path: root/mailnews/extensions/newsblog/content/feed-parser.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/extensions/newsblog/content/feed-parser.js')
1 files changed, 1034 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/extensions/newsblog/content/feed-parser.js b/mailnews/extensions/newsblog/content/feed-parser.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..660333422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailnews/extensions/newsblog/content/feed-parser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@
+/* -*- Mode: JavaScript; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// The feed parser depends on FeedItem.js, Feed.js.
+function FeedParser() {
+ this.mSerializer = Cc[";1"].
+ createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMSerializer);
+FeedParser.prototype =
+ // parseFeed() returns an array of parsed items ready for processing. It is
+ // currently a synchronous operation. If there is an error parsing the feed,
+ // parseFeed returns an empty feed in addition to calling aFeed.onParseError.
+ parseFeed: function (aFeed, aDOM)
+ {
+ if (!(aDOM instanceof Ci.nsIDOMXMLDocument))
+ {
+ // No xml doc.
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ let doc = aDOM.documentElement;
+ if (doc.namespaceURI == FeedUtils.MOZ_PARSERERROR_NS)
+ {
+ // Gecko caught a basic parsing error.
+ let errStr = doc.firstChild.textContent + "\n" +
+ doc.firstElementChild.textContent;
+"FeedParser.parseFeed: - " + errStr);
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ else if (aDOM.querySelector("redirect"))
+ {
+ // Check for RSS2.0 redirect document.
+ let channel = aDOM.querySelector("redirect");
+ if (this.isPermanentRedirect(aFeed, channel, null, null))
+ return;
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ else if (doc.namespaceURI == FeedUtils.RDF_SYNTAX_NS &&
+ doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(FeedUtils.RSS_NS, "channel")[0])
+ {
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "RSS_1.xRDF"
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseFeed: type:url - " +
+ aFeed.mFeedType +" : " +aFeed.url);
+ // aSource can be misencoded (XMLHttpRequest converts to UTF-8 by default),
+ // but the DOM is almost always right because it uses the hints in the
+ // XML file. This is slower, but not noticably so. Mozilla doesn't have
+ // the XMLHttpRequest.responseBody property that IE has, which provides
+ // access to the unencoded response.
+ let xmlString = this.mSerializer.serializeToString(doc);
+ return this.parseAsRSS1(aFeed, xmlString,;
+ }
+ else if (doc.namespaceURI == FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS)
+ {
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "ATOM_0.3"
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseFeed: type:url - " +
+ aFeed.mFeedType +" : " +aFeed.url);
+ return this.parseAsAtom(aFeed, aDOM);
+ }
+ else if (doc.namespaceURI == FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS)
+ {
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "ATOM_IETF"
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseFeed: type:url - " +
+ aFeed.mFeedType +" : " +aFeed.url);
+ return this.parseAsAtomIETF(aFeed, aDOM);
+ }
+ else if (doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(FeedUtils.RSS_090_NS, "channel")[0])
+ {
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "RSS_0.90"
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseFeed: type:url - " +
+ aFeed.mFeedType +" : " +aFeed.url);
+ return this.parseAsRSS2(aFeed, aDOM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Parse as RSS 0.9x. In theory even RSS 1.0 feeds could be parsed by
+ // the 0.9x parser if the RSS namespace were the default.
+ let rssVer = doc.localName == "rss" ? doc.getAttribute("version") : null;
+ if (rssVer)
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "RSS_" + rssVer;
+ else
+ aFeed.mFeedType = "RSS_0.9x?";
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseFeed: type:url - " +
+ aFeed.mFeedType +" : " +aFeed.url);
+ return this.parseAsRSS2(aFeed, aDOM);
+ }
+ },
+ parseAsRSS2: function (aFeed, aDOM)
+ {
+ // Get the first channel (assuming there is only one per RSS File).
+ let parsedItems = new Array();
+ let channel = aDOM.querySelector("channel");
+ if (!channel)
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ // Usually the empty string, unless this is RSS .90.
+ let nsURI = channel.namespaceURI || "";
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseAsRSS2: channel nsURI - " + nsURI);
+ if (this.isPermanentRedirect(aFeed, null, channel, null))
+ return;
+ let tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, nsURI, "title");
+ aFeed.title = aFeed.title || this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, nsURI, "description");
+ aFeed.description = this.getNodeValueFormatted(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, nsURI, "link");
+ = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ if (!(aFeed.title || aFeed.description) || !
+ {
+ FeedUtils.log.error("FeedParser.parseAsRSS2: missing mandatory element " +
+ "<title> and <description>, or <link>");
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ if (!aFeed.parseItems)
+ return parsedItems;
+ aFeed.invalidateItems();
+ // XXX use getElementsByTagNameNS for now; childrenByTagNameNS would be
+ // better, but RSS .90 is still with us.
+ let itemNodes = aDOM.getElementsByTagNameNS(nsURI, "item");
+ itemNodes = itemNodes ? itemNodes : [];
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseAsRSS2: items to parse - " +
+ itemNodes.length);
+ for (let itemNode of itemNodes)
+ {
+ if (!itemNode.childElementCount)
+ continue;
+ let item = new FeedItem();
+ item.feed = aFeed;
+ item.enclosures = [];
+ item.keywords = [];
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.FEEDBURNER_NS, "origLink");
+ let link = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ if (!link)
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "link");
+ link = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ }
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "guid");
+ let guidNode = tags ? tags[0] : null;
+ let guid;
+ let isPermaLink = false;
+ if (guidNode)
+ {
+ guid = this.getNodeValue(guidNode);
+ // isPermaLink is true if the value is "true" or if the attribute is
+ // not present; all other values, including "false" and "False" and
+ // for that matter "TRuE" and "meatcake" are false.
+ if (!guidNode.hasAttribute("isPermaLink") ||
+ guidNode.getAttribute("isPermaLink") == "true")
+ isPermaLink = true;
+ // If attribute isPermaLink is missing, it is good to check the validity
+ // of <guid> value as an URL to avoid linking to non-URL strings.
+ if (!guidNode.hasAttribute("isPermaLink"))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+, null, null);
+ if ( == "tag")
+ isPermaLink = false;
+ }
+ catch (ex)
+ {
+ isPermaLink = false;
+ }
+ }
+ = guid;
+ }
+ let guidLink = this.validLink(guid);
+ item.url = isPermaLink && guidLink ? guidLink : link ? link : null;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "description");
+ item.description = this.getNodeValueFormatted(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "title");
+ item.title = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ if (!(item.title || item.description))
+ {
+"FeedParser.parseAsRSS2: <item> missing mandatory " +
+ "element, either <title> or <description>; skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!
+ {
+ // At this point, if there is no guid, uniqueness cannot be guaranteed
+ // by any of link or date (optional) or title (optional unless there
+ // is no description). Use a big chunk of description; minimize dupes
+ // with url and title if present.
+ = (item.url || item.feed.url) + "#" + item.title + "#" +
+ (this.stripTags(item.description ?
+ item.description.substr(0, 150) : null) ||
+ item.title);
+ =[\n\r\t\s]+/g, " ");
+ }
+ // Escape html entities in <title>, which are unescaped as textContent
+ // values. If the title is used as content, it will remain escaped; if
+ // it is used as the title, it will be unescaped upon store. Bug 1240603.
+ // The <description> tag must follow escaping examples found in
+ //, i.e. single escape angle
+ // brackets for tags, which are removed if used as title, and double
+ // escape entities for presentation in title.
+ // Better: always use <title>. Best: use Atom.
+ if (!item.title)
+ item.title = this.stripTags(item.description).substr(0, 150);
+ else
+ item.title = item.htmlEscape(item.title);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "author");
+ if (!tags)
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.DC_NS, "creator");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||
+ aFeed.title ||
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "pubDate");
+ if (!tags || !this.getNodeValue(tags[0]))
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.DC_NS, "date");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||;
+ // If the date is invalid, users will see the beginning of the epoch
+ // unless we reset it here, so they'll see the current time instead.
+ // This is typical aggregator behavior.
+ if (
+ {
+ =;
+ if (!FeedUtils.isValidRFC822Date(
+ {
+ // XXX Use this on the other formats as well.
+ = this.dateRescue(;
+ }
+ }
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.RSS_CONTENT_NS, "encoded");
+ item.content = this.getNodeValueFormatted(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ // Handle <enclosures> and <media:content>, which may be in a
+ // <media:group> (if present).
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "enclosure");
+ let encUrls = [];
+ if (tags)
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let url = this.validLink(tag.getAttribute("url"));
+ if (url && encUrls.indexOf(url) == -1)
+ {
+ let type = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("type"));
+ let length = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("length"));
+ item.enclosures.push(new FeedEnclosure(url, type, length));
+ encUrls.push(url);
+ }
+ }
+ tags = itemNode.getElementsByTagNameNS(FeedUtils.MRSS_NS, "content");
+ if (tags)
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let url = this.validLink(tag.getAttribute("url"));
+ if (url && encUrls.indexOf(url) == -1)
+ {
+ let type = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("type"));
+ let fileSize = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("fileSize"));
+ item.enclosures.push(new FeedEnclosure(url, type, fileSize));
+ }
+ }
+ // The <origEnclosureLink> tag has no specification, especially regarding
+ // whether more than one tag is allowed and, if so, how tags would
+ // relate to previously declared (and well specified) enclosure urls.
+ // The common usage is to include 1 origEnclosureLink, in addition to
+ // the specified enclosure tags for 1 enclosure. Thus, we will replace the
+ // first enclosure's, if found, url with the first <origEnclosureLink>
+ // url only or else add the <origEnclosureLink> url.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.FEEDBURNER_NS, "origEnclosureLink");
+ let origEncUrl = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ if (origEncUrl)
+ {
+ if (item.enclosures.length)
+ item.enclosures[0].mURL = origEncUrl;
+ else
+ item.enclosures.push(new FeedEnclosure(origEncUrl));
+ }
+ // Support <category> and autotagging.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, nsURI, "category");
+ if (tags)
+ {
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let term = this.getNodeValue(tag);
+ term = term ? this.xmlUnescape(term.replace(/,/g, ";")) : null;
+ if (term && item.keywords.indexOf(term) == -1)
+ item.keywords.push(term);
+ }
+ }
+ parsedItems.push(item);
+ }
+ return parsedItems;
+ },
+ parseAsRSS1 : function(aFeed, aSource, aBaseURI)
+ {
+ let parsedItems = new Array();
+ // RSS 1.0 is valid RDF, so use the RDF parser/service to extract data.
+ // Create a new RDF data source and parse the feed into it.
+ let ds = Cc[";1?name=in-memory-datasource"].
+ createInstance(Ci.nsIRDFDataSource);
+ let rdfparser = Cc[";1"].
+ createInstance(Ci.nsIRDFXMLParser);
+ rdfparser.parseString(ds, aBaseURI, aSource);
+ // Get information about the feed as a whole.
+ let channel = ds.GetSource(FeedUtils.RDF_TYPE, FeedUtils.RSS_CHANNEL, true);
+ if (!channel)
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ if (this.isPermanentRedirect(aFeed, null, channel, ds))
+ return;
+ aFeed.title = aFeed.title ||
+ this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, channel, FeedUtils.RSS_TITLE) ||
+ aFeed.url;
+ aFeed.description = this.getRDFTargetValueFormatted(ds, channel, FeedUtils.RSS_DESCRIPTION) ||
+ "";
+ = this.validLink(this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, channel, FeedUtils.RSS_LINK)) ||
+ aFeed.url;
+ if (!(aFeed.title || aFeed.description) || !
+ {
+ FeedUtils.log.error("FeedParser.parseAsRSS1: missing mandatory element " +
+ "<title> and <description>, or <link>");
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ if (!aFeed.parseItems)
+ return parsedItems;
+ aFeed.invalidateItems();
+ // Ignore the <items> list and just get the <item>s.
+ let items = ds.GetSources(FeedUtils.RDF_TYPE, FeedUtils.RSS_ITEM, true);
+ let index = 0;
+ while (items.hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ let itemResource = items.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFResource);
+ let item = new FeedItem();
+ item.feed = aFeed;
+ // Prefer the value of the link tag to the item URI since the URI could be
+ // a relative URN.
+ let uri = itemResource.ValueUTF8;
+ let link = this.validLink(this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, itemResource, FeedUtils.RSS_LINK));
+ item.url = link || uri;
+ item.description = this.getRDFTargetValueFormatted(ds, itemResource,
+ item.title = this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, itemResource, FeedUtils.RSS_TITLE) ||
+ this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, itemResource, FeedUtils.DC_SUBJECT) ||
+ (item.description ?
+ (this.stripTags(item.description).substr(0, 150)) : null);
+ if (!item.url || !item.title)
+ {
+"FeedParser.parseAsRSS1: <item> missing mandatory " +
+ "element <item rdf:about> and <link>, or <title> and " +
+ "no <description>; skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ = item.url;
+ item.url = this.validLink(item.url);
+ = this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, itemResource, FeedUtils.DC_CREATOR) ||
+ this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, channel, FeedUtils.DC_CREATOR) ||
+ aFeed.title ||
+ = this.getRDFTargetValue(ds, itemResource, FeedUtils.DC_DATE) ||
+ item.content = this.getRDFTargetValueFormatted(ds, itemResource,
+ parsedItems[index++] = item;
+ }
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseAsRSS1: items parsed - " + index);
+ return parsedItems;
+ },
+ parseAsAtom: function(aFeed, aDOM)
+ {
+ let parsedItems = new Array();
+ // Get the first channel (assuming there is only one per Atom File).
+ let channel = aDOM.querySelector("feed");
+ if (!channel)
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ if (this.isPermanentRedirect(aFeed, null, channel, null))
+ return;
+ let tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "title");
+ aFeed.title = aFeed.title ||
+ this.stripTags(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "tagline");
+ aFeed.description = this.getNodeValueFormatted(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "link");
+ = this.validLink(this.findAtomLink("alternate", tags));
+ if (!aFeed.title)
+ {
+ FeedUtils.log.error("FeedParser.parseAsAtom: missing mandatory element " +
+ "<title>");
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ if (!aFeed.parseItems)
+ return parsedItems;
+ aFeed.invalidateItems();
+ let items = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "entry");
+ items = items ? items : [];
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseAsAtom: items to parse - " +
+ items.length);
+ for (let itemNode of items)
+ {
+ if (!itemNode.childElementCount)
+ continue;
+ let item = new FeedItem();
+ item.feed = aFeed;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "link");
+ item.url = this.validLink(this.findAtomLink("alternate", tags));
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "id");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "summary");
+ item.description = this.getNodeValueFormatted(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "title");
+ item.title = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||
+ (item.description ? item.description.substr(0, 150) : null);
+ if (!item.title || !
+ {
+ // We're lenient about other mandatory tags, but insist on these.
+"FeedParser.parseAsAtom: <entry> missing mandatory " +
+ "element <id>, or <title> and no <summary>; skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "author");
+ if (!tags)
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "contributor");
+ if (!tags)
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "author");
+ let authorEl = tags ? tags[0] : null;
+ let author = "";
+ if (authorEl)
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(authorEl, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "name");
+ let name = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(authorEl, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "email");
+ let email = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ if (name)
+ author = name + (email ? " <" + email + ">" : "");
+ else if (email)
+ author = email;
+ }
+ = author || || aFeed.title;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "modified");
+ if (!tags || !this.getNodeValue(tags[0]))
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "issued");
+ if (!tags || !this.getNodeValue(tags[0]))
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "created");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||;
+ // XXX We should get the xml:base attribute from the content tag as well
+ // and use it as the base HREF of the message.
+ // XXX Atom feeds can have multiple content elements; we should differentiate
+ // between them and pick the best one.
+ // Some Atom feeds wrap the content in a CTYPE declaration; others use
+ // a namespace to identify the tags as HTML; and a few are buggy and put
+ // HTML tags in without declaring their namespace so they look like Atom.
+ // We deal with the first two but not the third.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_03_NS, "content");
+ let contentNode = tags ? tags[0] : null;
+ let content;
+ if (contentNode)
+ {
+ content = "";
+ for (let j = 0; j < contentNode.childNodes.length; j++)
+ {
+ let node = contentNode.childNodes.item(j);
+ if (node.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+ content +=;
+ else
+ content += this.mSerializer.serializeToString(node);
+ }
+ if (contentNode.getAttribute("mode") == "escaped")
+ {
+ content = content.replace(/&lt;/g, "<");
+ content = content.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
+ content = content.replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
+ }
+ if (content == "")
+ content = null;
+ }
+ item.content = content;
+ parsedItems.push(item);
+ }
+ return parsedItems;
+ },
+ parseAsAtomIETF: function(aFeed, aDOM)
+ {
+ let parsedItems = new Array();
+ // Get the first channel (assuming there is only one per Atom File).
+ let channel = this.childrenByTagNameNS(aDOM, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "feed")[0];
+ if (!channel)
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ if (this.isPermanentRedirect(aFeed, null, channel, null))
+ return;
+ let tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "title");
+ aFeed.title = aFeed.title ||
+ this.stripTags(this.serializeTextConstruct(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "subtitle");
+ aFeed.description = this.serializeTextConstruct(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "link");
+ = this.findAtomLink("alternate", tags);
+ = this.validLink(;
+ if (!aFeed.title)
+ {
+ FeedUtils.log.error("FeedParser.parseAsAtomIETF: missing mandatory element " +
+ "<title>");
+ return aFeed.onParseError(aFeed);
+ }
+ if (!aFeed.parseItems)
+ return parsedItems;
+ aFeed.invalidateItems();
+ let items = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "entry");
+ items = items ? items : [];
+ FeedUtils.log.debug("FeedParser.parseAsAtomIETF: items to parse - " +
+ items.length);
+ for (let itemNode of items)
+ {
+ if (!itemNode.childElementCount)
+ continue;
+ let item = new FeedItem();
+ item.feed = aFeed;
+ item.enclosures = [];
+ item.keywords = [];
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.FEEDBURNER_NS, "origLink");
+ item.url = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ if (!item.url)
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "link");
+ item.url = this.validLink(this.findAtomLink("alternate", tags)) ||
+ }
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "id");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "summary");
+ item.description = this.serializeTextConstruct(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "title");
+ item.title = this.stripTags(this.serializeTextConstruct(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||
+ (item.description ?
+ item.description.substr(0, 150) : null));
+ if (!item.title || !
+ {
+ // We're lenient about other mandatory tags, but insist on these.
+"FeedParser.parseAsAtomIETF: <entry> missing mandatory " +
+ "element <id>, or <title> and no <summary>; skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // XXX Support multiple authors.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "source");
+ let source = tags ? tags[0] : null;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "author");
+ if (!tags)
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(source, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "author");
+ if (!tags)
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(channel, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "author");
+ let authorEl = tags ? tags[0] : null;
+ let author = "";
+ if (authorEl)
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(authorEl, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "name");
+ let name = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(authorEl, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "email");
+ let email = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ if (name)
+ author = name + (email ? " <" + email + ">" : "");
+ else if (email)
+ author = email;
+ }
+ = author || || aFeed.title;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "updated");
+ if (!tags || !this.getNodeValue(tags[0]))
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "published");
+ if (!tags || !this.getNodeValue(tags[0]))
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(source, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "published");
+ = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null) ||;
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "content");
+ item.content = this.serializeTextConstruct(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ if (item.content)
+ item.xmlContentBase = tags ? tags[0].baseURI : null;
+ else if (item.description)
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "summary");
+ item.xmlContentBase = tags ? tags[0].baseURI : null;
+ }
+ else
+ item.xmlContentBase = itemNode.baseURI;
+ item.xmlContentBase = this.validLink(item.xmlContentBase);
+ // Handle <link rel="enclosure"> (if present).
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "link");
+ let encUrls = [];
+ if (tags)
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let url = tag.getAttribute("rel") == "enclosure" ?
+ (tag.getAttribute("href") || "").trim() : null;
+ url = this.validLink(url);
+ if (url && encUrls.indexOf(url) == -1)
+ {
+ let type = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("type"));
+ let length = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("length"));
+ let title = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("title"));
+ item.enclosures.push(new FeedEnclosure(url, type, length, title));
+ encUrls.push(url);
+ }
+ }
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.FEEDBURNER_NS, "origEnclosureLink");
+ let origEncUrl = this.validLink(this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null));
+ if (origEncUrl)
+ {
+ if (item.enclosures.length)
+ item.enclosures[0].mURL = origEncUrl;
+ else
+ item.enclosures.push(new FeedEnclosure(origEncUrl));
+ }
+ // Handle atom threading extension, RFC4685. There may be 1 or more tags,
+ // and each must contain a ref attribute with 1 Message-Id equivalent
+ // value. This is the only attr of interest in the spec for presentation.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_THREAD_NS, "in-reply-to");
+ if (tags)
+ {
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let ref = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("ref"));
+ if (ref)
+ item.inReplyTo += item.normalizeMessageID(ref) + " ";
+ }
+ item.inReplyTo = item.inReplyTo.trimRight();
+ }
+ // Support <category> and autotagging.
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(itemNode, FeedUtils.ATOM_IETF_NS, "category");
+ if (tags)
+ {
+ for (let tag of tags)
+ {
+ let term = this.removeUnprintableASCII(tag.getAttribute("term"));
+ term = term ? this.xmlUnescape(term.replace(/,/g, ";")).trim() : null;
+ if (term && item.keywords.indexOf(term) == -1)
+ item.keywords.push(term);
+ }
+ }
+ parsedItems.push(item);
+ }
+ return parsedItems;
+ },
+ isPermanentRedirect: function(aFeed, aRedirDocChannel, aFeedChannel, aDS)
+ {
+ // If subscribing to a new feed, do not check redirect tags.
+ if (!aFeed.downloadCallback || aFeed.downloadCallback.mSubscribeMode)
+ return false;
+ let tags, tagName, newUrl;
+ let oldUrl = aFeed.url;
+ // Check for RSS2.0 redirect document <newLocation> tag.
+ if (aRedirDocChannel)
+ {
+ tagName = "newLocation";
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(aRedirDocChannel, "", tagName);
+ newUrl = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ }
+ // Check for <itunes:new-feed-url> tag.
+ if (aFeedChannel)
+ {
+ tagName = "new-feed-url";
+ if (aDS)
+ {
+ tags = FeedUtils.rdf.GetResource(FeedUtils.ITUNES_NS + tagName);
+ newUrl = this.getRDFTargetValue(aDS, aFeedChannel, tags);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tags = this.childrenByTagNameNS(aFeedChannel, FeedUtils.ITUNES_NS, tagName);
+ newUrl = this.getNodeValue(tags ? tags[0] : null);
+ }
+ tagName = "itunes:" + tagName;
+ }
+ if (newUrl && newUrl != oldUrl && FeedUtils.isValidScheme(newUrl) &&
+ FeedUtils.changeUrlForFeed(aFeed, newUrl))
+ {
+"FeedParser.isPermanentRedirect: found <" + tagName +
+ "> tag; updated feed url from: " + oldUrl + " to: " + newUrl +
+ " in folder: " + FeedUtils.getFolderPrettyPath(aFeed.folder));
+ aFeed.onUrlChange(aFeed, oldUrl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ serializeTextConstruct: function(textElement)
+ {
+ let content = "";
+ if (textElement)
+ {
+ let textType = textElement.getAttribute("type");
+ // Atom spec says consider it "text" if not present.
+ if (!textType)
+ textType = "text";
+ // There could be some strange content type we don't handle.
+ if (textType != "text" && textType != "html" && textType != "xhtml")
+ return null;
+ for (let j = 0; j < textElement.childNodes.length; j++)
+ {
+ let node = textElement.childNodes.item(j);
+ if (node.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
+ content += this.xmlEscape(;
+ else
+ content += this.mSerializer.serializeToString(node);
+ }
+ if (textType == "html")
+ content = this.xmlUnescape(content);
+ content = content.trim();
+ }
+ // Other parts of the code depend on this being null if there's no content.
+ return content ? content : null;
+ },
+ getRDFTargetValue: function(ds, source, property)
+ {
+ let nodeValue = this.getRDFTargetValueRaw(ds, source, property);
+ if (!nodeValue)
+ return null;
+ nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(/[\n\r\t]+/g, " ");
+ return this.removeUnprintableASCII(nodeValue);
+ },
+ getRDFTargetValueFormatted: function(ds, source, property)
+ {
+ let nodeValue = this.getRDFTargetValueRaw(ds, source, property);
+ if (!nodeValue)
+ return null;
+ return this.removeUnprintableASCIIexCRLFTAB(nodeValue);
+ },
+ getRDFTargetValueRaw: function(ds, source, property)
+ {
+ let node = ds.GetTarget(source, property, true);
+ if (node)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ node = node.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRDFLiteral);
+ if (node)
+ return node.Value.trim();
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ // If the RDF was bogus, do nothing. Rethrow if it's some other problem.
+ if (!((e instanceof Ci.nsIXPCException) &&
+ e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE))
+ throw new Error("FeedParser.getRDFTargetValue: " + e);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a cleaned up node value. This is intended for values that are not
+ * multiline and not formatted. A sequence of tab or newline is converted to
+ * a space and unprintable ascii is removed.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node - A DOM node.
+ * @return {String} - A clean string value or null.
+ */
+ getNodeValue: function(node)
+ {
+ let nodeValue = this.getNodeValueRaw(node);
+ if (!nodeValue)
+ return null;
+ nodeValue = nodeValue.replace(/[\n\r\t]+/g, " ");
+ return this.removeUnprintableASCII(nodeValue);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a cleaned up formatted node value, meaning CR/LF/TAB are retained
+ * while all other unprintable ascii is removed. This is intended for values
+ * that are multiline and formatted, such as content or description tags.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node - A DOM node.
+ * @return {String} - A clean string value or null.
+ */
+ getNodeValueFormatted: function(node)
+ {
+ let nodeValue = this.getNodeValueRaw(node);
+ if (!nodeValue)
+ return null;
+ return this.removeUnprintableASCIIexCRLFTAB(nodeValue);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a raw node value, as received. This should be sanitized as
+ * appropriate.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} node - A DOM node.
+ * @return {String} - A string value or null.
+ */
+ getNodeValueRaw: function(node)
+ {
+ if (node && node.textContent)
+ return node.textContent.trim();
+ if (node && node.firstChild)
+ {
+ let ret = "";
+ for (let child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
+ {
+ let value = this.getNodeValueRaw(child);
+ if (value)
+ ret += value;
+ }
+ if (ret)
+ return ret.trim();
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ // Finds elements that are direct children of the first arg.
+ childrenByTagNameNS: function(aElement, aNamespace, aTagName)
+ {
+ if (!aElement)
+ return null;
+ let matches = aElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(aNamespace, aTagName);
+ let matchingChildren = new Array();
+ for (let match of matches)
+ {
+ if (match.parentNode == aElement)
+ matchingChildren.push(match)
+ }
+ return matchingChildren.length ? matchingChildren : null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Ensure <link> type tags start with http[s]://, ftp:// or magnet:
+ * for values stored in mail headers (content-base and remote enclosures),
+ * particularly to prevent data: uris, javascript, and other spoofing.
+ *
+ * @param {String} link - An intended http url string.
+ * @return {String} - A clean string starting with http, ftp or magnet,
+ * else null.
+ */
+ validLink: function(link)
+ {
+ if (/^((https?|ftp):\/\/|magnet:)/.test(link))
+ return this.removeUnprintableASCII(link.trim());
+ return null;
+ },
+ findAtomLink: function(linkRel, linkElements)
+ {
+ if (!linkElements)
+ return null;
+ // XXX Need to check for MIME type and hreflang.
+ for (let alink of linkElements) {
+ if (alink &&
+ // If there's a link rel.
+ ((alink.getAttribute("rel") && alink.getAttribute("rel") == linkRel) ||
+ // If there isn't, assume 'alternate'.
+ (!alink.getAttribute("rel") && (linkRel == "alternate"))) &&
+ alink.getAttribute("href"))
+ {
+ // Atom links are interpreted relative to xml:base.
+ try {
+ return, null, null).
+ resolve(alink.getAttribute("href"));
+ }
+ catch (ex) {}
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove unprintable ascii, particularly CR/LF, for non formatted tag values.
+ *
+ * @param {String} s - String to clean.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ removeUnprintableASCII: function(s)
+ {
+ return s ? s.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]+/g, "") : "";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove unprintable ascii, except CR/LF/TAB, for formatted tag values.
+ *
+ * @param {String} s - String to clean.
+ * @return {String}
+ */
+ removeUnprintableASCIIexCRLFTAB: function(s)
+ {
+ return s ? s.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]+/g, "") : "";
+ },
+ stripTags: function(someHTML)
+ {
+ return someHTML ? someHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "") : someHTML;
+ },
+ xmlUnescape: function(s)
+ {
+ s = s.replace(/&lt;/g, "<");
+ s = s.replace(/&gt;/g, ">");
+ s = s.replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
+ return s;
+ },
+ xmlEscape: function(s)
+ {
+ s = s.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
+ s = s.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
+ s = s.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
+ return s;
+ },
+ dateRescue: function(dateString)
+ {
+ // Deal with various kinds of invalid dates.
+ if (!isNaN(parseInt(dateString)))
+ {
+ // It's an integer, so maybe it's a timestamp.
+ let d = new Date(parseInt(dateString) * 1000);
+ let now = new Date();
+ let yeardiff = now.getFullYear() - d.getFullYear();
+ FeedUtils.log.trace("FeedParser.dateRescue: Rescue Timestamp date - " +
+ d.toString() + " ,year diff - " + yeardiff);
+ if (yeardiff >= 0 && yeardiff < 3)
+ // It's quite likely the correct date.
+ return d.toString();
+ }
+ // Could be an ISO8601/W3C date. If not, get the current time.
+ return FeedUtils.getValidRFC5322Date(dateString);
+ }