path: root/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.h')
1 files changed, 1109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.h b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..477ec9741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef mozilla_HTMLEditor_h
+#define mozilla_HTMLEditor_h
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/CSSEditUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/StyleSheet.h"
+#include "mozilla/TextEditor.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/File.h"
+#include "nsAttrName.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsIContentFilter.h"
+#include "nsICSSLoaderObserver.h"
+#include "nsIDocumentObserver.h"
+#include "nsIDOMElement.h"
+#include "nsIDOMEventListener.h"
+#include "nsIEditor.h"
+#include "nsIEditorMailSupport.h"
+#include "nsIEditorStyleSheets.h"
+#include "nsIEditorUtils.h"
+#include "nsIEditRules.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLAbsPosEditor.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLEditor.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLInlineTableEditor.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLObjectResizeListener.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLObjectResizer.h"
+#include "nsISelectionListener.h"
+#include "nsITableEditor.h"
+#include "nsPoint.h"
+#include "nsStubMutationObserver.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+class nsDocumentFragment;
+class nsIDOMKeyEvent;
+class nsITransferable;
+class nsIClipboard;
+class nsILinkHandler;
+class nsTableWrapperFrame;
+class nsIDOMRange;
+class nsRange;
+namespace mozilla {
+class HTMLEditorEventListener;
+class HTMLEditRules;
+class TextEditRules;
+class TypeInState;
+class WSRunObject;
+struct PropItem;
+template<class T> class OwningNonNull;
+namespace dom {
+class DocumentFragment;
+} // namespace dom
+namespace widget {
+struct IMEState;
+} // namespace widget
+ * The HTML editor implementation.<br>
+ * Use to edit HTML document represented as a DOM tree.
+ */
+class HTMLEditor final : public TextEditor
+ , public nsIHTMLEditor
+ , public nsIHTMLObjectResizer
+ , public nsIHTMLAbsPosEditor
+ , public nsITableEditor
+ , public nsIHTMLInlineTableEditor
+ , public nsIEditorStyleSheets
+ , public nsICSSLoaderObserver
+ , public nsStubMutationObserver
+ enum BlockTransformationType
+ {
+ eNoOp,
+ eReplaceParent = 1,
+ eInsertParent = 2
+ };
+ const char16_t kNBSP = 160;
+ enum ResizingRequestID
+ {
+ kX = 0,
+ kY = 1,
+ kWidth = 2,
+ kHeight = 3
+ };
+ HTMLEditor();
+ bool GetReturnInParagraphCreatesNewParagraph();
+ Element* GetSelectionContainer();
+ // TextEditor overrides
+ NS_IMETHOD GetIsDocumentEditable(bool* aIsDocumentEditable) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD BeginningOfDocument() override;
+ virtual nsresult HandleKeyPressEvent(nsIDOMKeyEvent* aKeyEvent) override;
+ virtual already_AddRefed<nsIContent> GetFocusedContent() override;
+ virtual already_AddRefed<nsIContent> GetFocusedContentForIME() override;
+ virtual bool IsActiveInDOMWindow() override;
+ virtual already_AddRefed<dom::EventTarget> GetDOMEventTarget() override;
+ virtual Element* GetEditorRoot() override;
+ virtual already_AddRefed<nsIContent> FindSelectionRoot(
+ nsINode *aNode) override;
+ virtual bool IsAcceptableInputEvent(nsIDOMEvent* aEvent) override;
+ virtual already_AddRefed<nsIContent> GetInputEventTargetContent() override;
+ virtual bool IsEditable(nsINode* aNode) override;
+ using EditorBase::IsEditable;
+ // nsStubMutationObserver overrides
+ // nsIEditorIMESupport overrides
+ NS_IMETHOD GetPreferredIMEState(widget::IMEState* aState) override;
+ // nsIHTMLEditor methods
+ // nsIHTMLObjectResizer methods (implemented in HTMLObjectResizer.cpp)
+ // nsIHTMLAbsPosEditor methods (implemented in HTMLAbsPositionEditor.cpp)
+ // nsIHTMLInlineTableEditor methods (implemented in HTMLInlineTableEditor.cpp)
+ // XXX Following methods are not overriding but defined here...
+ nsresult CopyLastEditableChildStyles(nsIDOMNode* aPreviousBlock,
+ nsIDOMNode* aNewBlock,
+ Element** aOutBrNode);
+ nsresult LoadHTML(const nsAString& aInputString);
+ nsresult GetCSSBackgroundColorState(bool* aMixed, nsAString& aOutColor,
+ bool aBlockLevel);
+ NS_IMETHOD GetHTMLBackgroundColorState(bool* aMixed, nsAString& outColor);
+ // nsIEditorStyleSheets methods
+ NS_IMETHOD AddStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD ReplaceStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD RemoveStyleSheet(const nsAString &aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD AddOverrideStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD ReplaceOverrideStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD RemoveOverrideStyleSheet(const nsAString &aURL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD EnableStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL, bool aEnable) override;
+ // nsIEditorMailSupport methods
+ // nsITableEditor methods
+ NS_IMETHOD InsertTableCell(int32_t aNumber, bool aAfter) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD InsertTableColumn(int32_t aNumber, bool aAfter) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD InsertTableRow(int32_t aNumber, bool aAfter) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteTable() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteTableCell(int32_t aNumber) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteTableCellContents() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteTableColumn(int32_t aNumber) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteTableRow(int32_t aNumber) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectTableCell() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectBlockOfCells(nsIDOMElement* aStartCell,
+ nsIDOMElement* aEndCell) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectTableRow() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectTableColumn() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectTable() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectAllTableCells() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SwitchTableCellHeaderType(nsIDOMElement* aSourceCell,
+ nsIDOMElement** aNewCell) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD JoinTableCells(bool aMergeNonContiguousContents) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SplitTableCell() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD NormalizeTable(nsIDOMElement* aTable) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetCellIndexes(nsIDOMElement* aCell,
+ int32_t* aRowIndex, int32_t* aColIndex) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetTableSize(nsIDOMElement* aTable,
+ int32_t* aRowCount, int32_t* aColCount) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetCellAt(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t aColIndex, nsIDOMElement **aCell) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetCellDataAt(nsIDOMElement* aTable,
+ int32_t aRowIndex, int32_t aColIndex,
+ nsIDOMElement** aCell,
+ int32_t* aStartRowIndex, int32_t* aStartColIndex,
+ int32_t* aRowSpan, int32_t* aColSpan,
+ int32_t* aActualRowSpan, int32_t* aActualColSpan,
+ bool* aIsSelected) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetFirstRow(nsIDOMElement* aTableElement,
+ nsIDOMNode** aRowNode) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetNextRow(nsIDOMNode* aCurrentRowNode,
+ nsIDOMNode** aRowNode) override;
+ nsresult GetLastCellInRow(nsIDOMNode* aRowNode,
+ nsIDOMNode** aCellNode);
+ NS_IMETHOD SetSelectionAfterTableEdit(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRow,
+ int32_t aCol, int32_t aDirection,
+ bool aSelected) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetSelectedOrParentTableElement(
+ nsAString& aTagName, int32_t* aSelectedCount,
+ nsIDOMElement** aTableElement) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetSelectedCellsType(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ uint32_t* aSelectionType) override;
+ nsresult GetCellFromRange(nsRange* aRange, nsIDOMElement** aCell);
+ /**
+ * Finds the first selected cell in first range of selection
+ * This is in the *order of selection*, not order in the table
+ * (i.e., each cell added to selection is added in another range
+ * in the selection's rangelist, independent of location in table)
+ * aRange is optional: returns the range around the cell.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD GetFirstSelectedCell(nsIDOMRange** aRange,
+ nsIDOMElement** aCell) override;
+ /**
+ * Get next cell until no more are found. Always use GetFirstSelected cell
+ * first aRange is optional: returns the range around the cell.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD GetNextSelectedCell(nsIDOMRange** aRange,
+ nsIDOMElement** aCell) override;
+ /**
+ * Upper-left-most selected cell in table.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD GetFirstSelectedCellInTable(int32_t* aRowIndex, int32_t* aColIndex,
+ nsIDOMElement** aCell) override;
+ // Miscellaneous
+ /**
+ * This sets background on the appropriate container element (table, cell,)
+ * or calls into nsTextEditor to set the page background.
+ */
+ nsresult SetCSSBackgroundColor(const nsAString& aColor);
+ nsresult SetHTMLBackgroundColor(const nsAString& aColor);
+ // Block methods moved from EditorBase
+ static Element* GetBlockNodeParent(nsINode* aNode);
+ static nsIDOMNode* GetBlockNodeParent(nsIDOMNode* aNode);
+ static Element* GetBlock(nsINode& aNode);
+ void IsNextCharInNodeWhitespace(nsIContent* aContent,
+ int32_t aOffset,
+ bool* outIsSpace,
+ bool* outIsNBSP,
+ nsIContent** outNode = nullptr,
+ int32_t* outOffset = 0);
+ void IsPrevCharInNodeWhitespace(nsIContent* aContent,
+ int32_t aOffset,
+ bool* outIsSpace,
+ bool* outIsNBSP,
+ nsIContent** outNode = nullptr,
+ int32_t* outOffset = 0);
+ // Overrides of EditorBase interface methods
+ nsresult EndUpdateViewBatch() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIDOMDocument* aDoc, nsIContent* aRoot,
+ nsISelectionController* aSelCon, uint32_t aFlags,
+ const nsAString& aValue) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD PreDestroy(bool aDestroyingFrames) override;
+ /**
+ * @param aElement Must not be null.
+ */
+ static bool NodeIsBlockStatic(const nsINode* aElement);
+ static nsresult NodeIsBlockStatic(nsIDOMNode *aNode, bool *aIsBlock);
+ virtual ~HTMLEditor();
+ using EditorBase::IsBlockNode;
+ virtual bool IsBlockNode(nsINode *aNode) override;
+ // XXX Why don't we move following methods above for grouping by the origins?
+ NS_IMETHOD SetFlags(uint32_t aFlags) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD Paste(int32_t aSelectionType) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD CanPaste(int32_t aSelectionType, bool* aCanPaste) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD PasteTransferable(nsITransferable* aTransferable) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD CanPasteTransferable(nsITransferable* aTransferable,
+ bool* aCanPaste) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DebugUnitTests(int32_t* outNumTests,
+ int32_t* outNumTestsFailed) override;
+ /**
+ * All editor operations which alter the doc should be prefaced
+ * with a call to StartOperation, naming the action and direction.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD StartOperation(EditAction opID,
+ nsIEditor::EDirection aDirection) override;
+ /**
+ * All editor operations which alter the doc should be followed
+ * with a call to EndOperation.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD EndOperation() override;
+ /**
+ * returns true if aParentTag can contain a child of type aChildTag.
+ */
+ virtual bool TagCanContainTag(nsIAtom& aParentTag,
+ nsIAtom& aChildTag) override;
+ /**
+ * Returns true if aNode is a container.
+ */
+ virtual bool IsContainer(nsINode* aNode) override;
+ virtual bool IsContainer(nsIDOMNode* aNode) override;
+ /**
+ * Make the given selection span the entire document.
+ */
+ virtual nsresult SelectEntireDocument(Selection* aSelection) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetAttributeOrEquivalent(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ const nsAString& aAttribute,
+ const nsAString& aValue,
+ bool aSuppressTransaction) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD RemoveAttributeOrEquivalent(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ const nsAString& aAttribute,
+ bool aSuppressTransaction) override;
+ /**
+ * Join together any adjacent editable text nodes in the range.
+ */
+ nsresult CollapseAdjacentTextNodes(nsRange* aRange);
+ virtual bool AreNodesSameType(nsIContent* aNode1,
+ nsIContent* aNode2) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteSelectionImpl(EDirection aAction,
+ EStripWrappers aStripWrappers) override;
+ nsresult DeleteNode(nsINode* aNode);
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode) override;
+ nsresult DeleteText(nsGenericDOMDataNode& aTextNode, uint32_t aOffset,
+ uint32_t aLength);
+ virtual nsresult InsertTextImpl(const nsAString& aStringToInsert,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode>* aInOutNode,
+ int32_t* aInOutOffset,
+ nsIDocument* aDoc) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsModifiableNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode) override;
+ virtual bool IsModifiableNode(nsINode* aNode) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetIsSelectionEditable(bool* aIsSelectionEditable) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SelectAll() override;
+ // nsICSSLoaderObserver
+ NS_IMETHOD StyleSheetLoaded(StyleSheet* aSheet,
+ bool aWasAlternate, nsresult aStatus) override;
+ // Utility Routines, not part of public API
+ NS_IMETHOD TypedText(const nsAString& aString,
+ ETypingAction aAction) override;
+ nsresult InsertNodeAtPoint(nsIDOMNode* aNode,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* ioParent,
+ int32_t* ioOffset,
+ bool aNoEmptyNodes);
+ /**
+ * Use this to assure that selection is set after attribute nodes when
+ * trying to collapse selection at begining of a block node
+ * e.g., when setting at beginning of a table cell
+ * This will stop at a table, however, since we don't want to
+ * "drill down" into nested tables.
+ * @param aSelection Optional. If null, we get current selection.
+ */
+ void CollapseSelectionToDeepestNonTableFirstChild(Selection* aSelection,
+ nsINode* aNode);
+ /**
+ * aNode must be a non-null text node.
+ * outIsEmptyNode must be non-null.
+ */
+ nsresult IsVisTextNode(nsIContent* aNode,
+ bool* outIsEmptyNode,
+ bool aSafeToAskFrames);
+ nsresult IsEmptyNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode, bool* outIsEmptyBlock,
+ bool aMozBRDoesntCount = false,
+ bool aListOrCellNotEmpty = false,
+ bool aSafeToAskFrames = false);
+ nsresult IsEmptyNode(nsINode* aNode, bool* outIsEmptyBlock,
+ bool aMozBRDoesntCount = false,
+ bool aListOrCellNotEmpty = false,
+ bool aSafeToAskFrames = false);
+ nsresult IsEmptyNodeImpl(nsINode* aNode,
+ bool* outIsEmptyBlock,
+ bool aMozBRDoesntCount,
+ bool aListOrCellNotEmpty,
+ bool aSafeToAskFrames,
+ bool* aSeenBR);
+ /**
+ * Returns TRUE if sheet was loaded, false if it wasn't.
+ */
+ bool EnableExistingStyleSheet(const nsAString& aURL);
+ /**
+ * Dealing with the internal style sheet lists.
+ */
+ StyleSheet* GetStyleSheetForURL(const nsAString& aURL);
+ void GetURLForStyleSheet(StyleSheet* aStyleSheet,
+ nsAString& aURL);
+ /**
+ * Add a url + known style sheet to the internal lists.
+ */
+ nsresult AddNewStyleSheetToList(const nsAString &aURL,
+ StyleSheet* aStyleSheet);
+ nsresult RemoveStyleSheetFromList(const nsAString &aURL);
+ bool IsCSSEnabled()
+ {
+ // TODO: removal of mCSSAware and use only the presence of mCSSEditUtils
+ return mCSSAware && mCSSEditUtils && mCSSEditUtils->IsCSSPrefChecked();
+ }
+ static bool HasAttributes(Element* aElement)
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aElement);
+ uint32_t attrCount = aElement->GetAttrCount();
+ return attrCount > 1 ||
+ (1 == attrCount &&
+ !aElement->GetAttrNameAt(0)->Equals(nsGkAtoms::mozdirty));
+ }
+ class BlobReader final : public nsIEditorBlobListener
+ {
+ public:
+ BlobReader(dom::BlobImpl* aBlob, HTMLEditor* aHTMLEditor,
+ bool aIsSafe, nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode, int32_t aDestOffset,
+ bool aDoDeleteSelection);
+ private:
+ ~BlobReader()
+ {
+ }
+ RefPtr<dom::BlobImpl> mBlob;
+ RefPtr<HTMLEditor> mHTMLEditor;
+ bool mIsSafe;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> mSourceDoc;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> mDestinationNode;
+ int32_t mDestOffset;
+ bool mDoDeleteSelection;
+ };
+ NS_IMETHOD InitRules() override;
+ virtual void CreateEventListeners() override;
+ virtual nsresult InstallEventListeners() override;
+ virtual void RemoveEventListeners() override;
+ bool ShouldReplaceRootElement();
+ void NotifyRootChanged();
+ nsresult GetBodyElement(nsIDOMHTMLElement** aBody);
+ /**
+ * Get the focused node of this editor.
+ * @return If the editor has focus, this returns the focused node.
+ * Otherwise, returns null.
+ */
+ already_AddRefed<nsINode> GetFocusedNode();
+ /**
+ * Return TRUE if aElement is a table-related elemet and caret was set.
+ */
+ bool SetCaretInTableCell(nsIDOMElement* aElement);
+ NS_IMETHOD TabInTable(bool inIsShift, bool* outHandled);
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateBR(nsINode* aNode, int32_t aOffset,
+ EDirection aSelect = eNone);
+ nsIDOMNode* aNode, int32_t aOffset,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outBRNode,
+ nsIEditor::EDirection aSelect = nsIEditor::eNone) override;
+ // Table Editing (implemented in nsTableEditor.cpp)
+ /**
+ * Insert a new cell after or before supplied aCell.
+ * Optional: If aNewCell supplied, returns the newly-created cell (addref'd,
+ * of course)
+ * This doesn't change or use the current selection.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD InsertCell(nsIDOMElement* aCell, int32_t aRowSpan,
+ int32_t aColSpan, bool aAfter, bool aIsHeader,
+ nsIDOMElement** aNewCell);
+ /**
+ * Helpers that don't touch the selection or do batch transactions.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteRow(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex);
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteColumn(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aColIndex);
+ NS_IMETHOD DeleteCellContents(nsIDOMElement* aCell);
+ /**
+ * Move all contents from aCellToMerge into aTargetCell (append at end).
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD MergeCells(nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> aTargetCell,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> aCellToMerge,
+ bool aDeleteCellToMerge);
+ nsresult DeleteTable2(nsIDOMElement* aTable, Selection* aSelection);
+ NS_IMETHOD SetColSpan(nsIDOMElement* aCell, int32_t aColSpan);
+ NS_IMETHOD SetRowSpan(nsIDOMElement* aCell, int32_t aRowSpan);
+ /**
+ * Helper used to get nsTableWrapperFrame for a table.
+ */
+ nsTableWrapperFrame* GetTableFrame(nsIDOMElement* aTable);
+ /**
+ * Needed to do appropriate deleting when last cell or row is about to be
+ * deleted. This doesn't count cells that don't start in the given row (are
+ * spanning from row above).
+ */
+ int32_t GetNumberOfCellsInRow(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t rowIndex);
+ /**
+ * Test if all cells in row or column at given index are selected.
+ */
+ bool AllCellsInRowSelected(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t aNumberOfColumns);
+ bool AllCellsInColumnSelected(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aColIndex,
+ int32_t aNumberOfRows);
+ bool IsEmptyCell(Element* aCell);
+ /**
+ * Most insert methods need to get the same basic context data.
+ * Any of the pointers may be null if you don't need that datum (for more
+ * efficiency).
+ * Input: *aCell is a known cell,
+ * if null, cell is obtained from the anchor node of the selection.
+ * Returns NS_EDITOR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND if cell is not found even if aCell is
+ * null.
+ */
+ nsresult GetCellContext(Selection** aSelection, nsIDOMElement** aTable,
+ nsIDOMElement** aCell, nsIDOMNode** aCellParent,
+ int32_t* aCellOffset, int32_t* aRowIndex,
+ int32_t* aColIndex);
+ NS_IMETHOD GetCellSpansAt(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t aColIndex, int32_t& aActualRowSpan,
+ int32_t& aActualColSpan);
+ NS_IMETHOD SplitCellIntoColumns(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t aColIndex, int32_t aColSpanLeft,
+ int32_t aColSpanRight,
+ nsIDOMElement** aNewCell);
+ NS_IMETHOD SplitCellIntoRows(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t aColIndex, int32_t aRowSpanAbove,
+ int32_t aRowSpanBelow, nsIDOMElement** aNewCell);
+ nsresult CopyCellBackgroundColor(nsIDOMElement* destCell,
+ nsIDOMElement* sourceCell);
+ /**
+ * Reduce rowspan/colspan when cells span into nonexistent rows/columns.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD FixBadRowSpan(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aRowIndex,
+ int32_t& aNewRowCount);
+ NS_IMETHOD FixBadColSpan(nsIDOMElement* aTable, int32_t aColIndex,
+ int32_t& aNewColCount);
+ /**
+ * Fallback method: Call this after using ClearSelection() and you
+ * failed to set selection to some other content in the document.
+ */
+ nsresult SetSelectionAtDocumentStart(Selection* aSelection);
+ // End of Table Editing utilities
+ static Element* GetEnclosingTable(nsINode* aNode);
+ static nsIDOMNode* GetEnclosingTable(nsIDOMNode* aNode);
+ /**
+ * Content-based query returns true if <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> effects
+ * aNode. If <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> contains aNode, but
+ * <aProperty aAttribute=SomeOtherValue> also contains aNode and the second is
+ * more deeply nested than the first, then the first does not effect aNode.
+ *
+ * @param aNode The target of the query
+ * @param aProperty The property that we are querying for
+ * @param aAttribute The attribute of aProperty, example: color in
+ * <FONT color="blue"> May be null.
+ * @param aValue The value of aAttribute, example: blue in
+ * <FONT color="blue"> May be null. Ignored if aAttribute
+ * is null.
+ * @param aIsSet [OUT] true if <aProperty aAttribute=aValue> effects
+ * aNode.
+ * @param outValue [OUT] the value of the attribute, if aIsSet is true
+ *
+ * The nsIContent variant returns aIsSet instead of using an out parameter.
+ */
+ bool IsTextPropertySetByContent(nsINode* aNode,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString* aValue,
+ nsAString* outValue = nullptr);
+ void IsTextPropertySetByContent(nsIDOMNode* aNode,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString* aValue,
+ bool& aIsSet,
+ nsAString* outValue = nullptr);
+ // Methods for handling plaintext quotations
+ NS_IMETHOD PasteAsPlaintextQuotation(int32_t aSelectionType);
+ /**
+ * Insert a string as quoted text, replacing the selected text (if any).
+ * @param aQuotedText The string to insert.
+ * @param aAddCites Whether to prepend extra ">" to each line
+ * (usually true, unless those characters
+ * have already been added.)
+ * @return aNodeInserted The node spanning the insertion, if applicable.
+ * If aAddCites is false, this will be null.
+ */
+ NS_IMETHOD InsertAsPlaintextQuotation(const nsAString& aQuotedText,
+ bool aAddCites,
+ nsIDOMNode** aNodeInserted);
+ nsresult InsertObject(const nsACString& aType, nsISupports* aObject,
+ bool aIsSafe,
+ nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode,
+ int32_t aDestOffset,
+ bool aDoDeleteSelection);
+ // factored methods for handling insertion of data from transferables
+ // (drag&drop or clipboard)
+ NS_IMETHOD PrepareTransferable(nsITransferable** transferable) override;
+ nsresult PrepareHTMLTransferable(nsITransferable** transferable);
+ nsresult InsertFromTransferable(nsITransferable* transferable,
+ nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ const nsAString& aContextStr,
+ const nsAString& aInfoStr,
+ bool havePrivateHTMLFlavor,
+ nsIDOMNode *aDestinationNode,
+ int32_t aDestinationOffset,
+ bool aDoDeleteSelection);
+ nsresult InsertFromDataTransfer(dom::DataTransfer* aDataTransfer,
+ int32_t aIndex,
+ nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ nsIDOMNode* aDestinationNode,
+ int32_t aDestOffset,
+ bool aDoDeleteSelection) override;
+ bool HavePrivateHTMLFlavor(nsIClipboard* clipboard );
+ nsresult ParseCFHTML(nsCString& aCfhtml, char16_t** aStuffToPaste,
+ char16_t** aCfcontext);
+ nsresult DoContentFilterCallback(const nsAString& aFlavor,
+ nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ bool aWillDeleteSelection,
+ nsIDOMNode** aFragmentAsNode,
+ nsIDOMNode** aFragStartNode,
+ int32_t* aFragStartOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode** aFragEndNode,
+ int32_t* aFragEndOffset,
+ nsIDOMNode** aTargetNode,
+ int32_t* aTargetOffset,
+ bool* aDoContinue);
+ bool IsInLink(nsIDOMNode* aNode, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outLink = nullptr);
+ nsresult StripFormattingNodes(nsIContent& aNode, bool aOnlyList = false);
+ nsresult CreateDOMFragmentFromPaste(const nsAString& aInputString,
+ const nsAString& aContextStr,
+ const nsAString& aInfoStr,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outFragNode,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outStartNode,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outEndNode,
+ int32_t* outStartOffset,
+ int32_t* outEndOffset,
+ bool aTrustedInput);
+ nsresult ParseFragment(const nsAString& aStr, nsIAtom* aContextLocalName,
+ nsIDocument* aTargetDoc,
+ dom::DocumentFragment** aFragment, bool aTrustedInput);
+ void CreateListOfNodesToPaste(dom::DocumentFragment& aFragment,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>>& outNodeList,
+ nsINode* aStartNode,
+ int32_t aStartOffset,
+ nsINode* aEndNode,
+ int32_t aEndOffset);
+ nsresult CreateTagStack(nsTArray<nsString>& aTagStack,
+ nsIDOMNode* aNode);
+ enum class StartOrEnd { start, end };
+ void GetListAndTableParents(StartOrEnd aStartOrEnd,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>>& aNodeList,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<Element>>& outArray);
+ int32_t DiscoverPartialListsAndTables(
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>>& aPasteNodes,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<Element>>& aListsAndTables);
+ nsINode* ScanForListAndTableStructure(
+ StartOrEnd aStartOrEnd,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>>& aNodes,
+ Element& aListOrTable);
+ void ReplaceOrphanedStructure(
+ StartOrEnd aStartOrEnd,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>>& aNodeArray,
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<Element>>& aListAndTableArray,
+ int32_t aHighWaterMark);
+ /**
+ * Small utility routine to test if a break node is visible to user.
+ */
+ bool IsVisBreak(nsINode* aNode);
+ /**
+ * Utility routine to possibly adjust the insertion position when
+ * inserting a block level element.
+ */
+ void NormalizeEOLInsertPosition(nsINode* firstNodeToInsert,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* insertParentNode,
+ int32_t* insertOffset);
+ /**
+ * Small utility routine to test the eEditorReadonly bit.
+ */
+ bool IsModifiable();
+ /**
+ * Helpers for block transformations.
+ */
+ nsresult MakeDefinitionItem(const nsAString& aItemType);
+ nsresult InsertBasicBlock(const nsAString& aBlockType);
+ /**
+ * Increase/decrease the font size of selection.
+ */
+ enum class FontSize { incr, decr };
+ nsresult RelativeFontChange(FontSize aDir);
+ /**
+ * Helper routines for font size changing.
+ */
+ nsresult RelativeFontChangeOnTextNode(FontSize aDir,
+ Text& aTextNode,
+ int32_t aStartOffset,
+ int32_t aEndOffset);
+ nsresult RelativeFontChangeOnNode(int32_t aSizeChange, nsIContent* aNode);
+ nsresult RelativeFontChangeHelper(int32_t aSizeChange, nsINode* aNode);
+ /**
+ * Helper routines for inline style.
+ */
+ nsresult SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode(Text& aData,
+ int32_t aStartOffset,
+ int32_t aEndOffset,
+ nsIAtom& aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString& aValue);
+ nsresult SetInlinePropertyOnNode(nsIContent& aNode,
+ nsIAtom& aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString& aValue);
+ nsresult PromoteInlineRange(nsRange& aRange);
+ nsresult PromoteRangeIfStartsOrEndsInNamedAnchor(nsRange& aRange);
+ nsresult SplitStyleAboveRange(nsRange* aRange,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute);
+ nsresult SplitStyleAbovePoint(nsCOMPtr<nsINode>* aNode, int32_t* aOffset,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ nsIContent** aOutLeftNode = nullptr,
+ nsIContent** aOutRightNode = nullptr);
+ nsresult ApplyDefaultProperties();
+ nsresult RemoveStyleInside(nsIContent& aNode,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const bool aChildrenOnly = false);
+ nsresult RemoveInlinePropertyImpl(nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute);
+ bool NodeIsProperty(nsINode& aNode);
+ bool IsAtFrontOfNode(nsINode& aNode, int32_t aOffset);
+ bool IsAtEndOfNode(nsINode& aNode, int32_t aOffset);
+ bool IsOnlyAttribute(const nsIContent* aElement, const nsAString& aAttribute);
+ nsresult RemoveBlockContainer(nsIContent& aNode);
+ nsIContent* GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsINode* aNode);
+ nsresult GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode*inNode,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode);
+ nsIContent* GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsINode* aParent, int32_t aOffset);
+ nsresult GetPriorHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode* inParent, int32_t inOffset,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode);
+ nsIContent* GetNextHTMLSibling(nsINode* aNode);
+ nsresult GetNextHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode* inNode,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode);
+ nsIContent* GetNextHTMLSibling(nsINode* aParent, int32_t aOffset);
+ nsresult GetNextHTMLSibling(nsIDOMNode* inParent, int32_t inOffset,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode);
+ nsIContent* GetPriorHTMLNode(nsINode* aNode, bool aNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsresult GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode* inNode, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode,
+ bool bNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsIContent* GetPriorHTMLNode(nsINode* aParent, int32_t aOffset,
+ bool aNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsresult GetPriorHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode* inParent, int32_t inOffset,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode,
+ bool bNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsIContent* GetNextHTMLNode(nsINode* aNode, bool aNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsresult GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode* inNode, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode,
+ bool bNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsIContent* GetNextHTMLNode(nsINode* aParent, int32_t aOffset,
+ bool aNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsresult GetNextHTMLNode(nsIDOMNode* inParent, int32_t inOffset,
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode>* outNode,
+ bool bNoBlockCrossing = false);
+ nsresult IsFirstEditableChild(nsIDOMNode* aNode, bool* aOutIsFirst);
+ nsresult IsLastEditableChild(nsIDOMNode* aNode, bool* aOutIsLast);
+ nsIContent* GetFirstEditableChild(nsINode& aNode);
+ nsIContent* GetLastEditableChild(nsINode& aNode);
+ nsIContent* GetFirstEditableLeaf(nsINode& aNode);
+ nsIContent* GetLastEditableLeaf(nsINode& aNode);
+ nsresult GetInlinePropertyBase(nsIAtom& aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString* aValue,
+ bool* aFirst,
+ bool* aAny,
+ bool* aAll,
+ nsAString* outValue,
+ bool aCheckDefaults = true);
+ bool HasStyleOrIdOrClass(Element* aElement);
+ nsresult RemoveElementIfNoStyleOrIdOrClass(Element& aElement);
+ /**
+ * Whether the outer window of the DOM event target has focus or not.
+ */
+ bool OurWindowHasFocus();
+ /**
+ * This function is used to insert a string of HTML input optionally with some
+ * context information into the editable field. The HTML input either comes
+ * from a transferable object created as part of a drop/paste operation, or
+ * from the InsertHTML method. We may want the HTML input to be sanitized
+ * (for example, if it's coming from a transferable object), in which case
+ * aTrustedInput should be set to false, otherwise, the caller should set it
+ * to true, which means that the HTML will be inserted in the DOM verbatim.
+ *
+ * aClearStyle should be set to false if you want the paste to be affected by
+ * local style (e.g., for the insertHTML command).
+ */
+ nsresult DoInsertHTMLWithContext(const nsAString& aInputString,
+ const nsAString& aContextStr,
+ const nsAString& aInfoStr,
+ const nsAString& aFlavor,
+ nsIDOMDocument* aSourceDoc,
+ nsIDOMNode* aDestNode,
+ int32_t aDestOffset,
+ bool aDeleteSelection,
+ bool aTrustedInput,
+ bool aClearStyle = true);
+ nsresult ClearStyle(nsCOMPtr<nsINode>* aNode, int32_t* aOffset,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty, const nsAString* aAttribute);
+ void SetElementPosition(Element& aElement, int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsIContentFilter>> mContentFilters;
+ RefPtr<TypeInState> mTypeInState;
+ bool mCRInParagraphCreatesParagraph;
+ bool mCSSAware;
+ nsAutoPtr<CSSEditUtils> mCSSEditUtils;
+ // Used by GetFirstSelectedCell and GetNextSelectedCell
+ int32_t mSelectedCellIndex;
+ nsString mLastStyleSheetURL;
+ nsString mLastOverrideStyleSheetURL;
+ // Maintain a list of associated style sheets and their urls.
+ nsTArray<nsString> mStyleSheetURLs;
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<StyleSheet>> mStyleSheets;
+ // an array for holding default style settings
+ nsTArray<PropItem*> mDefaultStyles;
+ void RemoveListenerAndDeleteRef(const nsAString& aEvent,
+ nsIDOMEventListener* aListener,
+ bool aUseCapture,
+ Element* aElement,
+ nsIContent* aParentContent,
+ nsIPresShell* aShell);
+ void DeleteRefToAnonymousNode(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ nsIContent* aParentContent,
+ nsIPresShell* aShell);
+ nsresult ShowResizersInner(nsIDOMElement *aResizedElement);
+ /**
+ * Returns the offset of an element's frame to its absolute containing block.
+ */
+ nsresult GetElementOrigin(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ int32_t& aX, int32_t& aY);
+ nsresult GetPositionAndDimensions(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ int32_t& aX, int32_t& aY,
+ int32_t& aW, int32_t& aH,
+ int32_t& aBorderLeft,
+ int32_t& aBorderTop,
+ int32_t& aMarginLeft,
+ int32_t& aMarginTop);
+ bool IsInObservedSubtree(nsIDocument* aDocument,
+ nsIContent* aContainer,
+ nsIContent* aChild);
+ void UpdateRootElement();
+ // resizing
+ bool mIsObjectResizingEnabled;
+ bool mIsResizing;
+ bool mPreserveRatio;
+ bool mResizedObjectIsAnImage;
+ // absolute positioning
+ bool mIsAbsolutelyPositioningEnabled;
+ bool mResizedObjectIsAbsolutelyPositioned;
+ bool mGrabberClicked;
+ bool mIsMoving;
+ bool mSnapToGridEnabled;
+ // inline table editing
+ bool mIsInlineTableEditingEnabled;
+ // resizing
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mTopLeftHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mTopHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mTopRightHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mLeftHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mRightHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mBottomLeftHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mBottomHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mBottomRightHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mActivatedHandle;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mResizingShadow;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mResizingInfo;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mResizedObject;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventListener> mMouseMotionListenerP;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionListener> mSelectionListenerP;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventListener> mResizeEventListenerP;
+ nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsIHTMLObjectResizeListener>> mObjectResizeEventListeners;
+ int32_t mOriginalX;
+ int32_t mOriginalY;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectX;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectY;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectWidth;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectHeight;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectMarginLeft;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectMarginTop;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectBorderLeft;
+ int32_t mResizedObjectBorderTop;
+ int32_t mXIncrementFactor;
+ int32_t mYIncrementFactor;
+ int32_t mWidthIncrementFactor;
+ int32_t mHeightIncrementFactor;
+ int8_t mInfoXIncrement;
+ int8_t mInfoYIncrement;
+ nsresult SetAllResizersPosition();
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateResizer(int16_t aLocation,
+ nsIDOMNode* aParentNode);
+ void SetAnonymousElementPosition(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,
+ nsIDOMElement* aResizer);
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateShadow(nsIDOMNode* aParentNode,
+ nsIDOMElement* aOriginalObject);
+ nsresult SetShadowPosition(Element* aShadow, Element* aOriginalObject,
+ int32_t aOriginalObjectX,
+ int32_t aOriginalObjectY);
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateResizingInfo(nsIDOMNode* aParentNode);
+ nsresult SetResizingInfoPosition(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,
+ int32_t aW, int32_t aH);
+ int32_t GetNewResizingIncrement(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aID);
+ nsresult StartResizing(nsIDOMElement* aHandle);
+ int32_t GetNewResizingX(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ int32_t GetNewResizingY(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ int32_t GetNewResizingWidth(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ int32_t GetNewResizingHeight(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ void HideShadowAndInfo();
+ void SetFinalSize(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ void DeleteRefToAnonymousNode(nsIDOMNode* aNode);
+ void SetResizeIncrements(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aW, int32_t aH,
+ bool aPreserveRatio);
+ void HideAnonymousEditingUIs();
+ // absolute positioning
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectX;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectY;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectWidth;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectHeight;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectMarginLeft;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectMarginTop;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectBorderLeft;
+ int32_t mPositionedObjectBorderTop;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mAbsolutelyPositionedObject;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mGrabber;
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> mPositioningShadow;
+ int32_t mGridSize;
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateGrabber(nsINode* aParentNode);
+ nsresult StartMoving(nsIDOMElement* aHandle);
+ nsresult SetFinalPosition(int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
+ void AddPositioningOffset(int32_t& aX, int32_t& aY);
+ void SnapToGrid(int32_t& newX, int32_t& newY);
+ nsresult GrabberClicked();
+ nsresult EndMoving();
+ nsresult CheckPositionedElementBGandFG(nsIDOMElement* aElement,
+ nsAString& aReturn);
+ // inline table editing
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mInlineEditedCell;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mAddColumnBeforeButton;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mRemoveColumnButton;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mAddColumnAfterButton;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mAddRowBeforeButton;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mRemoveRowButton;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> mAddRowAfterButton;
+ void AddMouseClickListener(nsIDOMElement* aElement);
+ void RemoveMouseClickListener(nsIDOMElement* aElement);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILinkHandler> mLinkHandler;
+ friend class HTMLEditorEventListener;
+ friend class HTMLEditRules;
+ friend class TextEditRules;
+ friend class WSRunObject;
+ bool IsSimpleModifiableNode(nsIContent* aContent,
+ nsIAtom* aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString* aValue);
+ nsresult SetInlinePropertyOnNodeImpl(nsIContent& aNode,
+ nsIAtom& aProperty,
+ const nsAString* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString& aValue);
+ typedef enum { eInserted, eAppended } InsertedOrAppended;
+ void DoContentInserted(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIContent* aContainer,
+ nsIContent* aChild, int32_t aIndexInContainer,
+ InsertedOrAppended aInsertedOrAppended);
+ already_AddRefed<Element> GetElementOrParentByTagName(
+ const nsAString& aTagName, nsINode* aNode);
+ already_AddRefed<Element> CreateElementWithDefaults(
+ const nsAString& aTagName);
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // #ifndef mozilla_HTMLEditor_h