path: root/mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1132 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.cpp b/mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e206b74f8..000000000
--- a/mailnews/import/oexpress/WabObject.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1132 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include "nscore.h"
-#include "nsOE5File.h"
-#include "wabobject.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-enum {
- ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME = 0,
- ieidMax
-static const SizedSPropTagArray(ieidMax, ptaEid)=
- ieidMax,
- {
- }
-enum {
- iemailPR_DISPLAY_NAME = 0,
- iemailPR_ENTRYID,
- iemailMax
-static const SizedSPropTagArray(iemailMax, ptaEmail)=
- iemailMax,
- {
- }
-typedef struct {
- bool multiLine;
- ULONG tag;
- char * pLDIF;
-} AddrImportField;
-#define kExtraUserFields 10
-AddrImportField extraUserFields[kExtraUserFields] = {
- {true, PR_COMMENT, "description:"},
- {false, PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, "telephonenumber:"},
- {false, PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, "homephone:"},
- {false, PR_COMPANY_NAME, "o:"},
- {false, PR_TITLE, "title:"},
- {false, PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER, "facsimiletelephonenumber:"},
- {false, PR_LOCALITY, "locality:"},
- {false, PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE, "st:"},
- {true, PR_STREET_ADDRESS, "streetaddress:"},
- {false, PR_POSTAL_CODE, "postalcode:"}
-#define kWhitespace " \t\b\r\n"
-#define TR_OUTPUT_EOL "\r\n"
-#define kLDIFPerson "objectclass: top" TR_OUTPUT_EOL "objectclass: person" TR_OUTPUT_EOL
-#define kLDIFGroup "objectclass: top" TR_OUTPUT_EOL "objectclass: groupOfNames" TR_OUTPUT_EOL
-// contructor for CWAB object
-// pszFileName - FileName of WAB file to open
-// if no file name is specified, opens the default
-CWAB::CWAB(nsIFile *file)
- // Here we load the WAB Object and initialize it
- m_pUniBuff = NULL;
- m_uniBuffLen = 0;
- m_bInitialized = false;
- m_lpAdrBook = NULL;
- m_lpWABObject = NULL;
- m_hinstWAB = NULL;
- {
- DWORD dwType = 0;
- ULONG cbData = sizeof(szWABDllPath);
- HKEY hKey = NULL;
- *szWABDllPath = '\0';
- // First we look under the default WAB DLL path location in the
- // Registry.
- // WAB_DLL_PATH_KEY is defined in wabapi.h
- //
- RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szWABDllPath, &cbData);
- if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) {
- // Expand the environment variables
- DWORD bufferSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szWABDllPath, NULL, 0);
- if (bufferSize && bufferSize < MAX_PATH) {
- ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szWABDllPath, tmp, bufferSize);
- _tcscpy(szWABDllPath, tmp);
- }
- else {
- // This is an error condition. Nothing else is initialized yet, so simply return.
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (GetSystemDirectory(szWABDllPath, MAX_PATH)) {
- _tcsncat(szWABDllPath, WAB_DLL_NAME,
- std::min(_tcslen(WAB_DLL_NAME), MAX_PATH - _tcslen(szWABDllPath) - 1));
- }
- else {
- // Yet another error condition.
- return;
- }
- }
- if(hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey);
- // if the Registry came up blank, we do a loadlibrary on the wab32.dll
- // WAB_DLL_NAME is defined in wabapi.h
- //
- m_hinstWAB = LoadLibrary((lstrlen(szWABDllPath)) ? szWABDllPath : WAB_DLL_NAME);
- }
- if(m_hinstWAB)
- {
- // if we loaded the dll, get the entry point
- //
- m_lpfnWABOpen = (LPWABOPEN) GetProcAddress(m_hinstWAB, "WABOpen");
- if(m_lpfnWABOpen)
- {
- char fName[2] = {0, 0};
- WAB_PARAM wp = {0};
- wp.cbSize = sizeof(WAB_PARAM);
- if (file != nullptr) {
- nsCString path;
- file->GetNativePath(path);
- wp.szFileName = (LPTSTR) ToNewCString(path);
- }
- else
- wp.szFileName = (LPTSTR) fName;
- // if we choose not to pass in a WAB_PARAM object,
- // the default WAB file will be opened up
- //
- hr = m_lpfnWABOpen(&m_lpAdrBook,&m_lpWABObject,&wp,0);
- if(!hr)
- m_bInitialized = TRUE;
- }
- }
-// Destructor
- if (m_pUniBuff)
- delete [] m_pUniBuff;
- if(m_bInitialized)
- {
- if(m_lpAdrBook)
- m_lpAdrBook->Release();
- if(m_lpWABObject)
- m_lpWABObject->Release();
- if(m_hinstWAB)
- FreeLibrary(m_hinstWAB);
- }
-HRESULT CWAB::IterateWABContents(CWabIterator *pIter, int *pDone)
- if (!m_bInitialized || !m_lpAdrBook)
- return E_FAIL;
- ULONG ulObjType = 0;
- ULONG cRows = 0;
- LPSRowSet lpRowAB = NULL;
- LPABCONT lpContainer = NULL;
- int cNumRows = 0;
- nsresult keepGoing;
- ULONG lpcbEID = 0;
- ULONG rowCount = 0;
- ULONG curCount = 0;
- nsString uniStr;
- // Get the entryid of the root PAB container
- //
- hr = m_lpAdrBook->GetPAB(&lpcbEID, &lpEID);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- ulObjType = 0;
- // Open the root PAB container
- // This is where all the WAB contents reside
- //
- hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(lpcbEID,
- 0,
- &ulObjType,
- (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpContainer);
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(lpEID);
- lpEID = NULL;
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- // Get a contents table of all the contents in the
- // WABs root container
- //
- hr = lpContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &lpAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- hr = lpAB->GetRowCount(0, &rowCount);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- rowCount = 100;
- if (rowCount == 0)
- rowCount = 1;
- // Order the columns in the ContentsTable to conform to the
- // ones we want - which are mainly DisplayName, EntryID and
- // ObjectType
- // The table is gauranteed to set the columns in the order
- // requested
- //
- hr =lpAB->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&ptaEid, 0);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- // Reset to the beginning of the table
- //
- hr = lpAB->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- // Read all the rows of the table one by one
- //
- do {
- hr = lpAB->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRowAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- break;
- if(lpRowAB)
- {
- cNumRows = lpRowAB->cRows;
- if (cNumRows)
- {
- LPTSTR lpsz = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA;
- LPENTRYID lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb;
- ULONG cbEID = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb;
- // There are 2 kinds of objects - the MAPI_MAILUSER contact object
- // and the MAPI_DISTLIST contact object
- // For the purposes of this sample, we will only consider MAILUSER
- // objects
- //
- if(lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER)
- {
- // We will now take the entry-id of each object and cache it
- // on the listview item representing that object. This enables
- // us to uniquely identify the object later if we need to
- //
- CStrToUnicode(lpsz, uniStr);
- keepGoing = pIter->EnumUser(uniStr.get(), lpEID, cbEID);
- curCount++;
- if (pDone) {
- *pDone = (curCount * 100) / rowCount;
- if (*pDone > 100)
- *pDone = 100;
- }
- }
- }
- FreeProws(lpRowAB);
- }
- } while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cNumRows && lpRowAB && NS_SUCCEEDED(keepGoing)) ;
- hr = lpAB->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- // Read all the rows of the table one by one
- //
- keepGoing = NS_OK;
- do {
- hr = lpAB->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRowAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr))
- break;
- if(lpRowAB)
- {
- cNumRows = lpRowAB->cRows;
- if (cNumRows)
- {
- LPTSTR lpsz = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA;
- LPENTRYID lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb;
- ULONG cbEID = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb;
- // There are 2 kinds of objects - the MAPI_MAILUSER contact object
- // and the MAPI_DISTLIST contact object
- // For the purposes of this sample, we will only consider MAILUSER
- // objects
- //
- if(lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_DISTLIST)
- {
- LPABCONT distListContainer = NULL;
- // We will now take the entry-id of each object and cache it
- // on the listview item representing that object. This enables
- // us to uniquely identify the object later if we need to
- //
- hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(cbEID, lpEID, NULL,
- 0,&ulObjType,(LPUNKNOWN *)&distListContainer);
- LPMAPITABLE distListTable = NULL;
- // Get a contents table of the dist list
- //
- hr = distListContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &distListTable);
- if (lpAB)
- {
- hr = distListTable->GetRowCount(0, &rowCount);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- rowCount = 100;
- if (rowCount == 0)
- rowCount = 1;
- // Order the columns in the ContentsTable to conform to the
- // ones we want - which are mainly DisplayName, EntryID and
- // ObjectType
- // The table is gauranteed to set the columns in the order
- // requested
- //
- hr = distListTable->SetColumns((LPSPropTagArray)&ptaEid, 0);
- CStrToUnicode(lpsz, uniStr);
- keepGoing = pIter->EnumList(uniStr.get(), lpEID, cbEID, distListTable);
- curCount++;
- if (pDone) {
- *pDone = (curCount * 100) / rowCount;
- if (*pDone > 100)
- *pDone = 100;
- }
- }
- if (distListContainer)
- distListContainer->Release();
- if (distListTable)
- distListTable->Release();
- }
- }
- FreeProws(lpRowAB);
- }
- } while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cNumRows && lpRowAB && NS_SUCCEEDED(keepGoing)) ;
- if (lpContainer)
- lpContainer->Release();
- if (lpAB)
- lpAB->Release();
- return hr;
-void CWAB::FreeProws(LPSRowSet prows)
- ULONG irow;
- if (!prows)
- return;
- for (irow = 0; irow < prows->cRows; ++irow)
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(prows->aRow[irow].lpProps);
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(prows);
- if (!m_bInitialized || !m_lpAdrBook)
- return NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType;
- m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(cbEid, pEid, NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpDistList);
- return lpDistList;
-LPSPropValue CWAB::GetListProperty(LPDISTLIST pUser, ULONG tag)
- if (!pUser)
- return NULL;
- int sz = CbNewSPropTagArray(1);
- SPropTagArray *pTag = (SPropTagArray *) new char[sz];
- pTag->cValues = 1;
- pTag->aulPropTag[0] = tag;
- LPSPropValue lpProp = NULL;
- ULONG cValues = 0;
- HRESULT hr = pUser->GetProps(pTag, 0, &cValues, &lpProp);
- delete [] pTag;
- if (HR_FAILED(hr) || (cValues != 1)) {
- if (lpProp)
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(lpProp);
- return NULL;
- }
- return lpProp;
- if (!m_bInitialized || !m_lpAdrBook)
- return NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType;
- m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(cbEid, pEid, NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpMailUser);
- return lpMailUser;
-LPSPropValue CWAB::GetUserProperty(LPMAILUSER pUser, ULONG tag)
- if (!pUser)
- return NULL;
- ULONG uTag = tag;
- /*
- Getting Unicode does not help with getting the right
- international charset. Windoze bloze.
- */
- /*
- if (PROP_TYPE(uTag) == PT_STRING8) {
- }
- */
- int sz = CbNewSPropTagArray(1);
- SPropTagArray *pTag = (SPropTagArray *) new char[sz];
- pTag->cValues = 1;
- pTag->aulPropTag[0] = uTag;
- LPSPropValue lpProp = NULL;
- ULONG cValues = 0;
- HRESULT hr = pUser->GetProps(pTag, 0, &cValues, &lpProp);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr) || (cValues != 1)) {
- if (lpProp)
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(lpProp);
- lpProp = NULL;
- if (uTag != tag) {
- pTag->cValues = 1;
- pTag->aulPropTag[0] = tag;
- cValues = 0;
- hr = pUser->GetProps(pTag, 0, &cValues, &lpProp);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr) || (cValues != 1)) {
- if (lpProp)
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(lpProp);
- lpProp = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- delete [] pTag;
- return lpProp;
-void CWAB::CStrToUnicode(const char *pStr, nsString& result)
- result.Truncate();
- int wLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pStr, -1, wwc(m_pUniBuff), 0);
- if (wLen >= m_uniBuffLen) {
- if (m_pUniBuff)
- delete [] m_pUniBuff;
- m_pUniBuff = new char16_t[wLen + 64];
- m_uniBuffLen = wLen + 64;
- }
- if (wLen) {
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pStr, -1, wwc(m_pUniBuff), m_uniBuffLen);
- result = m_pUniBuff;
- }
-// If the value is a string, get it...
-void CWAB::GetValueString(LPSPropValue pVal, nsString& val)
- val.Truncate();
- if (!pVal)
- return;
- switch(PROP_TYPE(pVal->ulPropTag)) {
- case PT_STRING8:
- CStrToUnicode((const char *) (pVal->Value.lpszA), val);
- break;
- case PT_UNICODE:
- val = (char16_t *) (pVal->Value.lpszW);
- break;
- case PT_MV_STRING8: {
- nsString tmp;
- ULONG j;
- for(j = 0; j < pVal->Value.MVszA.cValues; j++) {
- CStrToUnicode((const char *) (pVal->Value.MVszA.lppszA[j]), tmp);
- val += tmp;
- val.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(TR_OUTPUT_EOL));
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_MV_UNICODE: {
- ULONG j;
- for(j = 0; j < pVal->Value.MVszW.cValues; j++) {
- val += (char16_t *) (pVal->Value.MVszW.lppszW[j]);
- val.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(TR_OUTPUT_EOL));
- }
- break;
- }
- case PT_I2:
- case PT_LONG:
- case PT_R4:
- case PT_DOUBLE:
- case PT_BOOLEAN: {
- /*
- TCHAR sz[256];
- wsprintf(sz,"%d", pVal->Value.l);
- val = sz;
- */
- break;
- }
- case PT_BINARY:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- val.Trim(kWhitespace, true, true);
-void CWAB::GetValueTime(LPSPropValue pVal, PRTime& val)
- if (!pVal)
- return;
- if (PROP_TYPE(pVal->ulPropTag) != PT_SYSTIME)
- return;
- nsOE5File::FileTimeToPRTime(&pVal->Value.ft, &val);
-bool CWAB::IsAvailable()
- if (!m_bInitialized || !m_lpAdrBook)
- return false;
- ULONG lpcbEID = 0;
- HRESULT hr = m_lpAdrBook->GetPAB(&lpcbEID, &lpEID);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- return false;
- ULONG ulObjType = 0;
- LPABCONT lpContainer = NULL;
- hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(lpcbEID,
- 0,
- &ulObjType,
- (LPUNKNOWN *)&lpContainer);
- m_lpWABObject->FreeBuffer(lpEID);
- hr = lpContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &lpAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr)) {
- lpContainer->Release();
- return false;
- }
- ULONG rowCount = 0;
- hr = lpAB->GetRowCount(0, &rowCount);
- lpContainer->Release();
- lpAB->Release();
- return (rowCount != 0);
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::SanitizeMultiLine(CString& val)
- val.TrimLeft();
- val.TrimRight();
- int idx = val.FindOneOf("\x0D\x0A");
- if (idx == -1)
- return FALSE;
- // needs encoding
- U32 bufSz = UMimeEncode::GetBufferSize(val.GetLength());
- P_U8 pBuf = new U8[bufSz];
- U32 len = UMimeEncode::ConvertBuffer((PC_U8)((PC_S8)val), val.GetLength(), pBuf, 66, 52, "\x0D\x0A ");
- pBuf[len] = 0;
- val = pBuf;
- delete pBuf;
- return TRUE;
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::EnumUser(LPCTSTR pName, LPENTRYID pEid, ULONG cbEid)
- TRACE1("User: %s\n", pName);
- LPMAILUSER pUser = m_pWab->GetUser(cbEid, pEid);
- // Get the "required" strings first
- CString lastName;
- CString firstName;
- CString eMail;
- CString nickName;
- CString middleName;
- if (!pUser) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage1(IDS_ENTRY_ERROR, pName);
- return FALSE;
- }
- LPSPropValue pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, eMail);
- SanitizeValue(eMail);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_GIVEN_NAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, firstName);
- SanitizeValue(firstName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_SURNAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, lastName);
- SanitizeValue(lastName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_MIDDLE_NAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, middleName);
- SanitizeValue(middleName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_NICKNAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, nickName);
- SanitizeValue(nickName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- if (nickName.IsEmpty())
- nickName = pName;
- if (firstName.IsEmpty()) {
- firstName = nickName;
- middleName.Empty();
- lastName.Empty();
- }
- if (lastName.IsEmpty())
- middleName.Empty();
- if (eMail.IsEmpty())
- eMail = nickName;
- // We now have the required fields
- // write them out followed by any optional fields!
- BOOL result = TRUE;
- if (m_recordsDone)
- result = m_out.WriteEol();
- CString line;
- CString header;
- line.LoadString(IDS_LDIF_DN_START);
- line += firstName;
- if (!middleName.IsEmpty()) {
- line += ' ';
- line += middleName;
- }
- if (!lastName.IsEmpty()) {
- line += ' ';
- line += lastName;
- }
- header.LoadString(IDS_LDIF_DN_MIDDLE);
- line += header;
- line += eMail;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- line += ' ';
- line += firstName;
- if (!middleName.IsEmpty()) {
- line += ' ';
- line += middleName;
- }
- if (!lastName.IsEmpty()) {
- line += ' ';
- line += lastName;
- }
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- line += ' ';
- line += firstName;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- if (!lastName.IsEmpty()) {
- if (!middleName.IsEmpty()) {
- line += ' ';
- line += middleName;
- }
- line += ' ';
- line += lastName;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- }
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(kLDIFPerson);
- line.LoadString(IDS_FIELD_LDIF_EMAIL);
- line += ' ';
- line += eMail;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- line += ' ';
- line += nickName;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- // Do all of the extra fields!
- CString value;
- BOOL encoded = FALSE;
- for (int i = 0; i < kExtraUserFields; i++) {
- value.Empty();
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, extraUserFields[i].tag);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, value);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- if (extraUserFields[i].multiLine) {
- encoded = SanitizeMultiLine(value);
- }
- else
- SanitizeValue(value);
- if (!value.IsEmpty()) {
- line = extraUserFields[i].pLDIF;
- if (encoded) {
- line += ": ";
- encoded = FALSE;
- }
- else
- line += ' ';
- line += value;
- result = result && m_out.WriteStr(line);
- result = result && m_out.WriteEol();
- }
- }
- m_pWab->ReleaseUser(pUser);
- if (!result) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage0(IDS_ADDRESS_SAVE_ERROR);
- }
- m_totalDone += kValuePerUser;
- m_recordsDone++;
- return result;
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::EnumList(LPCTSTR pName, LPENTRYID pEid, ULONG cbEid)
- TRACE1("List: %s\n", pName);
- LPDISTLIST pList = m_pWab->GetDistList(cbEid, pEid);
- if (!pList) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage1(IDS_ENTRY_ERROR, pName);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Find out if this is just a regular entry or a true list...
- CString eMail;
- LPSPropValue pProp = m_pWab->GetListProperty(pList, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, eMail);
- SanitizeValue(eMail);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- // Treat this like a regular entry...
- if (!eMail.IsEmpty()) {
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- return WriteListUserEntry(pName, eMail);
- }
- }
- // This may very well be a list, find the entries...
- m_pListTable = OpenDistList(pList);
- if (m_pListTable) {
- m_pList = pList;
- m_listName = pName;
- m_listDone = 0;
- m_listHeaderDone = FALSE;
- m_state = kEnumListState;
- }
- else {
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- m_recordsDone++;
- m_totalDone += kValuePerUser;
- }
- return TRUE;
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::EnumNextListUser(BOOL *pDone)
- int cNumRows = 0;
- LPSRowSet lpRowAB = NULL;
- BOOL keepGoing = TRUE;
- if (!m_pListTable)
- return FALSE;
- hr = m_pListTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRowAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr)) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage0(IDS_ERROR_READING_WAB);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(lpRowAB) {
- cNumRows = lpRowAB->cRows;
- if (cNumRows) {
- LPTSTR lpsz = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA;
- LPENTRYID lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb;
- ULONG cbEID = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb;
- if(lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_DISTLIST) {
- keepGoing = HandleListList(lpsz, lpEID, cbEID);
- }
- else if (lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER) {
- keepGoing = HandleListUser(lpsz, lpEID, cbEID);
- }
- }
- m_pWab->FreeProws(lpRowAB);
- }
- if (!cNumRows || !lpRowAB) {
- *pDone = TRUE;
- m_pListTable->Release();
- m_pListTable = NULL;
- if (m_pList)
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(m_pList);
- m_pList = NULL;
- if (m_listDone < kValuePerUser)
- m_totalDone += (kValuePerUser - m_listDone);
- m_recordsDone++;
- return keepGoing;
- }
- if (!keepGoing)
- return FALSE;
- if (m_listDone < kValuePerUser) {
- m_listDone++;
- m_totalDone++;
- }
- return TRUE;
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::HandleListList(LPCTSTR pName, LPENTRYID lpEid, ULONG cbEid)
- BOOL result;
- LPDISTLIST pList = m_pWab->GetDistList(cbEid, lpEid);
- if (!pList) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage1(IDS_ENTRY_ERROR, pName);
- return FALSE;
- }
- CString eMail;
- LPSPropValue pProp = m_pWab->GetListProperty(pList, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, eMail);
- SanitizeValue(eMail);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- // Treat this like a regular entry...
- if (!eMail.IsEmpty()) {
- // write out a member based on pName and eMail
- result = WriteGroupMember(pName, eMail);
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- return result;
- }
- }
- // iterate the list and add each member to the top level list
- LPMAPITABLE pTable = OpenDistList(pList);
- if (!pTable) {
- TRACE0("Error opening table for list\n");
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- UDialogs::ErrMessage1(IDS_ENTRY_ERROR, pName);
- return FALSE;
- }
- int cNumRows = 0;
- LPSRowSet lpRowAB = NULL;
- BOOL keepGoing = TRUE;
- do {
- hr = pTable->QueryRows(1, 0, &lpRowAB);
- if(HR_FAILED(hr)) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage0(IDS_ERROR_READING_WAB);
- pTable->Release();
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(lpRowAB) {
- cNumRows = lpRowAB->cRows;
- if (cNumRows) {
- LPTSTR lpsz = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA;
- LPENTRYID lpEID = (LPENTRYID) lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb;
- ULONG cbEID = lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb;
- if(lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_DISTLIST) {
- keepGoing = HandleListList(lpsz, lpEID, cbEID);
- }
- else if (lpRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER) {
- keepGoing = HandleListUser(lpsz, lpEID, cbEID);
- }
- }
- m_pWab->FreeProws(lpRowAB);
- }
- }
- while (keepGoing && cNumRows && lpRowAB);
- pTable->Release();
- m_pWab->ReleaseDistList(pList);
- return keepGoing;
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::HandleListUser(LPCTSTR pName, LPENTRYID lpEid, ULONG cbEid)
- // Get the basic properties for building the member line
- LPMAILUSER pUser = m_pWab->GetUser(cbEid, lpEid);
- // Get the "required" strings first
- CString lastName;
- CString firstName;
- CString eMail;
- CString nickName;
- CString middleName;
- if (!pUser) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage1(IDS_ENTRY_ERROR, pName);
- return FALSE;
- }
- LPSPropValue pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, eMail);
- SanitizeValue(eMail);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_GIVEN_NAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, firstName);
- SanitizeValue(firstName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_SURNAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, lastName);
- SanitizeValue(lastName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_MIDDLE_NAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, middleName);
- SanitizeValue(middleName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- pProp = m_pWab->GetUserProperty(pUser, PR_NICKNAME);
- if (pProp) {
- m_pWab->GetValueString(pProp, nickName);
- SanitizeValue(nickName);
- m_pWab->FreeProperty(pProp);
- }
- if (nickName.IsEmpty())
- nickName = pName;
- if (firstName.IsEmpty()) {
- firstName = nickName;
- middleName.Empty();
- lastName.Empty();
- }
- if (lastName.IsEmpty())
- middleName.Empty();
- if (eMail.IsEmpty())
- eMail = nickName;
- m_pWab->ReleaseUser(pUser);
- CString name = firstName;
- if (!middleName.IsEmpty()) {
- name += ' ';
- name += middleName;
- }
- if (!lastName.IsEmpty()) {
- name += ' ';
- name += lastName;
- }
- return WriteGroupMember(name, eMail);
-BOOL CWabIterateProcess::WriteGroupMember(const char *pName, const char *pEmail)
- CString middle;
- CString line;
- BOOL result;
- // Check for the header first
- if (!m_listHeaderDone) {
- if (m_recordsDone)
- result = m_out.WriteEol();
- else
- result = TRUE;
- line.LoadString(IDS_LDIF_DN_START);
- line += m_listName;
- line += TR_OUTPUT_EOL;
- middle.LoadString(IDS_FIELD_LDIF_FULLNAME);
- line += middle;
- line += m_listName;
- line += TR_OUTPUT_EOL;
- if (!result || !m_out.WriteStr(line) || !m_out.WriteStr(kLDIFGroup)) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage0(IDS_ADDRESS_SAVE_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_listHeaderDone = TRUE;
- }
- line += pName;
- middle.LoadString(IDS_LDIF_DN_MIDDLE);
- line += middle;
- line += pEmail;
- line += TR_OUTPUT_EOL;
- if (!m_out.WriteStr(line)) {
- UDialogs::ErrMessage0(IDS_ADDRESS_SAVE_ERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_listDone < kValuePerUser) {
- m_listDone++;
- m_totalDone++;
- }
- return TRUE;