path: root/dom/webidl/Downloads.webidl
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/webidl/Downloads.webidl')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/webidl/Downloads.webidl b/dom/webidl/Downloads.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff840eac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/webidl/Downloads.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at
+ */
+// Represents the state of a download.
+// "downloading": The resource is actively transfering.
+// "stopped" : No network tranfer is happening.
+// "succeeded" : The resource has been downloaded successfully.
+// "finalized" : We won't try to download this resource, but the DOM
+// object is still alive.
+enum DownloadState {
+ "downloading",
+ "stopped",
+ "succeeded",
+ "finalized"
+ NavigatorProperty="mozDownloadManager",
+ JSImplementation=";1",
+ Pref="dom.mozDownloads.enabled",
+ ChromeOnly]
+interface DOMDownloadManager : EventTarget {
+ // This promise returns an array of downloads with all the current
+ // download objects.
+ Promise<sequence<DOMDownload>> getDownloads();
+ // Removes one download from the downloads set. Returns a promise resolved
+ // with the finalized download.
+ [UnsafeInPrerendering]
+ Promise<DOMDownload> remove(DOMDownload download);
+ // Removes all completed downloads. This kicks off an asynchronous process
+ // that will eventually complete, but will not have completed by the time this
+ // method returns. If you care about the side-effects of this method, know
+ // that each existing download will have its onstatechange method invoked and
+ // will have a new state of "finalized". (After the download is finalized, no
+ // further events will be generated on it.)
+ [UnsafeInPrerendering]
+ void clearAllDone();
+ // Add completed downloads from applications that must perform the download
+ // process themselves. For example, email. The method is resolved with a
+ // fully populated DOMDownload instance on success, or rejected in the
+ // event all required options were not provided.
+ //
+ // The adopted download will also be reported via the ondownloadstart event
+ // handler.
+ //
+ // Applications must currently be certified to use this, but it could be
+ // widened at a later time.
+ //
+ // Note that "download" is not actually optional, but WebIDL requires that it
+ // be marked as such because it is not followed by a required argument. The
+ // promise will be rejected if the dictionary is omitted or the specified
+ // file does not exist on disk.
+ Promise<DOMDownload> adoptDownload(optional AdoptDownloadDict download);
+ // Fires when a new download starts.
+ attribute EventHandler ondownloadstart;
+ Pref="dom.mozDownloads.enabled",
+ ChromeOnly]
+interface DOMDownload : EventTarget {
+ // The full size of the resource.
+ readonly attribute long long totalBytes;
+ // The number of bytes that we have currently downloaded.
+ readonly attribute long long currentBytes;
+ // The url of the resource.
+ readonly attribute DOMString url;
+ // The full path in local storage where the file will end up once the download
+ // is complete. This is equivalent to the concatenation of the 'storagePath'
+ // to the 'mountPoint' of the nsIVolume associated with the 'storageName'
+ // (with delimiter).
+ readonly attribute DOMString path;
+ // The DeviceStorage volume name on which the file is being downloaded.
+ readonly attribute DOMString storageName;
+ // The DeviceStorage path on the volume with 'storageName' of the file being
+ // downloaded.
+ readonly attribute DOMString storagePath;
+ // The state of the download. One of: downloading, stopped, succeeded, or
+ // finalized. A finalized download is a download that has been removed /
+ // cleared and is no longer tracked by the download manager and will not
+ // receive any further onstatechange updates.
+ readonly attribute DownloadState state;
+ // The mime type for this resource.
+ readonly attribute DOMString contentType;
+ // The timestamp this download started.
+ readonly attribute Date startTime;
+ // An opaque identifier for this download. All instances of the same
+ // download (eg. in different windows) will have the same id.
+ readonly attribute DOMString id;
+ // The manifestURL of the application that added this download. Only used for
+ // downloads added via the adoptDownload API call.
+ readonly attribute DOMString? sourceAppManifestURL;
+ // A DOM error object, that will be not null when a download is stopped
+ // because something failed.
+ readonly attribute DOMError? error;
+ // Pauses the download.
+ [UnsafeInPrerendering]
+ Promise<DOMDownload> pause();
+ // Resumes the download. This resolves only once the download has
+ // succeeded.
+ [UnsafeInPrerendering]
+ Promise<DOMDownload> resume();
+ // This event is triggered anytime a property of the object changes:
+ // - when the transfer progresses, updating currentBytes.
+ // - when the state and/or error attributes change.
+ attribute EventHandler onstatechange;
+// Used to initialize the DOMDownload object for adopted downloads.
+// fields directly maps to the DOMDownload fields.
+dictionary AdoptDownloadDict {
+ // The URL of this resource if there is one available. An empty string if
+ // the download is not accessible via URL. An empty string is chosen over
+ // null so that existinc code does not need to null-check but the value is
+ // still falsey. (Note: If you do have a usable URL, you should probably not
+ // be using the adoptDownload API and instead be initiating downloads the
+ // normal way.)
+ DOMString url;
+ // The storageName of the DeviceStorage instance the file was saved to.
+ // Required but marked as optional so the bindings don't auto-coerce the value
+ // null to "null".
+ DOMString? storageName;
+ // The path of the file within the DeviceStorage instance named by
+ // 'storageName'. This is used to automatically compute the 'path' of the
+ // download. Note that when DeviceStorage gives you a path to a file, the
+ // first path segment is the name of the specific device storage and you do
+ // *not* want to include this. For example, if DeviceStorage tells you the
+ // file has a path of '/sdcard1/actual/path/file.ext', then the storageName
+ // should be 'sdcard1' and the storagePath should be 'actual/path/file.ext'.
+ //
+ // The existence of the file will be validated will be validated with stat()
+ // and the size the file-system tells us will be what we use.
+ //
+ // Required but marked as optional so the bindings don't auto-coerce the value
+ // null to "null".
+ DOMString? storagePath;
+ // The mime type for this resource. Required, but marked as optional because
+ // WebIDL otherwise auto-coerces the value null to "null".
+ DOMString? contentType;
+ // The time the download was started. If omitted, the current time is used.
+ Date? startTime;