path: root/browser/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js b/browser/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50f3e01cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/base/content/abouthome/aboutHome.js
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+/* import-globals-from ../contentSearchUI.js */
+// The process of adding a new default snippet involves:
+// * add a new entity to aboutHome.dtd
+// * add a <span/> for it in aboutHome.xhtml
+// * add an entry here in the proper ordering (based on spans)
+// The <a/> part of the snippet will be linked to the corresponding url.
+ ""
+, ""
+const SNIPPETS_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 14400000; // 4 hours.
+// IndexedDB storage constants.
+const DATABASE_NAME = "abouthome";
+const DATABASE_STORAGE = "persistent";
+const SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME = "snippets";
+var searchText;
+// This global tracks if the page has been set up before, to prevent double inits
+var gInitialized = false;
+var gObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
+ for (let mutation of mutations) {
+ // The addition of the restore session button changes our width:
+ if (mutation.attributeName == "session") {
+ fitToWidth();
+ }
+ if (mutation.attributeName == "snippetsVersion") {
+ if (!gInitialized) {
+ ensureSnippetsMapThen(loadSnippets);
+ gInitialized = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+window.addEventListener("pageshow", function () {
+ // Delay search engine setup, cause browser.js::BrowserOnAboutPageLoad runs
+ // later and may use asynchronous getters.
+ window.gObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { attributes: true });
+ window.gObserver.observe(document.getElementById("launcher"), { attributes: true });
+ fitToWidth();
+ setupSearch();
+ window.addEventListener("resize", fitToWidth);
+ // Ask chrome to update snippets.
+ var event = new CustomEvent("AboutHomeLoad", {bubbles:true});
+ document.dispatchEvent(event);
+window.addEventListener("pagehide", function() {
+ window.gObserver.disconnect();
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", fitToWidth);
+window.addEventListener("keypress", ev => {
+ if (ev.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // don't focus the search-box on keypress if something other than the
+ // body or document element has focus - don't want to steal input from other elements
+ // Make an exception for <a> and <button> elements (and input[type=button|submit])
+ // which don't usefully take keypresses anyway.
+ // (except space, which is handled below)
+ if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement != document.body &&
+ document.activeElement != document.documentElement &&
+ !["a", "button"].includes(document.activeElement.localName) &&
+ !document.activeElement.matches("input:-moz-any([type=button],[type=submit])")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let modifiers = ev.ctrlKey + ev.altKey + ev.metaKey;
+ // ignore Ctrl/Cmd/Alt, but not Shift
+ // also ignore Tab, Insert, PageUp, etc., and Space
+ if (modifiers != 0 || ev.charCode == 0 || ev.charCode == 32)
+ return;
+ searchText.focus();
+ // need to send the first keypress outside the search-box manually to it
+ searchText.value += ev.key;
+// This object has the same interface as Map and is used to store and retrieve
+// the snippets data. It is lazily initialized by ensureSnippetsMapThen(), so
+// be sure its callback returned before trying to use it.
+var gSnippetsMap;
+var gSnippetsMapCallbacks = [];
+ * Ensure the snippets map is properly initialized.
+ *
+ * @param aCallback
+ * Invoked once the map has been initialized, gets the map as argument.
+ * @note Snippets should never directly manage the underlying storage, since
+ * it may change inadvertently.
+ */
+function ensureSnippetsMapThen(aCallback)
+ if (gSnippetsMap) {
+ aCallback(gSnippetsMap);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle multiple requests during the async initialization.
+ gSnippetsMapCallbacks.push(aCallback);
+ if (gSnippetsMapCallbacks.length > 1) {
+ // We are already updating, the callbacks will be invoked when done.
+ return;
+ }
+ let invokeCallbacks = function () {
+ if (!gSnippetsMap) {
+ gSnippetsMap = Object.freeze(new Map());
+ }
+ for (let callback of gSnippetsMapCallbacks) {
+ callback(gSnippetsMap);
+ }
+ gSnippetsMapCallbacks.length = 0;
+ }
+ let openRequest =, {version: DATABASE_VERSION,
+ storage: DATABASE_STORAGE});
+ openRequest.onerror = function (event) {
+ // Try to delete the old database so that we can start this process over
+ // next time.
+ indexedDB.deleteDatabase(DATABASE_NAME);
+ invokeCallbacks();
+ };
+ openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
+ let db =;
+ if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME)) {
+ db.createObjectStore(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME);
+ }
+ }
+ openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
+ let db =;
+ db.onerror = function (event) {
+ invokeCallbacks();
+ }
+ db.onversionchange = function (event) {
+ invokeCallbacks();
+ }
+ let cache = new Map();
+ let cursorRequest;
+ try {
+ cursorRequest = db.transaction(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME)
+ .objectStore(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME).openCursor();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.error(ex);
+ invokeCallbacks();
+ return;
+ }
+ cursorRequest.onerror = function (event) {
+ invokeCallbacks();
+ }
+ cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {
+ let cursor =;
+ // Populate the cache from the persistent storage.
+ if (cursor) {
+ cache.set(cursor.key, cursor.value);
+ cursor.continue();
+ return;
+ }
+ // The cache has been filled up, create the snippets map.
+ gSnippetsMap = Object.freeze({
+ get: (aKey) => cache.get(aKey),
+ set: function (aKey, aValue) {
+ db.transaction(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, "readwrite")
+ .objectStore(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME).put(aValue, aKey);
+ return cache.set(aKey, aValue);
+ },
+ has: (aKey) => cache.has(aKey),
+ delete: function (aKey) {
+ db.transaction(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, "readwrite")
+ .objectStore(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME).delete(aKey);
+ return cache.delete(aKey);
+ },
+ clear: function () {
+ db.transaction(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, "readwrite")
+ .objectStore(SNIPPETS_OBJECTSTORE_NAME).clear();
+ return cache.clear();
+ },
+ get size() { return cache.size; },
+ });
+ setTimeout(invokeCallbacks, 0);
+ }
+ }
+function onSearchSubmit(aEvent)
+var gContentSearchController;
+function setupSearch()
+ // Set submit button label for when CSS background are disabled (e.g.
+ // high contrast mode).
+ document.getElementById("searchSubmit").value =
+ document.body.getAttribute("dir") == "ltr" ? "\u25B6" : "\u25C0";
+ // The "autofocus" attribute doesn't focus the form element
+ // immediately when the element is first drawn, so the
+ // attribute is also used for styling when the page first loads.
+ searchText = document.getElementById("searchText");
+ searchText.addEventListener("blur", function searchText_onBlur() {
+ searchText.removeEventListener("blur", searchText_onBlur);
+ searchText.removeAttribute("autofocus");
+ });
+ if (!gContentSearchController) {
+ gContentSearchController =
+ new ContentSearchUIController(searchText, searchText.parentNode,
+ "abouthome", "homepage");
+ }
+ * Inform the test harness that we're done loading the page.
+ */
+function loadCompleted()
+ var event = new CustomEvent("AboutHomeLoadSnippetsCompleted", {bubbles:true});
+ document.dispatchEvent(event);
+ * Update the local snippets from the remote storage, then show them through
+ * showSnippets.
+ */
+function loadSnippets()
+ if (!gSnippetsMap)
+ throw new Error("Snippets map has not properly been initialized");
+ // Allow tests to modify the snippets map before using it.
+ var event = new CustomEvent("AboutHomeLoadSnippets", {bubbles:true});
+ document.dispatchEvent(event);
+ // Check cached snippets version.
+ let cachedVersion = gSnippetsMap.get("snippets-cached-version") || 0;
+ let currentVersion = document.documentElement.getAttribute("snippetsVersion");
+ if (cachedVersion < currentVersion) {
+ // The cached snippets are old and unsupported, restart from scratch.
+ gSnippetsMap.clear();
+ }
+ // Check last snippets update.
+ let lastUpdate = gSnippetsMap.get("snippets-last-update");
+ let updateURL = document.documentElement.getAttribute("snippetsURL");
+ let shouldUpdate = !lastUpdate ||
+ if (updateURL && shouldUpdate) {
+ // Try to update from network.
+ let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.timeout = 5000;
+ // Even if fetching should fail we don't want to spam the server, thus
+ // set the last update time regardless its results. Will retry tomorrow.
+ gSnippetsMap.set("snippets-last-update",;
+ xhr.onloadend = function (event) {
+ if (xhr.status == 200) {
+ gSnippetsMap.set("snippets", xhr.responseText);
+ gSnippetsMap.set("snippets-cached-version", currentVersion);
+ }
+ showSnippets();
+ loadCompleted();
+ };
+ try {
+"GET", updateURL, true);
+ xhr.send(null);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ showSnippets();
+ loadCompleted();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ showSnippets();
+ loadCompleted();
+ }
+ * Shows locally cached remote snippets, or default ones when not available.
+ *
+ * @note: snippets should never invoke showSnippets(), or they may cause
+ * a "too much recursion" exception.
+ */
+var _snippetsShown = false;
+function showSnippets()
+ let snippetsElt = document.getElementById("snippets");
+ // Show about:rights notification, if needed.
+ let showRights = document.documentElement.getAttribute("showKnowYourRights");
+ if (showRights) {
+ let rightsElt = document.getElementById("rightsSnippet");
+ let anchor = rightsElt.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
+ anchor.href = "about:rights";
+ snippetsElt.appendChild(rightsElt);
+ rightsElt.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!gSnippetsMap)
+ throw new Error("Snippets map has not properly been initialized");
+ if (_snippetsShown) {
+ // There's something wrong with the remote snippets, just in case fall back
+ // to the default snippets.
+ showDefaultSnippets();
+ throw new Error("showSnippets should never be invoked multiple times");
+ }
+ _snippetsShown = true;
+ let snippets = gSnippetsMap.get("snippets");
+ // If there are remotely fetched snippets, try to to show them.
+ if (snippets) {
+ // Injecting snippets can throw if they're invalid XML.
+ try {
+ snippetsElt.innerHTML = snippets;
+ // Scripts injected by innerHTML are inactive, so we have to relocate them
+ // through DOM manipulation to activate their contents.
+ Array.forEach(snippetsElt.getElementsByTagName("script"), function(elt) {
+ let relocatedScript = document.createElement("script");
+ relocatedScript.type = "text/javascript;version=1.8";
+ relocatedScript.text = elt.text;
+ elt.parentNode.replaceChild(relocatedScript, elt);
+ });
+ return;
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Bad content, continue to show default snippets.
+ }
+ }
+ showDefaultSnippets();
+ * Clear snippets element contents and show default snippets.
+ */
+function showDefaultSnippets()
+ // Clear eventual contents...
+ let snippetsElt = document.getElementById("snippets");
+ snippetsElt.innerHTML = "";
+ // ...then show default snippets.
+ let defaultSnippetsElt = document.getElementById("defaultSnippets");
+ let entries = defaultSnippetsElt.querySelectorAll("span");
+ // Choose a random snippet. Assume there is always at least one.
+ let randIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * entries.length);
+ let entry = entries[randIndex];
+ // Inject url in the eventual link.
+ if (DEFAULT_SNIPPETS_URLS[randIndex]) {
+ let links = entry.getElementsByTagName("a");
+ // Default snippets can have only one link, otherwise something is messed
+ // up in the translation.
+ if (links.length == 1) {
+ links[0].href = DEFAULT_SNIPPETS_URLS[randIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ // Move the default snippet to the snippets element.
+ snippetsElt.appendChild(entry);
+function fitToWidth() {
+ if (document.documentElement.scrollWidth > window.innerWidth) {
+ document.body.setAttribute("narrow", "true");
+ } else if (document.body.hasAttribute("narrow")) {
+ document.body.removeAttribute("narrow");
+ fitToWidth();
+ }