path: root/widget/android/jni/Refs.h
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /widget/android/jni/Refs.h
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'widget/android/jni/Refs.h')
1 files changed, 953 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/widget/android/jni/Refs.h b/widget/android/jni/Refs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f54ee5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widget/android/jni/Refs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,953 @@
+#ifndef mozilla_jni_Refs_h__
+#define mozilla_jni_Refs_h__
+#include <jni.h>
+#include "mozilla/Move.h"
+#include "mozilla/jni/Utils.h"
+#include "nsError.h" // for nsresult
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace jni {
+// Wrapped object reference (e.g. jobject, jclass, etc...)
+template<class Cls, typename JNIType> class Ref;
+// Represents a calling context for JNI methods.
+template<class Cls, typename JNIType> class Context;
+// Wrapped local reference that inherits from Ref.
+template<class Cls> class LocalRef;
+// Wrapped global reference that inherits from Ref.
+template<class Cls> class GlobalRef;
+// Wrapped dangling reference that's owned by someone else.
+template<class Cls> class DependentRef;
+// Class to hold the native types of a method's arguments.
+// For example, if a method has signature (ILjava/lang/String;)V,
+// its arguments class would be jni::Args<int32_t, jni::String::Param>
+struct Args {};
+class Object;
+// Base class for Ref and its specializations.
+template<class Cls, typename Type>
+class Ref
+ template<class C, typename T> friend class Ref;
+ using Self = Ref<Cls, Type>;
+ using bool_type = void (Self::*)() const;
+ void non_null_reference() const {}
+ // A Cls-derivative that allows copying
+ // (e.g. when acting as a return value).
+ struct CopyableCtx : public Context<Cls, Type>
+ {
+ CopyableCtx(JNIEnv* env, Type instance)
+ : Context<Cls, Type>(env, instance)
+ {}
+ CopyableCtx(const CopyableCtx& cls)
+ : Context<Cls, Type>(cls.Env(), cls.Get())
+ {}
+ };
+ // Private copy constructor so that there's no danger of assigning a
+ // temporary LocalRef/GlobalRef to a Ref, and potentially use the Ref
+ // after the source had been freed.
+ Ref(const Ref&) = default;
+ static JNIEnv* FindEnv()
+ {
+ return Cls::callingThread == CallingThread::GECKO ?
+ GetGeckoThreadEnv() : GetEnvForThread();
+ }
+ Type mInstance;
+ // Protected jobject constructor because outside code should be using
+ // Ref::From. Using Ref::From makes it very easy to see which code is using
+ // raw JNI types for future refactoring.
+ explicit Ref(Type instance) : mInstance(instance) {}
+ using JNIType = Type;
+ // Construct a Ref form a raw JNI reference.
+ static Ref<Cls, Type> From(JNIType obj)
+ {
+ return Ref<Cls, Type>(obj);
+ }
+ // Construct a Ref form a generic object reference.
+ static Ref<Cls, Type> From(const Ref<Object, jobject>& obj)
+ {
+ return Ref<Cls, Type>(JNIType(obj.Get()));
+ }
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT Ref(decltype(nullptr)) : mInstance(nullptr) {}
+ // Get the raw JNI reference.
+ JNIType Get() const
+ {
+ return mInstance;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Ref& other) const
+ {
+ // Treat two references of the same object as being the same.
+ return mInstance == other.mInstance || JNI_FALSE !=
+ FindEnv()->IsSameObject(mInstance, other.mInstance);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Ref& other) const
+ {
+ return !operator==(other);
+ }
+ bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const
+ {
+ return !mInstance;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const
+ {
+ return !!mInstance;
+ }
+ CopyableCtx operator->() const
+ {
+ return CopyableCtx(FindEnv(), mInstance);
+ }
+ // Any ref can be cast to an object ref.
+ operator Ref<Object, jobject>() const
+ {
+ return Ref<Object, jobject>(mInstance);
+ }
+ // Null checking (e.g. !!ref) using the safe-bool idiom.
+ operator bool_type() const
+ {
+ return mInstance ? &Self::non_null_reference : nullptr;
+ }
+ // We don't allow implicit conversion to jobject because that can lead
+ // to easy mistakes such as assigning a temporary LocalRef to a jobject,
+ // and using the jobject after the LocalRef has been freed.
+ // We don't allow explicit conversion, to make outside code use Ref::Get.
+ // Using Ref::Get makes it very easy to see which code is using raw JNI
+ // types to make future refactoring easier.
+ // operator JNIType() const = delete;
+// Represents a calling context for JNI methods.
+template<class Cls, typename Type>
+class Context : public Ref<Cls, Type>
+ using Ref = jni::Ref<Cls, Type>;
+ static jclass sClassRef; // global reference
+ JNIEnv* const mEnv;
+ static jclass RawClassRef()
+ {
+ return sClassRef;
+ }
+ Context()
+ : Ref(nullptr)
+ , mEnv(Ref::FindEnv())
+ {}
+ Context(JNIEnv* env, Type instance)
+ : Ref(instance)
+ , mEnv(env)
+ {}
+ jclass ClassRef() const
+ {
+ if (!sClassRef) {
+ const jclass cls = GetClassRef(mEnv, Cls::name);
+ sClassRef = jclass(mEnv->NewGlobalRef(cls));
+ mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(cls);
+ }
+ return sClassRef;
+ }
+ JNIEnv* Env() const
+ {
+ return mEnv;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Ref& other) const
+ {
+ // Treat two references of the same object as being the same.
+ return Ref::mInstance == other.mInstance || JNI_FALSE !=
+ mEnv->IsSameObject(Ref::mInstance, other.mInstance);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Ref& other) const
+ {
+ return !operator==(other);
+ }
+ bool operator==(decltype(nullptr)) const
+ {
+ return !Ref::mInstance;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(decltype(nullptr)) const
+ {
+ return !!Ref::mInstance;
+ }
+ Cls operator->() const
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(Ref::mInstance, "Null jobject");
+ return Cls(*this);
+ }
+template<class Cls, typename Type = jobject>
+class ObjectBase
+ const jni::Context<Cls, Type>& mCtx;
+ jclass ClassRef() const { return mCtx.ClassRef(); }
+ JNIEnv* Env() const { return mCtx.Env(); }
+ Type Instance() const { return mCtx.Get(); }
+ using Ref = jni::Ref<Cls, Type>;
+ using Context = jni::Context<Cls, Type>;
+ using LocalRef = jni::LocalRef<Cls>;
+ using GlobalRef = jni::GlobalRef<Cls>;
+ using Param = const Ref&;
+ static const CallingThread callingThread = CallingThread::ANY;
+ static const char name[];
+ explicit ObjectBase(const Context& ctx) : mCtx(ctx) {}
+ Cls* operator->()
+ {
+ return static_cast<Cls*>(this);
+ }
+// Binding for a plain jobject.
+class Object : public ObjectBase<Object, jobject>
+ explicit Object(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<Object, jobject>(ctx) {}
+// Binding for a built-in object reference other than jobject.
+template<typename T>
+class TypedObject : public ObjectBase<TypedObject<T>, T>
+ explicit TypedObject(const Context<TypedObject<T>, T>& ctx)
+ : ObjectBase<TypedObject<T>, T>(ctx)
+ {}
+// Define bindings for built-in types.
+using String = TypedObject<jstring>;
+using Class = TypedObject<jclass>;
+using Throwable = TypedObject<jthrowable>;
+using BooleanArray = TypedObject<jbooleanArray>;
+using ByteArray = TypedObject<jbyteArray>;
+using CharArray = TypedObject<jcharArray>;
+using ShortArray = TypedObject<jshortArray>;
+using IntArray = TypedObject<jintArray>;
+using LongArray = TypedObject<jlongArray>;
+using FloatArray = TypedObject<jfloatArray>;
+using DoubleArray = TypedObject<jdoubleArray>;
+using ObjectArray = TypedObject<jobjectArray>;
+namespace detail {
+// See explanation in LocalRef.
+template<class Cls> struct GenericObject { using Type = Object; };
+template<> struct GenericObject<Object>
+ struct Type {
+ using Ref = jni::Ref<Type, jobject>;
+ using Context = jni::Context<Type, jobject>;
+ };
+template<class Cls> struct GenericLocalRef
+ template<class C> struct Type : jni::Object {};
+template<> struct GenericLocalRef<Object>
+ template<class C> using Type = jni::LocalRef<C>;
+} // namespace
+template<class Cls>
+class LocalRef : public Cls::Context
+ template<class C> friend class LocalRef;
+ using Ctx = typename Cls::Context;
+ using Ref = typename Cls::Ref;
+ using JNIType = typename Ref::JNIType;
+ // In order to be able to convert LocalRef<Object> to LocalRef<Cls>, we
+ // need constructors and copy assignment operators that take in a
+ // LocalRef<Object> argument. However, if Cls *is* Object, we would have
+ // duplicated constructors and operators with LocalRef<Object> arguments. To
+ // avoid this conflict, we use GenericObject, which is defined as Object for
+ // LocalRef<non-Object> and defined as a dummy class for LocalRef<Object>.
+ using GenericObject = typename detail::GenericObject<Cls>::Type;
+ // Similarly, GenericLocalRef is useed to convert LocalRef<Cls> to,
+ // LocalRef<Object>. It's defined as LocalRef<C> for Cls == Object,
+ // and defined as a dummy template class for Cls != Object.
+ template<class C> using GenericLocalRef
+ = typename detail::GenericLocalRef<Cls>::template Type<C>;
+ static JNIType NewLocalRef(JNIEnv* env, JNIType obj)
+ {
+ return JNIType(obj ? env->NewLocalRef(obj) : nullptr);
+ }
+ LocalRef(JNIEnv* env, JNIType instance) : Ctx(env, instance) {}
+ LocalRef& swap(LocalRef& other)
+ {
+ auto instance = other.mInstance;
+ other.mInstance = Ctx::mInstance;
+ Ctx::mInstance = instance;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Construct a LocalRef from a raw JNI local reference. Unlike Ref::From,
+ // LocalRef::Adopt returns a LocalRef that will delete the local reference
+ // when going out of scope.
+ static LocalRef Adopt(JNIType instance)
+ {
+ return LocalRef(Ref::FindEnv(), instance);
+ }
+ static LocalRef Adopt(JNIEnv* env, JNIType instance)
+ {
+ return LocalRef(env, instance);
+ }
+ // Copy constructor.
+ LocalRef(const LocalRef<Cls>& ref)
+ : Ctx(ref.mEnv, NewLocalRef(ref.mEnv, ref.mInstance))
+ {}
+ // Move constructor.
+ LocalRef(LocalRef<Cls>&& ref)
+ : Ctx(ref.mEnv, ref.mInstance)
+ {
+ ref.mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ explicit LocalRef(JNIEnv* env = Ref::FindEnv())
+ : Ctx(env, nullptr)
+ {}
+ // Construct a LocalRef from any Ref,
+ // which means creating a new local reference.
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT LocalRef(const Ref& ref)
+ : Ctx(Ref::FindEnv(), nullptr)
+ {
+ Ctx::mInstance = NewLocalRef(Ctx::mEnv, ref.Get());
+ }
+ LocalRef(JNIEnv* env, const Ref& ref)
+ : Ctx(env, NewLocalRef(env, ref.Get()))
+ {}
+ // Move a LocalRef<Object> into a LocalRef<Cls> without
+ // creating/deleting local references.
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT LocalRef(LocalRef<GenericObject>&& ref)
+ : Ctx(ref.mEnv, JNIType(ref.mInstance))
+ {
+ ref.mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ template<class C>
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT LocalRef(GenericLocalRef<C>&& ref)
+ : Ctx(ref.mEnv, ref.mInstance)
+ {
+ ref.mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Implicitly converts nullptr to LocalRef.
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT LocalRef(decltype(nullptr))
+ : Ctx(Ref::FindEnv(), nullptr)
+ {}
+ ~LocalRef()
+ {
+ if (Ctx::mInstance) {
+ Ctx::mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(Ctx::mInstance);
+ Ctx::mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the raw JNI reference that can be used as a return value.
+ // Returns the same JNI type (jobject, jstring, etc.) as the underlying Ref.
+ typename Ref::JNIType Forget()
+ {
+ const auto obj = Ctx::Get();
+ Ctx::mInstance = nullptr;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ LocalRef<Cls>& operator=(LocalRef<Cls> ref)
+ {
+ return swap(ref);
+ }
+ LocalRef<Cls>& operator=(const Ref& ref)
+ {
+ LocalRef<Cls> newRef(Ctx::mEnv, ref);
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+ LocalRef<Cls>& operator=(LocalRef<GenericObject>&& ref)
+ {
+ LocalRef<Cls> newRef(mozilla::Move(ref));
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+ template<class C>
+ LocalRef<Cls>& operator=(GenericLocalRef<C>&& ref)
+ {
+ LocalRef<Cls> newRef(mozilla::Move(ref));
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+ LocalRef<Cls>& operator=(decltype(nullptr))
+ {
+ LocalRef<Cls> newRef(Ctx::mEnv, nullptr);
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+template<class Cls>
+class GlobalRef : public Cls::Ref
+ using Ref = typename Cls::Ref;
+ using JNIType = typename Ref::JNIType;
+ static JNIType NewGlobalRef(JNIEnv* env, JNIType instance)
+ {
+ return JNIType(instance ? env->NewGlobalRef(instance) : nullptr);
+ }
+ GlobalRef& swap(GlobalRef& other)
+ {
+ auto instance = other.mInstance;
+ other.mInstance = Ref::mInstance;
+ Ref::mInstance = instance;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GlobalRef()
+ : Ref(nullptr)
+ {}
+ // Copy constructor
+ GlobalRef(const GlobalRef& ref)
+ : Ref(NewGlobalRef(GetEnvForThread(), ref.mInstance))
+ {}
+ // Move constructor
+ GlobalRef(GlobalRef&& ref)
+ : Ref(ref.mInstance)
+ {
+ ref.mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT GlobalRef(const Ref& ref)
+ : Ref(NewGlobalRef(GetEnvForThread(), ref.Get()))
+ {}
+ GlobalRef(JNIEnv* env, const Ref& ref)
+ : Ref(NewGlobalRef(env, ref.Get()))
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT GlobalRef(const LocalRef<Cls>& ref)
+ : Ref(NewGlobalRef(ref.Env(), ref.Get()))
+ {}
+ // Implicitly converts nullptr to GlobalRef.
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT GlobalRef(decltype(nullptr))
+ : Ref(nullptr)
+ {}
+ ~GlobalRef()
+ {
+ if (Ref::mInstance) {
+ Clear(GetEnvForThread());
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the raw JNI reference that can be used as a return value.
+ // Returns the same JNI type (jobject, jstring, etc.) as the underlying Ref.
+ typename Ref::JNIType Forget()
+ {
+ const auto obj = Ref::Get();
+ Ref::mInstance = nullptr;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ void Clear(JNIEnv* env)
+ {
+ if (Ref::mInstance) {
+ env->DeleteGlobalRef(Ref::mInstance);
+ Ref::mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ GlobalRef<Cls>& operator=(GlobalRef<Cls> ref)
+ {
+ return swap(ref);
+ }
+ GlobalRef<Cls>& operator=(const Ref& ref)
+ {
+ GlobalRef<Cls> newRef(ref);
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+ GlobalRef<Cls>& operator=(const LocalRef<Cls>& ref)
+ {
+ GlobalRef<Cls> newRef(ref);
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+ GlobalRef<Cls>& operator=(decltype(nullptr))
+ {
+ GlobalRef<Cls> newRef(nullptr);
+ return swap(newRef);
+ }
+template<class Cls>
+class DependentRef : public Cls::Ref
+ using Ref = typename Cls::Ref;
+ DependentRef(typename Ref::JNIType instance)
+ : Ref(instance)
+ {}
+ DependentRef(const DependentRef& ref)
+ : Ref(ref.Get())
+ {}
+class StringParam;
+class TypedObject<jstring> : public ObjectBase<TypedObject<jstring>, jstring>
+ using Base = ObjectBase<TypedObject<jstring>, jstring>;
+ using Param = const StringParam&;
+ explicit TypedObject(const Context& ctx) : Base(ctx) {}
+ size_t Length() const
+ {
+ const size_t ret = Base::Env()->GetStringLength(Base::Instance());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ nsString ToString() const
+ {
+ const jchar* const str = Base::Env()->GetStringChars(
+ Base::Instance(), nullptr);
+ const jsize len = Base::Env()->GetStringLength(Base::Instance());
+ nsString result(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(str), len);
+ Base::Env()->ReleaseStringChars(Base::Instance(), str);
+ return result;
+ }
+ nsCString ToCString() const
+ {
+ return NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(ToString());
+ }
+ // Convert jstring to a nsString.
+ operator nsString() const
+ {
+ return ToString();
+ }
+ // Convert jstring to a nsCString.
+ operator nsCString() const
+ {
+ return ToCString();
+ }
+// Define a custom parameter type for String,
+// which accepts both String::Ref and nsAString/nsACString
+class StringParam : public String::Ref
+ using Ref = String::Ref;
+ // Not null if we should delete ref on destruction.
+ JNIEnv* const mEnv;
+ static jstring GetString(JNIEnv* env, const nsAString& str)
+ {
+ const jstring result = env->NewString(
+ reinterpret_cast<const jchar*>(str.BeginReading()),
+ str.Length());
+ return result;
+ }
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(decltype(nullptr))
+ : Ref(nullptr)
+ , mEnv(nullptr)
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(const Ref& ref)
+ : Ref(ref.Get())
+ , mEnv(nullptr)
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(const nsAString& str, JNIEnv* env = Ref::FindEnv())
+ : Ref(GetString(env, str))
+ , mEnv(env)
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(const char16_t* str, JNIEnv* env = Ref::FindEnv())
+ : Ref(GetString(env, nsDependentString(str)))
+ , mEnv(env)
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(const nsACString& str, JNIEnv* env = Ref::FindEnv())
+ : Ref(GetString(env, NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(str)))
+ , mEnv(env)
+ {}
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT StringParam(const char* str, JNIEnv* env = Ref::FindEnv())
+ : Ref(GetString(env, NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(str)))
+ , mEnv(env)
+ {}
+ StringParam(StringParam&& other)
+ : Ref(other.Get())
+ , mEnv(other.mEnv)
+ {
+ other.mInstance = nullptr;
+ }
+ ~StringParam()
+ {
+ if (mEnv && Get()) {
+ mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(Get());
+ }
+ }
+ operator String::LocalRef() const
+ {
+ // We can't return our existing ref because the returned
+ // LocalRef could be freed first, so we need a new local ref.
+ return String::LocalRef(mEnv ? mEnv : Ref::FindEnv(), *this);
+ }
+namespace detail {
+ template<typename T> struct TypeAdapter;
+// Ref specialization for arrays.
+template<typename JNIType, class ElementType>
+class ArrayRefBase : public ObjectBase<TypedObject<JNIType>, JNIType>
+ using Base = ObjectBase<TypedObject<JNIType>, JNIType>;
+ explicit ArrayRefBase(const Context<TypedObject<JNIType>, JNIType>& ctx)
+ : Base(ctx)
+ {}
+ static typename Base::LocalRef New(const ElementType* data, size_t length) {
+ using JNIElemType = typename detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::JNIType;
+ static_assert(sizeof(ElementType) == sizeof(JNIElemType),
+ "Size of native type must match size of JNI type");
+ JNIEnv* const jenv = mozilla::jni::GetEnvForThread();
+ auto result =
+ (jenv->*detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::NewArray)(length);
+ (jenv->*detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::SetArray)(
+ result, jsize(0), length,
+ reinterpret_cast<const JNIElemType*>(data));
+ return Base::LocalRef::Adopt(jenv, result);
+ }
+ size_t Length() const
+ {
+ const size_t ret = Base::Env()->GetArrayLength(Base::Instance());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ElementType GetElement(size_t index) const
+ {
+ using JNIElemType = typename detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::JNIType;
+ static_assert(sizeof(ElementType) == sizeof(JNIElemType),
+ "Size of native type must match size of JNI type");
+ ElementType ret;
+ (Base::Env()->*detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::GetArray)(
+ Base::Instance(), jsize(index), 1,
+ reinterpret_cast<JNIElemType*>(&ret));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ nsTArray<ElementType> GetElements() const
+ {
+ using JNIElemType = typename detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::JNIType;
+ static_assert(sizeof(ElementType) == sizeof(JNIElemType),
+ "Size of native type must match size of JNI type");
+ const jsize len = size_t(Base::Env()->GetArrayLength(Base::Instance()));
+ nsTArray<ElementType> array((size_t(len)));
+ array.SetLength(size_t(len));
+ (Base::Env()->*detail::TypeAdapter<ElementType>::GetArray)(
+ Base::Instance(), 0, len,
+ reinterpret_cast<JNIElemType*>(array.Elements()));
+ return array;
+ }
+ ElementType operator[](size_t index) const
+ {
+ return GetElement(index);
+ }
+ operator nsTArray<ElementType>() const
+ {
+ return GetElements();
+ }
+#define DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(JNIType, ElementType) \
+ template<> \
+ class TypedObject<JNIType> : public ArrayRefBase<JNIType, ElementType> \
+ { \
+ public: \
+ explicit TypedObject(const Context& ctx) \
+ : ArrayRefBase<JNIType, ElementType>(ctx) \
+ {} \
+ }
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jbooleanArray, bool);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jbyteArray, int8_t);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jcharArray, char16_t);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jshortArray, int16_t);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jintArray, int32_t);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jlongArray, int64_t);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jfloatArray, float);
+DEFINE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_REF(jdoubleArray, double);
+class ByteBuffer : public ObjectBase<ByteBuffer, jobject>
+ explicit ByteBuffer(const Context& ctx)
+ : ObjectBase<ByteBuffer, jobject>(ctx)
+ {}
+ static LocalRef New(void* data, size_t capacity)
+ {
+ JNIEnv* const env = GetEnvForThread();
+ const auto ret = LocalRef::Adopt(
+ env, env->NewDirectByteBuffer(data, jlong(capacity)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void* Address()
+ {
+ void* const ret = Env()->GetDirectBufferAddress(Instance());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ size_t Capacity()
+ {
+ const size_t ret = size_t(Env()->GetDirectBufferCapacity(Instance()));
+ return ret;
+ }
+class TypedObject<jobjectArray>
+ : public ObjectBase<TypedObject<jobjectArray>, jobjectArray>
+ using Base = ObjectBase<TypedObject<jobjectArray>, jobjectArray>;
+ explicit TypedObject(const Context& ctx) : Base(ctx) {}
+ size_t Length() const
+ {
+ const size_t ret = Base::Env()->GetArrayLength(Base::Instance());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ Object::LocalRef GetElement(size_t index) const
+ {
+ auto ret = Object::LocalRef::Adopt(
+ Base::Env(), Base::Env()->GetObjectArrayElement(
+ Base::Instance(), jsize(index)));
+ return ret;
+ }
+ nsTArray<Object::LocalRef> GetElements() const
+ {
+ const jsize len = size_t(Base::Env()->GetArrayLength(Base::Instance()));
+ nsTArray<Object::LocalRef> array((size_t(len)));
+ for (jsize i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ array.AppendElement(Object::LocalRef::Adopt(
+ Base::Env(), Base::Env()->GetObjectArrayElement(
+ Base::Instance(), i)));
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ Object::LocalRef operator[](size_t index) const
+ {
+ return GetElement(index);
+ }
+ operator nsTArray<Object::LocalRef>() const
+ {
+ return GetElements();
+ }
+ void SetElement(size_t index, Object::Param element) const
+ {
+ Base::Env()->SetObjectArrayElement(
+ Base::Instance(), jsize(index), element.Get());
+ }
+// Support conversion from LocalRef<T>* to LocalRef<Object>*:
+// LocalRef<Foo> foo;
+// Foo::GetFoo(&foo); // error because parameter type is LocalRef<Object>*.
+// Foo::GetFoo(ReturnTo(&foo)); // OK because ReturnTo converts the argument.
+template<class Cls>
+class ReturnToLocal
+ LocalRef<Cls>* const localRef;
+ LocalRef<Object> objRef;
+ explicit ReturnToLocal(LocalRef<Cls>* ref) : localRef(ref) {}
+ operator LocalRef<Object>*() { return &objRef; }
+ ~ReturnToLocal()
+ {
+ if (objRef) {
+ *localRef = mozilla::Move(objRef);
+ }
+ }
+template<class Cls>
+ReturnToLocal<Cls> ReturnTo(LocalRef<Cls>* ref)
+ return ReturnToLocal<Cls>(ref);
+// Support conversion from GlobalRef<T>* to LocalRef<Object/T>*:
+// GlobalRef<Foo> foo;
+// Foo::GetFoo(&foo); // error because parameter type is LocalRef<Foo>*.
+// Foo::GetFoo(ReturnTo(&foo)); // OK because ReturnTo converts the argument.
+template<class Cls>
+class ReturnToGlobal
+ GlobalRef<Cls>* const globalRef;
+ LocalRef<Object> objRef;
+ LocalRef<Cls> clsRef;
+ explicit ReturnToGlobal(GlobalRef<Cls>* ref) : globalRef(ref) {}
+ operator LocalRef<Object>*() { return &objRef; }
+ operator LocalRef<Cls>*() { return &clsRef; }
+ ~ReturnToGlobal()
+ {
+ if (objRef) {
+ *globalRef = (clsRef = mozilla::Move(objRef));
+ } else if (clsRef) {
+ *globalRef = clsRef;
+ }
+ }
+template<class Cls>
+ReturnToGlobal<Cls> ReturnTo(GlobalRef<Cls>* ref)
+ return ReturnToGlobal<Cls>(ref);
+} // namespace jni
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // mozilla_jni_Refs_h__