path: root/toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-02 07:11:37 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-02 07:11:37 -0500
commit464e29230eeb8c25dfb064f14239b1288c85332b (patch)
tree08935287f435060c489af48cd4a59d00e76197c6 /toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml
parent6d614170cbfa958564eb5f824234ad5a9e484344 (diff)
Issue N/A - Restore the Toolkit Error Console - Part 1: Toolkit
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml b/toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b00326bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/console/content/consoleBindings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE bindings SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/console.dtd">
+<bindings id="consoleBindings"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xul=""
+ xmlns:xbl="">
+ <binding id="console-box" extends="xul:box">
+ <content>
+ <xul:stringbundle src="chrome://global/locale/" role="string-bundle"/>
+ <xul:vbox class="console-box-internal">
+ <xul:vbox class="console-rows" role="console-rows" xbl:inherits="dir=sortOrder"/>
+ </xul:vbox>
+ </content>
+ <implementation>
+ <field name="limit" readonly="true">
+ 250
+ </field>
+ <field name="fieldMaxLength" readonly="true">
+ <!-- Limit displayed string lengths to avoid performance issues. (Bug 796179 and 831020) -->
+ 200
+ </field>
+ <field name="showChromeErrors" readonly="true">
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref("javascript.options.showInConsole");
+ </field>
+ <property name="count" readonly="true">
+ <getter>return this.mCount</getter>
+ </property>
+ <property name="mode">
+ <getter>return this.mMode;</getter>
+ <setter><![CDATA[
+ if (this.mode != val) {
+ this.mMode = val || "All";
+ this.setAttribute("mode", this.mMode);
+ this.selectedItem = null;
+ }
+ return val;
+ ]]></setter>
+ </property>
+ <property name="filter">
+ <getter>return this.mFilter;</getter>
+ <setter><![CDATA[
+ val = val.toLowerCase();
+ if (this.mFilter != val) {
+ this.mFilter = val;
+ for (let aRow of this.mConsoleRowBox.children) {
+ this.filterElement(aRow);
+ }
+ }
+ return val;
+ ]]></setter>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sortOrder">
+ <getter>return this.getAttribute("sortOrder");</getter>
+ <setter>this.setAttribute("sortOrder", val); return val;</setter>
+ </property>
+ <field name="mSelectedItem">null</field>
+ <property name="selectedItem">
+ <getter>return this.mSelectedItem</getter>
+ <setter><![CDATA[
+ if (this.mSelectedItem)
+ this.mSelectedItem.removeAttribute("selected");
+ this.mSelectedItem = val;
+ if (val)
+ val.setAttribute("selected", "true");
+ // Update edit commands
+ window.updateCommands("focus");
+ return val;
+ ]]></setter>
+ </property>
+ <method name="init">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ this.mCount = 0;
+ this.mConsoleListener = {
+ console: this,
+ observe : function(aObject) {
+ // The message can arrive a little bit after the xbl binding has been
+ // unbind. So node.appendItem will not be available anymore.
+ if ('appendItem' in this.console)
+ this.console.appendItem(aObject);
+ }
+ };
+ this.mConsoleRowBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "role", "console-rows");
+ this.mStrBundle = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "role", "string-bundle");
+ try {
+ Services.console.registerListener(this.mConsoleListener);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ appendItem(
+ "Unable to display errors - couldn't get Console Service component. " +
+ "(Missing;1)");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.mMode = this.getAttribute("mode") || "All";
+ this.mFilter = "";
+ this.appendInitialItems();
+ window.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, this._controller);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="destroy">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ Services.console.unregisterListener(this.mConsoleListener);
+ window.controllers.removeController(this._controller);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="appendInitialItems">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var messages = Services.console.getMessageArray();
+ // In case getMessageArray returns 0-length array as null
+ if (!messages)
+ messages = [];
+ var limit = messages.length - this.limit;
+ if (limit < 0) limit = 0;
+ // Checks if console ever been cleared
+ for (var i = messages.length - 1; i >= limit; --i)
+ if (!messages[i].message)
+ break;
+ // Populate with messages after latest "clear"
+ while (++i < messages.length)
+ this.appendItem(messages[i]);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="appendItem">
+ <parameter name="aObject"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ try {
+ // Try to QI it to a script error to get more info
+ var scriptError = aObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptError);
+ // filter chrome urls
+ if (!this.showChromeErrors && scriptError.sourceName.substr(0, 9) == "chrome://")
+ return;
+ // filter private windows
+ if (scriptError.isFromPrivateWindow)
+ return;
+ this.appendError(scriptError);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ try {
+ // Try to QI it to a console message
+ var msg = aObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleMessage);
+ if (msg.message)
+ this.appendMessage(msg.message);
+ else // observed a null/"clear" message
+ this.clearConsole();
+ } catch (ex2) {
+ // Give up and append the object itself as a string
+ this.appendMessage(aObject);
+ }
+ }
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="_truncateIfNecessary">
+ <parameter name="aString"/>
+ <parameter name="aMiddleCharacter"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (!aString || aString.length <= this.fieldMaxLength)
+ return {string: aString, column: aMiddleCharacter};
+ let halfLimit = this.fieldMaxLength / 2;
+ if (!aMiddleCharacter || aMiddleCharacter < 0 || aMiddleCharacter > aString.length)
+ aMiddleCharacter = halfLimit;
+ let startPosition = 0;
+ let endPosition = aString.length;
+ if (aMiddleCharacter - halfLimit >= 0)
+ startPosition = aMiddleCharacter - halfLimit;
+ if (aMiddleCharacter + halfLimit <= aString.length)
+ endPosition = aMiddleCharacter + halfLimit;
+ if (endPosition - startPosition < this.fieldMaxLength)
+ endPosition += this.fieldMaxLength - (endPosition - startPosition);
+ let truncatedString = aString.substring(startPosition, endPosition);
+ let Ci = Components.interfaces;
+ let ellipsis = Services.prefs.getComplexValue("intl.ellipsis",
+ Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;
+ if (startPosition > 0) {
+ truncatedString = ellipsis + truncatedString;
+ aMiddleCharacter += ellipsis.length;
+ }
+ if (endPosition < aString.length)
+ truncatedString = truncatedString + ellipsis;
+ return {
+ string: truncatedString,
+ column: aMiddleCharacter - startPosition
+ };
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="appendError">
+ <parameter name="aObject"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var row = this.createConsoleRow();
+ var nsIScriptError = Components.interfaces.nsIScriptError;
+ // Is this error actually just a non-fatal warning?
+ var warning = aObject.flags & nsIScriptError.warningFlag != 0;
+ var typetext = warning ? "typeWarning" : "typeError";
+ row.setAttribute("typetext", this.mStrBundle.getString(typetext));
+ row.setAttribute("type", warning ? "warning" : "error");
+ row.setAttribute("msg", aObject.errorMessage);
+ row.setAttribute("category", aObject.category);
+ row.setAttribute("time", this.properFormatTime(aObject.timeStamp));
+ if (aObject.lineNumber || aObject.sourceName) {
+ row.setAttribute("href", this._truncateIfNecessary(aObject.sourceName).string);
+ row.mSourceName = aObject.sourceName;
+ row.setAttribute("line", aObject.lineNumber);
+ } else {
+ row.setAttribute("hideSource", "true");
+ }
+ if (aObject.sourceLine) {
+ let sourceLine = aObject.sourceLine.replace(/\s/g, " ");
+ let truncatedLineObj = this._truncateIfNecessary(sourceLine, aObject.columnNumber);
+ row.setAttribute("code", truncatedLineObj.string);
+ row.mSourceLine = sourceLine;
+ if (aObject.columnNumber) {
+ row.setAttribute("col", aObject.columnNumber);
+ row.setAttribute("errorDots", this.repeatChar(" ", truncatedLineObj.column));
+ row.setAttribute("errorCaret", " ");
+ } else {
+ row.setAttribute("hideCaret", "true");
+ }
+ } else {
+ row.setAttribute("hideCode", "true");
+ }
+ this.appendConsoleRow(row);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="appendMessage">
+ <parameter name="aMessage"/>
+ <parameter name="aType"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var row = this.createConsoleRow();
+ row.setAttribute("type", aType || "message");
+ row.setAttribute("msg", aMessage);
+ this.appendConsoleRow(row);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="clear">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ // add a "clear" message (mainly for other listeners)
+ Services.console.logStringMessage(null);
+ Services.console.reset();
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="properFormatTime">
+ <parameter name="aTime"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ const dateServ = Components.classes[";1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableDateFormat);
+ let errorTime = new Date(aTime);
+ return dateServ.FormatDateTime("", dateServ.dateFormatShort, dateServ.timeFormatSeconds,
+ errorTime.getFullYear(), errorTime.getMonth() + 1, errorTime.getDate(),
+ errorTime.getHours(), errorTime.getMinutes(), errorTime.getSeconds());
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="copySelectedItem">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (this.mSelectedItem) try {
+ const clipURI = ";1";
+ const clipI = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper;
+ var clipboard = Components.classes[clipURI].getService(clipI);
+ clipboard.copyString(this.mSelectedItem.toString(), document);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Unable to copy anything, die quietly
+ }
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="createConsoleRow">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var row = document.createElement("box");
+ row.setAttribute("class", "console-row");
+ row._IsConsoleRow = true;
+ row._ConsoleBox = this;
+ return row;
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="appendConsoleRow">
+ <parameter name="aRow"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ this.filterElement(aRow);
+ this.mConsoleRowBox.appendChild(aRow);
+ if (++this.mCount > this.limit) this.deleteFirst();
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="deleteFirst">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ var node = this.mConsoleRowBox.firstChild;
+ this.mConsoleRowBox.removeChild(node);
+ --this.mCount;
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="clearConsole">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (this.mCount == 0) // already clear
+ return;
+ this.mCount = 0;
+ var newRows = this.mConsoleRowBox.cloneNode(false);
+ this.mConsoleRowBox.parentNode.replaceChild(newRows, this.mConsoleRowBox);
+ this.mConsoleRowBox = newRows;
+ this.selectedItem = null;
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="filterElement">
+ <parameter name="aRow" />
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ let anyMatch = ["msg", "line", "code"].some(function (key) {
+ return (aRow.hasAttribute(key) &&
+ this.stringMatchesFilters(aRow.getAttribute(key), this.mFilter));
+ }, this) || (aRow.mSourceName &&
+ this.stringMatchesFilters(aRow.mSourceName, this.mFilter));
+ if (anyMatch) {
+ aRow.classList.remove("filtered-by-string")
+ } else {
+ aRow.classList.add("filtered-by-string")
+ }
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="repeatChar">
+ <parameter name="aChar"/>
+ <parameter name="aCol"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (--aCol <= 0)
+ return "";
+ for (var i = 2; i < aCol; i += i)
+ aChar += aChar;
+ return aChar + aChar.slice(0, aCol - aChar.length);
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="stringMatchesFilters">
+ <parameter name="aString"/>
+ <parameter name="aFilter"/>
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ if (!aString || !aFilter) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let searchStr = aString.toLowerCase();
+ let filterStrings = aFilter.split(/\s+/);
+ return !filterStrings.some(function (f) {
+ return searchStr.indexOf(f) == -1;
+ });
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ <constructor> this.init(); </constructor>
+ <destructor> this.destroy(); </destructor>
+ <!-- Command controller for the copy command -->
+ <field name="_controller"><![CDATA[({
+ _outer: this,
+ QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
+ if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIController) ||
+ aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))
+ return this;
+ throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
+ },
+ supportsCommand: function(aCommand) {
+ return aCommand == "cmd_copy";
+ },
+ isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand) {
+ return aCommand == "cmd_copy" && this._outer.selectedItem;
+ },
+ doCommand: function(aCommand) {
+ if (aCommand == "cmd_copy")
+ this._outer.copySelectedItem();
+ },
+ onEvent: function() { }
+ });]]></field>
+ </implementation>
+ <handlers>
+ <handler event="mousedown"><![CDATA[
+ if (event.button == 0 || event.button == 2) {
+ var target = event.originalTarget;
+ while (target && !("_IsConsoleRow" in target))
+ target = target.parentNode;
+ if (target)
+ this.selectedItem = target;
+ }
+ ]]></handler>
+ </handlers>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="error" extends="xul:box">
+ <content>
+ <xul:box class="console-row-internal-box" flex="1">
+ <xul:box class="console-row-icon" align="center" xbl:inherits="selected">
+ <xul:image class="console-icon" xbl:inherits="src,type"/>
+ </xul:box>
+ <xul:vbox class="console-row-content" xbl:inherits="selected" flex="1">
+ <xul:box class="console-row-msg" align="start">
+ <xul:label class="label" xbl:inherits="value=typetext"/>
+ <xul:description class="console-error-msg" xbl:inherits="xbl:text=msg" flex="1"/>
+ <xul:label class="label console-time" xbl:inherits="value=time"/>
+ </xul:box>
+ <xul:box class="console-row-file" xbl:inherits="hidden=hideSource">
+ <xul:label class="label" value="&errFile.label;"/>
+ <xul:box class="console-error-source" xbl:inherits="href,line"/>
+ <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
+ <xul:hbox class="lineNumberRow" xbl:inherits="line">
+ <xul:label class="label" value="&errLine.label;"/>
+ <xul:label class="label" xbl:inherits="value=line"/>
+ </xul:hbox>
+ </xul:box>
+ <xul:vbox class="console-row-code" xbl:inherits="selected,hidden=hideCode">
+ <xul:label class="monospace console-code" xbl:inherits="value=code" crop="end"/>
+ <xul:box xbl:inherits="hidden=hideCaret">
+ <xul:label class="monospace console-dots" xbl:inherits="value=errorDots"/>
+ <xul:label class="monospace console-caret" xbl:inherits="value=errorCaret"/>
+ <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
+ </xul:box>
+ </xul:vbox>
+ </xul:vbox>
+ </xul:box>
+ </content>
+ <implementation>
+ <field name="mSourceName">null</field>
+ <field name="mSourceLine">null</field>
+ <method name="toString">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ let msg = "";
+ let strBundle = this._ConsoleBox.mStrBundle;
+ if (this.hasAttribute("time"))
+ msg += strBundle.getFormattedString("errTime", [this.getAttribute("time")]) + "\n";
+ msg += this.getAttribute("typetext") + " " + this.getAttribute("msg");
+ if (this.hasAttribute("line") && this.mSourceName) {
+ msg += "\n" + strBundle.getFormattedString("errFile",
+ [this.mSourceName]) + "\n";
+ if (this.hasAttribute("col")) {
+ msg += strBundle.getFormattedString("errLineCol",
+ [this.getAttribute("line"), this.getAttribute("col")]);
+ } else
+ msg += strBundle.getFormattedString("errLine", [this.getAttribute("line")]);
+ }
+ if (this.hasAttribute("code"))
+ msg += "\n" + strBundle.getString("errCode") + "\n" + this.mSourceLine;
+ return msg;
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="message" extends="xul:box">
+ <content>
+ <xul:box class="console-internal-box" flex="1">
+ <xul:box class="console-row-icon" align="center">
+ <xul:image class="console-icon" xbl:inherits="src,type"/>
+ </xul:box>
+ <xul:vbox class="console-row-content" xbl:inherits="selected" flex="1">
+ <xul:vbox class="console-row-msg" flex="1">
+ <xul:description class="console-msg-text" xbl:inherits="xbl:text=msg"/>
+ </xul:vbox>
+ </xul:vbox>
+ </xul:box>
+ </content>
+ <implementation>
+ <method name="toString">
+ <body><![CDATA[
+ return this.getAttribute("msg");
+ ]]></body>
+ </method>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="console-error-source" extends="xul:box">
+ <content>
+ <xul:label class="text-link" xbl:inherits="value=href" crop="right"/>
+ </content>
+ <handlers>
+ <handler event="click" phase="capturing" button="0" preventdefault="true">
+ <![CDATA[
+ var url = document.getBindingParent(this).mSourceName;
+ url = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
+ var line = getAttribute("line");
+ gViewSourceUtils.viewSource(url, null, null, line);
+ ]]>
+ </handler>
+ </handlers>
+ </binding>