path: root/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.cpp')
1 files changed, 1221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.cpp b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d384c488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpResponseHead.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1221 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et cin: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// HttpLog.h should generally be included first
+#include "HttpLog.h"
+#include "nsHttpResponseHead.h"
+#include "nsIHttpHeaderVisitor.h"
+#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
+#include "prtime.h"
+#include "plstr.h"
+#include "nsURLHelper.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace net {
+// nsHttpResponseHead <public>
+nsHttpResponseHead::nsHttpResponseHead(const nsHttpResponseHead &aOther)
+ : mReentrantMonitor("nsHttpResponseHead.mReentrantMonitor")
+ , mInVisitHeaders(false)
+ nsHttpResponseHead &other = const_cast<nsHttpResponseHead&>(aOther);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(other.mReentrantMonitor);
+ mHeaders = other.mHeaders;
+ mVersion = other.mVersion;
+ mStatus = other.mStatus;
+ mStatusText = other.mStatusText;
+ mContentLength = other.mContentLength;
+ mContentType = other.mContentType;
+ mContentCharset = other.mContentCharset;
+ mCacheControlPrivate = other.mCacheControlPrivate;
+ mCacheControlNoStore = other.mCacheControlNoStore;
+ mCacheControlNoCache = other.mCacheControlNoCache;
+ mCacheControlImmutable = other.mCacheControlImmutable;
+ mPragmaNoCache = other.mPragmaNoCache;
+nsHttpResponseHead::operator=(const nsHttpResponseHead &aOther)
+ nsHttpResponseHead &other = const_cast<nsHttpResponseHead&>(aOther);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitorOther(other.mReentrantMonitor);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mHeaders = other.mHeaders;
+ mVersion = other.mVersion;
+ mStatus = other.mStatus;
+ mStatusText = other.mStatusText;
+ mContentLength = other.mContentLength;
+ mContentType = other.mContentType;
+ mContentCharset = other.mContentCharset;
+ mCacheControlPrivate = other.mCacheControlPrivate;
+ mCacheControlNoStore = other.mCacheControlNoStore;
+ mCacheControlNoCache = other.mCacheControlNoCache;
+ mCacheControlImmutable = other.mCacheControlImmutable;
+ mPragmaNoCache = other.mPragmaNoCache;
+ return *this;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mVersion;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mStatus;
+nsHttpResponseHead::StatusText(nsACString &aStatusText)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ aStatusText = mStatusText;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mContentLength;
+nsHttpResponseHead::ContentType(nsACString &aContentType)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ aContentType = mContentType;
+nsHttpResponseHead::ContentCharset(nsACString &aContentCharset)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ aContentCharset = mContentCharset;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mCacheControlPrivate;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mCacheControlNoStore;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return (mCacheControlNoCache || mPragmaNoCache);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mCacheControlImmutable;
+nsHttpResponseHead::SetHeader(nsHttpAtom hdr,
+ const nsACString &val,
+ bool merge)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ if (mInVisitHeaders) {
+ }
+ return SetHeader_locked(hdr, val, merge);
+nsHttpResponseHead::SetHeader_locked(nsHttpAtom hdr,
+ const nsACString &val,
+ bool merge)
+ nsresult rv = mHeaders.SetHeader(hdr, val, merge,
+ nsHttpHeaderArray::eVarietyResponse);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ // respond to changes in these headers. we need to reparse the entire
+ // header since the change may have merged in additional values.
+ if (hdr == nsHttp::Cache_Control)
+ ParseCacheControl(mHeaders.PeekHeader(hdr));
+ else if (hdr == nsHttp::Pragma)
+ ParsePragma(mHeaders.PeekHeader(hdr));
+ return NS_OK;
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetHeader(nsHttpAtom h, nsACString &v)
+ v.Truncate();
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mHeaders.GetHeader(h, v);
+nsHttpResponseHead::ClearHeader(nsHttpAtom h)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mHeaders.ClearHeader(h);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mHeaders.Clear();
+nsHttpResponseHead::HasHeaderValue(nsHttpAtom h, const char *v)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mHeaders.HasHeaderValue(h, v);
+nsHttpResponseHead::HasHeader(nsHttpAtom h)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mHeaders.HasHeader(h);
+nsHttpResponseHead::SetContentType(const nsACString &s)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mContentType = s;
+nsHttpResponseHead::SetContentCharset(const nsACString &s)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mContentCharset = s;
+nsHttpResponseHead::SetContentLength(int64_t len)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mContentLength = len;
+ if (len < 0)
+ mHeaders.ClearHeader(nsHttp::Content_Length);
+ else
+ mHeaders.SetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Length,
+ nsPrintfCString("%lld", len),
+ false,
+ nsHttpHeaderArray::eVarietyResponse);
+nsHttpResponseHead::Flatten(nsACString &buf, bool pruneTransients)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ if (mVersion == NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9)
+ return;
+ buf.AppendLiteral("HTTP/");
+ if (mVersion == NS_HTTP_VERSION_2_0)
+ buf.AppendLiteral("2.0 ");
+ else if (mVersion == NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1)
+ buf.AppendLiteral("1.1 ");
+ else
+ buf.AppendLiteral("1.0 ");
+ buf.Append(nsPrintfCString("%u", unsigned(mStatus)) +
+ mStatusText +
+ mHeaders.Flatten(buf, false, pruneTransients);
+nsHttpResponseHead::FlattenNetworkOriginalHeaders(nsACString &buf)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ if (mVersion == NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mHeaders.FlattenOriginalHeader(buf);
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseCachedHead(const char *block)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ParseCachedHead [this=%p]\n", this));
+ // this command works on a buffer as prepared by Flatten, as such it is
+ // not very forgiving ;-)
+ char *p = PL_strstr(block, "\r\n");
+ if (!p)
+ ParseStatusLine_locked(nsDependentCSubstring(block, p - block));
+ do {
+ block = p + 2;
+ if (*block == 0)
+ break;
+ p = PL_strstr(block, "\r\n");
+ if (!p)
+ ParseHeaderLine_locked(nsDependentCSubstring(block, p - block), false);
+ } while (1);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseCachedOriginalHeaders(char *block)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ParseCachedOriginalHeader [this=%p]\n", this));
+ // this command works on a buffer as prepared by FlattenOriginalHeader,
+ // as such it is not very forgiving ;-)
+ if (!block) {
+ }
+ char *p = block;
+ nsHttpAtom hdr = {0};
+ nsAutoCString val;
+ nsresult rv;
+ do {
+ block = p;
+ if (*block == 0)
+ break;
+ p = PL_strstr(block, "\r\n");
+ if (!p)
+ *p = 0;
+ if (NS_FAILED(nsHttpHeaderArray::ParseHeaderLine(
+ nsDependentCString(block, p - block), &hdr, &val))) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ rv = mHeaders.SetResponseHeaderFromCache(hdr,
+ val,
+ nsHttpHeaderArray::eVarietyResponseNetOriginal);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ p = p + 2;
+ } while (1);
+ return NS_OK;
+ LOG(("response status line needs default reason phrase\n"));
+ // if a http response doesn't contain a reason phrase, put one in based
+ // on the status code. The reason phrase is totally meaningless so its
+ // ok to have a default catch all here - but this makes debuggers and addons
+ // a little saner to use if we don't map things to "404 OK" or other nonsense.
+ // In particular, HTTP/2 does not use reason phrases at all so they need to
+ // always be injected.
+ switch (mStatus) {
+ // start with the most common
+ case 200:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("OK");
+ break;
+ case 404:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Not Found");
+ break;
+ case 301:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Moved Permanently");
+ break;
+ case 304:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Not Modified");
+ break;
+ case 307:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Temporary Redirect");
+ break;
+ case 500:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Internal Server Error");
+ break;
+ // also well known
+ case 100:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Continue");
+ break;
+ case 101:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Switching Protocols");
+ break;
+ case 201:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Created");
+ break;
+ case 202:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Accepted");
+ break;
+ case 203:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Non Authoritative");
+ break;
+ case 204:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("No Content");
+ break;
+ case 205:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Reset Content");
+ break;
+ case 206:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Partial Content");
+ break;
+ case 207:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Multi-Status");
+ break;
+ case 208:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Already Reported");
+ break;
+ case 300:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Multiple Choices");
+ break;
+ case 302:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Found");
+ break;
+ case 303:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("See Other");
+ break;
+ case 305:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Use Proxy");
+ break;
+ case 308:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Permanent Redirect");
+ break;
+ case 400:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Bad Request");
+ break;
+ case 401:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Unauthorized");
+ break;
+ case 402:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Payment Required");
+ break;
+ case 403:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Forbidden");
+ break;
+ case 405:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Method Not Allowed");
+ break;
+ case 406:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Not Acceptable");
+ break;
+ case 407:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Proxy Authentication Required");
+ break;
+ case 408:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Request Timeout");
+ break;
+ case 409:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Conflict");
+ break;
+ case 410:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Gone");
+ break;
+ case 411:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Length Required");
+ break;
+ case 412:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Precondition Failed");
+ break;
+ case 413:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Request Entity Too Large");
+ break;
+ case 414:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Request URI Too Long");
+ break;
+ case 415:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Unsupported Media Type");
+ break;
+ case 416:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Requested Range Not Satisfiable");
+ break;
+ case 417:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Expectation Failed");
+ break;
+ case 421:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Misdirected Request");
+ break;
+ case 501:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Not Implemented");
+ break;
+ case 502:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Bad Gateway");
+ break;
+ case 503:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Service Unavailable");
+ break;
+ case 504:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("Gateway Timeout");
+ break;
+ case 505:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("HTTP Version Unsupported");
+ break;
+ default:
+ mStatusText.AssignLiteral("No Reason Phrase");
+ break;
+ }
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseStatusLine(const nsACString &line)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ ParseStatusLine_locked(line);
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseStatusLine_locked(const nsACString &line)
+ //
+ // Parse Status-Line:: HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
+ //
+ const char *start = line.BeginReading();
+ const char *end = line.EndReading();
+ const char *p = start;
+ // HTTP-Version
+ ParseVersion(start);
+ int32_t index = line.FindChar(' ');
+ if ((mVersion == NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9) || (index == -1)) {
+ mStatus = 200;
+ AssignDefaultStatusText();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Status-Code
+ p += index + 1;
+ mStatus = (uint16_t) atoi(p);
+ if (mStatus == 0) {
+ LOG(("mal-formed response status; assuming status = 200\n"));
+ mStatus = 200;
+ }
+ // Reason-Phrase is whatever is remaining of the line
+ index = line.FindChar(' ', p - start);
+ if (index == -1) {
+ AssignDefaultStatusText();
+ }
+ else {
+ p = start + index + 1;
+ mStatusText = nsDependentCSubstring(p, end - p);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(("Have status line [version=%u status=%u statusText=%s]\n",
+ unsigned(mVersion), unsigned(mStatus), mStatusText.get()));
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseHeaderLine(const nsACString &line)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return ParseHeaderLine_locked(line, true);
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseHeaderLine_locked(const nsACString &line, bool originalFromNetHeaders)
+ nsHttpAtom hdr = {0};
+ nsAutoCString val;
+ if (NS_FAILED(nsHttpHeaderArray::ParseHeaderLine(line, &hdr, &val))) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsresult rv;
+ if (originalFromNetHeaders) {
+ rv = mHeaders.SetHeaderFromNet(hdr,
+ val,
+ true);
+ } else {
+ rv = mHeaders.SetResponseHeaderFromCache(hdr,
+ val,
+ nsHttpHeaderArray::eVarietyResponse);
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // leading and trailing LWS has been removed from |val|
+ // handle some special case headers...
+ if (hdr == nsHttp::Content_Length) {
+ int64_t len;
+ const char *ignored;
+ // permit only a single value here.
+ if (nsHttp::ParseInt64(val.get(), &ignored, &len)) {
+ mContentLength = len;
+ }
+ else {
+ // If this is a negative content length then just ignore it
+ LOG(("invalid content-length! %s\n", val.get()));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (hdr == nsHttp::Content_Type) {
+ LOG(("ParseContentType [type=%s]\n", val.get()));
+ bool dummy;
+ net_ParseContentType(val,
+ mContentType, mContentCharset, &dummy);
+ }
+ else if (hdr == nsHttp::Cache_Control)
+ ParseCacheControl(val.get());
+ else if (hdr == nsHttp::Pragma)
+ ParsePragma(val.get());
+ return NS_OK;
+// From section 13.2.3 of RFC2616, we compute the current age of a cached
+// response as follows:
+// currentAge = max(max(0, responseTime - dateValue), ageValue)
+// + now - requestTime
+// where responseTime == now
+// This is typically a very small number.
+nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeCurrentAge(uint32_t now,
+ uint32_t requestTime,
+ uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ uint32_t dateValue;
+ uint32_t ageValue;
+ *result = 0;
+ if (requestTime > now) {
+ // for calculation purposes lets not allow the request to happen in the future
+ requestTime = now;
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(GetDateValue_locked(&dateValue))) {
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeCurrentAge [this=%p] "
+ "Date response header not set!\n", this));
+ // Assume we have a fast connection and that our clock
+ // is in sync with the server.
+ dateValue = now;
+ }
+ // Compute apparent age
+ if (now > dateValue)
+ *result = now - dateValue;
+ // Compute corrected received age
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetAgeValue_locked(&ageValue)))
+ *result = std::max(*result, ageValue);
+ // Compute current age
+ *result += (now - requestTime);
+ return NS_OK;
+// From section 13.2.4 of RFC2616, we compute the freshness lifetime of a cached
+// response as follows:
+// freshnessLifetime = max_age_value
+// <or>
+// freshnessLifetime = expires_value - date_value
+// <or>
+// freshnessLifetime = min(one-week,(date_value - last_modified_value) * 0.10)
+// <or>
+// freshnessLifetime = 0
+nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeFreshnessLifetime(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ *result = 0;
+ // Try HTTP/1.1 style max-age directive...
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetMaxAgeValue_locked(result)))
+ return NS_OK;
+ *result = 0;
+ uint32_t date = 0, date2 = 0;
+ if (NS_FAILED(GetDateValue_locked(&date)))
+ date = NowInSeconds(); // synthesize a date header if none exists
+ // Try HTTP/1.0 style expires header...
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetExpiresValue_locked(&date2))) {
+ if (date2 > date)
+ *result = date2 - date;
+ // the Expires header can specify a date in the past.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // These responses can be cached indefinitely.
+ if ((mStatus == 300) || (mStatus == 410) || nsHttp::IsPermanentRedirect(mStatus)) {
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeFreshnessLifetime [this = %p] "
+ "Assign an infinite heuristic lifetime\n", this));
+ *result = uint32_t(-1);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (mStatus >= 400) {
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeFreshnessLifetime [this = %p] "
+ "Do not calculate heuristic max-age for most responses >= 400\n", this));
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Fallback on heuristic using last modified header...
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetLastModifiedValue_locked(&date2))) {
+ LOG(("using last-modified to determine freshness-lifetime\n"));
+ LOG(("last-modified = %u, date = %u\n", date2, date));
+ if (date2 <= date) {
+ // this only makes sense if last-modified is actually in the past
+ *result = (date - date2) / 10;
+ const uint32_t kOneWeek = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
+ *result = std::min(kOneWeek, *result);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ComputeFreshnessLifetime [this = %p] "
+ "Insufficient information to compute a non-zero freshness "
+ "lifetime!\n", this));
+ return NS_OK;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::MustValidate ??\n"));
+ // Some response codes are cacheable, but the rest are not. This switch
+ // should stay in sync with the list in nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse
+ switch (mStatus) {
+ // Success codes
+ case 200:
+ case 203:
+ case 206:
+ // Cacheable redirects
+ case 300:
+ case 301:
+ case 302:
+ case 304:
+ case 307:
+ case 308:
+ // Gone forever
+ case 410:
+ break;
+ // Uncacheable redirects
+ case 303:
+ case 305:
+ // Other known errors
+ case 401:
+ case 407:
+ case 412:
+ case 416:
+ default: // revalidate unknown error pages
+ LOG(("Must validate since response is an uncacheable error page\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The no-cache response header indicates that we must validate this
+ // cached response before reusing.
+ if (mCacheControlNoCache || mPragmaNoCache) {
+ LOG(("Must validate since response contains 'no-cache' header\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Likewise, if the response is no-store, then we must validate this
+ // cached response before reusing. NOTE: it may seem odd that a no-store
+ // response may be cached, but indeed all responses are cached in order
+ // to support File->SaveAs, View->PageSource, and other browser features.
+ if (mCacheControlNoStore) {
+ LOG(("Must validate since response contains 'no-store' header\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Compare the Expires header to the Date header. If the server sent an
+ // Expires header with a timestamp in the past, then we must validate this
+ // cached response before reusing.
+ if (ExpiresInPast_locked()) {
+ LOG(("Must validate since Expires < Date\n"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ LOG(("no mandatory validation requirement\n"));
+ return false;
+ // according to RFC2616, section 14.9.4:
+ //
+ // When the must-revalidate directive is present in a response received by a
+ // cache, that cache MUST NOT use the entry after it becomes stale to respond to
+ // a subsequent request without first revalidating it with the origin server.
+ //
+ return HasHeaderValue(nsHttp::Cache_Control, "must-revalidate");
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ // even though some HTTP/1.0 servers may support byte range requests, we're not
+ // going to bother with them, since those servers wouldn't understand If-Range.
+ // Also, while in theory it may be possible to resume when the status code
+ // is not 200, it is unlikely to be worth the trouble, especially for
+ // non-2xx responses.
+ return mStatus == 200 &&
+ mVersion >= NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 &&
+ mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Content_Length) &&
+ (mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::ETag) ||
+ mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified)) &&
+ mHeaders.HasHeaderValue(nsHttp::Accept_Ranges, "bytes");
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return ExpiresInPast_locked();
+nsHttpResponseHead::ExpiresInPast_locked() const
+ uint32_t maxAgeVal, expiresVal, dateVal;
+ // Bug #203271. Ensure max-age directive takes precedence over Expires
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetMaxAgeValue_locked(&maxAgeVal))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(GetExpiresValue_locked(&expiresVal)) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(GetDateValue_locked(&dateVal)) &&
+ expiresVal < dateVal;
+nsHttpResponseHead::UpdateHeaders(nsHttpResponseHead *aOther)
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::UpdateHeaders [this=%p]\n", this));
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitorOther(aOther->mReentrantMonitor);
+ uint32_t i, count = aOther->mHeaders.Count();
+ for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+ nsHttpAtom header;
+ const char *val = aOther->mHeaders.PeekHeaderAt(i, header);
+ if (!val) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ignore any hop-by-hop headers...
+ if (header == nsHttp::Connection ||
+ header == nsHttp::Proxy_Connection ||
+ header == nsHttp::Keep_Alive ||
+ header == nsHttp::Proxy_Authenticate ||
+ header == nsHttp::Proxy_Authorization || // not a response header!
+ header == nsHttp::TE ||
+ header == nsHttp::Trailer ||
+ header == nsHttp::Transfer_Encoding ||
+ header == nsHttp::Upgrade ||
+ // Ignore any non-modifiable headers...
+ header == nsHttp::Content_Location ||
+ header == nsHttp::Content_MD5 ||
+ header == nsHttp::ETag ||
+ // Assume Cache-Control: "no-transform"
+ header == nsHttp::Content_Encoding ||
+ header == nsHttp::Content_Range ||
+ header == nsHttp::Content_Type ||
+ // Ignore wacky headers too...
+ // this one is for MS servers that send "Content-Length: 0"
+ // on 304 responses
+ header == nsHttp::Content_Length) {
+ LOG(("ignoring response header [%s: %s]\n", header.get(), val));
+ }
+ else {
+ LOG(("new response header [%s: %s]\n", header.get(), val));
+ // overwrite the current header value with the new value...
+ SetHeader_locked(header, nsDependentCString(val));
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::Reset\n"));
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mHeaders.Clear();
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
+ mStatus = 200;
+ mContentLength = -1;
+ mCacheControlPrivate = false;
+ mCacheControlNoStore = false;
+ mCacheControlNoCache = false;
+ mCacheControlImmutable = false;
+ mPragmaNoCache = false;
+ mStatusText.Truncate();
+ mContentType.Truncate();
+ mContentCharset.Truncate();
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseDateHeader(nsHttpAtom header, uint32_t *result) const
+ const char *val = mHeaders.PeekHeader(header);
+ if (!val)
+ PRTime time;
+ PRStatus st = PR_ParseTimeString(val, true, &time);
+ if (st != PR_SUCCESS)
+ *result = PRTimeToSeconds(time);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetAgeValue(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return GetAgeValue_locked(result);
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetAgeValue_locked(uint32_t *result) const
+ const char *val = mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Age);
+ if (!val)
+ *result = (uint32_t) atoi(val);
+ return NS_OK;
+// Return the value of the (HTTP 1.1) max-age directive, which itself is a
+// component of the Cache-Control response header
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetMaxAgeValue(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return GetMaxAgeValue_locked(result);
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetMaxAgeValue_locked(uint32_t *result) const
+ const char *val = mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Cache_Control);
+ if (!val)
+ const char *p = nsHttp::FindToken(val, "max-age", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS "=");
+ if (!p)
+ p += 7;
+ while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
+ ++p;
+ if (*p != '=')
+ ++p;
+ while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
+ ++p;
+ int maxAgeValue = atoi(p);
+ if (maxAgeValue < 0)
+ maxAgeValue = 0;
+ *result = static_cast<uint32_t>(maxAgeValue);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetDateValue(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return GetDateValue_locked(result);
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetExpiresValue(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return GetExpiresValue_locked(result);
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetExpiresValue_locked(uint32_t *result) const
+ const char *val = mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Expires);
+ if (!val)
+ PRTime time;
+ PRStatus st = PR_ParseTimeString(val, true, &time);
+ if (st != PR_SUCCESS) {
+ // parsing failed... RFC 2616 section 14.21 says we should treat this
+ // as an expiration time in the past.
+ *result = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (time < 0)
+ *result = 0;
+ else
+ *result = PRTimeToSeconds(time);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetLastModifiedValue(uint32_t *result)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return ParseDateHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified, result);
+nsHttpResponseHead::operator==(const nsHttpResponseHead& aOther) const
+ nsHttpResponseHead &curr = const_cast<nsHttpResponseHead&>(*this);
+ nsHttpResponseHead &other = const_cast<nsHttpResponseHead&>(aOther);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitorOther(other.mReentrantMonitor);
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(curr.mReentrantMonitor);
+ return mHeaders == aOther.mHeaders &&
+ mVersion == aOther.mVersion &&
+ mStatus == aOther.mStatus &&
+ mStatusText == aOther.mStatusText &&
+ mContentLength == aOther.mContentLength &&
+ mContentType == aOther.mContentType &&
+ mContentCharset == aOther.mContentCharset &&
+ mCacheControlPrivate == aOther.mCacheControlPrivate &&
+ mCacheControlNoCache == aOther.mCacheControlNoCache &&
+ mCacheControlNoStore == aOther.mCacheControlNoStore &&
+ mCacheControlImmutable == aOther.mCacheControlImmutable &&
+ mPragmaNoCache == aOther.mPragmaNoCache;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ const char* contentRange = mHeaders.PeekHeader(nsHttp::Content_Range);
+ if (!contentRange)
+ return mContentLength;
+ // Total length is after a slash
+ const char* slash = strrchr(contentRange, '/');
+ if (!slash)
+ return -1; // No idea what the length is
+ slash++;
+ if (*slash == '*') // Server doesn't know the length
+ return -1;
+ int64_t size;
+ if (!nsHttp::ParseInt64(slash, &size))
+ size = UINT64_MAX;
+ return size;
+// nsHttpResponseHead <private>
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseVersion(const char *str)
+ // Parse HTTP-Version:: "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ParseVersion [version=%s]\n", str));
+ // make sure we have HTTP at the beginning
+ if (PL_strncasecmp(str, "HTTP", 4) != 0) {
+ if (PL_strncasecmp(str, "ICY ", 4) == 0) {
+ // ShoutCast ICY is HTTP/1.0-like. Assume it is HTTP/1.0.
+ LOG(("Treating ICY as HTTP 1.0\n"));
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG(("looks like a HTTP/0.9 response\n"));
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9;
+ return;
+ }
+ str += 4;
+ if (*str != '/') {
+ LOG(("server did not send a version number; assuming HTTP/1.0\n"));
+ // NCSA/1.5.2 has a bug in which it fails to send a version number
+ // if the request version is HTTP/1.1, so we fall back on HTTP/1.0
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
+ return;
+ }
+ char *p = PL_strchr(str, '.');
+ if (p == nullptr) {
+ LOG(("mal-formed server version; assuming HTTP/1.0\n"));
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
+ return;
+ }
+ ++p; // let b point to the minor version
+ int major = atoi(str + 1);
+ int minor = atoi(p);
+ if ((major > 2) || ((major == 2) && (minor >= 0)))
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_2_0;
+ else if ((major == 1) && (minor >= 1))
+ // at least HTTP/1.1
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
+ else
+ // treat anything else as version 1.0
+ mVersion = NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParseCacheControl(const char *val)
+ if (!(val && *val)) {
+ // clear flags
+ mCacheControlPrivate = false;
+ mCacheControlNoCache = false;
+ mCacheControlNoStore = false;
+ mCacheControlImmutable = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // search header value for occurrence of "private"
+ if (nsHttp::FindToken(val, "private", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS))
+ mCacheControlPrivate = true;
+ // search header value for occurrence(s) of "no-cache" but ignore
+ // occurrence(s) of "no-cache=blah"
+ if (nsHttp::FindToken(val, "no-cache", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS))
+ mCacheControlNoCache = true;
+ // search header value for occurrence of "no-store"
+ if (nsHttp::FindToken(val, "no-store", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS))
+ mCacheControlNoStore = true;
+ // search header value for occurrence of "immutable"
+ if (nsHttp::FindToken(val, "immutable", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS)) {
+ mCacheControlImmutable = true;
+ }
+nsHttpResponseHead::ParsePragma(const char *val)
+ LOG(("nsHttpResponseHead::ParsePragma [val=%s]\n", val));
+ if (!(val && *val)) {
+ // clear no-cache flag
+ mPragmaNoCache = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Although 'Pragma: no-cache' is not a standard HTTP response header (it's
+ // a request header), caching is inhibited when this header is present so
+ // as to match existing Navigator behavior.
+ if (nsHttp::FindToken(val, "no-cache", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS))
+ mPragmaNoCache = true;
+nsHttpResponseHead::VisitHeaders(nsIHttpHeaderVisitor *visitor,
+ nsHttpHeaderArray::VisitorFilter filter)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mInVisitHeaders = true;
+ nsresult rv = mHeaders.VisitHeaders(visitor, filter);
+ mInVisitHeaders = false;
+ return rv;
+nsHttpResponseHead::GetOriginalHeader(nsHttpAtom aHeader,
+ nsIHttpHeaderVisitor *aVisitor)
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ mInVisitHeaders = true;
+ nsresult rv = mHeaders.GetOriginalHeader(aHeader, aVisitor);
+ mInVisitHeaders = false;
+ return rv;
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return !mContentType.IsEmpty();
+ ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter monitor(mReentrantMonitor);
+ return !mContentCharset.IsEmpty();
+} // namespace net
+} // namespace mozilla