path: root/toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:49:12 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:49:12 -0500
commit4fb11cd5966461bccc3ed1599b808237be6b0de9 (patch)
treed7f0ccd49cebb3544d52635ff1bd6ed4d763823f /toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml
parentf164d9124708b50789dbb6959e1de96cc5697c48 (diff)
Move WebExtensions enabled Add-ons Manager
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml')
1 files changed, 820 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml b/toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bebca2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/webextensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_AddonRepository.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<searchresults total_results="1111">
+ <!-- Passes all requirements -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>PASS</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.1</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator 1</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creator1.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="8">Preliminarily Reviewed</status>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <!-- Test that a negative rating is ignored -->
+ <rating>-2</rating>
+ <!-- Test that a <reviews> with a blank review URL is ignored -->
+ <reviews num=" 1111 "> </reviews>
+ <!-- Test that a negative total_downloads is ignored -->
+ <total_downloads>-2</total_downloads>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test1.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Passes requirements. Tests optional attributes. Also tests that
+ integer properties that are NaN in the XML are ignored -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>PASS</name>
+ <!-- Test that extensions pass -->
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.2</version>
+ <authors>
+ <!-- Test that the first author becomes the creator,
+ and the second one is a developer -->
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator 2</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creator2.html</link>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Developer 2</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/developer2.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <summary>&lt;h1&gt;Test Summary 2&lt;/h1&gt;&lt;p&gt;paragraph&lt;/p&gt;</summary>
+ <description>Test Description 2&lt;br&gt;newline</description>
+ <developer_comments>Test Developer
+ Comments 2</developer_comments>
+ <eula>Test EULA 2</eula>
+ <icon size="64">http://localhost:%PORT%/icon2-64.png</icon>
+ <icon size="48">http://localhost:%PORT%/icon2-48.png</icon>
+ <icon size="32">http://localhost:%PORT%/icon2-32.png</icon>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <!-- Test that multiple preview images are correctly parsed -->
+ <previews>
+ <preview primary="0">
+ <full type="image/png">http://localhost:%PORT%/full1-2.png</full>
+ <thumbnail type="image/png">http://localhost:%PORT%/thumbnail1-2.png</thumbnail>
+ </preview>
+ <preview primary="0">
+ <full type="image/png">http://localhost:%PORT%/full2-2.png</full>
+ <thumbnail type="image/png">http://localhost:%PORT%/thumbnail2-2.png</thumbnail>
+ <caption>Caption 2</caption>
+ </preview>
+ </previews>
+ <rating>NaN</rating>
+ <!-- Test that learnmore is used as the add-on's homepageURL
+ if there is no homepage defined -->
+ <learnmore>http://localhost:%PORT%/learnmore2.html</learnmore>
+ <homepage/>
+ <support>http://localhost:%PORT%/support2.html</support>
+ <contribution_data>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/contribution2.html</link>
+ <meet_developers>http://localhost:%PORT%/meetDevelopers2.html</meet_developers>
+ </contribution_data>
+ <reviews num="NaN">http://localhost:%PORT%/review2.html</reviews>
+ <total_downloads>NaN</total_downloads>
+ <weekly_downloads>NaN</weekly_downloads>
+ <daily_users>NaN</daily_users>
+ <last_updated epoch="NaN">Not an acual date</last_updated>
+ <install size="NaN" os="ALL">http://localhost:%PORT%/test2.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Passes requirements. Tests optional attributes with extra whitespace. -->
+ <addon>
+ <name> PASS </name>
+ <!-- Test that themes pass -->
+ <type id=" 2 ">Theme</type>
+ <guid> </guid>
+ <version> 1.3 </version>
+ <authors>
+ <!-- Test that authors with blank names are ignored -->
+ <author>
+ <name> </name>
+ <link> http://localhost:%PORT%/ignore3.html </link>
+ </author>
+ <!-- Test that authors with blank links are ignored -->
+ <author>
+ <name> Test Creator Ignore </name>
+ <link> </link>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <name> Test Creator 3 </name>
+ <link> http://localhost:%PORT%/creator3.html </link>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <name> First Test Developer 3 </name>
+ <link> http://localhost:%PORT%/developer1-3.html </link>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <name> </name>
+ <link> </link>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <name> Second Test Developer 3 </name>
+ <link> http://localhost:%PORT%/developer2-3.html </link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <summary> Test Summary 3 </summary>
+ <description> Test Description 3&lt;br&gt;&lt;ul&gt;&lt;li&gt;List item 1&lt;li&gt;List item 2&lt;/ul&gt; </description>
+ <developer_comments> Test Developer Comments 3 </developer_comments>
+ <eula> Test EULA 3 </eula>
+ <icon size="32"> http://localhost:%PORT%/icon3.png </icon>
+ <status id=" 8 ">Preliminarily Reviewed</status>
+ <!-- Test that an incompatible + compatible application list passes -->
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID> </appID>
+ <min_version> 1 </min_version>
+ <max_version> 1 </max_version>
+ </application>
+ <application>
+ <appID> </appID>
+ <min_version> 1 </min_version>
+ <max_version> 1 </max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <!-- Test that primary images appear first in the add-on's screenshots array -->
+ <previews>
+ <preview primary=" 0 ">
+ <full type=" image/png "> http://localhost:%PORT%/full2-3.png </full>
+ <caption> Caption 2 - 3 </caption>
+ </preview>
+ <!-- Test that a preview without a <full> element is ignored -->
+ <preview primary=" 0 ">
+ <caption> Caption ignore - 3 </caption>
+ </preview>
+ <!-- Test that a preview with an empty <full> element is ignored -->
+ <preview primary=" 0 ">
+ <full type=" image/png "> </full>
+ <caption> Caption ignore - 3 </caption>
+ <preview primary=" 1 ">
+ <full type=" image/png "> http://localhost:%PORT%/full1-3.png </full>
+ <thumbnail type=" image/png "> http://localhost:%PORT%/thumbnail1-3.png </thumbnail>
+ <caption> Caption 1 - 3 </caption>
+ </preview>
+ <preview primary=" 0 ">
+ <full type=" image/png "> http://localhost:%PORT%/full3-3.png </full>
+ <thumbnail type=" image/png "> http://localhost:%PORT%/thumbnail3-3.png </thumbnail>
+ <caption> Caption 3 - 3 </caption>
+ </preview>
+ </preview>
+ </previews>
+ <!-- Test that a rating between 1 and 5 is correctly parsed -->
+ <rating> 2 </rating>
+ <!-- Test that hompage is used as the add-on's homepageURL
+ even if learnmore is defined -->
+ <learnmore> http://localhost:%PORT%/learnmore3.html </learnmore>
+ <homepage> http://localhost:%PORT%/homepage3.html </homepage>
+ <support> http://localhost:%PORT%/support3.html </support>
+ <contribution_data>
+ <link> http://localhost:%PORT%/contribution3.html </link>
+ <suggested_amount currency="USD"> $11.11 </suggested_amount>
+ <meet_developers> http://localhost:%PORT%/meetDevelopers3.html </meet_developers>
+ </contribution_data>
+ <reviews num=" 1111 "> http://localhost:%PORT%/review3.html </reviews>
+ <total_downloads> 2222 </total_downloads>
+ <weekly_downloads> 3333 </weekly_downloads>
+ <daily_users> 4444 </daily_users>
+ <last_updated epoch=" 1265033045 "> 2010-02-01T14:04:05Z </last_updated>
+ <!-- Test that an incompatible install is ignored -->
+ <install size=" 9999 " os=" UNKNOWN "> http://localhost:%PORT%/fail3.xpi </install>
+ <!-- Test that OS matching is case-insensitive -->
+ <install size=" 5555 " os=" xpCShell " hash=" sha1:c26f0b0d62e5dcddcda95074d3f3fedb9bbc26e3 "> http://localhost:%PORT%/test3.xpi </install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because name is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.4</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 4</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined name should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test4.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because name is empty-->
+ <addon>
+ <name> </name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.5</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 5</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with empty name should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test5.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because type is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.6</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 6</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined type should be ignored</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test6.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because type is empty -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="">Empty id attribute</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.7</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 7</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with empty type should be ignored</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test7.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because type is unknown -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="9999">Unknown</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.8</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 8</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with unknown type should be ignored</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test8.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because guid is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <version>1.9</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 9</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined guid should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test9.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because guid is empty -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid> </guid>
+ <version>1.10</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 10</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with empty guid should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test10.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because guid matches previously successful result -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.11</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 11</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with a guid that matches a previously successful result should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test11.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because guid matches already installed add-on -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.12</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 12</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with a guid that matches an installed Addon should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test12.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because version is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 13</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test13.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because version is empty -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version> </version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 14</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with empty version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test14.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because authors undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.15</version>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined authors should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test15.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because it has no defined author elements -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.16</version>
+ <authors></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with no defined author elements should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test16.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because no non-empty author elements -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.17</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author><name></name></author>
+ <author><name></name> </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with no non-empty author elements should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test17.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because status is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.18</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 18</name></author></authors>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined status should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test18.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because status is not Public -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.19</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 19</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="9999">Unknown</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with non-Public status should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test19.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because compatible_applications is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.20</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 20</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined compatible_applications should be ignored.</summary>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test20.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because no compatible applications matched -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.21</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 21</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with no compatible applications should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test21.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because compatible application's min version is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.22</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 22</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with too high of a compatible application min version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <max_version>2.0</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test22.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because compatible application's min version too high -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.23</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 23</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with too high of a compatible application min version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1.1</min_version>
+ <max_version>2.0</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test23.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because compatible application's max version is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.24</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 24</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with too low of a compatible application max version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>0.9</min_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test24.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because compatible application's max version is too low -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.25</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 25</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with too low of a compatible application max version should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>0.9</min_version>
+ <max_version>0.9.9</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test25.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because XPI URL is undefined -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.26</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 26</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with undefined XPI URL should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because XPI URL is empty -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.27</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 27</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with an empty XPI URL should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install> </install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because install not compatible with OS -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.28</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 28</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with no installs with compatible OS should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install os="UNKNOWN1">http://localhost:%PORT%/test28.xpi</install>
+ <install os="UNKNOWN2">http://localhost:%PORT%/test28.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because XPI URL matches an installing AddonInstall -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>1.29</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator 29</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on with an XPI URL that matches an installing AddonInstall should be ignored.</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/addons/test_AddonRepository_2.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Passes because the add-on has the right payment info -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>PASS</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>2.0</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator - Last Passing</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creatorLastPassing.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <all_compatible_os>
+ <os>ALL</os>
+ </all_compatible_os>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <rating>5</rating>
+ <payment_data>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/purchaseURL1</link>
+ <amount amount="5">$5</amount>
+ </payment_data>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Passes because the add-on has the right payment info -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>PASS</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>2.0</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator - Last Passing</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creatorLastPassing.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <all_compatible_os>
+ <os>XPCShell</os>
+ </all_compatible_os>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <rating>5</rating>
+ <payment_data>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/purchaseURL2</link>
+ <amount amount="10.0">$10</amount>
+ </payment_data>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because the add-on doesn't match the platform -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>2.0</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator - Last Passing</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creatorLastPassing.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <all_compatible_os>
+ <os>FOO</os>
+ </all_compatible_os>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <rating>5</rating>
+ <payment_data>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/purchaseURL3</link>
+ <amount amount="10">$10</amount>
+ </payment_data>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Passes because the Addon that has a matching XPI URL
+ has a state = STATE_AVAILABLE (non-active install). This is the
+ last passing add-on. -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>PASS</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>2.0</version>
+ <authors>
+ <author>
+ <name>Test Creator - Last Passing</name>
+ <link>http://localhost:%PORT%/creatorLastPassing.html</link>
+ </author>
+ </authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <!-- Test that a rating > 5 becomes a rating = 5 -->
+ <rating>10</rating>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/addons/test_AddonRepository_3.xpi</install>
+ </addon>
+ <!-- Fails because of MAX_RESULTS limit. The previous <addon> should
+ be the last passing add-on in order to correctly test the limit. -->
+ <addon>
+ <name>FAIL</name>
+ <type id="1">Extension</type>
+ <guid></guid>
+ <version>9.9</version>
+ <authors><author><name>Test Creator - Surpasses Limit</name></author></authors>
+ <status id="4">Public</status>
+ <summary>Add-on should not be added because doing so would surpass MAX_RESULTS limit</summary>
+ <compatible_applications>
+ <application>
+ <appID></appID>
+ <min_version>1</min_version>
+ <max_version>1</max_version>
+ </application>
+ </compatible_applications>
+ <install>http://localhost:%PORT%/test-surpassesLimit.xpi</install>
+ </addon>