path: root/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.js')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.js b/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a71ed22ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.js
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
+const ACCESSIBLECARET_PREF = "layout.accessiblecaret.enabled";
+const BASE_TEST_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/testAccessibleCarets.html";
+const DESIGNMODE_TEST_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/robocop/testAccessibleCarets2.html";
+// Ensures Tabs are completely loaded, viewport and zoom constraints updated, etc.
+const TAB_CHANGE_EVENT = "testAccessibleCarets:TabChange";
+const gChromeWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+ * Wait for and return, when an expected tab change event occurs.
+ *
+ * @param tabId, The id of the target tab we're observing.
+ * @param eventType, The event type we expect.
+ * @return {Promise}
+ * @resolves The tab change object, including the matched tab id and event.
+ */
+function do_promiseTabChangeEvent(tabId, eventType) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ let observer = (subject, topic, data) => {
+ let message = JSON.parse(data);
+ if (message.event === eventType && message.tabId === tabId) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, TAB_CHANGE_EVENT);
+ resolve(data);
+ }
+ }
+ Services.obs.addObserver(observer, TAB_CHANGE_EVENT, false);
+ });
+ * Selection methods vary if we have an input / textarea element,
+ * or if we have basic content.
+ */
+function isInputOrTextarea(element) {
+ return ((element instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) ||
+ (element instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement));
+ * Return the selection controller based on element.
+ */
+function elementSelection(element) {
+ return (isInputOrTextarea(element)) ?
+ element.editor.selection :
+ element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
+ * Select the requested character of a target element, w/o affecting focus.
+ */
+function selectElementChar(doc, element, char) {
+ if (isInputOrTextarea(element)) {
+ element.setSelectionRange(char, char + 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Simple test cases designed firstChild == #text node.
+ let range = doc.createRange();
+ range.setStart(element.firstChild, char);
+ range.setEnd(element.firstChild, char + 1);
+ let selection = elementSelection(element);
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(range);
+ * Get longpress point. Determine the midpoint in the requested character of
+ * the content in the element. X will be midpoint from left to right.
+ * Y will be 1/3 of the height up from the bottom to account for both
+ * LTR and smaller RTL characters. ie: |X| vs. |א|
+ */
+function getCharPressPoint(doc, element, char, expected) {
+ // Select the first char in the element.
+ selectElementChar(doc, element, char);
+ // Reality check selected char to expected.
+ let selection = elementSelection(element);
+ is(selection.toString(), expected, "Selected char should match expected char.");
+ // Return a point where long press should select entire word.
+ let rect = selection.getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect();
+ let r = new Point(rect.left + (rect.width / 2), rect.bottom - (rect.height / 3));
+ return r;
+ * Long press an element (RTL/LTR) at its calculated first character
+ * position, and return the result.
+ *
+ * @param midPoint, The screen coord for the longpress.
+ * @return Selection state helper-result object.
+ */
+function getLongPressResult(browser, midPoint) {
+ let domWinUtils = browser.contentWindow.
+ QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
+ // AccessibleCarets expect longtap between touchstart/end.
+ domWinUtils.sendTouchEventToWindow("touchstart", [0], [midPoint.x], [midPoint.y],
+ [1], [1], [0], [1], 1, 0);
+ domWinUtils.sendMouseEventToWindow("mouselongtap", midPoint.x, midPoint.y,
+ 0, 1, 0);
+ domWinUtils.sendTouchEventToWindow("touchend", [0], [midPoint.x], [midPoint.y],
+ [1], [1], [0], [1], 1, 0);
+ let ActionBarHandler = gChromeWin.ActionBarHandler;
+ return { focusedElement: ActionBarHandler._targetElement,
+ text: ActionBarHandler._getSelectedText(),
+ selectionID: ActionBarHandler._selectionID,
+ };
+ * Checks the Selection UI (ActionBar or FloatingToolbar)
+ * for the availability of an expected action.
+ *
+ * @param expectedActionID, The Selection UI action we expect to be available.
+ * @return Result boolean.
+ */
+function UIhasActionByID(expectedActionID) {
+ let actions = gChromeWin.ActionBarHandler._actionBarActions;
+ return actions.some(action => {
+ return === expectedActionID;
+ });
+ * Messages the ActionBarHandler to close the Selection UI.
+ */
+function closeSelectionUI() {
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "TextSelection:End",
+ JSON.stringify({selectionID: gChromeWin.ActionBarHandler._selectionID}));
+ * Main test method.
+ */
+add_task(function* testAccessibleCarets() {
+ // Wait to start loading our test page until after the initial browser tab is
+ // completely loaded. This allows each tab to complete its layer initialization,
+ // importantly, its viewport and zoomContraints info.
+ let BrowserApp = gChromeWin.BrowserApp;
+ yield do_promiseTabChangeEvent(, TAB_STOP_EVENT);
+ // Ensure Gecko Selection and Touch carets are enabled.
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ACCESSIBLECARET_PREF, true);
+ // Load test page, wait for load completion, register cleanup.
+ let browser = BrowserApp.addTab(BASE_TEST_URL).browser;
+ let tab = BrowserApp.getTabForBrowser(browser);
+ yield do_promiseTabChangeEvent(, TAB_STOP_EVENT);
+ do_register_cleanup(function cleanup() {
+ BrowserApp.closeTab(tab);
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(ACCESSIBLECARET_PREF);
+ });
+ // References to test document elements.
+ let doc = browser.contentDocument;
+ let ce_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRcontenteditable");
+ let tc_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRtextContent");
+ let i_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRinput");
+ let ta_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRtextarea");
+ let ce_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLcontenteditable");
+ let tc_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLtextContent");
+ let i_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLinput");
+ let ta_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLtextarea");
+ let ip_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRphone");
+ let ip_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLphone");
+ let bug1265750_elem = doc.getElementById("bug1265750");
+ // Locate longpress midpoints for test elements, ensure expactations.
+ let ce_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ce_LTR_elem, 0, "F");
+ let tc_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, tc_LTR_elem, 0, "O");
+ let i_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, i_LTR_elem, 0, "T");
+ let ta_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ta_LTR_elem, 0, "W");
+ let ce_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ce_RTL_elem, 0, "א");
+ let tc_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, tc_RTL_elem, 0, "ת");
+ let i_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, i_RTL_elem, 0, "ל");
+ let ta_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ta_RTL_elem, 0, "ה");
+ let ip_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ip_LTR_elem, 8, "2");
+ let ip_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, ip_RTL_elem, 9, "2");
+ let bug1265750_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, bug1265750_elem, 2, "7");
+ // Longpress various LTR content elements. Test focused element against
+ // expected, and selected text against expected.
+ let result = getLongPressResult(browser, ce_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ce_LTR_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "Find", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, tc_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, null, "No focused element is expected.");
+ is(result.text, "Open", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, i_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, i_LTR_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "Type", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, ta_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ta_LTR_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "Words", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, ip_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ip_LTR_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "09876543210 .-.)(wp#*103410341",
+ "Selected phone number should match expected text.");
+ is(result.text.length, 30,
+ "Selected phone number length should match expected maximum.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, bug1265750_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, null, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "3 45 678 90",
+ "Selected phone number should match expected text.");
+ // Longpress various RTL content elements. Test focused element against
+ // expected, and selected text against expected.
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, ce_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ce_RTL_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "איפה", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, tc_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, null, "No focused element is expected.");
+ is(result.text, "תן", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, i_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, i_RTL_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "לרוץ", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, ta_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ta_RTL_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "הספר", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, ip_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, ip_RTL_elem, "Focused element should match expected.");
+ is(result.text, "+972 3 7347514 ",
+ "Selected phone number should match expected text.");
+ // Close Selection UI (ActionBar or FloatingToolbar) and complete test.
+ closeSelectionUI();
+ ok(true, "Finished testAccessibleCarets tests.");
+ * DesignMode test method.
+ */
+add_task(function* testAccessibleCarets_designMode() {
+ let BrowserApp = gChromeWin.BrowserApp;
+ // Pre-populate the clipboard to ensure PASTE action available.
+ Cc[";1"].
+ getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper).copyString("somethingMagical");
+ // Load test page, wait for load completion.
+ let browser = BrowserApp.addTab(DESIGNMODE_TEST_URL).browser;
+ let tab = BrowserApp.getTabForBrowser(browser, { selected: true });
+ yield do_promiseTabChangeEvent(, TAB_STOP_EVENT);
+ // References to test document elements, ActionBarHandler.
+ let doc = browser.contentDocument;
+ let tc_LTR_elem = doc.getElementById("LTRtextContent");
+ let tc_RTL_elem = doc.getElementById("RTLtextContent");
+ // Locate longpress midpoints for test elements, ensure expactations.
+ let tc_LTR_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, tc_LTR_elem, 5, "x");
+ let tc_RTL_midPoint = getCharPressPoint(doc, tc_RTL_elem, 9, "ת");
+ let flavors = ["text/unicode"];
+ let clipboardHasText = Services.clipboard.hasDataMatchingFlavors(
+ flavors, flavors.length, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
+ is(clipboardHasText, true, "There should now be paste-able text in the clipboard.");
+ // Toggle designMode on/off/on, check UI expectations.
+ ["on", "off"].forEach(designMode => {
+ doc.designMode = designMode;
+ // Text content in a document, whether in designMode or not, never receives focus.
+ // Available ActionBar/FloatingToolbar UI actions should vary depending on mode.
+ let result = getLongPressResult(browser, tc_LTR_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, null, "No focused element is expected.");
+ is(result.text, "existence", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ is(UIhasActionByID("cut_action"), (designMode === "on"),
+ "CUT action UI Visibility should match designMode state.");
+ is(UIhasActionByID("paste_action"), (designMode === "on"),
+ "PASTE action UI Visibility should match designMode state.");
+ result = getLongPressResult(browser, tc_RTL_midPoint);
+ is(result.focusedElement, null, "No focused element is expected.");
+ is(result.text, "אותו", "Selected text should match expected text.");
+ is(UIhasActionByID("cut_action"), (designMode === "on"),
+ "CUT action UI Visibility should match designMode state.");
+ is(UIhasActionByID("paste_action"), (designMode === "on"),
+ "PASTE action UI Visibility should match designMode state.");
+ });
+ // Close Selection UI (ActionBar or FloatingToolbar) and complete test.
+ closeSelectionUI();
+ ok(true, "Finished testAccessibleCarets_designMode tests.");
+// Start all the test tasks.