"Extra" should never be called')
+# As extra() is never called there's no way to catch references to the
+# deprecated object, so we just leave an alias here instead.
+extra = Extra
+class Msg(object):
+ """Report a user-friendly message if a schema fails to validate.
+ >>> validate = Schema(
+ ... Msg(['one', 'two', int],
+ ... 'should be one of "one", "two" or an integer'))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'should be one of "one", "two" or an integer'):
+ ... validate(['three'])
+ Messages are only applied to invalid direct descendants of the schema:
+ >>> validate = Schema(Msg([['one', 'two', int]], 'not okay!'))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int @ data[0][0]'):
+ ... validate([['three']])
+ The type which is thrown can be overridden but needs to be a subclass of Invalid
+ >>> with raises(SchemaError, 'Msg can only use subclases of Invalid as custom class'):
+ ... validate = Schema(Msg([int], 'should be int', cls=KeyError))
+ If you do use a subclass of Invalid, that error will be thrown (wrapped in a MultipleInvalid)
+ >>> validate = Schema(Msg([['one', 'two', int]], 'not okay!', cls=RangeInvalid))
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate(['three'])
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... assert isinstance(e.errors[0], RangeInvalid)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schema, msg, cls=None):
+ if cls and not issubclass(cls, Invalid):
+ raise SchemaError("Msg can only use subclases of"
+ " Invalid as custom class")
+ self._schema = schema
+ self.schema = Schema(schema)
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.cls = cls
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ return self.schema(v)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ if len(e.path) > 1:
+ raise e
+ else:
+ raise (self.cls or Invalid)(self.msg)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Msg(%s, %s, cls=%s)' % (self._schema, self.msg, self.cls)
+def message(default=None, cls=None):
+ """Convenience decorator to allow functions to provide a message.
+ Set a default message:
+ >>> @message('not an integer')
+ ... def isint(v):
+ ... return int(v)
+ >>> validate = Schema(isint())
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'not an integer'):
+ ... validate('a')
+ The message can be overridden on a per validator basis:
+ >>> validate = Schema(isint('bad'))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'bad'):
+ ... validate('a')
+ The class thrown too:
+ >>> class IntegerInvalid(Invalid): pass
+ >>> validate = Schema(isint('bad', clsoverride=IntegerInvalid))
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate('a')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... assert isinstance(e.errors[0], IntegerInvalid)
+ """
+ if cls and not issubclass(cls, Invalid):
+ raise SchemaError("message can only use subclases of Invalid as custom class")
+ def decorator(f):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def check(msg=None, clsoverride=None):
+ @wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise (clsoverride or cls or ValueInvalid)(msg or default or 'invalid value')
+ return wrapper
+ return check
+ return decorator
+def truth(f):
+ """Convenience decorator to convert truth functions into validators.
+ >>> @truth
+ ... def isdir(v):
+ ... return os.path.isdir(v)
+ >>> validate = Schema(isdir)
+ >>> validate('/')
+ '/'
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'not a valid value'):
+ ... validate('/notavaliddir')
+ """
+ @wraps(f)
+ def check(v):
+ t = f(v)
+ if not t:
+ raise ValueError
+ return v
+ return check
+class Coerce(object):
+ """Coerce a value to a type.
+ If the type constructor throws a ValueError or TypeError, the value
+ will be marked as Invalid.
+ Default behavior:
+ >>> validate = Schema(Coerce(int))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int'):
+ ... validate(None)
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected int'):
+ ... validate('foo')
+ With custom message:
+ >>> validate = Schema(Coerce(int, "moo"))
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'moo'):
+ ... validate('foo')
+ """
+ def __init__(self, type, msg=None):
+ self.type = type
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.type_name = type.__name__
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ return self.type(v)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ msg = self.msg or ('expected %s' % self.type_name)
+ raise CoerceInvalid(msg)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Coerce(%s, msg=%r)' % (self.type_name, self.msg)
+@message('value was not true', cls=TrueInvalid)
+def IsTrue(v):
+ """Assert that a value is true, in the Python sense.
+ >>> validate = Schema(IsTrue())
+ "In the Python sense" means that implicitly false values, such as empty
+ lists, dictionaries, etc. are treated as "false":
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "value was not true"):
+ ... validate([])
+ >>> validate([1])
+ [1]
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "value was not true"):
+ ... validate(False)
+ ...and so on.
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate([])
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... assert isinstance(e.errors[0], TrueInvalid)
+ """
+ return v
+@message('value was not false', cls=FalseInvalid)
+def IsFalse(v):
+ """Assert that a value is false, in the Python sense.
+ (see :func:`IsTrue` for more detail)
+ >>> validate = Schema(IsFalse())
+ >>> validate([])
+ []
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "value was not false"):
+ ... validate(True)
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate(True)
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... assert isinstance(e.errors[0], FalseInvalid)
+ """
+ if v:
+ raise ValueError
+ return v
+@message('expected boolean', cls=BooleanInvalid)
+def Boolean(v):
+ """Convert human-readable boolean values to a bool.
+ Accepted values are 1, true, yes, on, enable, and their negatives.
+ Non-string values are cast to bool.
+ >>> validate = Schema(Boolean())
+ >>> validate(True)
+ True
+ >>> validate("1")
+ True
+ >>> validate("0")
+ False
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "expected boolean"):
+ ... validate('moo')
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate('moo')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... assert isinstance(e.errors[0], BooleanInvalid)
+ """
+ if isinstance(v, basestring):
+ v = v.lower()
+ if v in ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'on', 'enable'):
+ return True
+ if v in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'off', 'disable'):
+ return False
+ raise ValueError
+ return bool(v)
+class Any(object):
+ """Use the first validated value.
+ :param msg: Message to deliver to user if validation fails.
+ :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments are passed to the sub-Schema constructors.
+ :returns: Return value of the first validator that passes.
+ >>> validate = Schema(Any('true', 'false',
+ ... All(Any(int, bool), Coerce(bool))))
+ >>> validate('true')
+ 'true'
+ >>> validate(1)
+ True
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "not a valid value"):
+ ... validate('moo')
+ msg argument is used
+ >>> validate = Schema(Any(1, 2, 3, msg="Expected 1 2 or 3"))
+ >>> validate(1)
+ 1
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "Expected 1 2 or 3"):
+ ... validate(4)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *validators, **kwargs):
+ self.validators = validators
+ self.msg = kwargs.pop('msg', None)
+ self._schemas = [Schema(val, **kwargs) for val in validators]
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ error = None
+ for schema in self._schemas:
+ try:
+ return schema(v)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ if error is None or len(e.path) > len(error.path):
+ error = e
+ else:
+ if error:
+ raise error if self.msg is None else AnyInvalid(self.msg)
+ raise AnyInvalid(self.msg or 'no valid value found')
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Any([%s])' % (", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators))
+# Convenience alias
+Or = Any
+class All(object):
+ """Value must pass all validators.
+ The output of each validator is passed as input to the next.
+ :param msg: Message to deliver to user if validation fails.
+ :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments are passed to the sub-Schema constructors.
+ >>> validate = Schema(All('10', Coerce(int)))
+ >>> validate('10')
+ 10
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *validators, **kwargs):
+ self.validators = validators
+ self.msg = kwargs.pop('msg', None)
+ self._schemas = [Schema(val, **kwargs) for val in validators]
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ for schema in self._schemas:
+ v = schema(v)
+ except Invalid as e:
+ raise e if self.msg is None else AllInvalid(self.msg)
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'All(%s, msg=%r)' % (
+ ", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators),
+ self.msg
+ )
+# Convenience alias
+And = All
+class Match(object):
+ """Value must be a string that matches the regular expression.
+ >>> validate = Schema(Match(r'^0x[A-F0-9]+$'))
+ >>> validate('0x123EF4')
+ '0x123EF4'
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, "does not match regular expression"):
+ ... validate('123EF4')
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected string or buffer'):
+ ... validate(123)
+ Pattern may also be a _compiled regular expression:
+ >>> validate = Schema(Match(re.compile(r'0x[A-F0-9]+', re.I)))
+ >>> validate('0x123ef4')
+ '0x123ef4'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pattern, msg=None):
+ if isinstance(pattern, basestring):
+ pattern = re.compile(pattern)
+ self.pattern = pattern
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ match = self.pattern.match(v)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise MatchInvalid("expected string or buffer")
+ if not match:
+ raise MatchInvalid(self.msg or 'does not match regular expression')
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Match(%r, msg=%r)' % (self.pattern.pattern, self.msg)
+class Replace(object):
+ """Regex substitution.
+ >>> validate = Schema(All(Replace('you', 'I'),
+ ... Replace('hello', 'goodbye')))
+ >>> validate('you say hello')
+ 'I say goodbye'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pattern, substitution, msg=None):
+ if isinstance(pattern, basestring):
+ pattern = re.compile(pattern)
+ self.pattern = pattern
+ self.substitution = substitution
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ return self.pattern.sub(self.substitution, v)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Replace(%r, %r, msg=%r)' % (self.pattern.pattern,
+ self.substitution,
+ self.msg)
+def _url_validation(v):
+ parsed = urlparse.urlparse(v)
+ if not parsed.scheme or not parsed.netloc:
+ raise UrlInvalid("must have a URL scheme and host")
+ return parsed
+@message('expected a Fully qualified domain name URL', cls=UrlInvalid)
+def FqdnUrl(v):
+ """Verify that the value is a Fully qualified domain name URL.
+ >>> s = Schema(FqdnUrl())
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected a Fully qualified domain name URL'):
+ ... s("http://localhost/")
+ >>> s('')
+ ''
+ """
+ try:
+ parsed_url = _url_validation(v)
+ if "." not in parsed_url.netloc:
+ raise UrlInvalid("must have a domain name in URL")
+ return v
+ except:
+ raise ValueError
+@message('expected a URL', cls=UrlInvalid)
+def Url(v):
+ """Verify that the value is a URL.
+ >>> s = Schema(Url())
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'expected a URL'):
+ ... s(1)
+ >>> s('')
+ ''
+ """
+ try:
+ _url_validation(v)
+ return v
+ except:
+ raise ValueError
+@message('not a file', cls=FileInvalid)
+def IsFile(v):
+ """Verify the file exists.
+ >>> os.path.basename(IsFile()(__file__)).startswith('')
+ True
+ >>> with raises(FileInvalid, 'not a file'):
+ ... IsFile()("")
+ """
+ return os.path.isfile(v)
+@message('not a directory', cls=DirInvalid)
+def IsDir(v):
+ """Verify the directory exists.
+ >>> IsDir()('/')
+ '/'
+ """
+ return os.path.isdir(v)
+@message('path does not exist', cls=PathInvalid)
+def PathExists(v):
+ """Verify the path exists, regardless of its type.
+ >>> os.path.basename(PathExists()(__file__)).startswith('')
+ True
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, 'path does not exist'):
+ ... PathExists()("")
+ """
+ return os.path.exists(v)
+class Range(object):
+ """Limit a value to a range.
+ Either min or max may be omitted.
+ Either min or max can be excluded from the range of accepted values.
+ :raises Invalid: If the value is outside the range.
+ >>> s = Schema(Range(min=1, max=10, min_included=False))
+ >>> s(5)
+ 5
+ >>> s(10)
+ 10
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'value must be at most 10'):
+ ... s(20)
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'value must be higher than 1'):
+ ... s(1)
+ >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'value must be lower than 10'):
+ ... Schema(Range(max=10, max_included=False))(20)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, min_included=True,
+ max_included=True, msg=None):
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.min_included = min_included
+ self.max_included = max_included
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ if self.min_included:
+ if self.min is not None and v < self.min:
+ raise RangeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'value must be at least %s' % self.min)
+ else:
+ if self.min is not None and v <= self.min:
+ raise RangeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'value must be higher than %s' % self.min)
+ if self.max_included:
+ if self.max is not None and v > self.max:
+ raise RangeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'value must be at most %s' % self.max)
+ else:
+ if self.max is not None and v >= self.max:
+ raise RangeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'value must be lower than %s' % self.max)
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ('Range(min=%r, max=%r, min_included=%r,'
+ ' max_included=%r, msg=%r)' % (self.min, self.max,
+ self.min_included,
+ self.max_included,
+ self.msg))
+class Clamp(object):
+ """Clamp a value to a range.
+ Either min or max may be omitted.
+ >>> s = Schema(Clamp(min=0, max=1))
+ >>> s(0.5)
+ 0.5
+ >>> s(5)
+ 1
+ >>> s(-1)
+ 0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, msg=None):
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ if self.min is not None and v < self.min:
+ v = self.min
+ if self.max is not None and v > self.max:
+ v = self.max
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Clamp(min=%s, max=%s)' % (self.min, self.max)
+class LengthInvalid(Invalid):
+ pass
+class Length(object):
+ """The length of a value must be in a certain range."""
+ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, msg=None):
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ if self.min is not None and len(v) < self.min:
+ raise LengthInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'length of value must be at least %s' % self.min)
+ if self.max is not None and len(v) > self.max:
+ raise LengthInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'length of value must be at most %s' % self.max)
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Length(min=%s, max=%s)' % (self.min, self.max)
+class DatetimeInvalid(Invalid):
+ """The value is not a formatted datetime string."""
+class Datetime(object):
+ """Validate that the value matches the datetime format."""
+ DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'
+ def __init__(self, format=None, msg=None):
+ self.format = format or self.DEFAULT_FORMAT
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ datetime.datetime.strptime(v, self.format)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ raise DatetimeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'value does not match'
+ ' expected format %s' % self.format)
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Datetime(format=%s)' % self.format
+class InInvalid(Invalid):
+ pass
+class In(object):
+ """Validate that a value is in a collection."""
+ def __init__(self, container, msg=None):
+ self.container = container
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ check = v not in self.container
+ except TypeError:
+ check = True
+ if check:
+ raise InInvalid(self.msg or 'value is not allowed')
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'In(%s)' % (self.container,)
+class NotInInvalid(Invalid):
+ pass
+class NotIn(object):
+ """Validate that a value is not in a collection."""
+ def __init__(self, container, msg=None):
+ self.container = container
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ check = v in self.container
+ except TypeError:
+ check = True
+ if check:
+ raise NotInInvalid(self.msg or 'value is not allowed')
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'NotIn(%s)' % (self.container,)
+def Lower(v):
+ """Transform a string to lower case.
+ >>> s = Schema(Lower)
+ >>> s('HI')
+ 'hi'
+ """
+ return str(v).lower()
+def Upper(v):
+ """Transform a string to upper case.
+ >>> s = Schema(Upper)
+ >>> s('hi')
+ 'HI'
+ """
+ return str(v).upper()
+def Capitalize(v):
+ """Capitalise a string.
+ >>> s = Schema(Capitalize)
+ >>> s('hello world')
+ 'Hello world'
+ """
+ return str(v).capitalize()
+def Title(v):
+ """Title case a string.
+ >>> s = Schema(Title)
+ >>> s('hello world')
+ 'Hello World'
+ """
+ return str(v).title()
+def Strip(v):
+ """Strip whitespace from a string.
+ >>> s = Schema(Strip)
+ >>> s(' hello world ')
+ 'hello world'
+ """
+ return str(v).strip()
+class DefaultTo(object):
+ """Sets a value to default_value if none provided.
+ >>> s = Schema(DefaultTo(42))
+ >>> s(None)
+ 42
+ >>> s = Schema(DefaultTo(list))
+ >>> s(None)
+ []
+ """
+ def __init__(self, default_value, msg=None):
+ self.default_value = default_factory(default_value)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ if v is None:
+ v = self.default_value()
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'DefaultTo(%s)' % (self.default_value(),)
+class SetTo(object):
+ """Set a value, ignoring any previous value.
+ >>> s = Schema(Any(int, SetTo(42)))
+ >>> s(2)
+ 2
+ >>> s("foo")
+ 42
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = default_factory(value)
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ return self.value()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'SetTo(%s)' % (self.value(),)
+class ExactSequenceInvalid(Invalid):
+ pass
+class ExactSequence(object):
+ """Matches each element in a sequence against the corresponding element in
+ the validators.
+ :param msg: Message to deliver to user if validation fails.
+ :param kwargs: All other keyword arguments are passed to the sub-Schema
+ constructors.
+ >>> from voluptuous import *
+ >>> validate = Schema(ExactSequence([str, int, list, list]))
+ >>> validate(['hourly_report', 10, [], []])
+ ['hourly_report', 10, [], []]
+ >>> validate(('hourly_report', 10, [], []))
+ ('hourly_report', 10, [], [])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, validators, **kwargs):
+ self.validators = validators
+ self.msg = kwargs.pop('msg', None)
+ self._schemas = [Schema(val, **kwargs) for val in validators]
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
+ raise ExactSequenceInvalid(self.msg)
+ try:
+ v = type(v)(schema(x) for x, schema in zip(v, self._schemas))
+ except Invalid as e:
+ raise e if self.msg is None else ExactSequenceInvalid(self.msg)
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'ExactSequence([%s])' % (", ".join(repr(v)
+ for v in self.validators))
+class Literal(object):
+ def __init__(self, lit):
+ self.lit = lit
+ def __call__(self, value, msg=None):
+ if self.lit != value:
+ raise LiteralInvalid(
+ msg or '%s not match for %s' % (value, self.lit)
+ )
+ else:
+ return self.lit
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.lit)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.lit)
+class Unique(object):
+ """Ensure an iterable does not contain duplicate items.
+ Only iterables convertable to a set are supported (native types and
+ objects with correct __eq__).
+ JSON does not support set, so they need to be presented as arrays.
+ Unique allows ensuring that such array does not contain dupes.
+ >>> s = Schema(Unique())
+ >>> s([])
+ []
+ >>> s([1, 2])
+ [1, 2]
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, 'contains duplicate items: [1]'):
+ ... s([1, 1, 2])
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, "contains duplicate items: ['one']"):
+ ... s(['one', 'two', 'one'])
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, regex="^contains unhashable elements: "):
+ ... s([set([1, 2]), set([3, 4])])
+ >>> s('abc')
+ 'abc'
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, regex="^contains duplicate items: "):
+ ... s('aabbc')
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg=None):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ set_v = set(v)
+ except TypeError as e:
+ raise TypeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'contains unhashable elements: {0}'.format(e))
+ if len(set_v) != len(v):
+ seen = set()
+ dupes = list(set(x for x in v if x in seen or seen.add(x)))
+ raise Invalid(
+ self.msg or 'contains duplicate items: {0}'.format(dupes))
+ return v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Unique()'
+class Set(object):
+ """Convert a list into a set.
+ >>> s = Schema(Set())
+ >>> s([]) == set([])
+ True
+ >>> s([1, 2]) == set([1, 2])
+ True
+ >>> with raises(Invalid, regex="^cannot be presented as set: "):
+ ... s([set([1, 2]), set([3, 4])])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg=None):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __call__(self, v):
+ try:
+ set_v = set(v)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TypeInvalid(
+ self.msg or 'cannot be presented as set: {0}'.format(e))
+ return set_v
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Set()'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()