path: root/mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-04-23 15:32:23 -0400
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-04-23 15:32:23 -0400
commitabe80cc31d5a40ebed743085011fbcda0c1a9a10 (patch)
treefb3762f06b84745b182af281abb107b95a9fcf01 /mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/
parent63295d0087eb58a6eb34cad324c4c53d1b220491 (diff)
Issue #1053 - Drop support Android and remove Fennec - Part 1a: Remove mobile/android
Diffstat (limited to 'mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/ b/mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ad2ca3b..000000000
--- a/mobile/android/thirdparty/com/adjust/sdk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// Adjust
-// Created by Christian Wellenbrock on 2013-06-25.
-// Copyright (c) 2013 adjust GmbH. All rights reserved.
-// See the file MIT-LICENSE for copying permission.
-package com.adjust.sdk;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Locale;
-public class ActivityState implements Serializable, Cloneable {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 9039439291143138148L;
- private transient String readErrorMessage = "Unable to read '%s' field in migration device with message (%s)";
- private transient ILogger logger;
- // persistent data
- protected String uuid;
- protected boolean enabled;
- protected boolean askingAttribution;
- // global counters
- protected int eventCount;
- protected int sessionCount;
- // session attributes
- protected int subsessionCount;
- protected long sessionLength; // all durations in milliseconds
- protected long timeSpent;
- protected long lastActivity; // all times in milliseconds since 1970
- protected long lastInterval;
- protected ActivityState() {
- logger = AdjustFactory.getLogger();
- // create UUID for new devices
- uuid = Util.createUuid();
- enabled = true;
- askingAttribution = false;
- eventCount = 0; // no events yet
- sessionCount = 0; // the first session just started
- subsessionCount = -1; // we don't know how many subsessions this first session will have
- sessionLength = -1; // same for session length and time spent
- timeSpent = -1; // this information will be collected and attached to the next session
- lastActivity = -1;
- lastInterval = -1;
- }
- protected void resetSessionAttributes(long now) {
- subsessionCount = 1; // first subsession
- sessionLength = 0; // no session length yet
- timeSpent = 0; // no time spent yet
- lastActivity = now;
- lastInterval = -1;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return String.format(Locale.US,
- "ec:%d sc:%d ssc:%d sl:%.1f ts:%.1f la:%s uuid:%s",
- eventCount, sessionCount, subsessionCount,
- sessionLength / 1000.0, timeSpent / 1000.0,
- stamp(lastActivity), uuid);
- }
- @Override
- public ActivityState clone() {
- try {
- return (ActivityState) super.clone();
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
- GetField fields = stream.readFields();
- eventCount = readIntField(fields, "eventCount", 0);
- sessionCount = readIntField(fields, "sessionCount", 0);
- subsessionCount = readIntField(fields, "subsessionCount", -1);
- sessionLength = readLongField(fields, "sessionLength", -1l);
- timeSpent = readLongField(fields, "timeSpent", -1l);
- lastActivity = readLongField(fields, "lastActivity", -1l);
- lastInterval = readLongField(fields, "lastInterval", -1l);
- // new fields
- uuid = readStringField(fields, "uuid", null);
- enabled = readBooleanField(fields, "enabled", true);
- askingAttribution = readBooleanField(fields, "askingAttribution", false);
- // create UUID for migrating devices
- if (uuid == null) {
- uuid = Util.createUuid();
- }
- }
- private String readStringField(GetField fields, String name, String defaultValue) {
- try {
- return (String) fields.get(name, defaultValue);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.debug(readErrorMessage, name, e.getMessage());
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- private boolean readBooleanField(GetField fields, String name, boolean defaultValue) {
- try {
- return fields.get(name, defaultValue);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.debug(readErrorMessage, name, e.getMessage());
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- private int readIntField(GetField fields, String name, int defaultValue) {
- try {
- return fields.get(name, defaultValue);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.debug(readErrorMessage, name, e.getMessage());
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- private long readLongField(GetField fields, String name, long defaultValue) {
- try {
- return fields.get(name, defaultValue);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.debug(readErrorMessage, name, e.getMessage());
- return defaultValue;
- }
- }
- private static String stamp(long dateMillis) {
- Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
- calendar.setTimeInMillis(dateMillis);
- return String.format(Locale.US,
- "%02d:%02d:%02d",
- calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,
- calendar.MINUTE,
- calendar.SECOND);
- }