path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1238 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/loader.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/loader.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c22550d8..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/loader.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1147 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-;((factory) => { // Module boilerplate :(
- if (typeof(require) === 'function') { // CommonJS
- require("chrome").Cu.import(module.uri, exports);
- }
- else if (~String(this).indexOf('BackstagePass')) { // JSM
- let module = { uri: __URI__, id: "toolkit/loader", exports: Object.create(null) }
- factory(module);
- Object.assign(this, module.exports);
- this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(module.exports);
- }
- else {
- throw Error("Loading environment is not supported");
- }
-})(module => {
-'use strict';
-module.metadata = {
- "stability": "unstable"
-const { classes: Cc, Constructor: CC, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu,
- results: Cr, manager: Cm } = Components;
-const systemPrincipal = CC(';1', 'nsIPrincipal')();
-const { loadSubScript } = Cc[';1'].
- getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
-const { addObserver, notifyObservers } = Cc[';1'].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-const { XPCOMUtils } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", {});
-const { NetUtil } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm", {});
-const { join: pathJoin, normalize, dirname } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/ospath_unix.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "resProto",
- ";1?name=resource",
- "nsIResProtocolHandler");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "zipCache",
- ";1",
- "nsIZipReaderCache");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "XulApp", () => {
- let xulappURI = module.uri.replace("toolkit/loader.js",
- "sdk/system/xul-app.jsm");
- return Cu.import(xulappURI, {});
-// Define some shortcuts.
-const bind =;
-const getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
-const prototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
-const getOwnIdentifiers = x => [...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x),
- ...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(x)];
-const NODE_MODULES = new Set([
- "assert",
- "buffer_ieee754",
- "buffer",
- "child_process",
- "cluster",
- "console",
- "constants",
- "crypto",
- "_debugger",
- "dgram",
- "dns",
- "domain",
- "events",
- "freelist",
- "fs",
- "http",
- "https",
- "_linklist",
- "module",
- "net",
- "os",
- "path",
- "punycode",
- "querystring",
- "readline",
- "repl",
- "stream",
- "string_decoder",
- "sys",
- "timers",
- "tls",
- "tty",
- "url",
- "util",
- "vm",
- "zlib",
-const COMPONENT_ERROR = '`Components` is not available in this context.\n' +
- 'Functionality provided by Components may be available in an SDK\n' +
- 'module: \n\n' +
- 'However, if you still need to import Components, you may use the\n' +
- '`chrome` module\'s properties for shortcuts to Component properties:\n\n' +
- 'Shortcuts: \n' +
- ' Cc = Components' + '.classes \n' +
- ' Ci = Components' + '.interfaces \n' +
- ' Cu = Components' + '.utils \n' +
- ' CC = Components' + '.Constructor \n' +
- 'Example: \n' +
- ' let { Cc, Ci } = require(\'chrome\');\n';
-// Workaround for bug 674195. Freezing objects from other compartments fail,
-// so we use `Object.freeze` from the same component instead.
-function freeze(object) {
- if (prototypeOf(object) === null) {
- Object.freeze(object);
- }
- else {
- prototypeOf(prototypeOf(object.isPrototypeOf)).
- constructor. // `Object` from the owner compartment.
- freeze(object);
- }
- return object;
-// Returns map of given `object`-s own property descriptors.
-const descriptor = iced(function descriptor(object) {
- let value = {};
- getOwnIdentifiers(object).forEach(function(name) {
- value[name] = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, name)
- });
- return value;
-Loader.descriptor = descriptor;
-// Freeze important built-ins so they can't be used by untrusted code as a
-// message passing channel.
-// This function takes `f` function sets it's `prototype` to undefined and
-// freezes it. We need to do this kind of deep freeze with all the exposed
-// functions so that untrusted code won't be able to use them a message
-// passing channel.
-function iced(f) {
- if (!Object.isFrozen(f)) {
- f.prototype = undefined;
- }
- return freeze(f);
-// Defines own properties of given `properties` object on the given
-// target object overriding any existing property with a conflicting name.
-// Returns `target` object. Note we only export this function because it's
-// useful during loader bootstrap when other util modules can't be used &
-// thats only case where this export should be used.
-const override = iced(function override(target, source) {
- let properties = descriptor(target)
- let extension = descriptor(source || {})
- getOwnIdentifiers(extension).forEach(function(name) {
- properties[name] = extension[name];
- });
- return Object.defineProperties({}, properties);
-Loader.override = override;
-function sourceURI(uri) { return String(uri).split(" -> ").pop(); }
-Loader.sourceURI = iced(sourceURI);
-function isntLoaderFrame(frame) { return frame.fileName !== module.uri }
-function parseURI(uri) { return String(uri).split(" -> ").pop(); }
-Loader.parseURI = parseURI;
-function parseStack(stack) {
- let lines = String(stack).split("\n");
- return lines.reduce(function(frames, line) {
- if (line) {
- let atIndex = line.indexOf("@");
- let columnIndex = line.lastIndexOf(":");
- let lineIndex = line.lastIndexOf(":", columnIndex - 1);
- let fileName = parseURI(line.slice(atIndex + 1, lineIndex));
- let lineNumber = parseInt(line.slice(lineIndex + 1, columnIndex));
- let columnNumber = parseInt(line.slice(columnIndex + 1));
- let name = line.slice(0, atIndex).split("(").shift();
- frames.unshift({
- fileName: fileName,
- name: name,
- lineNumber: lineNumber,
- columnNumber: columnNumber
- });
- }
- return frames;
- }, []);
-Loader.parseStack = parseStack;
-function serializeStack(frames) {
- return frames.reduce(function(stack, frame) {
- return + "@" +
- frame.fileName + ":" +
- frame.lineNumber + ":" +
- frame.columnNumber + "\n" +
- stack;
- }, "");
-Loader.serializeStack = serializeStack;
-class DefaultMap extends Map {
- constructor(createItem, items = undefined) {
- super(items);
- this.createItem = createItem;
- }
- get(key) {
- if (!this.has(key)) {
- this.set(key, this.createItem(key));
- }
- return super.get(key);
- }
-const urlCache = {
- /**
- * Returns a list of fully-qualified URLs for entries within the zip
- * file at the given URI which are either directories or files with a
- * .js or .json extension.
- *
- * @param {nsIJARURI} uri
- * @param {string} baseURL
- * The original base URL, prior to resolution.
- *
- * @returns {Set<string>}
- */
- getZipFileContents(uri, baseURL) {
- // Make sure the path has a trailing slash, and strip off the leading
- // slash, so that we can easily check whether it is a path prefix.
- let basePath = addTrailingSlash(uri.JAREntry).slice(1);
- let file = uri.JARFile.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file;
- let enumerator = zipCache.getZip(file).findEntries("(*.js|*.json|*/)");
- let results = new Set();
- for (let entry of XPCOMUtils.IterStringEnumerator(enumerator)) {
- if (entry.startsWith(basePath)) {
- let path = entry.slice(basePath.length);
- results.add(baseURL + path);
- }
- }
- return results;
- },
- zipContentsCache: new DefaultMap(baseURL => {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI(baseURL);
- if (baseURL.startsWith("resource:")) {
- uri = NetUtil.newURI(resProto.resolveURI(uri));
- }
- if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) {
- return urlCache.getZipFileContents(uri, baseURL);
- }
- return null;
- }),
- filesCache: new DefaultMap(url => {
- try {
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI(url).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
- return uri.file.exists();
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- }),
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
- observe() {
- // Clear any module resolution caches when the startup cache is flushed,
- // since it probably means we're loading new copies of extensions.
- this.zipContentsCache.clear();
- this.filesCache.clear();
- },
- /**
- * Returns the base URL for the given URL, if one can be determined. For
- * a resource: URL, this is the root of the resource package. For a jar:
- * URL, it is the root of the JAR file. Otherwise, null is returned.
- *
- * @param {string} url
- * @returns {string?}
- */
- getBaseURL(url) {
- // By using simple string matching for the common case of resource: URLs
- // backed by jar: URLs, we can avoid creating any nsIURI objects for the
- // common case where the JAR contents are already cached.
- if (url.startsWith("resource://")) {
- return /^resource:\/\/[^\/]+\//.exec(url)[0];
- }
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI(url);
- if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) {
- return `jar:${uri.JARFile.spec}!/`;
- }
- return null;
- },
- /**
- * Returns true if the target of the given URL exists as a local file,
- * or as an entry in a local zip file.
- *
- * @param {string} url
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
- exists(url) {
- if (!/\.(?:js|json)$/.test(url)) {
- url = addTrailingSlash(url);
- }
- let baseURL = this.getBaseURL(url);
- let scripts = baseURL && this.zipContentsCache.get(baseURL);
- if (scripts) {
- return scripts.has(url);
- }
- return this.filesCache.get(url);
- },
-addObserver(urlCache, "startupcache-invalidate", true);
-function readURI(uri) {
- let nsURI = NetUtil.newURI(uri);
- if (nsURI.scheme == "resource") {
- // Resolve to a real URI, this will catch any obvious bad paths without
- // logging assertions in debug builds, see bug 1135219
- uri = resProto.resolveURI(nsURI);
- }
- let stream = NetUtil.newChannel({
- uri: NetUtil.newURI(uri, 'UTF-8'),
- loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true}
- ).open2();
- let count = stream.available();
- let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, count, {
- charset: 'UTF-8'
- });
- stream.close();
- return data;
-// Combines all arguments into a resolved, normalized path
-function join(base, ...paths) {
- // If this is an absolute URL, we need to normalize only the path portion,
- // or we wind up stripping too many slashes and producing invalid URLs.
- let match = /^((?:resource|file|chrome)\:\/\/[^\/]*|jar:[^!]+!)(.*)/.exec(base);
- if (match) {
- return match[1] + normalize(pathJoin(match[2], ...paths));
- }
- return normalize(pathJoin(base, ...paths));
-Loader.join = join;
-// Function takes set of options and returns a JS sandbox. Function may be
-// passed set of options:
-// - `name`: A string value which identifies the sandbox in about:memory. Will
-// throw exception if omitted.
-// - `principal`: String URI or `nsIPrincipal` for the sandbox. Defaults to
-// system principal.
-// - `prototype`: Ancestor for the sandbox that will be created. Defaults to
-// `{}`.
-// - `wantXrays`: A Boolean value indicating whether code outside the sandbox
-// wants X-ray vision with respect to objects inside the sandbox. Defaults
-// to `true`.
-// - `sandbox`: A sandbox to share JS compartment with. If omitted new
-// compartment will be created.
-// - `metadata`: A metadata object associated with the sandbox. It should
-// be JSON-serializable.
-// For more details see:
-const Sandbox = iced(function Sandbox(options) {
- // Normalize options and rename to match `Cu.Sandbox` expectations.
- options = {
- // Do not expose `Components` if you really need them (bad idea!) you
- // still can expose via prototype.
- wantComponents: false,
- sandboxName:,
- principal: 'principal' in options ? options.principal : systemPrincipal,
- wantXrays: 'wantXrays' in options ? options.wantXrays : true,
- wantGlobalProperties: 'wantGlobalProperties' in options ?
- options.wantGlobalProperties : [],
- sandboxPrototype: 'prototype' in options ? options.prototype : {},
- invisibleToDebugger: 'invisibleToDebugger' in options ?
- options.invisibleToDebugger : false,
- metadata: 'metadata' in options ? options.metadata : {},
- waiveIntereposition: !!options.waiveIntereposition
- };
- if (options.metadata && options.metadata.addonID) {
- options.addonId = options.metadata.addonID;
- }
- let sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(options.principal, options);
- // Each sandbox at creation gets set of own properties that will be shadowing
- // ones from it's prototype. We override delete such `sandbox` properties
- // to avoid shadowing.
- delete sandbox.Iterator;
- delete sandbox.Components;
- delete sandbox.importFunction;
- delete sandbox.debug;
- return sandbox;
-Loader.Sandbox = Sandbox;
-// Evaluates code from the given `uri` into given `sandbox`. If
-// `options.source` is passed, then that code is evaluated instead.
-// Optionally following options may be given:
-// - `options.encoding`: Source encoding, defaults to 'UTF-8'.
-// - `options.line`: Line number to start count from for stack traces.
-// Defaults to 1.
-// - `options.version`: Version of JS used, defaults to '1.8'.
-const evaluate = iced(function evaluate(sandbox, uri, options) {
- let { source, line, version, encoding } = override({
- encoding: 'UTF-8',
- line: 1,
- version: '1.8',
- source: null
- }, options);
- return source ? Cu.evalInSandbox(source, sandbox, version, uri, line)
- : loadSubScript(uri, sandbox, encoding);
-Loader.evaluate = evaluate;
-// Populates `exports` of the given CommonJS `module` object, in the context
-// of the given `loader` by evaluating code associated with it.
-const load = iced(function load(loader, module) {
- let { sandboxes, globals, loadModuleHook } = loader;
- let require = Require(loader, module);
- // We expose set of properties defined by `CommonJS` specification via
- // prototype of the sandbox. Also globals are deeper in the prototype
- // chain so that each module has access to them as well.
- let descriptors = descriptor({
- require: require,
- module: module,
- exports: module.exports,
- get Components() {
- // Expose `Components` property to throw error on usage with
- // additional information
- throw new ReferenceError(COMPONENT_ERROR);
- }
- });
- let sandbox;
- if ((loader.useSharedGlobalSandbox || isSystemURI(module.uri)) &&
- loader.sharedGlobalBlocklist.indexOf( == -1) {
- // Create a new object in this sandbox, that will be used as
- // the scope object for this particular module
- sandbox = new loader.sharedGlobalSandbox.Object();
- // Inject all expected globals in the scope object
- getOwnIdentifiers(globals).forEach(function(name) {
- descriptors[name] = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(globals, name)
- descriptors[name].configurable = true;
- });
- Object.defineProperties(sandbox, descriptors);
- }
- else {
- sandbox = Sandbox({
- name: module.uri,
- prototype: Object.create(globals, descriptors),
- wantXrays: false,
- wantGlobalProperties: == "sdk/indexed-db" ? ["indexedDB"] : [],
- invisibleToDebugger: loader.invisibleToDebugger,
- metadata: {
- addonID:,
- URI: module.uri
- }
- });
- }
- sandboxes[module.uri] = sandbox;
- try {
- evaluate(sandbox, module.uri);
- }
- catch (error) {
- let { message, fileName, lineNumber } = error;
- let stack = error.stack || Error().stack;
- let frames = parseStack(stack).filter(isntLoaderFrame);
- let toString = String(error);
- let file = sourceURI(fileName);
- // Note that `String(error)` where error is from subscript loader does
- // not puts `:` after `"Error"` unlike regular errors thrown by JS code.
- // If there is a JS stack then this error has already been handled by an
- // inner module load.
- if (/^Error opening input stream/.test(String(error))) {
- let caller = frames.slice(0).pop();
- fileName = caller.fileName;
- lineNumber = caller.lineNumber;
- message = "Module `" + + "` is not found at " + module.uri;
- toString = message;
- }
- // Workaround for a Bug 910653. Errors thrown by subscript loader
- // do not include `stack` field and above created error won't have
- // fileName or lineNumber of the module being loaded, so we ensure
- // it does.
- else if (frames[frames.length - 1].fileName !== file) {
- frames.push({ fileName: file, lineNumber: lineNumber, name: "" });
- }
- let prototype = typeof(error) === "object" ? error.constructor.prototype :
- Error.prototype;
- throw Object.create(prototype, {
- message: { value: message, writable: true, configurable: true },
- fileName: { value: fileName, writable: true, configurable: true },
- lineNumber: { value: lineNumber, writable: true, configurable: true },
- stack: { value: serializeStack(frames), writable: true, configurable: true },
- toString: { value: () => toString, writable: true, configurable: true },
- });
- }
- if (loadModuleHook) {
- module = loadModuleHook(module, require);
- }
- if (loader.checkCompatibility) {
- let err = XulApp.incompatibility(module);
- if (err) {
- throw err;
- }
- }
- if (module.exports && typeof(module.exports) === 'object')
- freeze(module.exports);
- return module;
-Loader.load = load;
-// Utility function to normalize module `uri`s so they have `.js` extension.
-function normalizeExt(uri) {
- return isJSURI(uri) ? uri :
- isJSONURI(uri) ? uri :
- isJSMURI(uri) ? uri :
- uri + '.js';
-// Strips `rootURI` from `string` -- used to remove absolute resourceURI
-// from a relative path
-function stripBase(rootURI, string) {
- return string.replace(rootURI, './');
-// Utility function to join paths. In common case `base` is a
-// `requirer.uri` but in some cases it may be `baseURI`. In order to
-// avoid complexity we require `baseURI` with a trailing `/`.
-const resolve = iced(function resolve(id, base) {
- if (!isRelative(id))
- return id;
- let baseDir = dirname(base);
- if (!baseDir)
- return normalize(id);
- let resolved = join(baseDir, id);
- // Joining and normalizing removes the './' from relative files.
- // We need to ensure the resolution still has the root
- if (isRelative(base))
- resolved = './' + resolved;
- return resolved;
-Loader.resolve = resolve;
-// Attempts to load `path` and then `path.js`
-// Returns `path` with valid file, or `undefined` otherwise
-function resolveAsFile(path) {
- // Append '.js' to path name unless it's another support filetype
- path = normalizeExt(path);
- if (urlCache.exists(path)) {
- return path;
- }
- return null;
-// Attempts to load `path/package.json`'s `main` entry,
-// followed by `path/index.js`, or `undefined` otherwise
-function resolveAsDirectory(path) {
- try {
- // If `path/package.json` exists, parse the `main` entry
- // and attempt to load that
- let manifestPath = addTrailingSlash(path) + 'package.json';
- let main = (urlCache.exists(manifestPath) &&
- getManifestMain(JSON.parse(readURI(manifestPath))));
- if (main) {
- let found = resolveAsFile(join(path, main));
- if (found) {
- return found
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- return resolveAsFile(addTrailingSlash(path) + 'index.js');
-function resolveRelative(rootURI, modulesDir, id) {
- let fullId = join(rootURI, modulesDir, id);
- let resolvedPath = (resolveAsFile(fullId) ||
- resolveAsDirectory(fullId));
- if (resolvedPath) {
- return stripBase(rootURI, resolvedPath);
- }
- return null;
-// From `resolve` module
-function* getNodeModulePaths(rootURI, start) {
- let moduleDir = 'node_modules';
- let parts = start.split('/');
- while (parts.length) {
- let leaf = parts.pop();
- let path = join(, leaf, moduleDir);
- if (leaf !== moduleDir && urlCache.exists(join(rootURI, path))) {
- yield path;
- }
- }
- if (urlCache.exists(join(rootURI, moduleDir))) {
- yield moduleDir;
- }
-// Node-style module lookup
-// Takes an id and path and attempts to load a file using node's resolving
-// algorithm.
-// `id` should already be resolved relatively at this point.
-const nodeResolve = iced(function nodeResolve(id, requirer, { rootURI }) {
- // Resolve again
- id = Loader.resolve(id, requirer);
- // If this is already an absolute URI then there is no resolution to do
- if (isAbsoluteURI(id)) {
- return null;
- }
- // we assume that extensions are correct, i.e., a directory doesnt't have '.js'
- // and a js file isn't named 'file.json.js'
- let resolvedPath;
- if ((resolvedPath = resolveRelative(rootURI, "", id))) {
- return resolvedPath;
- }
- // If the requirer is an absolute URI then the node module resolution below
- // won't work correctly as we prefix everything with rootURI
- if (isAbsoluteURI(requirer)) {
- return null;
- }
- // If manifest has dependencies, attempt to look up node modules
- // in the `dependencies` list
- for (let modulesDir of getNodeModulePaths(rootURI, dirname(requirer))) {
- if ((resolvedPath = resolveRelative(rootURI, modulesDir, id))) {
- return resolvedPath;
- }
- }
- // We would not find lookup for things like `sdk/tabs`, as that's part of
- // the alias mapping. If during `generateMap`, the runtime lookup resolves
- // with `resolveURI` -- if during runtime, then `resolve` will throw.
- return null;
-Loader.nodeResolve = nodeResolve;
-function addTrailingSlash(path) {
- return path.replace(/\/*$/, "/");
-const resolveURI = iced(function resolveURI(id, mapping) {
- // Do not resolve if already a resource URI
- if (isAbsoluteURI(id))
- return normalizeExt(id);
- for (let [path, uri] of mapping) {
- // Strip off any trailing slashes to make comparisons simpler
- let stripped = path.replace(/\/+$/, "");
- // We only want to match path segments explicitly. Examples:
- // * "foo/bar" matches for "foo/bar"
- // * "foo/bar" matches for "foo/bar/baz"
- // * "foo/bar" does not match for "foo/bar-1"
- // * "foo/bar/" does not match for "foo/bar"
- // * "foo/bar/" matches for "foo/bar/baz"
- //
- // Check for an empty path, an exact match, or a substring match
- // with the next character being a forward slash.
- if(stripped === "" || id === stripped || id.startsWith(stripped + "/")) {
- return normalizeExt(id.replace(path, uri));
- }
- }
- return null;
-Loader.resolveURI = resolveURI;
-// Creates version of `require` that will be exposed to the given `module`
-// in the context of the given `loader`. Each module gets own limited copy
-// of `require` that is allowed to load only a modules that are associated
-// with it during link time.
-const Require = iced(function Require(loader, requirer) {
- let {
- modules, mapping, resolve: loaderResolve, load,
- manifest, rootURI, isNative, requireMap,
- requireHook
- } = loader;
- if (isSystemURI(requirer.uri)) {
- // Built-in modules don't require the expensive module resolution
- // algorithm used by SDK add-ons, so give them the more efficient standard
- // resolve instead.
- isNative = false;
- loaderResolve = Loader.resolve;
- }
- function require(id) {
- if (!id) // Throw if `id` is not passed.
- throw Error('You must provide a module name when calling require() from '
- +, requirer.uri);
- if (requireHook) {
- return requireHook(id, _require);
- }
- return _require(id);
- }
- function _require(id) {
- let { uri, requirement } = getRequirements(id);
- let module = null;
- // If module is already cached by loader then just use it.
- if (uri in modules) {
- module = modules[uri];
- }
- else if (isJSMURI(uri)) {
- module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri);
- module.exports = Cu.import(uri, {});
- freeze(module);
- }
- else if (isJSONURI(uri)) {
- let data;
- // First attempt to load and parse json uri
- // ex: `test.json`
- // If that doesn't exist, check for `test.json.js`
- // for node parity
- try {
- data = JSON.parse(readURI(uri));
- module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri);
- module.exports = data;
- freeze(module);
- }
- catch (err) {
- // If error thrown from JSON parsing, throw that, do not
- // attempt to find .json.js file
- if (err && /JSON\.parse/.test(err.message))
- throw err;
- uri = uri + '.js';
- }
- }
- // If not yet cached, load and cache it.
- // We also freeze module to prevent it from further changes
- // at runtime.
- if (!(uri in modules)) {
- // Many of the loader's functionalities are dependent
- // on modules[uri] being set before loading, so we set it and
- // remove it if we have any errors.
- module = modules[uri] = Module(requirement, uri);
- try {
- freeze(load(loader, module));
- }
- catch (e) {
- // Clear out modules cache so we can throw on a second invalid require
- delete modules[uri];
- // Also clear out the Sandbox that was created
- delete loader.sandboxes[uri];
- throw e;
- }
- }
- return module.exports;
- }
- // Resolution function taking a module name/path and
- // returning a resourceURI and a `requirement` used by the loader.
- // Used by both `require` and `require.resolve`.
- function getRequirements(id) {
- if (!id) // Throw if `id` is not passed.
- throw Error('you must provide a module name when calling require() from '
- +, requirer.uri);
- let requirement, uri;
- // TODO should get native Firefox modules before doing node-style lookups
- // to save on loading time
- if (isNative) {
- // If a requireMap is available from `generateMap`, use that to
- // immediately resolve the node-style mapping.
- // TODO: write more tests for this use case
- if (requireMap && requireMap[])
- requirement = requireMap[][id];
- let { overrides } = manifest.jetpack;
- for (let key in overrides) {
- // ignore any overrides using relative keys
- if (/^[.\/]/.test(key)) {
- continue;
- }
- // If the override is for x -> y,
- // then using require("x/lib/z") to get reqire("y/lib/z")
- // should also work
- if (id == key || id.startsWith(key + "/")) {
- id = overrides[key] + id.substr(key.length);
- id = id.replace(/^[.\/]+/, "");
- }
- }
- // For native modules, we want to check if it's a module specified
- // in 'modules', like `chrome`, or `@loader` -- if it exists,
- // just set the uri to skip resolution
- if (!requirement && modules[id])
- uri = requirement = id;
- // If no requireMap was provided, or resolution not found in
- // the requireMap, and not a npm dependency, attempt a runtime lookup
- if (!requirement && !NODE_MODULES.has(id)) {
- // If `isNative` defined, this is using the new, native-style
- // loader, not cuddlefish, so lets resolve using node's algorithm
- // and get back a path that needs to be resolved via paths mapping
- // in `resolveURI`
- requirement = loaderResolve(id,, {
- manifest: manifest,
- rootURI: rootURI
- });
- }
- // If not found in the map, not a node module, and wasn't able to be
- // looked up, it's something
- // found in the paths most likely, like `sdk/tabs`, which should
- // be resolved relatively if needed using traditional resolve
- if (!requirement) {
- requirement = isRelative(id) ? Loader.resolve(id, : id;
- }
- }
- else if (modules[id]) {
- uri = requirement = id;
- }
- else if (requirer) {
- // Resolve `id` to its requirer if it's relative.
- requirement = loaderResolve(id,;
- }
- else {
- requirement = id;
- }
- // Resolves `uri` of module using loaders resolve function.
- uri = uri || resolveURI(requirement, mapping);
- // Throw if `uri` can not be resolved.
- if (!uri) {
- throw Error('Module: Can not resolve "' + id + '" module required by ' +
- + ' located at ' + requirer.uri, requirer.uri);
- }
- return { uri: uri, requirement: requirement };
- }
- // Expose the `resolve` function for this `Require` instance
- require.resolve = _require.resolve = function resolve(id) {
- let { uri } = getRequirements(id);
- return uri;
- }
- // This is like webpack's require.context. It returns a new require
- // function that prepends the prefix to any requests.
- require.context = prefix => {
- return id => {
- return require(prefix + id);
- };
- };
- // Make `require.main === module` evaluate to true in main module scope.
- require.main = loader.main === requirer ? requirer : undefined;
- return iced(require);
-Loader.Require = Require;
-const main = iced(function main(loader, id) {
- // If no main entry provided, and native loader is used,
- // read the entry in the manifest
- if (!id && loader.isNative)
- id = getManifestMain(loader.manifest);
- let uri = resolveURI(id, loader.mapping);
- let module = loader.main = loader.modules[uri] = Module(id, uri);
- return loader.load(loader, module).exports;
-Loader.main = main;
-// Makes module object that is made available to CommonJS modules when they
-// are evaluated, along with `exports` and `require`.
-const Module = iced(function Module(id, uri) {
- return Object.create(null, {
- id: { enumerable: true, value: id },
- exports: { enumerable: true, writable: true, value: Object.create(null),
- configurable: true },
- uri: { value: uri }
- });
-Loader.Module = Module;
-// Takes `loader`, and unload `reason` string and notifies all observers that
-// they should cleanup after them-self.
-const unload = iced(function unload(loader, reason) {
- // subject is a unique object created per loader instance.
- // This allows any code to cleanup on loader unload regardless of how
- // it was loaded. To handle unload for specific loader subject may be
- // asserted against loader.destructor or require('@loader/unload')
- // Note: We don not destroy loader's module cache or sandboxes map as
- // some modules may do cleanup in subsequent turns of event loop. Destroying
- // cache may cause module identity problems in such cases.
- let subject = { wrappedJSObject: loader.destructor };
- notifyObservers(subject, 'sdk:loader:destroy', reason);
-Loader.unload = unload;
-// Function makes new loader that can be used to load CommonJS modules
-// described by a given `options.manifest`. Loader takes following options:
-// - `globals`: Optional map of globals, that all module scopes will inherit
-// from. Map is also exposed under `globals` property of the returned loader
-// so it can be extended further later. Defaults to `{}`.
-// - `modules` Optional map of built-in module exports mapped by module id.
-// These modules will incorporated into module cache. Each module will be
-// frozen.
-// - `resolve` Optional module `id` resolution function. If given it will be
-// used to resolve module URIs, by calling it with require term, requirer
-// module object (that has `uri` property) and `baseURI` of the loader.
-// If `resolve` does not returns `uri` string exception will be thrown by
-// an associated `require` call.
-function Loader(options) {
- if (options.sharedGlobalBlacklist && !options.sharedGlobalBlocklist) {
- options.sharedGlobalBlocklist = options.sharedGlobalBlacklist;
- }
- let {
- modules, globals, resolve, paths, rootURI, manifest, requireMap, isNative,
- metadata, sharedGlobal, sharedGlobalBlocklist, checkCompatibility, waiveIntereposition
- } = override({
- paths: {},
- modules: {},
- globals: {
- get console() {
- // Import Console.jsm from here to prevent loading it until someone uses it
- let { ConsoleAPI } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm");
- let console = new ConsoleAPI({
- consoleID: ? "addon/" + : ""
- });
- Object.defineProperty(this, "console", { value: console });
- return this.console;
- }
- },
- checkCompatibility: false,
- resolve: options.isNative ?
- // Make the returned resolve function have the same signature
- (id, requirer) => Loader.nodeResolve(id, requirer, { rootURI: rootURI }) :
- Loader.resolve,
- sharedGlobalBlocklist: ["sdk/indexed-db"],
- waiveIntereposition: false
- }, options);
- // Create overrides defaults, none at the moment
- if (typeof manifest != "object" || !manifest) {
- manifest = {};
- }
- if (typeof manifest.jetpack != "object" || !manifest.jetpack) {
- manifest.jetpack = {
- overrides: {}
- };
- }
- if (typeof manifest.jetpack.overrides != "object" || !manifest.jetpack.overrides) {
- manifest.jetpack.overrides = {};
- }
- // We create an identity object that will be dispatched on an unload
- // event as subject. This way unload listeners will be able to assert
- // which loader is unloaded. Please note that we intentionally don't
- // use `loader` as subject to prevent a loader access leakage through
- // observer notifications.
- let destructor = freeze(Object.create(null));
- // Make mapping array that is sorted from longest path to shortest path.
- let mapping = Object.keys(paths)
- .sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
- .map(path => [path, paths[path]]);
- // Define pseudo modules.
- modules = override({
- '@loader/unload': destructor,
- '@loader/options': options,
- 'chrome': { Cc: Cc, Ci: Ci, Cu: Cu, Cr: Cr, Cm: Cm,
- CC: bind(CC, Components), components: Components,
- // `ChromeWorker` has to be inject in loader global scope.
- // It is done by bootstrap.js:loadSandbox for the SDK.
- ChromeWorker: ChromeWorker
- }
- }, modules);
- const builtinModuleExports = modules;
- modules = {};
- for (let id of Object.keys(builtinModuleExports)) {
- // We resolve `uri` from `id` since modules are cached by `uri`.
- let uri = resolveURI(id, mapping);
- // In native loader, the mapping will not contain values for
- // pseudomodules -- store them as their ID rather than the URI
- if (isNative && !uri)
- uri = id;
- let module = Module(id, uri);
- // Lazily expose built-in modules in order to
- // allow them to be loaded lazily.
- Object.defineProperty(module, "exports", {
- enumerable: true,
- get: function() {
- return builtinModuleExports[id];
- }
- });
- modules[uri] = freeze(module);
- }
- // Create the unique sandbox we will be using for all modules,
- // so that we prevent creating a new comportment per module.
- // The side effect is that all modules will share the same
- // global objects.
- let sharedGlobalSandbox = Sandbox({
- name: "Addon-SDK",
- wantXrays: false,
- wantGlobalProperties: [],
- invisibleToDebugger: options.invisibleToDebugger || false,
- metadata: {
- addonID:,
- URI: "Addon-SDK"
- },
- prototype: options.sandboxPrototype || {}
- });
- // Loader object is just a representation of a environment
- // state. We freeze it and mark make it's properties non-enumerable
- // as they are pure implementation detail that no one should rely upon.
- let returnObj = {
- destructor: { enumerable: false, value: destructor },
- globals: { enumerable: false, value: globals },
- mapping: { enumerable: false, value: mapping },
- // Map of module objects indexed by module URIs.
- modules: { enumerable: false, value: modules },
- metadata: { enumerable: false, value: metadata },
- useSharedGlobalSandbox: { enumerable: false, value: !!sharedGlobal },
- sharedGlobalSandbox: { enumerable: false, value: sharedGlobalSandbox },
- sharedGlobalBlocklist: { enumerable: false, value: sharedGlobalBlocklist },
- sharedGlobalBlacklist: { enumerable: false, value: sharedGlobalBlocklist },
- // Map of module sandboxes indexed by module URIs.
- sandboxes: { enumerable: false, value: {} },
- resolve: { enumerable: false, value: resolve },
- // ID of the addon, if provided.
- id: { enumerable: false, value: },
- // Whether the modules loaded should be ignored by the debugger
- invisibleToDebugger: { enumerable: false,
- value: options.invisibleToDebugger || false },
- load: { enumerable: false, value: options.load || load },
- checkCompatibility: { enumerable: false, value: checkCompatibility },
- requireHook: { enumerable: false, value: options.requireHook },
- loadModuleHook: { enumerable: false, value: options.loadModuleHook },
- // Main (entry point) module, it can be set only once, since loader
- // instance can have only one main module.
- main: new function() {
- let main;
- return {
- enumerable: false,
- get: function() { return main; },
- // Only set main if it has not being set yet!
- set: function(module) { main = main || module; }
- }
- }
- };
- if (isNative) {
- returnObj.isNative = { enumerable: false, value: true };
- returnObj.manifest = { enumerable: false, value: manifest };
- returnObj.requireMap = { enumerable: false, value: requireMap };
- returnObj.rootURI = { enumerable: false, value: addTrailingSlash(rootURI) };
- }
- return freeze(Object.create(null, returnObj));
-Loader.Loader = Loader;
-var isSystemURI = uri => /^resource:\/\/(gre|devtools|testing-common)\//.test(uri);
-var isJSONURI = uri => uri.endsWith('.json');
-var isJSMURI = uri => uri.endsWith('.jsm');
-var isJSURI = uri => uri.endsWith('.js');
-var isAbsoluteURI = uri => uri.startsWith("resource://") ||
- uri.startsWith("chrome://") ||
- uri.startsWith("file://");
-var isRelative = id => id.startsWith(".");
-// Default `main` entry to './index.js' and ensure is relative,
-// since node allows 'lib/index.js' without relative `./`
-function getManifestMain(manifest) {
- let main = manifest.main || './index.js';
- return isRelative(main) ? main : './' + main;
-module.exports = iced(Loader);
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/require.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/require.js
deleted file mode 100644
index dc3d26ab2..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/toolkit/require.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const make = (exports, rootURI, components) => {
- const { Loader: { Loader, Require, Module, main } } =
- components.utils.import(rootURI + "toolkit/loader.js", {});
- const loader = Loader({
- id: "toolkit/require",
- rootURI: rootURI,
- isNative: true,
- paths: {
- "": rootURI,
- "devtools/": "resource://devtools/"
- }
- });
- // Implement require.unload(uri) that can be used to unload
- // already loaded module which is convinient during development phase.
- const unload = uri => {
- delete loader.sandboxes[uri];
- delete loader.modules[uri];
- };
- const builtins = new Set(Object.keys(loader.modules));
- // Below we define `require` & `require.resolve` that resolve passed
- // module id relative to the caller URI. This is not perfect but good
- // enough for common case & there is always an option to pass absolute
- // id when that
- // but presumably well enough to cover
- const require = (id, options={}) => {
- const { reload, all } = options;
- const requirerURI = components.stack.caller.filename;
- const requirer = Module(requirerURI, requirerURI);
- const require = Require(loader, requirer);
- if (reload) {
- // To load JS code into modules, loader uses `mozIJSSubScriptLoader`
- // which uses startup cache to avoid reading source from the same URI
- // more than once. Unless we invalidate statup cache changes to a module
- // won't be reflected even after reload. Therefor we must dispatch an
- // nsIObserverService notification that causes cache invalidation.
- // Note: This is not ideal since it destroys whole cache, but since there
- // is no way to invalidate individual entries, we assume performance hit
- // during development is acceptable.
- components.classes[";1"].
- getService(components.interfaces.nsIObserverService).
- notifyObservers({}, "startupcache-invalidate", null);
- if (all) {
- for (let uri of Object.keys(loader.sandboxes)) {
- unload(uri);
- }
- }
- else {
- unload(require.resolve(id));
- }
- }
- return require(id);
- };
- require.resolve = id => {
- const requirerURI = components.stack.caller.filename;
- const requirer = Module(requirerURI, requirerURI);
- return Require(loader, requirer).resolve(id);
- };
- exports.require = require;
-// If loaded in the context of commonjs module, reload as JSM into an
-// exports object.
-if (typeof(require) === "function" && typeof(module) === "object") {
- require("chrome").Cu.import(module.uri, module.exports);
-// If loaded in the context of JSM make a loader & require and define
-// new symbols as exported ones.
-else if (typeof(__URI__) === "string" && this["Components"]) {
- const builtin = Object.keys(this);
- const uri = __URI__.replace("toolkit/require.js", "");
- make(this, uri, this["Components"]);
- this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = Object.
- keys(this).
- filter($ => builtin.indexOf($) < 0);
-else {
- throw Error("Loading require.js in this environment isn't supported")