path: root/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm b/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3d5843fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/b2g/components/SystemAppProxy.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- /
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 autoindent cindent expandtab: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+'use strict';
+const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
+this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['SystemAppProxy'];
+const kMainSystemAppId = 'main';
+var SystemAppProxy = {
+ _frameInfoMap: new Map(),
+ _pendingLoadedEvents: [],
+ _pendingReadyEvents: [],
+ _pendingListeners: [],
+ // To call when a main system app iframe is created
+ // Only used for main system app.
+ registerFrame: function systemApp_registerFrame(frame) {
+ this.registerFrameWithId(kMainSystemAppId, frame);
+ },
+ // To call when a new system(-remote) app iframe is created with ID
+ registerFrameWithId: function systemApp_registerFrameWithId(frameId,
+ frame) {
+ // - Frame ID of main system app is predefined as 'main'.
+ // - Frame ID of system-remote app is defined themselves.
+ //
+ // frameInfo = {
+ // isReady: ...,
+ // isLoaded: ...,
+ // frame: ...
+ // }
+ let frameInfo = { frameId: frameId,
+ isReady: false,
+ isLoaded: false,
+ frame: frame };
+ this._frameInfoMap.set(frameId, frameInfo);
+ // Register all DOM event listeners added before we got a ref to
+ // this system app iframe.
+ this._pendingListeners
+ .forEach(args => {
+ if (args[0] === frameInfo.frameId) {
+ this.addEventListenerWithId.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ });
+ // Removed registered event listeners.
+ this._pendingListeners =
+ this._pendingListeners
+ .filter(args => { return args[0] != frameInfo.frameId; });
+ },
+ unregisterFrameWithId: function systemApp_unregisterFrameWithId(frameId) {
+ this._frameInfoMap.delete(frameId);
+ // remove all pending event listener to the deleted system(-remote) app
+ this._pendingListeners = this._pendingListeners.filter(
+ args => { return args[0] != frameId; });
+ this._pendingReadyEvents = this._pendingReadyEvents.filter(
+ ([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameId });
+ this._pendingLoadedEvents = this._pendingLoadedEvents.filter(
+ ([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameId });
+ },
+ // Get the main system app frame
+ _getMainSystemAppInfo: function systemApp_getMainSystemAppInfo() {
+ return this._frameInfoMap.get(kMainSystemAppId);
+ },
+ // Get the main system app frame
+ // Only used for the main system app.
+ getFrame: function systemApp_getFrame() {
+ return this.getFrameWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
+ },
+ // Get the frame of the specific system app
+ getFrameWithId: function systemApp_getFrameWithId(frameId) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ if (!frameInfo) {
+ throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
+ }
+ if (!frameInfo.frame) {
+ throw new Error('no content window');
+ }
+ return frameInfo.frame;
+ },
+ // To call when the load event of the main system app document is triggered.
+ // i.e. everything that is not lazily loaded are run and done.
+ // Only used for the main system app.
+ setIsLoaded: function systemApp_setIsLoaded() {
+ this.setIsLoadedWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
+ },
+ // To call when the load event of the specific system app document is
+ // triggered. i.e. everything that is not lazily loaded are run and done.
+ setIsLoadedWithId: function systemApp_setIsLoadedWithId(frameId) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ if (!frameInfo) {
+ throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
+ }
+ if (frameInfo.isLoaded) {
+ if (frameInfo.frameId === kMainSystemAppId) {
+ Cu.reportError('SystemApp has already been declared as being loaded.');
+ }
+ else {
+ Cu.reportError('SystemRemoteApp (ID: ' + frameInfo.frameId + ') ' +
+ 'has already been declared as being loaded.');
+ }
+ }
+ frameInfo.isLoaded = true;
+ // Dispatch all events being queued while the system app was still loading
+ this._pendingLoadedEvents
+ .forEach(([evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails]) => {
+ if (evtFrameId === frameInfo.frameId) {
+ this.sendCustomEventWithId(evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails, true);
+ }
+ });
+ // Remove sent events.
+ this._pendingLoadedEvents =
+ this._pendingLoadedEvents
+ .filter(([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameInfo.frameId });
+ },
+ // To call when the main system app is ready to receive events
+ // i.e. when system-message-listener-ready mozContentEvent is sent.
+ // Only used for the main system app.
+ setIsReady: function systemApp_setIsReady() {
+ this.setIsReadyWithId(kMainSystemAppId);
+ },
+ // To call when the specific system(-remote) app is ready to receive events
+ // i.e. when system-message-listener-ready mozContentEvent is sent.
+ setIsReadyWithId: function systemApp_setIsReadyWithId(frameId) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ if (!frameInfo) {
+ throw new Error('no frame ID is ' + frameId);
+ }
+ if (!frameInfo.isLoaded) {
+ Cu.reportError('SystemApp.setIsLoaded() should be called before setIsReady().');
+ }
+ if (frameInfo.isReady) {
+ Cu.reportError('SystemApp has already been declared as being ready.');
+ }
+ frameInfo.isReady = true;
+ // Dispatch all events being queued while the system app was still not ready
+ this._pendingReadyEvents
+ .forEach(([evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails]) => {
+ if (evtFrameId === frameInfo.frameId) {
+ this.sendCustomEventWithId(evtFrameId, evtType, evtDetails);
+ }
+ });
+ // Remove sent events.
+ this._pendingReadyEvents =
+ this._pendingReadyEvents
+ .filter(([evtFrameId]) => { return evtFrameId != frameInfo.frameId });
+ },
+ /*
+ * Common way to send an event to the main system app.
+ * Only used for the main system app.
+ *
+ * // In gecko code:
+ * SystemAppProxy.sendCustomEvent('foo', { data: 'bar' });
+ * // In system app:
+ * window.addEventListener('foo', function (event) {
+ * event.details == 'bar'
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param type The custom event type.
+ * @param details The event details.
+ * @param noPending Set to true to emit this event even before the system
+ * app is ready.
+ * Event is always pending if the app is not loaded yet.
+ * @param target The element who dispatch this event.
+ *
+ * @returns event? Dispatched event, or null if the event is pending.
+ */
+ _sendCustomEvent: function systemApp_sendCustomEvent(type,
+ details,
+ noPending,
+ target) {
+ let args =;
+ return this.sendCustomEventWithId
+ .apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId].concat(args));
+ },
+ /*
+ * Common way to send an event to the specific system app.
+ *
+ * // In gecko code (send custom event from main system app):
+ * SystemAppProxy.sendCustomEventWithId('main', 'foo', { data: 'bar' });
+ * // In system app:
+ * window.addEventListener('foo', function (event) {
+ * event.details == 'bar'
+ * });
+ *
+ * @param frameId Specify the system(-remote) app who dispatch this event.
+ * @param type The custom event type.
+ * @param details The event details.
+ * @param noPending Set to true to emit this event even before the system
+ * app is ready.
+ * Event is always pending if the app is not loaded yet.
+ * @param target The element who dispatch this event.
+ *
+ * @returns event? Dispatched event, or null if the event is pending.
+ */
+ sendCustomEventWithId: function systemApp_sendCustomEventWithId(frameId,
+ type,
+ details,
+ noPending,
+ target) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ let content = (frameInfo && frameInfo.frame) ?
+ frameInfo.frame.contentWindow : null;
+ // If the system app isn't loaded yet,
+ // queue events until someone calls setIsLoaded
+ if (!content || !(frameInfo && frameInfo.isLoaded)) {
+ if (noPending) {
+ this._pendingLoadedEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
+ } else {
+ this._pendingReadyEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If the system app isn't ready yet,
+ // queue events until someone calls setIsReady
+ if (!(frameInfo && frameInfo.isReady) && !noPending) {
+ this._pendingReadyEvents.push([frameId, type, details]);
+ return null;
+ }
+ let event = content.document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ let payload;
+ // If the root object already has __exposedProps__,
+ // we consider the caller already wrapped (correctly) the object.
+ if ('__exposedProps__' in details) {
+ payload = details;
+ } else {
+ payload = details ? Cu.cloneInto(details, content) : {};
+ }
+ if ((target || content) === frameInfo.frame.contentWindow) {
+ dump('XXX FIXME : Dispatch a ' + type + ': ' + details.type + '\n');
+ }
+ event.initCustomEvent(type, true, false, payload);
+ (target || content).dispatchEvent(event);
+ return event;
+ },
+ // Now deprecated, use sendCustomEvent with a custom event name
+ dispatchEvent: function systemApp_dispatchEvent(details, target) {
+ return this._sendCustomEvent('mozChromeEvent', details, false, target);
+ },
+ dispatchKeyboardEvent: function systemApp_dispatchKeyboardEvent(type, details) {
+ try {
+ let frameInfo = this._getMainSystemAppInfo();
+ let content = (frameInfo && frameInfo.frame) ? frameInfo.frame.contentWindow
+ : null;
+ if (!content) {
+ throw new Error('no content window');
+ }
+ // If we don't already have a TextInputProcessor, create one now
+ if (!this.TIP) {
+ this.TIP = Cc[';1']
+ .createInstance(Ci.nsITextInputProcessor);
+ if (!this.TIP) {
+ throw new Error('failed to create textInputProcessor');
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.TIP.beginInputTransactionForTests(content)) {
+ this.TIP = null;
+ throw new Error('beginInputTransaction failed');
+ }
+ let e = new content.KeyboardEvent('', { key: details.key, });
+ if (type === 'keydown') {
+ this.TIP.keydown(e);
+ }
+ else if (type === 'keyup') {
+ this.TIP.keyup(e);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error('unexpected event type: ' + type);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ dump('dispatchKeyboardEvent: ' + e + '\n');
+ }
+ },
+ // Listen for dom events on the main system app
+ addEventListener: function systemApp_addEventListener() {
+ let args =;
+ this.addEventListenerWithId.apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId].concat(args));
+ },
+ // Listen for dom events on the specific system app
+ addEventListenerWithId: function systemApp_addEventListenerWithId(frameId,
+ ...args) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ if (!frameInfo) {
+ this._pendingListeners.push(arguments);
+ return false;
+ }
+ let content = frameInfo.frame.contentWindow;
+ content.addEventListener.apply(content, args);
+ return true;
+ },
+ // remove the event listener from the main system app
+ removeEventListener: function systemApp_removeEventListener(name, listener) {
+ this.removeEventListenerWithId.apply(this, [kMainSystemAppId, name, listener]);
+ },
+ // remove the event listener from the specific system app
+ removeEventListenerWithId: function systemApp_removeEventListenerWithId(frameId,
+ name,
+ listener) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ if (frameInfo) {
+ let content = frameInfo.frame.contentWindow;
+ content.removeEventListener.apply(content, [name, listener]);
+ }
+ else {
+ this._pendingListeners = this._pendingListeners.filter(
+ args => {
+ return args[0] != frameId || args[1] != name || args[2] != listener;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ // Get all frame in system app
+ getFrames: function systemApp_getFrames(frameId) {
+ let frameList = [];
+ for (let frameId of this._frameInfoMap.keys()) {
+ let frameInfo = this._frameInfoMap.get(frameId);
+ let systemAppFrame = frameInfo.frame;
+ let subFrames = systemAppFrame.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('iframe');
+ frameList.push(systemAppFrame);
+ for (let i = 0; i < subFrames.length; ++i) {
+ frameList.push(subFrames[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return frameList;
+ }
+this.SystemAppProxy = SystemAppProxy;