path: root/browser/components/uitour/test/browser_UITour.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/uitour/test/browser_UITour.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/uitour/test/browser_UITour.js b/browser/components/uitour/test/browser_UITour.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 964be0215..000000000
--- a/browser/components/uitour/test/browser_UITour.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-"use strict";
-var gTestTab;
-var gContentAPI;
-var gContentWindow;
-Components.utils.import("resource://testing-common/TelemetryArchiveTesting.jsm", this);
-function test() {
- UITourTest();
-var tests = [
- function test_untrusted_host(done) {
- loadUITourTestPage(function() {
- let bookmarksMenu = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu-button");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should initially be closed");
- gContentAPI.showMenu("bookmarks");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should not open on a untrusted host");
- done();
- }, "http://mochi.test:8888/");
- },
- function test_testing_host(done) {
- // Add two testing origins intentionally surrounded by whitespace to be ignored.
- Services.prefs.setCharPref("browser.uitour.testingOrigins",
- ", ");
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.uitour.testingOrigins");
- });
- function callback(result) {
- ok(result, "Callback should be called on a testing origin");
- done();
- }
- loadUITourTestPage(function() {
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("appinfo", callback);
- }, "");
- },
- function test_unsecure_host(done) {
- loadUITourTestPage(function() {
- let bookmarksMenu = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu-button");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should initially be closed");
- gContentAPI.showMenu("bookmarks");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should not open on a unsecure host");
- done();
- }, "");
- },
- function test_unsecure_host_override(done) {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uitour.requireSecure", false);
- loadUITourTestPage(function() {
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should initially be hidden");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, done, "Highlight should be shown on a unsecure host when override pref is set");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uitour.requireSecure", true);
- }, "");
- },
- function test_disabled(done) {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uitour.enabled", false);
- let bookmarksMenu = document.getElementById("bookmarks-menu-button");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should initially be closed");
- gContentAPI.showMenu("bookmarks");
- is(, false, "Bookmark menu should not open when feature is disabled");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.uitour.enabled", true);
- done();
- },
- function test_highlight(done) {
- function test_highlight_2() {
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- gContentAPI.hideHighlight();
- waitForElementToBeHidden(highlight, test_highlight_3, "Highlight should be hidden after hideHighlight()");
- }
- function test_highlight_3() {
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should be hidden after hideHighlight()");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, test_highlight_4, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- }
- function test_highlight_4() {
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("backForward");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, done, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- }
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should initially be hidden");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, test_highlight_2, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- },
- function test_highlight_circle(done) {
- function check_highlight_size() {
- let panel = highlight.parentElement;
- let anchor = panel.anchorNode;
- let anchorRect = anchor.getBoundingClientRect();
- info("addons target: width: " + anchorRect.width + " height: " + anchorRect.height);
- let maxDimension = Math.round(Math.max(anchorRect.width, anchorRect.height));
- let highlightRect = highlight.getBoundingClientRect();
- info("highlight: width: " + highlightRect.width + " height: " + highlightRect.height);
- is(Math.round(highlightRect.width), maxDimension, "The width of the highlight should be equal to the largest dimension of the target");
- is(Math.round(highlightRect.height), maxDimension, "The height of the highlight should be equal to the largest dimension of the target");
- is(Math.round(highlightRect.height), Math.round(highlightRect.width), "The height and width of the highlight should be the same to create a circle");
- is(, "100%", "The border-radius should be 100% to create a circle");
- done();
- }
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should initially be hidden");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("addons");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, check_highlight_size, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- },
- function test_highlight_customize_auto_open_close(done) {
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("customize");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsOpen() {
- isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened");
- // Move the highlight outside which should close the app menu.
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("appMenu");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsClosed() {
- isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "open",
- "Panel should have closed after the highlight moved elsewhere.");
- done();
- }, "Highlight should move to the appMenu button");
- }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items");
- },
- function test_highlight_customize_manual_open_close(done) {
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- // Manually open the app menu then show a highlight there. The menu should remain open.
- let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
- gContentAPI.showMenu("appMenu");
- shownPromise.then(() => {
- isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should have opened");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("customize");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function checkPanelIsStillOpen() {
- isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should still be open");
- // Move the highlight outside which shouldn't close the app menu since it was manually opened.
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("appMenu");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, function () {
- isnot(PanelUI.panel.state, "closed",
- "Panel should remain open since UITour didn't open it in the first place");
- gContentAPI.hideMenu("appMenu");
- done();
- }, "Highlight should move to the appMenu button");
- }, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight() for fixed panel items");
- }).then(null, Components.utils.reportError);
- },
- function test_highlight_effect(done) {
- function waitForHighlightWithEffect(highlightEl, effect, next, error) {
- return waitForCondition(() => highlightEl.getAttribute("active") == effect,
- next,
- error);
- }
- function checkDefaultEffect() {
- is(highlight.getAttribute("active"), "none", "The default should be no effect");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar", "none");
- waitForHighlightWithEffect(highlight, "none", checkZoomEffect, "There should be no effect");
- }
- function checkZoomEffect() {
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar", "zoom");
- waitForHighlightWithEffect(highlight, "zoom", () => {
- let style = window.getComputedStyle(highlight);
- is(style.animationName, "uitour-zoom", "The animation-name should be uitour-zoom");
- checkSameEffectOnDifferentTarget();
- }, "There should be a zoom effect");
- }
- function checkSameEffectOnDifferentTarget() {
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("appMenu", "wobble");
- waitForHighlightWithEffect(highlight, "wobble", () => {
- highlight.addEventListener("animationstart", function onAnimationStart(aEvent) {
- highlight.removeEventListener("animationstart", onAnimationStart);
- ok(true, "Animation occurred again even though the effect was the same");
- checkRandomEffect();
- });
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("backForward", "wobble");
- }, "There should be a wobble effect");
- }
- function checkRandomEffect() {
- function waitForActiveHighlight(highlightEl, next, error) {
- return waitForCondition(() => highlightEl.hasAttribute("active"),
- next,
- error);
- }
- gContentAPI.hideHighlight();
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar", "random");
- waitForActiveHighlight(highlight, () => {
- ok(highlight.hasAttribute("active"), "The highlight should be active");
- isnot(highlight.getAttribute("active"), "none", "A random effect other than none should have been chosen");
- isnot(highlight.getAttribute("active"), "random", "The random effect shouldn't be 'random'");
- isnot(UITour.highlightEffects.indexOf(highlight.getAttribute("active")), -1, "Check that a supported effect was randomly chosen");
- done();
- }, "There should be an active highlight with a random effect");
- }
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should initially be hidden");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, checkDefaultEffect, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- },
- function test_highlight_effect_unsupported(done) {
- function checkUnsupportedEffect() {
- is(highlight.getAttribute("active"), "none", "No effect should be used when an unsupported effect is requested");
- done();
- }
- let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight");
- is_element_hidden(highlight, "Highlight should initially be hidden");
- gContentAPI.showHighlight("urlbar", "__UNSUPPORTED__");
- waitForElementToBeVisible(highlight, checkUnsupportedEffect, "Highlight should be shown after showHighlight()");
- },
- function test_info_1(done) {
- let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip");
- let title = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipTitle");
- let desc = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipDescription");
- let icon = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipIcon");
- let buttons = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipButtons");
- popup.addEventListener("popupshown", function onPopupShown() {
- popup.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown);
- is(popup.popupBoxObject.anchorNode, document.getElementById("urlbar"), "Popup should be anchored to the urlbar");
- is(title.textContent, "test title", "Popup should have correct title");
- is(desc.textContent, "test text", "Popup should have correct description text");
- is(icon.src, "", "Popup should have no icon");
- is(buttons.hasChildNodes(), false, "Popup should have no buttons");
- popup.addEventListener("popuphidden", function onPopupHidden() {
- popup.removeEventListener("popuphidden", onPopupHidden);
- popup.addEventListener("popupshown", function onPopupShown() {
- popup.removeEventListener("popupshown", onPopupShown);
- done();
- });
- gContentAPI.showInfo("urlbar", "test title", "test text");
- });
- gContentAPI.hideInfo();
- });
- gContentAPI.showInfo("urlbar", "test title", "test text");
- },
- taskify(function* test_info_2() {
- let popup = document.getElementById("UITourTooltip");
- let title = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipTitle");
- let desc = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipDescription");
- let icon = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipIcon");
- let buttons = document.getElementById("UITourTooltipButtons");
- yield showInfoPromise("urlbar", "urlbar title", "urlbar text");
- is(popup.popupBoxObject.anchorNode, document.getElementById("urlbar"), "Popup should be anchored to the urlbar");
- is(title.textContent, "urlbar title", "Popup should have correct title");
- is(desc.textContent, "urlbar text", "Popup should have correct description text");
- is(icon.src, "", "Popup should have no icon");
- is(buttons.hasChildNodes(), false, "Popup should have no buttons");
- yield showInfoPromise("search", "search title", "search text");
- is(popup.popupBoxObject.anchorNode, document.getElementById("searchbar"), "Popup should be anchored to the searchbar");
- is(title.textContent, "search title", "Popup should have correct title");
- is(desc.textContent, "search text", "Popup should have correct description text");
- }),
- function test_getConfigurationVersion(done) {
- function callback(result) {
- let props = ["defaultUpdateChannel", "version"];
- for (let property of props) {
- ok(typeof(result[property]) !== "undefined", "Check " + property + " isn't undefined.");
- is(result[property], Services.appinfo[property], "Should have the same " + property + " property.");
- }
- done();
- }
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("appinfo", callback);
- },
- function test_getConfigurationDistribution(done) {
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("appinfo", (result) => {
- ok(typeof(result.distribution) !== "undefined", "Check distribution isn't undefined.");
- is(result.distribution, "default", "Should be \"default\" without preference set.");
- let defaults = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("distribution.");
- let testDistributionID = "TestDistribution";
- defaults.setCharPref("id", testDistributionID);
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("appinfo", (result) => {
- ok(typeof(result.distribution) !== "undefined", "Check distribution isn't undefined.");
- is(result.distribution, testDistributionID, "Should have the distribution as set in preference.");
- done();
- });
- });
- },
- function test_addToolbarButton(done) {
- let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("panic-button");
- is(placement, null, "default UI has panic button in the palette");
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("availableTargets", (data) => {
- let available = (data.targets.indexOf("forget") != -1);
- ok(!available, "Forget button should not be available by default");
- gContentAPI.addNavBarWidget("forget", () => {
- info("addNavBarWidget callback successfully called");
- let placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("panic-button");
- is(placement.area, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR);
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("availableTargets", (data) => {
- let available = (data.targets.indexOf("forget") != -1);
- ok(available, "Forget button should now be available");
- // Cleanup
- CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea("panic-button");
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- },
- function test_search(done) {
- => {
- if (!Components.isSuccessCode(rv)) {
- ok(false, "search service init failed: " + rv);
- done();
- return;
- }
- let defaultEngine =;
- gContentAPI.getConfiguration("search", data => {
- let visibleEngines =;
- let expectedEngines = visibleEngines.filter((engine) => engine.identifier)
- .map((engine) => "searchEngine-" + engine.identifier);
- let engines = data.engines;
- ok(Array.isArray(engines), "data.engines should be an array");
- is(engines.sort().toString(), expectedEngines.sort().toString(),
- "Engines should be as expected");
- is(data.searchEngineIdentifier, defaultEngine.identifier,
- "the searchEngineIdentifier property should contain the defaultEngine's identifier");
- let someOtherEngineID = data.engines.filter(t => t != "searchEngine-" + defaultEngine.identifier)[0];
- someOtherEngineID = someOtherEngineID.replace(/^searchEngine-/, "");
- let observe = function (subject, topic, verb) {
- info("browser-search-engine-modified: " + verb);
- if (verb == "engine-current") {
- is(, someOtherEngineID, "correct engine was switched to");
- done();
- }
- };
- Services.obs.addObserver(observe, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
- registerCleanupFunction(() => {
- // Clean up
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observe, "browser-search-engine-modified");
- = defaultEngine;
- });
- gContentAPI.setDefaultSearchEngine(someOtherEngineID);
- });
- });
- },
- taskify(function* test_treatment_tag() {
- let ac = new TelemetryArchiveTesting.Checker();
- yield ac.promiseInit();
- yield gContentAPI.setTreatmentTag("foobar", "baz");
- // Wait until the treatment telemetry is sent before looking in the archive.
- yield BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(gTestTab.linkedBrowser, "mozUITourNotification", false,
- event => event.detail.event === "TreatmentTag:TelemetrySent");
- yield new Promise((resolve) => {
- gContentAPI.getTreatmentTag("foobar", (data) => {
- is(data.value, "baz", "set and retrieved treatmentTag");
- ac.promiseFindPing("uitour-tag", [
- [["payload", "tagName"], "foobar"],
- [["payload", "tagValue"], "baz"],
- ]).then((found) => {
- ok(found, "Telemetry ping submitted for setTreatmentTag");
- resolve();
- }, (err) => {
- ok(false, "Exception finding uitour telemetry ping: " + err);
- resolve();
- });
- });
- });
- }),
- // Make sure this test is last in the file so the appMenu gets left open and done will confirm it got tore down.
- taskify(function* cleanupMenus() {
- let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(window);
- gContentAPI.showMenu("appMenu");
- yield shownPromise;
- }),