path: root/intl/icu/source/data/locales/gd.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'intl/icu/source/data/locales/gd.txt')
1 files changed, 2228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/intl/icu/source/data/locales/gd.txt b/intl/icu/source/data/locales/gd.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a23211a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intl/icu/source/data/locales/gd.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2228 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+ AuxExemplarCharacters{
+ "[á ă â å ä ã ā æ ċ ç ḋ é ĕ ê ë ē ḟ ġ í ĭ î ï ī ı j k ł ṁ ñ ó ŏ ô ö ø ō œ ṗ q"
+ " ṡ ş ș ṫ ú ŭ û ü ū v w x y ÿ z]"
+ }
+ Ellipsis{
+ final{"{0}…"}
+ initial{"…{0}"}
+ medial{"{0}…{1}"}
+ word-final{"{0} …"}
+ word-initial{"… {0}"}
+ word-medial{"{0} … {1}"}
+ }
+ ExemplarCharacters{"[a à b c d e è f g h i ì l m n o ò p r s t u ù]"}
+ ExemplarCharactersIndex{"[A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U]"}
+ MoreInformation{"?"}
+ NumberElements{
+ arab{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"٫"}
+ exponential{"اس"}
+ group{"٬"}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{"؛"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
+ }
+ }
+ arabext{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"٫"}
+ exponential{"×۱۰^"}
+ group{"٬"}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{"؛"}
+ minusSign{"‎-‎"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"؉"}
+ percentSign{"٪"}
+ plusSign{"‎+‎"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{"٫"}
+ }
+ }
+ bali{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ beng{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ brah{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ cakm{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ cham{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ default{"latn"}
+ deva{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ fullwide{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ gujr{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ guru{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ hanidec{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ java{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ kali{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ khmr{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ knda{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ lana{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ lanatham{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ laoo{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ latn{
+ miscPatterns{
+ atLeast{"{0}+"}
+ range{"{0}–{1}"}
+ }
+ patterns{
+ accountingFormat{"¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)"}
+ currencyFormat{"¤#,##0.00"}
+ decimalFormat{"#,##0.###"}
+ percentFormat{"#,##0%"}
+ scientificFormat{"#E0"}
+ }
+ patternsLong{
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ few{"0 mìle"}
+ one{"0 mhìle"}
+ other{"0 mìle"}
+ two{"0 mhìle"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ few{"00 mìle"}
+ one{"00 mhìle"}
+ other{"00 mìle"}
+ two{"00 mhìle"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ few{"000 mìle"}
+ one{"000 mhìle"}
+ other{"000 mìle"}
+ two{"000 mhìle"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ few{"0 millean"}
+ one{"0 mhillean"}
+ other{"0 millean"}
+ two{"0 mhillean"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ few{"00 millean"}
+ one{"00 mhillean"}
+ other{"00 millean"}
+ two{"00 mhillean"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ few{"000 millean"}
+ one{"000 mhillean"}
+ other{"000 millean"}
+ two{"000 mhillean"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ few{"0 billean"}
+ one{"0 bhillean"}
+ other{"0 billean"}
+ two{"0 bhillean"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ few{"00 billean"}
+ one{"00 bhillean"}
+ other{"00 billean"}
+ two{"00 bhillean"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ few{"000 bhillean"}
+ one{"000 billean"}
+ other{"000 bhillean"}
+ two{"000 billean"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ few{"0 trillean"}
+ one{"0 trillean"}
+ other{"0 trillean"}
+ two{"0 thrillean"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ few{"00 trillean"}
+ one{"00 trillean"}
+ other{"00 trillean"}
+ two{"00 thrillean"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ few{"000 trillean"}
+ one{"000 trillean"}
+ other{"000 trillean"}
+ two{"000 thrillean"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patternsShort{
+ currencyFormat{
+ 1000{
+ few{"¤0K"}
+ one{"¤0K"}
+ other{"¤0K"}
+ two{"¤0K"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ few{"¤00K"}
+ one{"¤00K"}
+ other{"¤00K"}
+ two{"¤00K"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ few{"¤000K"}
+ one{"¤000K"}
+ other{"¤000K"}
+ two{"¤000K"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ few{"¤0M"}
+ one{"¤0M"}
+ other{"¤0M"}
+ two{"¤0M"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ few{"¤00M"}
+ one{"¤00M"}
+ other{"¤00M"}
+ two{"¤00M"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ few{"¤000M"}
+ one{"¤000M"}
+ other{"¤000M"}
+ two{"¤000M"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ few{"¤0B"}
+ one{"¤0B"}
+ other{"¤0B"}
+ two{"¤0B"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ few{"¤00B"}
+ one{"¤00B"}
+ other{"¤00B"}
+ two{"¤00B"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ few{"¤000B"}
+ one{"¤000B"}
+ other{"¤000B"}
+ two{"¤000B"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ few{"¤0T"}
+ one{"¤0T"}
+ other{"¤0T"}
+ two{"¤0T"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ few{"¤00T"}
+ one{"¤00T"}
+ other{"¤00T"}
+ two{"¤00T"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ few{"¤000T"}
+ one{"¤000T"}
+ other{"¤000T"}
+ two{"¤000T"}
+ }
+ }
+ decimalFormat{
+ 1000{
+ few{"0K"}
+ one{"0K"}
+ other{"0K"}
+ two{"0K"}
+ }
+ 10000{
+ few{"00K"}
+ one{"00K"}
+ other{"00K"}
+ two{"00K"}
+ }
+ 100000{
+ few{"000K"}
+ one{"000K"}
+ other{"000K"}
+ two{"000K"}
+ }
+ 1000000{
+ few{"0M"}
+ one{"0M"}
+ other{"0M"}
+ two{"0M"}
+ }
+ 10000000{
+ few{"00M"}
+ one{"00M"}
+ other{"00M"}
+ two{"00M"}
+ }
+ 100000000{
+ few{"000M"}
+ one{"000M"}
+ other{"000M"}
+ two{"000M"}
+ }
+ 1000000000{
+ few{"0B"}
+ one{"0B"}
+ other{"0B"}
+ two{"0B"}
+ }
+ 10000000000{
+ few{"00B"}
+ one{"00B"}
+ other{"00B"}
+ two{"00B"}
+ }
+ 100000000000{
+ few{"000B"}
+ one{"000B"}
+ other{"000B"}
+ two{"000B"}
+ }
+ 1000000000000{
+ few{"0T"}
+ one{"0T"}
+ other{"0T"}
+ two{"0T"}
+ }
+ 10000000000000{
+ few{"00T"}
+ one{"00T"}
+ other{"00T"}
+ two{"00T"}
+ }
+ 100000000000000{
+ few{"000T"}
+ one{"000T"}
+ other{"000T"}
+ two{"000T"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ timeSeparator{":"}
+ }
+ }
+ lepc{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ limb{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ minimumGroupingDigits{"1"}
+ mlym{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ mong{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ mtei{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ mymr{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ mymrshan{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ native{"latn"}
+ nkoo{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ olck{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ orya{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ osma{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ saur{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ shrd{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ sora{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ sund{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ takr{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ talu{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ tamldec{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ telu{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ thai{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ tibt{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ vaii{
+ symbols{
+ decimal{"."}
+ exponential{"E"}
+ group{","}
+ infinity{"∞"}
+ list{";"}
+ minusSign{"-"}
+ nan{"NaN"}
+ perMille{"‰"}
+ percentSign{"%"}
+ plusSign{"+"}
+ superscriptingExponent{"×"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Version{""}
+ calendar{
+ buddhist{
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH – HH v"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ }
+ }
+ generic{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d MMMM y G",
+ "d MMMM y G",
+ "d MMM y G",
+ "d/M/y GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ Ed{"E, d"}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyMMM{"LLL y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d/M"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d MMM"}
+ MMMMd{"d MMMM"}
+ MMMd{"d MMM"}
+ MMdd{"dd/MM"}
+ Md{"d/M"}
+ d{"d"}
+ y{"y G"}
+ yMEd{"E, d/M/y"}
+ yMM{"MM/y"}
+ yMMM{"LLL y"}
+ yMMMM{"LLLL y"}
+ yyyy{"y G"}
+ yyyyM{"M/y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyMEd{"E, d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyMMM{"LLL y G"}
+ yyyyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMM{"MMMM y G"}
+ yyyyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
+ yyyyMd{"d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ yyyyQQQ{"QQQ y G"}
+ yyyyQQQQ{"QQQQ y G"}
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH – HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
+ d{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL – LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
+ d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d MMM – d MMM"}
+ d{"d – d MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"d/M – d/M"}
+ d{"d/M – d/M"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d – d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ha – ha"}
+ h{"h – ha"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mma – h:mma"}
+ h{"h:mm – h:mma"}
+ m{"h:mm – h:mma"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mma – h:mma v"}
+ h{"h:mm – h:mma v"}
+ m{"h:mm – h:mma v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ha – ha v"}
+ h{"h – ha v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y – y G"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"L/y – L/y GGGGG"}
+ y{"L/y – L/y GGGGG"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"LLL – LLL y G"}
+ y{"LLL y – LLL y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G"}
+ d{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y G"}
+ y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"LLLL – LLLL y G"}
+ y{"LLLL y – LLLL y G"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d MMM – d MMM y G"}
+ d{"d – d MMM y G"}
+ y{"d MMM y – d MMM y G"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ d{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ y{"d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gregorian{
+ AmPmMarkers{
+ "m",
+ "f",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersAbbr{
+ "m",
+ "f",
+ }
+ AmPmMarkersNarrow{
+ "m",
+ "f",
+ }
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d'mh' MMMM y",
+ "d'mh' MMMM y",
+ "d MMM y",
+ "dd/MM/y",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ appendItems{
+ Timezone{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ E{"ccc"}
+ EHm{"E HH:mm"}
+ EHms{"E HH:mm:ss"}
+ Ed{"E, d"}
+ Ehm{"E h:mma"}
+ Ehms{"E h:mm:ss a"}
+ Gy{"y G"}
+ GyMMM{"MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMEd{"E, d MMM y G"}
+ GyMMMd{"d MMM y G"}
+ H{"HH"}
+ Hm{"HH:mm"}
+ Hms{"HH:mm:ss"}
+ Hmsv{"HH:mm:ss v"}
+ Hmv{"HH:mm v"}
+ M{"L"}
+ MEd{"E, d/M"}
+ MMM{"LLL"}
+ MMMEd{"E, d MMM"}
+ few{"'seachdain' W MMMM"}
+ one{"'seachdain' W MMMM"}
+ other{"'seachdain' W MMMM"}
+ two{"'seachdain' W MMMM"}
+ }
+ MMMMd{"d'mh' MMMM"}
+ MMMd{"d MMM"}
+ MMdd{"dd/MM"}
+ Md{"d/M"}
+ d{"d"}
+ h{"ha"}
+ hm{"h:mma"}
+ hms{"h:mm:ss a"}
+ hmsv{"h:mm:ss a v"}
+ hmv{"h:mma v"}
+ ms{"mm:ss"}
+ y{"y"}
+ yM{"M/y"}
+ yMEd{"E, d/M/y"}
+ yMM{"MM/y"}
+ yMMM{"MMM y"}
+ yMMMEd{"E, d MMM y"}
+ yMMMM{"LLLL y"}
+ yMMMd{"d MMM y"}
+ yMd{"M/d/y"}
+ yQQQ{"QQQ y"}
+ yQQQQ{"QQQQ y"}
+ yw{
+ few{"'seachdain' w 'dhe' y"}
+ one{"'seachdain' w 'dhe' y"}
+ other{"'seachdain' w 'dhe' y"}
+ two{"'seachdain' w 'dhe' y"}
+ }
+ }
+ dayNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "DiD",
+ "DiL",
+ "DiM",
+ "DiC",
+ "Dia",
+ "Dih",
+ "DiS",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "D",
+ "L",
+ "M",
+ "C",
+ "A",
+ "H",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "Dò",
+ "Lu",
+ "Mà",
+ "Ci",
+ "Da",
+ "hA",
+ "Sa",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "DiDòmhnaich",
+ "DiLuain",
+ "DiMàirt",
+ "DiCiadain",
+ "DiarDaoin",
+ "DihAoine",
+ "DiSathairne",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "DiD",
+ "DiL",
+ "DiM",
+ "DiC",
+ "Dia",
+ "Dih",
+ "DiS",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "D",
+ "L",
+ "M",
+ "C",
+ "A",
+ "H",
+ "S",
+ }
+ short{
+ "Dò",
+ "Lu",
+ "Mà",
+ "Ci",
+ "Da",
+ "hA",
+ "Sa",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "DiDòmhnaich",
+ "DiLuain",
+ "DiMàirt",
+ "DiCiadain",
+ "DiarDaoin",
+ "DihAoine",
+ "DiSathairne",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayPeriod{
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ am{"m"}
+ pm{"f"}
+ }
+ narrow{
+ am{"m"}
+ pm{"f"}
+ }
+ wide{
+ am{"m"}
+ pm{"f"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "RC",
+ "AD",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "R",
+ "A",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Ro Chrìosta",
+ "An dèidh Chrìosta",
+ }
+ }
+ intervalFormats{
+ H{
+ H{"HH – HH"}
+ }
+ Hm{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm"}
+ }
+ Hmv{
+ H{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ m{"HH:mm – HH:mm v"}
+ }
+ Hv{
+ H{"HH – HH v"}
+ }
+ M{
+ M{"M – M"}
+ }
+ MEd{
+ M{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
+ d{"E, d/M – E, d/M"}
+ }
+ MMM{
+ M{"LLL – LLL"}
+ }
+ MMMEd{
+ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM"}
+ d{"E, d – E, d MMM"}
+ }
+ MMMd{
+ M{"d MMM – d MMM"}
+ d{"d – d MMM"}
+ }
+ Md{
+ M{"d/M – d/M"}
+ d{"d/M – d/M"}
+ }
+ d{
+ d{"d – d"}
+ }
+ fallback{"{0} – {1}"}
+ h{
+ a{"ha – ha"}
+ h{"h – ha"}
+ }
+ hm{
+ a{"h:mma – h:mma"}
+ h{"h:mm – h:mma"}
+ m{"h:mm – h:mma"}
+ }
+ hmv{
+ a{"h:mma – h:mma v"}
+ h{"h:mm – h:mma v"}
+ m{"h:mm – h:mma v"}
+ }
+ hv{
+ a{"ha – ha v"}
+ h{"h – ha v"}
+ }
+ y{
+ y{"y – y"}
+ }
+ yM{
+ M{"M/y – M/y"}
+ y{"M/y – M/y"}
+ }
+ yMEd{
+ M{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
+ d{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
+ y{"E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y"}
+ }
+ yMMM{
+ M{"LLL – LLL y"}
+ y{"LLL y – LLL y"}
+ }
+ yMMMEd{
+ M{"E, d MMM – E, d MMM y"}
+ d{"E, d – E, d MMM y"}
+ y{"E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMMMM{
+ M{"LLLL – LLLL y"}
+ y{"LLLL y – LLLL y"}
+ }
+ yMMMd{
+ M{"d MMM – d MMM y"}
+ d{"d – d MMM y"}
+ y{"d MMM y – d MMM y"}
+ }
+ yMd{
+ M{"d/M/y – d/M/y"}
+ d{"d/M/y – d/M/y"}
+ y{"d/M/y – d/M/y"}
+ }
+ }
+ monthNames{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Faoi",
+ "Gearr",
+ "Màrt",
+ "Gibl",
+ "Cèit",
+ "Ògmh",
+ "Iuch",
+ "Lùna",
+ "Sult",
+ "Dàmh",
+ "Samh",
+ "Dùbh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "F",
+ "G",
+ "M",
+ "G",
+ "C",
+ "Ò",
+ "I",
+ "L",
+ "S",
+ "D",
+ "S",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "dhen Fhaoilleach",
+ "dhen Ghearran",
+ "dhen Mhàrt",
+ "dhen Ghiblean",
+ "dhen Chèitean",
+ "dhen Ògmhios",
+ "dhen Iuchar",
+ "dhen Lùnastal",
+ "dhen t-Sultain",
+ "dhen Dàmhair",
+ "dhen t-Samhain",
+ "dhen Dùbhlachd",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Faoi",
+ "Gearr",
+ "Màrt",
+ "Gibl",
+ "Cèit",
+ "Ògmh",
+ "Iuch",
+ "Lùna",
+ "Sult",
+ "Dàmh",
+ "Samh",
+ "Dùbh",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "F",
+ "G",
+ "M",
+ "G",
+ "C",
+ "Ò",
+ "I",
+ "L",
+ "S",
+ "D",
+ "S",
+ "D",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Am Faoilleach",
+ "An Gearran",
+ "Am Màrt",
+ "An Giblean",
+ "An Cèitean",
+ "An t-Ògmhios",
+ "An t-Iuchar",
+ "An Lùnastal",
+ "An t-Sultain",
+ "An Dàmhair",
+ "An t-Samhain",
+ "An Dùbhlachd",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarters{
+ format{
+ abbreviated{
+ "C1",
+ "C2",
+ "C3",
+ "C4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1d chairteal",
+ "2na cairteal",
+ "3s cairteal",
+ "4mh cairteal",
+ }
+ }
+ stand-alone{
+ abbreviated{
+ "C1",
+ "C2",
+ "C3",
+ "C4",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "1",
+ "2",
+ "3",
+ "4",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "1d chairteal",
+ "2na cairteal",
+ "3s cairteal",
+ "4mh cairteal",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ roc{
+ DateTimePatterns{
+ "HH:mm:ss zzzz",
+ "HH:mm:ss z",
+ "HH:mm:ss",
+ "HH:mm",
+ "EEEE, d MMMM y G",
+ "d MMMM y G",
+ "d MMM y G",
+ "d/M/y GGGGG",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ "{1} {0}",
+ }
+ availableFormats{
+ Ed{"E, d"}
+ d{"d"}
+ }
+ eras{
+ abbreviated{
+ "Ro PnS",
+ "Mínguó",
+ }
+ narrow{
+ "Ro PnS",
+ "Mínguó",
+ }
+ wide{
+ "Ro Ph. na Sìne",
+ "Mínguó",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delimiters{
+ alternateQuotationEnd{"’"}
+ alternateQuotationStart{"‘"}
+ quotationEnd{"”"}
+ quotationStart{"“"}
+ }
+ fields{
+ day{
+ dn{"latha"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-dè"}
+ "-2"{"a-bhòin-dè"}
+ "0"{"an-diugh"}
+ "1"{"a-màireach"}
+ "2"{"an-earar"}
+ "3"{"an-eararais"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} làithean"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} latha"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} latha"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} latha"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} làithean air ais"}
+ one{"{0} latha air ais"}
+ other{"{0} latha air ais"}
+ two{"{0} latha air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-narrow{
+ dn{"là"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-dè"}
+ "-2"{"a-bhòin-dè"}
+ "0"{"an-diugh"}
+ "1"{"a-màireach"}
+ "2"{"an-earar"}
+ "3"{"an-eararais"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} là"}
+ one{"+{0} là"}
+ other{"+{0} là"}
+ two{"+{0} là"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} là"}
+ one{"-{0} là"}
+ other{"-{0} là"}
+ two{"-{0} là"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ day-short{
+ dn{"là"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-dè"}
+ "-2"{"a-bhòin-dè"}
+ "0"{"an-diugh"}
+ "1"{"a-màireach"}
+ "2"{"an-earar"}
+ "3"{"an-eararais"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} là."}
+ one{"an {0} là"}
+ other{"an {0} là"}
+ two{"an {0} là"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} là."}
+ one{"o {0} là"}
+ other{"o {0} là"}
+ two{"o {0} là"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayperiod{
+ dn{"m/f"}
+ }
+ era{
+ dn{"linn"}
+ }
+ fri{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DihAoine seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DihAoine"}
+ "1"{"DihAoine seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ fri-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"hA. ch."}
+ "0"{"hA."}
+ "1"{"hA. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ fri-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Dih. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"Dih."}
+ "1"{"Dih. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ hour{
+ dn{"uair a thìde"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} uairean a thìde"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} uair a thìde"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} uair a thìde"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} uair a thìde"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} uairean a thìde air ais"}
+ one{"{0} uair a thìde air ais"}
+ other{"{0} uair a thìde air ais"}
+ two{"{0} uair a thìde air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-narrow{
+ dn{"u"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} u."}
+ one{"+{0} u."}
+ other{"+{0} u."}
+ two{"+{0} u."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} u."}
+ one{"-{0} u."}
+ other{"-{0} u."}
+ two{"-{0} u."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hour-short{
+ dn{"uair"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} uair."}
+ one{"an {0} uair"}
+ other{"an {0} uair"}
+ two{"an {0} uair"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} uair."}
+ one{"o {0} uair"}
+ other{"o {0} uair"}
+ two{"o {0} uair"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute{
+ dn{"mionaid"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} mionaidean"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} mhionaid"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} mionaid"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} mhionaid"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} mionaidean air ais"}
+ one{"{0} mhionaid air ais"}
+ other{"{0} mionaid air ais"}
+ two{"{0} mhionaid air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-narrow{
+ dn{"m"}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} m"}
+ one{"+{0} m"}
+ other{"+{0} m"}
+ two{"+{0} m"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} m"}
+ one{"-{0} m"}
+ other{"-{0} m"}
+ two{"-{0} m"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ minute-short{
+ dn{"mion."}
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} mion."}
+ one{"an {0} mhion."}
+ other{"an {0} mion."}
+ two{"an {0} mhion."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} mion."}
+ one{"o {0} mhion."}
+ other{"o {0} mion."}
+ two{"o {0} mhion."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mon{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiLuain seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiLuain"}
+ "1"{"DiLuain seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ mon-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Lu. ch."}
+ "0"{"Lu."}
+ "1"{"Lu. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ mon-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiL. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiL."}
+ "1"{"DiL. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ month{
+ dn{"mìos"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"am mìos seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"am mìos seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-mhìos"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} mìosan"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} mhìosa"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} mìosa"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} mhìosa"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} mìosan air ais"}
+ one{"{0} mhìos air ais"}
+ other{"{0} mìos air ais"}
+ two{"{0} mhìos air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-narrow{
+ dn{"mì."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"mì. ch."}
+ "0"{"am mì. seo"}
+ "1"{"ath-mhì."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} mì."}
+ one{"+{0} mhì."}
+ other{"+{0} mì."}
+ two{"+{0} mhì."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} mì."}
+ one{"-{0} mhì."}
+ other{"-{0} mì."}
+ two{"-{0} mhì."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ month-short{
+ dn{"mìos"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"am mìos sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"am mìos seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-mhìos"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} mìos."}
+ one{"an {0} mhìos."}
+ other{"an {0} mìos."}
+ two{"an {0} mhìos."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} mìos."}
+ one{"o {0} mhìos."}
+ other{"o {0} mìos."}
+ two{"o {0} mhìos."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter{
+ dn{"cairteal"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an cairteal seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"an cairteal seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-chairteal"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} cairtealan"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} chairteil"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} cairteil"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} chairteil"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o chionn {0} cairtealan"}
+ one{"o chionn {0} chairteil"}
+ other{"o chionn {0} cairteil"}
+ two{"o chionn {0} chairteil"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter-narrow{
+ dn{"c."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"c. ch."}
+ "0"{"an c. seo"}
+ "1"{"ath-ch."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} c."}
+ one{"+{0} c."}
+ other{"+{0} c."}
+ two{"+{0} c."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} c."}
+ one{"-{0} c."}
+ other{"-{0} c."}
+ two{"-{0} c."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ quarter-short{
+ dn{"cairt."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an cairt. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"an cairt. seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-chairt."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} cairt."}
+ one{"an {0} chairt."}
+ other{"an {0} cairt."}
+ two{"an {0} chairt."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} cairt."}
+ one{"o {0} chairt."}
+ other{"o {0} cairt."}
+ two{"o {0} chairt."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sat{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiSathairne seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiSathairne"}
+ "1"{"DiSathairne seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ sat-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Sa. ch."}
+ "0"{"Sa."}
+ "1"{"Sa. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ sat-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiS. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiS."}
+ "1"{"DiS. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ second{
+ dn{"diog"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"an-dràsta"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} diogan"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} diog"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} diog"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} dhiog"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} diogan air ais"}
+ one{"{0} diog air ais"}
+ other{"{0} diog air ais"}
+ two{"{0} dhiog air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-narrow{
+ dn{"d"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"an-dràsta"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} d"}
+ one{"+{0} d"}
+ other{"+{0} d"}
+ two{"+{0} d"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} d"}
+ one{"-{0} d"}
+ other{"-{0} d"}
+ two{"-{0} d"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ second-short{
+ dn{"diog"}
+ relative{
+ "0"{"an-dràsta"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} diog."}
+ one{"an {0} diog"}
+ other{"an {0} diog"}
+ two{"an {0} dhiog"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} diog."}
+ one{"o {0} diog"}
+ other{"o {0} diog"}
+ two{"o {0} dhiog"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sun{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiDòmhnaich seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiDòmhnaich"}
+ "1"{"DiDòmhnaich seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ sun-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Dò. ch."}
+ "0"{"Dò."}
+ "1"{"Dò. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ sun-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiD. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiD."}
+ "1"{"DiD. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiarDaoin seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiarDaoin"}
+ "1"{"DiarDaoin seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ thu-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Da. ch."}
+ "0"{"Da."}
+ "1"{"Da. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ thu-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Dia. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"Dia."}
+ "1"{"Dia. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiMàirt seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiMàirt"}
+ "1"{"DiMàirt seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ tue-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Mà. ch."}
+ "0"{"Mà."}
+ "1"{"Mà. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ tue-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiM. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiM."}
+ "1"{"DiM. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiCiadain seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiCiadain"}
+ "1"{"DiCiadain seo tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ wed-narrow{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"Ci. ch."}
+ "0"{"Ci."}
+ "1"{"Ci. ti."}
+ }
+ }
+ wed-short{
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"DiC. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"DiC."}
+ "1"{"DiC. sa tighinn"}
+ }
+ }
+ week{
+ dn{"seachdain"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an t-seachdain seo chaidh"}
+ "0"{"an t-seachdain seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-sheachdain"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} seachdainean"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} seachdain"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} seachdain"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} sheachdain"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} seachdainean air ais"}
+ one{"{0} seachdain air ais"}
+ other{"{0} seachdain air ais"}
+ two{"{0} sheachdain air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-narrow{
+ dn{"sn."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"sn. ch."}
+ "0"{"an t-sn. seo"}
+ "1"{"ath-shn."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} sn."}
+ one{"+{0} sn."}
+ other{"+{0} sn."}
+ two{"+{0} sn."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} sn."}
+ one{"-{0} sn."}
+ other{"-{0} sn."}
+ two{"-{0} sn."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ week-short{
+ dn{"seachd."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"seachd. sa chaidh"}
+ "0"{"an t-seachd. seo"}
+ "1"{"an ath-sheachd."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} seachd."}
+ one{"an {0} sheachd."}
+ other{"an {0} seachd."}
+ two{"an {0} sheachd."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} seachd."}
+ one{"o {0} sheachd."}
+ other{"o {0} seachd."}
+ two{"o {0} sheachd."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ weekday{
+ dn{"latha na seachdaine"}
+ }
+ year{
+ dn{"bliadhna"}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-uiridh"}
+ "-2"{"a-bhòn-uiridh"}
+ "0"{"am bliadhna"}
+ "1"{"an ath-bhliadhna"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an ceann {0} bliadhnaichean"}
+ one{"an ceann {0} bhliadhna"}
+ other{"an ceann {0} bliadhna"}
+ two{"an ceann {0} bhliadhna"}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"{0} bhliadhnaichean air ais"}
+ one{"{0} bhliadhna air ais"}
+ other{"{0} bliadhna air ais"}
+ two{"{0} bhliadhna air ais"}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-narrow{
+ dn{"bl."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-uir."}
+ "-2"{"a-bh-uir."}
+ "0"{"am bl."}
+ "1"{"an ath-bhl."}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"+{0} bl."}
+ one{"+{0} bhl."}
+ other{"+{0} bl."}
+ two{"+{0} bhl."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"-{0} bl."}
+ one{"-{0} bhl."}
+ other{"-{0} bl."}
+ two{"-{0} bhl."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ year-short{
+ dn{"blia."}
+ relative{
+ "-1"{"an-uiridh"}
+ "-2"{"a-bhòn-uiridh"}
+ "0"{"am bliadhna"}
+ "1"{"an ath-bhliadhna"}
+ }
+ relativeTime{
+ future{
+ few{"an {0} blia."}
+ one{"an {0} bhlia."}
+ other{"an {0} blia."}
+ two{"an {0} bhlia."}
+ }
+ past{
+ few{"o {0} blia."}
+ one{"o {0} bhlia."}
+ other{"o {0} blia."}
+ two{"o {0} bhlia."}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zone{
+ dn{"roinn-tìde"}
+ }
+ }
+ listPattern{
+ standard{
+ 2{"{0} agus {1}"}
+ end{"{0} agus {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit{
+ 2{"{0} agus {1}"}
+ end{"{0} agus {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-narrow{
+ 2{"{0} {1}"}
+ end{"{0} {1}"}
+ middle{"{0} {1}"}
+ start{"{0} {1}"}
+ }
+ unit-short{
+ 2{"{0} ’s {1}"}
+ end{"{0} ’s {1}"}
+ middle{"{0}, {1}"}
+ start{"{0}, {1}"}
+ }
+ }
+ measurementSystemNames{
+ UK{"RA"}
+ US{"SA"}
+ metric{"Meatrach"}
+ }