path: root/intl/icu/source/i18n/unicode/measfmt.h
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+// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (c) 2004-2016, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* Author: Alan Liu
+* Created: April 20, 2004
+* Since: ICU 3.0
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/format.h"
+#include "unicode/udat.h"
+ * \file
+ * \brief C++ API: Formatter for measure objects.
+ */
+ * Constants for various widths.
+ * There are 4 widths: Wide, Short, Narrow, Numeric.
+ * For example, for English, when formatting "3 hours"
+ * Wide is "3 hours"; short is "3 hrs"; narrow is "3h";
+ * formatting "3 hours 17 minutes" as numeric give "3:17"
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+enum UMeasureFormatWidth {
+ // Wide, short, and narrow must be first and in this order.
+ /**
+ * Spell out measure units.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ /**
+ * Abbreviate measure units.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ /**
+ * Use symbols for measure units when possible.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ /**
+ * Completely omit measure units when possible. For example, format
+ * '5 hours, 37 minutes' as '5:37'
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ /**
+ * One more than the highest normal UMeasureFormatWidth value.
+ * @deprecated ICU 58 The numeric value may change over time, see ICU ticket #12420.
+ */
+/** @stable ICU 53 */
+typedef enum UMeasureFormatWidth UMeasureFormatWidth;
+class Measure;
+class MeasureUnit;
+class NumberFormat;
+class PluralRules;
+class MeasureFormatCacheData;
+class SharedNumberFormat;
+class SharedPluralRules;
+class QuantityFormatter;
+class SimpleFormatter;
+class ListFormatter;
+class DateFormat;
+ *
+ * A formatter for measure objects.
+ *
+ * @see Format
+ * @author Alan Liu
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+class U_I18N_API MeasureFormat : public Format {
+ public:
+ using Format::parseObject;
+ using Format::format;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ MeasureFormat(
+ const Locale &locale, UMeasureFormatWidth width, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ MeasureFormat(
+ const Locale &locale,
+ UMeasureFormatWidth width,
+ NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+ UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ MeasureFormat(const MeasureFormat &other);
+ /**
+ * Assignment operator.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ MeasureFormat &operator=(const MeasureFormat &rhs);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ virtual ~MeasureFormat();
+ /**
+ * Return true if given Format objects are semantically equal.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ virtual UBool operator==(const Format &other) const;
+ /**
+ * Clones this object polymorphically.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ virtual Format *clone() const;
+ /**
+ * Formats object to produce a string.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ virtual UnicodeString &format(
+ const Formattable &obj,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ /**
+ * Parse a string to produce an object. This implementation sets
+ * status to U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 53
+ */
+ virtual void parseObject(
+ const UnicodeString &source,
+ Formattable &reslt,
+ ParsePosition &pos) const;
+ /**
+ * Formats measure objects to produce a string. An example of such a
+ * formatted string is 3 meters, 3.5 centimeters. Measure objects appear
+ * in the formatted string in the same order they appear in the "measures"
+ * array. The NumberFormat of this object is used only to format the amount
+ * of the very last measure. The other amounts are formatted with zero
+ * decimal places while rounding toward zero.
+ * @param measures array of measure objects.
+ * @param measureCount the number of measure objects.
+ * @param appendTo formatted string appended here.
+ * @param pos the field position.
+ * @param status the error.
+ * @return appendTo reference
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ UnicodeString &formatMeasures(
+ const Measure *measures,
+ int32_t measureCount,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ /**
+ * Formats a single measure per unit. An example of such a
+ * formatted string is 3.5 meters per second.
+ * @param measure The measure object. In above example, 3.5 meters.
+ * @param perUnit The per unit. In above example, it is
+ * *MeasureUnit::createSecond(status).
+ * @param appendTo formatted string appended here.
+ * @param pos the field position.
+ * @param status the error.
+ * @return appendTo reference
+ *
+ * @stable ICU 55
+ */
+ UnicodeString &formatMeasurePerUnit(
+ const Measure &measure,
+ const MeasureUnit &perUnit,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ /**
+ * Gets the display name of the specified {@link MeasureUnit} corresponding to the current
+ * locale and format width.
+ * @param unit The unit for which to get a display name.
+ * @param status the error.
+ * @return The display name in the locale and width specified in
+ * {@link MeasureFormat#getInstance}, or null if there is no display name available
+ * for the specified unit.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 58
+ */
+ UnicodeString getUnitDisplayName(const MeasureUnit& unit, UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
+ /**
+ * Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the given
+ * locale.
+ * @param locale desired locale
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return a formatter object, or NULL upon error
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ static MeasureFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyFormat(const Locale& locale,
+ UErrorCode& ec);
+ /**
+ * Return a formatter for CurrencyAmount objects in the default
+ * locale.
+ * @param ec input-output error code
+ * @return a formatter object, or NULL upon error
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ static MeasureFormat* U_EXPORT2 createCurrencyFormat(UErrorCode& ec);
+ /**
+ * Return the class ID for this class. This is useful only for comparing to
+ * a return value from getDynamicClassID(). For example:
+ * <pre>
+ * . Base* polymorphic_pointer = createPolymorphicObject();
+ * . if (polymorphic_pointer->getDynamicClassID() ==
+ * . erived::getStaticClassID()) ...
+ * </pre>
+ * @return The class ID for all objects of this class.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID(void);
+ /**
+ * Returns a unique class ID POLYMORPHICALLY. Pure virtual override. This
+ * method is to implement a simple version of RTTI, since not all C++
+ * compilers support genuine RTTI. Polymorphic operator==() and clone()
+ * methods call this method.
+ *
+ * @return The class ID for this object. All objects of a
+ * given class have the same class ID. Objects of
+ * other classes have different class IDs.
+ * @stable ICU 53
+ */
+ virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const;
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+ MeasureFormat();
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * Initialize or change MeasureFormat class from subclass.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ void initMeasureFormat(
+ const Locale &locale,
+ UMeasureFormatWidth width,
+ NumberFormat *nfToAdopt,
+ UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * Allows subclass to change locale. Note that this method also changes
+ * the NumberFormat object. Returns TRUE if locale changed; FALSE if no
+ * change was made.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ UBool setMeasureFormatLocale(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * Let subclass change NumberFormat.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ void adoptNumberFormat(NumberFormat *nfToAdopt, UErrorCode &status);
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ const NumberFormat &getNumberFormat() const;
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ const PluralRules &getPluralRules() const;
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ Locale getLocale(UErrorCode &status) const;
+ /**
+ * ICU use only.
+ * @internal.
+ */
+ const char *getLocaleID(UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
+ private:
+ const MeasureFormatCacheData *cache;
+ const SharedNumberFormat *numberFormat;
+ const SharedPluralRules *pluralRules;
+ UMeasureFormatWidth width;
+ // Declared outside of MeasureFormatSharedData because ListFormatter
+ // objects are relatively cheap to copy; therefore, they don't need to be
+ // shared across instances.
+ ListFormatter *listFormatter;
+ const SimpleFormatter *getFormatterOrNull(
+ const MeasureUnit &unit, UMeasureFormatWidth width, int32_t index) const;
+ const SimpleFormatter *getFormatter(
+ const MeasureUnit &unit, UMeasureFormatWidth width, int32_t index,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+ const SimpleFormatter *getPluralFormatter(
+ const MeasureUnit &unit, UMeasureFormatWidth width, int32_t index,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
+ const SimpleFormatter *getPerFormatter(
+ UMeasureFormatWidth width,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ int32_t withPerUnitAndAppend(
+ const UnicodeString &formatted,
+ const MeasureUnit &perUnit,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ UnicodeString &formatMeasure(
+ const Measure &measure,
+ const NumberFormat &nf,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ FieldPosition &pos,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ UnicodeString &formatMeasuresSlowTrack(
+ const Measure *measures,
+ int32_t measureCount,
+ UnicodeString& appendTo,
+ FieldPosition& pos,
+ UErrorCode& status) const;
+ UnicodeString &formatNumeric(
+ const Formattable *hms, // always length 3: [0] is hour; [1] is
+ // minute; [2] is second.
+ int32_t bitMap, // 1=hour set, 2=minute set, 4=second set
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+ UnicodeString &formatNumeric(
+ UDate date,
+ const DateFormat &dateFmt,
+ UDateFormatField smallestField,
+ const Formattable &smallestAmount,
+ UnicodeString &appendTo,
+ UErrorCode &status) const;
+#endif // #ifndef MEASUREFORMAT_H