path: root/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/toolbar/view.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/toolbar/view.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/toolbar/view.js b/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/toolbar/view.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef0c3d46..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/lib/sdk/ui/toolbar/view.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-module.metadata = {
- "stability": "experimental",
- "engines": {
- "Firefox": "> 28"
- }
-const { Cu } = require("chrome");
-const { CustomizableUI } = Cu.import('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm', {});
-const { subscribe, send, Reactor, foldp, lift, merges } = require("../../event/utils");
-const { InputPort } = require("../../input/system");
-const { OutputPort } = require("../../output/system");
-const { Interactive } = require("../../input/browser");
-const { CustomizationInput } = require("../../input/customizable-ui");
-const { pairs, map, isEmpty, object,
- each, keys, values } = require("../../util/sequence");
-const { curry, flip } = require("../../lang/functional");
-const { patch, diff } = require("diffpatcher/index");
-const prefs = require("../../preferences/service");
-const { getByOuterId } = require("../../window/utils");
-const { ignoreWindow } = require('../../private-browsing/utils');
-const XUL_NS = "";
-const PREF_ROOT = "extensions.sdk-toolbar-collapsed.";
-// There are two output ports one for publishing changes that occured
-// and the other for change requests. Later is synchronous and is only
-// consumed here. Note: it needs to be synchronous to avoid race conditions
-// when `collapsed` attribute changes are caused by user interaction and
-// toolbar is destroyed between the ticks.
-const output = new OutputPort({ id: "toolbar-changed" });
-const syncoutput = new OutputPort({ id: "toolbar-change", sync: true });
-// Merge disptached changes and recevied changes from models to keep state up to
-// date.
-const Toolbars = foldp(patch, {}, merges([new InputPort({ id: "toolbar-changed" }),
- new InputPort({ id: "toolbar-change" })]));
-const State = lift((toolbars, windows, customizable) =>
- ({windows: windows, toolbars: toolbars, customizable: customizable}),
- Toolbars, Interactive, new CustomizationInput());
-// Shared event handler that makes `` collapsed.
-// Used as toolbar's close buttons click handler.
-const collapseToolbar = event => {
- const toolbar =;
- toolbar.collapsed = true;
-const parseAttribute = x =>
- x === "true" ? true :
- x === "false" ? false :
- x === "" ? null :
- x;
-// Shared mutation observer that is used to observe `toolbar` node's
-// attribute mutations. Mutations are aggregated in the `delta` hash
-// and send to `ToolbarStateChanged` channel to let model know state
-// has changed.
-const attributesChanged = mutations => {
- const delta = mutations.reduce((changes, {attributeName, target}) => {
- const id =;
- const field = attributeName === "toolbarname" ? "title" : attributeName;
- let change = changes[id] || (changes[id] = {});
- change[field] = parseAttribute(target.getAttribute(attributeName));
- return changes;
- }, {});
- // Calculate what are the updates from the current state and if there are
- // any send them.
- const updates = diff(reactor.value, patch(reactor.value, delta));
- if (!isEmpty(pairs(updates))) {
- // TODO: Consider sending sync to make sure that there won't be a new
- // update doing a delete in the meantime.
- send(syncoutput, updates);
- }
-// Utility function creates `toolbar` with a "close" button and returns
-// it back. In addition it set's up a listener and observer to communicate
-// state changes.
-const addView = curry((options, {document, window}) => {
- if (ignoreWindow(window))
- return;
- let view = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "toolbar");
- view.setAttribute("id",;
- view.setAttribute("collapsed", options.collapsed);
- view.setAttribute("toolbarname", options.title);
- view.setAttribute("pack", "end");
- view.setAttribute("customizable", "false");
- view.setAttribute("style", "padding: 2px 0; max-height: 40px;");
- view.setAttribute("mode", "icons");
- view.setAttribute("iconsize", "small");
- view.setAttribute("context", "toolbar-context-menu");
- view.setAttribute("class", "chromeclass-toolbar");
- let label = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
- label.setAttribute("value", options.title);
- label.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
- view.appendChild(label);
- let closeButton = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "toolbarbutton");
- closeButton.setAttribute("id", "close-" +;
- closeButton.setAttribute("class", "close-icon");
- closeButton.setAttribute("customizable", false);
- closeButton.addEventListener("command", collapseToolbar);
- view.appendChild(closeButton);
- // In order to have a close button not costumizable, aligned on the right,
- // leaving the customizable capabilities of Australis, we need to create
- // a toolbar inside a toolbar.
- // This is should be a temporary hack, we should have a proper XBL for toolbar
- // instead. See:
- //
- let toolbar = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "toolbar");
- toolbar.setAttribute("id", "inner-" +;
- toolbar.setAttribute("defaultset", options.items.join(","));
- toolbar.setAttribute("customizable", "true");
- toolbar.setAttribute("style", "-moz-appearance: none; overflow: hidden");
- toolbar.setAttribute("mode", "icons");
- toolbar.setAttribute("iconsize", "small");
- toolbar.setAttribute("context", "toolbar-context-menu");
- toolbar.setAttribute("flex", "1");
- view.insertBefore(toolbar, closeButton);
- const observer = new document.defaultView.MutationObserver(attributesChanged);
- observer.observe(view, { attributes: true,
- attributeFilter: ["collapsed", "toolbarname"] });
- const toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox");
- toolbox.appendChild(view);
-const viewAdd = curry(flip(addView));
-const removeView = curry((id, {document}) => {
- const view = document.getElementById(id);
- if (view) view.remove();
-const updateView = curry((id, {title, collapsed, isCustomizing}, {document}) => {
- const view = document.getElementById(id);
- if (!view)
- return;
- if (title)
- view.setAttribute("toolbarname", title);
- if (collapsed !== void(0))
- view.setAttribute("collapsed", Boolean(collapsed));
- if (isCustomizing !== void(0)) {
- view.querySelector("label").collapsed = !isCustomizing;
- view.querySelector("toolbar").style.visibility = isCustomizing
- ? "hidden" : "visible";
- }
-const viewUpdate = curry(flip(updateView));
-// Utility function used to register toolbar into CustomizableUI.
-const registerToolbar = state => {
- // If it's first additon register toolbar as customizableUI component.
- CustomizableUI.registerArea("inner-" +, {
- type: CustomizableUI.TYPE_TOOLBAR,
- legacy: true,
- defaultPlacements: [...state.items]
- });
-// Utility function used to unregister toolbar from the CustomizableUI.
-const unregisterToolbar = CustomizableUI.unregisterArea;
-const reactor = new Reactor({
- onStep: (present, past) => {
- const delta = diff(past, present);
- each(([id, update]) => {
- // If update is `null` toolbar is removed, in such case
- // we unregister toolbar and remove it from each window
- // it was added to.
- if (update === null) {
- unregisterToolbar("inner-" + id);
- each(removeView(id), values(;
- send(output, object([id, null]));
- }
- else if (past.toolbars[id]) {
- // If `collapsed` state for toolbar was updated, persist
- // it for a future sessions.
- if (update.collapsed !== void(0))
- prefs.set(PREF_ROOT + id, update.collapsed);
- // Reflect update in each window it was added to.
- each(updateView(id, update), values(;
- send(output, object([id, update]));
- }
- // Hack: Mutation observers are invoked async, which means that if
- // client does `hide(toolbar)` & then `toolbar.destroy()` by the
- // time we'll get update for `collapsed` toolbar will be removed.
- // For now we check if `` is present which will be undefined
- // in such cases.
- else if ( {
- // If it is a new toolbar we create initial state by overriding
- // `collapsed` filed with value persisted in previous sessions.
- const state = patch(update, {
- collapsed: prefs.get(PREF_ROOT + id, update.collapsed),
- });
- // Register toolbar and add it each window known in the past
- // (note that new windows if any will be handled in loop below).
- registerToolbar(state);
- each(addView(state), values(;
- send(output, object([, state]));
- }
- }, pairs(delta.toolbars));
- // Add views to every window that was added.
- each(window => {
- if (window)
- each(viewAdd(window), values(past.toolbars));
- }, values(;
- each(([id, isCustomizing]) => {
- each(viewUpdate(getByOuterId(id), {isCustomizing: !!isCustomizing}),
- keys(present.toolbars));
- }, pairs(delta.customizable))
- },
- onEnd: state => {
- each(id => {
- unregisterToolbar("inner-" + id);
- each(removeView(id), values(;
- }, keys(state.toolbars));
- }