path: root/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced')
5 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/actions.rst b/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/actions.rst
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+.. py:currentmodule:: marionette
+Action Sequences
+:class:`Actions` are designed as a way to simulate user input as closely as possible
+on a touch device like a smart phone. A common operation is to tap the screen
+and drag your finger to another part of the screen and lift it off.
+This can be simulated using an Action::
+ from marionette import Actions
+ start_element = marionette.find_element('id', 'start')
+ end_element = marionette.find_element('id', 'end')
+ action = Actions(marionette)
+ action.perform()
+This will simulate pressing an element, waiting for one second, moving the
+finger over to another element and then lifting the finger off the screen. The
+wait is optional in this case, but can be useful for simulating delays typical
+to a users behaviour.
+Multi-Action Sequences
+Sometimes it may be necessary to simulate multiple actions at the same time.
+For example a user may be dragging one finger while tapping another. This is
+where :class:`MultiActions` come in. MultiActions are simply a way of combining
+two or more actions together and performing them all at the same time::
+ action1 = Actions(marionette)
+ action2 = Actions(marionette)
+ multi = MultiActions(marionette)
+ multi.add(action1)
+ multi.add(action2)
+ multi.perform()
diff --git a/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/debug.rst b/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/debug.rst
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+.. py:currentmodule:: marionette
+Sometimes when working with Marionette you'll run into unexpected behaviour and
+need to do some debugging. This page outlines some of the Marionette methods
+that can be useful to you.
+Please note that the best tools for debugging are the `ones that ship with
+Gecko`_. This page doesn't describe how to use those with Marionette. Also see
+a related topic about `using the debugger with Marionette`_ on MDN.
+.. _ones that ship with Gecko:
+.. _using the debugger with Marionette:
+Storing Logs on the Server
+By calling `~Marionette.log` it is possible to store a message on the server.
+Logs can later be retrieved using `~Marionette.get_logs`. For example::
+ try:
+ marionette.log("Sending a click event") # logged at INFO level
+ except:
+ marionette.log("Something went wrong!", "ERROR")
+ print(marionette.get_logs())
+Disclaimer: Example for illustrative purposes only, don't actually hide
+tracebacks like that!
+Seeing What's on the Page
+Sometimes it's difficult to tell what is actually on the page that is being
+manipulated. Either because it happens too fast, the window isn't big enough or
+you are manipulating a remote server! There are two methods that can help you
+out. The first is `~Marionette.screenshot`::
+ marionette.screenshot() # takes screenshot of entire frame
+ elem = marionette.find_element(By.ID, 'some-div')
+ marionette.screenshot(elem) # takes a screenshot of only the given element
+Sometimes you just want to see the DOM layout. You can do this with the
+`~Marionette.page_source` property. Note that the page source depends on the
+context you are in::
+ print(marionette.page_source)
+ marionette.set_context('chrome')
+ print(marionette.page_source)
diff --git a/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/findelement.rst b/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/findelement.rst
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+Finding Elements
+.. py:currentmodule:: marionette
+One of the most common and yet often most difficult tasks in Marionette is
+finding a DOM element on a webpage or in the chrome UI. Marionette provides
+several different search strategies to use when finding elements. All search
+strategies work with both :func:`~Marionette.find_element` and
+:func:`~Marionette.find_elements`, though some strategies are not implemented
+in chrome scope.
+In the event that more than one element is matched by the query,
+:func:`~Marionette.find_element` will only return the first element found. In
+the event that no elements are matched by the query,
+:func:`~Marionette.find_element` will raise `NoSuchElementException` while
+:func:`~Marionette.find_elements` will return an empty list.
+Search Strategies
+Search strategies are defined in the :class:`By` class::
+ from marionette import By
+ print(By.ID)
+The strategies are:
+* `id` - The easiest way to find an element is to refer to its id directly::
+ container = client.find_element(By.ID, 'container')
+* `class name` - To find elements belonging to a certain class, use `class name`::
+ buttons = client.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'button')
+* `css selector` - It's also possible to find elements using a `css selector`_::
+ container_buttons = client.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#container .buttons')
+* `name` - Find elements by their name attribute (not implemented in chrome
+ scope)::
+ form = client.find_element(By.NAME, 'signup')
+* `tag name` - To find all the elements with a given tag, use `tag name`::
+ paragraphs = client.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, 'p')
+* `link text` - A convenience strategy for finding link elements by their
+ innerHTML (not implemented in chrome scope)::
+ link = client.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, 'Click me!')
+* `partial link text` - Same as `link text` except substrings of the innerHTML
+ are matched (not implemented in chrome scope)::
+ link = client.find_element(By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, 'Clic')
+* `xpath` - Find elements using an xpath_ query::
+ elem = client.find_element(By.XPATH, './/*[@id="foobar"')
+.. _css selector:
+.. _xpath:
+Chaining Searches
+In addition to the methods on the Marionette object, HTMLElement objects also
+provide :func:`~HTMLElement.find_element` and :func:`~HTMLElement.find_elements`
+methods. The difference is that only child nodes of the element will be searched.
+Consider the following html snippet::
+ <div id="content">
+ <span id="main"></span>
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer"></div>
+Doing the following will work::
+ client.find_element(By.ID, 'container').find_element(By.ID, 'main')
+But this will raise a `NoSuchElementException`::
+ client.find_element(By.ID, 'container').find_element(By.ID, 'footer')
+Finding Anonymous Nodes
+When working in chrome scope, for example manipulating the Firefox user
+interface, you may run into something called an anonymous node.
+Firefox uses a markup language called XUL_ for its interface. XUL is similar
+to HTML in that it has a DOM and tags that render controls on the display. One
+ability of XUL is to create re-useable widgets that are made up out of several
+smaller XUL elements. These widgets can be bound to the DOM using something
+called the `XML binding language (XBL)`_.
+The end result is that the DOM sees the widget as a single entity. It doesn't
+know anything about how that widget is made up. All of the smaller XUL elements
+that make up the widget are called `anonymous content`_. It is not possible to
+query such elements using traditional DOM methods like `getElementById`.
+Marionette provides two special strategies used for finding anonymous content.
+Unlike normal elements, anonymous nodes can only be seen by their parent. So
+it's necessary to first find the parent element and then search for the
+anonymous children from there.
+* `anon` - Finds all anonymous children of the element, there is no search term
+ so `None` must be passed in::
+ anon_children = client.find_element('id', 'parent').find_elements('anon', None)
+* `anon attribute` - Find an anonymous child based on an attribute. An
+ unofficial convention is for anonymous nodes to have an
+ `anonid` attribute::
+ anon_child = client.find_element('id', 'parent').find_element('anon attribute', {'anonid': 'container'})
+.. _XUL:
+.. _XML binding language (XBL):
+.. _anonymous content:
diff --git a/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/landing.rst b/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/landing.rst
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+Advanced Topics
+Here are a collection of articles explaining some of the more complicated
+aspects of Marionette.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ findelement
+ stale
+ actions
+ debug
diff --git a/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/stale.rst b/testing/marionette/client/docs/advanced/stale.rst
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+Dealing with Stale Elements
+.. py:currentmodule:: marionette
+Marionette does not keep a live representation of the DOM saved. All it can do
+is send commands to the Marionette server which queries the DOM on the client's
+behalf. References to elements are also not passed from server to client. A
+unique id is generated for each element that gets referenced and a mapping of
+id to element object is stored on the server. When commands such as
+:func:`` are run, the client sends the element's id along
+with the command. The server looks up the proper DOM element in its reference
+table and executes the command on it.
+In practice this means that the DOM can change state and Marionette will never
+know until it sends another query. For example, look at the following HTML::
+ <head>
+ <script type=text/javascript>
+ function addDiv() {
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ document.getElementById("container").appendChild(div);
+ }
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="container">
+ </div>
+ <input id="button" type=button onclick="addDiv();">
+ </body>
+Care needs to be taken as the DOM is being modified after the page has loaded.
+The following code has a race condition::
+ button = client.find_element('id', 'button')
+ assert len(client.find_elements('css selector', '#container div')) > 0
+Explicit Waiting and Expected Conditions
+To avoid the above scenario, manual synchronisation is needed. Waits are used
+to pause program execution until a given condition is true. This is a useful
+technique to employ when documents load new content or change after
+``Document.readyState``'s value changes to "complete".
+The :class:`Wait` helper class provided by Marionette avoids some of the
+caveats of ``time.sleep(n)``. It will return immediately once the provided
+condition evaluates to true.
+To avoid the race condition in the above example, one could do::
+ button = client.find_element('id', 'button')
+ def find_divs():
+ return client.find_elements('css selector', '#container div')
+ divs = Wait(client).until(find_divs)
+ assert len(divs) > 0
+This avoids the race condition. Because finding elements is a common condition
+to wait for, it is built in to Marionette. Instead of the above, you could
+ button = client.find_element('id', 'button')
+ assert len(Wait(client).until(expected.elements_present('css selector', '#container div'))) > 0
+For a full list of built-in conditions, see :mod:`~marionette.expected`.