path: root/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediaconduit_unittests.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediaconduit_unittests.cpp')
1 files changed, 1091 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediaconduit_unittests.cpp b/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediaconduit_unittests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0cf95a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/test/mediaconduit_unittests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <math.h>
+using namespace std;
+#include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h"
+#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
+#include <MediaConduitInterface.h>
+#include "GmpVideoCodec.h"
+#include "nsIEventTarget.h"
+#include "FakeMediaStreamsImpl.h"
+#include "FakeLogging.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "runnable_utils.h"
+#include "signaling/src/common/EncodingConstraints.h"
+#include "FakeIPC.h"
+#include "FakeIPC.cpp"
+#define GTEST_HAS_RTTI 0
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gtest_utils.h"
+nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> gMainThread;
+nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> gGtestThread;
+bool gTestsComplete = false;
+#include "mtransport_test_utils.h"
+MtransportTestUtils *test_utils;
+//Video Frame Color
+const int COLOR = 0x80; //Gray
+//MWC RNG of George Marsaglia
+//taken from
+static int32_t Rz, Rw;
+static inline int32_t fast_rand(void)
+ Rz=36969*(Rz&65535)+(Rz>>16);
+ Rw=18000*(Rw&65535)+(Rw>>16);
+ return (Rz<<16)+Rw;
+ * Global structure to store video test results.
+ */
+struct VideoTestStats
+ int numRawFramesInserted;
+ int numFramesRenderedSuccessfully;
+ int numFramesRenderedWrongly;
+VideoTestStats vidStatsGlobal={0,0,0};
+ * A Dummy Video Conduit Tester.
+ * The test-case inserts a 640*480 grey imagerevery 33 milliseconds
+ * to the video-conduit for encoding and transporting.
+ */
+class VideoSendAndReceive
+ VideoSendAndReceive():width(640),
+ height(480),
+ rate(30)
+ {
+ }
+ ~VideoSendAndReceive()
+ {
+ }
+ void SetDimensions(int w, int h)
+ {
+ width = w;
+ height = h;
+ }
+ void SetRate(int r) {
+ rate = r;
+ }
+ void Init(RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> aSession)
+ {
+ mSession = aSession;
+ mLen = ((width * height) * 3 / 2);
+ mFrame = mozilla::MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(mLen);
+ memset(mFrame.get(), COLOR, mLen);
+ numFrames = 121;
+ }
+ void GenerateAndReadSamples()
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ mSession->SendVideoFrame(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(mFrame.get()),
+ mLen,
+ width,
+ height,
+ mozilla::kVideoI420,
+ 0);
+ PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(1000/rate));
+ vidStatsGlobal.numRawFramesInserted++;
+ numFrames--;
+ } while(numFrames >= 0);
+ }
+RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> mSession;
+mozilla::UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mFrame;
+int mLen;
+int width, height;
+int rate;
+int numFrames;
+ * A Dummy AudioConduit Tester
+ * The test reads PCM samples of a standard test file and
+ * passws to audio-conduit for encoding, RTPfication and
+ * decoding ebery 10 milliseconds.
+ * This decoded samples are read-off the conduit for writing
+ * into output audio file in PCM format.
+ */
+class AudioSendAndReceive
+ static const unsigned int PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY; //default is 16000
+ static const unsigned int PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH; //default is 160000
+ AudioSendAndReceive()
+ {
+ }
+ ~AudioSendAndReceive()
+ {
+ }
+ void Init(RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> aSession,
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> aOtherSession,
+ std::string fileIn, std::string fileOut)
+ {
+ mSession = aSession;
+ mOtherSession = aOtherSession;
+ iFile = fileIn;
+ oFile = fileOut;
+ }
+ //Kick start the test
+ void GenerateAndReadSamples();
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mOtherSession;
+ std::string iFile;
+ std::string oFile;
+ int WriteWaveHeader(int rate, int channels, FILE* outFile);
+ int FinishWaveHeader(FILE* outFile);
+ void GenerateMusic(int16_t* buf, int len);
+const unsigned int AudioSendAndReceive::PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY = 16000;
+const unsigned int AudioSendAndReceive::PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH = 160000;
+int AudioSendAndReceive::WriteWaveHeader(int rate, int channels, FILE* outFile)
+ //Hardcoded for 16 bit samples
+ unsigned char header[] = {
+ // File header
+ 0x52, 0x49, 0x46, 0x46, // 'RIFF'
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // chunk size
+ 0x57, 0x41, 0x56, 0x45, // 'WAVE'
+ // fmt chunk. We always write 16-bit samples.
+ 0x66, 0x6d, 0x74, 0x20, // 'fmt '
+ 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // chunk size
+ 0x01, 0x00, // WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, // channels
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // sample rate
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // data rate
+ 0xFF, 0xFF, // frame size in bytes
+ 0x10, 0x00, // bits per sample
+ // data chunk
+ 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, // 'data'
+ 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x7F // chunk size
+ };
+#define set_uint16le(buffer, value) \
+ (buffer)[0] = (value) & 0xff; \
+ (buffer)[1] = (value) >> 8;
+#define set_uint32le(buffer, value) \
+ set_uint16le( (buffer), (value) & 0xffff ); \
+ set_uint16le( (buffer) + 2, (value) >> 16 );
+ // set dynamic header fields
+ set_uint16le(header + 22, channels);
+ set_uint32le(header + 24, rate);
+ set_uint16le(header + 32, channels*2);
+ size_t written = fwrite(header, 1, sizeof(header), outFile);
+ if (written != sizeof(header)) {
+ cerr << "Writing WAV header failed" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Update the WAVE file header with the written length
+int AudioSendAndReceive::FinishWaveHeader(FILE* outFile)
+ // Measure how much data we've written
+ long end = ftell(outFile);
+ if (end < 16) {
+ cerr << "Couldn't get output file length" << endl;
+ return (end < 0) ? end : -1;
+ }
+ // Update the header
+ unsigned char size[4];
+ int err = fseek(outFile, 40, SEEK_SET);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ cerr << "Couldn't seek to WAV file header." << endl;
+ return err;
+ }
+ set_uint32le(size, (end - 44) & 0xffffffff);
+ size_t written = fwrite(size, 1, sizeof(size), outFile);
+ if (written != sizeof(size)) {
+ cerr << "Couldn't write data size to WAV header" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Return to the end
+ err = fseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_END);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ cerr << "Couldn't seek to WAV file end." << endl;
+ return err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+//Code from to generate music of predefined length
+void AudioSendAndReceive::GenerateMusic(short* buf, int len)
+ cerr <<" Generating Input Music " << endl;
+ int32_t a1,a2,b1,b2;
+ int32_t c1,c2,d1,d2;
+ int32_t i,j;
+ a1=b1=a2=b2=0;
+ c1=c2=d1=d2=0;
+ j=0;
+ /*60ms silence */
+ for(i=0;i<2880;i++)
+ {
+ buf[i*2]=buf[(i*2)+1]=0;
+ }
+ for(i=2880;i<len-1;i+=2)
+ {
+ int32_t r;
+ int32_t v1,v2;
+ v1=v2=(((j*((j>>12)^((j>>10|j>>12)&26&j>>7)))&128)+128)<<15;
+ r=fast_rand();v1+=r&65535;v1-=r>>16;
+ r=fast_rand();v2+=r&65535;v2-=r>>16;
+ b1=v1-a1+((b1*61+32)>>6);a1=v1;
+ b2=v2-a2+((b2*61+32)>>6);a2=v2;
+ c1=(30*(c1+b1+d1)+32)>>6;d1=b1;
+ c2=(30*(c2+b2+d2)+32)>>6;d2=b2;
+ v1=(c1+128)>>8;
+ v2=(c2+128)>>8;
+ buf[i]=v1>32767?32767:(v1<-32768?-32768:v1);
+ buf[i+1]=v2>32767?32767:(v2<-32768?-32768:v2);
+ if(i%6==0)j++;
+ }
+ cerr << "Generating Input Music Done " << endl;
+//Hardcoded for 16 bit samples for now
+void AudioSendAndReceive::GenerateAndReadSamples()
+ auto audioInput = mozilla::MakeUnique<int16_t []>(PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH);
+ auto audioOutput = mozilla::MakeUnique<int16_t []>(PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH);
+ short* inbuf;
+ int sampleLengthDecoded = 0;
+ unsigned int SAMPLES = (PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY * 10); //10 seconds
+ int CHANNELS = 1; //mono audio
+ int sampleLengthInBytes = sizeof(int16_t) * PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH;
+ //generated audio buffer
+ inbuf = (short *)moz_xmalloc(sizeof(short)*SAMPLES*CHANNELS);
+ memset(audioInput.get(),0,sampleLengthInBytes);
+ memset(audioOutput.get(),0,sampleLengthInBytes);
+ FILE* inFile = fopen( iFile.c_str(), "wb+");
+ if(!inFile) {
+ cerr << "Input File Creation Failed " << endl;
+ free(inbuf);
+ return;
+ }
+ FILE* outFile = fopen( oFile.c_str(), "wb+");
+ if(!outFile) {
+ cerr << "Output File Creation Failed " << endl;
+ free(inbuf);
+ fclose(inFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ //Create input file with the music
+ WriteWaveHeader(PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY, 1, inFile);
+ GenerateMusic(inbuf, SAMPLES);
+ fwrite(inbuf,1,SAMPLES*sizeof(inbuf[0])*CHANNELS,inFile);
+ FinishWaveHeader(inFile);
+ fclose(inFile);
+ WriteWaveHeader(PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY, 1, outFile);
+ unsigned int numSamplesReadFromInput = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if(!memcpy(audioInput.get(), inbuf, sampleLengthInBytes))
+ {
+ free(inbuf);
+ fclose(outFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ numSamplesReadFromInput += PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_LENGTH;
+ mSession->SendAudioFrame(audioInput.get(),
+ PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(10));
+ mOtherSession->GetAudioFrame(audioOutput.get(), PLAYOUT_SAMPLE_FREQUENCY,
+ 10, sampleLengthDecoded);
+ if(sampleLengthDecoded == 0)
+ {
+ cerr << " Zero length Sample " << endl;
+ }
+ int wrote_ = fwrite (audioOutput.get(), 1 , sampleLengthInBytes, outFile);
+ if(wrote_ != sampleLengthInBytes)
+ {
+ cerr << "Couldn't Write " << sampleLengthInBytes << "bytes" << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(numSamplesReadFromInput < SAMPLES);
+ FinishWaveHeader(outFile);
+ free(inbuf);
+ fclose(outFile);
+ * Dummy Video Target for the conduit
+ * This class acts as renderer attached to the video conuit
+ * As of today we just verify if the frames rendered are exactly
+ * the same as frame inserted at the first place
+ */
+class DummyVideoTarget: public mozilla::VideoRenderer
+ DummyVideoTarget()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~DummyVideoTarget()
+ {
+ }
+ void RenderVideoFrame(const unsigned char* buffer,
+ size_t buffer_size,
+ uint32_t y_stride,
+ uint32_t cbcr_stride,
+ uint32_t time_stamp,
+ int64_t render_time,
+ const mozilla::ImageHandle& handle) override
+ {
+ RenderVideoFrame(buffer, buffer_size, time_stamp, render_time, handle);
+ }
+ void RenderVideoFrame(const unsigned char* buffer,
+ size_t buffer_size,
+ uint32_t time_stamp,
+ int64_t render_time,
+ const mozilla::ImageHandle& handle) override
+ {
+ //write the frame to the file
+ if(VerifyFrame(buffer, buffer_size) == 0)
+ {
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedSuccessfully++;
+ } else
+ {
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedWrongly++;
+ }
+ }
+ void FrameSizeChange(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) override
+ {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ //This is hardcoded to check if the contents of frame is COLOR
+ // as we set while sending.
+ int VerifyFrame(const unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int buffer_size)
+ {
+ int good = 0;
+ for(int i=0; i < (int) buffer_size; i++)
+ {
+ if(buffer[i] == COLOR)
+ {
+ ++good;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ --good;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ * Webrtc Audio and Video External Transport Class
+ * The functions in this class will be invoked by the conduit
+ * when it has RTP/RTCP frame to transmit.
+ * For everty RTP/RTCP frame we receive, we pass it back
+ * to the conduit for eventual decoding and rendering.
+ */
+class WebrtcMediaTransport : public mozilla::TransportInterface
+ WebrtcMediaTransport():numPkts(0),
+ mAudio(false),
+ mVideo(false)
+ {
+ }
+ ~WebrtcMediaTransport()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual nsresult SendRtpPacket(const void* data, int len)
+ {
+ ++numPkts;
+ if(mAudio)
+ {
+ mOtherAudioSession->ReceivedRTPPacket(data,len);
+ } else
+ {
+ mOtherVideoSession->ReceivedRTPPacket(data,len);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ virtual nsresult SendRtcpPacket(const void* data, int len)
+ {
+ if(mAudio)
+ {
+ mOtherAudioSession->ReceivedRTCPPacket(data,len);
+ } else
+ {
+ mOtherVideoSession->ReceivedRTCPPacket(data,len);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ //Treat this object as Audio Transport
+ void SetAudioSession(RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> aSession,
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit>
+ aOtherSession)
+ {
+ mAudioSession = aSession;
+ mOtherAudioSession = aOtherSession;
+ mAudio = true;
+ }
+ // Treat this object as Video Transport
+ void SetVideoSession(RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> aSession,
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit>
+ aOtherSession)
+ {
+ mVideoSession = aSession;
+ mOtherVideoSession = aOtherSession;
+ mVideo = true;
+ }
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mAudioSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> mVideoSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> mOtherVideoSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mOtherAudioSession;
+ int numPkts;
+ bool mAudio, mVideo;
+namespace {
+class TransportConduitTest : public ::testing::Test
+ public:
+ TransportConduitTest()
+ {
+ //input and output file names
+ iAudiofilename = "input.wav";
+ oAudiofilename = "recorded.wav";
+ }
+ ~TransportConduitTest()
+ {
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ mozilla::WrapRunnable(
+ this,
+ &TransportConduitTest::SelfDestruct));
+ }
+ void SelfDestruct() {
+ mAudioSession = nullptr;
+ mAudioSession2 = nullptr;
+ mAudioTransport = nullptr;
+ mVideoSession = nullptr;
+ mVideoSession2 = nullptr;
+ mVideoRenderer = nullptr;
+ mVideoTransport = nullptr;
+ }
+ //1. Dump audio samples to dummy external transport
+ void TestDummyAudioAndTransport()
+ {
+ //get pointer to AudioSessionConduit
+ int err=0;
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&mAudioSession,
+ &mozilla::AudioSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !mAudioSession )
+ ASSERT_NE(mAudioSession, (void*)nullptr);
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&mAudioSession2,
+ &mozilla::AudioSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !mAudioSession2 )
+ ASSERT_NE(mAudioSession2, (void*)nullptr);
+ WebrtcMediaTransport* xport = new WebrtcMediaTransport();
+ ASSERT_NE(xport, (void*)nullptr);
+ xport->SetAudioSession(mAudioSession, mAudioSession2);
+ mAudioTransport = xport;
+ // attach the transport to audio-conduit
+ err = mAudioSession->SetTransmitterTransport(mAudioTransport);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession2->SetReceiverTransport(mAudioTransport);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ //configure send and recv codecs on the audio-conduit
+ //mozilla::AudioCodecConfig cinst1(124, "PCMU", 8000, 80, 1, 64000, false);
+ mozilla::AudioCodecConfig cinst1(124, "opus", 48000, 960, 1, 64000, false);
+ mozilla::AudioCodecConfig cinst2(125, "L16", 16000, 320, 1, 256000, false);
+ std::vector<mozilla::AudioCodecConfig*> rcvCodecList;
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst1);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst2);
+ err = mAudioSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession2->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession2->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mAudioSession2->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ //start generating samples
+ audioTester.Init(mAudioSession,mAudioSession2, iAudiofilename,oAudiofilename);
+ cerr << " ******************************************************** " << endl;
+ cerr << " Generating Audio Samples " << endl;
+ cerr << " ******************************************************** " << endl;
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ audioTester.GenerateAndReadSamples();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ cerr << " ******************************************************** " << endl;
+ cerr << " Input Audio File " << iAudiofilename << endl;
+ cerr << " Output Audio File " << oAudiofilename << endl;
+ cerr << " ******************************************************** " << endl;
+ }
+ //2. Dump audio samples to dummy external transport
+ void TestDummyVideoAndTransport(bool send_vp8 = true, const char *source_file = nullptr)
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ //get pointer to VideoSessionConduit
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&mVideoSession,
+ &mozilla::VideoSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !mVideoSession )
+ ASSERT_NE(mVideoSession, (void*)nullptr);
+ // This session is for other one
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&mVideoSession2,
+ &mozilla::VideoSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !mVideoSession2 )
+ ASSERT_NE(mVideoSession2,(void*)nullptr);
+ if (!send_vp8) {
+ SetGmpCodecs();
+ }
+ mVideoRenderer = new DummyVideoTarget();
+ ASSERT_NE(mVideoRenderer, (void*)nullptr);
+ WebrtcMediaTransport* xport = new WebrtcMediaTransport();
+ ASSERT_NE(xport, (void*)nullptr);
+ xport->SetVideoSession(mVideoSession,mVideoSession2);
+ mVideoTransport = xport;
+ // attach the transport and renderer to video-conduit
+ err = mVideoSession2->AttachRenderer(mVideoRenderer);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession->SetTransmitterTransport(mVideoTransport);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession2->SetReceiverTransport(mVideoTransport);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ mozilla::EncodingConstraints constraints;
+ //configure send and recv codecs on theconduit
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst1(120, "VP8", constraints);
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst2(124, "I420", constraints);
+ std::vector<mozilla::VideoCodecConfig* > rcvCodecList;
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst1);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst2);
+ err = mVideoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(
+ send_vp8 ? &cinst1 : &cinst2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession2->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(
+ send_vp8 ? &cinst1 : &cinst2);
+ err = mVideoSession2->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession2->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ //start generating samples
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Starting the Video Sample Generation " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ videoTester.Init(mVideoSession);
+ videoTester.GenerateAndReadSamples();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ cerr << " **************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Done With The Testing " << endl;
+ cerr << " VIDEO TEST STATS " << endl;
+ cerr << " Num Raw Frames Inserted: "<<
+ vidStatsGlobal.numRawFramesInserted << endl;
+ cerr << " Num Frames Successfully Rendered: "<<
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedSuccessfully << endl;
+ cerr << " Num Frames Wrongly Rendered: "<<
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedWrongly << endl;
+ cerr << " Done With The Testing " << endl;
+ cerr << " **************************************************" << endl;
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedWrongly);
+ if (send_vp8) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(vidStatsGlobal.numRawFramesInserted,
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedSuccessfully);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Allow some fudge because there seems to be some buffering.
+ // TODO( Fix this.
+ ASSERT_GE(vidStatsGlobal.numRawFramesInserted,
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedSuccessfully);
+ ASSERT_LE(vidStatsGlobal.numRawFramesInserted,
+ vidStatsGlobal.numFramesRenderedSuccessfully + 2);
+ }
+ }
+ void TestVideoConduitCodecAPI()
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> videoSession;
+ //get pointer to VideoSessionConduit
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&videoSession,
+ &mozilla::VideoSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !videoSession )
+ ASSERT_NE(videoSession, (void*)nullptr);
+ //Test Configure Recv Codec APIS
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Test Receive Codec Configuration API Now " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ std::vector<mozilla::VideoCodecConfig* > rcvCodecList;
+ //Same APIs
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 1. Same Codec (VP8) Repeated Twice " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ mozilla::EncodingConstraints constraints;
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst1(120, "VP8", constraints);
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst2(120, "VP8", constraints);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst1);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst2);
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ EXPECT_NE(err,mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError);
+ rcvCodecList.pop_back();
+ rcvCodecList.pop_back();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 2. Codec With Invalid Payload Names " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Setting payload 1 with name: I4201234tttttthhhyyyy89087987y76t567r7756765rr6u6676" << endl;
+ cerr << " Setting payload 2 with name of zero length" << endl;
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst3(124, "I4201234tttttthhhyyyy89087987y76t567r7756765rr6u6676", constraints);
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst4(124, "", constraints);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst3);
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(&cinst4);
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(err != mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError);
+ rcvCodecList.pop_back();
+ rcvCodecList.pop_back();
+ PR_Sleep(PR_SecondsToInterval(2));
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 3. Null Codec Parameter " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ rcvCodecList.push_back(0);
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureRecvMediaCodecs(rcvCodecList);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(err != mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError);
+ rcvCodecList.pop_back();
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Test Send Codec Configuration API Now " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 1. Same Codec (VP8) Repeated Twice " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = videoSession->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitCodecInUse, err);
+ err = videoSession->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 2. Codec With Invalid Payload Names " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " Setting payload with name: I4201234tttttthhhyyyy89087987y76t567r7756765rr6u6676" << endl;
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(err != mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError);
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ cerr << " 3. Null Codec Parameter " << endl;
+ cerr << " *************************************************" << endl;
+ err = videoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(err != mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError);
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnable(
+ videoSession.forget().take(),
+ &mozilla::VideoSessionConduit::Release));
+ }
+ void DumpMaxFs(int orig_width, int orig_height, int max_fs,
+ int new_width, int new_height)
+ {
+ cerr << "Applying max_fs=" << max_fs << " to input resolution " <<
+ orig_width << "x" << orig_height << endl;
+ cerr << "New resolution: " << new_width << "x" << new_height << endl;
+ cerr << endl;
+ }
+ // Calculate new resolution for sending video by applying max-fs constraint.
+ void GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(int orig_width, int orig_height, int max_fs,
+ int *new_width, int *new_height)
+ {
+ int err = 0;
+ // Get pointer to VideoSessionConduit.
+ mozilla::SyncRunnable::DispatchToThread(gMainThread,
+ WrapRunnableNMRet(&mVideoSession,
+ &mozilla::VideoSessionConduit::Create));
+ if( !mVideoSession )
+ ASSERT_NE(mVideoSession, (void*)nullptr);
+ mozilla::EncodingConstraints constraints;
+ constraints.maxFs = max_fs;
+ // Configure send codecs on the conduit.
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig cinst1(120, "VP8", constraints);
+ err = mVideoSession->ConfigureSendMediaCodec(&cinst1);
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ err = mVideoSession->StartTransmitting();
+ ASSERT_EQ(mozilla::kMediaConduitNoError, err);
+ // Send one frame.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!(orig_width & 1));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!(orig_height & 1));
+ int len = ((orig_width * orig_height) * 3 / 2);
+ uint8_t* frame = (uint8_t*) PR_MALLOC(len);
+ memset(frame, COLOR, len);
+ mVideoSession->SendVideoFrame((unsigned char*)frame,
+ len,
+ orig_width,
+ orig_height,
+ mozilla::kVideoI420,
+ 0);
+ PR_Free(frame);
+ // Get the new resolution as adjusted by the max-fs constraint.
+ *new_width = mVideoSession->SendingWidth();
+ *new_height = mVideoSession->SendingHeight();
+ }
+ void TestVideoConduitMaxFs()
+ {
+ int orig_width, orig_height, width, height, max_fs;
+ // No limitation.
+ cerr << "Test no max-fs limition" << endl;
+ orig_width = 640;
+ orig_height = 480;
+ max_fs = 0;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 640);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 480);
+ // VGA to QVGA.
+ cerr << "Test resizing from VGA to QVGA" << endl;
+ orig_width = 640;
+ orig_height = 480;
+ max_fs = 300;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 320);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 240);
+ // Extreme input resolution.
+ cerr << "Test extreme input resolution" << endl;
+ orig_width = 3072;
+ orig_height = 100;
+ max_fs = 300;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 768);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 26);
+ // Small max-fs.
+ cerr << "Test small max-fs (case 1)" << endl;
+ orig_width = 8;
+ orig_height = 32;
+ max_fs = 1;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 4);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 16);
+ // Small max-fs.
+ cerr << "Test small max-fs (case 2)" << endl;
+ orig_width = 4;
+ orig_height = 50;
+ max_fs = 1;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 16);
+ // Small max-fs.
+ cerr << "Test small max-fs (case 3)" << endl;
+ orig_width = 872;
+ orig_height = 136;
+ max_fs = 3;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 48);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 8);
+ // Small max-fs.
+ cerr << "Test small max-fs (case 4)" << endl;
+ orig_width = 160;
+ orig_height = 8;
+ max_fs = 5;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 80);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 4);
+ // Extremely small width and height(see bug 919979).
+ cerr << "Test with extremely small width and height" << endl;
+ orig_width = 2;
+ orig_height = 2;
+ max_fs = 5;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, &width, &height);
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ ASSERT_EQ(width, 2);
+ ASSERT_EQ(height, 2);
+ // Random values.
+ cerr << "Test with random values" << endl;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
+ cerr << ".";
+ max_fs = rand() % 1000;
+ orig_width = ((rand() % 2000) & ~1) + 2;
+ orig_height = ((rand() % 2000) & ~1) + 2;
+ GetVideoResolutionWithMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs,
+ &width, &height);
+ if (max_fs > 0 &&
+ ceil(width / 16.) * ceil(height / 16.) > max_fs) {
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ }
+ if ((width & 1) || (height & 1)) {
+ DumpMaxFs(orig_width, orig_height, max_fs, width, height);
+ }
+ }
+ cerr << endl;
+ }
+ void SetGmpCodecs() {
+ mExternalEncoder = mozilla::GmpVideoCodec::CreateEncoder();
+ mExternalDecoder = mozilla::GmpVideoCodec::CreateDecoder();
+ mozilla::EncodingConstraints constraints;
+ mozilla::VideoCodecConfig config(124, "H264", constraints);
+ mVideoSession->SetExternalSendCodec(&config, mExternalEncoder);
+ mVideoSession2->SetExternalRecvCodec(&config, mExternalDecoder);
+ }
+ private:
+ //Audio Conduit Test Objects
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mAudioSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::AudioSessionConduit> mAudioSession2;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::TransportInterface> mAudioTransport;
+ AudioSendAndReceive audioTester;
+ //Video Conduit Test Objects
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> mVideoSession;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoSessionConduit> mVideoSession2;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::VideoRenderer> mVideoRenderer;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::TransportInterface> mVideoTransport;
+ VideoSendAndReceive videoTester;
+ mozilla::VideoEncoder* mExternalEncoder;
+ mozilla::VideoDecoder* mExternalDecoder;
+ std::string fileToPlay;
+ std::string fileToRecord;
+ std::string iAudiofilename;
+ std::string oAudiofilename;
+// Test 1: Test Dummy External Xport
+TEST_F(TransportConduitTest, TestDummyAudioWithTransport) {
+ TestDummyAudioAndTransport();
+// Test 2: Test Dummy External Xport
+TEST_F(TransportConduitTest, TestDummyVideoWithTransport) {
+ TestDummyVideoAndTransport();
+ }
+TEST_F(TransportConduitTest, TestVideoConduitExternalCodec) {
+ TestDummyVideoAndTransport(false);
+TEST_F(TransportConduitTest, TestVideoConduitCodecAPI) {
+ TestVideoConduitCodecAPI();
+ }
+TEST_F(TransportConduitTest, TestVideoConduitMaxFs) {
+ TestVideoConduitMaxFs();
+ }
+} // end namespace
+static int test_result;
+bool test_finished = false;
+// This exists to send as an event to trigger shutdown.
+static void tests_complete() {
+ gTestsComplete = true;
+// The GTest thread runs this instead of the main thread so it can
+// do things like ASSERT_TRUE_WAIT which you could not do on the main thread.
+static int gtest_main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
+ ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
+ int result = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+ // Set the global shutdown flag and tickle the main thread
+ // The main thread did not go through Init() so calling Shutdown()
+ // on it will not work.
+ gMainThread->Dispatch(mozilla::WrapRunnableNM(tests_complete), NS_DISPATCH_SYNC);
+ return result;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ // This test can cause intermittent oranges on the builders
+ test_utils = new MtransportTestUtils();
+ // Set the main thread global which is this thread.
+ nsIThread *thread;
+ NS_GetMainThread(&thread);
+ gMainThread = thread;
+ // Now create the GTest thread and run all of the tests on it
+ // When it is complete it will set gTestsComplete
+ NS_NewNamedThread("gtest_thread", &thread);
+ gGtestThread = thread;
+ int result;
+ gGtestThread->Dispatch(
+ mozilla::WrapRunnableNMRet(&result, gtest_main, argc, argv), NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);
+ // Here we handle the event queue for dispatches to the main thread
+ // When the GTest thread is complete it will send one more dispatch
+ // with gTestsComplete == true.
+ while (!gTestsComplete && NS_ProcessNextEvent());
+ gGtestThread->Shutdown();
+ delete test_utils;
+ return test_result;