path: root/browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_browserAction_context.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_browserAction_context.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_browserAction_context.js b/browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_browserAction_context.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a26dbb3c..000000000
--- a/browser/components/extensions/test/browser/browser_ext_browserAction_context.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
-"use strict";
-function* runTests(options) {
- async function background(getTests) {
- async function checkDetails(expecting, tabId) {
- let title = await browser.browserAction.getTitle({tabId});
- browser.test.assertEq(expecting.title, title,
- "expected value from getTitle");
- let popup = await browser.browserAction.getPopup({tabId});
- browser.test.assertEq(expecting.popup, popup,
- "expected value from getPopup");
- let badge = await browser.browserAction.getBadgeText({tabId});
- browser.test.assertEq(expecting.badge, badge,
- "expected value from getBadge");
- let badgeBackgroundColor = await browser.browserAction.getBadgeBackgroundColor({tabId});
- browser.test.assertEq(String(expecting.badgeBackgroundColor),
- String(badgeBackgroundColor),
- "expected value from getBadgeBackgroundColor");
- }
- let expectDefaults = expecting => {
- return checkDetails(expecting);
- };
- let tabs = [];
- let tests = getTests(tabs, expectDefaults);
- {
- let tabId = 0xdeadbeef;
- let calls = [
- () => browser.browserAction.enable(tabId),
- () => browser.browserAction.disable(tabId),
- () => browser.browserAction.setTitle({tabId, title: "foo"}),
- () => browser.browserAction.setIcon({tabId, path: "foo.png"}),
- () => browser.browserAction.setPopup({tabId, popup: "foo.html"}),
- () => browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({tabId, text: "foo"}),
- () => browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({tabId, color: [0xff, 0, 0, 0xff]}),
- ];
- for (let call of calls) {
- await browser.test.assertRejects(
- new Promise(resolve => resolve(call())),
- RegExp(`Invalid tab ID: ${tabId}`),
- "Expected invalid tab ID error");
- }
- }
- // Runs the next test in the `tests` array, checks the results,
- // and passes control back to the outer test scope.
- function nextTest() {
- let test = tests.shift();
- test(async expecting => {
- // Check that the API returns the expected values, and then
- // run the next test.
- let tabs = await browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true});
- await checkDetails(expecting, tabs[0].id);
- // Check that the actual icon has the expected values, then
- // run the next test.
- browser.test.sendMessage("nextTest", expecting, tests.length);
- });
- }
- browser.test.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
- if (msg != "runNextTest") {
-"Expecting 'runNextTest' message");
- }
- nextTest();
- });
- browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, resultTabs => {
- tabs[0] = resultTabs[0].id;
- nextTest();
- });
- }
- let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
- manifest: options.manifest,
- files: options.files || {},
- background: `(${background})(${options.getTests})`,
- });
- let browserActionId;
- function checkDetails(details) {
- if (!browserActionId) {
- browserActionId = `${makeWidgetId(}-browser-action`;
- }
- let button = document.getElementById(browserActionId);
- ok(button, "button exists");
- let title = details.title ||;
- is(getListStyleImage(button), details.icon, "icon URL is correct");
- is(button.getAttribute("tooltiptext"), title, "image title is correct");
- is(button.getAttribute("label"), title, "image label is correct");
- is(button.getAttribute("badge"), details.badge, "badge text is correct");
- is(button.getAttribute("disabled") == "true", Boolean(details.disabled), "disabled state is correct");
- if (details.badge && details.badgeBackgroundColor) {
- let badge = button.ownerDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(
- button, "class", "toolbarbutton-badge");
- let badgeColor = window.getComputedStyle(badge).backgroundColor;
- let color = details.badgeBackgroundColor;
- let expectedColor = `rgb(${color[0]}, ${color[1]}, ${color[2]})`;
- is(badgeColor, expectedColor, "badge color is correct");
- }
- // TODO: Popup URL.
- }
- let awaitFinish = new Promise(resolve => {
- extension.onMessage("nextTest", (expecting, testsRemaining) => {
- checkDetails(expecting);
- if (testsRemaining) {
- extension.sendMessage("runNextTest");
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- });
- });
- yield extension.startup();
- yield awaitFinish;
- yield extension.unload();
-add_task(function* testTabSwitchContext() {
- yield runTests({
- manifest: {
- "browser_action": {
- "default_icon": "default.png",
- "default_popup": "__MSG_popup__",
- "default_title": "Default __MSG_title__",
- },
- "default_locale": "en",
- "permissions": ["tabs"],
- },
- "files": {
- "_locales/en/messages.json": {
- "popup": {
- "message": "default.html",
- "description": "Popup",
- },
- "title": {
- "message": "Title",
- "description": "Title",
- },
- },
- "default.png": imageBuffer,
- "default-2.png": imageBuffer,
- "1.png": imageBuffer,
- "2.png": imageBuffer,
- },
- getTests(tabs, expectDefaults) {
- const DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR = [0xd9, 0, 0, 255];
- let details = [
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("default.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("default.html"),
- "title": "Default Title",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR},
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("1.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("default.html"),
- "title": "Default Title",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR},
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("2.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("2.html"),
- "title": "Title 2",
- "badge": "2",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": [0xff, 0, 0, 0xff],
- "disabled": true},
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("1.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("default-2.html"),
- "title": "Default Title 2",
- "badge": "d2",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": [0, 0xff, 0, 0xff],
- "disabled": true},
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("1.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("default-2.html"),
- "title": "Default Title 2",
- "badge": "d2",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": [0, 0xff, 0, 0xff],
- "disabled": false},
- {"icon": browser.runtime.getURL("default-2.png"),
- "popup": browser.runtime.getURL("default-2.html"),
- "title": "Default Title 2",
- "badge": "d2",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": [0, 0xff, 0, 0xff]},
- ];
- return [
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Initial state, expect default properties.");
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[0]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Change the icon in the current tab. Expect default properties excluding the icon.");
- browser.browserAction.setIcon({tabId: tabs[0], path: "1.png"});
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[1]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Create a new tab. Expect default properties.");
- let tab = await browser.tabs.create({active: true, url: "about:blank?0"});
- tabs.push(;
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[0]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Change properties. Expect new properties.");
- let tabId = tabs[1];
- browser.browserAction.setIcon({tabId, path: "2.png"});
- browser.browserAction.setPopup({tabId, popup: "2.html"});
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({tabId, title: "Title 2"});
- browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({tabId, text: "2"});
- browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({tabId, color: "#ff0000"});
- browser.browserAction.disable(tabId);
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[2]);
- },
- expect => {
- browser.test.log("Navigate to a new page. Expect no changes.");
- // TODO: This listener should not be necessary, but the |tabs.update|
- // callback currently fires too early in e10s windows.
- browser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function listener(tabId, changed) {
- if (tabId == tabs[1] && changed.url) {
- browser.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(listener);
- expect(details[2]);
- }
- });
- browser.tabs.update(tabs[1], {url: "about:blank?1"});
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Switch back to the first tab. Expect previously set properties.");
- await browser.tabs.update(tabs[0], {active: true});
- expect(details[1]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Change default values, expect those changes reflected.");
- browser.browserAction.setIcon({path: "default-2.png"});
- browser.browserAction.setPopup({popup: "default-2.html"});
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({title: "Default Title 2"});
- browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "d2"});
- browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: [0, 0xff, 0, 0xff]});
- browser.browserAction.disable();
- await expectDefaults(details[3]);
- expect(details[3]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Re-enable by default. Expect enabled.");
- browser.browserAction.enable();
- await expectDefaults(details[4]);
- expect(details[4]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Switch back to tab 2. Expect former value, unaffected by changes to defaults in previous step.");
- await browser.tabs.update(tabs[1], {active: true});
- await expectDefaults(details[3]);
- expect(details[2]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Delete tab, switch back to tab 1. Expect previous results again.");
- await browser.tabs.remove(tabs[1]);
- expect(details[4]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Create a new tab. Expect new default properties.");
- let tab = await browser.tabs.create({active: true, url: "about:blank?2"});
- tabs.push(;
- expect(details[5]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Delete tab.");
- await browser.tabs.remove(tabs[2]);
- expect(details[4]);
- },
- ];
- },
- });
-add_task(function* testDefaultTitle() {
- yield runTests({
- manifest: {
- "name": "Foo Extension",
- "browser_action": {
- "default_icon": "icon.png",
- },
- "permissions": ["tabs"],
- },
- files: {
- "icon.png": imageBuffer,
- },
- getTests(tabs, expectDefaults) {
- const DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR = [0xd9, 0, 0, 255];
- let details = [
- {"title": "Foo Extension",
- "popup": "",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR,
- "icon": browser.runtime.getURL("icon.png")},
- {"title": "Foo Title",
- "popup": "",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR,
- "icon": browser.runtime.getURL("icon.png")},
- {"title": "Bar Title",
- "popup": "",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR,
- "icon": browser.runtime.getURL("icon.png")},
- {"title": "",
- "popup": "",
- "badge": "",
- "badgeBackgroundColor": DEFAULT_BADGE_COLOR,
- "icon": browser.runtime.getURL("icon.png")},
- ];
- return [
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Initial state. Expect extension title as default title.");
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[0]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Change the title. Expect new title.");
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({tabId: tabs[0], title: "Foo Title"});
- await expectDefaults(details[0]);
- expect(details[1]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Change the default. Expect same properties.");
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({title: "Bar Title"});
- await expectDefaults(details[2]);
- expect(details[1]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Clear the title. Expect new default title.");
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({tabId: tabs[0], title: ""});
- await expectDefaults(details[2]);
- expect(details[2]);
- },
- async expect => {
- browser.test.log("Set default title to null string. Expect null string from API, extension title in UI.");
- browser.browserAction.setTitle({title: ""});
- await expectDefaults(details[3]);
- expect(details[3]);
- },
- ];
- },
- });