path: root/build/release
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/release')
2 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/release/ b/build/release/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f42edd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+import os
+from os import path
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+from urllib2 import urlopen
+from release.paths import makeCandidatesDir
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# If version has two parts with no trailing specifiers like "rc", we
+# consider it a "final" release for which we only create a _RELEASE tag.
+FINAL_RELEASE_REGEX = "^\d+\.\d+$"
+class ConfigError(Exception):
+ pass
+def getBuildID(platform, product, version, buildNumber, nightlyDir='nightly',
+ server=''):
+ infoTxt = makeCandidatesDir(product, version, buildNumber, nightlyDir,
+ protocol='http', server=server) + \
+ '%s_info.txt' % platform
+ try:
+ buildInfo = urlopen(infoTxt).read()
+ except:
+ log.error("Failed to retrieve %s" % infoTxt)
+ raise
+ for line in buildInfo.splitlines():
+ key, value = line.rstrip().split('=', 1)
+ if key == 'buildID':
+ return value
+def findOldBuildIDs(product, version, buildNumber, platforms,
+ nightlyDir='nightly', server=''):
+ ids = {}
+ if buildNumber <= 1:
+ return ids
+ for n in range(1, buildNumber):
+ for platform in platforms:
+ if platform not in ids:
+ ids[platform] = []
+ try:
+ id = getBuildID(platform, product, version, n, nightlyDir,
+ server)
+ ids[platform].append(id)
+ except Exception, e:
+ log.error("Hit exception: %s" % e)
+ return ids
+def getReleaseConfigName(product, branch, version=None, staging=False):
+ # XXX: Horrible hack for bug 842741. Because Thunderbird release
+ # and esr both build out of esr17 repositories we'll bump the wrong
+ # config for release without this.
+ if product == 'thunderbird' and 'esr17' in branch and version and 'esr' not in version:
+ cfg = ''
+ else:
+ cfg = '' % (product, branch)
+ if staging:
+ cfg = 'staging_%s' % cfg
+ return cfg
+def readReleaseConfig(configfile, required=[]):
+ return readConfig(configfile, keys=['releaseConfig'], required=required)
+def readBranchConfig(dir, localconfig, branch, required=[]):
+ shutil.copy(localconfig, path.join(dir, ""))
+ oldcwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(dir)
+ sys.path.append(".")
+ try:
+ return readConfig("", keys=['BRANCHES', branch],
+ required=required)
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(oldcwd)
+ sys.path.remove(".")
+def readConfig(configfile, keys=[], required=[]):
+ c = {}
+ execfile(configfile, c)
+ for k in keys:
+ c = c[k]
+ items = c.keys()
+ err = False
+ for key in required:
+ if key not in items:
+ err = True
+ log.error("Required item `%s' missing from %s" % (key, c))
+ if err:
+ raise ConfigError("Missing at least one item in config, see above")
+ return c
+def isFinalRelease(version):
+ return bool(re.match(FINAL_RELEASE_REGEX, version))
+def getBaseTag(product, version):
+ product = product.upper()
+ version = version.replace('.', '_')
+ return '%s_%s' % (product, version)
+def getTags(baseTag, buildNumber, buildTag=True):
+ t = ['%s_RELEASE' % baseTag]
+ if buildTag:
+ t.append('%s_BUILD%d' % (baseTag, int(buildNumber)))
+ return t
+def getRuntimeTag(tag):
+ return "%s_RUNTIME" % tag
+def getReleaseTag(tag):
+ return "%s_RELEASE" % tag
+def generateRelbranchName(version, prefix='GECKO'):
+ return '%s%s_%s_RELBRANCH' % (
+ prefix, version.replace('.', ''),
+def getReleaseName(product, version, buildNumber):
+ return '%s-%s-build%s' % (product.title(), version, str(buildNumber))
+def getRepoMatchingBranch(branch, sourceRepositories):
+ for sr in sourceRepositories.values():
+ if branch in sr['path']:
+ return sr
+ return None
+def fileInfo(filepath, product):
+ """Extract information about a release file. Returns a dictionary with the
+ following keys set:
+ 'product', 'version', 'locale', 'platform', 'contents', 'format',
+ 'pathstyle'
+ 'contents' is one of 'complete', 'installer'
+ 'format' is one of 'mar' or 'exe'
+ 'pathstyle' is either 'short' or 'long', and refers to if files are all in
+ one directory, with the locale as part of the filename ('short' paths,
+ firefox 3.0 style filenames), or if the locale names are part of the
+ directory structure, but not the file name itself ('long' paths,
+ firefox 3.5+ style filenames)
+ """
+ try:
+ # Mozilla 1.9.0 style (aka 'short') paths
+ # e.g. firefox-3.0.12.en-US.win32.complete.mar
+ filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
+ m = re.match("^(%s)-([0-9.]+)\.([-a-zA-Z]+)\.(win32)\.(complete|installer)\.(mar|exe)$" % product, filename)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError("Could not parse: %s" % filename)
+ return {'product':,
+ 'version':,
+ 'locale':,
+ 'platform':,
+ 'contents':,
+ 'format':,
+ 'pathstyle': 'short',
+ 'leading_path': '',
+ }
+ except:
+ # Mozilla 1.9.1 and on style (aka 'long') paths
+ # e.g. update/win32/en-US/firefox-3.5.1.complete.mar
+ # win32/en-US/Firefox Setup 3.5.1.exe
+ ret = {'pathstyle': 'long'}
+ if filepath.endswith('.mar'):
+ ret['format'] = 'mar'
+ m ="update/(win32|linux-i686|linux-x86_64|mac|mac64)/([-a-zA-Z]+)/(%s)-(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:\w+(?:\d+)?)?)\.(complete)\.mar" % product, filepath)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError("Could not parse: %s" % filepath)
+ ret['platform'] =
+ ret['locale'] =
+ ret['product'] =
+ ret['version'] =
+ ret['contents'] =
+ ret['leading_path'] = ''
+ elif filepath.endswith('.exe'):
+ ret['format'] = 'exe'
+ ret['contents'] = 'installer'
+ # EUballot builds use a different enough style of path than others
+ # that we can't catch them in the same regexp
+ if filepath.find('win32-EUballot') != -1:
+ ret['platform'] = 'win32'
+ m ="(win32-EUballot/)([-a-zA-Z]+)/((?i)%s) Setup (\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:\w+\d+)?(?:\ \w+\ \d+)?)\.exe" % product, filepath)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError("Could not parse: %s" % filepath)
+ ret['leading_path'] =
+ ret['locale'] =
+ ret['product'] =
+ ret['version'] =
+ else:
+ m ="(partner-repacks/[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+/|)(win32|mac|linux-i686)/([-a-zA-Z]+)/((?i)%s) Setup (\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:\w+(?:\d+)?)?(?:\ \w+\ \d+)?)\.exe" % product, filepath)
+ if not m:
+ raise ValueError("Could not parse: %s" % filepath)
+ ret['leading_path'] =
+ ret['platform'] =
+ ret['locale'] =
+ ret['product'] =
+ ret['version'] =
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown filetype for %s" % filepath)
+ return ret
diff --git a/build/release/ b/build/release/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aba855989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/release/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import difflib
+import logging
+import re
+import urllib2
+from util.commands import run_cmd, get_output
+from util.hg import get_repo_name, make_hg_url
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def check_buildbot():
+ """check if buildbot command works"""
+ try:
+ run_cmd(['buildbot', '--version'])
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ log.error("FAIL: buildbot command doesn't work", exc_info=True)
+ raise
+def find_version(contents, versionNumber):
+ """Given an open readable file-handle look for the occurrence
+ of the version # in the file"""
+ ret =, re.DOTALL), contents)
+ return ret
+def locale_diff(locales1, locales2):
+ """ accepts two lists and diffs them both ways, returns any differences
+ found """
+ diff_list = [locale for locale in locales1 if not locale in locales2]
+ diff_list.extend(locale for locale in locales2 if not locale in locales1)
+ return diff_list
+def get_buildbot_username_param():
+ cmd = ['buildbot', 'sendchange', '--help']
+ output = get_output(cmd)
+ if "-W, --who=" in output:
+ return "--who"
+ else:
+ return "--username"
+def sendchange(branch, revision, username, master, products):
+ """Send the change to buildbot to kick off the release automation"""
+ if isinstance(products, basestring):
+ products = [products]
+ cmd = [
+ 'buildbot',
+ 'sendchange',
+ get_buildbot_username_param(),
+ username,
+ '--master',
+ master,
+ '--branch',
+ branch,
+ '-p',
+ 'products:%s' % ','.join(products),
+ '-p',
+ 'script_repo_revision:%s' % revision,
+ 'release_or_beta'
+ ]
+"Executing: %s" % cmd)
+ run_cmd(cmd)
+def verify_mozconfigs(mozconfig_pair, nightly_mozconfig_pair, platform,
+ mozconfigWhitelist={}):
+ """Compares mozconfig to nightly_mozconfig and compare to an optional
+ whitelist of known differences. mozconfig_pair and nightly_mozconfig_pair
+ are pairs containing the mozconfig's identifier and the list of lines in
+ the mozconfig."""
+ # unpack the pairs to get the names, the names are just for
+ # identifying the mozconfigs when logging the error messages
+ mozconfig_name, mozconfig_lines = mozconfig_pair
+ nightly_mozconfig_name, nightly_mozconfig_lines = nightly_mozconfig_pair
+ missing_args = mozconfig_lines == [] or nightly_mozconfig_lines == []
+ if missing_args:
+"Missing mozconfigs to compare for %s" % platform)
+ return False
+ success = True
+ diffInstance = difflib.Differ()
+ diff_result =, nightly_mozconfig_lines)
+ diffList = list(diff_result)
+ for line in diffList:
+ clean_line = line[1:].strip()
+ if (line[0] == '-' or line[0] == '+') and len(clean_line) > 1:
+ # skip comment lines
+ if clean_line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ # compare to whitelist
+ message = ""
+ if line[0] == '-':
+ if platform in mozconfigWhitelist.get('release', {}):
+ if clean_line in \
+ mozconfigWhitelist['release'][platform]:
+ continue
+ elif line[0] == '+':
+ if platform in mozconfigWhitelist.get('nightly', {}):
+ if clean_line in \
+ mozconfigWhitelist['nightly'][platform]:
+ continue
+ else:
+ log.warning("%s not in %s %s!" % (
+ clean_line, platform,
+ mozconfigWhitelist['nightly'][platform]))
+ else:
+ log.error("Skipping line %s!" % line)
+ continue
+ message = "found in %s but not in %s: %s"
+ if line[0] == '-':
+ log.error(message % (mozconfig_name,
+ nightly_mozconfig_name, clean_line))
+ else:
+ log.error(message % (nightly_mozconfig_name,
+ mozconfig_name, clean_line))
+ success = False
+ return success