path: root/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_native_event_utils.js
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1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_native_event_utils.js b/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_native_event_utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f820a936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/test/mochitest/apz_test_native_event_utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Utilities for synthesizing of native events.
+function getPlatform() {
+ if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") == 0) {
+ return "windows";
+ }
+ if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") == 0) {
+ return "mac";
+ }
+ // Check for Android before Linux
+ if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android") >= 0) {
+ return "android"
+ }
+ if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Linux") == 0) {
+ return "linux";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+function nativeVerticalWheelEventMsg() {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "windows": return 0x020A; // WM_MOUSEWHEEL
+ case "mac": return 0; // value is unused, can be anything
+ case "linux": return 4; // value is unused, pass GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH anyway
+ }
+ throw "Native wheel events not supported on platform " + getPlatform();
+function nativeHorizontalWheelEventMsg() {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "windows": return 0x020E; // WM_MOUSEHWHEEL
+ case "mac": return 0; // value is unused, can be anything
+ case "linux": return 4; // value is unused, pass GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH anyway
+ }
+ throw "Native wheel events not supported on platform " + getPlatform();
+// Given a pixel scrolling delta, converts it to the platform's native units.
+function nativeScrollUnits(aElement, aDimen) {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "linux": {
+ // GTK deltas are treated as line height divided by 3 by gecko.
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ var lineHeight = targetWindow.getComputedStyle(aElement)["font-size"];
+ return aDimen / (parseInt(lineHeight) * 3);
+ }
+ }
+ return aDimen;
+function nativeMouseDownEventMsg() {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "windows": return 2; // MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN
+ case "mac": return 1; // NSLeftMouseDown
+ case "linux": return 4; // GDK_BUTTON_PRESS
+ case "android": return 5; // ACTION_POINTER_DOWN
+ }
+ throw "Native mouse-down events not supported on platform " + getPlatform();
+function nativeMouseMoveEventMsg() {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "windows": return 1; // MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE
+ case "mac": return 5; // NSMouseMoved
+ case "linux": return 3; // GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY
+ case "android": return 7; // ACTION_HOVER_MOVE
+ }
+ throw "Native mouse-move events not supported on platform " + getPlatform();
+function nativeMouseUpEventMsg() {
+ switch (getPlatform()) {
+ case "windows": return 4; // MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP
+ case "mac": return 2; // NSLeftMouseUp
+ case "linux": return 7; // GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE
+ case "android": return 6; // ACTION_POINTER_UP
+ }
+ throw "Native mouse-up events not supported on platform " + getPlatform();
+// Convert (aX, aY), in CSS pixels relative to aElement's bounding rect,
+// to device pixels relative to the screen.
+function coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement) {
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ var scale = targetWindow.devicePixelRatio;
+ var rect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {
+ x: (targetWindow.mozInnerScreenX + rect.left + aX) * scale,
+ y: (targetWindow.mozInnerScreenY + + aY) * scale
+ };
+// Get the bounding box of aElement, and return it in device pixels
+// relative to the screen.
+function rectRelativeToScreen(aElement) {
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ var scale = targetWindow.devicePixelRatio;
+ var rect = aElement.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {
+ x: (targetWindow.mozInnerScreenX + rect.left) * scale,
+ y: (targetWindow.mozInnerScreenY + * scale,
+ w: (rect.width * scale),
+ h: (rect.height * scale)
+ };
+// Synthesizes a native mousewheel event and returns immediately. This does not
+// guarantee anything; you probably want to use one of the other functions below
+// which actually wait for results.
+// aX and aY are relative to the top-left of |aElement|'s containing window.
+// aDeltaX and aDeltaY are pixel deltas, and aObserver can be left undefined
+// if not needed.
+function synthesizeNativeWheel(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aObserver) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ if (aDeltaX && aDeltaY) {
+ throw "Simultaneous wheeling of horizontal and vertical is not supported on all platforms.";
+ }
+ aDeltaX = nativeScrollUnits(aElement, aDeltaX);
+ aDeltaY = nativeScrollUnits(aElement, aDeltaY);
+ var msg = aDeltaX ? nativeHorizontalWheelEventMsg() : nativeVerticalWheelEventMsg();
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeMouseScrollEvent(pt.x, pt.y, msg, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, 0, 0, 0, aElement, aObserver);
+ return true;
+// Synthesizes a native mousewheel event and invokes the callback once the
+// request has been successfully made to the OS. This does not necessarily
+// guarantee that the OS generates the event we requested. See
+// synthesizeNativeWheel for details on the parameters.
+function synthesizeNativeWheelAndWaitForObserver(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aCallback) {
+ var observer = {
+ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+ if (aCallback && aTopic == "mousescrollevent") {
+ setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return synthesizeNativeWheel(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, observer);
+// Synthesizes a native mousewheel event and invokes the callback once the
+// wheel event is dispatched to |aElement|'s containing window. If the event
+// targets content in a subdocument, |aElement| should be inside the
+// subdocument. See synthesizeNativeWheel for details on the other parameters.
+function synthesizeNativeWheelAndWaitForWheelEvent(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aCallback) {
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ targetWindow.addEventListener("wheel", function wheelWaiter(e) {
+ targetWindow.removeEventListener("wheel", wheelWaiter);
+ setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
+ });
+ return synthesizeNativeWheel(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY);
+// Synthesizes a native mousewheel event and invokes the callback once the
+// first resulting scroll event is dispatched to |aElement|'s containing window.
+// If the event targets content in a subdocument, |aElement| should be inside
+// the subdocument. See synthesizeNativeWheel for details on the other
+// parameters.
+function synthesizeNativeWheelAndWaitForScrollEvent(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aCallback) {
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ var useCapture = true; // scroll events don't always bubble
+ targetWindow.addEventListener("scroll", function scrollWaiter(e) {
+ targetWindow.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollWaiter, useCapture);
+ setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
+ }, useCapture);
+ return synthesizeNativeWheel(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY);
+// Synthesizes a native mouse move event and returns immediately.
+// aX and aY are relative to the top-left of |aElement|'s containing window.
+function synthesizeNativeMouseMove(aElement, aX, aY) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(pt.x, pt.y, nativeMouseMoveEventMsg(), 0, aElement);
+ return true;
+// Synthesizes a native mouse move event and invokes the callback once the
+// mouse move event is dispatched to |aElement|'s containing window. If the event
+// targets content in a subdocument, |aElement| should be inside the
+// subdocument. See synthesizeNativeMouseMove for details on the other
+// parameters.
+function synthesizeNativeMouseMoveAndWaitForMoveEvent(aElement, aX, aY, aCallback) {
+ var targetWindow = aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+ targetWindow.addEventListener("mousemove", function mousemoveWaiter(e) {
+ targetWindow.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemoveWaiter);
+ setTimeout(aCallback, 0);
+ });
+ return synthesizeNativeMouseMove(aElement, aX, aY);
+// Synthesizes a native touch event and dispatches it. aX and aY in CSS pixels
+// relative to the top-left of |aElement|'s bounding rect.
+function synthesizeNativeTouch(aElement, aX, aY, aType, aObserver = null, aTouchId = 0) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeTouchPoint(aTouchId, aType, pt.x, pt.y, 1, 90, aObserver);
+ return true;
+// A handy constant when synthesizing native touch drag events with the pref
+// "apz.touch_start_tolerance" set to 0. In this case, the first touchmove with
+// a nonzero pixel movement is consumed by the APZ to transition from the
+// "touching" state to the "panning" state, so calls to synthesizeNativeTouchDrag
+// should add an extra pixel pixel for this purpose. The TOUCH_SLOP provides
+// a constant that can be used for this purpose. Note that if the touch start
+// tolerance is set to something higher, the touch slop amount used must be
+// correspondingly increased so as to be higher than the tolerance.
+const TOUCH_SLOP = 1;
+function synthesizeNativeTouchDrag(aElement, aX, aY, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aObserver = null, aTouchId = 0) {
+ synthesizeNativeTouch(aElement, aX, aY, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT, null, aTouchId);
+ var steps = Math.max(Math.abs(aDeltaX), Math.abs(aDeltaY));
+ for (var i = 1; i < steps; i++) {
+ var dx = i * (aDeltaX / steps);
+ var dy = i * (aDeltaY / steps);
+ synthesizeNativeTouch(aElement, aX + dx, aY + dy, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT, null, aTouchId);
+ }
+ synthesizeNativeTouch(aElement, aX + aDeltaX, aY + aDeltaY, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT, null, aTouchId);
+ return synthesizeNativeTouch(aElement, aX + aDeltaX, aY + aDeltaY, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_REMOVE, aObserver, aTouchId);
+function synthesizeNativeTap(aElement, aX, aY, aObserver = null) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeTouchTap(pt.x, pt.y, false, aObserver);
+ return true;
+function synthesizeNativeMouseEvent(aElement, aX, aY, aType, aObserver = null) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(pt.x, pt.y, aType, 0, aElement, aObserver);
+ return true;
+function synthesizeNativeClick(aElement, aX, aY, aObserver = null) {
+ var pt = coordinatesRelativeToScreen(aX, aY, aElement);
+ var utils = SpecialPowers.getDOMWindowUtils(aElement.ownerDocument.defaultView);
+ utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(pt.x, pt.y, nativeMouseDownEventMsg(), 0, aElement, function() {
+ utils.sendNativeMouseEvent(pt.x, pt.y, nativeMouseUpEventMsg(), 0, aElement, aObserver);
+ });
+ return true;
+// Move the mouse to (dx, dy) relative to |element|, and scroll the wheel
+// at that location.
+// Moving the mouse is necessary to avoid wheel events from two consecutive
+// moveMouseAndScrollWheelOver() calls on different elements being incorrectly
+// considered as part of the same wheel transaction.
+// We also wait for the mouse move event to be processed before sending the
+// wheel event, otherwise there is a chance they might get reordered, and
+// we have the transaction problem again.
+function moveMouseAndScrollWheelOver(element, dx, dy, testDriver, waitForScroll = true) {
+ return synthesizeNativeMouseMoveAndWaitForMoveEvent(element, dx, dy, function() {
+ if (waitForScroll) {
+ synthesizeNativeWheelAndWaitForScrollEvent(element, dx, dy, 0, -10, testDriver);
+ } else {
+ synthesizeNativeWheelAndWaitForWheelEvent(element, dx, dy, 0, -10, testDriver);
+ }
+ });