path: root/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen')
6 files changed, 903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6e351e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This module contains code for managing WebIDL files and bindings for
+# the build system.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import errno
+import hashlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from mach.mixin.logging import LoggingMixin
+from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject
+from mozbuild.makeutil import Makefile
+from mozbuild.pythonutil import iter_modules_in_path
+from mozbuild.util import FileAvoidWrite
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+# There are various imports in this file in functions to avoid adding
+# dependencies to config.status. See bug 949875.
+class BuildResult(object):
+ """Represents the result of processing WebIDL files.
+ This holds a summary of output file generation during code generation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ # The .webidl files that had their outputs regenerated.
+ self.inputs = set()
+ # The output files that were created.
+ self.created = set()
+ # The output files that changed.
+ self.updated = set()
+ # The output files that didn't change.
+ self.unchanged = set()
+class WebIDLCodegenManagerState(dict):
+ """Holds state for the WebIDL code generation manager.
+ State is currently just an extended dict. The internal implementation of
+ state should be considered a black box to everyone except
+ WebIDLCodegenManager. But we'll still document it.
+ Fields:
+ version
+ The integer version of the format. This is to detect incompatible
+ changes between state. It should be bumped whenever the format
+ changes or semantics change.
+ webidls
+ A dictionary holding information about every known WebIDL input.
+ Keys are the basenames of input WebIDL files. Values are dicts of
+ metadata. Keys in those dicts are:
+ * filename - The full path to the input filename.
+ * inputs - A set of full paths to other webidl files this webidl
+ depends on.
+ * outputs - Set of full output paths that are created/derived from
+ this file.
+ * sha1 - The hexidecimal SHA-1 of the input filename from the last
+ processing time.
+ global_inputs
+ A dictionary defining files that influence all processing. Keys
+ are full filenames. Values are hexidecimal SHA-1 from the last
+ processing time.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fh=None):
+ self['version'] = self.VERSION
+ self['webidls'] = {}
+ self['global_depends'] = {}
+ if not fh:
+ return
+ state = json.load(fh)
+ if state['version'] != self.VERSION:
+ raise Exception('Unknown state version: %s' % state['version'])
+ self['version'] = state['version']
+ self['global_depends'] = state['global_depends']
+ for k, v in state['webidls'].items():
+ self['webidls'][k] = v
+ # Sets are converted to lists for serialization because JSON
+ # doesn't support sets.
+ self['webidls'][k]['inputs'] = set(v['inputs'])
+ self['webidls'][k]['outputs'] = set(v['outputs'])
+ def dump(self, fh):
+ """Dump serialized state to a file handle."""
+ normalized = deepcopy(self)
+ for k, v in self['webidls'].items():
+ # Convert sets to lists because JSON doesn't support sets.
+ normalized['webidls'][k]['outputs'] = sorted(v['outputs'])
+ normalized['webidls'][k]['inputs'] = sorted(v['inputs'])
+ json.dump(normalized, fh, sort_keys=True)
+class WebIDLCodegenManager(LoggingMixin):
+ """Manages all code generation around WebIDL.
+ To facilitate testing, this object is meant to be generic and reusable.
+ Paths, etc should be parameters and not hardcoded.
+ """
+ # Global parser derived declaration files.
+ 'GeneratedAtomList.h',
+ 'GeneratedEventList.h',
+ 'PrototypeList.h',
+ 'RegisterBindings.h',
+ 'RegisterWorkerBindings.h',
+ 'RegisterWorkerDebuggerBindings.h',
+ 'RegisterWorkletBindings.h',
+ 'ResolveSystemBinding.h',
+ 'UnionConversions.h',
+ 'UnionTypes.h',
+ }
+ # Global parser derived definition files.
+ 'RegisterBindings.cpp',
+ 'RegisterWorkerBindings.cpp',
+ 'RegisterWorkerDebuggerBindings.cpp',
+ 'RegisterWorkletBindings.cpp',
+ 'ResolveSystemBinding.cpp',
+ 'UnionTypes.cpp',
+ 'PrototypeList.cpp',
+ }
+ def __init__(self, config_path, inputs, exported_header_dir,
+ codegen_dir, state_path, cache_dir=None, make_deps_path=None,
+ make_deps_target=None):
+ """Create an instance that manages WebIDLs in the build system.
+ config_path refers to a WebIDL config file (e.g. Bindings.conf).
+ inputs is a 4-tuple describing the input .webidl files and how to
+ process them. Members are:
+ (set(.webidl files), set(basenames of exported files),
+ set(basenames of generated events files),
+ set(example interface names))
+ exported_header_dir and codegen_dir are directories where generated
+ files will be written to.
+ state_path is the path to a file that will receive JSON state from our
+ actions.
+ make_deps_path is the path to a make dependency file that we can
+ optionally write.
+ make_deps_target is the target that receives the make dependencies. It
+ must be defined if using make_deps_path.
+ """
+ self.populate_logger()
+ input_paths, exported_stems, generated_events_stems, example_interfaces = inputs
+ self._config_path = config_path
+ self._input_paths = set(input_paths)
+ self._exported_stems = set(exported_stems)
+ self._generated_events_stems = set(generated_events_stems)
+ self._generated_events_stems_as_array = generated_events_stems
+ self._example_interfaces = set(example_interfaces)
+ self._exported_header_dir = exported_header_dir
+ self._codegen_dir = codegen_dir
+ self._state_path = state_path
+ self._cache_dir = cache_dir
+ self._make_deps_path = make_deps_path
+ self._make_deps_target = make_deps_target
+ if ((make_deps_path and not make_deps_target) or
+ (not make_deps_path and make_deps_target)):
+ raise Exception('Must define both make_deps_path and make_deps_target '
+ 'if one is defined.')
+ self._parser_results = None
+ self._config = None
+ self._state = WebIDLCodegenManagerState()
+ if os.path.exists(state_path):
+ with open(state_path, 'rb') as fh:
+ try:
+ self._state = WebIDLCodegenManagerState(fh=fh)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log(logging.WARN, 'webidl_bad_state', {'msg': str(e)},
+ 'Bad WebIDL state: {msg}')
+ @property
+ def config(self):
+ if not self._config:
+ self._parse_webidl()
+ return self._config
+ def generate_build_files(self):
+ """Generate files required for the build.
+ This function is in charge of generating all the .h/.cpp files derived
+ from input .webidl files. Please note that there are build actions
+ required to produce .webidl files and these build actions are
+ explicitly not captured here: this function assumes all .webidl files
+ are present and up to date.
+ This routine is called as part of the build to ensure files that need
+ to exist are present and up to date. This routine may not be called if
+ the build dependencies (generated as a result of calling this the first
+ time) say everything is up to date.
+ Because reprocessing outputs for every .webidl on every invocation
+ is expensive, we only regenerate the minimal set of files on every
+ invocation. The rules for deciding what needs done are roughly as
+ follows:
+ 1. If any .webidl changes, reparse all .webidl files and regenerate
+ the global derived files. Only regenerate output files (.h/.cpp)
+ impacted by the modified .webidl files.
+ 2. If an non-.webidl dependency (Python files, config file) changes,
+ assume everything is out of date and regenerate the world. This
+ is because changes in those could globally impact every output
+ file.
+ 3. If an output file is missing, ensure it is present by performing
+ necessary regeneration.
+ """
+ # Despite #1 above, we assume the build system is smart enough to not
+ # invoke us if nothing has changed. Therefore, any invocation means
+ # something has changed. And, if anything has changed, we need to
+ # parse the WebIDL.
+ self._parse_webidl()
+ result = BuildResult()
+ # If we parse, we always update globals - they are cheap and it is
+ # easier that way.
+ created, updated, unchanged = self._write_global_derived()
+ result.created |= created
+ result.updated |= updated
+ result.unchanged |= unchanged
+ # If any of the extra dependencies changed, regenerate the world.
+ global_changed, global_hashes = self._global_dependencies_changed()
+ if global_changed:
+ # Make a copy because we may modify.
+ changed_inputs = set(self._input_paths)
+ else:
+ changed_inputs = self._compute_changed_inputs()
+ self._state['global_depends'] = global_hashes
+ # Generate bindings from .webidl files.
+ for filename in sorted(changed_inputs):
+ basename = mozpath.basename(filename)
+ result.inputs.add(filename)
+ written, deps = self._generate_build_files_for_webidl(filename)
+ result.created |= written[0]
+ result.updated |= written[1]
+ result.unchanged |= written[2]
+ self._state['webidls'][basename] = dict(
+ filename=filename,
+ outputs=written[0] | written[1] | written[2],
+ inputs=set(deps),
+ sha1=self._input_hashes[filename],
+ )
+ # Process some special interfaces required for testing.
+ for interface in self._example_interfaces:
+ written = self.generate_example_files(interface)
+ result.created |= written[0]
+ result.updated |= written[1]
+ result.unchanged |= written[2]
+ # Generate a make dependency file.
+ if self._make_deps_path:
+ mk = Makefile()
+ codegen_rule = mk.create_rule([self._make_deps_target])
+ codegen_rule.add_dependencies(global_hashes.keys())
+ codegen_rule.add_dependencies(self._input_paths)
+ with FileAvoidWrite(self._make_deps_path) as fh:
+ mk.dump(fh)
+ self._save_state()
+ return result
+ def generate_example_files(self, interface):
+ """Generates example files for a given interface."""
+ from Codegen import CGExampleRoot
+ root = CGExampleRoot(self.config, interface)
+ example_paths = self._example_paths(interface)
+ for path in example_paths:
+ print "Generating %s" % path
+ return self._maybe_write_codegen(root, *example_paths)
+ def _parse_webidl(self):
+ import WebIDL
+ from Configuration import Configuration
+ self.log(logging.INFO, 'webidl_parse',
+ {'count': len(self._input_paths)},
+ 'Parsing {count} WebIDL files.')
+ hashes = {}
+ parser = WebIDL.Parser(self._cache_dir)
+ for path in sorted(self._input_paths):
+ with open(path, 'rb') as fh:
+ data =
+ hashes[path] = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
+ parser.parse(data, path)
+ self._parser_results = parser.finish()
+ self._config = Configuration(self._config_path, self._parser_results,
+ self._generated_events_stems_as_array)
+ self._input_hashes = hashes
+ def _write_global_derived(self):
+ from Codegen import GlobalGenRoots
+ things = [('declare', f) for f in self.GLOBAL_DECLARE_FILES]
+ things.extend(('define', f) for f in self.GLOBAL_DEFINE_FILES)
+ result = (set(), set(), set())
+ for what, filename in things:
+ stem = mozpath.splitext(filename)[0]
+ root = getattr(GlobalGenRoots, stem)(self._config)
+ if what == 'declare':
+ code = root.declare()
+ output_root = self._exported_header_dir
+ elif what == 'define':
+ code = root.define()
+ output_root = self._codegen_dir
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Unknown global gen type: %s' % what)
+ output_path = mozpath.join(output_root, filename)
+ self._maybe_write_file(output_path, code, result)
+ return result
+ def _compute_changed_inputs(self):
+ """Compute the set of input files that need to be regenerated."""
+ changed_inputs = set()
+ expected_outputs = self.expected_build_output_files()
+ # Look for missing output files.
+ if any(not os.path.exists(f) for f in expected_outputs):
+ # FUTURE Bug 940469 Only regenerate minimum set.
+ changed_inputs |= self._input_paths
+ # That's it for examining output files. We /could/ examine SHA-1's of
+ # output files from a previous run to detect modifications. But that's
+ # a lot of extra work and most build systems don't do that anyway.
+ # Now we move on to the input files.
+ old_hashes = {v['filename']: v['sha1']
+ for v in self._state['webidls'].values()}
+ old_filenames = set(old_hashes.keys())
+ new_filenames = self._input_paths
+ # If an old file has disappeared or a new file has arrived, mark
+ # it.
+ changed_inputs |= old_filenames ^ new_filenames
+ # For the files in common between runs, compare content. If the file
+ # has changed, mark it. We don't need to perform mtime comparisons
+ # because content is a stronger validator.
+ for filename in old_filenames & new_filenames:
+ if old_hashes[filename] != self._input_hashes[filename]:
+ changed_inputs.add(filename)
+ # We've now populated the base set of inputs that have changed.
+ # Inherit dependencies from previous run. The full set of dependencies
+ # is associated with each record, so we don't need to perform any fancy
+ # graph traversal.
+ for v in self._state['webidls'].values():
+ if any(dep for dep in v['inputs'] if dep in changed_inputs):
+ changed_inputs.add(v['filename'])
+ # Only use paths that are known to our current state.
+ # This filters out files that were deleted or changed type (e.g. from
+ # static to preprocessed).
+ return changed_inputs & self._input_paths
+ def _binding_info(self, p):
+ """Compute binding metadata for an input path.
+ Returns a tuple of:
+ (stem, binding_stem, is_event, output_files)
+ output_files is itself a tuple. The first two items are the binding
+ header and C++ paths, respectively. The 2nd pair are the event header
+ and C++ paths or None if this isn't an event binding.
+ """
+ basename = mozpath.basename(p)
+ stem = mozpath.splitext(basename)[0]
+ binding_stem = '%sBinding' % stem
+ if stem in self._exported_stems:
+ header_dir = self._exported_header_dir
+ else:
+ header_dir = self._codegen_dir
+ is_event = stem in self._generated_events_stems
+ files = (
+ mozpath.join(header_dir, '%s.h' % binding_stem),
+ mozpath.join(self._codegen_dir, '%s.cpp' % binding_stem),
+ mozpath.join(header_dir, '%s.h' % stem) if is_event else None,
+ mozpath.join(self._codegen_dir, '%s.cpp' % stem) if is_event else None,
+ )
+ return stem, binding_stem, is_event, header_dir, files
+ def _example_paths(self, interface):
+ return (
+ mozpath.join(self._codegen_dir, '%s-example.h' % interface),
+ mozpath.join(self._codegen_dir, '%s-example.cpp' % interface))
+ def expected_build_output_files(self):
+ """Obtain the set of files generate_build_files() should write."""
+ paths = set()
+ # Account for global generation.
+ for p in self.GLOBAL_DECLARE_FILES:
+ paths.add(mozpath.join(self._exported_header_dir, p))
+ for p in self.GLOBAL_DEFINE_FILES:
+ paths.add(mozpath.join(self._codegen_dir, p))
+ for p in self._input_paths:
+ stem, binding_stem, is_event, header_dir, files = self._binding_info(p)
+ paths |= {f for f in files if f}
+ for interface in self._example_interfaces:
+ for p in self._example_paths(interface):
+ paths.add(p)
+ return paths
+ def _generate_build_files_for_webidl(self, filename):
+ from Codegen import (
+ CGBindingRoot,
+ CGEventRoot,
+ )
+ self.log(logging.INFO, 'webidl_generate_build_for_input',
+ {'filename': filename},
+ 'Generating WebIDL files derived from {filename}')
+ stem, binding_stem, is_event, header_dir, files = self._binding_info(filename)
+ root = CGBindingRoot(self._config, binding_stem, filename)
+ result = self._maybe_write_codegen(root, files[0], files[1])
+ if is_event:
+ generated_event = CGEventRoot(self._config, stem)
+ result = self._maybe_write_codegen(generated_event, files[2],
+ files[3], result)
+ return result, root.deps()
+ def _global_dependencies_changed(self):
+ """Determine whether the global dependencies have changed."""
+ current_files = set(iter_modules_in_path(mozpath.dirname(__file__)))
+ # We need to catch other .py files from /dom/bindings. We assume these
+ # are in the same directory as the config file.
+ current_files |= set(iter_modules_in_path(mozpath.dirname(self._config_path)))
+ current_files.add(self._config_path)
+ current_hashes = {}
+ for f in current_files:
+ # This will fail if the file doesn't exist. If a current global
+ # dependency doesn't exist, something else is wrong.
+ with open(f, 'rb') as fh:
+ current_hashes[f] = hashlib.sha1(
+ # The set of files has changed.
+ if current_files ^ set(self._state['global_depends'].keys()):
+ return True, current_hashes
+ # Compare hashes.
+ for f, sha1 in current_hashes.items():
+ if sha1 != self._state['global_depends'][f]:
+ return True, current_hashes
+ return False, current_hashes
+ def _save_state(self):
+ with open(self._state_path, 'wb') as fh:
+ self._state.dump(fh)
+ def _maybe_write_codegen(self, obj, declare_path, define_path, result=None):
+ assert declare_path and define_path
+ if not result:
+ result = (set(), set(), set())
+ self._maybe_write_file(declare_path, obj.declare(), result)
+ self._maybe_write_file(define_path, obj.define(), result)
+ return result
+ def _maybe_write_file(self, path, content, result):
+ fh = FileAvoidWrite(path)
+ fh.write(content)
+ existed, updated = fh.close()
+ if not existed:
+ result[0].add(path)
+ elif updated:
+ result[1].add(path)
+ else:
+ result[2].add(path)
+def create_build_system_manager(topsrcdir, topobjdir, dist_dir):
+ """Create a WebIDLCodegenManager for use by the build system."""
+ src_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, 'dom', 'bindings')
+ obj_dir = os.path.join(topobjdir, 'dom', 'bindings')
+ with open(os.path.join(obj_dir, 'file-lists.json'), 'rb') as fh:
+ files = json.load(fh)
+ inputs = (files['webidls'], files['exported_stems'],
+ files['generated_events_stems'], files['example_interfaces'])
+ cache_dir = os.path.join(obj_dir, '_cache')
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(cache_dir)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ return WebIDLCodegenManager(
+ os.path.join(src_dir, 'Bindings.conf'),
+ inputs,
+ os.path.join(dist_dir, 'include', 'mozilla', 'dom'),
+ obj_dir,
+ os.path.join(obj_dir, 'codegen.json'),
+ cache_dir=cache_dir,
+ # The make rules include a codegen.pp file containing dependencies.
+ make_deps_path=os.path.join(obj_dir, 'codegen.pp'),
+ make_deps_target='codegen.pp',
+ )
+class BuildSystemWebIDL(MozbuildObject):
+ @property
+ def manager(self):
+ if not hasattr(self, '_webidl_manager'):
+ self._webidl_manager = create_build_system_manager(
+ self.topsrcdir, self.topobjdir, self.distdir)
+ return self._webidl_manager
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Child.webidl b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Child.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7d0a76c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Child.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+interface Child : Parent {
+ void ChildBaz();
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/ExampleBinding.webidl b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/ExampleBinding.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34794993f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/ExampleBinding.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* These interfaces are hard-coded and need to be defined. */
+interface TestExampleInterface {};
+interface TestExampleProxyInterface {};
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Parent.webidl b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Parent.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..423f364ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/Parent.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+interface Parent {
+ void MethodFoo();
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/TestEvent.webidl b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/TestEvent.webidl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db0856291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/TestEvent.webidl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+interface EventTarget {
+ void addEventListener();
+interface Event {};
+callback EventHandlerNonNull = any (Event event);
+typedef EventHandlerNonNull? EventHandler;
+interface TestEvent : EventTarget {
+ attribute EventHandler onfoo;
diff --git a/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce3315e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/bindings/mozwebidlcodegen/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import imp
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+from mozwebidlcodegen import (
+ WebIDLCodegenManager,
+ WebIDLCodegenManagerState,
+from mozfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from mozunit import (
+ MockedOpen,
+ main,
+OUR_DIR = mozpath.abspath(mozpath.dirname(__file__))
+TOPSRCDIR = mozpath.normpath(mozpath.join(OUR_DIR, '..', '..', '..', '..'))
+class TestWebIDLCodegenManager(unittest.TestCase):
+ 'Child',
+ 'Parent',
+ 'ExampleBinding',
+ 'TestEvent',
+ }
+ @property
+ def _static_input_paths(self):
+ s = {mozpath.join(OUR_DIR, p) for p in os.listdir(OUR_DIR)
+ if p.endswith('.webidl')}
+ return s
+ @property
+ def _config_path(self):
+ config = mozpath.join(TOPSRCDIR, 'dom', 'bindings', 'Bindings.conf')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(config))
+ return config
+ def _get_manager_args(self):
+ tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmp)
+ cache_dir = mozpath.join(tmp, 'cache')
+ os.mkdir(cache_dir)
+ ip = self._static_input_paths
+ inputs = (
+ ip,
+ {mozpath.splitext(mozpath.basename(p))[0] for p in ip},
+ set(),
+ set(),
+ )
+ return dict(
+ config_path=self._config_path,
+ inputs=inputs,
+ exported_header_dir=mozpath.join(tmp, 'exports'),
+ codegen_dir=mozpath.join(tmp, 'codegen'),
+ state_path=mozpath.join(tmp, 'state.json'),
+ make_deps_path=mozpath.join(tmp, 'codegen.pp'),
+ make_deps_target='codegen.pp',
+ cache_dir=cache_dir,
+ )
+ def _get_manager(self):
+ return WebIDLCodegenManager(**self._get_manager_args())
+ def test_unknown_state_version(self):
+ """Loading a state file with a too new version resets state."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ p = args['state_path']
+ with open(p, 'wb') as fh:
+ json.dump({
+ 'version': WebIDLCodegenManagerState.VERSION + 1,
+ 'foobar': '1',
+ }, fh)
+ manager = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(manager._state['version'],
+ WebIDLCodegenManagerState.VERSION)
+ self.assertNotIn('foobar', manager._state)
+ def test_generate_build_files(self):
+ """generate_build_files() does the right thing from empty."""
+ manager = self._get_manager()
+ result = manager.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.inputs), 4)
+ output = manager.expected_build_output_files()
+ self.assertEqual(result.created, output)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.updated), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.unchanged), 0)
+ for f in output:
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(f))
+ for f in manager.GLOBAL_DECLARE_FILES:
+ self.assertIn(mozpath.join(manager._exported_header_dir, f), output)
+ for f in manager.GLOBAL_DEFINE_FILES:
+ self.assertIn(mozpath.join(manager._codegen_dir, f), output)
+ for s in self.TEST_STEMS:
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(mozpath.join(
+ manager._exported_header_dir, '%sBinding.h' % s)))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(mozpath.join(
+ manager._codegen_dir, '%sBinding.cpp' % s)))
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(manager._state_path))
+ with open(manager._state_path, 'rb') as fh:
+ state = json.load(fh)
+ self.assertEqual(state['version'], 1)
+ self.assertIn('webidls', state)
+ child = state['webidls']['Child.webidl']
+ self.assertEqual(len(child['inputs']), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(child['outputs']), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(child['sha1'], 'c41527cad3bc161fa6e7909e48fa11f9eca0468b')
+ def test_generate_build_files_load_state(self):
+ """State should be equivalent when instantiating a new instance."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ self.assertEqual(len(m1._state['webidls']), 0)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ self.assertGreater(len(m2._state['webidls']), 2)
+ self.assertEqual(m1._state, m2._state)
+ def test_no_change_no_writes(self):
+ """If nothing changes, no files should be updated."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.inputs), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.created), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.updated), 0)
+ def test_output_file_regenerated(self):
+ """If an output file disappears, it is regenerated."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ rm_count = 0
+ for p in m1._state['webidls']['Child.webidl']['outputs']:
+ rm_count += 1
+ os.unlink(p)
+ rm_count += 1
+ os.unlink(mozpath.join(m1._exported_header_dir, p))
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.created), rm_count)
+ def test_only_rebuild_self(self):
+ """If an input file changes, only rebuild that one file."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ child_path = None
+ for p in m1._input_paths:
+ if p.endswith('Child.webidl'):
+ child_path = p
+ break
+ self.assertIsNotNone(child_path)
+ child_content = open(child_path, 'rb').read()
+ with MockedOpen({child_path: child_content + '\n/* */'}):
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(result.inputs, set([child_path]))
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.updated), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.created), 0)
+ def test_rebuild_dependencies(self):
+ """Ensure an input file used by others results in others rebuilding."""
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ parent_path = None
+ child_path = None
+ for p in m1._input_paths:
+ if p.endswith('Parent.webidl'):
+ parent_path = p
+ elif p.endswith('Child.webidl'):
+ child_path = p
+ self.assertIsNotNone(parent_path)
+ parent_content = open(parent_path, 'rb').read()
+ with MockedOpen({parent_path: parent_content + '\n/* */'}):
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(result.inputs, {child_path, parent_path})
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.updated), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.created), 0)
+ def test_python_change_regenerate_everything(self):
+ """If a Python file changes, we should attempt to rebuild everything."""
+ # We don't want to mutate files in the source directory because we want
+ # to be able to build from a read-only filesystem. So, we install a
+ # dummy module and rewrite the metadata to say it comes from the source
+ # directory.
+ #
+ # Hacking imp to accept a MockedFile doesn't appear possible. So for
+ # the first iteration we read from a temp file. The second iteration
+ # doesn't need to import, so we are fine with a mocked file.
+ fake_path = mozpath.join(OUR_DIR, '')
+ with NamedTemporaryFile('wt') as fh:
+ fh.write('# Original content')
+ fh.flush()
+ mod = imp.load_source('mozwebidlcodegen.fakemodule',
+ mod.__file__ = fake_path
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ with MockedOpen({fake_path: '# Original content'}):
+ try:
+ result = m1.generate_build_files()
+ l = len(result.inputs)
+ with open(fake_path, 'wt') as fh:
+ fh.write('# Modified content')
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.inputs), l)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.inputs), 0)
+ finally:
+ del sys.modules['mozwebidlcodegen.fakemodule']
+ def test_copy_input(self):
+ """Ensure a copied .webidl file is handled properly."""
+ # This test simulates changing the type of a WebIDL from static to
+ # preprocessed. In that scenario, the original file still exists but
+ # it should no longer be consulted during codegen.
+ args = self._get_manager_args()
+ m1 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ m1.generate_build_files()
+ old_path = None
+ for p in args['inputs'][0]:
+ if p.endswith('Parent.webidl'):
+ old_path = p
+ break
+ self.assertIsNotNone(old_path)
+ new_path = mozpath.join(args['cache_dir'], 'Parent.webidl')
+ shutil.copy2(old_path, new_path)
+ args['inputs'][0].remove(old_path)
+ args['inputs'][0].add(new_path)
+ m2 = WebIDLCodegenManager(**args)
+ result = m2.generate_build_files()
+ self.assertEqual(len(result.updated), 0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()