path: root/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-11 07:03:16 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-11 07:03:16 -0500
commit203eb0f61a09372310a2a8fb57e169cb3f47800b (patch)
tree8490329d3dae4de3c7ffd127bce1f65fdc009abd /toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js
parente45706ca3acbb6530419433212becc61d5953a2d (diff)
parent8f6d3dab81c7f8f97ef197e26ab9439b09735b8f (diff)
Merge branch 'ext-work'FF_Checkpoint_1
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33ab8a84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/selectAddons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var gView = null;
+function showView(aView) {
+ gView = aView;
+ // If the view's show method immediately showed a different view then don't
+ // do anything else
+ if (gView != aView)
+ return;
+ let viewNode = document.getElementById(gView.nodeID);
+ viewNode.parentNode.selectedPanel = viewNode;
+ // For testing dispatch an event when the view changes
+ var event = document.createEvent("Events");
+ event.initEvent("ViewChanged", true, true);
+ viewNode.dispatchEvent(event);
+function showButtons(aCancel, aBack, aNext, aDone) {
+ document.getElementById("cancel").hidden = !aCancel;
+ document.getElementById("back").hidden = !aBack;
+ document.getElementById("next").hidden = !aNext;
+ document.getElementById("done").hidden = !aDone;
+function isAddonDistroInstalled(aID) {
+ let branch = Services.prefs.getBranch("extensions.installedDistroAddon.");
+ if (!branch.prefHasUserValue(aID))
+ return false;
+ return branch.getBoolPref(aID);
+function orderForScope(aScope) {
+ return aScope == AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE ? 1 : 0;
+var gAddons = {};
+var gChecking = {
+ nodeID: "checking",
+ _progress: null,
+ _addonCount: 0,
+ _completeCount: 0,
+ show: function gChecking_show() {
+ showButtons(true, false, false, false);
+ this._progress = document.getElementById("checking-progress");
+ AddonManager.getAllAddons(aAddons => {
+ if (aAddons.length == 0) {
+ window.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ aAddons = aAddons.filter(function gChecking_filterAddons(aAddon) {
+ if (aAddon.type == "plugin" || aAddon.type == "service")
+ return false;
+ if (aAddon.type == "theme") {
+ // Don't show application shipped themes
+ if (aAddon.scope == AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION)
+ return false;
+ // Don't show already disabled themes
+ if (aAddon.userDisabled)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ this._addonCount = aAddons.length;
+ this._progress.value = 0;
+ this._progress.max = aAddons.length;
+ this._progress.mode = "determined";
+ AddonRepository.repopulateCache().then(() => {
+ for (let addonItem of aAddons) {
+ // Ignore disabled themes
+ if (addonItem.type != "theme" || !addonItem.userDisabled) {
+ gAddons[] = {
+ addon: addonItem,
+ install: null,
+ wasActive: addonItem.isActive
+ }
+ }
+ addonItem.findUpdates(this, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_NEW_APP_INSTALLED);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ onUpdateAvailable: function gChecking_onUpdateAvailable(aAddon, aInstall) {
+ // If the add-on can be upgraded then remember the new version
+ if (aAddon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE)
+ gAddons[].install = aInstall;
+ },
+ onUpdateFinished: function gChecking_onUpdateFinished(aAddon, aError) {
+ this._completeCount++;
+ this._progress.value = this._completeCount;
+ if (this._completeCount < this._addonCount)
+ return;
+ var addons = [gAddons[id] for (id in gAddons)];
+ addons.sort(function sortAddons(a, b) {
+ let orderA = orderForScope(a.addon.scope);
+ let orderB = orderForScope(b.addon.scope);
+ if (orderA != orderB)
+ return orderA - orderB;
+ return String.localeCompare(,;
+ });
+ let rows = document.getElementById("select-rows");
+ let lastAddon = null;
+ for (let entry of addons) {
+ if (lastAddon &&
+ orderForScope(entry.addon.scope) != orderForScope(lastAddon.scope)) {
+ let separator = document.createElement("separator");
+ rows.appendChild(separator);
+ }
+ let row = document.createElement("row");
+ row.setAttribute("id",;
+ row.setAttribute("class", "addon");
+ rows.appendChild(row);
+ row.setAddon(entry.addon, entry.install, entry.wasActive,
+ isAddonDistroInstalled(;
+ if (entry.install)
+ entry.install.addListener(gUpdate);
+ lastAddon = entry.addon;
+ }
+ showView(gSelect);
+ }
+var gSelect = {
+ nodeID: "select",
+ show: function gSelect_show() {
+ this.updateButtons();
+ },
+ updateButtons: function gSelect_updateButtons() {
+ for (let row = document.getElementById("select-rows").firstChild;
+ row; row = row.nextSibling) {
+ if (row.localName == "separator")
+ continue;
+ if (row.action) {
+ showButtons(false, false, true, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ showButtons(false, false, false, true);
+ },
+ next: function gSelect_next() {
+ showView(gConfirm);
+ },
+ done: function gSelect_done() {
+ window.close();
+ }
+var gConfirm = {
+ nodeID: "confirm",
+ show: function gConfirm_show() {
+ showButtons(false, true, false, true);
+ let box = document.getElementById("confirm-scrollbox").firstChild;
+ while (box) {
+ box.hidden = true;
+ while (box.lastChild != box.firstChild)
+ box.removeChild(box.lastChild);
+ box = box.nextSibling;
+ }
+ for (let row = document.getElementById("select-rows").firstChild;
+ row; row = row.nextSibling) {
+ if (row.localName == "separator")
+ continue;
+ let action = row.action;
+ if (!action)
+ continue;
+ let list = document.getElementById(action + "-list");
+ list.hidden = false;
+ let item = document.createElement("hbox");
+ item.setAttribute("id",;
+ item.setAttribute("class", "addon");
+ item.setAttribute("type", row._addon.type);
+ item.setAttribute("name",;
+ if (action == "update" || action == "enable")
+ item.setAttribute("active", "true");
+ list.appendChild(item);
+ if (action == "update")
+ showButtons(false, true, true, false);
+ }
+ },
+ back: function gConfirm_back() {
+ showView(gSelect);
+ },
+ next: function gConfirm_next() {
+ showView(gUpdate);
+ },
+ done: function gConfirm_done() {
+ for (let row = document.getElementById("select-rows").firstChild;
+ row; row = row.nextSibling) {
+ if (row.localName != "separator")
+ row.apply();
+ }
+ window.close();
+ }
+var gUpdate = {
+ nodeID: "update",
+ _progress: null,
+ _waitingCount: 0,
+ _completeCount: 0,
+ _errorCount: 0,
+ show: function gUpdate_show() {
+ showButtons(true, false, false, false);
+ this._progress = document.getElementById("update-progress");
+ for (let row = document.getElementById("select-rows").firstChild;
+ row; row = row.nextSibling) {
+ if (row.localName != "separator")
+ row.apply();
+ }
+ this._progress.mode = "determined";
+ this._progress.max = this._waitingCount;
+ this._progress.value = this._completeCount;
+ },
+ checkComplete: function gUpdate_checkComplete() {
+ this._progress.value = this._completeCount;
+ if (this._completeCount < this._waitingCount)
+ return;
+ if (this._errorCount > 0) {
+ showView(gErrors);
+ return;
+ }
+ window.close();
+ },
+ onDownloadStarted: function gUpdate_onDownloadStarted(aInstall) {
+ this._waitingCount++;
+ },
+ onDownloadFailed: function gUpdate_onDownloadFailed(aInstall) {
+ this._errorCount++;
+ this._completeCount++;
+ this.checkComplete();
+ },
+ onInstallFailed: function gUpdate_onInstallFailed(aInstall) {
+ this._errorCount++;
+ this._completeCount++;
+ this.checkComplete();
+ },
+ onInstallEnded: function gUpdate_onInstallEnded(aInstall) {
+ this._completeCount++;
+ this.checkComplete();
+ }
+var gErrors = {
+ nodeID: "errors",
+ show: function gErrors_show() {
+ showButtons(false, false, false, true);
+ },
+ done: function gErrors_done() {
+ window.close();
+ }
+window.addEventListener("load", function loadEventListener() {
+ showView(gChecking); }, false);
+// When closing the window cancel any pending or in-progress installs
+window.addEventListener("unload", function unloadEventListener() {
+ for (let id in gAddons) {
+ let entry = gAddons[id];
+ if (!entry.install)
+ return;
+ aEntry.install.removeListener(gUpdate);
+ if (entry.install.state != AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED &&
+ entry.install.state != AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED &&
+ entry.install.state != AddonManager.STATE_INSTALL_FAILED) {
+ entry.install.cancel();
+ }
+ }
+}, false);