path: root/dom/bindings/parser/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/bindings/parser/tests/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/bindings/parser/tests/ b/dom/bindings/parser/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..348204c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/parser/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import WebIDL
+def WebIDLTest(parser, harness):
+ def checkArgument(argument, QName, name, type, optional, variadic):
+ harness.ok(isinstance(argument, WebIDL.IDLArgument),
+ "Should be an IDLArgument")
+ harness.check(argument.identifier.QName(), QName, "Argument has the right QName")
+ harness.check(, name, "Argument has the right name")
+ harness.check(str(argument.type), type, "Argument has the right return type")
+ harness.check(argument.optional, optional, "Argument has the right optional value")
+ harness.check(argument.variadic, variadic, "Argument has the right variadic value")
+ def checkMethod(method, QName, name, signatures,
+ static=True, getter=False, setter=False, creator=False,
+ deleter=False, legacycaller=False, stringifier=False,
+ chromeOnly=False):
+ harness.ok(isinstance(method, WebIDL.IDLMethod),
+ "Should be an IDLMethod")
+ harness.ok(method.isMethod(), "Method is a method")
+ harness.ok(not method.isAttr(), "Method is not an attr")
+ harness.ok(not method.isConst(), "Method is not a const")
+ harness.check(method.identifier.QName(), QName, "Method has the right QName")
+ harness.check(, name, "Method has the right name")
+ harness.check(method.isStatic(), static, "Method has the correct static value")
+ harness.check(method.isGetter(), getter, "Method has the correct getter value")
+ harness.check(method.isSetter(), setter, "Method has the correct setter value")
+ harness.check(method.isCreator(), creator, "Method has the correct creator value")
+ harness.check(method.isDeleter(), deleter, "Method has the correct deleter value")
+ harness.check(method.isLegacycaller(), legacycaller, "Method has the correct legacycaller value")
+ harness.check(method.isStringifier(), stringifier, "Method has the correct stringifier value")
+ harness.check(method.getExtendedAttribute("ChromeOnly") is not None, chromeOnly, "Method has the correct value for ChromeOnly")
+ harness.check(len(method.signatures()), len(signatures), "Method has the correct number of signatures")
+ sigpairs = zip(method.signatures(), signatures)
+ for (gotSignature, expectedSignature) in sigpairs:
+ (gotRetType, gotArgs) = gotSignature
+ (expectedRetType, expectedArgs) = expectedSignature
+ harness.check(str(gotRetType), expectedRetType,
+ "Method has the expected return type.")
+ for i in range(0, len(gotArgs)):
+ (QName, name, type, optional, variadic) = expectedArgs[i]
+ checkArgument(gotArgs[i], QName, name, type, optional, variadic)
+ parser.parse("""
+ [Constructor]
+ interface TestConstructorNoArgs {
+ };
+ [Constructor(DOMString name)]
+ interface TestConstructorWithArgs {
+ };
+ [Constructor(object foo), Constructor(boolean bar)]
+ interface TestConstructorOverloads {
+ };
+ """)
+ results = parser.finish()
+ harness.check(len(results), 3, "Should be three productions")
+ harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
+ "Should be an IDLInterface")
+ harness.ok(isinstance(results[1], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
+ "Should be an IDLInterface")
+ harness.ok(isinstance(results[2], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
+ "Should be an IDLInterface")
+ checkMethod(results[0].ctor(), "::TestConstructorNoArgs::constructor",
+ "constructor", [("TestConstructorNoArgs (Wrapper)", [])])
+ checkMethod(results[1].ctor(), "::TestConstructorWithArgs::constructor",
+ "constructor",
+ [("TestConstructorWithArgs (Wrapper)",
+ [("::TestConstructorWithArgs::constructor::name", "name", "String", False, False)])])
+ checkMethod(results[2].ctor(), "::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor",
+ "constructor",
+ [("TestConstructorOverloads (Wrapper)",
+ [("::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor::foo", "foo", "Object", False, False)]),
+ ("TestConstructorOverloads (Wrapper)",
+ [("::TestConstructorOverloads::constructor::bar", "bar", "Boolean", False, False)])])
+ parser = parser.reset()
+ parser.parse("""
+ [ChromeConstructor()]
+ interface TestChromeConstructor {
+ };
+ """)
+ results = parser.finish()
+ harness.check(len(results), 1, "Should be one production")
+ harness.ok(isinstance(results[0], WebIDL.IDLInterface),
+ "Should be an IDLInterface")
+ checkMethod(results[0].ctor(), "::TestChromeConstructor::constructor",
+ "constructor", [("TestChromeConstructor (Wrapper)", [])],
+ chromeOnly=True)
+ parser = parser.reset()
+ threw = False
+ try:
+ parser.parse("""
+ [Constructor(),
+ ChromeConstructor(DOMString a)]
+ interface TestChromeConstructor {
+ };
+ """)
+ results = parser.finish()
+ except:
+ threw = True
+ harness.ok(threw, "Can't have both a Constructor and a ChromeConstructor")