path: root/nsprpub/pr/tests/bigfile.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'nsprpub/pr/tests/bigfile.c')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nsprpub/pr/tests/bigfile.c b/nsprpub/pr/tests/bigfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..199f57b5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nsprpub/pr/tests/bigfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "prio.h"
+#include "prmem.h"
+#include "prprf.h"
+#include "prinit.h"
+#include "prerror.h"
+#include "prthread.h"
+#include "plerror.h"
+#include "plgetopt.h"
+#define DEFAULT_COUNT 10
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1000000
+typedef enum {v_silent, v_whisper, v_shout} Verbosity;
+static void Verbose(Verbosity, const char*, const char*, PRIntn);
+#define VERBOSE(_l, _m) Verbose(_l, _m, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+static PRIntn test_result = 2;
+static PRFileDesc *output = NULL;
+static PRIntn verbose = v_silent;
+static PRIntn filesize = DEFAULT_FILESIZE;
+static PRIntn Usage(void)
+ PR_fprintf(output, "Bigfile test usage:\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, ">bigfile [-G] [-d] [-v[*v]] [-s <n>] <filename>\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, "\td\tdebug mode (equivalent to -vvv)\t(false)\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, "\tv\tAdditional levels of output\t(none)\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, "\tk\tKeep data file after exit\t(false)\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, "\ts <n>\tFile size in megabytes\t\t(1 megabyte)\n");
+ PR_fprintf(output, "\t<filename>\tName of test file\t(none)\n");
+ return 2; /* nothing happened */
+} /* Usage */
+static PRStatus DeleteIfFound(const char *filename)
+ PRStatus rv;
+ VERBOSE(v_shout, "Checking for existing file");
+ rv = PR_Access(filename, PR_ACCESS_WRITE_OK);
+ if (PR_SUCCESS == rv)
+ {
+ VERBOSE(v_shout, "Deleting existing file");
+ rv = PR_Delete(filename);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) VERBOSE(v_shout, "Cannot delete big file");
+ }
+ else if (PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR != PR_GetError())
+ VERBOSE(v_shout, "Cannot access big file");
+ else rv = PR_SUCCESS;
+ return rv;
+} /* DeleteIfFound */
+static PRIntn Error(const char *msg, const char *filename)
+ PRInt32 error = PR_GetError();
+ if (NULL != msg)
+ {
+ if (0 == error) PR_fprintf(output, msg);
+ else PL_FPrintError(output, msg);
+ }
+ (void)DeleteIfFound(filename);
+ if (v_shout == verbose) PR_Abort();
+ return 1;
+} /* Error */
+static void Verbose(
+ Verbosity level, const char *msg, const char *file, PRIntn line)
+ if (level <= verbose)
+ PR_fprintf(output, "[%s : %d]: %s\n", file, line, msg);
+} /* Verbose */
+static void PrintInfo(PRFileInfo64 *info, const char *filename)
+ PRExplodedTime tm;
+ char ctime[40], mtime[40];
+ static const char *types[] = {"FILE", "DIRECTORY", "OTHER"};
+ PR_fprintf(
+ output, "[%s : %d]: File info for %s\n",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__, filename);
+ PR_fprintf(
+ output, " type: %s, size: %llu bytes,\n",
+ types[info->type - 1], info->size);
+ PR_ExplodeTime(info->creationTime, PR_GMTParameters, &tm);
+ (void)PR_FormatTime(ctime, sizeof(ctime), "%c GMT", &tm);
+ PR_ExplodeTime(info->modifyTime, PR_GMTParameters, &tm);
+ (void)PR_FormatTime(mtime, sizeof(mtime), "%c GMT", &tm);
+ PR_fprintf(
+ output, " creation: %s,\n modify: %s\n", ctime, mtime);
+} /* PrintInfo */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ PRStatus rv;
+ char *buffer;
+ PLOptStatus os;
+ PRInt32 loop, bytes;
+ PRFileInfo small_info;
+ PRFileInfo64 big_info;
+ PRBool keep = PR_FALSE;
+ PRFileDesc *file = NULL;
+ const char *filename = NULL;
+ PRIntn count = DEFAULT_COUNT;
+ PRInt64 filesize64, big_answer, big_size, one_meg, zero_meg, big_fragment;
+ PRInt64 sevenFox = LL_INIT(0,0x7fffffff);
+ PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "dtvhs:");
+ output = PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError);
+ while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
+ {
+ if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
+ switch (opt->option)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ filename = opt->value;
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* debug mode */
+ verbose = v_shout;
+ break;
+ case 'k': /* keep file */
+ keep = PR_TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 'v': /* verbosity */
+ if (v_shout > verbose) verbose += 1;
+ break;
+ case 'c': /* loop counter */
+ count = atoi(opt->value);
+ break;
+ case 's': /* filesize */
+ filesize = atoi(opt->value);
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* confused */
+ default:
+ return Usage();
+ }
+ }
+ PL_DestroyOptState(opt);
+ if (0 == count) count = DEFAULT_COUNT;
+ if (0 == filesize) filesize = DEFAULT_FILESIZE;
+ if (NULL == filename)
+ {
+#ifdef SYMBIAN
+#define FILE_NAME "c:\\data\\bigfile.dat"
+#define FILE_NAME "bigfile.dat"
+ if (DEFAULT_FILESIZE != filesize) return Usage();
+ else filename = FILE_NAME;
+ }
+ if (PR_FAILURE == DeleteIfFound(filename)) return 1;
+ test_result = 0;
+ LL_I2L(zero_meg, 0);
+ LL_I2L(one_meg, 1000000);
+ LL_I2L(filesize64, filesize);
+ buffer = (char*)PR_MALLOC(BUFFER_SIZE);
+ LL_I2L(big_fragment, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ LL_MUL(filesize64, filesize64, one_meg);
+ for (loop = 0; loop < BUFFER_SIZE; ++loop) buffer[loop] = (char)loop;
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Creating big file");
+ file = PR_Open(filename, PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_WRONLY, 0666);
+ if (NULL == file) return Error("PR_Open()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Testing available space in empty file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (!LL_IS_ZERO(big_answer)) return Error("empty available64()", filename);
+ LL_SUB(big_size, filesize64, one_meg);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Creating sparse big file by seeking to end");
+ big_answer = file->methods->seek64(file, big_size, PR_SEEK_SET);
+ if (!LL_EQ(big_answer, big_size)) return Error("seek", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Writing block at end of sparse file");
+ bytes = file->methods->write(file, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ if (bytes != BUFFER_SIZE) return Error("write", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Testing available space at end of sparse file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (!LL_IS_ZERO(big_answer)) return Error("eof available64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Getting big info on sparse big file");
+ rv = file->methods->fileInfo64(file, &big_info);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("fileInfo64()", filename);
+ if (v_shout <= verbose) PrintInfo(&big_info, filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Getting small info on sparse big file");
+ rv = file->methods->fileInfo(file, &small_info);
+ if (LL_CMP(sevenFox, <, filesize64) && (PR_SUCCESS == rv))
+ {
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Should have failed and didn't");
+ return Error("fileInfo()", filename);
+ }
+ else if (LL_CMP(sevenFox, >, filesize64) && (PR_FAILURE == rv))
+ {
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Should have succeeded and didn't");
+ return Error("fileInfo()", filename);
+ }
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Rewinding big file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->seek64(file, zero_meg, PR_SEEK_SET);
+ if (!LL_IS_ZERO(big_answer)) return Error("rewind seek64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Establishing available space in rewound file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (LL_NE(filesize64, big_answer))
+ return Error("bof available64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Closing big file");
+ rv = file->methods->close(file);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("close()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Reopening big file");
+ file = PR_Open(filename, PR_RDWR, 0666);
+ if (NULL == file) return Error("open failed", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Checking available data in reopened file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (LL_NE(filesize64, big_answer))
+ return Error("reopened available64()", filename);
+ big_answer = zero_meg;
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Rewriting every byte of big file data");
+ do
+ {
+ bytes = file->methods->write(file, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ if (bytes != BUFFER_SIZE)
+ return Error("write", filename);
+ LL_ADD(big_answer, big_answer, big_fragment);
+ } while (LL_CMP(big_answer, <, filesize64));
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Checking position at eof");
+ big_answer = file->methods->seek64(file, zero_meg, PR_SEEK_CUR);
+ if (LL_NE(big_answer, filesize64))
+ return Error("file size error", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Testing available space at eof");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (!LL_IS_ZERO(big_answer))
+ return Error("eof available64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Rewinding full file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->seek64(file, zero_meg, PR_SEEK_SET);
+ if (!LL_IS_ZERO(big_answer)) return Error("bof seek64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Testing available space in rewound file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->available64(file);
+ if (LL_NE(big_answer, filesize64)) return Error("bof available64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Seeking to end of big file");
+ big_answer = file->methods->seek64(file, filesize64, PR_SEEK_SET);
+ if (LL_NE(big_answer, filesize64)) return Error("eof seek64()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Getting info on big file while it's open");
+ rv = file->methods->fileInfo64(file, &big_info);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("fileInfo64()", filename);
+ if (v_shout <= verbose) PrintInfo(&big_info, filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Closing big file");
+ rv = file->methods->close(file);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("close()", filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Getting info on big file after it's closed");
+ rv = PR_GetFileInfo64(filename, &big_info);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("fileInfo64()", filename);
+ if (v_shout <= verbose) PrintInfo(&big_info, filename);
+ VERBOSE(v_whisper, "Deleting big file");
+ rv = PR_Delete(filename);
+ if (PR_FAILURE == rv) return Error("PR_Delete()", filename);
+ PR_DELETE(buffer);
+ return test_result;
+} /* main */
+/* bigfile.c */