path: root/browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_subdialogs.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_subdialogs.js')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_subdialogs.js b/browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_subdialogs.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff0c1f8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/preferences/in-content/tests/browser_subdialogs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+* */
+"use strict";
+ * Tests for the sub-dialog infrastructure, not for actual sub-dialog functionality.
+ */
+const gDialogURL = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "subdialog.xul";
+const gDialogURL2 = getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "subdialog2.xul";
+function* open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(browser, domcontentloadedFn, url = gDialogURL) {
+ let domcontentloadedFnStr = domcontentloadedFn ?
+ "(" + domcontentloadedFn.toString() + ")()" :
+ "";
+ return ContentTask.spawn(browser, {url, domcontentloadedFnStr}, function*(args) {
+ let {url, domcontentloadedFnStr} = args;
+ let rv = { acceptCount: 0 };
+ let win = content.window;
+ let subdialog = win.gSubDialog;
+, null, rv);
+ info("waiting for subdialog DOMFrameContentLoaded");
+ yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(win, "DOMFrameContentLoaded", true);
+ let result;
+ if (domcontentloadedFnStr) {
+ result = eval(domcontentloadedFnStr);
+ }
+ info("waiting for subdialog load");
+ yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(subdialog._frame, "load");
+ info("subdialog window is loaded");
+ let expectedStyleSheetURLs = subdialog._injectedStyleSheets.slice(0);
+ for (let styleSheet of subdialog._frame.contentDocument.styleSheets) {
+ let index = expectedStyleSheetURLs.indexOf(styleSheet.href);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ expectedStyleSheetURLs.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Assert.ok(!!subdialog._frame.contentWindow, "The dialog should be non-null");
+ Assert.notEqual(subdialog._frame.contentWindow.location.toString(), "about:blank",
+ "Subdialog URL should not be about:blank");
+ Assert.equal(win.getComputedStyle(subdialog._overlay, "").visibility, "visible",
+ "Overlay should be visible");
+ Assert.equal(expectedStyleSheetURLs.length, 0,
+ "No stylesheets that were expected are missing");
+ return result;
+ });
+function* close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(browser, closingFn, closingButton, acceptCount, options) {
+ let dialogclosingPromise = ContentTask.spawn(browser, {closingButton, acceptCount}, function*(expectations) {
+ let win = content.window;
+ let subdialog = win.gSubDialog;
+ let frame = subdialog._frame;
+ info("waiting for dialogclosing");
+ let closingEvent =
+ yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(frame.contentWindow, "dialogclosing");
+ let closingButton = closingEvent.detail.button;
+ let actualAcceptCount = frame.contentWindow.arguments &&
+ frame.contentWindow.arguments[0].acceptCount;
+ info("waiting for about:blank load");
+ yield ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(frame, "load");
+ Assert.notEqual(win.getComputedStyle(subdialog._overlay, "").visibility, "visible",
+ "overlay is not visible");
+ Assert.equal(frame.getAttribute("style"), "", "inline styles should be cleared");
+ Assert.equal(frame.contentWindow.location.href.toString(), "about:blank",
+ "sub-dialog should be unloaded");
+ Assert.equal(closingButton, expectations.closingButton,
+ "closing event should indicate button was '" + expectations.closingButton + "'");
+ Assert.equal(actualAcceptCount, expectations.acceptCount,
+ "should be 1 if accepted, 0 if canceled, undefined if closed w/out button");
+ });
+ if (options && options.runClosingFnOutsideOfContentTask) {
+ yield closingFn();
+ } else {
+ ContentTask.spawn(browser, null, closingFn);
+ }
+ yield dialogclosingPromise;
+let tab;
+add_task(function* test_initialize() {
+ tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "about:preferences");
+add_task(function* check_titlebar_focus_returnval_titlechanges_accepting() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ let domtitlechangedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(tab.linkedBrowser, "DOMTitleChanged");
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function*() {
+ let dialog = content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow;
+ let dialogTitleElement = content.document.getElementById("dialogTitle");
+ Assert.equal(dialogTitleElement.textContent, "Sample sub-dialog",
+ "Title should be correct initially");
+ Assert.equal(dialog.document.activeElement.value, "Default text",
+ "Textbox with correct text is focused");
+ dialog.document.title = "Updated title";
+ });
+ info("waiting for DOMTitleChanged event");
+ yield domtitlechangedPromise;
+ ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function*() {
+ let dialogTitleElement = content.document.getElementById("dialogTitle");
+ Assert.equal(dialogTitleElement.textContent, "Updated title",
+ "subdialog should have updated title");
+ });
+ // Accept the dialog
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentDocument.documentElement.acceptDialog(); },
+ "accept", 1);
+add_task(function* check_canceling_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentDocument.documentElement.cancelDialog(); },
+ "cancel", 0);
+add_task(function* check_reopening_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("opening another dialog which will close the first");
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser, "", gDialogURL2);
+ info("closing as normal");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentDocument.documentElement.acceptDialog(); },
+ "accept", 1);
+add_task(function* check_opening_while_closing() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("closing");
+ content.window.gSubDialog.close();
+ info("reopening immediately after calling .close()");
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentDocument.documentElement.acceptDialog(); },
+ "accept", 1);
+add_task(function* window_close_on_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow.window.close(); },
+ null, 0);
+add_task(function* click_close_button_on_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { return BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter("#dialogClose", {}, tab.linkedBrowser); },
+ null, 0, {runClosingFnOutsideOfContentTask: true});
+add_task(function* back_navigation_on_subdialog_should_close_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.goBack(); },
+ null, undefined);
+add_task(function* back_navigation_on_browser_tab_should_close_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { tab.linkedBrowser.goBack(); },
+ null, undefined, {runClosingFnOutsideOfContentTask: true});
+add_task(function* escape_should_close_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ info("canceling the dialog");
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { return BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}, tab.linkedBrowser); },
+ "cancel", 0, {runClosingFnOutsideOfContentTask: true});
+add_task(function* correct_width_and_height_should_be_used_for_dialog() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function*() {
+ let frameStyle =;
+ Assert.equal(frameStyle.width, "32em",
+ "Width should be set on the frame from the dialog");
+ Assert.equal(frameStyle.height, "5em",
+ "Height should be set on the frame from the dialog");
+ });
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow.window.close(); },
+ null, 0);
+add_task(function* wrapped_text_in_dialog_should_have_expected_scrollHeight() {
+ let oldHeight = yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser, function domcontentloadedFn() {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ let doc = frame.contentDocument;
+ let oldHeight = doc.documentElement.scrollHeight;
+ doc.getElementById("desc").textContent = `
+ Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque
+ laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi
+ architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas
+ sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione
+ laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi
+ architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas
+ sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione
+ laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi
+ architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas
+ sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione
+ voluptatem sequi nesciunt.`
+ return oldHeight;
+ });
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, oldHeight, function*(oldHeight) {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ let docEl = frame.contentDocument.documentElement;
+ Assert.equal(, "32em",
+ "Width should be set on the frame from the dialog");
+ Assert.ok(docEl.scrollHeight > oldHeight,
+ "Content height increased (from " + oldHeight + " to " + docEl.scrollHeight + ").");
+ Assert.equal(, docEl.scrollHeight + "px",
+ "Height on the frame should be higher now");
+ });
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow.window.close(); },
+ null, 0);
+add_task(function* dialog_too_tall_should_get_reduced_in_height() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser, function domcontentloadedFn() {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ = '100000px';
+ });
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function*() {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ Assert.equal(, "32em", "Width should be set on the frame from the dialog");
+ Assert.ok(parseInt(, 10) < content.window.innerHeight,
+ "Height on the frame should be smaller than window's innerHeight");
+ });
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow.window.close(); },
+ null, 0);
+add_task(function* scrollWidth_and_scrollHeight_from_subdialog_should_size_the_browser() {
+ yield open_subdialog_and_test_generic_start_state(tab.linkedBrowser, function domcontentloadedFn() {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ });
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function*() {
+ let frame = content.window.gSubDialog._frame;
+ Assert.ok("px"),
+ "Width (" + + ") should be set to a px value of the scrollWidth from the dialog");
+ Assert.ok("px"),
+ "Height (" + + ") should be set to a px value of the scrollHeight from the dialog");
+ });
+ yield close_subdialog_and_test_generic_end_state(tab.linkedBrowser,
+ function() { content.window.gSubDialog._frame.contentWindow.window.close(); },
+ null, 0);
+add_task(function* test_shutdown() {
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);