path: root/browser/base/content/test/newtab/browser_newtab_enhanced.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/test/newtab/browser_newtab_enhanced.js')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/newtab/browser_newtab_enhanced.js b/browser/base/content/test/newtab/browser_newtab_enhanced.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ac07ce55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/base/content/test/newtab/browser_newtab_enhanced.js
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+const PRELOAD_PREF = "browser.newtab.preload";
+var suggestedLink = {
+ url: "",
+ imageURI: "",
+ title: "title2",
+ type: "affiliate",
+ adgroup_name: "Technology",
+ frecent_sites: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
+gDirectorySource = "data:application/json," + JSON.stringify({
+ "enhanced": [{
+ url: "",
+ enhancedImageURI: "",
+ title: "title",
+ type: "organic",
+ }],
+ "directory": [{
+ url: "",
+ enhancedImageURI: "",
+ title: "title1",
+ type: "organic"
+ }],
+ "suggested": [suggestedLink]
+add_task(function* () {
+ let origEnhanced = NewTabUtils.allPages.enhanced;
+ registerCleanupFunction(() => {
+ NewTabUtils.allPages.enhanced = origEnhanced;
+ });
+ yield pushPrefs([PRELOAD_PREF, false]);
+ function getData(cellNum) {
+ return performOnCell(cellNum, cell => {
+ if (!
+ return null;
+ let siteNode =;
+ return {
+ type: siteNode.getAttribute("type"),
+ enhanced: siteNode.querySelector(".enhanced-content").style.backgroundImage,
+ title: siteNode.querySelector(".newtab-title").textContent,
+ suggested: siteNode.querySelector(".newtab-suggested").innerHTML
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ // Make the page have a directory link, enhanced link, and history link
+ yield setLinks("-1");
+ // Test with enhanced = false
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ yield customizeNewTabPage("classic");
+ yield customizeNewTabPage("enhanced"); // Toggle enhanced off
+ let {type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0);
+ isnot(type, "enhanced", "history link is not enhanced");
+ is(enhanced, "", "history link has no enhanced image");
+ is(title, "");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ let data = yield getData(1);
+ is(data, null, "there is only one link and it's a history link");
+ // Test with enhanced = true
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ yield customizeNewTabPage("enhanced"); // Toggle enhanced on
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ is(type, "organic", "directory link is organic");
+ isnot(enhanced, "", "directory link has enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title1");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(1));
+ is(type, "enhanced", "history link is enhanced");
+ isnot(enhanced, "", "history link has enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ data = yield getData(2);
+ is(data, null, "there are only 2 links, directory and enhanced history");
+ // Test with a pinned link
+ setPinnedLinks("-1");
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ is(type, "enhanced", "pinned history link is enhanced");
+ isnot(enhanced, "", "pinned history link has enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(1));
+ is(type, "organic", "directory link is organic");
+ isnot(enhanced, "", "directory link has enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title1");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ data = yield getData(2);
+ is(data, null, "directory link pushed out by pinned history link");
+ // Test pinned link with enhanced = false
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ yield customizeNewTabPage("enhanced"); // Toggle enhanced off
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ isnot(type, "enhanced", "history link is not enhanced");
+ is(enhanced, "", "history link has no enhanced image");
+ is(title, "");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ data = yield getData(1);
+ is(data, null, "directory link still pushed out by pinned history link");
+ yield unpinCell(0);
+ // Test that a suggested tile is not enhanced by a directory tile
+ NewTabUtils.isTopPlacesSite = () => true;
+ yield setLinks("-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8");
+ // Test with enhanced = false
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ isnot(type, "enhanced", "history link is not enhanced");
+ is(enhanced, "", "history link has no enhanced image");
+ is(title, "");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ data = yield getData(7);
+ isnot(data, null, "there are 8 history links");
+ data = yield getData(8);
+ is(data, null, "there are 8 history links");
+ // Test with enhanced = true
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ yield customizeNewTabPage("enhanced");
+ // Suggested link was not enhanced by directory link with same domain
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ is(type, "affiliate", "suggested link is affiliate");
+ is(enhanced, "", "suggested link has no enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title2");
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Suggested for <strong> Technology </strong> visitors") > -1, "Suggested for 'Technology'");
+ // Enhanced history link shows up second
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(1));
+ is(type, "enhanced", "pinned history link is enhanced");
+ isnot(enhanced, "", "pinned history link has enhanced image");
+ is(title, "title");
+ is(suggested, "", "There is no suggested explanation");
+ data = yield getData(9);
+ is(data, null, "there is a suggested link followed by an enhanced history link and the remaining history links");
+ // Test no override category/adgroup name.
+ let linksChangedPromise = watchLinksChangeOnce();
+ "data:application/json," + JSON.stringify({"suggested": [suggestedLink]})]);
+ yield linksChangedPromise;
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ Cu.reportError("SUGGEST " + suggested);
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Suggested for <strong> Technology </strong> visitors") > -1, "Suggested for 'Technology'");
+ // Test server provided explanation string.
+ suggestedLink.explanation = "Suggested for %1$S enthusiasts who visit sites like %2$S";
+ linksChangedPromise = watchLinksChangeOnce();
+ "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"suggested": [suggestedLink]}))]);
+ yield linksChangedPromise;
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ Cu.reportError("SUGGEST " + suggested);
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Suggested for <strong> Technology </strong> enthusiasts who visit sites like <strong> </strong>") > -1, "Suggested for 'Technology' enthusiasts");
+ // Test server provided explanation string with category override.
+ suggestedLink.adgroup_name = "webdev education";
+ linksChangedPromise = watchLinksChangeOnce();
+ "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"suggested": [suggestedLink]}))]);
+ yield linksChangedPromise;
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ Cu.reportError("SUGGEST " + suggested);
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Suggested for <strong> webdev education </strong> enthusiasts who visit sites like <strong> </strong>") > -1, "Suggested for 'webdev education' enthusiasts");
+ // Test with xml entities in category name
+ suggestedLink.url = "";
+ suggestedLink.adgroup_name = ">angles< & \"quotes\'";
+ linksChangedPromise = watchLinksChangeOnce();
+ "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"suggested": [suggestedLink]}))]);
+ yield linksChangedPromise;
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ Cu.reportError("SUGGEST " + suggested);
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Suggested for <strong> &gt;angles&lt; &amp; \"quotes\' </strong> enthusiasts who visit sites like <strong> </strong>") > -1, "Suggested for 'xml entities' enthusiasts");
+ // Test with xml entities in explanation.
+ suggestedLink.explanation = "Testing junk explanation &<>\"'";
+ linksChangedPromise = watchLinksChangeOnce();
+ "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({"suggested": [suggestedLink]}))]);
+ yield linksChangedPromise;
+ yield* addNewTabPageTab();
+ ({type, enhanced, title, suggested} = yield getData(0));
+ Cu.reportError("SUGGEST " + suggested);
+ ok(suggested.indexOf("Testing junk explanation &amp;&lt;&gt;\"'") > -1, "Junk test");