path: root/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap-msys2.vbs
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap-msys2.vbs')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap-msys2.vbs b/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap-msys2.vbs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..304d4f9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap-msys2.vbs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+' file, You can obtain one at
+' This script downloads and install MSYS2 and the preferred terminal emulator ConEmu
+Sub Download(uri, path)
+ Dim httpRequest, stream
+ Set httpRequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
+ Set stream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
+ httpRequest.Open "GET", uri, False
+ httpRequest.Send
+ With stream
+ .type = 1
+ .open
+ .write httpRequest.responseBody
+ .savetofile path, 2
+ End With
+End Sub
+Function GetInstallPath()
+ Dim message, prompt
+ message = "When you click OK, we will download and extract a build environment to the directory specified. You should see various windows appear. Do NOT interact with them until one explicitly prompts you to continue." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Installation Path:"
+ title = "Select Installation Location"
+ GetInstallPath = InputBox(message, title, "c:\mozdev")
+end Function
+Dim installPath, msysPath, conemuPath, conemuSettingsPath, conemuExecutable, bashExecutable
+Dim conemuSettingsURI, settingsFile, settingsText, fso, shell, msysArchive, appShell, errorCode
+Dim mingwExecutable
+' Set up OS interaction like filesystem and shell
+Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
+Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
+Set appShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
+' Get where MSYS2 and ConEmu should be installed, create directories if necessary
+installPath = GetInstallPath()
+msysPath = fso.BuildPath(installPath, "msys64")
+conemuPath = fso.BuildPath(installPath, "ConEmu")
+If NOT fso.FolderExists(installPath) Then
+ fso.CreateFolder(installPath)
+ fso.CreateFolder(msysPath)
+End If
+If NOT fso.FolderExists(installPath) Then
+ MsgBox("Failed to create folder. Do you have permission to install in this directory?")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If
+On Error Resume Next
+' Download and move MSYS2 into the right place
+Download "", ""
+Set FilesInZip = appShell.NameSpace(fso.GetAbsolutePathName("")).Items()
+' MSYS2 archive doesn't have tmp directory...
+fso.CreateFolder(fso.BuildPath(msysPath, "tmp"))
+If Err.Number <> 0 Then
+ MsgBox("Error downloading and installing MSYS2. Make sure you have internet connection. If you think this is a bug, please file one in Bugzilla")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If
+On Error GoTo 0
+' Install ConEmu
+' Download installer
+On Error Resume Next
+Download "", "install2.ps1"
+conemuSettingsURI = ""
+' Run installer
+errorCode = shell.Run("powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted set dst '" & conemuPath & "'; set ver 'stable'; set lnk 'Mozilla Development Shell'; set xml '" & conemuSettingsURI & "'; set run $FALSE; .\install2.ps1", 0, true)
+' Delete ConEmu installer
+If Err.Number <> 0 Then
+ MsgBox("Error downloading and installing ConEmu. Make sure you have internet connection and Powershell installed. If you think this is a bug, please file one in Bugzilla")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If
+On Error GoTo 0
+' Replace paths in ConEmu settings file
+conemuSettingsPath = fso.BuildPath(conemuPath, "ConEmu.xml")
+Set settingsFile = fso.OpenTextFile(conemuSettingsPath, 1)
+settingsText = settingsFile.ReadAll
+settingsText = Replace(settingsText, "%MSYS2_PATH", msysPath)
+Set settingsFile = fso.OpenTextFile(conemuSettingsPath, 2)
+settingsFile.WriteLine settingsText
+' Make MSYS2 Mozilla-ready
+bashExecutable = fso.BuildPath(msysPath, fso.BuildPath("usr", fso.BuildPath("bin", "bash.exe")))
+conemuExecutable = fso.BuildPath(conemuPath, "ConEmu.exe")
+' There may be spaces in the paths to the executable, this ensures they're parsed correctly
+bashExecutable = """" & bashExecutable & """"
+conemuExecutable = """" & conemuExecutable & """"
+errorCode = shell.Run(bashExecutable & " -l -c 'logout", 1, true)
+If errorCode <> 0 Then
+ MsgBox("MSYS2 initial setup failed. Make sure you have full access to the path you specified. If you think this is a bug, please file one in Bugzilla at")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If
+errorCode = shell.Run(bashExecutable & " -l -c 'pacman -Syu --noconfirm wget mingw-w64-x86_64-python2-pip && logout'", 1, true)
+If errorCode <> 0 Then
+ MsgBox("Package update failed. Make sure you have internet access. If you think this is a bug, please file one in Bugzilla at")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If
+errorCode = shell.Run(conemuExecutable & " -run set CHERE_INVOKING=1 & set MSYSTEM=MINGW64 & " & bashExecutable & " -cil 'export MOZ_WINDOWS_BOOTSTRAP=1 && cd """ & installPath & """ && wget -q -O /tmp/ && python /tmp/'", 1, true)
+If errorCode <> 0 Then
+ MsgBox("Bootstrap failed. Make sure you have internet access. If you think this is a bug, please file one in Bugzilla")
+ WScript.Quit 1
+End If