path: root/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_cache.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_cache.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_cache.js b/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_cache.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f3a8f58..000000000
--- a/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/browser_cache.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
- * Bug 1264577 - A test case for testing caches of various submodules.
- * This test case will load two pages that each page loads various resources
- * within the same third party domain for the same originAttributes or different
- * originAttributes. And then, it verifies the number of cache entries and
- * the originAttributes of loading channels. If these two pages belong to
- * the same originAttributes, the number of cache entries for a certain
- * resource would be one. Otherwise, it would be two.
- */
-const { classes: Cc, Constructor: CC, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-let {LoadContextInfo} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm", {});
-let protocolProxyService = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIProtocolProxyService);
-const TEST_DOMAIN = "";
-const TEST_PATH = "/browser/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/";
-const TEST_PAGE = TEST_DOMAIN + TEST_PATH + "file_cache.html";
-let suffixes = ["iframe.html", "link.css", "script.js", "img.png", "object.png",
- "embed.png", "xhr.html", "worker.xhr.html", "audio.ogg",
- "video.ogv", "track.vtt",
- "fetch.html", "worker.fetch.html",
- "request.html", "worker.request.html",
- "import.js", "worker.js", "sharedworker.js"];
-// A random value for isolating video/audio elements across different tests.
-let randomSuffix;
-function clearAllImageCaches() {
- let tools = SpecialPowers.Cc[";1"]
- .getService(SpecialPowers.Ci.imgITools);
- let imageCache = tools.getImgCacheForDocument(window.document);
- imageCache.clearCache(true); // true=chrome
- imageCache.clearCache(false); // false=content
-function cacheDataForContext(loadContextInfo) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let cacheEntries = [];
- let cacheVisitor = {
- onCacheStorageInfo(num, consumption) {},
- onCacheEntryInfo(uri, idEnhance) {
- cacheEntries.push({ uri: uri,
- idEnhance: idEnhance });
- },
- onCacheEntryVisitCompleted() {
- resolve(cacheEntries);
- },
- QueryInterface(iid) {
- if (iid.equals(Ci.nsICacheStorageVisitor))
- return this;
- throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
- }
- };
- // Visiting the disk cache also visits memory storage so we do not
- // need to use Services.cache2.memoryCacheStorage() here.
- let storage = Services.cache2.diskCacheStorage(loadContextInfo, false);
- storage.asyncVisitStorage(cacheVisitor, true);
- });
-let countMatchingCacheEntries = function (cacheEntries, domain, fileSuffix) {
- return => entry.uri.asciiSpec)
- .filter(spec => spec.includes(domain))
- .filter(spec => spec.includes("file_thirdPartyChild." + fileSuffix))
- .length;
-function observeChannels(onChannel) {
- // We use a dummy proxy filter to catch all channels, even those that do not
- // generate an "http-on-modify-request" notification, such as link preconnects.
- let proxyFilter = {
- applyFilter : function (aProxyService, aChannel, aProxy) {
- // We have the channel; provide it to the callback.
- onChannel(aChannel);
- // Pass on aProxy unmodified.
- return aProxy;
- }
- };
- protocolProxyService.registerChannelFilter(proxyFilter, 0);
- // Return the stop() function:
- return () => protocolProxyService.unregisterChannelFilter(proxyFilter);
-function startObservingChannels(aMode) {
- let stopObservingChannels = observeChannels(function (channel) {
- let originalURISpec = channel.originalURI.spec;
- if (originalURISpec.includes("")) {
- let loadInfo = channel.loadInfo;
- switch (aMode) {
- ok(loadInfo.originAttributes.firstPartyDomain === "" ||
- loadInfo.originAttributes.firstPartyDomain === "",
- "first party for " + originalURISpec + " is " + loadInfo.originAttributes.firstPartyDomain);
- break;
- ok(ChromeUtils.isOriginAttributesEqual(loadInfo.originAttributes, ChromeUtils.fillNonDefaultOriginAttributes()),
- "OriginAttributes for " + originalURISpec + " is default.");
- break;
- ok(loadInfo.originAttributes.userContextId === 1 ||
- loadInfo.originAttributes.userContextId === 2,
- "userContextId for " + originalURISpec + " is " + loadInfo.originAttributes.userContextId);
- break;
- default:
- ok(false, "Unknown test mode.");
- }
- }
- });
- return stopObservingChannels;
-let stopObservingChannels;
-// The init function, which clears image and network caches, and generates
-// the random value for isolating video and audio elements across different
-// test runs.
-function* doInit(aMode) {
- yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [["network.predictor.enabled", false],
- ["network.predictor.enable-prefetch", false]]});
- clearAllImageCaches();
- let networkCache = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsICacheStorageService);
- networkCache.clear();
- randomSuffix = Math.random();
- stopObservingChannels = startObservingChannels(aMode);
-// In the test function, we dynamically generate the video and audio element,
-// and assign a random suffix to their URL to isolate them across different
-// test runs.
-function* doTest(aBrowser) {
- let argObj = {
- randomSuffix: randomSuffix,
- };
- yield ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, argObj, function* (arg) {
- let videoURL = arg.urlPrefix + "";
- let audioURL = arg.urlPrefix + "";
- let trackURL = arg.urlPrefix + "file_thirdPartyChild.track.vtt";
- let URLSuffix = "?r=" + arg.randomSuffix;
- // Create the audio and video elements.
- let audio = content.document.createElement('audio');
- let video = content.document.createElement('video');
- let audioSource = content.document.createElement('source');
- let audioTrack = content.document.createElement('track');
- // Append the audio and track element into the body, and wait until they're finished.
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- let audioLoaded = false;
- let trackLoaded = false;
- let audioListener = () => {
- audio.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", audioListener);
- audioLoaded = true;
- if (audioLoaded && trackLoaded) {
- resolve();
- }
- };
- let trackListener = () => {
- audioTrack.removeEventListener("load", trackListener);
- trackLoaded = true;
- if (audioLoaded && trackLoaded) {
- resolve();
- }
- };
- // Add the event listeners before everything in case we lose events.
- audioTrack.addEventListener("load", trackListener, false);
- audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", audioListener, false);
- // Assign attributes for the audio element.
- audioSource.setAttribute("src", audioURL + URLSuffix);
- audioSource.setAttribute("type", "audio/ogg");
- audioTrack.setAttribute("src", trackURL);
- audioTrack.setAttribute("kind", "subtitles");
- audio.appendChild(audioSource);
- audio.appendChild(audioTrack);
- audio.autoplay = true;
- content.document.body.appendChild(audio);
- });
- // Append the video element into the body, and wait until it's finished.
- yield new Promise(resolve => {
- let listener = () => {
- video.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", listener);
- resolve();
- };
- // Add the event listener before everything in case we lose the event.
- video.addEventListener("canplaythrough", listener, false);
- // Assign attributes for the video element.
- video.setAttribute("src", videoURL + URLSuffix);
- video.setAttribute("type", "video/ogg");
- content.document.body.appendChild(video);
- });
- });
- return 0;
-// The check function, which checks the number of cache entries.
-function* doCheck(aShouldIsolate, aInputA, aInputB) {
- let expectedEntryCount = 1;
- let data = [];
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.default));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.private));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(true, {})));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(false, { userContextId: 1 })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(true, { userContextId: 1 })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(false, { userContextId: 2 })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(true, { userContextId: 2 })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(false, { firstPartyDomain: "" })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(true, { firstPartyDomain: "" })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(false, { firstPartyDomain: "" })));
- data = data.concat(yield cacheDataForContext(LoadContextInfo.custom(true, { firstPartyDomain: "" })));
- if (aShouldIsolate) {
- expectedEntryCount = 2;
- }
- for (let suffix of suffixes) {
- let foundEntryCount = countMatchingCacheEntries(data, "", suffix);
- let result = (expectedEntryCount === foundEntryCount);
- ok(result, "Cache entries expected for " + suffix + ": " + expectedEntryCount +
- ", and found " + foundEntryCount);
- }
- stopObservingChannels();
- stopObservingChannels = undefined;
- return true;
-let testArgs = {
- url: TEST_PAGE,
- firstFrameSetting: DEFAULT_FRAME_SETTING,
- secondFrameSetting: [TEST_TYPE_FRAME],
-IsolationTestTools.runTests(testArgs, doTest, doCheck, doInit);